The Eyes Of The Lord || SML HD

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so remind me remind me there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nothing have I done to the [Music] worthy Oh it [Music] [Music] why you love me I just can't [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] remember [Music] [Music] [Music] let us pray God we thank you for who you are for what you have done for what you continue to do in and through our lives we bow in humble adoration to you I ask an O Lord to breathe upon this lump of clay grant that as I stand to deliver your word the Holy Spirit will anoint me in a very special way move as you have never moved grant O Lord at all persons in this audience and in other audiences will be touched by your mighty power the lost will be saved the backsliders will be reclaimed the Saints of God will be strengthened and every sick person in body and mind and spirit will receive healing and the gates of Hell shall be defeated in Jesus name Amen second chronicles chapter number 16 if maybe three verses there and then a verse from proverbs chapter fifteen maybe the verse three second chronicles 16 at that time from verse seven and Aniyah the seer came to a saw king of judah and said unto him because though hearts relied on the king of syria and not relied on the Lord thy God therefore is the most of the king of Syria escaped out of thine and were not the Ethiopians and elope iums huge post with very many chariots and arts men yet because thought its rely on the Lord he delivered them into thine hand for the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect towards him Aaron thou has done foolishly therefore from henceforth thou shalt of wars and he s that was wroth with the seal and put him in prison or in prison for he was in a rage with him because of this thing because of what the prophet says and ASA oppressed some of the people the same time proverbs 15 and verse 3 says the eyes of the Lord are in place beholding the evil and good so whilst second chronicles 16 and 9 tells us the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show himself strong and behalf of those whose heart is perfect towards him the wise man Solomon backs it up by saying the eyes of the Lord are in every place the Olding the evil and the good I'm gonna preach a message today that will make everybody happy everybody should be able to rejoice at this message whether you be saved or unsaved the worst of sin o the vilest among us or among men this most saved among us everybody should be able to rejoice because of this world now let me tell you why because the theme is the highs of the Lord and when you look at the text both of them number one The Chronicle tells us the eyes of the Lord run throughout the whole earth to hunt fro throughout the whole earth prove themselves strong and behalf of those arts were perfect towards him and then Solomon says the eyes of the Lord are in every place be all in evil and good so the point is these days when people are crying for justice we want justice and persons are not even assured that the justice system them will afford them true justice in the midst of all of that or the light of that people are disheartened and disappointed because the innocent might be found guilty and the guilty might walk free but when we know that the eyes of the Lord are in a heavy place beholding the evil and good and when we know that there is no partiality with Almighty God everybody then know that you will get your just reward everybody will get justice now you see why everybody can take it easy and rejoice because you hope your man knows that the highest of the Lord are watching him and he will get what he deserves the saints of God know that the eyes of God are watching and the saints will get what they deserve so nobody can cheat you out off God's justice are you following me so far nobody cannot cheat you so in the light of all of this my brothers and sisters knowing that it is God who sits on the throne an or that he is the one who sees and knows everything that happens everywhere and it doesn't matter if people false accuse you tell lies and you and assassinate your name your character and God knows that you're innocent he will deliver you is gonna give you your justice but on the other hand it does matter people put your the highest pedestal and make you is holiest among us and behind the corner God knows our you know that you are just a wolf in a sheep's clothing you are just a snake in the grass doesn't matter how high we put you know much we celebrate you you know that you're gonna get your justice also oh no Bishop you're not real you think I'm not real this is where we are in society today I heard about well the Ombudsman spoke about a type of vote-buying but she says might become prevalent in this election and if it is so there are those persons who can deceive the purchaser of the votes you seek so she who seeks the by vote can be received because that seller can take your money and when he or she goes behind that little place you're not saying nothing they just love what you said sure my idiot take your money and vote for somebody else are you with me but God knows God knows everything so don't worry about what people say false accusation and bad name don't worry about it if you're right you're right if you're wrong you're wrong if you're good you're good if you're bad you're bad if you're honest you're honest if you're dishonest you're dishonest and God high sees everybody