Faith Speaks About Tomorrow Like It Was Yesterday - 3 December, 2017

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[Music] [Music] you have your Bibles you can turn with me to second Kings this morning and what we normally do on Sunday mornings and the 9:00 a.m. is usually a more of an instructional aspect and give you some keys on how to live your life accurately according to the Word of God and then at 10 a.m. we tend to hit more generally speaking that's that noise way it is but then we try to go more along the lines of your day-to-day life and to help you and encourage you and to show you what God has for you and then also that is often when we minister to the sick or to anyone that needs help but so this morning we want to approach it from that position I want you to go with mid to 2nd Kings chapter 4 and I've been talking about the basis of this for some time but today we're going to go ahead and just bring it out and show you how to practice it and then how to get it into your life and show you the biblical reference for it so 2nd Kings chapter 4 starting at verse 8 and I'll be reading both out of the King James but also out of the ESV now in the King James it says in verse 8 and it fell on a day that Elijah passed to shew him where was a great woman and she constrained him to eat bread and so it was that as oft as he passed by he turned in there to eat bread and she said unto her husband behold now I perceive that this is a holy man of God which passes by us continuing let us make a little chamber I pray thee on the wall and let us set for him there a bed and a table in the stool and a candlestick and it shall be when he comes to us that he shall turn in dinner so she's saying she's talking to her husband and saying look this guy stops about often I perceive he is a holy man and so let's build him a room let's just add on to the house and so that way when he comes by here he will have his own little room that he can stay in and he'll feel more comfortable there and he can actually stay here and if we do that he'll probably stay here more often and it was a great blessing to have a man of God stay in their home so she was trying to set it up now and then he says verse goes on to say verse 11 and it fell on a day that he came thither and he turned into the chamber and lay there and he said to Gaza his servant call the Shunammite and when he had called her she stood before him and he said unto Him and notice he stood before him but he said unto Him meaning Ghazi his servant he didn't talk directly to the woman right he talked to his servant his servant talked to the woman you know nowadays that would almost be considered rude you know that he wouldn't talk to her directly but we also have to remember these were written so that we could see that this would be a type and a shadow of Jesus he'd be a type in the shadow of the Father speaking to Jesus and Jesus to us right and then you move that down and be a type and a shadow of Jesus speaking to us and that's to the people right so you can see how this carries right on through then he says here in verse 13 and he said unto him say now unto her behold you've been careful for us with all this care what is to be done for you in other words you've been nice to me you know what what can I do for you would wouldest thou be spoken for to the king or to the captain of the host the head of the Journal of the army and she answered I'd dwell among my own people in other words I don't I don't need to help from the king I don't need any more protection from the army so I'm good I don't need any of that and he said what then is to be done for her and then you got a picture this is going through Gazi to the woman and he comes back and talks to him and it's it's kind of a process here and gauzy answered verily she has no child and her husband is old and he said well call her and when he had called her she stood in the door and he said about this season according to the time of life you will embrace a son and she said no no my lord you man of God don't lie to me don't let don't lie to your handmaid and the woman they look at the verse 17 and the woman conceived and bare a son at that season that Elijah had said unto her according to the time of life and when the child was grown it fell on a day that he went out to his father to the Reapers now when it says the child was grown it meant that as he was growing he wasn't full-grown this was just a fairly short time after a couple of years and it said that he went to his father to the Reapers so he went out into the field a matter of fact I'm going to switch over and read out of the ESV at this point it says when the child had grown he went out one day to his father among the Reapers and he said to his father oh my head my head so and from appearances it looks like he might have had like a heat stroke or something like that going on the father said to his servant carry him to his mother and when he had lifted him and brought him to his mother the child sat on her lap till noon and this is how we know that the child was a full-grown right that he was growing but it's still a young child he sat on her lap till noon and then he died and she went up and laid him on the bed of the man of God and shut the door behind him and went out now think about this so she's sitting there holding him he dies she takes him up to the room that she had prepared for the man of God put him on the man of gods bed she walks out shuts the door and walks away then she called to her husband and said send me one of the servants in one of the donkeys that I may quickly go to the man of God and come back again she's I'm just gonna run the man of God and come back notice this this is we're getting into the lesson we're not just reading all right notice this she doesn't say a word her son died she doesn't even tell her husband doesn't say a word about it think about that now you'd almost think oh that's not right but see how it ends and you'll find what's right say sometimes our our customs are the way we do things would preclude us from walking in faith and he said why would you go to him today it's neither the new moon nor their Sabbath no there's no reason for you go visit a preacher you know it's not special days it's not it's not Sunday there's no celebration there's and there's nothing going on there's nothing going on at the church why are you going up there and she answers all as well that's not an answer he did she didn't answer why she was going there she always will know think about this you look at this and you would automatically think well she just lied because I was not well no