The Conspiracy Collection Reveal | Jeffree Star x Shane Dawson

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Okay I actually kind of like the new packaging. It’s a lot better than the old one.

👍︎︎ 154 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

I would like to thank Garrett for gracing us with his presence

Edit: thanks, i want him to father my children

2nd edit: I'm gay so I cant have kids, but you get the idea

👍︎︎ 278 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

I loved the part where they showed Garret and Morgan the palettes it just made my heart so warm inside

👍︎︎ 95 👤︎︎ u/fredsandiford4 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

Jeffre stars cosmetic production team is a fcking dream.

He has a top tier team behind him, everything around the product is multi million worthy, the highest of quality i have ever seen in term of production and caring, no wonder they showed everything about the production, they were confident with themselfs and it shows, every person featured in jeffre's production team seems top tier.

And Ana's face when shane finally saw the final product was tear worthy, u could tell she worked her ass off and gave her all for the product.

Shane having a collab with jeffre was the best to happen to him.

everything about Shane's palette and collection is high quality as fck, this can be the biggest launch in the history of beauty market.

You know u are getting every penny worth in that product. Shits gonna sellout in minutes.

👍︎︎ 214 👤︎︎ u/Nicer_Chile 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

OK what the fuck I only just realised it had the full price list in the description box.

Conspiracy Palette - $52

Mini-Controversy Palette - $28

SHANE x JEFFREE Palette Bundle $72

Shane x Jeffree Conspiracy Collection Bundle (All Makeup + Black Imprint Travel Bag) - $210

The Gloss: Shane Glossin’ clear gloss - $18

Diet Shane lip balm - $18

Velour Liquid Lipsticks ($18):


Are You Filming?

Jeffree, What the Fuck?


I Gotta Go

Oh My God

Shane x Jeffree Velour Liquid Lipstick Pig Bundle - $90

Black & Pink Pig Hand Mirrors - $30

Conspiracy Track Jogger - $45

Conspiracy Track Jacket - $55

Shane x Jeffree Imprint Travel Bag - $30

Shane x Jeffree Black Double Zip Makeup Bag - $40

Shane x Jeffree Pink Double Zip Makeup Bag - $40

Shane Dawson Accessory Bag - $30

Shane Dawson Pink Side Bag - $35

Shane Dawson Black Side Bag - $35

👍︎︎ 148 👤︎︎ u/FindingAlaska 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

I don't know if it's real but them creating a sense of scarcity in the video is brilliant marketing.

👍︎︎ 148 👤︎︎ u/carefulcomputation 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

I feel like someone could do a marketing dissertation on this whole series.

Like we’ve literally just willingly watched an hours long ad. I think it’s brilliant way of selling product that’s super unique to today’s world.

👍︎︎ 73 👤︎︎ u/GossipStoned 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

Fuck they had two million unique hits on the merch launch. That wasn’t planned. What the fuck Jeffree.

