EVERY Secret Henry Message Analyzed! (Bendy & the Ink Machine Chapter 1-5 Secrets)

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hey guys super bro Mike here and in today's video we are playing through bendy and of ink machine chapters one to five the entire game to find all of Henry's secret messages now in Chapter five if you didn't know you get this tool which is basically like a looking-glass and Henry can use this to find messages left by himself in a previous version of the sort of time loop but is happening at the studio it seems and he can basically uncover what's happened in the story before when he plays through the game again or what he goes through the story again I should say now I've made a theory on all of this guys they'll leave a link at the end of this video and also in the description below but if you want to go and check that out I would advise it because it will give you the information you need to then follow this video and understand why Henry is leaving messages to himself but the basic idea behind that is that Henry is stuck in an infinite loop within a cartoon world inside the studio created by the ink machine and I believe that he is actually dead and Joey drew has sent his soul so to speak to inhabit this place to try in a stop demon bendy Joey seems to be controlling it to some degree with the ideas he comes up with hence why he seems to be telling a story in this world haven't explained it that well they're guys but there is a whole theory I put on my channel where I go into detail explaining my points so check that out but I do also believe I want to touch him as quickly that the ending to bend the ink machine is kind of open to interpretation with that said guys we're gonna dive in now I'm gonna show you all the messages in bendy and the ink machine left by Henry to himself and we gotta analyze and theorize over each of them so let's start the game okay guys so we're in the opening area of chapter 1 and if we bring up our looking-glass tool you can see there's already many messages all over the walls to analyze now the first one says turned back obviously Henry is trying to say to himself look you know this is an infinite loop there's no way he can succeed here so just turn back and interestingly here you can see all these markers on the wall you know one two three four and a-five fruitfulness seems to be hundreds here on this wall these are what I believe are Henry's attempts to succeed as he goes through his infinite never-ending loop but he could never seem to win so he's been through this cartoon world of this many times we look at the Boris poster here you can also see it says I'm sorry buddy because obviously Henry didn't manage to save Boris in the end and he never can you know he keeps going through this repeating loop but he never saves Boris I think there's a message I saw here yep it says oh it's upside down it says don't turn on the machine let's just check it out from the other side there guys there you go don't turn on the machine and it points going back to the exit right let's have a look round here vents we've got Joey Drew Studios is this got anything on it yeah there's nothing Joey drew nothing so that's probably a reference to the fact that the studios now closed down and this isn't the actual studio obviously this is like a cartoon world created by the ink machine I believe from Joey's sort of ideas says he was born here so this is Henry's desk this kind of confirms guys that Henry was in fact the original creator of bending as you can see Bendis right there he was born here that's news Henry's original design for Ben Z so much which was rejected by Joey drew okay guys so we're in the artist room here it doesn't seem to be anything around the desk area but if you go down here and look through the boards to this room of a toilet it says can I get a little privacy so little without Henry got through these boards though to write that that's a strange one but I think it's just a little joke isn't it so that's quite a nice little joke there let's head on to the ink machine next death in every direction they go so Henry knows what's up and this is dreams come true as it's changed yeah it says not all dreams come true Henry's dream of escaping never comes true that's for sure analysis dream never came true either she has quite a somber sad ending dint she okay guys we've just raised the ink machine and there's also a secret message here which says there never was a choice there never was a choice so Henry knows that you know he's forced into this world and he's deemed and he's sort of damned to keep repeating the process it's never-ending loop that he can never succeed at let's continue guys obviously scared a lot of people when they first played the game that plank I would just drop him down if you look at all Barrett says don't be scared don't be scared Henry you can do this you got this wend if there's any secret messages in this room people would be but Boris really yes look it says she's heartless so I guess that's confirmation that it was in fact Susie Campbell's version of Alice that was taking the hearts from all these Boris clones I mean we kind of already knew that but it is confirmed here our Boris clone theory was correct and our Alice theory was correct taking all those hearts to make herself beautiful again you go listening and always watching guys so there's a little message above that radio relating to the song on the radio so that's kind of a little Easter Egg I guess but it also references Sammy of course as we know Sammy's always traveling through the walls and listening to what Henry's doing and watching him from the inky