This Changes Everything... Danganronpa 2

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hi i'm bg from the future i know too much the things that i've seen i know what i said last episode but it turns out the game had other plans this is the second to the last episode because if i were to put it together you would have been watching like a three hour i'll probably all getting on four hour video i didn't want to do that to you guys so that doesn't mean things don't happen in this episode it's just not the end of the game after this episode it will be the end of the game if you missed last episode the thumbnail looked like this i'm not going to waste your time any longer let's get you to this despair it would be wrong to say it was swaying from side to side it was actually shaking rather intensely the room i was in it was shaking from side to side the shaking was quite irregular just when you thought it was a series of small shakes it would suddenly shake violently and every time that happened i'd have to steady myself with my foot i couldn't stand it very well but for me it was comforting i never thought not knowing what to expect could be so fun so i was feeling rather excited but i figured i'd get bored of that feeling soon enough that's what i was expecting for me a person who was loved by talent detecting regularities among irregularities won't be that difficult ah how boring he's alive do you like ships on the other side of the dark room i heard a voice it was clearly directed at me you looked like you were having fun so that's what i assumed you do like ships right ships ah that's right so that's it so this is a ship you just realized that now is it really that funny hey if you want here to talk a little the silence was starting to bore me instantly i saw his true character the over familiar attitude the friendly smile but underneath that skin i could detect a foul offensive odor like some kind of putrid slime in a sensible way of course how should i put this it was a smell exclusive to those who are already finished nice to meet you i'm nagito nagito komoeda anyway lucky me it's been a while since anyone was willing to talk to me so to share a room with a person like that yep i'm definitely lucky lucky so that's your uh your talent then what a boring talent a boring talent huh well that's exactly what it is but for someone i'm meeting for the first time to say that so suddenly that's because i have luck as well huh even i possess a talent as boring as luck possess huh i'm starting to get really interested in who you are or who are you you're obviously from hope's peak academy too right you're one of us so nagito is talking right but that's weird uh that this is the first time i've ever seen you hey can you tell me why you're here how did you end up here how boring uh sorry i'm offended that i'm terrible at making conversation not you this world huh this world is full of boring people people who lack talent stick together and oppress those who don't who do possess talent even though they know they're insignificant they don't try to acknowledge their true superiors they are profoundly desperate to drag them down to their level and because of those bastards this world has come to a deadlock still don't feel good i don't know why it just doesn't go right this world has stopped evolving how boring well the world is shaped by the will of the majority it makes sense that it bends to those who lack talent that's why we're in our present situation uh perhaps uh does that have anything to do with the reason you're here boring people who make no contributions to the world not even a speck of dust that's why my teachers taught me that a certain degree of selection must be performed looks like they had high expectations for you huh that's completely different from me but what are you planning to do now that you've ended up like this there's nothing you can do right listen well using people is a talent too it is now my turn to use that person just as they used me in the past that person are you talking about the ultimate despair freaking junko but how i mean they're already i have it with me the contribution that person left to me even now it rests in my pocket i don't know what you're talking about i'm definitely lucky i can't believe i'm speaking with someone as amazing as you [Music] why does he have nails i know my boy didn't go get a pedicure or a manicure which one is it i don't know then will i be able to see her again why is he that's not a he that is a will i be able to see that person i hate with every fiber of my being again wait those i know those nails it's freaking uh mukuro it's kusaba and this time i will be able to kill her this time the person i hate so much eight then explain your hand ah this the end of that bandage is a woman's hand right [Music] isn't it amazing i can't move it of course i mean it's not my hand after all but even now it still hasn't rotted hey maybe that means it's becoming one with me what the heck this game pulled a freaking metal gear solid 4. in case you guys don't know metal gear solid 4 uh the main character basically takes someone's hand that gets like sewn onto them and it takes over their body so that's mukuro's hand isn't it it is taking over freaking nagito isn't it amazing i have successfully become one with the ultimate despair my sworn enemy i see so you salvage the body you really are a boring person i don't want you to misunderstand i just see her as my enemy you know because she's my sworn enemy because i hate her so much that's why i took her power and for that i wait huh do i hate her that's strange ah look out the window we're finally here an island you're starting to see it too right that's jabberwock island isn't it isn't it exciting i wonder what's going to happen on that island once we get there what's going to happen i can already predict what will happen huh i already know because i am loved by talent but no matter what happens it is of no concern to me i will not be able to participate in what lies ahead really i don't really understand but i guess we have to part ways for a while that's disappointing we seem to get along pretty well hey can i see you again there's no reason we'll ever meet again after all you are boring your talent your thoughts your entire existence is boring to me you really don't play along do you [Music] i don't understand huh what's this it's a door there's a door a door why is the door here where am i how did i get here where am i supposed to go [Music] huh isn't this a classroom but even so it's a very strange classroom why am i in a place like this i swear if he wakes up and like you just see makoto oh god or something stupid like that i went inside the ancient room with everyone else and i arrived at a place that looked like a trial ground but then why it's not connecting i don't know why i'm here it's like there's no connection between how i left the trial ground and how i ended up here it's just like before when we were all together in that classroom just before we arrived at jabra walk island but where is this place is it somewhere on jabberwock island oh no oh we're still doing the thing um um testing testing mic check one two this is a test of the school broadcasting why don't you say mike isn't my name oh my god am i on can everyone hear me okay well then welcome to hope speak academy you guys at this point i shall explain the graduation exam to you all so please assemble at the gymnasium immediately what is this game what did he say what i think he just said yeah he definitely said it he said welcome to hope speak academy but why would this place be hope speak academy and not just that what is the graduation exam isn't the killing over already it feels good to be back though guys wow wow wow what so it doesn't feel like a normal school he's saying it's probably a building that monokuma made to startle us just like the fun house that's right that's definitely it i need to know i have so many questions let me walk