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[Music] [Music] I've got a lot going on as you know in the month of August we had a meeting up in Portland and we're going to have that available very quickly on audio or video I guess that you can have access to it then we came here and we ended up doing a new man here directly after that and I've been noticing and all that we've been doing that these things are changing a little bit in the sense that they're getting more refined and more directed mainly because the people are hearing listening putting it into practice and we're starting to see it how God is adjusting it to go deeper and so it's seldom just a simple seminar as it was in the beginning now we're able to go much deeper and much further because the people can receive it well so in that and then of course yesterday some of the things that's been going on yesterday being September first that was the 79th anniversary of the beginning of World War two and so there's a lot of not celebrations necessary but anniversaries ceremonies things like that going on so there's a lot happening in the world right now and one of the things that we know for sure and and I wanted to take this morning just to kind of I don't say just go through basics cuz it's it's basic but it's actually how everything works and so we want to share some details with you first we're going to go to first Timothy chapter one we're going to start in verse 18 and Paul writing to his disciple Timothy says this this charge I commit unto the son Timothy according to the prophecies which went before on thee that thou by them mightest war a good warfare that tells us that if you have received prophecies you're not just supposed to let them sit that you are to war a good warfare based on these prophetic words that your to bring those out and and remind God actually and say this is what you've said and we can do the same thing with words that have been spoken over us we can do the exact same thing with words that are in the Bible that are promises to us now so you don't have to wait until someone comes and says something to you every word of this is a precious promise a promise means something that is sitting there waiting for you to pick up and make real in your life now he then says in verse 18 19 holding faith and a good conscience which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck now depending on how you look at this verse whether you're reading it out of the King James or in an English version if you go back to the original Greek it's much clearer but here he talks about having a holding faith holding faith and having or I should say holding faith and a good conscience now notice he's putting faith with a good conscience which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck now notice in both of these you could apply it to both situations you could apply them making it shipwreck both to their faith but also to their conscience and that they since they have put away a good conscience and not any longer having a good conscience they have put away faith and so because faith and we talked about the little but a little bit about this last week whenever we were talking about how if you have confidence towards God then you will receive from God if you don't have confidence and you don't receive from God and that confidence is another translation of the word for faith so if you if your conscience condemns you then you won't have confidence or faith towards God it's not that God won't give it sake you have to remember God cannot not give blessings what because he's already blessed us with every spiritual blessing see that's already done that would be like saying you know that that we we refuse to sign the lease for this building you know we had to sign the lease for the building before we moved in the fact that we're in proves that we've already signed the lease for the building right so that means that's already done you can't undo what was done you got that now we don't have to sign the next lease but we have signed a lease right so really what it comes to and that's really what I want to get across is that if God is already given if he's already blessed if he's already given us everything that pertains to life and godliness then there then he cannot not give so it's not a matter of him giving it's a matter of us receiving so if there is a slowness okay in receiving healing it's not because God is slow in giving it it's because we are often slow in receiving it and the way we're so in receiving it is that we have not put it in its proper place of the fact that it's already done right and so it but if you as I gave the illustration before that there was a man that had you know apparently the message seemed that he had it understood and was praying for me we wouldn't really see it a lot going on in his life wouldn't seen a lot of results and the thing is then you know they write and say what's going on come to find out the man had been involved in a ministry where they fed the hungry and you know took clothing and things to people and then he quit that and just started praying for the sick and wasn't really seeing results and come to find out his conscience condemned him for not continuing to feed the hungry and because his conscience condemned him he didn't think God would use him or give him anything and be now notice God had already given God had already decreed it God the healing of the people was already done I was already decreed and put it that way it's already paid for but because his conscience condemned him about feeding the hungry he wasn't seeing power times and it's it's often the same way with receiving healing for yourself sometimes it has nothing to do with you know what you know a thing you're doing wrong in the sense of well I'm not praying right I'm not doing but that's what I always get the questions for how do I pray one must be doing something wrong no usually if there's a hindrance in the person usually it has to do with something with something in their conscience condemning them which usually has to do with a sacred cow they're still believing and one of the big sacred cows is if I mess up God won't use me if I make a mistake God won't use me if I do this God won't you it's amazing how many things we put not what God said but what we determined the standard of saying whether God will use us or not God I remember one man that was in prison and got a hold of Kenneth Hagin sermons learned them memorized him when he got out of prison went around preaching them and then after about ten years of seeing healings and salvations and all kinds of things he confessed that people around him he wasn't even saved that he thought it would be a good racket to get into well it worked for a while but now I understand his conscience didn't condemn you say well why didn't his conscience condemn him on that well here's the other part there is this thing about having your conscience seared when your conscience when you're doing wrong can when that's your lifestyle and your conscience doesn't bother you that conscience is basically the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to your soul and because of that there's a searing there and now your conscience doesn't bother you any longer then you can he would still get results because as his conscience wasn't condemning him even though he was wrong yeah that's a bad situation to be in right why because there's usually no help for a person who gets to that point you know I'm not saying it's totally no hope but everything that the Bible lends toward I mean you know I always tell people long as there's breath there's hope that's why we should never give up on be we keep doing doesn't mean you have to hang around them all the time but you never give up you keep praying you keep speaking you keep speaking into their life you keep encouraging him you keep pulling them you know a person once told me good friend of mine we were talking about prophetic ministry and he said you know the real key said most people think that prophecy and giving a prophetic word or being a prophet is to walk in and announced and declare some kind of doom and gloom and oh you know the judgment of God is gonna fall and they said because that's what they were mostly were raised around he said the real essence and said that never I'd been under dr. Sam Rahl's ministry and he brought out the actual purpose of prophetic ministry or the gift of prophecy specifically which is to comfort and to edify right and to exhort not to punish not to condemn not to expose right but to comfort edify and exhort and this person told me he said most people miss that part and he said the real gift of prophecy looks in the person sees what God wants him to be and then speaks that he doesn't speak what how they're acting he doesn't speak what they're doing he speaks what God wants them to be and calls that good out of them so that it comes to the