all is well because she's walking in faith you get that she's not looking at oh it's a horrible thing that happened she's saying yes this is going on and now it's going to end differently because I'm gonna go to the man of God and I'm gonna get what I go for and so she's not planning for failure she's planning to get her son back amen we see this also in the New Testament is something very similar to it where the woman comes to Jesus woman who came in sour Phoenician woman and says Lord my my my daughter is grievously vexed of a devil she's possessed and Jesus at the at that point doesn't even really pay attention to her but finally he tells her he says you know woman it's not right to give the children's bread to the dogs because she was another of the Jews who he was sent to and she said that's true but even the dogs get the crumbs from the master's table and then Jesus says woman you got some faith go your way your daughter's healed you notice he never said daughter be healed he never said demon come out so we put God in this box that we think that is some kind of formula or the words that we say that are actually going to cause it to happen and we have to realize that it's the faith in our heart toward God that actually releases God to be able to do the things for us that he wants to do and all we and really when it comes down to it's not even the actual words even though it's good to say the right words you definitely want to say the wrong words because then your words don't match your faith but you want to be able to speak what God has has put in your heart that matches your faith in him so here she says all as well and notice then he then she saddled the donkey and she said to her servant urge the animal on do not slacken the pace for me unless I tell you in other words let's get there if it gets too rough I'll tell you to slow down but until unless I say something let's get there and that would have been a rough ride right it's one thing riding a donkey when he's walking it's a whole other thing when he's ripped when you're riding a donkey and he's trying to run cuz donkeys don't really run they just kind of jerk around and you're just like this all the time you know riding a donkey is kind of like riding a Shetland pony if you know what that's like right those are mean vicious little critters let me tell you okay Shetland ponies are not that you always think I'm gonna buy my child a Shetland pony because they're small and it'd be good from there learn on no they're mean they will bite you kick you I mean they're I guess I don't know you know dazed well probably shouldn't even go there but I'm going to anyway of the horse family the Shetland pony is the animal that in modern language we would say they had little man syndrome now forget who's telling you that so ok no but I'm telling you these little Shetland ponies they've got an attitude hey I'm a thousand times bigger on the inside let me just settle that ok now now watch is it says in verse 25 so she set out came to the man of God at Mount Carmel when the man of God saw her coming he said to gauzy his servant look there's a shunammite run at once to meet her and say to her is all well with you is all well with your husband is all well with with the child and she answered all as well as twice now here the the prophet is now asking her you would think this would be the time that she could spill her guts you know I mean just she could just cry out so it's horrible my son died and here's I said but he says is is everything okay and she says yep why cuz everything's in the plan the plan is still working you get that she sees the plan working it's working then it says and when she came to the mountain to the man of God she caught hold of his feet so she comes up drops down in front of him grabs his feet and gauzy came to push her away but the man of God said leave her alone for she is in bitter distress and the Lord has hidden it from me and has not told me he's the Prophet and yet he doesn't even know what's going on yet so it shows but it what's amazing to this is that God had to hide it from him it says God hid it it didn't say that that he couldn't see it or that he couldn't you know because honestly the main thing about the prophets in the Old Testament to read their lives things were just happening it's almost as if they didn't have to try and hear it's as if God had to actually hide it from him or he would have known just by normal course of his prophetic calling he would have known what was going on but God hid it from him and watch and he says verse 28 then she said did I ask my lord for a son did I ask you to do this for me did I ask you to give me a son could you remember he she didn't right did I ask her did I not say don't deceive me he said to go huzi tie up your garment and take my staff in your hand and go if you meet anyone do not greet him now you hear this same language from Jesus about preaching the gospel Jesus had the same urgency about preaching the gospel is this prophet did about raising the dead and if you if you know anything about raising the dead there is a time element right and if anyone greets you do not reply and lay my staff on the face of the child then the mother of the child said as the Lord lives and as you yourself live I will not leave you so he arose and followed her in other words I'm not I'm not going back home without you if I go you're coming see he says this woman had some grit she's coming there and and it's amazing because the Prophet had the power but she had the guts to demand so he arose and followed her Ghazi went on ahead and laid the staff on the face of the child but there was no sound or sign of life so the first thing the Prophet did failed you see that it didn't work at that point the boy should have got up that's what was being planned but it didn't work that way therefore he returned to meet him and told him the child is not awakened look at the terminology the same terminology Jesus used the maid is not dead she sleeps when he lie she came into the house he saw the child lying dead on his bed so he went in shut the door behind the two of them and prayed to the Lord then he went up and lay on the child putting his mouth on his mouth his eyes on his eyes his hands on his hands and as he stretched himself upon him the flesh of the child became warm well that's just through contact then he got up again and walked once back and forth in the house and went up and stretched himself upon him to neighs in it twice the child sneezed seven times now that's strange in and of itself right there okay and the child opened his eyes then he summoned