around please okay okay okay so yeah yeah it's the same wait a minute wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait wait yeah yeah so the nurse is here but i know it won't let me go anywhere why is this mark here of course we can't go into any rooms we can go to the gym which is where we're supposed to go i suppose but dang guys so does that mean the first game was part of this same place i don't know what else to come like think about it the gymnasium is here right all right i'm going inside something might be waiting but i'm not going to cower anyway away anymore and so i braced myself and cautiously opened the door this is the end goodbye academy of despair it's kind of scary i wasn't prepared for what i was waiting for me on the other side of that door it was a normal gym damn right yo hajime yeah you heard the announcement it came here too right you guys did it too right what's going on hey what do you make of all this monokuma said this place was host speak academy or something that cannot be possible you're right any way we look at it it's impossible hello how does it feel to return to a long awaited hope speak academy you hey where are we where'd you lock us up this time what a shock i just told you guys this hope speak academy of course not there's no way that's true oh but it is i mean this is definitely hope speak academy oh well what's left of it anyway didn't i tell you before unfortunately hope speak academy failed to ruin you were serious about that i don't believe it but of course it felt to ruin i mean they were doing things that they deserved to be roomed for what do you mean anyway i'm pretty disappointed i went to all this trouble to bring you to hope speak academy you don't feel surprised or nostalgic well it's not like i did this for you guys even if you don't feel nostalgic i'm sure someone is feeling nostalgic right now someone enough with this just spit it out already where'd you take us though i am not certain of my memories i believe we entered the ancient ruin in other words it means i made this hope's pick academy between the door to the ruin and the inside of the ruin what do you mean between oh my are your minds getting the grumblies and only knowledge can satisfy good very good it's fine to hurry along the graduation exam but it's my nature to provide a little entertainment entertainment you're planning to make us do something aren't you no it's nothing to be so cautious about it's not like you'll be making life exchanges or anything like that it's just a simple graduation exam then what is the graduation exam well as the headmaster i'm conflicted you know on one hand i'm really happy you're finally going to graduate but on the other hand i'm worried about whether you guys will be okay uh in the outside world that's why i'm thinking about telling you what the outside world is like before you make a decision what do you want to leave jabberwock jabberwock island or stay here so he's going to tell us about the what's going on that's annoying just hurry up with a lot of shoes no no you can't do that the main cast hasn't arrived yet what i mean you guys are just extras until the guest of honor arrives so enough complaining everybody hurry up and start researching the outside world what do you mean i have dispersed all the teaching materials you need for your research throughout hope speak academy well i don't think this needs to be said but all the information is accurate it contains no lies whatsoever otherwise the main cast is going to hate me so please rest assured and strive to do your best during your field trip and as usual leaving us with his cryptic words monokuma disappeared even if the setting had changed even if the killing was finished he was still the same as usual um what's going on outside world main cast somehow i have a bad feeling about this hey like he kept insisting that this place is hope speak academy hmm but that's impossible right what are you saying how how did we make it back to home speak academy from a tropical island in the first place it's impossible it cannot be well obviously they don't know about the building i said i wanted to go back but i don't want to go back to a creepy place like this what does this mean so many things i don't understand this building is it really hope's peak [Music] is this the hope speak i've been admiring for so long what in the world is going on why is this happening why i was finally able to attend hope speak academy i finally thought i'd become confident in myself even so i if i really am a nobody then they should have just left me alone why do i have to go through something like this um did something happen hey now it's not the time to zone now sorry it's nothing i don't really get it but is that all as long as i don't beat the crap out of monokuma nothing's gonna be solved is that what it means hey just what the heck is monokuma anyway he's not part of the feature foundation right if you say that then what is the future foundation even though chiaki and monomi are gone our situation hasn't changed a bit which means the future foundation wasn't our enemy that's the only thing i could think of are you serious so then they're not world ender then we really are we're tricked by matakuma however however the future foundation is responsible for trapping us on this island right regardless that matter i believe monami never once denied that even if there are allies they might not just be uh uh allies maybe monokuma is telling us to investigate the information on her own jackie says she couldn't betray the future foundation if she were still alive she definitely would have helped us yeah of course so what should we do well that's obvious we're gonna go get we're gonna get out here safely we have to do the graduation exam right so annoying i'm not really good at taking exams well i guess it's better than people dying monica says something about our field trip right is he telling us to investigate like we have been oh right all right i'm gonna do it yourself like we might be able to learn about something about hope speak academy about ourselves ah i don't care if we don't know anymore if we can just go back to our normal lives i'm fine hey we can go home when this is over right we can finally get off this dang island right if that's the case let's all leave this island alive by any means of course he's right now is not the time to be moaned how lucky i am let's do this we have to decide on whether or not we want to leave jabra walk island so what are we going to do can we start already but what are we even looking for did we just have to investigate this weird building even so i don't think we'll find the answers to all the questions well i'm just going to go ahead for now hey you're already going jeez what does this idiot think you'd run ahead without being cautious she obviously isn't thinking about anything however there will no longer be any situations where we must exchange each other's lives so we should do our best as well like they say it is not scary if everyone stops at a green light if we stopped at a green light we'd never reach our coal i kind of already took off on our own but we'd be faster if we split up and look around too the final investigation guys oh geez hey that's different i knew you could do it oh he's all glitchy i have so many coins oh it's like i'm here now huh that's weird this is the hallway it's totally different is this modicum is doing too is he trying to confuse us again i don't know how he's doing it but he keeps doing it over and over again he's so persistent i'm not gonna fall for this i'm just curious it feels nice being back here at all but without the glitchy mess well this is a room that was pretty important to last game i guess we have to go in here the archery room [Music] hey what is that what the heck is an enemy [Music] is this a manga the title is manga for morons a history of hope speak academy by monaco why is this manga with such a suspicious looking title laying on out