and he is gonna reward everybody justly so everybody tell anybody Jesse James come on sinners rejoice Christian rejoice everybody get happy because his God gone Georgio not Minister Peter not bishop Davis as if some of us were to judge some of you you stand no chance oh you better believe it and if some of you were to judge some of us we stand no chance so the King James Version of proverbs 15 and 3 says the eyes of the Lord are everywhere well the NIV rather the NIV said the eyes of the Lord are everywhere keeping watch on the wicked and under good the Living Bible says the Lord is watching everywhere and keeps his eyes on both the evil and the good everywhere the contemporary English version says the Lord sees everything whether good or bad dear Jesus God's Word says the eyes of the Lord are everywhere they watch evil people and good people tell you nay but the Lord is watching you if you are good is watching you if you are he please watching you that's it you are good he's watching you you are hero is watching you watching so brothers and sisters let's not try to deceive ourselves I try to deceive God you cannot deceive God you're not saying I'm gonna take my time a little looking deceive God because many imposters are all over the place in pastas in church also report one thing but do another thing you know I was furthest in Catherine yesterday and someone is talking with me and said to me well Bishop you know I trust that person so much because of this status the person has in church I trust the person so much because the person is a minister the purse is a prayer warrior purses are held at the person's at this I'm just naming those offices but one of those office for sure and because I trust the person so much because of the position in the church I have been let down so badly man I said halt it hear me well do not just trust people because of the position they own Jesus says by their fruit you shall know them you must try the spirit the harm of flesh will fail you some of you don't love this message I soon start to preach the word don't just swallow think of fisherman on his food because of who persons say they are many evil people dress up and look nice and speak nice unseen eyes and preach good prophesy to pray like Gabriel - so Bishop what must I do then if I can't trust the people I mean of the church must I do get the gift of discernment ask God for the gift of discernment but when people come to you you do not just take them for their words what the Holy Spirit inside of you must connect your spirit must be a witness dear spirit because these are evil there's evil days evil days and when persons in the church come to you to borrow money from you it would be good you talked with me before you lend them your money now Mina they won't lend them and when the con you you come to me talk to me first and let me tell you don't touch that one with a long stick I will tell you to protect you dear God I will tell you far from that one have no part to fellowship with that one don't lend them your money I will tell you to protect you because there are those who have that kind of gifting their gift is to go through the church and sight a few people who think they can get some money from please let me talk long give me a break cite a few people to think they can get money from one sees them please them please the eyes of Lourdes I never place the only evil be Alling the good alright let's preach I've been talking when you look up the first 12 verses of Psalm 139 I will read them on preached for long don't you worry the first 12 verses of Psalm did I say 139 David addresses God and David spoke very candid to the all income passing knowledge of God the omnium nigh presence of Almighty God everywhere he is the only potential is God's David says O Lord though I search me unknown me though knowest might don't sit in a man uprising though understand that's my thoughts afar off the compasses my lying down and art acquainted with all my ways for there is not a word in my time but law Oh Lord don't knowa stitch all together thou hast beset me behind and before and laid on and that hand upon me such knowledge is too wonderful for me it is I I cannot attain unto it and the David raises a question here a few questions whither shall I go from thy spirit or whither shall I flee from thy presence if I ascend up into ever though I fear if I make my bed in hell be although out there if I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea even veer shoulder hand lead me on the right hand shall hold me if I say Charlotte darkness shall cover me even the night shall be light about the about me yeh the darkness hide it not from thee well the night shine it's a stain on the darkness and the light are both alike on to thee the highs of the Lord are in every place there's no place to run there's no place to hide from the all-seeing eyes of Almighty God so missing for those who think that you have gotten aware you're just getting by until if you do not repent you're just getting by until until she's getting by on - because he who covers his sin shall not press for what God wants us to do is to confess them for see if they might move on if a man say he has not sinned he make himself a liar all of sinned and come short of the glory of God but as Christians we should not continue in sin Oh shall we continue in sin that grace may abound God for the eyes of the Lord are you still with me there so when I read this I said David's God is he how a god this God