👍︎︎ 128 👤︎︎ u/FindingAlaska 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 62 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2019 🗫︎ replies
so what's next shame to us okay so are we gonna have to do like a big shoe for the pallet and also the lip stone and also how does that work Oh like for our collection yeah we would do what see this is what I would love to get your guys's thoughts the crazy thing is obviously everyone's following this journey so no one's ever like seen sneak peeks before products been you know any means I don't know how much of things you guys are showing it like the packaging of the colors or is anything black and white or are they seeing like everything forever like I guess I don't know how it's gonna go but normally yes we would shoot a reveal video the whole series is revealed that's what I'm saying this is a whole different thing this is like on me ever creating a highlighter we're doing a [ __ ] t90 means it's so we make it different I guess it's like how are you guys gonna play or show like I don't think you should show all 18 in the beginning I've more showing that with that great Runkle and pulling them walking I mean by big showing like some and letting them fall in love and I'll see you making that shade in the lab is so big and cool yeah like a hundred percent I just think you don't draw all eighteen I think doing or be on your channel is the best way to do it I love that yeah it's done and named I'm like it's the time of the season where the runner's high in this time give it to me easy and let be tried with pleasure TAS take you in the Sun too and show you everyone it's the time for see [Music] [Music] holy [ __ ] what yeah okay I am still [ __ ] [ __ ] there's a lot of people here so we're gonna quick run through how this all works cuz I need you guys both to be very aware of how massive this is going to be and how our teams are reacting to it so you guys kind of understand what's happening on the web side of things the people you were pretty it's not everybody but it spans pretty much the most important people from all sides the killer merch team is you know some of the art team wait oh yeah a thing about my new brand yeah [Music] a lot of our web team and then our warehouse team the product that we're planning on launching about 10 times what we normally would do please turn off your radios thank you so we're just going to put never gonna lose all these people and then we'll talk about art you know the first thing that I guess we want to talk about is we're going to actually shut down killer merch for a week and I'll they'll be part of the Jeffery shipping team so it's basically on the triple our amount of shipping you know I'm capability as well to be mad I would turn to so long to ship but since you're just so massive on a real level like we're gonna have to have someone else help ship this is all these are all the powders that are already already printed we're totally fine with it I think it's always smarter so all the customers and everyone gets their [ __ ] early and not wait so long we know okay how do we know like you how do we know that we're gonna sell like I feel like people are excited and everything but like how do we know I don't know I just can't imagine like that many people actually do you know I mean I know I mean I feel that on the sense that the merchant the merchant merch launch alone was the number one traffic site on Shopify that day we had over two million unique visitors and that was on a launch that was not planned in the sense that the fans didn't know what it was actually going to go up mark has some questions about your quality of March and you'd liked him maybe offered to make it better so what I what I'm here for finish it wait something so um Patrick you know from the office he's here and I think he brought a merge sample for you of a hood oh that's him okay oh my god he has won your honey's okay let's go over the right now holy [ __ ] oh my god I just oh my god my name on a tag I think this is really cool I thought maybe you could help me [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they said there's been a million visits in 20 minutes [Music] my god oh my god holy cow when I like promote like a shirt like I'll go check out my shirt guys like it sells and whatever but like I'm not so much thousands of anything a day how do you do 20 hours before remember we really just said it really like once and you had more traffic on your merch store with us barely sneaked taking it than my jawbreaker launch yeah I already have shot by contacting us asking us for all the details of everything says they just want to make sure that they're ready but they're pretty much ready for like full infrastructure to make sure that everything works correctly so yeah it's good what was your question like you think oh my god yeah it was it's really crazy I was smelling Andrew we've already outgrown this but one from the beginning of the series yes we've already basically outgrown in this is where we just shipped all your merch this is my computer for here so it's like the last time I left the house was when we came here we've already outgrown this building and now so concerned of if it's going to sell out just how we're gonna handle it when it sells out because we're we're pretty much all whole entire thing you know filming is all an experiment but I think as we're getting so closer everyone is falling in love with it so much so I actually a month or two ago me and Martin we were ever nervous it was just like I wonder what's gonna happen like what somehow maybe have I'm gonna give you the total palette number and now we're really like scared you're scary like it might all sell out in like an hour so are like we need a to be order enough like we're actually happy that conversation versus like oh my god we've invested so much my name to this let's pray I'll take it it all works out now we're sitting obviously like we're scared or like um I got me to work more November 4th like that my name or my tall flop and homeless okay so back to business yeah we're gonna start rolling pallets probably today if not tomorrow this is what the bundles will come look like so this is this is your bundle this is the conspiracy and then this is mini so when you start make the products really do unlimited things if you want your own exchange we should tissue paper with your face outline [Music] pretty monumental because