THE END IS HERE | Bendy And The Ink Machine - Chapter 5 (END)

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*Wapoosh* Top of the morning to you laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye, and welcome to the final chapter of bendy and the ink machine- or should I say- welcome to the 'Jacksepticeye' edition of bendy and the ink machine. Um- I didn't know that this was in it. So, I've been talking to the developer a little bit, they- they were talking to me about releasing the new chapter and.. when it was going to come out and when I could play it, in all this type of stuff. But I mentioned that I was going on tour soon, so I couldn't actually- by the time you guys watch this, i'll be on tour, so- I couldn't actually play it at the time they wanted to send it to me. So. They worked super hard and they got a- a build of the game to me super, super early, and I cannot thank them enough for that. That was incredibly sweet of them to do. They didn't have to do that, and especially to do this. This is so sweet. S- such sweet developers. Uh- -So thanks to them, for giving me the final chapter, really, really early so I can play it before, and actually get it ready for when I'm out on tour, so I can post it when they want it to be posted. I'm really excited about this. This is the final chapter of bendy and the ink machine. We're going to finally figure out a bunch of stuff that's going on. jnskd- my- my memories of what's been happening so far has been kind of all over the place, because it's been so long between episodes, and I haven't just been- kind of keeping up with it in my head, but I'm excited. I'm excited to see what happens. "Select chapter," okay. Let's go straight to chapter five. "The last reel." All right. Give me some spooks. Give me some crazy stuff. The last chapter was really good The last one was where we- where she ran into a lot of like bad guys and that- oh. My mouse is on screen. It's gone now. :/ Oh- Wait, how did the last one end again? Aww- crap. We end up finding Boris and.. the 'angel lady' right? Like the good versions of them? Hello??? Angel lady! Jack: I'm a nice boye. uM- Okay. [laughs] Jack: Very nonchalant. Aww- So Boris doesn't talk. boRIS. h- HI. [laughs] Come on dude- [laughs] You, but- do you have fake hand?? He looks like he has a- biomechanical hand. No, I'm Henry. Is it ink???? Hi-- [laughs nervously] BORis! Come on, man. I'm your buddy. Haven't we met already- or maybe that was a different version of you... That was the like a- 'heard you talking shit' kind of face. Oh! Boris is Tom? oooHHH! Is that going to be our mechanic? oooh! Okay. Oh- She has a halo! It's a cool frame. yEahh- It said, "she would leave you for dead." Talkin' about her? So do I get to go around like, the whole studio now? Like looking at things, and looking for weird hidden messages? Morning. [laughs] Or is it morning? I don't know- Top of the something to you. I get it dude, okay. I'm not here to like steal your girlfriend or anything. Geez- The ink demon? You have an axe at a mechanical hand Don't freaking leave me One sucks said the person I thought he was Okay Nice, it's inside the vault. Let me out of here. So many questions don't go through the door escape Follow me What? This is a coffin spoon egg spoon, I know the array follow me There's always hope take the spoon. Okay? Look inside the shitter you'll need this What I can't interact with it, oh Look inside here. Gotcha What is it I need oh, yes the gentle pipe whoa, wait, what does this thing? You draw beautifully Waiter these my drawings are the drawings that were left there all along Okay, all right give it up fake off suit Okay, no, I I'm gonna be checking absolutely everything There's always a reason says there's a lot of levels here and there's something across off choose to be happy like Some people would say what you're depressed it's like just choose happiness, dude. Well you always sad all the time Let's head on out Oh God Jesus Christ There yeah, big frickin blobby blue I May be checking everything with this Every five feet I'm just gonna be taking up be like, nope. Nope. Nope. No God Okay Sure, there's nothing hidden anywhere Good don't get in the ink for too long. They said it will consume you run whatever Like you did son launch the barge No hidden messages on your what's up bindi let's make sure Okay, let's launch