The Ellen Degeneres Backlash

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Hm, I wonder what Joe knows lol

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TartofDarkness584 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
the jurgen experience it's like a beautiful name isis ellen's rough ellen is like an old but it's a rough one now it's a rough one now because she was running abu ghraib in the back of her show that's a rough one she's out there dancing with kristen ballen in the back there's people that are getting up on the rack like this it's so weird when you see like a lot of people saying that someone who seems so nice is not nice at all she doesn't seem nice but that's that people have a very poor judge of character she doesn't seem nice it seems forced people that are like that all the time it she doesn't seem nice it's very forced and whatever you're allowed to be a [ __ ] right you're allowed to be a [ __ ] you're allowed to be nasty to people you're accomplished you're a comedian you did the whole thing what you're not allowed to do um is have a guantanamo bay situation in the back stage of your show where everybody's walking around afraid for their life and it's like abu ghraib where they're hooked up to wires and they like yeah she's got dogs and hoods if an intern is late they have a hood on i don't support that that's just me yeah yeah i'm with you yeah i mean you know i wish she's best she's around for too long all these people walk away you've been famous forever walk away like eventually everybody they're just going to figure it out now fallon's on an apology door because apology tour because of the black face like is he well he was like he had to go around and apologize a million times for like they're going to find the thing if you don't go away you got it you got to have a good run and when you have a good run you step back and you go okay i'm still going to do my thing but like i'm not i mean there's only a few jobs in entertainment right right so i think a lot of the canceled culture [ __ ] is probably these [ __ ] want those jobs ooh they're like how long is this [ __ ] gonna be dancing i can dance with hillary clinton i could do the charleston with henry kissinger whatever the [ __ ] she does out there did charles do this she does she goes out there to the charleston she's got war criminals her and bush are jumping around i mean right she was buddies with bush she's a cia agent stephen paddock and do not ask me for sources but steven steven paddock who's that he was the guy that shot up the vegas concert that was very tragic thing listen to this the only guy that saw stephen paddock alive his name is jesus compost he was a guard at mandalay bay he got interviewed nowhere else you know where he got interviewed in the beginning ellen ellen really weird and then they went on if you could find that clip they went on with a weird like diagram of how it happened and ellen's like showing the people out not like an emotional like how are you feeling how are you holding up it was a weird diagram of like and then he went to the left and to the right it was very strange to look what the hell is going on this is a daytime show which is the paddock guy and there's two guys the chubby guy is the jesus guy and now ellen is doing a doc thing of of how the shooting happened look how she's got like an antenna from someone's buick that she's popped out and she's using it as a pointer but why the hell is this happening on like a daytime show where she this is weird where'd she get that pointer i don't know she stole it off she stole it off an intern's car why wouldn't you just use your finger like if that was you if it was your show yeah dylan yeah when you just point yeah yeah this is also a giant uh screen behind her so they could have just put it on that screen so but she's using this thing i find it very strange i don't know why wait a minute those aren't real palm trees no yes i know that street though i know that block of beverly hills that she is how weird is that i don't know why they're doing this on a daytime talk show let's keep it running look at it she's dressed like colonel sanders not colonel sanders she's just like sergeant pepper this guy looks like a member of her staff what kind of outfit is she wearing i don't know she wears those weird like militant lesbians that should tell uniform yeah but that's an odd look with all those buttons like why do you have so many wrist buttons it was given to her and langley the only reason why you have that many wrist buttons if you're looking at a clothesline somebody yeah look at her look at her everyone says she looks so friendly she looks yeah she looks friendly she does look very military yeah she's a militant woman with a very expensive watch she dealt with a lot of discrimination which came out it was very sad but then she you joined the cia her house got broken into while she was at home really yeah yeah she got a dope place in montecito and said and then they broke in while she was there yeah and those people are still being tortured to this day probably they're still in an underground jail yeah she's feeding them to her staff she's like it's okay don't worry about it because you did good is that the guy the survivor he's the guy who met paddock she's holding on to him it's odd yeah she's allowed to do that because she's a woman but if there was a man holding onto a woman's arm that long it'd be rape be a real problem yeah that's for sure so weird man what a strange interview man [Applause]
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 5,365,209
Rating: 4.8604298 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: bDb7Qwwzgyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 51sec (291 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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