The Eleventh Hour S12 #10

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[Music] so there's a harvest coming through the earth [Music] of sickness it's coming to the children of the wicked one sickness but the lord says it will make the earth tremble but in your life the curse has been reversed see some kind of i think it's some kind of sickness some kind of plague but this is an international thing and we really need to pray against this we really need to pray against this right now it's a it's like a plague trying to develop in the world [Music] but it is a disease it's some kind of plague some kind of i'm searching for the word it's it's not quite a plague it's a something it's like a pestilence almost an epidemic maybe yes coming is trying to develop people are going to take great advantage of this this is not good so we stop it where it is right now in the name of jesus hallelujah to unleash the full power of the federal government did this effort today i am officially declaring a national emergency i saw an aircraft disaster but i saw a missile blow one in half fox news alert now a ukrainian jet crashing in iran minutes after takeoff yesterday killing all 176 people on board it was brought down by an iranian missile according to u.s sources who were talking with nbc news the lord said to us meet me in the temple at the 11th hour [Music] so [Music] there is no one like there is [Music] he died [Music] [Music] there is no one like [Music] there is [Music] again to give us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] like [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] there is no one [Music] [Music] stay right there [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] lord we thank you we bless you lord for all your goodness your mercy and your kindness you are our god and beside you there is no other god lord i thank you i give you praise and honor and glory yes lord [Music] how we thank you we honor you lord for you are our god the lord we ask you to move into this place to all those that are listening those that are watching move in lord with a habitation of your presence there lord god there is only one agenda and that is to hear and see you and to hear you move and talk and do whatever you want to do we give you praise and honor and glory and thanksgiving come on roxanne sing in the spirit right there come on come on [Music] is [Music] [Music] yes [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] whoever foreign uh so [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello worship [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] here [Music] [Music] how we bless you lord how we bless you lord how we bless you lord our god how we bless you lord how we bless you lord how we bless you our lord lord we we acknowledge that you are god and we acknowledge above all things that you are god and in the world of arrogant men and governments you were still god above all gods you are still god above all ideas you are the most high god beside you all other gods are rocks and stones and people's ideas and men's pride and arrogance these have all been self-made gods but you are the one true god and yes lord and i will praise you with all of my heart and soul for you are god you are [Music] i will [Music] are [Music] [Music] [Music] with all of us [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] are [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah welcome into the 11th hour we want to welcome everybody from all over the world every state every province every anywhere you're watching or listening today it is our very much our pleasure and honor to get to do this call and to have you as part of this family and we are all a family i was thinking about that this morning how the 11th hour family is like a family together i mean everybody watching everybody everybody has and i and and john was telling me he said i noticed how they encourage each other on the stream when they're talking they they start encouraging each other that's a that's a real bond it's a real family it's a real bond coming together and i'm going to tell you something this kind of bond and this kind of move in this last days i'll tell you the truth they won't we're going to stand and we're going to believe and we're going to do it together hallelujah hallelujah i was i saw somebody's praise report on something we were looking at the other day and um just yesterday i think it was and they were talking about how they got healed of diabetes or something and it was just healed it just disappeared in their body hallelujah well let's just lift our hands one more time before we get into this today and just thank the lord lord we thank you we bless you and we give you honor and glory and thanksgiving hallelujah to the lamb of lord i ask you to give us eyes to see and hears to hear that we can learn your word together as a family in jesus mighty name amen amen hallelujah well it's good to be with you today and here on the 11th hour i don't know uh roxanne if you could just stay up here with with up on the stage just right over here yes hallelujah now i uh i want us to look at something today that's different it's going to be uh probably yes probably completely different than what a lot of people has heard but i believe that we should that we should look at this we need to really pay attention to this amen hand me those right there now there are thank you there are five levels of authority in existence now these five levels are god man angels animals and the plant life now these are all kingdoms kingdom of god the kingdom of man the kingdom of angels the kingdom of animals and the plant kingdom these are all kingdoms now here's something that the lord he started talking to me early this morning before i even woke up he was talking to me about this have you ever noticed that man wants to operate in every kingdom but their own have you ever noticed that man wants to operate in every kingdom but their own kingdom they want to operate in the plant kingdom with reincarnation they want to operate in the animal kingdom they live by their appetites they want to operate in the the angelic kingdom you know