this bad boy the Inc barge Wait, can I get into it? I want in danger keep out So when I have the thing up I can't move Just to let y'all know How do we get it do you wake it in what do I do? Oh wait, I can jump Forgot I can jump right? Can I can I in Okay, can I can I in please oh I want I want it in I would like one in Huh, I don't even know if I'm supposed to go in Now that nothing's working can I open up a hatch or something let me let me in oh Never mind. All right now I can the end All right, let's moving on follow the Inc River Kristin hold the barge throttle oh, oh This is going to be interesting am I gonna have to stop and fight at some points Keep your eyes peeled. It's a big crane fly in here. Big daddy longlegs. Get out of here, bro And hold on for a sec. I just want to check for messages I wanted to check to see if anyone's calling me No, okay, we're good There's another barrage over here Unclog the paddle wheel use the gents fight Oh God, holy God That's a fucking big boy, holy crap. Oh God oh god, he's he's onto me you just go. Oh, it's awesome. I love giant creatures. I Can't turn around and look at you right now god, I'm in a bit of a situation here Oh Jesus, okay. Okay. Keep going forward throttle, please Let's call this isn't it don't turn around if you don't have to I can't turn around and look at it So I'm happy about that All right, you're gonna get stuck again three two, there we go Hahaha just keep going just keep swimming. Oh This is cool That one was very close Does he just keep moving forward anyway, and if I sold for too long, he's gonna get me probably And you're gonna clog in three two one Hey, that was wrong, no, there it is. Oh Yeah, oh yeah, very close way too close for a boy to be Look at joint bendy This reminds we're playing Metro when you're going through the tunnels in that What's that big boy, those are some giant fat-ass hands that I don't want to grab I hope they don't grab me either we near the end, please I'll get you I'll swing at you So close every time just keep going just keep going we must be at the end now, right Okay, good, this is a clearing nice hi, there's an inky fisherman Where the hell am I Alright nice, let's get off this godforsaken thing Okay, you can have the birch now if you want you can Consume it all you want now is that I'm gone. I don't really care Down here, we're all sinners. We all float down here Hiya Georgie once people have now fallen into despair Not monsters. Oh The creator lied to us so of all the people who have been working here just been consumed by the ink Is this just an analogy for work don't overwork yourself don't be consumed by the ink don't be consumed by the work What am I probably dead whoa Jesus Christ Hi, oh shit wait to finally fight you Okay, okay jesus fucking great. Alright he is That's an angry boy. All right. I'ma just go. I'm gonna just leave maybe can I oh God oh god. Oh god. Oh god. Okay, okay Okay, just keep running just keep swimming get away from him for long enough so I can heal a tiny bit Go back go back go back go back. Okay. There you go in you swing and you keep running That's the tactic. That's what we're up to. Haha I Don't know oh Jesus Christ, I thought you were dead. Oh Lordy Lou, or maybe you just have to go. I don't know My tactics aren't working my bunny hopping so I either have to keep attacking him or make him attack something Shit out of junk I took his mask took his mask They pick it up raising I Don't know what he do. I don't know why did you destroy this? Let me out Okay, I don't know if I'm supposed to do anything to her hey, can I just go You okay bud? Oh No, no Good shit Tom, he just kills me again anyway What about you How face? You're lucky we were in the neighborhood. She's is a fucking machete. You're a badass Was that him I Don't think so The Searchers and the lost ones built this place Sammy must have been keeping them at bay now that he's gone, though Looks like we're in for a fight Let's fight with who? Oh Nice oh, this is cool roll teaming up me and my two buds Okay, you guys need help I'll protect you Tom even though you trust me now, but this will help you trust me more But your whites you came oh That's a lot of them. Oh that's a lot of them. Holy crap. Okay, you guys having some of that I'm gonna just skirt the edges here Jesus me neither. Holy crap Okay, get them early, yeah