walls so that's kind of also a reference to Sammy I believe there now it's actually quite a fun little secret around here guys when the bendy jump-scare happens there you go and if you use the looking-glass it says peekaboo so I like that when I first found that there's bendy props up against a wall scaring us Sammy's footprints leading whoa I heard scared me there leading to the wall also interesting that this whistle is the whistle that Joe leaders at the end of the game when you see him so you can see everything ties together nicely so all the creation of Joey drew a sort of living cartoon world now one thing I do want to check guys when I activate the ink machine here is to go and find the meetly secret because I think there might be a secret message there when I originally ran through this and I checked for the secrets I don't think I saw the Miche secret so let's just double check that there he is hello meet Lee great game man devilishly handsome are there you go no shame don't if I'd call her this little puppet guy handsome but distinct odd say let's go with that we're on a Henry Brown escape change your fate but he can't says I always fall never succeeds he always falls every single time it's an infinite loop when he plays the end at the end of the game the final reel it just resets everything he's reborn again at a stark okay guys so this one who created lied to us as one of the more interesting messages left there by Henry says Joey lied to us you can see there Joey lied to us so this kind of proves the theory that Joey was - a person behind all of these kind of crazy experiments but we're going on at the studio as well as duping everybody into taking part in it Henry included now as he's been sent there to stop this cut so crazy process it seems and yeah Joey is the architects behind everything to create a Joey head of a studio lied to everyone so there you go and that's every message in Chapter one guys so let's fast forward to chapter two okay guys so we're in chapter two now now the first message that we get is on this wall here and it says say hello to Sammy so again just Henry giving himself a little heads up that he is gonna run into Sammy during this chapter Sammy Lawrence and by the way I really loved that Sammy Lawrence came back in Chapter five as we had predicted a while ago I think that was a really nice touch really appreciated that fanservice well I guess it's part of a story but it seemed like good fanservice as well to me anyway if we pan over here guys we see this is a cool reveal right on these coffins we've been theorizing for ages how these coffins were related to the bodies of the workers at the studio being inside and being used in the ink machine process to basically turn them into cartoon versions of their former selves alongside a template of a cartoon character and that is confirmed here we can see Norman Park has a coffin here and Grant Cohen has a coffin here I'm not sure what Grant Cohen became so to speak he may have been the giant search in Chapter three maybe as we did hear his audio log in Chapter four what we believe his audio log was where he was sort of screaming in pain I think that was meant to be grants he may have been that giant searcher we know Norman Park of course became a projectionist though okay so if we go over to these coffins guys we can see two more names Bertram Piedmont that is his resting place and Lacey Benton that's her resting place of course Lacey shows up in Chapter four as a engineer in the research and design department now if we go over here guys we can see another message which says deceived above for Sammy Lawrence recording it shows that Sammy had been deceived and Henry notes it down here by by Joey as well just like everyone else okay guys so we're in the music department we've just met the searches for the first time and if we go over here just kill this searcher quickly and you'll see there's a message saying ouch bear which is I guess a double meaning because you hit the search of air but also that's where Henry gets knocked out by Sammy with a frying pan or is it the dusting I think it's a dustpan isn't it yeah with a dustpan later on in the chapter so there you go little so an easter egg there now guys if we go through into the recording room you can see this room here where they record all the music the vendee cartoons this one I actually really liked now there's a recording for Suzie Campbell and once we play it there's a little message here which says so naive because of course Suzie Campbell was deceived multiple times by Joey drew I think Suzie was the first projects she was turned into alice angel a less than perfect version but she was promised by Joey Drew but she could become the character she was so in love with so a sad end to Suzie but as you can see a message left by Henry there okay guys so we're in the room where you flatten the little searcher guy Jack fain with the hat on to get the valve handle back and you see this message says sing with me now if you use for looking-glass here it says I don't sing with psychos so Henry flat-out denies Sammy he's like nope I'm not singing with you because you're crazy there's a nice little message left there okay go so as we go into Sammy Lawrence's office and activate the pump control you'll see that there's this radio here guys which is the da game song of build our machine and then if you look down you'll see there's a line from that song creator you traitor so it's a nice little easter egg to do that song it also of course is a double meaning again it confirms that Joey Drew betrayed everyone at the studio so there you go okay guys we've just got the part of