'The Fairly OddParents' First Episode | S1E1 - Full Episode | @Nicktoons

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[Music] is [Music] an [Music] wish on and wingsy brownie [Music] thingss really up rubber Goose green Rose qu ju giant steak birthday cake large rice chocolate [Music] shake you're [Music] right ready Cosmo ready Wanda 1 2 wakey wakey Jimmy oh come on little fella even though we're your Fairy God Parents we don't need our magic to tell us that you're in for a boring ordinary day of school yippe you'd be able to reach this you weren't so puny welcome to football trious listen up for your positions tailback yes sir linebacker yes sir ball [Music] huh can't wait to get home at least I'm big in my parents eyes hey short stuff guess what we're going to the movies all right not we're as in all of us we're as in your mom and I what y you're not old enough for this movie and we're not taking you ain't pronouns a kick oh honey cheer up you'll get into those movies someday why soon you won't even need a babysitter really yep but tonight you do hey pronouns again oh no the babysitter hello Mr Mrs Turner it's me Vicky you can't spell Vicky without icky we'll be back really late so just tuck Timmy in okay I'll take care of the little darling like he was my own cash and blood have fun of the movies bye all right twerp time for bed but it's only 6:04 well it's 9:04 on the east coast bad now it's 9:05 on the East Coast oh gear up Timmy you're only going to be little for a little while well being little stinks I bet it'll be great to be an adult when I'm big I'm going to do what I want when I want I'll help little old ladies cross the street thanks older Timmy I'm not going to take any crud from bullies y yay older Timmy and I won't even need a babysitter little baby for food psych BL you older Timmy it sounds like being older will be a hoot yeah and I don't even have to wait cuz I've got Fairy God Parents okay you guys I wish I was older well how do I look e ew is right I don't have any hair sure you do it's here on your back that's just creepy I wish I had a full head of hair sorry Timmy according to the rules Fairy God Parents only grant wishes to kids really it doesn't mean you still can't P around with me right not that we know of cool let's go do adult stuff okay like what driving I'm carck I'm Cosmo hello little old old lady may I help you cross the street you know Timmy when a kid helps an old lady cross the street it's kind of cute but when an adult does it it's just plain creepy fine there's still other fun things adults can do finally I can see a grownup movie ew gross adults making out you know I bet Timmy would think this is gross It Burn shaving will be fun pry some manly cologne they call this soothing I'm hungry I've got an idea maybe if you ate some adult food you'd have better luck thinking like an adult great idea pudd I'm Chu full of them sir the grownup menu for grown-ups like [Music] me what's this the bill that goes to my parents very amusing sir that'll be $265 what that's more than I get an allowance I mean that's more than I make in a month well you should have finished college did you finish college no why do you think I'm a waiter couldn't you guys magically clean these nope adults have to do everything all by themselves so tired oh man SP it out of my own house nobody gets rid of creeps like Vicky Timmy hasn't said anything since I sent him to bed the Brat's usually whimpering with the hunger by now now oh man what good is being big if I can't even go to my own home come on I know where we can still go he's gone something could have happened to him or Worse something could happen to me because something happened to him his parents are home need time to find the punk ncky it's us Timmy's loving parents a look at that big orange basketball shaped head of his sleeping good night Timmy well uh you not I can't make wishes I can't sleep in my own bed I didn't know being an adult would be so hard oh it's okay sweetie tomorrow will be better really we don't know owie ouch ow cut it out Francis that's my only head finally this looks like a job for Old Timmy pluck on somebody your own [Music] size [Music] W very grand for Cosmo and Wanda I'm Cosmo and Wanda now that your kid is big and hairy your next assignment is mean and scary man wish I had some fairy godparents to knock around instead of this stupid doll whoa that fell off awesome you mean we're being reassigned I mean yes and we're all very sorry can we have a couple of hours to say goodbye to Timmy can I have $5 two hours what's going on you said you just couldn't grant me any more wishes I didn't know you'd have to leave me too we didn't know that either apparently the other thing I'm chak full of is not knowing stuff hey what if I acted like a kid again I could wish myself back to normal and you guys wouldn't have to leave H I don't see anything that says you can't I smell loophole we'll discuss it at the next fairy convention come on Timmy oh let's find your inner child miniature go is a great kids game ow my back let me try the ageo meter kid adult oh no you've become even more of an adult we've got to resort to the heavy artillery that's just plain creepy time to go can we have two more hours with Timmy can I have five more dolls come on we got to get me younger I'm running out of fives have you seen this twerp have you seen this twerp have you seen this twerp have you seen this twerp Vicky I've never been so happy to see you in my actually I've never been happy to see you you are one creepy adult we got a place for guys like you home a sweetie we tried look at it this way meals don't cost $265 here one phone call creep Mom it's me Timmy honey it's some old guy calling me from jail he says he's Timmy that's creepy and inaccurate we know that Timmy was taken to school by his loving babysitter Vicki they didn't believe me I don't want to be grown up okay chop chop somebody in this room has to go help the new kid what no I've lost my home my hair and now my God Parents this stinks I don't want to be the doll yet I want my mom and dad oh Timmy wanting your mom and dad is making you a kid inside quick make a wish I wish I was a kid [Music] again I'm puny again woohoo and we get to stay with t in your face well someone in here has to get a sign to that mean little Dar it finally did your head pop off it's not supposed to what happened to that big fat creepy bald guy uh perole well jails for creepy adults not kids let's get you out of here we want dades too being a kid rocks I'd rather be a shrimp than a hairy prisoner any day hey me too officer he's a twerp you know and I can't find him he's about this high and he's got a stupid little pink hat like this and he's got a nasly little voice like hi Vicki TWP I'm safe I mean you're safe which means I'm safe you're just a shrimp a puny little shrimp I sure am Francis and I'm not in any hurry to grow up best of all I got all my hair and none of it's on my back uh e here you go hey shading will be [Music] fun [Music] [Applause] la yeah
Channel: Nicktoons
Views: 87,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nickelodeon, Animation, Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe, Full Episodes, Cartoons, Nicktoons, Nick Toons, Cartoon Food, Food, SpongeBob, Loud House, Alvin, Kids Cartoons, Cartoons for Kids, Family, Kids, Patrick, Krabby Patties, Krusty Krab, TMNT, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Rugrats, Paramount, SpongeBob SquarePants, Danny Phantom, Jimmy Neutron, ytao_fop, full episode, fairly oddparents, cosmo, wanda, nostalgia, throwback, timmy, timmy turner, butch hartman, fairy godparents, fairly odd parents
Id: U0UC7TtaoVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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