Put me the wide shot. Wonder what? I've never seen these guys before Okay, swing faster swing much faster We are doing it we're amazing, we're a great team look at you Todd, I Got you buddy bullshit, maybe I don't got you Tom. Look there's a lot of them Holy fuck, what? Are you the under minor? Did you guys think I'm late date God damn it. I thought I had more time. All right swimming through that inky fallopian tube Okay, I'm back bitches Great where we left off You good squad okay. Yeah We can do this if we work together, oh look at this so clean so clean Okay, some of you aren't dying it's hard to see what's going on there's just a ball of ink Okay, am I doing the right thing by just keeping in fighting 22 more I Don't know god damn it. I was trying to get away I'm I'm within reach they've got the grabby hands We did it I think that's all of them holy God that went on forever Okay, do your thing open up the gate probably best if we stay together from now on nice Henri think you can leave the way Okay, come on Tom. Sure thing or is it Ken? It's me strong boy Okay, careful mind your step now Oh God He's here to shit on me It's inside the vault I'm okay, by the way, I broke both my ankles, but yeah, I didn't really need them This is a Campbell Hayden that puppet guy we all know him Sammy Lawrence E Misner or Meisner F Fontaine Administration, okay. Hell am I there's a miracle station? It's me the little miracle Now that's interesting to do I don't have my axe anymore Drain the passage. Okay, so get it again. I gotta get some pipes Ah, so, You're trying to create life-sized versions of them? And that's what went wrong? Oh God look at all- Oh, this is the passage I've have to drain. Okay, got it. All right, where would a boy find some pipe? You got anything for me? [Gears clicking] Okay, do I want that? Can I not... interact with you? [Gears clicking] Interact! Let's just keep going. [Ding!] Henry: Always on time. Clocking in! Did I open to you? Yeah. Okay. Let's head on in there surely we have stuff-Wait. Do I have to feed this something and then it gives me something else? I think that was the- -the thing. Hi, little buddy! Don't come after me! Oh god- I don't have a way of defending myself. The hell is the point of being able to come in here? Yep! Yep, that is a solid plan a-mah dude! Alright, those doors I can't open. Fuckin' serious... Okay, so that wall could be broken. Oh god this is gonna be a pain in the ass! It's a frickin' maze. Okay, he's gone that way. Let's keep an eye on them and I'm gonna have to run away from them a lot. Hey, bud! [laughs] At least I can hear them pretty clearly. God, where's the stuff I need? [Screaming] OKAY! See. You. Later! Oh fuck... Oh fuck! Jesus Christ! Okay. I'm out. I'm out. I'm out. I'm going. I'm gone. I'm going. Bye! Okay, can I just- Are you fucking serious? ARE YOU SERIOUS?! God dammit! Can I close the doors behind me? Uh oh... I'm gonna get caught. [Gasps] Did I lose him?? I did! Sweet! Shit. The hell am I looking for?! Ugh! Big giant fly going around my room. Creeping me out. I am so lost. Okay Just need to get my bearings. I haven't been over in this side at all yet. Ooh! So that's Joey Drew! That's like... the- the big dog. Okay, this looks important. [BANG] WHAT!? THE FUCK!? Okay! Sorry, I can't listen right now I got a bit of a situation going on over here! God.. Fuck- AH! JESUS CHRIST! [Screams] Fuck I can't get out! Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, I have no idea what I'm doing in this area! Ahhh not that! Just keep going, just keep going, just keep going... It'll all make sense eventually. Ahh, could.. NOT! [Mimics gurgling sounds] Ah-ha! This looks important! Come on dude! No, don't take out that thing! [Screams] [Laughs] How the hell am I gonna to lose this guy? Just keep running around. Keep running circles around him. Ah... that goes nowhere! Okay, some of these loop back around this is good, this is good, this is how I get away you just keep running. I'm faster than you! I'm stronger than you! I'm better than you! Jus-just do it. Just kill me. Just do it. [Gasps] I got a piece of ink! Oh brilliant! Okay- Shit. Shit. Oh I got away with it! Okay, so this goes in the other thing and then when I put it in... It should release a pipe for me. And then I can go piece by piece. Uh-oh... Ah! Phew... We out here! Alright put this in- Nice. I'mma- I'm