chapter 2 where we approach demon bendy and he pops up from the ink and there's actually a little message here which just sort of is a warning Henry is left to himself and it says foo and then you've got a run now is that even Ben he just jumped out and scared us but I like that I think that's quite clever that's our final message for chapter 2 guys so let's move into chapter 3 okay guys so we're just starting chapter 3 and the first thing to notice here is but Ben D has taken on a different form on this clock here so Henry warning himself that bindi is not friendly and wants to kill us you know we kind of knew that but I think this is quite cool I guess Henry had quite a lot of time to sort of doodle while he was in this safe house with Boris didn't he now as we leave this room guys and we move into the sort of bathroom area here he's he was this broken mirror and I always wondered why this is broken this is actually really interesting to the story we bring up the looking-glass it says Who am I now Who am I now so Henry's sort of saying you know what I becoming he looks like he's the one it smashed his mirror or of course it could be for Boris claim guys I believe a Boris clone is Wally Frank's in his chapter I believe that's what happened to Wally has a lot of equalities of wallet of Wally doesn't he Bible this is Henry's doing because he's obviously left the message it could mean that Henry's become a cartoon version of his former self which is likely seeing as he's living in this cartoon world it could be because of a version of the story changes slightly each time Joey tells it in the real world so there's many possibilities for what this could mean goes but obviously things are altering a little bit each time and Henry's appearance is altered in some way also he may have sort of no memory of his previous life outside of key memories such as Linda who we believed to be his wife and of course the reason he came to the workshop in the first place apart from that his memory may be quite muddled because most of the characters in this game seem to have no real memory of who they were beforehand so it's very interesting to say the least and there's a lot to theorize on here now as we go through into this room guys and we run over to a good friend Boris here there's actually quite a sad message says I'm sorry buddy once again as it did on the wall in Chapter one by the Boris poster because we can never save Boris unfortunately I'm sorry buddy now if we go over to this picture this one's interesting as well this is a picture that exists inside Joey Drew's home and of course as Joey and Henry were friends this reminds him of home he may have had the same picture in his own home guys who knows but it reminds him of the real world I believe the human world he's now trapped in the cartoon dimension in the cartoon world created by the ink machine and this picture just reminds him of home adds to our theory ok guys so what we're gonna do here is this isn't related at the moment to a sort of hidden message but it will be later on if you give Boris Pavone in chapter 3 here something happens with Tomas kana in chapter 5 which I'll show you a little later though so here's the bone boys enjoy okay guys so there's actually only one message in the heavenly toys workshop area which is kind of surprising cuz it's quite a large area but the only message is actually up here where we see the Sean Flynn audio recording and of course this recording is by Jack set sky V Irish youtuber through so when you were raised for Looking Glass it says top/bottom or and into year well it just says top of the morning but uh yes that's quite neat you maybe see it better here for you to step back a little bit but yeah there you go top of the mornin nice little Easter Egg there as we approach for demon and Angel paths there's actually two options obviously but there's only one way which takes you to a secret message I have checked both the Alice angel path does not give you any new messages but if you go into a demon path to Joey Drew's room here with his audio recording you'll see it says his dream my efforts so Henry's obviously referencing the fact that as we know from his audio recording he put in most of the efforts and then Joey got over Awards and just came up with the ideas we know that Joey was a man of ideas and only ideas as we go through to be sort of toy shop room here and if we go round these shelves and to the back of a room where the Alice Angel toys are sat on this shelf fellow plushies actually hidden message here it says with all his playthings so this is interesting because it kind of suggests that this theory that I came up with about the ending is indeed true that Joey's created this cartoon world with the souls of his previous workers as four characters inhabiting the world and they're sort of his playthings because he's basically coming up with ideas and storyboards for what happens in this world and they're all trapped inside it so an interesting little notes to be sure there I think this is the crazy thing about the ending in this game it was just so much to take in and so much to theorize over that there's just many possibilities at the ending where Brazil might be okay guys so as we head into the main room here with the elevator it's actually message down there it says we always fall because obviously the elevator always drops at the end of a chapter and plunges them into of the studio always part of this never-ending loop Henry can never escape his fate okay go so when we're in this central room here of all the dead Boris clones where we are on our way to meet Susie Campbell's version of Alice we can actually