that's true men have tried to teach for years and years that when someone dies they turn into an angel they try their best there's even television show after television show and thing after thing has come has come to the place where it's supposed to be men angels that used to be men well this is not true but i want you to notice how they do that and then men try to move into the kingdom of god and run it and this is where you see tyrants born you see people like hitler you see people like mussolini stalling you start to see people like that you see a mask mandates you start seeing uh mandatory vaccines you start seeing these kind of things and then you start seeing the mark of the beast all of this is men trying to operate in the kingdom of god men want to operate in every kingdom there is except their own except the one god gave them to operate in now just stay with me this is going to get gooder and gooder as we say here satan will herd men into any other of the four kingdoms in order to keep them out of the position of man why because that is the position that he himself wants satan wants the position of a man god gave the earth the scripture says to the children of men now psalm 8 says this that out of the mouth of babes and sucklings god has ordained strength because of our enemies that we might steal the enemy and the avenger you can praise god and stop the enemy in his tracks stop any bad harvest with the praise coming out of your mouth the eighth psalm declares you're in the mind of god the eighth psalm declares that god visits you the eighth psalm says that man has been made a little lower than god himself man is crowned with glory and honor and his dominion over all the works of god's hands this includes the sun the moon the stars because the eighth psalm says that he made them with his fingers so all of this has been put under man's feet it says all things yea all fish all sheep oxen and it talks about the beast of the field the fowl the air the fish of the sea and whatsoever pass it through the paths of the sea even the jet streams in the seas are under man's dominion no wonder satan would want to keep you out of your kingdom and get you to operate in any of the other four because your kingdom the kingdom of man is where he wants to be he's always wanted to be a man now this is the plan the enemy must keep you out of your rightful position everything he does is designed for that he wants to be like the most high now let me show you something in isaiah right quick i want you to see this hallelujah is everybody with us today they're with us oh good amen well you know we're we're a team i'm talking about not just everybody on this stage and everybody in this room but everybody watching they we have become we have become a prophetic 11th hour army have you noticed that god is just he's just bonding us all together and hallelujah of course we're only a a spiritual army under his command now watch this and and isaiah 14. now just just stay with me right here just a moment isaiah being a prophet he asked this question how art thou fallen from heaven o lucifer light bearer son of the morning how are thou cut down to the ground which dits weakened the nations said how did this happen to you for you said in your heart i will ascend into heaven i will exalt my throne above the stars of god i will sit also upon the mount of the congregation and the sides of the north i will ascend above the heights of the clouds watch this next line i will be like the most high he said i'm going to be like him notice he never said i'm going to be god now i'm going to tell you why because the scripture declares that the devils know there's one god and they tremble the scripture says that it says that the devils know there's one god and they all tremble satan trembles at the knowledge that there's only one one god god of abraham isaac jacob the god and father of our lord jesus christ who is the king of kings and lord of lords and the only way to the father is through jesus you have to remember something we men give satan way too much power they believe he's up here there's god and there's satan this is not true satan trembles just at the very knowledge that there's one god it scares him this is why he knows he can't occupy that position and in isaiah he never said he wanted to occupy that position it said he wants to be like the most high there's only one creature in the image and likeness of god and that is a man adam was in the image and likeness of god and that's the position satan wanted in psalm 8 that we just read out of put that up on the screen if we can let everybody see this scripture uh we're into a mode here that we need to really just kind of follow along and look at this uh psalm 8 the eighth psalm now watch this real close if you're if you've got your bible in your hand you can go there i can go there with you i just wanted everybody to see it on the screen amen now it says oh lord our lord how excellent is thy name in all the earth now what you may not know is this david being a prophet picked up on this he heard this in the spirit you can hear in the spirit in the prophetic you can hear conversations i've heard conversations of demons talk before i've heard plots and plans of men and saw them as they planned certain things in in their bed chambers and in secret rooms david heard this and picked this up in the spirit because hebrews chapter 2 says the same verses in here and says it was an angel talking so david heard a conversation of an angel in a heavenly courtroom this angel was complaining protesting over the creation of the man that's what's actually going on here they didn't know what a man looked like they didn't know what a man was and so the angel says this it says in hebrews 2 it says one angel in a certain place testified saying that means he earnestly protested or brought a petition to the court of heaven to argue about the creation of the man and he said here oh lord our lord how excellent is thy name and all the earth that is yahweh our master jehovah our master how excellent is your authority and all the earth and he's talking about the earth now and then he talks about the heavens who has set