Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony- Final Class Trial -End- (Chapter 6) (Deadly Life)

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I'm also a part of team dangan ronpa we make the finest killing entertainment everyone enjoys our work oh so much and our newest project is shut up you created an entire fictional world to make us do this fictional killing game no matter how many false memories we've been implanted with we aren't fictional [Music] what didn't I tell you that you have no homes to go back to just like us you only exist within the world of dunkin romper just like you still don't get it you just need to ask yourselves one question [Music] we're the same we're all just like you [Music] fictional characters created solely for this killing game rather than we can do about it I'm afraid danganronpa is that kind of property what are you saying material existence is a fabrication independent of your actual flesh and blood you're all fictional didn't look like this when you first came to the ultimate Academy those were your true selves now you're all just fictional characters that's the truth average everyday people with no ultimate talent whatsoever when you guys came to this Academy for the first time you were just born every day high school students [Music] your average students with no talent [Music] but boring everyday characters have no right to be in dangan ronpa so you are all made more suitable for your new role everyone remember thanks to the first flash back light you are all given personalities talents and up Bri needs to create your characters much like that delightful documentary making a murderer [Music] it was at that point that the prologue of this story began which means your ultimate talents are all just fiction our talents as well are a bunch of lies I mean they suited you to a certain extent but mostly in a placebo effect sorta way kinda like a form of auto suggestion you know like if you do it it'll all work out not just your talents families say you're not fictional now your body is real your identities personalities talents and past are all fiction this is fictional now stupid isn't this what you all wanted wouldn't remember but you guys were all from the outside world no way are you saying we wanted to participate in this killing game take a look at this number 154 my name is I've always been such a huge fan of gong-gong Rompin I always wanted to be in one if I were a contestant I would want to be an ultimate detective I know there's been a few in the past and I've always loved those characters so I would want to be one of them but I don't have to be a detective I'll be anything to be part of the show and I mean that anything I do anything to be part of Donkin romp ah I promise if I get selected I will work as hard as I can I will come up with the best most gruesome murders I promise everyone will love it and an ultimate detective hasn't been the blackened yet so I'm sure I could do that I'm also thinking about the perfect punishment for an ultimate detective what was that wasn't that you Shuichi no it can't be I'd never say something like what we saw your audition tape we had a flash of inspiration the weakest ultimate detective ever wouldn't it be great to see him grow so that's why we made your character and had you join the gang you are no different you auditioned and were selected as well yeah you were all so excited when you were selected it was right after you all received your ultimate wardrobe huh how nice so you guys ready could it be alright we really said that that's a lie I have no memory of that you just forgot us all cause of the flash back light we used on you the people who used to be are gone you're fictional characters now understand we are all flesh-and-blood fictional characters nowhere to return all that stuff's fiction - that's what a back story is because there is no such place there's no togami corporation in the real world the only fictional characters can live is in this fictional world the place you're actually trapped inside it's the dumb gunrunner worried that's why you guys can't leave this place that's why your only option is to continue the killing game here you're all fictional characters created to kill each other it's what the world wants that's why there's nowhere to run that reaction you fell into despair times like these you need to look to your friends for support however all your friends are even kaitos illness was given to him as part of his character what I was the one who came up with that flat line and gave him that virus I was also the one who came up with the blood line poor you fell for Kaito what are you saying character it's the same for me too created to bring excitement to the killing game much like myself the killing game swelled with excitement even my pants started to swell too you're telling us this is all a lie even my feelings are you saying even those of her lies I'm going to tell fictional I then yes everything in this world has a writing credit all our words and actions are just a bunch of lies for example an unbreakable vow of brotherhood is just a simple plot line you said it bro however that was a splendid plot line that thing Katie said that moved schooi G's heart [Music] that was a lie because the real toy they said I'm perfect for a