outside so the real gift of prophecy really has a lot to do obviously with encouragement Wow because you're exhorting people to move forward you're exhorting them to grow you're exhorting them to move forward and so you're edifying edify means to build up not tear down you see a lot of people think they got to give to prophecy when actually what they got is a gift of suspicion right and they try to use a word of knowledge and instead it's a gift of suspicion and they start trying to you know guess and they look and they try to figure things out that's not that's not to give to the spirit the gift of the Spirit encourages it edifies it builds up it calls out the good you say how do you know what what is good in them well you first off you start with what the Bible says is in them and then as you start saying that the Spirit of God will start telling you specifically what God has for that person and start putting those things that we've seen that even in our own family I don't think there is anybody in our family trying to think no pretty much everybody in our family at one time or another sometimes as the entire family while we were sitting on the front row at a meeting a person known as a prophet called our entire family out lined us up went down the to each one of us and saying this is what God's got friend gave us prophetic words and they were it was on the head I mean BAM right there just nailed it and so but then individually every one of our family every member of our family have had prophetic words given over them by people that didn't know who they were you know and which is different we've gone to places people knew who we were and they want to process that obeah and you know it's because they know who you are and a lot of what they're saying they could have read on the internet and so you know we don't always listen to that stuff but I'd been under dr. Sam rose ministry where he explained the purpose of the gift of prophecy and then this friend of mine started sharing this and it just started clicking sir yeah that makes sense and I and whenever I started doing that when I started telling people what God had for them that's when I really started seeing more of the prophetic open up especially individually because as I would do that as I would speak the things that God has already said that are written down then it was very easy for the Holy Spirit to start to get more and more specific and speaking of their lives about this thing and that thing and and and honestly we were in Portland a year or two ago and I'm ministered at the morning service and then a tonight service it was all youth and it was about a hundred and fifty teenagers there and so we ministered to them for healing and laid hands on them and then one came to me and said could you give me a word and and you know that's not normally how I minister but the Bible says be ready and give to any man that ask you in this case it was a young lady and so I I should have something for her because she needed a word so I said okay so I just started saying some of the things that the word of God said about her and who she was in Christ and what God's plans for her are in Christ everything was in the Bible there was nothing supernatural nothing separate nothing like that and I said about three or four things and then I started talking about this book she's supposed to be writing and then I talked about that and and just stuff just started coming out and she I mean it was you could tell it was hitting home pretty pretty straight and so when we were done I thought we were done and she went off and got her friends brought two of her friends says yeah give them a work okay and we just started we ended up giving a word literally to 150 kids and in that whole time every one of them because as soon as we said it the other ones were stand there but yep yep that's exactly where they're at this exact right and then I would check it so and we were exactly right on with all 150 words given and most of you know that's not how I normally operate what did they do they pulled that they needed and God rose to the need because I was willing to step out and take a chance right and then the amazing thing was after that you know I think that's that I came home but then we went to California and when we went to California we were at and actually went to remember - I think you were with us on the remember in Arizona and we had the line of people coming through after we prayed for him administered at the healing rooms there in Arizona and the people started giving words to the people that came through there and they they said the leadership was all gather around and started laughing about it because after I'm not writing a book and I start about these different things and I started talking about how these people work and it was exactly right on what book is because we started stepping out and because we started putting a demand to meet the needs of people I didn't just walk up and start doing stuff and I wouldn't trying to put on a show I really don't that's not the way I like to minister but people need things and so you meet the need Jesus meets the need through you but we determine if Jesus will meet that need through us and the way we have to do that is we have to get over ourselves get ask ourselves forget the past look to the future decide what's now and start fresh every day his mercies are new every day Amen so every day you start over now in the first Timothy also we're gonna go to one more so we know that faith can be made shipwrecked 1st Timothy chapter 4 verse 1 says now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron now their hair didn't and notice again second time here it talks about the faith but here it talks about also about their conscience almost it's amazing how many times when you see the word faith you'll see something about the conscience or the soul connected to it now here and notices that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith now notice there's a difference between faith and the faith the faith is Christianity right but faith is your relationship with God in the sense that you know who he is well I'll show you in just a second matter-of-fact but basically there's the faith and then there is faith it's your faith towards God say I don't have faith in healing I have faith in God who is the healer Amen see a lot of people have try to have faith in something you don't need faith in something you need faith in someone and that someone is God our faith is toward him not toward the things if your faith is in God if your face is in healing then if somebody doesn't get healed your faith is shaken if your faith is in blessings and you don't receive the blessing that you think you need then your faith will be shaken but if your faith is in God then you can know that you can have faith towards him and these things will either work out or in the sometimes we put a deadline on things that God hadn't put a deadline on see that's why I went in for Daniel was praying the angel came and said this and I was sent 21 days ago when he started praying but it took me all this time to fight through and get here so now Daniel when he started praying how many of you know he wanted the answer right then I mean you know the answer was sent right then heaven he also know that he didn't receive the answer right then then it took a little bit for the angel to fight through so but if your if your faith is in the thing then you're gonna be shaken when it doesn't happen when you think it ought to happen amen bottom line we have to have our faith in God and not be moved off of that now look with me to Hebrews chapter 10 Hebrews chapter 10 verse 37 it says for yet a little while and he that shall come will come and will not tarry now the just shall live by faith and if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him here that if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in it this is God God has a soul here that God's soul will have no pleasure in a person that draws back but we are not of them who draw back unto perdition so now we know what draw back means it means to draw back into sin to drop back into perdition to draw back into condemnation to the point where you fall away right now or we would say stop believing now notice he says but we are not of them who draw back unto perdition but of them that believe to the saving of the soul now notice the spirits already been saved but now they're believing to the saving of the soul so the soul also has to be saved the soul and the spirit are not saved at the same time and your spirit is saved the minute you make Jesus Lord of your life and you get born again you become a new creation and at that point now becomes the saving or I would say starts the saving of the soul because the saving of the soul is simply the renewing of the mind and functioning accordingly walking after the spirit not after the flesh all right are you