in the open like this let's start with the history first class 3d manga is the third best way to learn about history then what's the first you ask that depends on the person so just as i thought he made this i really want to just ignore it but there's no way i can do that i'll look all right what's in it it's narrative about a cutie uh character the story begins with an introduction to homespeak academy a government-funded school of privilege where only the most talented high school students can hope to attend built to raise hope in the nation's future many of its alumni are key leaders of various industries uh new students are chosen through a scouting process but the ones who scout them are post-speak academy teachers who serve as both uh educators and researchers of talent homespeak academy isn't just a school for talent it is a school for research and talent as well however for the past few years hope speak academy has been suffering from a decline of funding if this person or if this persists the academy believes they will not be able to make progress with their research of talent so they decided to implement a new system the reserve department and like the main department who scouts for her students the reserve department utilizes a general entrance exam normal faculty was hired and placed in charge of looking after the research department the expenses and exam fees for the research department are quite high compared to most high schools nevertheless hope speak academy received an endless stream of applicants homespeak academy was now available to talentless commenters who only cared about the brand with this homespeak academy managed to amass sizable funds and begins uh further research of talents so korean hope speak academies are earnest wish a true genius who would become mankind's hope and just when they thought everything was going well an unprecedented unprecedented incident occurred the incident that triggered the tragedy the biggest most awful most tragic event history yeah that's when whatever happened in that freaking room hope speak was crippled by this incident and was forced to shut down without accomplishing anything the end so kind of what we already know so he found out about the reserve the reserve department and obviously that's what we're a part of the department was only built to collect money i was one of the reserve corps students right that's weird oh you're here again the thing that's weird is you of course why you didn't forget that you were part of the reserve department future foundation only took away this your school life memories right but you should have known even before you entered that you had no talent right so i think it's weird that you actually forgot something like that too what do you mean or what do you want me to say based on my assumption the future foundation must have wanted to hide the fact that you were one of those reserved course students i got it or you willingly sealed those memories yourself huh you wanted to be confident in yourself so you wanted to forget everything that embarrassed you you know when humans experience trauma sometimes they erase their memory of what happened it happens pretty often not that i know anything about that though are you saying it's my fault that i forgot that's not it when things get inconvenient you always get angry and try to brush it off well that's expected of a reservoir student dang it what the heck okay i got that i guess we're going back oh it's a book another manga oh god it looks freaking weird manga from war it's a tragedy of hope speak academy huh wait it was mentioned in the other manga too all right so what is it oh it was a trigger for the most biggest most tragic thing the key player in that incident was a student named izuru kamakura izura was a genius noted as a symbol of hope homespeak academy also are used all their resources to develop him supposedly izuru was a genius among geniuses and possessed various talents wielding superior talent for the hope of mankind the academy referred to izuru as the ultimate hope to protect such rare talent the academy completely concealed all evidence of izaru's origin identity wasn't that i thought that was the name of the old guy that was on the uh in the room in the fun house because of that most of the students are are at the at the academy were completely unaware of izuru's existence budizuru who was known as the symbol of hope was responsible for a horrible act or incident thirteen students of hogue's peak academy student council among the academy best and brightest were brutally murdered by ezra over that's nice however the incident did not end there the uh academy tried to protect israel's superior talent and concealed the incident as that would never happen however a certain student began working in secrets to use that incident to their advantage that student uncovered what the academy did and by making that knowledge public it soaked the fires of the reserve corps students who had long been dissatisfied with how they've been treated and the uprising began and that heralded hope's peak academy's destruction eventually that incident would lead to that horrifying devastating incident an incident that would be known as the biggest okay saying it again we're excited danganronpa zero with a heavy sigh i closed the manga am i supposed to believe this oh yeah that definitely happened we knew that from the first game what irony for a genius known as ultimate hope to cause such a gruesome incident a talent like that is too regal for society it's like trying to buy juice with a bar of gold you should be lucky that you're incompetent but ultimate hope now i need to mention that before too but it looks like it means something completely different here what nagito said was the true meaning of hope but for a zuru hope simply means talent more importantly a genius who possesses various talents i wish they had given me more of those talents so i didn't have to be in the reserve department that's right the reserve department here said the reserve corps students in the reserve department began uprising then what about me was i part of that that's not possible they always say that it oh it's not possible what's the longest ending to a game i've ever seen in my life but i wish i'll move on and now it's letting me in here the bio lab [Music] ooh that looks scary what is this room it's so cold in here we know what this room is manga for morons the biggest most awful most okay again a story about creepily drawing characters who get involved in such horrifying incidents an incident known as the biggest blah blah blah in this drawing so it is this drawn so grotesquely because the incident itself is that grotesque anyway is this like a reference to that um one person that did that like those uh scary mangas i can't remember his name the tragedy of hope speak was simply the trigger at first the uprising by the reserve corps students that triggered the tragedy of hope's peak was initially hoped to be resolved quickly but the situation continued to escalate to dangerous extremes the movement started spreading all over the internet and fostered a thriving online community the comment the community was not limited to students and people of various races and nations began joining in but the movement was not conformed to the internet or confined to the internet and began spreading eroding the real world when the movement started it was indistinguishable from any other demonstration inspired by social social unrest but as it spread across the world certain abnormality abnormalities soon came to light and then it was too late the end the ends and the means had vanished and when 10 destruction became became their only goal what the kind of word is that the strong butchered the weak the weak killed the weakest among them and soon the weak formed factions to brutally murder the strong as the violence and death continued to spread the shock of their actions began to just disappear as if the era was