killing game I don't have any faith in humanity and hope to forget kaido's inspiring line [Music] there was a line cuz the real time I'm not just gonna be a dunk on wrong pot I'm gonna kill everybody and win once I got fame and fortune I don't got to worry about what's impossible [Music] [Music] [Music] why am i hair I've even survived this long suspension there's no greater meaning there meaning to death or greater meaning to life it's all fiction there's no meaning to be found in any other growth I could just barf well I guess it makes sense you wouldn't believe all this stuff even despair yet it will be troublesome for us if you don't despair under our rule the reason is killing games so popular why it's gone on for 53 seasons that reason is despair viewers flocked to see that's why all those people out there look so [Music] what business [Applause] [Music] as this for the outside wouldn't once is this what they want from us oh don't have the energy to yell well going for help is useless for fictional characters anyway it makes the viewers even more depraved and obsessed when they feel sorry for you [Applause] what knowing to be shipped just to revel in the depravity of at all that depravity is the appeal of death games it's the appeal of this very doing game it's the appeal of God God Rob by itself [Applause] [Music] what are we supposed to do what's gonna happen to us what are you guys talking about try not to ruin the class trial and end the killing games go ahead and stop it if you can try and stop a world obsessed with it there's no way to stop it it's impossible oh are you giving up already it's all a lie isn't it me everyone here everyone had died everything's a lie right [Music] I can't fight for a lie can i what's the matter are you in despair no matter how much you grow Shuichi you're still weak after all now that you know it's all lies you've gone back to the weak ultimate detective it is a despair fit for tongan romper that was surprisingly disappointing but I guess it's okay we're still on script [Music] [Music] you you [Music] I hear your voices crystal-clear my inner voice is telling me I need to remedy this situation that is why I will not give up I will not give up hope until the very end give up no matter what hope is always within reach these keep our heads high and search for hope especially in deepest despair you said so yourself this killing game is the ultimate real fiction if this is both real and fiction then logically it can't all be fiction even if this world is fiction even if we're fiction there must be something that you do so there must be a way to break through this I won't give up hope not ever see the outside world doesn't just want to spare it wants hope too if our voices have reached the outside world then what my inner voice is telling me is oh that's the voice of the outside world what I know because I wrote your bloodline - there's no way I wouldn't know who that is you're hearing the voice of the outside world from the start of this killing game you've had a unique room you're the audience surrogate circuit reports the last communication between herself on she makes is to keep the audience entertained now tell me what is your inner voice speak clearly and enunciate [Music] [Music] this is it and it's survey [Laughter] well done yes indeed that is the truth it's to the communication that lets you participate in the program from home status or inner voices true nature the results of an audience survey the voice I relied on for guidance was just the audience answering survey questions every move you made was dictated by the audience's answers to that sir this season of Dargan ronpa the main gimmick is audience participation on your head lets you receive their answers this is an antenna when your antenna broke and you went crazy that was a big problem for us we got flooded with complaints from the audience that's not your only role you're also the audience's camera camera the outside world has been watching from your eyes the whole time it lets them feel like they're really a part of the danganronpa world and it's all thanks to you [Music] that's why I'm so glad you survived all the way through now I can use you to plunge the outside world into despair despair in surrogate falls into despair then the audience does too by making you fall into despair I can make the entire world fall into despair my despair will turn from fiction to fact and destroy reality itself isn't that just the most delightful to spare why would you go to all this trouble isn't to go in Hershey majestic trust you Oh cable pulpit I do do my cosplay is a perfect reproduction [Music] actually doing stuff the characters wood is totally part of that is that why you want the world to fall into despair Duncan round back the outside world wants to see horrible setups and payoffs horrible than a fictional despair eroding the real world [Music] no I won't give in to despair if I'm a surrogate for the audience did Eileen use my inner voice to broadcast hope to the outside world to an audience that watches TV no my inner voice already told me what to do I need to remedy this if that's the voice of the outside world that the outside world actually wants hope see I will trust the outside world I will trust in hope [Music] [Music] this is the power of hope I will