that David describes here that not even the darkness can I hide anything from him the depth of the sea is like open before him this Dave is God how a God is he your God is he my god so why do we not reckon with what David I said and just come up front and straight to the Lord God Almighty and don't put on a show my wife Nora and I woke up three minutes after 3:00 this morning I spend my day stop three minutes after three and I could not go about to sleep I had to pray the way through and ask God to help me somebody say help him Jesus three minutes of the three on the dots the Holy Spirit knock me up I say God Almighty help me in the life of a minister so David tells us that this God is all-encompassing he tells us in his word this God tells us that his ability is above all when you look at the the ability of God's eyes the impartiality of God's eyes the fearless in judgment of God's eyes this core of God's eyes the scope of God's eyes if we really think seriously about this as believers we walk right now you're not saying nothing I'm the very fact that we do not know when our Lord will return we must live as touching edge believers not getting ready but ready waiting [Music] hallelujah hallelujah somebody give him praise there so in the light of this message my brothers and sisters every fear minded person every honest person every just person every righteous person should rejoice because nobody cannot deny you what is rightfully yours when God Almighty begins to give rewards and blesses people it doesn't matter what they think of you doesn't matter what they say about you the eyes of the Lord that have been watching you in also to vindicate you glory to God hallelujah somebody praise God here hallelujah there'll be no mystery in this cast this trial judge where God is concerned no six mystery God knows everything knows everything touch your neighbor and tell him everything everything so not only those people should rejoice whatever unfair person every dishonest person every unjust person unrighteous person should take comfort also comfort patient now you don't mean that comfort because it will pay every man according to your words you'll be paid according to your works about it you do not plant corn and reap ease whatsoever a man saw the Charlie Hall sorry he dat source of the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption he not saw to the spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace I know this would not be easy lift your hand I say help us Lord these eyes are everywhere and they see everything on everyone all the time oh praise God hallelujah you know rejoice saints of God because God is just God is fair are you with me and God has no favorites in any religion nor religious denomination God doesn't have any favourite in any of them so if you think he has some favorites in power of faith that we will overlook our sins wickedness you make a sad mistake if you think he has some favorites in your church to religious denomination because you've been around for 150 years 90 years whatever not breath here you make a sadness there he has no favorites in any religious denomination he has one requirement for everybody follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord I know you don't want this kind of preaching you know this you know you're these preaching very often going to heaven is a cakewalk of the fight the flesh see it I'm the devil principalities and powers Sun to fire yourself deny yourself you think is Ikea walk to heaven any man will come after me let him let him let him let him deny himself take up his cross follow me just got to heaven is a holy place somebody help me praise God over here hallelujah you know I'm glad I don't have to preach to impress anybody again you know oh no those days are long gone those are preachers were trying to make a name trying to make any and you impress are you not saying nothing a long time hallelujah hallelujah God has raised me up to let people know that is coming back again and he warns us to be ready to meet him when he comes by dead are by the rapture weird a tree fall dear will apply until Judgment take its course no repentance in the grave no part to the sinner when he dies and if you turn from your righteousness and go back to sin all of your righteousness are forgotten that's what the Bible teaches hallelujah somebody lift her hand and praise God let me move favorites marches 1627 says he will pay every man according your work shall be the eyes of the Lord they are marvelous robot is a marvelous the high signifies penetration it signifies sharpness it picks up everything like an eagle's eye an eagle sits way up on the rock and the mountain and he spots a little prayer way down in the earth I'd shoot down and picks it up because of the sharpness and the penetrating power of its eye somebody say help us Lord Hebrews chapter 4 and verse 13 read with me please Hebrew for 13mm Jesus eyes of the Lord is Hebrews chapter 4 and verse 13 what it says neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight but all things are naked and open unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do is not the bishop you're doing this thing with you're not saying nothing all things are neck and open unto the eyes of him with whom we have to deal with you deal with him in your bedroom is not mere dealing with you're dealing with him in your kitchen you deal with him in your car I'll meet you in church for the better part are you with me somebody but the God with