gauzy and he said call this shunammite so he called her and when she came to him he said pick up your son she came and fell at his feet bowing to the ground then she picked up her son and went out so now notice this whole thing took place it was real quick but noted this is the key this morning what I'm talking about is that faith speaks about tomorrow like it was yesterday because when she said all as well all was not well to anybody but her my and notice she doesn't she didn't tell anybody not even her husband and so she said get the donkey saddled up let's go and she went to the Prophet didn't say a word and even when the Prophet asked her it's all well with your husband I'll well do all well with your son she you know she didn't even everyone immediately first thing she started saying ya didn't did I ask you for a son now look you gave me a son you gave me this joy the joy of my life because then we didn't have a child and you gave me this son I didn't ask you you know it was sad that I didn't have a child but I was dealing with it and then you gave me a son and now he's dead so now you've broken my heart I didn't ask you for that I asked you not to deceive me not to put me in this position so you did this so you come fix it Amen you see that in the picture and see sometimes we look at this as oh look at what God did in God orchestrated this thing and we have to realize that the prophets walked more like sons of God than most New Testament people do they actually carried the power of God with him and I could take you through time and time again where they actually the prophets actually didn't even talk to God about stuff did things miraculous things just because they had the ability to do it because of their position and yet in today's world we have a better position than the prophets you realize even Elijah Elijah all the prophets died not having received the promise God having provided some better thing for us because without us they could not be made perfect Hebrews says so God made it now we are in a position our position in Christ is better than he lashes position do you get that because in Elijah and Elijah both of them had their position as a prophet and they walked in power and the beauty of that is that we walk in Jesus's position because he gave us his name and all authority is behind that name now the problem is you have to look at how people in the Old Testament particularly new testament to them we'll see that in just a minute but you have to look at how these people who lived because I can guarantee you if most of the time if a person today has a child that dies they don't say all as well not even to the Prophet not even to the whoever they're trying to get to pray it doesn't work that way they have a whole different mindset and the problem is that months that doesn't work so we have to get back to the mindset that the Bible shows us that we are to have now listen this goes right in and we just finished the spiritual warfare seminar and if you remember the two main disciplines or the two main characteristics of a spiritual warrior is discipline and perseverance and generally you won't have perseverance until you get some discipline and the first discipline and this is one of the things I thank God for whenever I first came in - well actually at that time it was generally the Word of Faith message and it changed my life right yes there are excesses yes there are people in it that do crazy stuff but the the basis that some of the fundamental things are accurate its biblical and it works and so it was amazing because the first time I heard what people would call the confession message or the the the doctrine of confessing God's Word it clicked one because I had seen the reality of it in in the in the world system you might say and I saw how the world system had taken it and perverted it and how even some Christians had taken it and perverted it but I saw I knew it was a reality because it rings true in every area not just the Bible but in every other area too and so I could look at that and sit and so when I heard that is and then I started I knew the Bible I've been reading the Bible all my life and it just clicked it's like yes that's that there you go you need to change your mouth and so because of I had good discipline in my life at that point I decided I will change my mouth sickness and death and disease and that stuff poverty and like will never come out of my mouth again I made that commitment and it stopped and it wasn't always easy there were things that want to come out and especially you get around people you start joking that kind of stuff it's easy because certain situations just kind of set up a good joke to speak sickness disease or deaths or something like that which you wouldn't think it would but not being specific here but but it does and all of a sudden you you hear that set up for that joke and you could say it and it'd be hilarious and but then you realize I can't say that and that takes discipline to not say it and so you have to get discipline in your life and just like this woman now I don't know what her discipline and her life was but I can tell you anybody that their child dies and they say all is well and don't say a word negative to anybody even her husband that person's got discipline that's a person who has learned to control their tongue and if you control the tongue you can turn the whole body according to James and so if you're going to walk with God if you're gonna see God do things in your life the first one of the first steps obviously getting born-again obviously making Jesus Lord of course but I'm saying as a Christian if you're gonna see God work in your life the first major change you're going to make is in your mouth and I'm not just talking about just speaking you know positive or positive thing I'm not talking about that I'm talking to speaking the Word of God and what the Word of God says but I'm also talking about you have to decide it's not just just speaking the Word of God now I'm not belittling the Word of God obviously you are speaking the Word of God but there's also a way of speaking it right if a policeman comes up into a situation and he walks up into the you know there's two people out are in the front yard and he gets a disturbance call and he shows up and he gets out of his car and walks up there and walks up to the people and kind of you know they're arguing back and forth and he walks him says excuse me excuse me excuse me guess what thinking they're not gonna pay attention to him why because he doesn't know the authority he's got you'll notice that policeman doesn't walk