not lose to your despair what would I'm carrying the hope of the outside world [Music] ng I won't let you do that hope will never give in to despair let's settle this [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] which you're the one who broke the rules in the first place man we've made it this far together let's just do one last boat should get punished what this will be a boat to determine how this story ends guys have to decide whether this story ends in hope or despair it's lending hope to end in despair we decide oh man it's late outside world is starting to get jazzed up hope will definitely win no one here wants to spare to win that's right hand side with the mastermind choice ends in your suffering suffering let me explain what's gonna happen after debate representing hope is punished and I representing despair win the killing school semester students remain you're going to continue the game because there are gonna be any more murders my predictions are always correct 30% of the time you know their lies nothing will happen that's no way to live listen to the school their families your friends they never existed in the first place doggone romper characters can only live in the dangan ronpa setting there's no visa to pull out of school only losers pull out we've been knocked over spilt milk I told you guys already you can't get rid of memories with flashback lights flashlights can only overwrite old memories with new ones but if you're absolutely serious use a flashback light to become a different fictional character instead so we can't go back to the way we were how about that despair but if I representing despair and punished and kibo representing hope wins and of course you must follow the rules the game will continue until the final to do if you can graduate what out of the four of us only two can survive yes so I will let you decide the two who will survive we got this far and you're telling us to sacrifice more of our friends easily sacrifices and then the rest of you losers can leave the academy however even if you do escape to the outside world you will find it most unwelcoming know as long as we never give up there will always be hope you're gonna be a [ __ ] about it do whatever you want which two will survive can you choose which two will be sacrificed I sacrifice myself why kibo if it will bring hope to everyone and the outside world I will gladly sacrifice myself but Kibo it's okay it destroys my body I will defeat despair even if it sacrifice yourself you still need one more to win there needs to be one more sacrifice Shuichi Maki and himiko one of them has to sacrifice themselves our hope can't win you've got the guts to make such a heartless choice [Music] can you understand now even if you choose hope you will still suffer you don't have to choose the hard life no one expects you guys to do that there will be no more killings so let's all just stay here together together everyone may feel a lot better after they built the Kibo together okay don't let it fool you despair won't end this killing game only hope will [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I will never give up hope we'll never lose to despair even if you won't give up as long as you don't sacrifice someone a sacrifice myself but if Kibo and I sacrifice ourselves then Shuichi and himiko live right we can survive this absurd killing game [Music] after listening to Kibo I've decided I don't want this killing game to end with despair that would just piss me off only feel that way because I wrote you like that just like with Kaito even then I'll choose that ending if it means I can kill you I will kill you sacrifice wait machi [Applause] I'm sorry I've already made up my mind [Music] indeed I told you over and over there's nothing for you out there no once the audience sees this ending I'm sure they'll help us everything is going to be ok you would definitely find totally mean I hope what I reject that hope I I refuse I won't accept that hope you Ichi what's the matter it's because of hope that this whole thing is happening I reject that hope [Music] hope itself is the villain here we suffer because of hope to Moogie isn't trying to make us despair she wants us to trust and hope so I say no I reject that hope soon he wants us to trust in hope what does that mean the reason this madness has gone around fifty three words it's because of hope [Music] it's because the audience was hope they want to see hope to beat the stair in the end it's hopes Peak Academy all over again so if we fight for hope we just be giving them what they want and the killings will never don't you see this pair is the only choice [Music] the reason this madness has gone on fifty-three parties it's because of hope it's because the audience wants hope they want to see hope defeat the stare in the end its hopes Peak Academy all over again so if we fight for hope we just be giving them what they want and the killings will never end don't you see despair is the only choice I will cut down your words Jerry takes everything from people even there's strength to press onward that's why it's not possible for despair to be better the people watching probably feel the same way they won't hope to what even if it's fiction everyone wants to feel hope it gives them courage and this killing game