see next to Susie's audio recording if we come round here there is actually a coffin now one we use for looking glass on this coffin you can actually see that it's Susie's own coffin so it does confirmed that Susie was killed by Joey or by someone at the studio working for him and then used in the ritual process to become the version of Alice that we find behind the door here evil Alice also guys if you walk over to the other side of a room where the butcher gang members are strung up here you conceive a message which says did they really deserve this and you know it's kind of a good question I guess because these were all workers once I assume who have been resurrected as different cartoon characters and so you know they weren't inherently bad they just obviously are defensive because they're brought back without any memory and now they attack anyone who they deem a threat which includes Henry unfortunately you can see that with the lost ones as well when they attack in chapter 5 because they feel threatened whereas they don't in chapter 4 because at that point Henry's not carrying a weapon and so it doesn't feel threatening to them and here guys we can see Susie Campbell's version of Alice talking to Henry telling him what to do what errands she needs carried out and we can see Henry's written the message blah blah blah because I guess he's sick of hearing this little monologue from Susie Campbell every single time he goes through the games he's stood in front of Alice Harry's just like I'm sick of it so he's written blah blah blah blah blah I mean it's quite funny I thought I liked this when i first saw this i thought this is a nice touch in this section we're gonna go up the stairs and there's actually a message which spans from the ground floor here all the way up to the top floor so let's see if we can find that now it starts here it says be kind to the people you meet on the way up because you're going to meet the same people on the way down and what this basically means is no matter how rich or famous you get don't let your ego go see ahead and treat people worse than you normally would you know always treat people how you'd want to be treated yourself with the utmost respect and I kind of feel like this is a reflection of joeys story you know you had rise to fame and he treated everyone like garbage and then and then of course it all came crashing down and he was bankrupt and now all those people that he used he's lower than they are in life so it kind of reflects towards again story but it's also just a famous proverb and here guys there is a little hidden radio which plays a song of course but it says how could one resist this alkyd one resists playing the tune I'm a radio here so as we go into this room here guys you can see at the very far end for all these drinks machines cool - tasty eats hot and cold drinks and it says the drinks were on Joey I don't really know what that means I'm guessing it kind of means like because he's done all this bad stuff to you the drinks are on Joey but like I don't know it's just a little message where it is a bit of fun I think let's be honest this game doesn't always take itself too seriously which is a good thing now when we're trying to get the power cells from these sort of pressure boxes on level P there's actually a secret message below the pressure box which reads and he says why am I doing this I don't know if this is a reference to fact that many people found this part became quite frustrating and annoying when I first played at having to collect a Power Cells having to turn this law valve handles it's also probably a reference to the fact that Henry is just you know doing the same thing over and over and over and you know getting frustrated by carrying out the same sort of menial tasks for Alice every single time walk through the wall here and get a little tea party with them neatly and the message says one lump or two I actually don't drink sugar on my tea so all my coffee for that matter so I would have no sugars okay guys so with that said that is every single message in Chapter three but I could find at least so let's move on to bend each chapter four okay guys were in Chapter four now and we're gonna be searching for some more recordings there's none of this opening room this hallway vova guys there is one which says he can't be saved which is obviously a reference to Boris because Boris was just taken by Alice Angel and yeah he can't be saved because we know what happens at the end of a chapter Suzie's Alice's always transformed Boris into this hideous sort of brutes which we have to take down sad end for him really okay guys the second message we come across is actually the secrets neatly cut out message we go through here we can see that the meat Lea is cooking up a couple of sausages and then behind him on the wall it says beefy although I don't know what it says beefy of best sausages because I guess maybe you can get these sausages but sausages are generally from Pig and they're poor can't they say I would have thought you would say porky because then it's a reference to Porky Pig as well but whatever reason this is beefy so yeah there's the second secret of the chapter guys okay guys so as we get off the little pulley sort of contraption that gets us across this little ravine here or big ravine I should say it's quite quite large isn't it there's a little box over here and if we use the looking-glass on a box we see a little heart fair on the side this might confuse you a little bit if you haven't played the portal games but this is actually a reference to the box in Portal which is called the companion cube it has a little heart