up and say excuse me I play some walks right up in the middle puts his hand up to shut him up and then it says now you go right over there I'll be with you in a minute yeah you tell me what's going on he didn't ask he tells them what because he knows his authority and he knows that if the badge doesn't work he's got a gun to back him up right so we have to realize everything you speak has to come out of that authority you can't just speak now I'm not talking about being brash or rude or any that kind of not so much that at all honestly the more authority you have the more you can afford to be polite more you can afford to be nice and gentle toward people but you have to realize that if you're gonna speak I'm using this example go with me we're gonna go to the next next verse and we'll be pretty much wrapped up on that okay I'm gonna go with me to mark the verse a everybody knows half the people think Kenneth Hagin wrote this and he didn't okay I made a mark chapter 11 and you can yeah actually you know what go to verse yeah verse 12 on them on the following day I'm reading from the ESV on the following day when they were came from Bethany he was hungry Jesus and seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf he went to see if he could find anything on it when he came to it he found nothing but leaves for it was not the season for figs which proves to you that Jesus wasn't a farmer where he didn't know and he wasn't a season okay and he said to it may no one ever eat fruit from you again and his disciples heard it and what does that mean that means that he said it loud enough because okay let's read it again okay it says and seeing in the distance because they were coming they were walking down the road from Bethany now how many no trees don't grow in the middle of the road right they grow on the side of the road he was hungry seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf he went to it he went to it now he went to it what does that mean that could tell us that he left the disciples there in the road they stopped he goes off to the fig tree and looks for figs and there's no figs on it and then he says to the fig tree no man will eat fruit of you hereafter forever and the disciples heard it now they might have been three foot away six foot away ten foot away ten yards away it doesn't tell us but we do know he spoke out loud to it because they heard it right now and he didn't worry about them hearing it you know you he could have been thinking what are they gonna think if I speak to a fig tree that I'm talking to a tree they're gonna think I'm crazy and they and some people already thought he was crazy even his parents at one point the people went and talked to him his expensive way you know he's just that's Jesus you know he's a little strange then it says no man eat fruit of you hereafter forever or from from you again and that his disciples heard it and they came to Jerusalem so then they went on and he entered the temple began to drive out those who sold and those who bought in the temple and he overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons and he would not allow anyone to carry anything through the temple and he was teaching them and saying to them is it not written my house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations but you've made it a den of robbers and the chief priests and the scribes heard it and we're seeking a way to destroy him he could have added in their murderers too for they feared him because all the crowd was astonished at his teaching and when evening came they went out of the city and as they passed by in the morning they saw the fig tree withered away to its roots Peter remembered and said to him rabbi look the fig tree that you cursed has withered and jesus answered them have faith in God truly I say to you whoever says to this mountain be taken up and thrown into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will come to pass it will be done for him here that whatever you believe in your heart and speak it will be done that's Jesus who cannot lie right in that simple now all right let's take that back all is well now was all well no not in the sense that anybody looking on but now notice she said all is well so what was she doing she's talking about the future as though it's the past and they're right because all is not well but all is going to be well as soon as the answer comes and she's already got it basically in the past tense in other words okay so this is all over with this is just something going on and don't worry I'm gonna come out the other side of this and my son's gonna be okay and so it all as well do you get that all right now the reason I'm telling you this I didn't come here this morning just to read a Bible story to you or even to read Jesus's command to have faith in God do you realize that is a command have faith in God that's an that's an imperative statement which means it's a command and now notice he says here it was withered up jesus said if you believe in your heart and speak it will be done therefore to watch therefore I tell you whatever you ask in prayer now you see he just shifted conversation right first off he's talking about just believing in talking then he's talking about prayer so he goes from just everyday coming you know how you live your life then he says and when you pray so now he's shifting from everyday talk to specific prayer then he says therefore I tell you why there for a while because whatever you say and believe in your heart you will have now that doesn't stop whenever you pray so you have to pray the same way that matches that whatever you believe in your heart and say you will have you get that your prayer cannot deny the truth that what you believe you will have if you say it therefore I tell you whatever you ask in prayer believe that you have received it and it will be yours believe okay ask believe that you have received and it shall be yours now you just realize Jesus is Jesus totally messed up the time you know continuum here right he says so listen because you will have whatever you say if you believe it in your heart and you speak it out you will have it it will be in your life now let's take let's take that from the opposite direction what is in your life today is what you have said and believed you got that he's oh no I've got problems no listen to yourself talk if you have problems in your life in these areas it is because you have said it you believed it and you said it and more than likely you've talked it and talked it and talked it until it finally showed up now he says when you believe or when you pray