your glory above the heavens and just come on with me now we'll do this out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies that thou might is still the enemy and the avenger this is the power that lies on the inside of a person and jesus quoted this and said out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained praise so he's ordained praise to come up out of our being that we could stop the enemy and the avenger then he starts talking about this watch when i consider thy heavens the work of thy fingers the moon and the stars which thou hast ordained and then he asked the question and right here is where we wanted to get to in this eighth psalm what is a man what is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man that you would visit him so whatever this this position of the man is he's given him the earth giving him dominion over it giving him control of the sun the moon and the stars that's the reason man can even to this day fly to the moon send satellites up to other planets and different things and sin i mean exploration vehicles that's why he can do it even in a fallen state he still has the dominion this is why he can go to the depth of the sea that's why he could do these things but before man fell he did it with his faith and could actually go there and come this was adam's authority and so this was the place of the man and he goes on and says you're mindful of him he's always in your thoughts the kingdom of man the position of the man is always in the thoughts of god he said you're mindful of him and that you'll come and visit him god will even come and visit you think about that that's the position of the man and so everyone is is they want to be satan wants to herd you into any other of the four kingdoms except yours because he wants that one now he said you've made him a little lower than the angels in the eighth psalm but the hebrew says a little lower than god you made him a little lower than you in other words the only thing above him is you and he can be in your presence you know he's saying he has access to your throne he says who is this creature they've never seen a man and so you have to remember something when he saw this position he wanted this position the king of covetousness coveted that position he wanted that and he wanted you in any other position except that and he goes on to say you have put all things under his feet now watch this this is the plan the enemy must keep you out of your rightful position this is his plan he must keep you out of your rightful position everything he does is designed for that he wants to be like the most high he wants your position this is what he wanted with adam in the beginning this is what he wanted with jesus and this is what he wants with you he wants your position and your authority now you have to remember something the enemy don't care if you go to heaven or if you go to hell it don't make him any difference as long as you get out of his way he don't care where you if you die and where you go as long as you get out of his way amen now have you noticed that he will do anything he can to divert your attention from that position next to god now i want you to look at something in matthew 4 and i want us to see this matthew 4 go right over there now is people getting this they're getting a hold of it okay go to matthew 4 and let's take a look at this now jesus had come up out of the water after being baptized by john and the bible said he was led of the spirit he heard a voice coming out of the there was a voice sounded out of the heavens and the holy ghost descended on him bodily like a dove and a voice came out of heaven and said this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased then he was jesus was led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil the wilderness is a hebrew word that means to speak and so he was led out into the wilderness to hear his father speak he was out there fasting and praying to push into that revelation that he was his beloved son he knew he was the last adam he was pushing into that to find out every detail of it now you got to stay with me now watch this and so when he does watch what happens it says the the enemy came to him and he said immediately he said to draw him off of the revelation of being the son being in the position of the man now remember there was a there's only five levels of authority god man angels animals and the plant life adams switched places with an angel w and and that angel pushed him down to the level of of a beast that's why solomon said man differs nothing from a beast and that's why animals could be offered their blood instead of the blood of a man because when he fell satan pushed him down the line to the level of a beast he'd have pushed him into the dirt but you know plants can't bleed and so he pushed him there so now here comes jesus and the pronouncements made from heaven above from the very throne of god this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased immediately jesus comes up out of the water the holy ghost comes on him the pronouncement's made he's led of the spirit into the wilderness to fast and pray and listen to the lord tell him what this is about when he gets out there the enemy comes immediately to pull him off of that revelation trying to push him out of the position of a man he's got to push him out of man's kingdom well just let me see if i can get here now so he comes to him and he says this turn the stone he didn't say actually turn the stones into bread it wasn't a trick but this is what satan told him he said command that these stones be made bread listen to that word command why the first thing he's dealing with is the kingdom of the dirt he's tempting jesus to be the king of the dirt not position of a man the king of the plant world he said command the stones to be made bread he's tempting jesus to take up residence in the plant kingdom he's teaching him or tempting him i mean to go in there and command stones see command that's a king's word command command he's wanting him in the plant world to command that these stones be made bread if jesus had done this he would have moved into the plant