with me so far okay now he says no what just because he just said my soul shall have no pleasure in him look at Hebrews 11 verse 1 now faith is the substance of things hoped for so whatever you hope for it's going to be made out of faith because faith is the substance okay the evidence of things not seen how do you know that God has given you what he said he's given you by faith not by sight not by feeling by faith that means you have to decide you got it before you see it before you feel it or you're not in faith you got that is as simple as it can be the evidence of things not seen for by it by faith the elders obtained a good report through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear it has never cease to amaze me that you can take a whole bunch of things that you can't see and if you pile them all together it become something you can see you ever notice that if you broke each one of us down into our basic you know the very basic building blocks you might say if you take these chairs and you take them down to their basic molecules you take this pulpit turn it into molecules you can't see any of it but when you take all of this stuff that you can't see and you gather in one place and form it into one shape all of a sudden now you see it that makes absolutely no sense but that's how we've done everything in there right and yet people think that living by faith is somehow non-scientific no it's the most scientific why because we go back to the things that aren't seen and we start with the things that aren't seen and we decide what will be seen by by determining what we believe when we can't see it do you that faith is scientific faith is not some weird you know well it's just a blind leap of faith nope there's no blind leap of faith there's no faith if it's a blind leap right it comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God it's not blind it has examples it has evidence it has we have the testimony of people that have lived by it and all of Hebrews tells us the results of faith there is nothing blind about faith if you have blind faith it's because you have refused to see what is in the Word of God amen faith is scientific matter of fact if you really want to talk faith in its proper terms you have to learn the terminology of quantum physics when you learn the terminology of quantum physics you will be able to define faith and talk about faith to a much greater degree of clarity there you go right thank you for that thundering amen now let's move right on that's good news I don't feel I know that or not it's good news because that's telling you that you can take what the Word of God says and you can decide to believe that what God has said is true and at the point you believe it's true those things that you can't see all of a sudden they start coming together so that you can see them that means that whatever you can see in your life right now would say the thing is not you not seeing that tumor the thing is for you to see yourself healthy when you see yourself healthy like the Bible says you should be that tumor cannot remain there because it's not in the picture so once you see the right picture and you focus on the right picture then what you're going to end up seeing in your body is the right picture and anything is not the right picture has to leave so it's not about how do I get rid of this no it's not how you get rid of what you want to do is how do I get the right picture how do I get the right image of what God has said I have how do I get that image in me why because what you look at you become you think you look at this book you go through this book everything in here is about healing there's not about sickness and disease you heard about sickness and disease somebody gets healed that's what you read well what about Joe he got to you got healed had twice of everything you know all this stuff all right so this book is all about healing it's not about sickness and disease it's about healing and when you get the vision of this book in you the image this book in you you have a healthy image you have an image of health in your body and when you as long as you see that and if you start watching commercials all day long about this disease that disease this medicine and that medicine and you know this will cause you to bleed through your eyes and you have all this stuff going on then guess what image you're creating why because you don't think in words they speak words but you don't hear words what you hear are images because those words are translated into images in your mind so when they talk about all these things you are looking at them even though you're only hearing them have you ever noticed the volume that commercials are set at are higher than the volume of your television program why because i know you're going to get up and go to the kitchen or somewhere a restroom or something and they want to make sure you can hear them so they talk louder during commercials right because they don't want you to miss one ounce of unbelief that they're gonna shove down your throats by way of your ear okay all right no let's go on and he says here how does he yeah verse four by faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain by which he obeyed he obtained sorry he obtained witness that he was righteous God testifying of his gifts and by it he being dead yet speaks by faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death and was not found because God had translated him for before his translation notice before he had this testimony that he pleased God notice he had the testimony he pleased God before he was ever translated got that he didn't wait laughter words verse six but without faith it is impossible to please him who God for he that comes to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him now I'm gonna say something and most of you know me well enough by now that you know my heart so you'll know what I mean when I say this and I'm not we've already received the offering so you know I'm not pulling right now but notice this here's notices it says without faith it's impossible to please God for he that comes to God must believe that he is obviously and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him see a lot of people have a problem of that last part a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him today there's a I'm not gonna call it a gospel but it is a message going around that says oh you don't even have to seek God you don't have to do anything it's all done and it is what it is and you just decide to walk in the blessings that is not true right the Bible says he is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him there is a process of diligently seeking it has to do with study it has to do with reading it has to do with hearing the Word of God it has to do with meditating the Word of God it has to do with confessing the Word of God all of those aspects are part of diligently seeking him the Bible says to be to be diligent right diligent means to be active it means to be active right now notice here people say well you know I don't I would never give just to get actually you do you do it all the time but you when it comes to spiritual things you try to be super spiritual and super false humble falsely humbled I should say and so you try to make yourself seem above that but the fact is you do do that when you came to God to get saved you came to him to get something you didn't come to him and go well I'm gonna give you myself and I don't expect anything that's not true you expect to be born again why cuz God said it you came and you gave him yourself and you expect to receive eternal life so you you do that farmers give they give to the seed to the ground because they expect to receive profit and increase right it's exactly the same thing in everything it's and we know this if you want to get you give what because you sow to reap in that right it's a it's a law farmers do it I mean if a fisherman is going to catch fish guess what he's got to have some bait he's either got to go find it dig it up buy something what's he doing he's giving to get everything revolves on that if that's the way the the world works what really what is really sad right now is that the church has forgotten the book of Proverbs and in the book of Proverbs the the entire book of Proverbs is about wisdom and over 80% of it is about business and doing business justly and it's about giving right measures doing things right but it's also how to increase and it talks even in that it talks about how the blessing of the Lord maketh rich and addeth no sorrow right see all these things are in there and it's really easy for us to polarize on one thing or another and we need to take the whole Bible together and go through the whole thing now usually well when we talk about God being a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him usually if you're going to get healed on your own sitting