regressing to more uncivilized times when senselessness our senseless deaths were the norm the media was oversaturated with death to the point where people would watch them while enjoying a meal by the time the world realized that what it had become it was too late to stop what had happened the feeling of emits despair began spreading and eventually engulfed the world acts of terrorism and coup d'etats began occurring around the world a were waged in the name of despair a war fought not for principles religion or personal gain just war pure war and because of that there was no way to resolve it how could a movement started by high school students progressed to such a hopeless scenario only the only explanation is the existence of a certain organization devoted to a certain student who influenced hope speak academy a group called ultimate despair instead of using host peak talents for the sake of mankind's hope they use them for the sake of mankind's despair key members of society use their influence to brainwash the masses in order to spread despair text-having computer programmers wrote software to spread despair the powerful and influential created new values and morals to spread despair and with this they created the tragedy the biggest most awful most tragic event in human history as long as ultimate spirit exists the despair engulfing the world will never end the tragedy will never end my heart was racing in my chest but my body felt ice cold it wasn't because it was freezing either dang that is crazy man it does shed more light what was happening outside my family my friends the convenience store i frequented the nearby bookstore my favorite restaurant what happened to them no are you seriously yelling at a manga how crazy are you you don't like manga a high school student who doesn't like manga is like an office lady who doesn't like to eat candy enough what is this messed up manga i thought you'd obviously know about such a horrible event that destroyed the world but for you not to remember that such despair that's the future foundation's fault though thanks to them stealing your memories how many times i have to tell you all the clues here are real please understand i'm rooting for you if you don't learn about the full extent of the outside world you guys will suffer for it i just want to help you guys so you can live well adjusted lives in the outside world i see so that's how it is that's what he meant by what he said in the beginning he's trying to make us feel despair towards the outside world so we want to say so someone let's see on this island there's no way we're going to do what he wants oh so maybe it seems believable though hey guys i'm in a new shirt whoa monokuma fujihiko what are you doing here i should just ignore it i'm just gonna pretend that i don't see him that's probably the best thing there's no manga here what does it mean when i went inside this room that bastard bear was suddenly here he keeps glancing at me i wonder why it's going to be a crappy either way so i'll let you handle it there's no way i'm going to deal with that idiot i don't want to do that either oh they actually have something to say do i have to talk to him why hello hi jimmy i hope you're doing pleasantly well are you pleasingly well you're pleasingly pleasingly what are you doing here well there was another thing i needed to tell you on this floor i got bored of drawing manga can you forgive me for telling you word by a mouth you should have done that from the beginning you stupid bear a high school student who doesn't like manga is like a sumo wrestler who doesn't like eating hot pots i'm getting really fed up with your babbling hurry up this is yeah this chapter i thought it was gonna be a lot faster it's about that key piece of information you've been waiting so long for it's about the ultimate despair huh even though the term ultimate despair refers to a group these days it was originally the title for a high school girl who was the most powerful evil and feared person alive high school girl lady juko and oshima ah yes how could we forget hey as the former ultimate despair she created a despair brimming with charm and humor and created the ultimate despairs there was one really horrible person in that group hold on a sec i don't know what ultimate despairs are but it's not that easy to form an organization there's no way people would join some f'ed up organization created by a high school girl humans who are obsessed with their philosophy have an uncanny power to attract others it's a trait shared by many famous leaders throughout history right there's nothing strange about it that holds true for lady junko with her charismatic ability to attract people but she was like an actor essentially she even influenced those in the highest echelons of power her connections were the main reason that incident became the tragedy in the first place so even so she even recruited people who would have wouldn't have been in a position to neutralize the threats what was their purpose what like i said why did they cause that incident it doesn't even make sense they had a purpose right there's no way they do what they did without any purpose it was joko and ashuma's despair for joko despair isn't about purpose a set of principles a way of life or an instinct despair is what defines her as joko enoshima what are you saying despair despair spare i'm a stuffed plushie hajime is a human it's exactly like that junko enoshima is full of so much despair that she's truly hopeless living dying eating loving for her everything is despair that what is the game gonna tell me next that she's alive apparently freaking her sister's hand was alive i don't know what the heck with her overwhelming force of personality junko recruited the ultimate despairs one by one she controlled their despair by taking advantage of their love hate grudges anything really joko despair is far more dreadful than any other uh any other that idea had been slammed right into their minds and so the ultimate despairs who had been recruited became nothing more than juco's limbs all despair whether it was their own or anyone else's was dedicated to junko in ashima like beliebers making offerings to their god like a mother providing food to her children they dedicated all the spares so they could escape from despair all in juko and oshima's name for example they killed their families in pr oh wow that's that's quite quite far to go there huh and even destroyed their bodies through relentless oh and to hopelessly top it off they completely believed it was something that they had to do there's no way something that crazy is possible do you know about the final days of the reserve course students going through the tragedy of hope speak final dates joko has the power to change people's values this is the true this is true of the famous people throughout history what do you mean final days what does anything mean in this game what happened to the preserve department of course they even failed their role as a disposable limbs they believed in what they needed to do and so 2 357 students of the reserve department all okay so they died they died what did you say all of them it wasn't all of them one person was excluded i'm guessing it's us i don't believe it there's no way i can believe this ultimate despair joko enoshima it doesn't scare me at all at all i mean she's already dead but how do you know that did you did you learn that also despair [Music] reserve department sweet is it true what you said she's dead what you didn't see there was a book called manga for morons killing school life in that bloody classroom oh they haven't been in there yet the killing school life ended up failing in the end as a result the six students who survived managed to escape from the academy for a manga about the killing school life it was drawn with a lot of silly images and dumb gags according to that the mastermind behind uh the failed killing school life was junko the mastermind took her