there's a lot to show you we got files right [Music] [Music] oh I was even noticed that I don't know what you're laughing it you can't even see it you can't see my D peppers now you can thank you taking this very seriously okay watch it the photo shoot this is like a really big deal basically I ran my face from the UVs I'm really excited I'm like not even nervous I know I should be nervous because I hate me I can write hate having my picture taken you have all the jawbreaker please no one's seen those yeah I want I want you to see what wild things that we can do with CGI with also props and James 2:30 well this guy is better than bass channel [Music] this is gonna be like satis that they supposedly have been building I haven't seen anything but we talked to director willing wait I've never done a photo shoot before yeah what do we do ha ha ha I kind of came up with the story rather than just like hey let's do this so it's like a whole like a movie you fail you pitch us some ideas about it we'll start working on it with him he'll come by a full presentation crazy so basically what I do is I run my 3d program and I started like playing with stuff so I basically like the walls oh right yeah yeah whoo you meet that how did you do that wizardry yeah yeah so basically what happens is you're on their own line and you see this Geoffrey start climbing kit that you're gonna do what she's doing yourself so that's why like this story and then I also made 3d renders of like kind of like the vibe you know you just ordered you a kid my like the campaign photos what we can do is like yeah so for this what listen we already took that to the next level so you now you show the world and tell this in the correct way yeah because I didn't want it so sickening and and I wanted to you know make it more cinematic because it's like I think one of the biggest things ever and make up words across them like you know so I wanted to make sure that we do something that's like legit well so this is like the coolest thing ever how do we do this what do we do what we do two days and cram it all and just kill themselves alike no way they're gonna look forever we feel it except in my wardrobe plastic surgery you both have to heal yeah no I know that you like this but I'm sure if you wanted like pigs and you like on top of up like with bacon I gotta know why I think that's what we started and then we said hey it's time to grow up and let's move on to the next day yeah let's turn it up I definitely did not want to bring a boring suite for you I feel like there's so much we can do I mean just a matter of like how far you want to take so far [ __ ] is always wearing clothes oh yeah definitely that's where we start to dress like I was gonna come back yeah it is crazy as of tomorrow it'll be less than three months and all the make up in less than three months I feel like I've been working on this for 17 years so I am [ __ ] way holy [ __ ] this has been life consuming yeah what I said you been flashed back to the plug-in hotel room do you know that you're getting yourself into like an actual life like it's not like a series like we're filming it but that it is what you have to be going [Music] I feel like the reason that this isn't working for me is because like if we can make is the TV but then it's like there is no TV that looks like this or this more like just to start out a fun now okay but then do you want this in a keep TV Silas I was saying that blasting static would be really cool there's that okay let's take a look at wait wow it looks so good what feels good I'm waiting for this moment [Music] [Music] whoa this one oh my god I was on camera yeah I got a [Music] this is yeah I haven't seen the final not like lying to be on camera this is because I didn't know they're gonna go this thing so I'm like okay what's first touch it first [Music] turn [Music] you can photo shoots you can do video work to commercial in here that's like a movie here at this scene is where you're gonna be abducted right and you're doing like this like no don't and check reason to be like Flajnik don't leave me here yeah [Music] so basically the story is about you are in this secret wait I didn't know he's gonna make this big [ __ ] deep black spiral lighting the website meet you [Music] so I walk in the door I've seen none of the studies really fast yeah I have a question for you for real I don't know it's up to you I guess whatever you feel would be better for you any sorry that didn't help it's okay everything's great I just have to answer a question um but I don't know why our lives are so [ __ ] gnarly so I'm like Andrew do I just not tell Shane anything and just fake it and have other perfect day or do you want to know what's going on um it's not it's nothing career-wise it's nothing money it's nothing drama it's just personal I just about my family and my dogs know what I have daddy in the emergency room right now so if you weren't here and all of this great magic wasn't here I would have canceled today he's having neurological problems I don't want to get into a really deep because I don't want to cry every time I see Shanna cry Andrew whether it's good or bad so actually before I walked in here ain't called me we've been waiting for the test results so last night that he had an MRI I kept being watered and I thought it was from the pain medicine from his back but it was his brain and it's like swollen and I'm just like so on the way here I'm like oh my god I don't I'm just gonna not tell anyone I was gonna suck it up bubble up my mood has just shifted because it's a lot better than an hour ago okay I could need I can't believe it because at the end of the day to me this is so special and I'm like eh unless my dog was like dying for real fur oh I'm not gonna count so like this is your day this is so special and everyone in there has been so much time and energy building all this next-level bigger than anything we've ever done so I didn't want to like walk on Sam you like I'm too fast it's just like [ __ ] man how many curve balls are we gonna be thrown you know but a problem with my life in 2019 is all these things right before every single launch the it was stolen we're a million dollars of blue lighter so which is so mind-numbing and then diamond who has been sick for a few years to pass away the day before I'm announcing jawbreaker I'm just like okay what's going on okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nobody's