in your house somewhere nobody pray them for you you're going to get healed on your own faith what that means is you're gonna have to diligently get into the Word of God find out what the Word of God says about healing put it into you renew your mind to the point where you believe the Word of God more than you believe your body and at that point because you have diligently sought him in that sense you are rewarded with healing now that does not mean at that point God says okay you've done enough I will give you healing know what that means is you have done enough to get everything out of the way so that you can receive the healing that God is already given does that make sense all right because this is big you understand this is big because this dictates how you live your life it dictates whether you will live your life right really if you want to get down to it so now but we know that and these are some facts about faith I just want to give you some facts about faith today all right so we already know that you can depart the faith right that's what it says in the last days some will depart deface that means there'd be some people that fall away from the faith right it also we also know that you can make shipwreck of your faith you can wreck your face right you can you can actually do things and and that will cause your faith to be shipwreck right there by searing your conscience by not keeping a good conscience right and yet still and the worst thing you can do is not have a good conscience towards God and yet publicly be seen trying to have faith for in God and yet it not working because in your giving faith in God a bad reputation and it's all because of your conscience being condemned and your not being able to receive so you become a bad example but the bad part is people don't look at and go well he's a bad example they say Oh God's a bad God because he didn't give what he promised and it said because he always comes back to the people not to God God is not your problem he is your help always amen so we know that you can make faith shipwreck we know that you can depart the faith we know that without faith it is impossible please please God so there's three things already so let's look at the next thing I'm still talking about faith Matthew chapter 19 verse 20 Matthew 19 verse 20 the young man saith unto Him all these things have I kept from my youth up now this is when the rich young ruler came to Jesus and says what lack I yet in other words I've done all these things right and so hid Jesus already told him what the scripture said everything and this young man says I've already done all that I've done all that what what am i lacking because he'd asked me why do I have to do to attain eternal eternal life and he said all these things have I kept from my youth up what lack I yet jesus said unto him if you will be perfect go and sell that you have and give it to the poor and you shall have treasure in heaven and come and follow me and notice he was offering him Apostleship basically he was income je he didn't that he didn't tell too many people this and but he said go if you want to be perfect sell everything you got and then come and follow me but when the young man heard that saying he went away sorrowful for he had great possessions so obviously he couldn't get past that then said Jesus to his disciples verily I say unto you that a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven now the way the King James read that reads it makes it sound like o rich man he's hardly going to get there meaning he won't get there but the actual Greek Lynn the word hardly here means it is very hard for the person to do that and actually if you look at it based what it says if you trust in riches then it will be very hard for you to enter the kingdom of heaven right now because then he says and again I say unto you it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God what because he trusts in his riches one of the worst things about prospering is that it is easier to go to the world for help first because the world accepts money in exchange for the thing you need whereas God accepts faith for the thing you need and many people once they start to prosper they end up going to the world because they got the money to go to the world for help instead of going to God and so you can see many times how in that way and because of that then early Pentecostals set up a doctrine basically saying oh prosperity is evil it's not good you shouldn't do it if you have money you had to get it by some dishonest means you had to love money to get it none of that is true right none of that is true it says that the love of money it doesn't say money is the root of all evil the love of money is the root of all evil well the love of money causes you to trust in money and if that's the case then yes it's gonna be hard and yes that's bad but the entire book of Proverbs under the Old Covenant talks about prospering but it talks and even third John two talks about the same thing and says beloved I wish above all things that you would prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers so God wants you to prosper to the degree that your soul prospers what what is how do you determine how your soul is prospering to the degree your mind is renewed and you operate in the Word of God and to that degree that's the degree God wants you to prosper why because he knows that if you prosper beyond the prosperity of your soul then you will end up trusting in riches or going to the world for help but if you prosper to the degree that your soul prospers then you will use finances correctly the way they're meant to be used which is to not so that you can stack up a whole bunch and sit back and do nothing the rest of your life but it is the Bible says that you are to work with your own hands so that you have that which to give to those who are in need so the reason you prosper is so that you have to be able you have that which people need so that you can help them if you prosper it is so that you can help support missionaries help you know in tithes and offerings help feed the hungry clothe the naked all these things and it's not just so that you can God is God does not want you to prosper just so you can pile it up sit on it do nothing the rest of your life and kick back and go well I'm prospering because that is that is not the purpose the purpose you are blessed to be a blessing right just as yo you were saved to serve it's exactly the same thing now notice here he says that it's hard for rich man to enter the kingdom of God when his disciples heard it they were exceedingly amazed and notice they were shocked what are you talking about rich people can't get in heaven now notice the amazing thing about this is how shocked they were so apparently they were used to to an idea of you know according to the Old Testament prospering and so now Jesus says this and they say they were exceedingly amazed saying who then can be saved in other words well everybody wants to prosper everybody is trying to prosper who can be saved if that's the thing if that's the determining factor who can be saved but Jesus beheld them he looked at him and you can when it says he beheld it means there was a it was a point where he actually stared at them for a minute and looked at them purpose you know personally I think he was probably discerning hearts and and looking at them and just listening to what they're saying and he said unto them with men this is impossible but with God all things are possible so what does that tell us about faith well if our faith is in God and all things are possible with God and our faith is in an impossible working God then the impossible is also available to us amen so all things become possible then answered Peter and said before said unto him behold we have forsaken all and followed you what shall we have therefore that's pretty bold because he said it listen we've given up everything you told this young rich rich young earlier to give up everything and come follow you we gave up everything what do we get and that nobody today would hardly well a lot of you would think that but nobody would say it because we know better right but but notice what he says and Jesus never Luis Jesus did not say oh your heart is so wicked that you would even think that way don't you know it's going to be good enough just you getting into heaven if that be enough free Jesus didn't say that look what he said jesus said unto them verily absolutely of a truth I say unto you that you which have followed me in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory you also shall sit upon twelve Thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel so now he says that's what you're going to get in the future but now look he doesn't stop there and everyone that has forsaken houses or brethren our sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands for my name's sake shall receive a