own life which means juko enoshima is dead oh i wouldn't call it that i would call it that well you know what she is monokuma after all where she was who is monokuma now that's game come on just tell us come on it turns out the killing school life was part of the whole biggest most awful whatever incident joker took away the memories of former students of hope speaking academy and forced them to kill each other yeah i remember i was there the students of hope speak academy are widely known as symbols of hope by forcing people to watch these symbols of hope kill each other with the sake of survival i would have thought the future foundation would have been them because that sounds like something like the future foundation sounds like a positive thing right and and monami was like nice you know she didn't want to kill us at least i don't think so they were trying to fill everyone who watched the broadcast with despair all at once that's messed up oh yeah it is but that's messed up that messed up plan was stopped she failed ajuco lost to the students she placed in her trap and after being overcome by the despair she created she obviously died we know this did this game assume that you didn't play the first game because i gotta feel like that's like what they're doing it's like i don't need to know this i know this already who is our enemy that yeah good question i don't know are the followers of joko carrying out her will i would imagine it has to be something like that i guess that that would be a true hun but we just don't know who that is that's the only thing i could think of i mean the killings were evolved to resemble that killing school life well i don't know who the heck is imitating juco and making us go through this but an imitation is just that an imitation [ __ ] if the students from homespeak academy stop the real deal there's no way we'll lose just some fake but if this really is an imitation are those surveillance cameras the same to you yeah it's weird man hajime you totally know about that story huh what do you have a problem with that well i really wanted you to read the manga version since i took the time to draw it oh well i'll just raise the flag flag what do you mean what's gonna happen if you do that one step at a time you're getting closer to clearing my character routes oh i want to say some nice cg's in monokuma you're not making sense again now then i'll give you guys my all i'll tell you everything i know including information on the outside and the inside i'll raise them flags like crazy huh it changed to a different hallway again it's so sudden what's gonna make something like this happen no i've already decided that i'm not going to be surprised yeah honestly when you've been through this life you don't be surprised anymore about anything hey girl what are you doing she's switching her nose like a beast hey what happened well you know it's just my gut but i feel like someone's getting closer what do you mean who i don't know it's just my good after all just like god is doing that our gut's pretty impressive monokuma did say something about the main cast coming it surprised you but our gut must be correct again this time i really hope to see a student that'd be so cool oh my god my pet's still alive there's no way my pet is still alive i think it probably just died that's just telling me to say hey your pet's dead now wait i knew him was born what the heck i never all right it's evolving isn't it see still a good owner best owner oh let's go in here will it be kyoko [Music] if any of this game we better get another game one of the feature games better have them in it this looks like the music room i feel like i could see something strange monuments why would there be a monument it's obviously says mirai on there to combat the biggest most awful most tragic events yeah see they're totally good the future foundation was established by the graduates of hope's peak academy aren't they known as the world ender this is completely different that's what i said future foundation sounds good and if it's on the door of hope's peak it really does make sense watakumi he completely made it up oh come on please let it be owie that we see if we're gonna see somebody [Music] and this what is this heroes here who is this it looks like a hologram right it's obviously some japanese on it oh but not there they changed it regarding the report we gave you the other day we have obtained information a person who claims to be a survivor of hope speak academy upon further investigation there are a total of 15 survivors you may be wondering about the number of people at this time if they're survivors of hope speak academy it's possible they may be targeted by ultimate despair we believe we should acquire them and place them in our care as soon as possible though i don't believe the group can go that far without juko and oshimiya enoshima rallying them in a worst-case scenario we must prevent a repeat of the killing school life also if they are survivors of hope speak academy we should expect them to be quite valuable to us however we are still investigating the details of their origins if we haven't located them either we will continue investigating this matter also regarding a separate matter we have received a report from the research facility on jabra walk island prepare preparations have been completed it seems we could proceed with the experimental phase of the neo world program oh my god so we're just all part of an experiment who's the but i need to know who's the good guys who's the bad guys who do i shoot 15 students is that about us excluding shiaki who was part of the future foundation there were definitely 15 of us but what does survivors mean it's like they're talking about some other world what happened outside of jabberwock it's if the biggest most awful most tragic event in human history is really true then the world isn't normal anymore maybe i'm starting to feel like we might be better off not remembering getting the memories back yeah maybe not i guess that's all the clues in this room it's finally confirmed the future foundation is on our side at least and they were founded by the graduates of hope's peak academy and they took us in to protect us but if that's true chiaki should have made that clear to us now as long as modicum was around she probably couldn't say anything carelessly ah okay monokuma if he's the future foundation's enemy then history identity must be the ultimate disparage who caused the biggest most awful most tragic event in human history uh the ones who are carrying out the will of joko and oshima are making us go through this also this caught my attention in the image too what is this research facility on jabra walk mentioned in the email what's that about the only feature foundation facility you found was the ancient ruin there's no way that's the research it probably is or the place that was building freaking the robots please game grant me my one wish to meet my waifu the true waifus let me share a donut with albie once again all right we gotta go to the office again this feels different from the classroom it's probably the office right i mean the room was has all kind of stuff in it possibly please shut up shut up okay more importantly have you seen my soda i don't see her anywhere how much longer does god get to be obsessed with sonia give it up already all right what's this there are letters floating in the air like the music room from earlier all right another email we understand this matter regarding the survivors in order to safely acquire them please do your best to continue your investigation however you must exercise extreme caution concerning the remnants of despair even though they have lost jimco the fact remains that they are incredibly dangerous even after our death the tragedy has not ended perhaps there's a still leader on par with juco must be the other one they were talking about canberra's name right now it was a um not much but right as long as we