whom we have to do in Panama in here in China don't tone uptown New York we have a passage for pitchfork port March America the God with whom we have to do anywhere we are everything is naked and hop on up to his eyes do you find it in your Bible dear God so when you're in your little corner tear alone on criticizing people he's hope unto the eyes of God you're not here with me when you dress up funny way and gone to help your man Hurley who was in the morning and I our talks if remote a country out at home nobody don't care and discern you he's open to the eyes of God dear God when you disguise yourself and join the latter line is open to the eyes of God when you send your boy or girl to abiding on my god knows that is your Sandown you only preach this gospel ear open to the eyes of him with all we have to do louia those of you plan to sell your vote I hope nobody does that don't sell your vote vote your conscience vote for the is a candidate that you believe God would have you to vote for who will make a good contribution to the community don't trick them on take the money unarmed the money or no afford for them excuse me please you'll be a deceiver you don't want me preach the truth and God don't bless deceive us forgot to bless jcoppy us to warn up to everything why you're not saying nothing I'm a supplant I'm a Jenelle I'm a crook but Lord here am i truth with our sword unto thy servant for with my staff of my cross over this charter a fart no heir to victory on unjustly what I've mercy upon me an angel came as a hawk he heard you I heard you Jacob tell your neighbor let's come clean less completely less company there is anybody on earth that should be trustworthy 110 percent is a child of God wherever you work there shouldn't be worrying about your stealing anything you're not a thief you're a Christian [Music] you owe me anything because you're not the thief you are Christian Jesus I [Music] didn't people think I'm stealing them hide them in your bargain rob the cash register I know how to fix up the numbers come on it's open to the eyes of God we're getting the church right but Jesus is coming again hallelujah give Him praise down there all right flip over to first Peter Hebrew James Peter first Peter chapter 3 flip over first Peter chapter 3 let's look at verse 12 on 13 first Peter 3 what we find here [Music] and his ears are open onto there but the face of the Lord is against them but do evil and oh you see that will harm you if you be followers of that which is good who can harm you who can stop you who can stop your blessing when the highest of the Lord how are you watching you and God decides to bless you to raise your who can stop God well you're not saying anything here this is C you know because we get it wrong we're looking for somebody who can pull a string for us pull a string and set you up look to god man God will use people but look to God let him be your source what the counselor said I'll lift my eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help my help comes from the Lord I told you this in on I mean it's about rough times in ministry rule off times all kinds are off times but there's certain things that I would never do and I've not done today by the grace of God you're not saying nothing and one of them is savour on borrow money from church members Oh No if I'm dying from hunger a diet of God's and food never brother Markland never bar a dollar from a church remember this is a third Church as I'm past three pioneers many others never bar anybody personal money no no don't do that I have a certain Stern that I live by you're still with me there and that's one of them lift your eyes unto the hills and let God supply your need let God take care of business you're not saying nothing hallelujah many other such turn as I have set myself and by the grace of God upon you today His grace has sustained me somebody gave him a praise down there I can't just go in the wind on floor with the tide you have to set yourself stand out and live by them if I perish I perish but I must see the king glory to God let's try and finish him who can argue towards those I is those same eyes in which Noah found grace in the midst of chaos in the midst of all kinds of sin when God was about to destroy the whole heart mankind anymore the very thoughts of his heart he evil continually it was in the midst of that chaos that Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord you can find that same amazing grace in the midst of all that something around us you can live a victorious Christian life in the midst of all of the mess that is going on you can't stand up as a true soldier of Jesus Christ you don't have to bow to the devil's level Oh tell your neighbor you don't have to borrow oh no you don't have to borrow Noah found grace lifter analyst and or give me grace come on say it like you mean it mm-hmm lord give me strength to make my way my lord you saw someone you know it yeah that's a good song give God praise down there hallelujah I hope you know Amazing Grace equally Amazing Grace somebody praise the Lord with me Jesus the patriarch job I'm closing Joe in chapter 34 let's look at him 34 Joe chapter 34 and verse 21 the patriarch has something to say for his eyes are upon the ways of man and if all is goings there is no darkness nor shadow of death where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves can I read it again there is no darkness now shadow of death where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves for he will not lay upon man more than right that he should enter into judgment with God in other words when God gives you your justice you cannot complain he shall break in pieces mighty men without number and set others in their stead he lifts up when he puts down hallelujah to the lamb there he northfield works an overturn at them in the night so that they are destroyed his trike at them as wicked men and open sights of others because they turned back from him and would not consider any of his ways job says be careful there is no darkness no shadow of death where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves Christian people everywhere all denominations home and abroad there's no place to hide from God no place cover up in the church but you are not hiding he sees you use your office in the church and do anything you feel like doing and people still respect your God knows you don't want me preach they don't know that these things are going on god help us god help us build galas for your brothers and your sisters and sign your death warrant and war like you don't know nothin bout it God knows our Lobos shame our curse at glory to God hallelujah God knows God knows Psalm 11 finished for the Lord is in his holy temple the Lord's throne is in the oven his eyes behold his eyelids try the children of men the Lord tried the righteous but the wicked on him that loveth violence is soul a death upon the wicked he shall rain snares and fire and brimstone and a horrible Tempest this shall be the portion of their Cup for the righteous Lord loveth righteousness is countenance doth behold the upright people who want to hear them kind of something here these days you want to hear it what have you come to power of it you're gonna hear it cuz we preach the on compromised word of Almighty God halleluyah halleluyah it's a Word of God says the Bible speaks fight with god and the word not with the bishop are you still with me god this is not the preacher was looking for fame and popularity and people's or Nareesha or no God no I'm not I told you sometimes over you know those who really love me and really really love me you love me because the love of God is in your heart it's not because I'm a walkover it's not because I'm a compromiser because I preach hard truth from the Word of God give him praise they give it to more scripture and finish Psalm 94 still in the song 9 to 4 and verse 9 read them skip show over and over again and fill your heart with the Word of God did I say 9 to 4 and verse 9 what do we see there he appears shall we not see God put ears in your head study not here he part eyes in a head shall he not see so some people are like God now I see God Almighty a fellow who lugosi be your form the ears Charlie not hearing you Charlie Nazi he gives you here's an entire he gives you eyes and he can't see no so the eyes of the Lord are 'never plies beholding me he blunder good the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous and his ears are open to their cry somebody say men are less close five minutes of screams I want to leave you for brief examples of the eyes of the Lord penetrating situations that nobody knew happened you know preacher stand on preachin people have the audacity to set people to only pastor something somebody tell them no God God is a revealer of Secrets he reveals things with somebody tell him okay say five minutes mistake it the eyes of the Lord being every place we all in the evil and the good they're the texan ii kings chapter 5 verse 20 22 and verse 24 27 or read them all I tell you the store because you know it new Haman came to him Elijah he said hi Jer Elijah Elisha God is healing everybody's a healing Naaman was a wealthy man so he brought all kind of stuff to give them out of God to give him this and give the prophecy horno freely give freely receive with Ohio things go on with it Elijah has a server named to his eye when gasps I saw that his master did not collect from Damon he watched me him on good on the road and then also know a run behind the Haman and lied on the prophet said the Prophet sent me to collect from you because some people come into the city and he wants to help them so give me her that you had planned to give to Elijah and he collected all of the spoils and took them nobody knew about gays I and Naaman Elijah was sitting wherever when yes I came Elijah asked him which part you go where you went as I he said I went nowhere my master Jesus the Prophet just leave balances together I did not my heart went with you my spirit followed you and from this moment the leprosy met him and shall cleave unto you Shak home all of us at the moment is pocket yes I was stricken with leprosy walk out why the snow never recovered God reveals things did not my heart went with you did not my spirit follow you if someone you don't know that has passed us when we spend time in our prayer closets hurrying and travailing to God for some of you if you do not know that I was very struck you you make us up mr. Schirach you follow you that's one example another example in 2nd Samuel chapters 11 and 12 you know that one to a situation with David Bathsheba Uriah and the prophet Nathan nobody know that story alright you know it prophet Nathan come to David and gave him a little story about a parable about what happened to what a rich man did to a poor man your lemon kill them on baby so who know that man must be put to death the highs of the Lord aren't everyplace be only me here under good and