on the side and I'm guessing the meetly and the rest of the design team are a fan of a portal games so they've put this in as a little sort of homage to Bower a little Easter Egg I suppose it is really loved seeing this because portal one and two or two of my favorite ever games so to see this just appear in bed the ink machine was a nice little surprise nice little treat there okay guys as you come through into this giant room here we've all the staircases going all the way to the top there's some broken stairs here and they go down these stairs usefully lookingglass here and it says exit with a question mark so Henry considered trying to get here I know on my playthrough of chapter 4 I tried to reach this in case it was a secret or some kind of alternate path but you can't so yeah Henry's acknowledged that this could be an exit but obviously it doesn't seem like it is now if we go a bit higher there's an Alice angel poster up here and the Alice Angel poster actually gives us another secret message so we'll read that when we get to in a second it's just up here go over to this poster useful looking-glass and it says she's toying with you because of course alice has promised she will return Boris to us if we can reach him in time but we know we'll never reach him in time she's already transformed him into brute Boris so she's just playing with us manipulating us like Joey manipulated Suzi in the room here guys where we see ve lost one appear on this little balcony area here if we go around the back of this sofa here and use for the looking-glass here it says this is my favorite sofa mat I don't think that's obviously anything story-related but I'm assuming because it's got a record player playing some nice music some candle lights and a teapot and a cup so you know it's kind of a chilled out little room isn't it a nice little sofa where Henry can relax on his adventure sometimes maybe takes a rest T it has a cup of tea listens to some music and just chills out to candlelight as we walk up the stairs here or towards Bertram so that or office area where they were designing Penn deal and we can actually see a message guys just behind Bertrand's recording on this sort of wall of different Ben deal and designs and it says regrets Joey and I assume this is just basically because we know from the end of a game but Ben DeLand was a thing what was created it was obviously something that failed and Joey's plans to have real cartoon characters inhabited didn't come to fruition until much later now he has created these cartoon characters in this cartoon world and now again it hasn't worked out he's sent Henry in to try and stop it also he's Henry's basically supposed him a question regrets Joey because he sunk about money into bendy land but by the end of it he was just in financial ruin and a crooked empire as Joey refers to it okay guys so in the bendy land area if you go over to this giant bendy head which is right next to the levers here bring up the looking-glass unless you see he's got a starry little mustache there well it's quite a big mustache but I I found this quite funny when I first that I like it's kind of like modern art isn't it okay guys now when we've just beaten the shooting game here go through the door here there's actually a message by the gear on the wall it says reliving the past does not change it Henry must be leaving these messages to himself obviously as we've discussed but he's basically saying if we keep going through the adventure again and again and again it's not actually gonna you know it's not actually gonna change anything you can't change the past you can't change what's happened so there seems to be no real escape for Henry does tha now the research and design area guys when we go through here for a couple of messages in this room the first one can be found when we look at this crying lost one in the corner which is quite sad and Henry's left a message saying please don't cry I kind of feel like this might be lacy Benton because it's right next to her lacy Benton recording and it kind of sounds feminine rather than male for crying so that could be Lacey right there now by the lacy recording she actually mentions in this recording that she's scared that animatronic bendy is going to just come to life and move of its own accord if we go over here to the animatronic Bendi Henry's actually left the message which says it never moves but you can see a bit better if I walk over to it a bit better here you go it never moves so every time Henry goes through this that never moves always the same story over and over again also guys on the top balcony overlooking the entrance way which is there you'll find a message which says dream too big and you will fail which is quite pessimistic but I guess if Henry's been stuck in this sort of infinite loop for many many I don't know years potentially he is he's getting sick of having to do this adventure over and over and over again it could also be referencing Joey's inner thoughts I guess because he dreamed really big and did fail so this could actually be Joey's inner monologues almost I mean I wonder if this is what these messages are okay guys so we're heading through the third door that opens up now around here this is the attraction storage as soon as we head into this room guys there is a message which says again and again around and around which is just referencing Bertrand's boss battle which is the same every time ok guys so after we've beaten the Bertram boss if you turn here to the buddy Boris railway there's a little secret message here below that sign which says time at wounds all heals so it's kind of it's usually time heals