hundredfold and shall inherit everlasting life now the other scripture that goes in this the other gospel where he actually says in this world you'll receive a hundredfold this world well what does that mean that means that what you've given up you're getting a hundredfold back that's what he said now there's a lot people don't like that and you know they I'm sure someone's gonna try to brand me as a prosperity preacher now or so but you know if you're gonna brand me you know if you're gonna say that about me say it a whole lot because I want your mouth working for me too that I'll prosper because I'm definitely not a poverty preacher okay because I believe that if we're going to help people let me tell you if you're gonna help if you drive from here to your home you're probably going to pass at some point at least one or two people at a traffic light asking for help but if you're broke you can't help them you can't feed them or if you see a family I've seen families broke down with in a car children the whole thing sitting there and I've been able to stop and help them get them food doing these be done we've we've been able to pay people's rent at times past we've done different things free like that one because we have prospered amen and most of the things that come through here a lot of the things that the church doesn't do I do personally well because I've always wanted to do that there were times when I couldn't do that I was so broke I was a person needing the help but now because God has prospered me I'm able to help other people and and it is a joy to be able to help people and be able to do things that that when you know that they need help to be able to do something to and and you know I've so far I've never been able to give away a new car I've given away about four or five used cars which you know I hate it because it's usually about the time that I have to retire one I don't want to just I could sell it but I don't I don't trade them in so we end up giving them to somebody and I wish they were brand new someday I will be able to do that I believe that God will bless me to the point where I will be able to take somebody and get them a brand new car we've helped people with finances so that they could afford a new car but I believe that God wants us to continually move forward to be able to help to be able to we should be able to support more Bible schools next year than we have this year support more missionaries next year than we have this year why because everything that's living grows amen and it's made the two areas where most people need help is in healing or in the area of physical health and things and in the area of finances and and so it is important we can't ignore it and we have to look at what God has said because you'll fall in one ditch or the other you'll fall in the you know poverty ditch or the hyper you know selfish prosperity ditch neither of which is of God but we have to learn to use our resources for the kingdom of God amen ya know so we know that nothing then notices okay let's go we'll go to Matthew 17 we were just in Matthew 19 we're gonna go back to page two pages two chapters Matthew 17 verse 14 and when they were come to the multitude there came to him a certain man kneeling down to him and saying lord have mercy on my son for his lunatic and sore vexed for oftimes he falls into the fire and oft into the water and I brought him to your disciples and they could not cure him that means they tried but couldn't do it and I'm in verse 17 then jesus answered and said o faithless and perverse generation how long shall I be with you how long shall I suffer you bring him hither to me and Jesus rebuked the devil and he departed out of him and the child was cured from that very hour then came the disciples to Jesus apart and said why could not we cast him out and Jesus said unto them because of your unbelief for verily I say unto you if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed you shall say unto this mountain remove hence to yonder place and it shall remove and nothing shall be impossible unto you now notice this notice what is so now we know well ago we saw that with God all things are possible now we see that with faith nothing shall be impossible you give that then but now notice our faith is in God but we have to realize that our with our faith all things become possible and nothing shall be impossible right now notice here he says why they asked him why couldn't we cast him out he says because your unbelief he says if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed you shall say so if you have faith even the smallest degree of faith what are you going to do you're going to talk you're gonna say you're gonna speak you're going to speak to the problem you're going to tell it to go and it's going to obey you you got that in the story no if ands or buts this is the way it is so we know now that that with faith all things are possible and nothing shall be impossible but we have to realize that if we have faith we're going to be speaking to the situation we're going to be dictating you have to understand faith is always prophetic yet faith does not speak what you have faith speaks what you shall have you give that so you have to project yourself into the future and speak like it will be when it's done so you have to tell this thing go and notice if you have faith you're going to speak you're not going to just well I've put this way if you're not speaking to the problem if you're not speaking let's take sickness sickness go in Jesus name you have to go leave this body never return right what's it going to do it's going to obey you why because you have faith in God what he said he said you can speak to the mountain it will obey you there you go you're believing you're speaking now let's take it to another area let's say I'll go back to finances you got bills you can't meet you got whatever is coming up you know you've got everything levelled out and then all of a sudden something hits and it just puts everything out of whack it's the same thing you speak to that mountain maybe maybe your mountain is debt maybe you're in you know in debt to the point where you can't pay it off or you're having to pay it off and that hurts you you started speaking that debt debt in the name of Jesus I command you to be removed from my life and you start speaking a lot I know this sounds ridiculous I know it but that shows faith in God when you speak truth and God said my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus the Word of God tells us over and over again he desires that we prosper so we started speaking of these things and we started saying you know what I am prosperous why because he said he's blessed me with every spiritual blessing that means I'm spiritually prosperous I think you're right now that I prosper as my soul prospers and I walk in health as my soul prospers all of that's together and you start speaking the end result and you start speaking against these things you speak against that stuff but you don't just speak for this to die you speak for what you want to be you you predict the outcome you predict the end result and when you start talking now listen this is not something you do when a problem comes up you know you walk on all time well you know hope I can pay my bill is hoping pay my bills I don't know what I'm gonna do right you know my budget is so tight if anything happens you know if I have as much as a flat tire it's gonna put me behind well guess what you're gonna have a flat tire why because you're expecting it you're calling it you're you're opening up yourself to say let this happen and as you speak that thing then whatever it's going to take is going to throw everything out of whack and then at that point then all of a sudden you have that flat tire you go oh oh man I don't have to believe god it's I can't handle this myself so in the name of Jesus right now you know you don't just turn this on this is how you live now in God's mercy he can help you in situations like that that's called a miracle but God never intended you to live in miracles he intended you to live out of the fruit of your lips that's called the blessings and so as you live out of the fruit of your lips you start to speak those things and this is how you live and you speak listen a farmer a good farmer doesn't just plant a crop and go OK in three months or whatever it's gonna be you know we're gonna have this crop no heat this week he plants this crop and next week he plants another crop and two weeks later he plants another crop why cuz he wants to continually reap right so what do you do you constantly say you're constantly speaking today I'm prophesying tomorrow and tomorrow I'll prophesied the next day and the next day I'll profit that next day well how am i profits on it I'm speaking what he said and I am predicting my future amen do you get this never said I'm not telling you something that I