"Sopranos" Stars Discuss Harvey Weinstein with Joe Rogan

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the Joe Rogan experience when you see that academy-award speech thank you compilation where all the people go up all the various people that eventually talk [ __ ] about him go up and praise Harvey Weinstein I never saw oh my god it's so bizarre it's so strange because they were intimidated yeah he had that much power over people's careers and they didn't feel like their voice would be heard or that people would you know take them serious he would know find a way to to [ __ ] you basically gonna [ __ ] you up he was know me he would know me every three or four times like I run into him in Madison Square Garden and there's a restaurant Rebecca grill which he had on the piece of at one point and give you a half-ass hello maybe he was way above I was beneath him yeah he never got punched in the face is that what it is I heard Jason Priestley punched him in the face Jason had a party yeah yeah I heard that he got out of line and chase him Priestley punched him in the face I think nobody beat the [ __ ] out of Harvey Weinstein and it won't be that difficult he could [ __ ] Holly breathe he's smoking change smoke and he wasn't a tough guy he was tough with assistants you know he's just like when if you thought about a character in a film Harvey Weinstein is almost 2 on the head almost through that 20-some years yeah and might be more cases yeah there's way more cases this is just what he's been convicted for right I mean he apparently was behaving like that for a decade so you telling me nobody knew they knew they all knew that's what's crazy as it's worked into his [ __ ] contract his contract had if you get this amount this amount of sex like the per sexual harassment case they had it that he would have to pay this much it was to he'd have to be that much if it was three hit up imagine if you're signing up for a place in like Steve I know you're a piece of [ __ ] so this is we're gonna work into the contract use all your piece of [ __ ] behavior we're gonna write it down and you're gonna be penalized per piece of [ __ ] it's amazing it's funny you know what they're all complicit this shot III don't understand these assistants the people in his office people that knew this stuff that saw the stuff that set him up that he was meeting the girl in the lobby but then she comes down and says Oh Harvey needs to meet you up in his room she was part of it or he or whatever the assistants were it was like I mean I would never do that they play dumb yeah there's also perfect to that no of course not but you also you don't have to and when you think of an assistant in particular you're thinking about someone who has virtually no power and there's a thing called diffusion of responsibility where there's too many people involved you don't feel like you're responsible you don't feel like you you know that's when they say it's easier to assault someone in front of a hundred people than it is to salt someone in front of one person yeah cuz one person might step in and stop you but a hundred people will sit around and go someone's got to stop this got you you know and that's I think that when you're an assistant you're probably would you work in check to check you got this guy who's the king of Hollywood he's a [ __ ] he's worth hundreds and millions of dollars intimidating yes and he's a I understand angry guy yells at people hey yells that's what he did you know what's amazing to me is people still haven't come forward people that worked with him actors whatever actresses I think they're still afraid somehow he's gonna come back like in a horror film it's a hard thing to talk about right I wanna they don't want everybody to know I think you're right and I think people that he assaulted just people that walk around home yeah we're aware I don't know who that is I just think they don't want to talk about it publicly I think you're right about that I think it's they've already he's already been caught it's over they got him he's in jail being jailed forever he's [ __ ] up his body is falling apart he can't even walk I mean what a fall from grace ashes are fall in just a few years I mean if you go back seven years ago there's not a whisper of this right so seven years later the guys in jail can't walk you know his body's falling apart that's the way he just got to get somebody to give him the cyanide pills should have done that is that you looking at how to know where this was going when he was free just [ __ ] I don't think he did no I think he thought he was gonna get off and he was planning a comeback and you know he was I know one of his attorneys that was there early on and he fired him and I ran into him right before he got sentence a few weeks before and I said this [ __ ] Harvey's gonna get off and he said nah now you see he won't get off he if he would have kept me he said he said if he would have kept me I would have got him off he said you've gotten them off I didn't go you know I mean I know the guy acquaintance from the knick games and it sure enough he got why 23 years it seems like things happen in the court of public opinion on guys like that most certainly did here I would have just there's no way I would want to be what kind of life is that he's such a character I mean just with his disgusting face and his body and like everything about it yeah you had some dealings with him I did a couple of jobs with him I did it I wrote a script for him I had to work with him kind of closely on they they tried to grab you what was he like you know he was okay with me you know he had opinions he was alright I mean it was just work there was nothing I mean obviously he didn't go to dinner with a minute no no it was only in his office and stuff I did and I did a job for his brother another writer job for his brother I think his brother was a nicer guy right he's okay I think he was very intimidated by Harvey I think Harvey was a bully to his brother big-time it's just fascinating story because it's incredible and it's the wife and the three kids and a beautiful wife you're crazy it's like how the [ __ ] does that even have you know four and it's one of those things that if it's if it's in a film it just it's almost like he's too much of a villain yeah that would never have all the details when you put it all together you're like no really and olives where he's famous and he's dealing with the most famous people in the world right and everybody keeps her mouth shut and he [ __ ] a list stars and then puts them in films like do you think do you think that some of the the women that have denied having sex with him hats yes you do yes yeah yeah I wanted I would have probably I don't know I don't know talk to him no I wouldn't have talked about it if I yeah exactly I don't know yeah what do you want to talk about that that's hard sure they think about Harvey Weinstein and people like that they would have had if he would have said listen I'm a fat disgusting bastard but if you bang me I'll put you in the next movie they would line up there would be people lined up around the corner I think that is party part of what he did no no I think I I don't know if that's true you know from what I understand I don't think he needed to do this I think it's his ego and I think that's - like Bill Cosby was a shame thing yes yes it becomes a pathology and I think there's also a thing about power you know it's it's a power thing did to have power over people sure and also to have power over these beautiful actresses that everybody else was lusting over you know you put some actress in a film and you know she's the center of everyone's attention she's got a you know a small dress on she walks into room and the you know the whole place lights up and she's sucking Harvey's dick you know that is the power think it's an addiction thing - yes I think if you you know there's there was a recording of this one girl that he had groped and then you know she wanted a movie role and he's grabbing her and he's like just come back to my place come on come on just come on like you're hearing it like a guy asking for heroin yeah it's almost sniffling like he'd go from being really intimidating to almost begging like pity me please don't don't embarrass me you know right it was very weird yeah I think it's an addiction thing I think there was so much going on with that guy I mean he had too young I don't know if their daughters have two younger daughters I think I told the kids younger kids yeah his wife and they were just gone well that's a rough unless he just said I'm going away I mean I don't know if they visited it's all crazy it's a it's a it's a Shakespearean story epic it is epic proportions horror story for everyone involved thought the casting couch in Hollywood if you stop and think about it right you've got all these women they want to be in films they want to be stars then you got these guys that can actually help them make them stars but they want something and then you set up this dynamic that's existed since you know the [ __ ] twenties imagine what it was like back then oh my god well you know the fatty Arbuckle's story yeah did you read the book I fatty that Jerry Stahl wrote no it's fantastic yeah it's kind of almost like a fake memoir written it from his point of view it's brilliant well as he was like he was the biggest star of his day yes Jake world not known all over the world yeah I mean he was basically like he was a comedy star a huge star and he did something with a woman when stuck like a bottle of well that this goes into it apparently there's theories that he didn't really do that that it was set up because I was jealous of him like a studio guy yeah it goes into that it's a really good book I was a priest allah wrote permanent midnight you know oh okay yeah oh that's a great book is there real evidence that points the fact and that was the end of his career oh yeah dun dun dun yeah the girl died oh yeah yeah there's different theories that he was set up by somebody and that he would that he that all that was just they oh yeah I imagine that that's cry could tell you the world is a better place with Harvey Weinstein off the streets honestly what he did what he did surround these actresses and women or innocence he just horrible and not sexually but he destroyed guys too you know he directors and just a horrible human and and Jesus he was getting away with it right for the longest time for the longest time havior that was reinforced by the people around him and then he got away with it what's also interesting is like if you help someone murder somebody you would get an accessory you would get you would get prison time you would there would be charges but there's no charges against any of the people that absolutely knew what he was doing but that's what I'm saying I have two daughters bedding this doesn't apply to that good job I got two daughters in their 20s I don't think my daughter's in a million years no matter how much they wanted to be in the business would be an accomplice to that and tell the girl and say well Harvey's gonna be up in the room right or whatever 3z things go get Harvey's medicine too [ __ ] yeah do you know what he had this is I was going on this text thread with a bunch of comics he had a type of gangrene that you get from diabetes exactiy rihanna's and dick and his dick was horribly malformed so I had this we were talking about this and then I googled it and then I said to my friends do not Google this and then they're like why not so I send them a photo of a power above what it looked like oh my god it's like your your genitals just rot away like all the skin around it rotted away and that was one of the things that one of the actresses said is that she thought that he was maybe intersex or transgender or that he had a vagina because he was so scarred up oh my god so it's like it's it's again it's almost two on the head it's like as a movie character he's almost too disgusting but what do you see playing hmm good question who could pull it off Christian Bale they're gonna move [Applause]
Channel: JRE Clips
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: gtCsmbqn29Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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