continues because we keep giving them the hope they want while they ignore all the tragedies that we had to suffer to get there [Music] what it's all gonna end here viewing your shitty hope late we're not finished talking please let me just ask one more thing I have to know something before we vote what is it if hope wins this final vote Kibo and Maki will sacrifice themselves and you tsumugi the loser will also be punished correct what kind of punishment will they receive please tell me what it is why should I tell you I never said anything about a punishment did I the punishment isn't the problem right now the problem is no that is the problem because if the punishment is what I think it is then everything would make sense including why rant ro participated in another killing game does he have to do with this you know the answer Kiba if you really are connected to the outside world then I want you to find the answer [Music] got it the punishment is you have to participate in the next killing game right what yeah I think so the punishment after the final vote is to participate in another killing game that's what rentaro is talking about something similar must have happened in the last killing game and he was given a choice he sacrificed himself and was forced to participate again all this means is if we choose hope here the killing game won't end tsumugi will still be the mastermind Kiba will still represent the viewers and Maki will be the new ultimate survivor the killing game will begin again don't you see if hope wins the killing won't stop it's because hope wins that the killing never stops it's what the people want they want hope to win they want the happy ending that's how the killing game has gone on fifty three times the killing game persists because hope always wins that's why I'm going to reject that hope despair you're going to choose to spare too in the killing game oh boy fine our audience loves despair so this will please them too even if despair wins the killing games still go dead then Hope has to win this game too if you continue to win for hope then this killing game will surely end someday no I get it it's not going to end it's gonna keep happening over and over then what are we supposed to do when Maki said she was going to sacrifice herself just now I thought why so many of our friends have sacrificed their lives why Maki why now why do we have to go through it again the sorrow of losing quiete and Kaito why do we have to feel that sadness over and over and over again why do we have to bear that burden well I don't care how much the audience wants it I'm not gonna feel that way anymore I don't want anyone to feel that way anymore even if this is fiction even if we're all fictional the pain in my heart is real the sadness I feel when I lose the people I love is real I won't forget this game that treats us like toys and if this is what the world wants fight the world that inflicts suffering for entertainment what you do no matter what a fictional character does or says it's just fiction to the outside world then I'll fight the outside world for within this fiction [Music] I refuse to vote refuse to vote Monica said that if we don't vote will be killed for breaking the rules yes I know that's why I'm doing it if this ends without a single vote in cast for hope or despair the audience would hate it they'd never accept an ending like that so I abstained I refused to get the outside world the ending at once I won't vote for kibo or tsumugi I reject both hope and despair [Music] I'll put a stop to this killing game even if this is all fake our suffering and pain is real it was robbed for me too it's interesting what the [ __ ] you're gonna do i reject both hope and despair I reject the world that would make us do this which is why I abstained from voting so this won't end and hope or despair you throw away your future's pages I could have stopped this killing game [Music] even if this is all fake our suffering and pain is real it was Rob with me - it's a testing what the [ __ ] you're gonna do I reject both hope and despair I reject the world that would make us do this which is why I abstained from voting or despair what your futures what are you doing did your inner voice really tell you to do that did it tell you to reject hope my inner voice is still telling me not to give up on hope but if that hope demands tragedy from us [Music] cannot trust it I may be a robot but the thought of my friends died still fills me with sadness don't want anyone else to feel this way so I will abandon hope [Music] know what will happen if you do that to defy the audience this killing game is over anyway new characters are created just to show the outside world a fictional hope they get written into these killing games forced to betray one another and at the end of the slaughter the tragedy the despair hope always wins we're gonna end this right now we won't let it end the way they want you won't make a good ending or a bad one to win this killing game and end it forever [Music] we check dangan ronpa tsumugi you were right can we and weaker than everyone else if I didn't have my plans I'd be useless that's true even now if Kibo and Maki didn't stand up I would have ended it all right then but it's because I'm weak and because I lost my way that I finally