haven't done or don't do this is how we live now and the thing is I can tell whenever I back off of it when I'm not doing as much I can see the difference in my life I can see the difference even physically I can see the difference financially I can see the difference in in almost every area especially in the area of the soul of being able to remain calm and peaceful in any situation all of that so this is something you do on a regular basis just okay let's just be honest you're gonna talk you might as well say stuff that's good and true amen things that are pure lovely if good heard all these things what he talked about in the first session might as well be speaking that if you're gonna be talking anyway might as well be talking that what well at least that way you at least be optimistic right and the OP if you're at least optimistic people will want to be around you but if you're pessimistic nobody want to be around a pessimist well okay everything's Winston Churchill said a pessimist is somebody that has a problem for every solution there you go okay all right let's keep going here so he says here he says remove hence to yonder place an issue removing nothing shall be impossible unto you so what's the fact of faith faith makes everything possible faith makes nothing impossible amen so I'm just giving you some I want to show you the bigness of faith that you can step into faith that you please God by faith and by using your faith in trusting him to meet your needs you that brings him pleasure right and then Luke chapter 17 Luke chapter 17 verse 5 still giving you some facts about faith verse 5 and the Apostles said unto the Lord increase our faith and the Lord said if you had faith as a grain of mustard seed yeah that's the same thing he just said before right but now notice and it's funny too because they say Lord increase our faith and what does Jesus say if you had faith see they were assuming they had faith Jesus said well if you had faith he's not even assuming they have faith you get that he said if you had faith here's what you would do if you had faith you'd actually be speaking even if you had even if you had the tiniest smallest amount of faith you would be speaking and watch he says if you had faith as a grain of mustard seed you might say under this Sikkim ountry be thou plucked up by the root and be thou planted in the sea and it should obey you now King James it says you might say that's not the the force of the word in the Greek the force of the word in the Greek when it says and it might that you might say it alerted says and you will you shall say which is what he says in the other scriptures but then also when he says that you speak to the sick of mine tree and it should obey you that doesn't mean like should the way I should I'm not sure it will but it should the force of the word behind it King James dead noise show the force of the words but the word is actually that it should obey you meaning like a servant like a slave has to obey its master that's the word picture if you look in the original Greek so he's not saying well it should he said no no it will it will obey you so then he says but which of you having a servant plowing or feeding cattle will say unto him by and by when he's come from the field go and sit down to meet and will not rather say unto him make ready wherewith I may sup and gird yourself and serve me till I have eaten and drunken and afterward thou shalt eat and drink does he thank that servant because he did the things that were commanded him I trow not or no I don't think so so likewise you when you shall have done all those things which are commanded you say we are unprofitable servants we have done that which was our duty to do what we were commanded to do now notice he shifted as we would say he kind of shifted from talking about faith to talking about what you're supposed to do so here he's talking about you using your faith first off they say increase our faith how many of you know faith didn't come by Jesus laying hands on you and saying have faith that's not how faith comes right but now it says here that if you have a servant and he's likening two things number one we're the servants that have to use faith and if we have faith we will say right so that's how we use faith now then anybody also shows that faith is the servant that faith obeys you in other words what you put your faith to it will obey you and cause to come to pass what you are saying because what you're saying agrees with the Word of God now when I say it agrees with the Word of God I'm not saying you can only use faith in here in the sick in casting out Devils I'm not saying that you can use faith in your life for the things you need for example my gosh supply all your needs according to his riches in glory through Christ Jesus and so that's a statement a promise of God that we can put our faith in and as we diligently seek Him to find that truth and believe it he will reward us with what meeting all of our needs amen so it pleases God when you reach out now here's the key there is an element of faith in man even if he's not born again which is how all these amazing things have been accomplished and it's how if you look at even a lot of the self-help self-improvement that kind of stuff that's where all that comes from is that spark of faith that is in man even unborn again man that connection that actually keeps him still alive and that faith by faith all this stuff we hear about it is amazing if you look at the self improvement area okay which is one of the largest industries in the world especially in America and you look at what they say to do if you go get their books and look at what they say it's in many cases it's like reading the Bible but not in King James well because all they do is take Bible principle and apply it the difference is they cut God out of it that's where they make their mistake and because of that they can only rely on themselves but now notice what men who just noticed by comparison what men who do not rely on God but only have relied upon themselves their own willpower their own positive thinking look at what they have achieved and that's not even including God in the mix so how much more should we be accomplishing for God on this earth whenever we have God backing us up God getting behind us when we start to say you know the wheel is here the thing I've heard it even in self-help circles and people say well what would you do if you knew you couldn't fail and people oh I'd start this business or I'd start that thing well it Christians are to be living at that level of knowing that you can't fail why because your God is with you and if God be for you who can be against you successfully amen so you ought to be able to grow you wee listen you ought to be able to do the impossible you know I've had so many people tell me what I couldn't do in general that wouldn't work this won't work that well and we just went ahead and did it we didn't listen what we followed the spirit that at the time we didn't even know we were following the spirit we just knew this needs to be done and so and here the very near future I'm gonna be dealing a whole lot more with the will from a sanctified position as a new creation and I'm gonna be comparing it to the to the will of fallen man and showing you how Christians have been lied to deceived and it bought into the lie that we're not supposed to be using any of that for God I will show you from Scripture how we are to literally train our wills to bring to pass the will of God and that God's will work through our will see if you ever get the picture of God that we were made in the likeness and image of God that God if you put him behind us if you put him behind for myself or yourself if when God stands behind me if he stood behind me not in me if he stood behind me you wouldn't see him what because he would fit my outline you get it if when he stands behind you he fits your outline what because behind him everything in him is now in you second Corinthians 5:17 If any man be in Christ is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things become new all things are what all things are of God you got that all the new things in your of God what does that mean that everything in you if you have a will let's say that's your will then guess what the reason you have a will is because God has a will and his will is connected to your will you give that his soul is connected to your soul his conscience to your conscience now his conscience called the Holy Spirit right so it's it's like it's as if you had lines strings as they would call it going from him to you everything that's in him is in you everything in you is of him do you get that so once you understand as a new creation what we have access to know the beauty that is because of that will is connected to God's will and whenever our will is connected to God's will that opens up all of the resources of heaven behind