just gonna assume that I need one of these ones. Hypu! Okay... What the HELL is happening? Does that mean he's close? Okay one pipe is in! Can you like, autosave or something All right, I know where they are now. Now I know what I'm actually doing. There's pipes like, unfinished kind of pipes around the place, and they're kind of spitting out ink everywhere. Here you go grandpa, and that's where I got that one. So I've seen two more of them, but there was no ink coming out of them. So maybe there is now. Or not. Do I have to go back to the same one again? Aw, but I got really lucky last time! Doh! Come on! I barely even rounded the corner! You fuckin hobbly bobbidi. Alright at this point. I'm just running. Ah! Okay, so I just gotta keep doing this. This I can handle. This I can actually just keep doing I can keep running away from them and dodging and all that kind of stuff at least now I know what I'm doing and where I'm going. It's really hard to lose them! I thought like, rounding the corner a little bit would actually do it but I guess not, okay. What else do I need? What kind of pipe do I need? I need a straight one. Okay. Hi! [Laughs] Tiny little babu. Okay, I think I might need that one as well, I think I need all of them. Ow! Don't hit me again! Don't hit me again! If he hit me again I'm dead. Lemme alone. I don't know if going into those closets actually... helps me? [Mimics gurgling noises] Yeah, I agree. Okay, he almost got me! Oh shit that's not what I wanted! FUCK! Oh please tell me I have the other pipe installed anyway. Oh, I do. Oh, thank God. Okay, so I need a T and a straight. Okay... Got it. I thought there was only a T and a straight and I bent and I ended up picking the wrong one. God dammit. That's what I needed can I just do it again, please [Laughs] You keep going that way you'll be a good boy I'll grab this and head back. I don't even need to go that far in to get the goo... to get the ink. I just have to round a couple of corners. God this entire area... just to do this? Alright at least we should be able to get this one scot-free Without any sort of hassles, so I just need to do one more than after this and I can drain the passage. All right, you're on the straight pipe. Okay. Got it Same thing gonna happen again? You- you're not gonna fill up again are you and freak me out? What kind of here...? Oh God it did it again, didn't it? I'm hearing something! O God Almighty! Okay! Well, I'm- I'm caught now so I might as well just stay in it! Oh no... Oh no. [Gasps] I can dodge him! I can dodge him! Yes! Yes!! Nice! Okay, I need to get the right pipe though! Don't fuck me up again! Okay, not that one. T-pipe yes! You keep... keep swingin' away there, buddy! [Laughs] Okay, okay, okay just dodge him for now... It's all I gotta do, it's all I gotta do, it's all I gotta do, I got it! Okay, we're going home! [Laughs] I got this fuckin'... this little whippersnapper on my tail! Okay! See that sick dodges!? I jumped over his little tiny head! His little dangle-boy head! Alright, passages should be drained, I heard it. Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay - Alright, alright, alright, alright! Yes, yes. Haha! I'm in the vault! Haha! Suck it! [Sighs] Alright. [Laughs] Wait, there's nothing here. You said he was in the vault. Oh hey! Yeah. Yeah, probably. Probably. [Laughs] Oh... The game is just pokin' fun at itself now, I love that! Nice, okay. Can we fight together? Altogether? I really like that... Alice has like, a little halo above her head when you use this. Do I have a shadow? I have no shadow! I'm a vampire guys! Oh you guys have shadows. Whoop-di-doo for you! The real boy has no shadow! Whoa... Wait, this is your old desk? Little weird that it's just in the corner. You're a crazy person look at all this drawing! Is he gonna walk by? Oh ho ho ho... baby... [Laughs] That's cool! I gotta fight him. God he's so creepy! Death. Well she said- Well she did say it's death, so... Whoa... [Laughs] Okay. I like that depth of field effect. It's very well done. So is this your way of saying that I have to go alone? And you guys can't come with me to help me with the fight? Well Tom, it's been great. Put her there pal. Thank you Don't crush my hand... Alice, Ya angel, always a pleasure. Alright, here we go. Oh yeah! Hey! Can I have an axe? Anything?? Okay... bye... "I still remember