all wounds but it's the other way around here so it's basically saying that time is damaging everyone because we're all in this infinite loop it's just getting worse and worse and worse we can never solve anything with time because it would just begin again from the beginning ok guys so we're going into the maintenance area now where these sort of trains are and the flooded room with Norman parks projectionists where he pops at once again now we head into the back of this room where the Joey Drew audio recording is found do it very carefully so this projections doesn't see us of course and this message obviously shows that Joey Drew deceived everyone he's been recording these propaganda messages to fool everyone at the studio into doing his bidding basically and Henri refers to this as bats for Joey I knew the Joey that Henry knew was not a nice man by the sound of it you know he started with good intentions but became corrupted and that's for Joey Eva Henry knew and for Joey that this recording shows Bendis just taken down with projectionists guys we're hiding the little miracle station at the moment but obviously he disappears into nowhere and when Henry exits and walks over to the wall but bendy went through if you use the looking glass you'll see was actually a door here which is pretty cool so Henry's drawn the door there knowing that of course bendy has the ability to pass through walls and open sort of secret entrances all over the studio by simply passing through the ink so there is bendy secret door that Henry is drawn onto the wall I actually thought this was really cool okay guys so as we go into the haunted house here and we walk over to the back wall it says turned back we use of a looking-glass it says there's no turning back now so Henry's basically saying you're too late you've gone too far Henry if you're at this point you've already failed to change the events of the story and there is no turning back you're actually unable to use for looking-glass in this room with Boris guys all on the right for that matter so there wasn't any more recordings in chapter four but I just wanted to let you guys know that this room doesn't hold any secrets as far as I could tell so we're going to move to chapter five and look for the last secret messages left by Henry in that final chapter now okay guys so we're in Chapter five and as you can see we've got the looking-glass and it says she will leave you for dead that's the first message we see which of course is Henry saying every single time he does in fact get left for dead by Alison angel I believe that version of Alice despite the listing on the end credits is Alison and I believe the version of Tom was Thomas Connor as we theorized many many months ago and there's actually a whole theory I'm gonna do about the messages left over there so I'm not gonna talk about it today but it does tie up here characters of Alison and Tom together because we believe they were married in the real world as per Joey's letter from them at the end of a game anyway if we turn around guys we see a whole host of messages from Henry it's inside the vault of course that's where we're heading to end the story the final real is inside the vault so he's left of that it's almost like he doesn't remember how things end so he kind of leaves these messages messages here and also if we look at these messages here it's like it seems like Henry's in memory sometimes serves him better than other times because he says don't go through the door here but then underneath on another sort of run so to speak he said what door so it looks like here he's put loads of messages in and they're all from different sort of experiences as he's gone through story sometimes he remembers stuff sometimes he doesn't he's gotten over way here which is a map of towards the end of the game in the vault so many questions there's per boat there of course some stars says trust her I'm guessing that's to do with Alison and then it says follow me here now before we follow his messages we have a skull here and below the skull a coffin now I believe this symbolizes that Henry is in fact dead himself and is now living inside the cartoon world he's saying to himself I'm not alive in human form anymore I'm trapped in the cartoon world here now if we follow these trails it says take the spoon and we get arrows directing a steel spoon here so this kind of proves that it is Henry leaving the messages and that he has gone through this experience ton time again and here it says look inside you will need this and this just proves again you know there's no way he would know it was a wrench fair unless he'd done this before so he's left himself a way out now if we look at his drawings here at Henry's sketches he's put the message you draw beautifully so he's giving himself a little compliment there which is kind of a bit egotistical but at the same time he's just complimenting himself hasn't got much else to live for at the moment has he there's not really anything else in this room guys apart from the big fish here which is an easter egg and reference to book past who seems to be a lovely guy I've chatted with him on Twitter a few times he's one of the team involved in making the game I believe for creative director and that's the book pasta fish fair so that's a little reference to a member of a team now if we go through here guys will see another message just on a wall just says follow me it's just Henry leading himself down the path so we'll skip ahead to the next message now guys okay go so as we go through the caverns here and we emerge where Alison and Tom are taking the barge away downstream before we get on