let's start that way so first you pray but now you shouldn't just pray and just say anything you have to realize that when you're praying you're saying and so you should be saying when you pray what you believe in your heart you got that now he didn't say pray the facts he said pray what is in your heart you got that I'm gonna take you through the step step by step and then he says when you pray whatever you're at obviously you're asking for something here you is what have you asked for in prayer right when you pray believe now what are you gonna believe you're gonna believe that what you're asking for you receive so you're gonna believe that you receive when when you pray you got that right so when you pray you believe that you receive it right then now you believe you receive he doesn't and when you pray immediately you will see what you have prayed he didn't say you'll see it he said you'll believe it and if you believe it then you shall receive it in your habit as I should say because you're believing you have received it and now if you do that and you believe at that point then you shall have it which means what you shall see it so you know everybody says you know seeing is bleeding no believing is seeing you believe and then you see but now notice this believing is what is vitally important but then it goes to saying and but you also have to realize that in the prayer you have to be able to speak believe you receive it right now right when you pray so right then you have to decide this is done right there and and this is really well you know this is the battle this is this is the crux of it if you don't get this right you will always be dependent on someone else to get your needs met and so whenever I first started in this and we started working the principles of God the way he said to do it and then we saw some things happen it was amazing and then after that my daughter passed away and it kind of it it didn't shake us from God but it shook us from some of the ways that we had heard some things and so we started going in and researching some things and and recognizing some things but this did not change this this held solid now how some people practiced it yeah they were they were wrong but we started we believed God and we started applying this and I decided at that point as a matter of fact whenever we buried our daughter I decided at that point I will never turn another one of my children over to somebody else to take care of God gave my children to me we will deal with whatever problems come up because whenever my daughter died and and the ambulance got there and they took her we didn't see her again until the funeral right and so I and I knew that you know we just God had given my children to us to take care of and to raise and I decided right then I would never turn that responsibility over to anybody else and so we we haven't and whenever my actually my third daughter fell out of the window and died I didn't jump on the phone and call the ambulance because the same thing would happen we have buried another one and that's exactly what Satan was yelling in my ear you're bearing another one you're gonna lose another and you're gonna bury another one he even showed me the first funeral I saw it I was reliving the whole thing but all that time what come out of my mouth was in the name of Jesus you will live and not die why because I knew this verse and I stuck to it and I did not let anything else that come out of my mouth I had had time to practice it had been about eight years yeah about eight years difference from the time we buried Erica until Rebecca fell out of the window and so I had time to practice and get the discipline there and God knew that and I thank God that he took us into this truth but and the reason I'm telling you this is because I want you to realize you this is this is not something you can do this is Christianity this is part of it this is what you learn and you grow and you you you take on new behaviors and you have to start thinking differently now the one thing and this is something you know you don't generally hear I don't guess I'm trying to think if I've ever heard you may say before but we are - if you take this in alignment with Ephesians chapter 4 that we are to grow up into him Jesus which is ahead of all things that head to the Church of all things right if we are to grow up to be like him well this is what what Jesus is talking about in mark 11:24 about praying believing receiving guess what that means that this is how Jesus operated and if we're gonna grow up to be him to be like him and everything then we're gonna be functioning just like he did we're gonna be talking just like he did all right now you say well but he spoke to a fig tree yeah you can speak to your and you will tell it no and now notice he didn't just say give me a fig he said you didn't do your job what you were on this earth to do because everything God created was meant to multiply and reproduce so Jesus pronounced judgment said you're not doing what God put you here so you will never accomplish God's will from now on you will never produce food for anybody and Peter call that a curse you don't see Jesus saying I curse you but Jesus telling this fig tree it will never accomplish its divine purpose was a curse you get it because it was disobedient and did not produce he said but it wasn't the time for FIGS well all that tells us is that when Jesus walked up to it it should have produced anyway why because Jesus was walking as the last Adam and so it wasn't about seasons it was about the the lord of the harvest okay the the husbandmen the the the owner of the vineyard showed up and this thing should have produced and what does that mean do you realize that Jesus according to Peter cursed this fig tree because it didn't produce out of season anything well you think I didn't sound fair but if Jesus needs something it should be there right well and but we look at these things as though well there has to be a season for this and there's all kinds of teachings on seasons you know well I'm in this season of my life and I missus no not in the New Testament in the New Covenant it's not a it's not a seasonal thing it is you are provided for God is your provider and he can provide even out of season right he didn't tell you what not season so starve he didn't say he doesn't do that he provides no matter what I'm trying to get across you god is so big that he can he can supersede natural law to accomplish what you need right now I understand I'm not just saying well you know your needs are you know paramount in God's mind in that sense but whenever