all someone you can't take this message but all you up to this a ship upon get right god no send it to her to send it to help you not to hurt you more to help you not to hurt you but to help you shape up [Music] when the profit net and open his mouth and looked on King David was the king maybe we do respect is you killed a man and tech where's one your nummies your king is you what shoot can hit hard sometimes but it is shoot that sets men free if I had gotten into the text of second chronicles of earlier parts you would see a difference between King ASA and David when the Prophet prophesied - he saw so because he refused to listen to God and you do all I'm the stop God depart from your kind of stuff you know what he said did he put him in prison cause he had the power to do it is a king look at David when Natan looked him straight in the eyes and say you are the man if they have mercy upon me O God according to that loving kindness of my tender mercies blot out my transgressions purge me discipline I shall be clean wash me and I shall be whiter make me to know joy and gladness not the bone which are broken look at the difference [Music] you not response God send a message to help some people and they turn their own want to kill the messenger he sends it to help you not to hurt you the eyes of the Lord yowling - here under good somebody lift up your hands and praise God somebody praise God [Music] Jesus Jesus hallelujah look at the difference with believers some will repel and curse and all kinds of stuff just with humble themselves i said lord help me let me give you two wonderful ones I gave it to terrible ones and I stopped the eyes of the Lord listen what boys say - Ruth forever what boy said to Ruth the peasant girl who decided we're not going backslide they all grew up in our box Lane I mean I leave no ever been nob ox lad McLaws emptier I mean not about sliding when she tucked into the fields boss came and said war is this toplessness they say she take care of Naomi and boss it has been told to me how one hurt he knew only God knows it has been told to me how you cared for your mother-in-law after the death of her husband and your husband or your stop by her no because you've done all of that I want you going to the fields and I have charged a young man nobody taught you I told him when they are gleaning then was let unfold drop on purpose so you just pick them up your own after work or just pick them up and any time you feel thirsty go right into my chamber and sit with my man and cool out in there the highs of the Lord and you know how this story ends he doesn't stop there after a while boa said there's a blessing for you and he took her hand in marriage and Ruth became his wife somebody says something there when God gets ready to bless you you don't even know that he's working on your behalf until he walks in silence sometimes silence when Ruth was going through she never knew love and compassion and care that she gave to her mother-in-law reach the ears of the Richmond Richmond Sarah good woman about Mario somebody praise him I closed up the final one and you can close your Bible but the story in Esther chapter 6 asked to do with Mordecai Oh Damon are you with me and Queen Esther the story is the King's life was speared and somebody ought to report that they were after to kill the king but nobody took time to honor that person who saved the King's life and when Mordecai's life was on the line because Hema not built his gallows and everything was in place they came called for the books of The Chronicles and it was revealed to him but how a plot was made on my life and I don't even know who divulge it the king in court and found out who it was and said what was done to this person said nothing was done my Lords and King Arthur - at the gate so come on in Haman and when he came in the King asked what shall be done unto the man who became chose to honor a name on a man began to spell it all he must ride on the king second horse and chariot he must get one of the Kings rolled he must get the Kings ring he must be walked through the street and it must be song that loud and clear in every province this is a man whom the King Djoser because a man thought it would have been him but the eyes of the Lord everybody said the eyes of the law the eyes he knows how to open a book that is closed my durable SATA stun with me everybody to log start at me God eyes nose or to open a book that is close all to uncover deeds that should be rewarded when the King said to Haman all that you have said let everything be done unto your greatest enemy are your henna members become your footstool call for Mordecai get the chariot get the robe get the ring get ready for the parade for the eyes of the Lord are in every place beholding the evil and the good somebody praise God Jesus somebody said Jesus somebody said Jesus know that we know with more certainty where the eyes of the Lord are they are in every place and what is eyes see they see both good and they see evil and who those eyes see they see everybody what should we do what should our response be know that we know more certainly where the eyes of the Lord harm yeah we're not even darkness on it from him no we know what they see they support good and even good people and bad people what will your response be to the Word of God Jesus righteous people you can rejoice take comfort those who are persecuted for righteousness sake blessed are ye people try to put you down but God will lift you and when he