it to bring the past what is in our I would say God's will for us now God's will for you is that you become conformed to the image of Christ but guess what his will for you is also that you're able to live generously that you're able to feed the hungry they're able to support I heard a mighty who it was Tony Robbins Anthony Robbins write big self-help guru he feeds something like thirty thirty million people a year by himself his own his own philanthropy right every Christian ought to be able to do that amen do you realize what we ought to be able to do with God behind us if people could because what did he do what did Tony Robbins do all he did was take Bible principle take God out of it for the most part and apply Bible principle and yet because he did that the church is so afraid of everything they look at who we don't wanna do anything that might be that because I know he's stolen the church should be doing it first a man who was a richest man that ever lived Solomon right and we know that he wasn't all that bright he had to ask for wisdom God gave him wisdom and then he didn't use it correctly and ended up bringing in a whole bunch of wives and concubines from heathen nations and ended up maybe what he ended up saying vanity vanity all is vanity and basically just says he century he said all of this will drive you mad think about that right but look at what God did for him see what he did to himself messed him up what God did for him blessed him and blessed people around him amen so we have to realize with God for us anything we put our hands to should prosper anything we because we're not going to put our hands to things that are not the will of God right and let me tell you God's will is a lot bigger than most people think right so yeah finally finally just about finished last one so we know what we know several things we know it's impossible please God without faith we know that you can shipwreck faith we know you can depart the faith we know that with God all things are possible we know that with faith ok nothing shall be impossible we know that here he tells us the the Apostles asked for him to increase their faith he didn't say here I'll help I'll increase your faith he said if you had faith you'd speak so he's telling them how to increase their faith is by speaking because he said you would use your words as a seed you said if you have faith as a seed you'll speak you'll plant that seed we know that from mark chapter 4 and Matthew 13 you can study those up but now let's get down to how faith comes in Romans chapter 10 verse 12 for there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek for the same lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him for a whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved how then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed and how shall they believe in him of whom they've not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher and how shall they preach except to be sent as it is written how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things but they have not all obeyed the gospel for Isaiah saith Lord who has believed our report so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God now notice how does faith come now here's what here's how this has been taught it's been taught by people saying see faith comes by hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing and you keep hearing to keep hear and you keep hearing that's how faith comes okay now first that is not what that scripture says the scripture says faith comes by hearing hearing comes by the Word of God so it's talking about the same thing right it's not saying hearing and hearing and hearing now understand this should you hear the word of God and hear the word of God and hear it and hear it and hear and hear it yes but don't use that scripture to prove that what because that's taking that scripture out of context what I'm trying to make sure that we do here is keep everything in context keep it accurate because that's where the power is when you take things out of context that verse loses its power all right but when you keep it in context it maintains the power behind it because no word of god is is void of fulfillment right every word of God can bring itself to pass why because the Word of God is a seed and you plant the seed and the seed grows so faith in this in carefully faith does not come by hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing now you're going to be hearing something it might as well be the Word of God right so it's good to here and here and here and here but don't think just because you're here and here and here and here that you are getting more faith and faith - faith - faith right that's not what it is fainting it Allah I'm going to show you exactly how faith comes first off it says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God now most of you know the word word in the Bible there are several words for it two of them one is logos and one is reimann there's been a whole lot of teaching about this and very honestly it's 99.9 percent wrong and we can prove it right and I actually have proven it before but here the word word here where it says so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God the word for word there in the Greek is the word Rhema unless what we get another wrong doctrine that says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Rhema of God meaning that God quickens a word to you and whenever you hear the word and God quickens it now you have faith for it and you shouldn't step out in faith until God has quickened it to you that is a lie it is not true it is not Bible it's not accurate it violates James 1:22 that says be therefore doers of the logos doers of the word and not just hearers if your notice what that doctrine tells you is you cannot act until God quickens it so that means you can hear it and not have to do it until God quickens it so that would violate James 1:22 so we can't that cannot be the correct explanation all right so the word Rhema when you a quick definition Ramah is the logos you do and live by okay for instance the Bible says man doesn't live by bread alone but by every word every Rhema that comes out of the mouth of God right people say see right there Rhema is that living word no it's not Rhema is not the word come alive okay and we're not told to do the Rhema what we are told to do is the logos James 1:22 be there for doers of the logos he doesn't tell us to do Raymond but here's the thing when you eat food you take food in your body is not looking for the food your body wants the energy that comes from that food being digested so the you take in food and when it goes into your body it's not food in your body see we call it food it's not really food its energy so it is changed from food to energy when you eat it it's food when it's digested its energy you got it so the one thing becomes something else you got that that's exactly what happens with the Word of God when you do the logos it becomes Rema Rema is the logos you do all right Rhema is not God quickening it to you the scripture it says put this definition in there Rhema is the logos you do right think of that definition now the scripture that says so man does not live by bread alone but by every Rhema the logos that you do that proceeds out of the mouth of God what does that mean that means that man doesn't live by bread alone but he lives by every word that he acts upon see you don't there's nobody I know of that is living by every word you get that but you live by the word that you do you give that in other words if I'm driving down the road we are to obey you know signs were to obey speed limits things like that right now if I live by the law then I'm going to obey the speed limits I'm gonna obey all the laws I'm living by all of those laws if I say I live by the law I'm living about all those laws right I'm obeying the laws not saying don't make mistakes just saying my choice is to obey the speed limit obey the traffic lights all that right so I'm living so I'm actually only living by the laws I actually now if I obey every traffic light but disobey every speed limit then I'm not living by every law I'm only living by the laws that I am living by does that make sense so there's laws I'm disobeying but there's laws I'm obeying and the ones I'm obeying that's the laws I live by well man does not live by bread alone but by every Rhema logos that he does so you don't let nobody live by every word in here but you do live by every word that you obey so the logos the Rhema is the low gosh you obey now this is the logos that the logos is the Word of God rightly divided right and it is that easy is what it said is that the logos is simply the Word of God rightly divided in context right so you can't just pull things out and say that's the logos the logos is the general concept or the idea if we talk about healing then to have the