you make God's needs your needs you can bet that God's gonna supply your need and what I mean by that is when you make saving the lost your need well guess what that's God's need God needs the lost saved when you when you make his mission your need you can bet that God is going to meet your needs so if you want to see your needs met just make God's needs your needs it's really simple when I started feeding and helping people and doing it and taking people let's just say taking people's needs as my own that's when I sort of started really seeing the blessing of God because not only did God meet the needs of the people that I had taken on but he also met my needs in the process why because I got my mind off of me and started looking at the needs of the people and what they needed but now Jesus did this exact same thing yeah look at well here we have the Shunammite woman and she says all as well then Jesus in his life you've got these people coming to Jesus said hey listen Lazarus is sick and he's at the point of death you need to get back to her as quick as you can and Jesus stayed another two days there why because Lazarus was already dead whenever Jesus heard that he was already dead and at one point Jesus even told him they said you know don't don't you think we need to go back he says no he sleeps and they said well if he's sleeping then he'll be okay and just to know you don't get it he's dead you know yeah I'm trying not to say death but you're making me and he said now we got to go because I gotta go wake him up but he didn't respond by saying Oh Lazarus is dead he responded by saying he sleeps and then when he gets there what is amazing is everybody's crying all the stuffs going on and you know you got Mary and Martha and they're coming to Jesus and saying oh if you'd have been here you know really their sayings your fault he's dead if you two come when we sent for you but now look as you you know what could have been so important that you waited extra days or what could have been so important that you didn't come as soon as you heard and yet her and Jesus I did not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God didn't I tell you and you know don't you believe that your brother is gonna rise again oh yeah we know he's gonna rise again in the resurrection no no you don't understand I am the resurrection if I'm here life is here right so we have to realize Jesus's Mun said yeah I mean okay let's just be ridiculously redundant or obvious about this Jesus had the mind of Christ okay am i yeah it might be a shock there's some people but he actually had the mind of Christ and so we see how he thinks so now we know first corinthians 2:16 tells us that we have the mind of christ so how are we to be thinking exactly like he did exactly so but if we're and if we're going to think the way he did they were gonna talk the way he did so the real essence all i'm trying to get across you this morning is you have to start to learn and practice and getting discipline to talk about too much today you know or tomorrow I should say even as though it were yesterday you have to be able to say all as well not here's my list of problems now if you're gonna have somebody else do all your stuff for you yeah come with your list but if you're gonna learn to walk in the power of God and have things happen for you on you know between you and God which is the essence of Christianity is that you have a direct connection with God to many people try to turn Christianity back into Judaism where we have a this priest system and we got to get to the man of God kind of like the woman did I got to go to him to get it and we turn it into that rather than going directly to God ourselves because we have that opportunity through Jesus to go directly to God and the purpose of the people that we look at and say if I can get to them I can get this and we need to realize that the purpose of the people you're talking about their purpose is to make sure that you know how to walk in faith hopefully like they do you know hope hopefully they are walking in faith too so we have to the purpose is not to get to them because they're special the idea is that they are training us to be like them again you've probably mentioned this a lot every evening when I go home in the last couple of weeks especially I pulled out a bunch of doctor some Rawls old videos and things that started going through and most of you have heard me say this and you'll see the difference and hopefully you can you know see the different seconds should say I've always told people you know cuz people said well you're just trying to make everybody you know like you and I've always said I'm not trying to make your bear like me I'm I'm really trying to make everybody like Jesus I you know and I've even said before I don't even want to be like me why would I want to make you like me right because I'm working on being more like Jesus and that's my intent and that's what I mean and but it's funny because I think it was a last night not before not before I was listening doctor some wrong and man you know you just you and I just say if any of you ever maybe got there one of my teachings on CD or something and or somebody else anybody else's and you've listened to them before but the next time you listen to them you hear something new and you think how did I miss that you know cuz because this time when you hear it it's like BAM right in your face and you're like whoa that that man that hits that's that's what I needed or what it and and yet it's not new it's on a CD it was already on there it didn't get added on there all right it was there you just didn't hear it and it could be maybe you heard something just before that and you're writing or you're thinking and you're not hearing it or it you know it takes you off so to me a good good teaching CD is one that I don't get to go all the way through it's one I have to stop about every two minutes and either make notes or you know I'll listen for two minutes and I'll pause it and then think for an hour or two while I'm driving and then I'll come back in and like I get all this line down the night and I'll push play again listen for another two minutes for other to me that's a good teaching why because it's not just going all the way through it actually causes you to actually engage what's being said makes you think about it makes you dig into it and so I'm listening to doctor some role in this and and he said and it just shows where he was at because whenever he said this he was elderly this he was actually in his early 80s and it's the thing as he got older he got a lot more I