my name..." What...? Oh god this is gonna suck... Is this where the people get made? Is that a fuckin' throne? Are you serious?? I mean, don't get me wrong, this is badass lookin'! No hidden messages... Wait you addressed me by name... Love. Oh God hi! Hey bud! You wanna watch a movie? Oh... I'm guessin' that was you then in the... In the- in the water. WHAT. THE. FUCK?! My! What pretty teeth you have! Okay! Sweet Jesus! Sweet Mother of God! That is fucking terrifying! What do we do? What did that do what did that do? What am I doing Oh God Almighty! What the fuck! I have no idea what's happening. Okay, do you have pattern that you're doing? Okay. If he comes out here again... Alright, okay you do. Alright so this is safe now. He never comes out through the middle here. Oh God! Okay... Okay... Where to next? Where to next? Where to next? Okay here? Pull the fuckin' lever! Oh God I have no idea... I have no idea where I should be going! Crap crap crap crap crap crap AHH! Okay! I can actually still dodge him in the pathway. Good. Just stay at the edges. Got it got it got it. Okay! What the fuck... I don't know what I'm doing! Can I just leave? Forever? Never, ever come back? So, Bendy's never seen "The End." Oh, I did it. Who's laughing now? Not me! Oh this is a fuckin'... bad trip about to happen... Hi hi hi, I don't know what this means. I don't know what do! Can you destroy these pipes? Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Okay, okay- I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing! Change this?? Put in the film? Put in "The End"? Oh God! Yeah! Okay that is what you're supposed to be doing. OW! My fuckin' ass! Okay Okay, okay, okay- Swing at me! Swing at me! Have a swing! Swing at me bitch! GOTI! Okay, yeah, stay over there. Now come get me! Come get me! Stop tryin' to hit me and hit me! One last swing for good ol' Jacka-boy! Was that it or did I die? Yeah! Okay, it's open. Alright! I am pissing in the wind with half of this. I've- I basically have no idea what I'm doing half the time, but, it's working! And I'm making progress and I'm gonna take that. Alright. [Sing-song] Play the movie! [Laughs] Yeah. Oh God! What pretty teeth! THE END!! [Laughs] Whaaaaat? Whoa... Colors! Is this my house? [Reading] "Dear Mr. Drew, I have to say was a big surprise getting a letter from you after all these years. I'm surprised you even remember me from back in the old days at the studio. I mostly mostly just swept up the place. I'm doing good here in Florida, lots of sun for me and Missus hope- -and the Missus- hope you're doing good too. Sorry to hear about the studio closing down... you all made some great little cartoons there. They was good some- for some laughs. Wally Franks" Huh. There's Henry's number, that's me. Allison Connor... Are we at... Joey Drew's house? Here's all this stuff... These are all the chapters. The Projectionist, and then Alice, and... that was the last one. With the masks and the... the roller coaster ride thing. Here we have this- They have machine guns! "Bendy Wins." Is that an alternate ending? So, is that the start? That was him before the first chapter and that was why he ended up going to the workshop in the first place. Huh. Oh God that's so cool! Geez... these fucking drawings! I realized as well, that... "Thomas Conner" what? I realized as well, that after... Like, when they're making the game- Hey there's me! [Laughs] Yeah! I'm in the credits! Aw, that's so cool! I got to be Shawn Flynn in... chapter.. three? Was it..? Chapter two or chapter three. Man, such a small team! The fuck? [Reading] "Congratulations on your success! You Best Pal, Henry Stein." Girl: "Tell me another one, uncle Joey!" Oh wait no, here's the full team. Jesus! So, A lot of the story probably went over my head because, again, not keeping up with every single thing that was happening in it. But, It seemed like he wanted to create a park, like Disneyland, and make the characters come to life. But when they came to life they came out all fucked up... and turned into what they are. And made it all crazy, or maybe that was what he wanted? Because he said to go there- Hey there I am again! [Laughs] He said he wanted Henry to go there and to... "see something." Um... And I'm not sure about Henry's connection to Joey? Clearly, they they meant a lot to each other, but I can't remember what Henry