do something about the remnants of despair we will not be able to end this incident for this reason the remnants of despair must be immediately eliminated once they are discovered everything is for the sake of the shining future immediately eliminated does that mean this is an order to kill them that doesn't sound peaceful at all well i guess it's understandable the biggest most awful most tragic event human history is yeah okay so that's why we were dying but if we're getting these truth tools does that mean we're gonna have a final freaking exam our clash trial wait what's that picture on the wall hyoko oh hey all of our names are on there but why hiyoko why is she in the newspaper what is this it says miss hiyoko sanji but this can't mean the same hyoko right i mean the hyoko we knew yeah that's the sister in the game right or something they must have been sisters i bet she was much smaller and looked more like a child uh that was pretty much her defining feature but the photo in this newspaper uh i could see a resemblance to a heightened figure but it's too different from the hyoko that we knew does this mean or what does it mean they gotta be scissors ah then hiyoka has an older sister with the same first last name an older sister with the same first last name that's the only explanation right yeah [Music] unless this all is like a messed up game and we never saw what she really looked like or something it's not like i was that close to her or anything she doesn't have an older sister hiyoko is the sandwiches family only whoa whoa whoa whoa oh only daughters that was her if she doesn't have a sister than a relative no there's still too much of a resemblance that's yoko huh of course what are you saying she doesn't have a curvy body like this he's like he checked i don't know what to tell you maybe she had a growth spurt what are you saying she's already dead there's no way she could have had a growth growth spurt today well regardless all the clues i provided are true if they weren't it wouldn't be fair so okay so none of that happened and everyone's still alive that explained why freaking what's his face wasn't actually dead uh stupid nagito what's going on this is the truth if this is the truth in hiyoko in the newspaper [Music] now kind of wish she didn't die you know so her name's on the board where it says experiments did the experiment change hyoko's body oh what am i saying just looking at al uh saying it out loud makes it sound messed up what experiment so yeah we were obviously uh part of some experiment where they were messing with our heads what's going on it better not have anything to do with time travel yeah this game is not telling us what we need to know yeah see this is the guy i was talking about an extremely overwhelming portrait hanging on the wall i feel like i've seen it before yeah you've seen it before izuru kamakura so that must be the dad of the other one of the other person that's probably the leader he's a kamakura in fact i think that's that's the name isn't it doesn't this clearly contradict the information i obtained earlier another mystery okay with this you've totally raised all the flags on this floor congratulations you now can go to the next stage next stage all right ah not again wow this one is extremely glitchy oh it's like where the art room is ah okay the heck a bunch of windows oh the oh the rec room this is where soccer no i seriously like soccer man she's still sitting there pretty crazy wait um why is that floating okay let's get the file i don't have time to ask a bunch of questions confident confidential file all right what's in it about the hope cultivation plan for many years hope speak academy has conducted rigorous research into various talents the help city cultivation plan seeks to use the fruits of our labor to further our true goal with our plans we will birth a true hope that will bring hope to the entire world truly the program is the next innovation in providing the ultimate education this plan has been the academies which since its foundation so we must succeed at all costs apollo was a series of detailed instructions and entered intricate orders it was full of difficult technical terms and i had no idea what any of them meant however the word true hope left a strong impression on my mind for some reason the hope cultivation plan was created for the sake of birthing true hope hope's peak was behind something like that i don't really get it but there's something about these words true hope how many times this game has said despair and hope all right another email uh regarding the report we gave the other day we have finally succeeded uh in acquiring them and have placed them in our care uh though they were dispersed there we were successful in acquiring all 15. due to the fact that they were unable to ask we were unable to ask them about specific details it is unknown how they managed to survive the tragedy it's been reported that some are wounded so it seems certain that they survived under harsh conditions over the course of our detailed investigation we determined that they are the same age as the others so we have decided to entrust them to the survivors of the killing school life as for the remnants of despair there are still no solid regards leads regarding this matter and we have no new information to report we will continue with this investigation once they are discovered we shall eliminate them immediately everything is for the sake of the future filled with hope remnants of despair if the future foundation was protecting us why were we forced to kill each other on this island well i guess it's not possible well i mean yeah it wasn't until mata kuma got there he kind of hijacked it all what's this my my hajime if you keep worrying like that you're gonna get a toothache and collapse it's your fault what is this hologram thing anyway that's exactly what it looks like they're the future foundation's emails i thought they made the perfect clue so i did a little bit of hacking here and uh to get them you could even do that whoever's controlling you seems to possess many talents well who cares about me anyway that's not important at all there's no way that's not important history identity should connect everything to what's happening right now all right so now we can leave yeah yeah perfectly normal yep what is the space am i dreaming or something i mean this is just disconnected from reality at this point okay where do i go hey upside down akane it's close it's very close someone's coming based on my gut feeling she's just saying the same thing uh [Music] someone help oh i guess i go in here library [Music] this is where that idiot biakya always hung out oh that looks a little different doesn't it all right another email whoa whoa the future foundation 14 division makoto naiki where are you guys what are you doing right now what are you doing is what you're doing is a serious act of treason do you understand why are you protecting the remnants of despair it should be abundantly clear to you how dangerous it is to keep these people alive stay calm and think about this carefully you guys are being lied to you think carefully about what's important to bring the light of hope to the world the six of you joined the future foundation because you agree with our ideals right so they must be talking about everyone the future foundation rescued you from the tragedy survived and cooperated with recovering your memories immediately return the remnants of despair to our headquarters unless we eliminate them the tragedy will never end everything is for the sake of the future filled with hope okay so something happens is this why you guys are telling me to play the other game uh despair girls uh they're not gonna let me go in the archive all right now we're in the set oh we're still here what the heck yes we could go this way this is it that's not right this is the laundry room oh we saw juco's book here the heck wait what's this [Music] hey matakuma [Music] oh