realized I finally realized how cool this hope really is tena koe Maki will you abstain from floating with me do that all three of you will be killed if you do guys really want to commit suicide you've been fighting so hard to survive but now you're gonna give up such foolishness to cast your life away is the height of stupidity [Music] we can put an end to this insane killing game we're gonna use our lives to end this madness but he Miko you have to choose okay you can't look away you can't back down you have to choose only those who are bound the truth can choose their destiny [Music] [Music] if you refuse to vote we all die to choose death is to blaspheme against life itself hope in despair neither the victor no one would run an any like that that's meaningless death no important our lives are our strongest weapons and with these weapons we revolt against the outside world even if I'm a fictional character my life is real that's like killing games are fun right it's fun to see two lives clash right won't let you use my life for some show my life to end this killing game so tinkle mg and all the past victims can rest in peace only weapon I've got I'll use my life to put an end to this killing game what suicide his suicide no matter what your reason is it's just another work of fiction following along my outline the imported mic script just like Maki falling for Kaito you know none of you and I do the only one who survived it's okay MA believe in me and believe in yourself just like you believed in Kaito in myself that's why you have to fight even if you're scared because you have that strength it'd be a lousy story at the hero gave up so easily [Music] [Music] even your the odds are works of fiction it's even if it is fiction it's because of everyone sacrifices that we come this far their debts have to be more than just fiction there must be something we can do you need to live your lives for them as well we're going to use this fiction to change reality we're gonna end Doug on Raw believe in myself even if everything is fictional I believe in my feelings if I can't believe in my feelings then my existence will have no meaning if we can change reality then we won't be just fiction our lives will have significance my feelings will have significance - you guys want to die so badly it's not that I want to die we fought so hard to survive of course we don't want to die but it's not just about us everyone who died in the killing games felt the same way they were all desperate to live they wanted to survive for themselves and for someone else that desire isn't fictional to us that pain isn't fictional to us to us the killing game is real tragedy that's why we have to stop it we won't let this happen ever again it's not going to stop because that's what the world wants the world once killing games duncan laka will not end can we have to change it no way you can change it fiction could never change the real you don't believe in the power of fiction it may not physical power but our wish will surely be received by someone if fiction has the power to touch people's hearts then that power can change the world I believe I will also abandon my vote just as Shuichi suggested did it's decided we all abstained from voting that hope and despair we refuse to bow to the demands of the outside world are you crazy if you do that only eyes a mastermind will survive you know do whatever you want with hope and despair already decided to quit this carrying game don't care about this fictional world that's right this class trial is over now start voting time you really want the killing game to end you really want doggone Roberts come on even if we keep going back and forth let's keep this game going I won't let it be voting time yet [Music] this game is gonna keep going and this bus traveling over you either you really want the killing game to end you really want doggone Rob [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm abandoning this game I won't play your game anymore monokuma now start the vote I won't let you abandon this game [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Hey what are you doing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fine be bored we're not here for your entertainment we try to survive you're the ones who want us to be entertaining if you're gonna complain perhaps you should just stop watching even if we have to make the entire audience hate us you're not going to stop we're gonna end our tragedy here give up already and start voting time all four of us will abstain from voting so you'll be the only one who survives you okay with that Kibo is your inner voice telling you that's okay does the outside world really want that do they want done gone wrong with your head what are they saying what's your inner voice thing your voice doesn't matter anymore I'm going to end this game with my friend [Music] pema people what's wrong that's what I thought they don't want this kind of ending they want the killing games to continue decision isn't that right Kiba [Music] yes my inner voice will not accept an ending without hope or despair you see there isn't the one you know you can't defy the audience when you're their surrogate it's how they did such a silly thing that is feeling the audience's angered now what do you mean what's happening to kibo