ever and now after diamond it's like Anand Deva started having a coffee other day like he's had it before so it was like I imagined three out of five dogs are having issues any flaw on just like you're so triggered the dogs are lives you know look at how then does it all Nate's kids all four of them delicious daddy and didn't she yeah it's just it's crazy so it's hard to enjoy it you know what I mean it's like she just passed away the next day it's like number one trending everyone thinks the collections sick he was sent me the sweetest text not knowing anything that was going on I like balling my husband on the kind of couch like I can't enjoy a celebration it's like me and my team spent months creating ideas obviously you don't know everything the shade names the floater shoots everything and then to build up do not will be able to watch it's just like it's a map so this is hard where it's like sadness makes with so much greatness that now our lives it just gets old I kind of enjoy launch that alien pal happened it was like my biggest launch today then at night the fire is your housemate 15 tons of celebrities posting on social media about their homes being in the path of a fire by all means we cancel I'm just like I just gonna try lunch and I'm just sitting here like [Music] I mean are you [Music] [Music] [Music] wait this is actually crazy we haven't been I mean we came in here a year ago this is so weird what is this remember yeah so this is so this is actually the first room I ever entered when I had my very first meeting to present my ideas to the owner grant director so this was the first place I was ever here in this building [Music] lately legs yeah that it is greatly helpful circled some all but this it yeah like you're gonna let me try to get the perfect the right framing is this Jeffrey was right there you're right [Music] hi guys yeah oh my gosh oh yeah it's like okay so they'd only last year okay everything is running we've already been getting deliveries we've been hiding them we've covered the names and everything where you can have a robbery this year again slaving I can't believe it's like being printed and we were just sitting here and think what if we're done one day same chairs but I think with your creativity it could be a knockout well that's crazy come on idea okay honey I can't wait see you sell blood sugar look like last time a assemble lot but this is a woman thing like saying like just trade all the little piglets anybody have I can't I can't wait I just thought all the lip swatches back all the images and yet it also occurs right now man whoa seeing that shade mine or supposed to get shade on that stone it's really nice [Music] [Music] all right ready where should we start with yeah I think we want to go through production first yeah and then we want to be present okay already I can't wait to come when they're manufacturing air power a human to sing your name there and then running full panic attacks the room has a lot of energy in it I love that or I didn't go to sleep like three holy [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] got all these boxes these are my new ideas literally she did it like an hour that's pretty but basically it was a triangle the center at the top like created like a little pyramid on top so I whoa whoa wait this is looking so [ __ ] good wait it's like whoa that's a very very weighty oh my god wait what the [ __ ] why are you so good at this holy [ __ ] this literally fits in with the rest of this felt like this is what I literally sleep saw in my head and I couldn't figure it out like this is everything so I guess we're just sketching to them and just hopefully doesn't matter like hi here's our idea I don't know down for this mic okay oh my god first touch at first should I live yes so we have different options for leather and artwork I'm all right 2:00 in the morning I think she's here I mean that holy [ __ ] [Laughter] [Music] do we want the spiral here or do I love the leather but I also love this shiny with the wheel of leather moment but this is already done yeah we've done [Music] thank you so much yeah I can kill we wait wait you guys should like hold it up or something together so there's a record oh my god oh my God my heart's racing this is crazy we kid it to the next level here's all the unit cartons for it because that could be the smart I want off the show spiral oh my god oh my god [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it's so crazy oh yeah yes perfect [Music] thank you I give up it's finally almost coming out it's so that's crap I left my house in two minutes the last time I was my house is mine thank you [Laughter] okay Oh shame I feel guilty but I want to hear in the back because there's so much shame merging and makeup that you can't one of the whole pathway to shut down we're violating 20 codes its shipping who's there all in the next building now and this is all your church and all of your makeup stuff now white shop plays all change this is actually no makeup this is only the accessories I'm so sorry oh yeah there's a lot of that conspiracies on the other side it's all that we have it all wrapped up in a no I'm gonna read the labels breathtaking [Music] so this is for the makeup bags and both TIG mirrors that's all that's over here oh yeah a lot of help of Jesus [Laughter] Jesus has anyone turned off an imprint drop a bag we also put a counter spike like a mechanical like you take the big spike because this is everything Wow like the stars I'm incredible how are your Navy when the credits work would you be my killer when I'm low would you be my dealer would you do it by surprise and when you turn around could you let them inside it comes down to I love it oh right never seen them probably okay so this will be clear inside all I just like Justin please regularly clearly he's been oh my gosh it's a good time [Music] wait let me yeah let me get up you gotta walk [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] wow this is all the chips now when you said it's like an elbow it's like a collection this looks like a [ __ ] like like what how is that Anna yes all right now our YouTube channels Facebook banners Twitter Manito we want to do some customizing things and like use our photo shoot everything so like before the launch at combined minutes before we just change it all okay so let's pick some images so these guys can start trading