logos of healing you have to know that it's God's will to heal that he's paid the price for it that it's always his will that healing is in the atonement and that he considers you already healed that's the logos of healing right it's not just an individual scripture you got that but we are to do because you have to remember in the early days when it says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the rain of the word that you do right you have to remember they didn't have a lot of books they didn't have the Bible they had letters they're being passed around but what they all they really had was people preaching and they had to listen to the preaching ingo do the preaching that makes sense so faith comes by hearing and hearing by the logos that you do which is Rhema yeah so how does faith come faith comes you hear it you act upon it faith comes by hearing and acting upon the Word of God when you act upon the Word of God there is faith there to cause a thing to come to pass see when you hear the word of God what do you do you believe say when you hear the word of God you don't faith you believe believe + action equals faith you get that believe + action equals faith you got that so now the last one so we know that faith comes by hearing but faith comes by doing the word that you've heard that's where faith is okay now the last one is simply this and this is something that Jesus said numerous times I'm not going to give you references because you've all heard him before your faith can heal you do you got that okay let me back during the days of sailing ships even before steamers when they would make long journeys and it would take months to get somewhere they were finding out that a lot of the sailors were coming down with disease that they called scurvy and scurvy was simply a vitamin C deficiency so then they figured out excuse me that if they put citrus fruit if they put citrus on the ship that um if they ate the citrus it would stop the scurvy now it's the same thing you can take vitamins or supplements and that will stop deficiencies or stop certain things and your body will automatically heal itself now God and think about this I don't care pretty much let's say you had scurvy okay that's long gone pretty much let's say you had scurvy and you were massively vitamin C deficient then you might look at it and say well I'll see God is making me sick God made me sick because of whatever you know whatever reason you want to use but if God made you sick then the vitamin C you eating citrus you should have no effect on you right because God made you sick he's gonna have to heal you right or take the sickness off water if that's your mindset but the fact that he made our bodies a certain way that once that deficiency is met then our bodies will be healed within the only other way that God could make sure that you stayed sick so we could teach you something would be as you start to eat that him stopping your hand from each in your mouth I mean you know God doesn't do that right why because God if anything God is not holding her hand back he's showing it forward going yep go ahead eat that get the deficiency out you'll be healed you'll be well he would be more God is more for your healing than he is for your sickness God's on the side of your healing you got that so the main the reason I'm saying this because I want you to realize that your faith in God that he wants you well can heal your body and your over and over again unborn again people jesus said your faith has healed you your unborn again people what does that mean people that trusted in God as the healer he said your faith did it you trusted you got it there you go you said if you touch a hem of my garment you'll be healed guess what you got it what because your faith did it God is not in charge of your faith what God wants to see is what are you using your faith for are you using it only when you have need and only to meet your needs or are you willing to believe God bigger so that you will not only meet your need but also the need of people around you are you willing to trust God that he wants to use you to supply missionaries to supply Bible schools to set Bible schools to plant churches in fun churches what what are you using your faith for if your faith is only for as we used to say us for no war then that's selfish faith that's faith it'll get burned up that's the that's where the motivation comes in why because that's where you won't be rewarded for the things that you've done God wants to reward you but he can't if you're only using your faith for selfish needs what does that mean that means you have to believe for enough for yourself for your own needs to be met physical financial soulish every area and you have to be believing enough that if God wants to meet your needs he wants to meet somebody else's and that means once you believe that then you have to take the step because what is it faith plus or I'm sorry yeah believe plus action equals faith amen does that make sense to you how many of you know with faith all things are possible what faith in God amen and with faith nothing shall be impossible if nothing is impossible what in the world can we accomplish for God while we're here because I can tell you just the things that God has allowed us to see and the things he allowed us to do you know it was it's it's amazing because the way he does it has often surprised us the fact that he does it has never surprised us why because if it surprises you it wasn't your faith that got it done because faith expects and I continue from the time literally from the time I met my wife I already knew God had called me to ministry but from the time that I met her and when I proposed to her at that point I told her I said if you stick with me we'll go around the world you'll be known around the world because God has big plans for my life I I didn't even I've never even heard of John Lee didn't have any idea any of this stuff didn't know how he's gonna do it all I knew was that in me I knew that God had bigger plans then the town I was living in they had about 2,300 people in it and I knew that whatever God was going to do with me it was going to be bigger than that town and so the problem is you usually grow to the size of the tank you're in and that means if you're going to grow sometimes you have to get shot outside of that tank and get into a bigger tank and a lot of people don't a lot of them allow the tank to dictate or they're out that's what I'm saying you need to make sure you're around people that will push you encourage you maybe it's not always pleasant maybe it's not always fun but they need to push you and push you and push you and make you stretch and get you out of it out of your comfort zone because if you keep doing the same thing you've always done you're going to keep having the same thing you've always had and the only way you break that is getting out of that comfort zone and doing things you've never done before they're all the things I do today and there was a point where I had not done them and I didn't want to do them there was not in me to do them I didn't want to do it but I decided that person's healing means more than my comfort zone and I had to learn to step out in Walmart and walk over to them and talk them because I'm a quiet reserved type person I'm not flamboyant I'm not you know an extrovert but I rise to the occasion of whatever's needed to try to help somebody and that's what we've done so and I can honestly tell you everything we've done we couldn't do but we did it because with God all things are possible amen it's a dream big dream big not for yourself but dream dreams that are God's eyes dreams as they say and decide what can we do that would better humanity I mean I mean humanity's got enough problems as it is the church doesn't need to be one of them the church needs to be the help not the hurt amen amen father I thank you I believe your word I trust your word and father I thank you that today I've spoken the words that you have given me and I thank you that they have gone into the ears and the hearts and minds of those that have under the sound of my voice so father in Jesus name we believe that we have plan good seat in good soil it shall come forth they will bring forth thirty sixty a hundredfold in this lifetime so father we thank you your word is true we thank you now that we are healed we're whole we're blessed we're prosperous father we thank you that we had the mind of Christ and that we can think things that have never been thought before we can have ideas that have never been thought of before so father we thank you we thank you for your life your spirit in jesus name amen amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 44,844
Rating: 4.7922077 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 33sec (4773 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 04 2018
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