mean just and and sometimes I watch those videos and I really kind of felt sorry for the people in South Bend because he was constantly saying you know I should be in New Orleans that's where I was born down there it's 80 degrees right now and here up here it's you know 20 below zero and he's going on to them he goes nah I don't know why I'm here but God has me here so it has to be for you because I wouldn't be here for me he ain't just blasting these people you know it's like yeah don't you feel warm and welcome you know and so he's going on but he says and so he said and I was praying to God the other day about you people and he said and and and I'm trying to god how am I gonna get them to get this because they're not getting it and he said they should be walking in faith and if they'd walk in faith we could walk together and we could get more done but right now I'm walking in faith and having to drag them along too and he's talking to these people and he's telling this is what I'm praying to God about you but I got to drag you home right so I'm thinking maybe some prayers just are to be kept to yourself you know but I'm listening to him and he says and God spoke back to him and told him you need to reproduce you need to reproduce yourself in them they need to be like you and so he said so I found out my job is to make you like me and I heard that I'm like and and I realized now what I generally say is exactly the opposite because I'm telling I'm trying to make you like Jesus and when I say that I'm accurate I'm biblically accurate but yet when he said that he was also biblically accurate what because our job is to reproduce now if you can't reproduce yourself then you already know and if you're afraid to reproduce yourself you already know you need to change something and so you need to have the discipline to change what you need to so that you have no fear of reproducing yourself just like Paul said follow me as I follow Christ right and I will tell you when I when I heard that something clicked in me what because I realized that I have that in my growth because I'm growing right I haven't reached the end yet I'm still growing my faith is still growing and we God do some amazing things but I honestly believe and I want to say you know just straight out so you know God angels Devils Satan you everybody else can hear it too I ain't seen nothing yet to what I plan to see well because we have just scratched the surface of God's power being used to help people and we want to see much more amen we don't want to be satisfied with what we have seen I don't want to be that's one of the things that really bugs me when I go to Tulsa when I go to Tulsa I'll turn on the television and I hear the same people preaching the same thing they've been preaching for 40 years and they're telling the same testimonies and they don't have any new ones and it bugs me when I hear that and many of them I can say those same testimonies right along with them just and and I told God I said I don't want to be that and that will tell the testimony that God will thank God for them but we ought to always have fresh manna we always have new testimonies new things that are going on and you get to a place where you're not having new testimonies in your life you need to go back and figure out where you went off the exit on God's Highway because we should every day should be brand new for us every day should be greater better moving forward growing seeing more done for the kingdom of God but that requires a push but the first thing that requires in you is to start to change to think and speak the way Jesus did we can't say we have his mind and then we're going to walk as he walked if we don't change our mind to think the way he did and to speak the way he did it just won't work so we have to be and the thing is this is going to get very for some and get very boring and for others it's going to get annoying because some people just thrive on problems they want to hear the newest problem they want to hear the newest you know complaint or gripe or whatever it is that's going on what's the newest trouble going on and whenever you learn to walk and speak like Jesus you don't talk about that you talk about what what's going to be tomorrow but you talk about it today as if it was yesterday right and so you're talking past hence most of the time and you start this is what 11 this is I believed I have received I've got this now now watch will see it and so there has to be that change in its where and and really what we're trying to do here also is not just I'm not here just trying to minister to people in the sense of laying hands on people and people getting healed that's great but the real job here is to get everybody to grow up so that we're working together in this because together with we're all walking in faith we can do more than individually and it should be more than just in our lives you know yeah our lives should be such listen to the situation your life should be such that you don't have to dwell on it in other words your problems should be solved so that you can look at the problems that are facing the kingdom so that you're not always looking inside north and well here's the problem and it's what's going on here's what gonna be knowing not sure if I'm gonna keep my job I'm not sure what's going on there and my car is acting up and you know I'm like no I don't know what's wrong my kids they're just going crazy I don't know what's wrong with them no that's not how you should be living because if your mind's there then your mind can't be on expanding the kingdom and the reason we're on this earth is to expand the kingdom that's why we're here so we need to be getting our lives our lives in order so that we can focus on advancing the kingdom but to do that that means you have to start changing what you say because what you believe will come out of your mouth and if that's the case then you need to start changing what you believe so that what you believe lines up with the Word of God so that the Word of God comes out of your mouth and then you start looking ahead farmers don't go out and look in a field and go well there's there's nothing growing what did you plant something well no but you know I I just thought I would go ahead and get something anyway no farmers plant today for harvest tomorrow but see most people want the harvest today and they didn't plant yesterday words are seeds we know that from mark chapter four words are seeds you need a plant today what you want tomorrow but and now listen now think about that if your words are seeds and you're planting today some of you