stuff okay yeah that's a second look you guys what that has I mean that's like the one we were like at the photo shoot and we were looking at stuff for the first time that's the one we were all like this is like a movie poster there's no word for my very good ever so good whoa folk is perfect right there whoa that's honestly the wiser so we can stop shooting now this needs to be when you click the site for the first time so we really did that [Laughter] she makes amazing you're a guerrilla team confidence Andrew what do we having some up today I don't know I think it's just crazy that you guys are just right here like seemed like yesterday thinking about in shape you know I feel like yesterday we were playing the Sacramento what do we do I don't know he said he had a surprise for me lost track of how many times [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] my gender I don't remember okay there's a lot happening today so yesterday I would didn't even know this was happening but Ana came in with the final conspiracy palette black chrome clasps the full work so I'm like so that sums it up maybe I'm getting drilled I'm so basically going here I was surprised that movie that's way okay oh my god wait I didn't know this is happening so soon okay final packaging clasps artwork everything done everything glued in here because earlier I was like like kind of weeping in air and they bought something like someone died the head of customer services like oh my god is something really over hi there's your firstborn Oh like the mini we've seen her she's uh she's like on an exchange been dipping in but this you have to open I can't breathe okay okay [Music] is that the one and only version of the pallet yeah do you have like any blank empty pallets [Music] so if there one other shade in your mind [Music] this is what I do actually every time I get this exact layout I get the thing I say her by myself and a pathologist era and I'm like [Music] so we can get lost you [Music] my heart lies hidden beneath almond trees yeah and then I'll I'll do this for you my heart is buried in Venice waiting for someone to take it home [Music] even hi smile creeps out from your tea I would have to say I'm sorry for [Music] my let's say that we are easy okay but here comes Huey to take it same tell me [Music] or oh I've never made sure this collar we actually really good [Music] shows too wait that's crazy [Music] Oh fun oh my god oh god y'all kind of trying oh wait oh my god oh my god is there region Venice waiting for someone to take okay you can spear easy pal oh my god oh my god it's really strong yeah that's everything [Music] oh my god holy [ __ ] dude that's everything I get a lot of incredible staring at that great thing for like forever wait to see list oh oh my god oh my god it's happening it's here this is so weird this is so weird I love this so crazy I literally like everything from the detailing to the everything that we made we picked and that you wanted is became the light it's like it's a little unreal hey that looks so good I'm saying the black background I can't get over it because I've never seen them against it yet I was like whoa it makes breathtaking when I stare at it I don't want to cry a little bit I don't know I can just say it's so great it's perfect what is the team this is crazy this is the race right now I've got everything is so perfect oh my god I know there's not one thing I've changed like it's actually perfect and I say that rarely you're really crazy to see Ollie oh yes like I feel like we just started but it's also like a year 10 years look I see you have all your other palette oh man did you like play next everything and I slid it next to all of them and it this looks so unique so it's like your ship your palace [Music] like look at your palette and all the others yeah you did that if your color story is so iconic I can't wait to get people's feedback Karen hasn't seen it be serious we like I'm sure even the bottom is cool it's like the end of a movie [Music] Ranch my my oh my god my pills sleep paralysis Illuminati [Music] with the Illuminati [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] here's the final packaging of all six of your liquid lid oh good like the shade labels everything I'm docked actually give a lipstick so does Jesus that's enough like it also some [ __ ] dreams sometimes yeah so they're really firm when people dream in a male heir kick something down the road like so good Wow can't get over I'm crazy like it's just I can't you know [ __ ] about it I just want to keep on saying I'm crazy [Music] anything bowed in March see the house in there like that [Music] sometimes you don't feel like a winner and you have to write a song about it and that's what I did I'm a nice food there's so much more that your eyes can't see two girls walked into a party the one who get to know it is I'm holding on but barely played by teenage pop you end it's a terrible feeling me Oh star in the wall it's always disappearing coz Phi [Music] somebody the son but it always started like [Music] smash the tea or no that's not me I'll never be prom queen um my way [Music] hopes that the cooky asked me to stay [Music] invisible to bright lights just standing the sidelines waiting or a standing ovation that I know just isn't mine because I [Music] so but it all is starting blood Adri [Music] the tea or [Music] That's not me ever be prom [Music] No That's not me I'll never be prom queen it's okay it's okay I will convince myself it's overrated anyway it's okay it's all right patella see in my bones rattle tonight oh it's okay it's okay I'll convince myself it's overrated my folks won't rattle it cuz I wanna be somebody there's a but it always starting the blood [Music] by the size and speciality or you know that's not me I'll never be me no that's not prom [Music] that's not me Oh [Music] I have one more question when do you reveal this and a few hours after the episode I'm going to post whether it's an organic holding at my house or like BAM this Friday [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: shane
Views: 24,056,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shane, dawson, jeffree, star, journalism, investigative journalism, docuseries, documentary
Id: 9MoDGIkAudI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 53sec (3773 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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