actually did. Like what his job was like a character artist, or whatever. Aw... all the- the fanarts! But yeah, like making these games is not just making the environments and the mechanics and everything. Like they've made they're all like fully formed Universe and all of these characters and they also made like the little cartoons that were being shown on the screen and everything So a lot of work goes into this It was really good. This episode had a little bit of tedium to it again like, running around and escaping those little dudes in that area kind of got a little annoying and... It's very unclear what you're supposed to be doing a lot of the time But overall, yeah, I still really enjoyed it. I like the universe in this game and this series And I like sort of the style and the vibe and the music and everything like this blew up into something way bigger than I think anyone expected just because the style is so unique and so Fleshed out and so well crafted they're like all this fine art and everything like I go into Hot Topic now and I see Merch for Bendy and the Ink Machine, but that means you you know You're doing something well, if that kind of thing happens and I see it everywhere all over the place I have a whole bunch of plushies in this house Based around this game and everything. So you've enact a seeing tool in all previous chapters and you've unlocked the archives Oh, Is there gonna be hard jacksepticeye edition? I forgot about that. You're gonna be secrets everywhere Interesting, well that doesn't for Bendy and the Ink Machine. We are finally here a long time later at the end of chapter 5 And I'd love to know what you guys think. I'd love to know your theories and sort of your story elements and everything cuz I Imagine a lot of you guys have been keeping really up-to-date and a lot of the theories and everything that I've been going on with the game, so I'd love to know your Concise opinion on what was going on in the game But it was cool that we got to see Joey Drew at the end. I like that, there's just and then it's like I do one of the ink machines was in the house at the end So then it's like well, when does this take place? Is this after the end of the game? And then she said tell me another one So then it's like well does any of this exist or was it all a story that kind of thing? So it's interesting But thank you to the developers again for giving me this version of the game They did say when they emailed me saying that it was a special version just for me that they play tested themselves And I didn't know what that meant, but it clearly This is so nice to be immortalized in a game that you like so much is a really really nice thing Not only like this kind of thing, but and to have my own version of it from the developers themselves Which is already incredibly sweet and I'm incredibly grateful for it, but to be part of the game itself and To be a voice in the game just really means a lot too And I'm so glad I got to be part of it And I'm so glad but I got in touch with the developers and got to know them a little bit better I got to meet them at one of the paksas and everything. So I really much look forward to whatever they're gonna work on next And hope I can stay in touch with them and help them out and talk to them about what they're doing next. But for now that does it for Bendy and the Ink Machine, if you LIKED it, punch the like button IN the face... LIKE A BOSS. AND. High fives all-round. (wapow, wapow) Thank you guys and Ill see you dudes... IN THE NEXT VIDEO! Bendy I am NOT sad that I won't see your face anymore. Heh heh
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 4,889,373
Rating: 4.9465089 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Bendy And The Ink Machine, Bendy And The Ink Machine Game, Bendy And The Ink Machine Gameplay, Bendy And The Ink Machine walkthrough, Bendy And The Ink Machine Playthrough, lets play, horror game, disney, disney horror game, walt disney, scary game, jumpscare, Bendy And The Ink Machine jacksepticeye, art style, chapter one, music, boris, alice angel, ending, end, chapter 5, part 5, finale, series ending, last chapter, final chapter, boss
Id: J5KnheYXreE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 6sec (3186 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 26 2018
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