leaves you nobody can put you people try to curse you what God will bless you when he blesses you nobody can curse you hallelujah they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount [Music] trash - a neuron and not [Music] not fair do you see to lift up your hands and singing again [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] get me on sale [Music] interesting who need to get some pitch right [Music] [Music] if I wait for the Lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] outside way to the Lord [Music] it's me [Music] to give again as I wait [Music] this [Music] [Music] everybody showed the Lord now in the ways that you can't come on reach out in praise and thanksgiving reach out in Pryor reach out in Honor action reach out to the Lord let it pour some strength in you you got to run and win you got to walk and win in the name of Jesus talk to the Almighty God everybody prayer right now he hears any hunters fired [Music] Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music] talk to the other ninety god [Music] torture people lift up your people [Music] set your people free by your body power [Music] yes [Music] get the strength of Almighty God to win all of your battles get the strength of Almighty God to conquer your foes get the strength of Almighty God to stand when it matters most get the shreds of Almighty God torture people many city of people save them he'll deliver them set them free precious Lord let not want or no not one be denied the power of God Oh God Almighty not one not one not one not one Jesus you said the afflictions of the righteous are many but you delivery them out of them all you keep all this bones not one of them is Brooke Shah Baba Jose Ted yes sir yes sir in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus save the lost reclaim the backsliders heal the sick strengthen the believers glorify your name [Music] what son so true the fire all through the blood in the name of Jesus [Music] in the name of Jesus [Music] thank you Jesus they can change [Music] minister holy spirits those who need it most those who need it most in this hour stunned by their stand by that with invention [Music] Jesus Jesus outside wage upon the law [Music] lift up your hands and give God praise in the office come knowing all doctor please come on open up your boat glorify the god of ever whoa back in ship the kid well I shut the kid ship [Music] father in Jesus name I pray for every person in my audience pray for the mighty touch of your Holy Spirit upon every one those were not saved I prayed I just saved them now by your precious blood those who once walked with you what they have strayed from the path I pray that you bring them back Jesus in the name of Jesus oh god those are Inbetweeners help them to get under Lord side completely today and I pray that just trenton the saints of God restore the Saints of God who have fallen in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth let your name be glorified in all of us and eyes your eyes run through the all earth be alling the evil and the good we pray Lord God that you bless the righteous those who are still walking on righteously that you turn them around so that they too can be recipients of your blessings in Jesus name we pray amen amen clap your hands and praise God in the house stand with me everybody or you'll see to stand up stand up just under point your Ando near let's pray for the candidates who are down here this Coast Guard to help them they shall be peaceful God's will be done father we pray over these your servants who have offered themselves local leadership and a port more municipality we ask you to be with them as they go through the period of campaigning we ask Oh God Almighty that will be peaceful for all in all of the communities in all of the divisions Oh God let not the enemy show his ugly head and cause anim hem in any of our communities let no life be lost in the name of Jesus Christ and as we pray for these of the Jamaica Labour Party we pray for those of the People's National Party stand by them all we pray to God you know who your hands are laid upon and you shall give them your favour in the name of Jesus Christ bless that we pray thee and grant our there'll be men and women of peace and integrity and honor God they shall lead those who have been chosen a man and bring glory to your name and a blessing to Portmore in Jamaica cover them under the blood and over the only entire Pirates of Jamaica all the parishes Lord entire island of Jamaica be there with them we pray in jesus name amen and amen somebody praise God well go back to your seat giving God praise also give your heart to Jesus you know what to do from here on you're here to serve you god bless you god bless you yeah god bless you somebody showed something there you know a little scripture but the reason why I'm leaving this Life Church [Music] [Music] [Music] god bless you be seated please anybody got challenged here this morning with held glory the Lord is good all right we are going to collect your old friend at this time I need you to bring me the offering box gentlemen don't bring back those those jars bring me the box let me tell you why this morning's offering you want to be dedicated [Music]
Channel: PFMFamilySermons
Views: 4,759
Rating: 4.4166665 out of 5
Id: onrYuntCfSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 37sec (6337 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2017
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