our barge we can actually look down at a floor and it will say there's something in the river so Henry is warning himself about a giant sort of bendy creature that's living beneath the surface off the river course it may not be bendy himself but I believe it could be a offed version of bendy we've seen at the end of this chapter with vendee can evolve right so it just arriving inside v village offer lost ones a little shanty town but in the studios there's actually a couple of messages here guys that we can pick up on the first one is over here on this house it says you bring death with a skull on the you so obviously Henry's sort of saying you know by coming here we're gonna end up fighting all of the lost ones living here which would just workers off the studio and end up harming them and he's even written a Buffy not monster sign he's put over the top of that once people now fallen into despair and you can see it's kind of like a little shrine to the lost ones here all their handprints on there and I believe that's the only they're the only ones I can find in this area the only messages I can find but maybe more hidden around here but that's all I could see personally so we'll move on to the next section now after we pulled down this giant pit which obviously we know now Henry can survive because he's in a cartoon world which is why can keep surviving these massive drops we look here we can see another message which says it's inside the vault Henry just leading himself towards his final objective okay guys so we've got to the office of Joey Drew now or now once we go into this room there's actually a secret message within Joey's office which we can see when we look at the wall behind us guys as we come through that door look at the wall up behind us and it says who is the man behind my monster it's asking the question who is Joey really you know who is the man behind the monster and we finally get to find out with this audio log we find out that it is Joey Votto obviously fooled Suzie Campbell into you becoming Alice angel for first experiment of many at the studio Joey Drew truly was a monstrous man as we come through to the vault area here and if we go over to the back wall you'll see another secret message which says the demon has taken it because once we go inside the box below you'll see that it's actually empty looks like whatever was here was taken long ago okay guys did you remember how earlier I said that if you give Boris bone in chapter 3 or secret to do with Thomas Connors version of forests in the chapter 5 well this is the secret see he's actually got a bone in his mouth once again it's kind of like the ghost of a bone I suppose and I guess this is Henry's is contemplating on the fact that this Boris reminds him a little bit of his although the personality is obviously very different I do think the other Boris was Wally Franks to be honest and this one is Thomas Connor of course you can also see the little halo above Alison's head with this looking glass as well which kind of shows that Alison is indeed the good Alice if we didn't already know as you can see here we've reached the final boss battle and the some actual secrets during this boss battle learn which just basically show you how to get the best routes I believe to pull the levers in in sequence as you can see here we've got arrows which sort of lead all the way around to the different era two different levers around the room so to show you the next ones down here we follow that round and avoid bendy we'll go to the second lever which is here Henry's obviously just left himself directions here leading to all the relevant places where the leavers are found and there's a message here by this door guy which says open this door which is just Henry basically telling himself to as are they poor believers I think it's more just fearful players who can't figure out what to do in that area although the first time I played this I didn't actually think to look through the looking-glass in this part but that is the last a lot of messages in bendy and the in-between chapter 5 and that concludes this video goes to us every message you will find well at least everyone I know of at least four aren't any in this final room here as you can see apart from the arrow over there which is just showing you to go through the door so that is it for the video and yeah go and check out my theory about the ending of chapter 5 if you want a detailed analysis of everything that happened and I hope you've enjoyed this one it's been quite a chilled-out laid back when I think of course if you have enjoyed today's video guys remember to give it a like and subscribe to the channel for more videos just like this one as well as leave me a comment down below and let me know what you think of these secret messages but until next time I'll say goodbye have a good day and I was see you on the next video [Music]
Channel: SuperHorrorBro
Views: 4,115,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bendy and the ink machine chapter 5, bendy chapter 5, Henrys secret messages BATIM, bendy secret messages, bendy hidden messages, all secret henry messages, all secrets batim chapter 5, all secrets bendy chapter 5, all henry messages bendy, bendy and the ink machine theories, batim secret messages analyzed, bendy secret messages analysis, batim, superhorrorbro bendy, superhorrorbro chapter 5, superhorrorbro bendy and the ink machine, bendy chapter 5 theory, game secrets, bendy
Id: Ice2g0LXo-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 5sec (2345 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 29 2018
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