personality of his should be erased his personality was erased the decision ronpa we supported you you owe us that's so it doesn't matter how much you fight you can't change the outside world outside world still wants dangan ronpa that won't change what did you say so do you still want to throw your lives away even if it changes nothing Tebow Tebow I [Music] killing game [Music] keyboard [Music] he's completely erased that makes me sad too you know he was a character it created but this is the end the outside world Richard's her decision so no matter how you use your lives it won't change anything then I'll change it people gave us this one chance if Kibo is doing what the outside world is telling him we just have to convince him you know we can change the world we owe it to Kibo to try perfection to change the real world impossible is possible all you got to do is make it so you can even change the world look we will change the world for ourselves and everyone who died it's not the end our friends who died leave us their love and we changed because of that if we can inspire changing others then that love will live on that love will tear down the wall between fiction and reality and it will live on forever that's why I'm gonna change the world as long as I have their love I will change it even if this whole story is alive I will use that light to change the world you can change this world because there's no way you can persuade them like that Tebow let me hear the voices of the outside world and let them hear me [Music] don't like twist like this [Music] don't winds like this [Music] no way fiction can change the world [Music] I'm not here for a damn lecture oi [Music] I'm not here for a damn Roger hey what about this assassins Viji characters are so annoying killing games are the best [Music] Oh Oh Paul it's their Oh [Music] Oh Oh pointless death because no one voted is the word indeed to change the world we want more hopefully there's another season dangan ronpa will never end what we're gonna end Doug on ronpa what just happened Kiba it's pointless the outside world won't let dangan ronpa end everyone loves dangan ronpa killing game entertainment will continue forever lovin let's proceed with voting time I think hopeful to motion over despairing savuti the outside world what's the sea [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right looks like boating is over let's hurry and announce the results I didn't vote it was the right thing to do right the three of us might be penalized for abstaining to vote but what's going to happen to kibo and tsumugi if Kibo is controlled by the outside world he must devote a person lucky then what about tsumugi if she had cast one vote for Kibo then it would be a type but oh there's no need to worry about that I didn't vote either what just as I thought you wanted hope to win we're friends aren't we there's no way I'd abandon you guys friends you've got no right saying that now I turned over a new leaf I'm not lying it's the truth so since the four of us abstained from voting unlike heroes vote counts no matter who he voted for the only one who survives this table other words the winner is hope but said earlier that he'd sacrifice himself and take the punishment right he'll be participating in the next killing game hold it why are you punishing kibo the kibo survives then there's no need for him to be sucker it doesn't work like that he needs to follow through on his word are you twisting the rules again maybe it's a bit for us but that's fiction for you right but I'll accept my death if you guys are willing to die to stop the killing game I'll die to continue it even if it's just fiction I gave my life to make it and how about this for the next five lines hope has one but the lone survivor Kibo remains trapped now he'll challenge the killing game anew will he be able to grasp true hope and anything like that gonna work right what this is the worst possible ending well we already know the outcome but we should follow protocol okay then let's begin who will be chosen as the blackened who will win hope or despair [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] what that's true that's it [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no no yeah Hey [Music] that's true [Music] yeah [Music] yes [Music] it's the will of the outside destroy this entire fictional world and end the killing game that is what the outside world wants [Music] [Music] [Music] it's okay okay [Music] because [Music] that's it [Music] Oh [Music] huh [Music] everyone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: DismArchus
Views: 453,184
Rating: 4.9475398 out of 5
Keywords: Dism, Alisa, Persona, Dragon, ball, gt, Super, Music, Fire, Emblem, Erika, Lucina, Robin, Marth, the, end, Battle, Kamehameha, South, Park, Anime, Gintama, Senpai, notice, me, Headgear, Earphones, Chrom, Corrin, Azura, Fates, Camilla, Chest, Strategy, Gaming, Wendy, Deliana, GodFather, Skyrim, Dragonborn, Joker, Fool, Naruto, Sasuke, Boruto, Santnael, Lavenaza, Margaret, Elizabeth, Zelda, Link, Nintendo, PlayStation, Atlus, Stella, Glow, Devil, Survivor, Xenoverse
Id: 9pKKQPhqLmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 31sec (5731 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2017
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