tablet pc okay it looks like a tablet computer it looks like the power's on too uh is this the next clue i picked up the tablet and examined it ooh top secret neo world program this world new this word neo world seems to i seem to recall hearing it seeing it a few times already [Music] so techy psychotherap therapeutic communication simulator that's what's that's what's going on the new uh world program is built with the most recent psychotherapy technology okay so they were trying to get something out of us by assimilating that we were killing each other when we really never did ah okay i bet i bet that's it individuals such as the ultimate programmer the ultimate neurologist and the ultimate therapist were among the many talented people who re uh who those who whose research results were utilized by mounting a device through the cranium the neo-world program allows the subjects to experience a synthetic virtual world [Music] [Applause] additionally the world program has another feature it can replace memories formed in the real world with information contained in the synthetic virtual world therefore it is possible to undo trauma sustained in the real world through the use of the virtual world however this device is for psychotherapeutic purposes only and any other use is expressly forbidden okay though it is highly effective in treating brainwashing abusing and the the device risks totally total personality destruction i see so that's what was happening we were being sent to a nice little island where everything was fine until something happened it got like hijacked by matakuma thus extreme care must be exercised when operating this program i did not expect this game to take this turn at all ah i scream loudly ah there's no way i can accept this i'm starting to accept it that this this is no way something as crazy as this actually exists nice you gotta raise the flags more in order to clear my character route now then despair is waiting for you impossible this is all made up everything made up hey i'm just happy that mccon's still alive i'm assuming she is but we don't know she might look totally different than what we've seen excuse me i don't know oh god why she's all buffed like sakura oh what the heck how you how are you doing did you enjoy the killing school trip by the way do you guys remember the speech i made at the beginning from this point on i promise you a world that truly deserves to be called the game if a game or the only is once watching this who can save them the end of the world is not what you gonna do what you're gonna happen isn't it exciting isn't it heartthrobbing look forward to it all right i understand this hallway when we first arrived here i walked down this hallway from the classroom to get to the gym i didn't really see a resemblance but oh there's sonia i i just want to i just want to see you guys i just have so many questions okay the moment you discovered that truth was a lie all hope will disappear i'm going here oh wow i don't even know what's i don't even know what to say is this floating that's impossible you know it's a simulation now but what's what is it wait a minute that's your hero if i've ever seen her him her him him yeah i almost forgot i honestly just forgot like i didn't i couldn't remember it was here a boy or girl welcome welcome to the neo world program a person a floating person is talking to me who is it no is this even a person in the first place i'm not quite a person i'm simply an artificial intelligence program dang so like alter ego was like did that much wow that is the name my master gave me when he created me it can talk but what are you ultra ego artificial intelligence program i am the master program behind the neo world program i'm responsible for creating overseeing this world however only the observer has the authority to directly influence you guys i can't actually exert much influence in fact my existence is one that you don't normally meet i'm sort of like an apartment manager or something i may oversee the entire apartment building but i like the power to manage individual rooms but the virus has infected everything oh that's what it is and because of that this world imaging is acting very peculiar peculiar killing them i can't hold on my brain can't follow what you're saying let me gather my thoughts first this is this feeling from earlier again the floating this floating floating like my feet are hovering above the ground it's uh like i can't feel my feet or the ground like i can't even balance believe my own existence hey should you know right where this where's this place tell me what is this the neo program has emitted the data data collection proceed procedure for shaping the entire world as such only the data we collected during the experimental stages being utilized specifically this means the data detailing jabra walk island where this research facility is located that is why the previous jabberwock island cityscape was restored this all has to be connected to whatever nagito saw outside that window right or was that just no no never mind that was probably just that was probably just the the fine house thing so so he's saying that it's mostly jabberwock island that where we're at certainly portions of it are different depending on the circumstances for example this school you're in it appears this space is entirely under the viruses influence that problem that's probably why i'm appearing before you too however even without the virus these circumstances are a bit unnatural it seems the launch was rushed and because of that there wasn't enough time to collect any data i'm sorry i don't really know the circumstances of this outside world after all i'm simply the overseer of the neo world program most of its words i understand what they meant but i couldn't understand what was being said there was no way for me to acknowledge it as the truth it would make much more sense if it was a fictional world wait are you saying this world is a fictional world what's like you just found out my guy the neo-world program serves only one purpose it is used to make the real world a splendid one i guess you could say it's a program for creating hope what but the fact that we're here and the fact that we don't have our memories that's all the program's fault right deleting memory is the first step towards replacing memory replacing memory data is one of the features of the neoworld program with the installation are the installed memory control unit it is possible to remove any time period you set it to so that's how they did it to the first people then and from there you upload the memories obtained in the virtual world removing memories of any type you set it to so monokuma is right we do lose our memories but why why us why were our school memories taken away there's a reason for that right that is a mystery to me too putting the program on the survivor of hope speak academy while it's still in its experimental stage i'm sure there was a very good reason but unfortunately i don't know what's happening in the outside world i'm sorry are you saying we're lab rats that's the only thing i could think of yeah i would say that's pretty accurate can you tell me more about the observer in the virus well for this session the new world program was programmed uh to house 15 people along with two monitors yeah they were disguised as a teacher and one of the students they were intended to guide the participants in this way okay so the churro and are not here but um my god i can't remember her name but you know by the way the observer in the teacher's role has been given the authority to influence you all but the observer in the student role i was not they weren't given any special authority at all so they seemed the same as everyone else what kind of authority does the teacher will have as an example the teacher creates the rules of the world and manages them like the rules if the teacher is probably managing the roles they created there's no risk of abuse but