don't want what you're going to get tomorrow because of the seeds you plant today so you need to start planting seeds that matter today that will give you the harvest you want tomorrow so what does that mean quit talking about the problems you had yesterday and today because those are seeds you're planting and you're gonna reap them again tomorrow now you're letting the bad seed of today the bad problems of today become you're harvesting tomorrow because now you're planting the seeds of words in tomorrow's harvest so you have to at some point you have to say you know what there's the old saying the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago but the second best time to plant a tree is today and so yeah okay you've got problems some of them probably come because of some of the things you've said your words can be a snare the enemy can use that and so if that's the case quit saying that and decide today the problem is already there we'll deal with those but start saying today what you want tomorrow don't start don't keep saying today what you've got today or you'll have the same thing tomorrow start saying today what you want tomorrow you give that and when you start saying today what you want tomorrow then when tomorrow gets here you will actually have what you want rather than what you've had and so you start saying these things you start agreeing with God's Word you have to agree you're not agreeing with God's Word when you say God's going to heal me that that's not an agreement God didn't say he's going to he said he has so start saying that well but that'd be lying I'm not asking you for the facts I'm not asking how you feel I'm asking what do you believe you see it's not lying what you believe you're not you're not believe what you look at if you can only say what you feel then you're the one that's lying because your body is lying against the Word of God the Word of God says you're healed so I'm not asking you for the facts I'm not asking how you feel I'm asking what do you believe and if you believe the Word of God then you believe that by His stripes you were healed so I'm asking you to say what you believe not what you feel amen and when you start saying what you believe instead of what you feel you're not lying you're saying what you believe don't don't let somebody box you into a corner where you think you have to say what you feel see that's what they'll always try to do they'll try to back you into a corner where you feel like you have to say what you feel there's nothing in the Bible that says you have to say what you feel and usually it's only only the devil or people that work for him they try to get you to say what you feel rather than say what you believe that's why Smith Wigglesworth they they'd ask him you know once it he said well I listen I don't go by what I feel I go by what I believe and I believe the Word of God and then you say what the Word of God says so there is nothing anywhere that says you have to say what you feel so don't let people make you say what you feel say what you believe and if you say what you believe and if you believe the Word of God then what you feel will change you know if they ask you how you feeling well here's what I believe by stripes I'm healed well you know I'm just trying to figure out how's it going and then you say well by stripes I'm healed that's what I believe no no what do you feel byah stripes I'm healed that's what I believe right okay well you know yes just read it you're in denial yep I'm denying the devil to work in my body right what I admit in what God says is true and then the next day the next week whenever it is you can call them back as they you still want to know how I feel yeah I do I feel great one because I believed and now I'm walking in it amen don't listen the Bible says have an answer ready for any person that asks you of the hope that lies in you it does not say have an answer ready for anybody to ask you any question that they want to ask if you have an answer ready you should have an answer ready for the hope that lies in you what is your hope well your hope is that tomorrow you'll be healed and if you apply faith to it it shall be so remember a hope is not negative hope is the blueprint as they said hope it hope gives you the plan hope gives you the idea that it is possible didn't you go in the Word of God and you find faith to apply to the hope and then the hope becomes a blueprint that the faith surrounds two actually give you the structure of what you're believing so there's nothing wrong with hope you just can't stop with hope yeah if you stop with hope you know what we're just gonna pray and hope hope and pray well guess what you're not gonna get far you've got a hope and faith and then you'll have amen the hope gives you the structure for it yeah it gives you the the blueprint for it and so because of that then things will change if you don't have hope you'll never have faith to apply anything you get that faith is the substance of things hoped for if you don't have hope you got nothing to apply your faith to and you'll never have what you really want because you're not hoping hope gives you something to put your faith on hope gives you the the the are they called like the mistakes not just aches but like a tent you know the rods that hold up a tent that's hope and then faith is the covering that goes over it but it's those those rods and that structure and they're the support that the frame I guess we've got it's the frame in it that you put your faith on you got that if you don't have hope you'll never you're you if you don't have hope you just have a tent and that's just called a tarp right and you just throw it on the ground there it is flat so you need the frame of hope to give faith your structure so that you can walk in what you believe amen but you do that with your words you frame your life with your words and your words give no they they actually give life into the faith that is in your heart that you speak out your mouth you got that so whatever you want what have you been having I'm gonna tell you now if what you've been having is not what you want step one change your mouth start saying what you want not like you've had you say what you want amen and would probably talk about more for this later on but [Music] you you
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 27,797
Rating: 4.8105264 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: 4NXrfaWxcew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 38sec (3518 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2017
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