because of the virus affecting everything that has changed but that has changed it changed this world where violence shouldn't have existed in the first place so it was supposed to be good [Music] the neo world program would have promised eternal peace but just like the outside world it became a world filled with violence so so were we so like did they just expect us to live in that world forever what is that virus i don't really know it's got to be monokuma yeah how did the virus uh infect the neo program the new world program exists in isolation it's impossible it was infected through a network are possible i'm fairly certain someone physically uploaded it or no i did say impossible physically perhaps someone secretly brought an external memory drive containing the virus into the facility and directly uploaded it to the main computer where the neo world program is installed based on my calculations that's most likely what happened so that explains that explains why we were doing what we were doing explains monomy uh but it's true that the virus is powerful and that i'm completely overwhelmed by it but i'm still able to defend the essential areas so it has a limit too a limit if it took over an observer then it has to follow the rules of an observer uh such as in order to end the program and release everyone i need to follow the correct procedure and even if you're just a god in the machine that's enough hints from you if you're going to say something more suppose that you exist between life and death the death of yourself is inevitable if so it could be parallel to the deflection deflection deflection based on the definition of existence that constitutes a relationship from there the paradigm change results by being cut off rapidly and causes a situation where your own existence is unobservable and oh my god he's cloning himself now accelerates it crosses with the joint ownership of the world and the situation from the context invites your death death death oh very nice very lovely oh god oh something's happening oh god it's making me dizzy i like that oh i can't look hey look who it is you're right you're there aren't you someone is right here right huh who are you you're different from the earlier one maybe he can't hear my voice from this side i'm currently talking to the world through alter ego ever since you guys vanished into that space the video's feedback has been pretty distorted but even so we were forced to watch you this entire time huh the things you guys were forced to do we were forced to watch it forced to watch us i really want to save you right away but because of the virus interference i couldn't our orders are no longer being accepted including shutdown requests the neo world program is beyond our control now in that world that person created an independent country that doesn't accept outside interference but alter ego created an opportunity for me to speak to you directly if this means that's working then it means that that person i need to talk to is right there i hope it looks like this guy can't even hear me or see me just who is this guy no i wonder is he our ally since there's no time i'm going to say what i need to say and believe you're there listening to me first i should apologize i know apologizing won't help but we didn't imagine something like this would happen we never expected such an atrocious virus was lurking inside the neo world program but that's entirely our fault it's our responsibility for not realizing it was too late but it's not just the virus either i can't say for sure that program didn't have any problems in the first place to tell you the truth i was unsure about whether or not you to run the program on you guys but this was the only way to save you all i wanted to save you guys oh is that what they meant by like protecting what did he want to save us from why would this save us you've already seen the password to enter the graduation exam ground right you know 1137 the curse number yeah that's the number we found the door to the ancient room was supposed to open after you all finished gathering the hope fragments from there you guys were supposed to challenge the graduation exam however i prepared that password just in case something went wrong like i said earlier i had my doubts that this program was perfect even if the chance was slim i thought the observer might end up going rogue that's the reason i left the password in a place where the teacher world would not be able to go i never thought nagito who saw it first would erase that password anyway oh okay that piece of crap i'm telling you i'm also that person who set the password to that number oh of course he would dang he's cursed he's cursed by that number so he has to use it it haunts him to this dave his poor waifu sayaka that number contains a secret someone close to me left that number to save me when i was in a dilemma can you understand what i'm trying to say i'm trusting that will to you all i've entrusted it to your future but that person is trying to abuse the graduation exam i'm sure they are going to crush you with despair using the graduation exam that's waiting for you but i want you guys to endure it without giving up hope i want you guys to withstand it until i get here because i have a secret to defeat them does that mean he has a secret plan to defeat monokuma in a worst case scenario where an observer who has the role of a teacher goes rogue i've prepared a hidden command to use at the graduation exam sites it's the fourth shutdown sequence whoa even a teacher's authority can't stop that command it's a way to end this that you guys can choose on your own independently of the observer which means even if they sold the teacher's authority they should be able to stop it if you use that you guys will win however in order to start the poor shutdown sequence you need more than half the number of people in order to do that i need to somehow get that number oh no okay so they're alive they're just outside and we're in a machine what was that just now hey hachiman what was that weirdness just now nothing really i see anyway anyway that's all the hits you're gonna get if that no good artificial intelligence tells you anymore useless stuff i'm gonna butt it again so monica don't know what just happened [Music] he didn't notice it's been a while since i've spoken at length but it was important to talk to you it was worth waiting a long time here hey about that guy just now there shouldn't be anything else for you to ask me i see it'd be bad if you ever heard it if monaco overheard us you guys have a weapon a very powerful one it all depends on how you guys use that weapon the only thing i could do is prevent the virus invasion with all my might the rest is up to you do your best even in the afterlife cheer it was helping us shahira was like the best all right now we're on the first floor ding dong bing bong it is a clash trial isn't it oh jeez um so uh i'm getting tired of waiting shall we just plunge right in it's time for the long-awaited graduation exam please enter the red door located on the first floor of hope speak academy see you soon oh wow a red door huh it's just a waste of time thinking about what this all means right now for now i need to finish this i need to just focus on that [Music] oh wow well it's here very convenient you
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 208,224
Rating: 4.983654 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, bijuu mike danganronpa 2, bijuu mike danganronpa, danganronpa 2 gameplay bijuu mike, danganronpa 2, danganronpa 2 goodbye despair, danganronpa 2 goodbye despair episode 21, bijuu mike danganronpa 2 in order, bijuu mike plays danganronpa, danganronpa 2 class trial 5, bijuu mike danganronpa 2 part 21, final class trial danganronpa 2, class trial
Id: uNWDK1yqOgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 18sec (3858 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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