kingdom and ruled it that's where he would have went to he's trying to push him down then he says this in mark chapter 1 and verse 13 it tells us this talking about this same event of the temptation it says that jesus and this is where it records this and this is wild if you if you don't know this message of this teaching said he was with the wild beast and satan tempted him says he was with the wild beast satan was tempting jesus to take up residence in the animal kingdom and command them anything to keep him out of the kingdom he belonged then the devil took him up to the pinnacle of the temple and said cast yourself down watch this for it is written he will give his angels charge concerning thee and in their hands they shall bear thee up lest at any time thou dash thy foot against the stone here he tried to get him to rule the angelic world move into the plant kingdom command the dirt the stones move into the animal kingdom with the wild beast now here's what you can do rule the angels then he's then he took him to an exceeding high mountain showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them and all of these will i give you if you will fall down and worship me fall down means to go below me and stay below me and you can rule he said if you'll fall down and stay below me you can rule all these kingdoms the plant kingdom the animal kingdom the angelic kingdom even political kingdom he could have been upon he said but if you'll fall down and worship me see if he had been peter ruled the political kingdom then he would have been a he was tempting him to be a hitler or a tyrant to take the place of god anything but stand in the kingdom that you're supposed to be in i hope this is making sense to everybody watch this he took took him to the home i said fall down stay below me and you can rule them all these other kingdoms if you acknowledge me like adam did in your position but jesus answered get the hints satan or get behind me this really means you take the lower position i occupy this one next to god hallelujah jesus would not relinquish his authority he grew in it daily hallelujah satan wants that position of the kingdom of man so now what is in the kingdom of the of the dirt the kingdom of dirt jesus turns water to wine so this is under man's authority he turns water to wine he calms the winds and waves he walks on the water he speaks to a fig tree he multiplies fish and bread so all of that is under his his domain if he'd relinquished it one time he could have only ruled the dirt or only ruled he was offered to rule the animals to rule the angels or go on in and be a political tyrant and move into god's position because satan's not going to invade god's position he trembles at the very knowledge that there's only one of them hallelujah this is revelation to somebody somebody ought to get a hold of this now then you get into the sickness realm peter's wife's mother was healed then he healed leprosy then he sped on the ground and made clay and created eyeballs then he he started healing maimed body parts body parts that were missing grew out then he moved in over death raising the dead a few minutes jairus daughter a few hours the widow at nain her son and then for four days was lazarus and then the scripture goes on to say and and the dead were raised and he told john he told them to go tell john and the dead are raised so there was more dead raised this is all in the under the authority of the man's position you say oh brother yeah but but he's jesus i know he's jesus i said he was he's god in the flesh but did you know the scripture declares i don't know if you know this or not but did you know the scripture declares this that it says that in james 2 19 put that up there on the screen for me james chapter 2 i believe it is verse 19. we'll see if we got this right here this reference i mean all right now put put that up there that's right there in the yeah watch this now thou believest that there is one god thou does well the devils also believe and tremble now you see that now we talked about that didn't we i'm gonna give you scripture on this kind of stuff just stay with me stay with me here now in in revelation 1 go there and let's look at this i want you to see that revelation 1 let me get over there with you because we have no notes but these 66 books here right now now in revelation chapter 1 watch what john says he says verse 10 i was in the spirit on the lord's day and heard behind me a great voice as of a trumpet saying i am alpha and omega the first and the last and what thou seest write in a book and send it unto the seven churches which are in asia unto ephesus and under smyrna and under pergamus and under thyatira and under sardis and under philadelphia and under laodicea and i turned to see the voice that spake with me and being turned i saw seven golden candlesticks and in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks one like unto the son of god no that's not what it says it says one like unto the son of man one like unto the son of man did you know there's a scripture in the four gospels that said he jesus was given this kind of authority because he was the son of man he laid aside his heavenly robes in heaven when he took flesh and the scripture said it behooved him that means it was to his advantage he thought to be made like unto the seed of abraham be made like unto his brethren to take on flesh why because in this earth was given to the to the children of men and he behooved him because in this earth he has the authority because he was the son of man and he was operating under the abrahamic covenant he did all these things the scripture said because he was the son of man and yet he was the son of god and yet he is god in the flesh [Music] but he had to operate as the son of man and you know what he said when it came right down to it you know what he said he said all these things i do i could do nothing of myself it's the father within me doing the works as long as he don't leave the position he was supposed to be in hallelujah see the first adam was created the last adam was not he's the lord from heaven and had a body prepared for him so he had to operate where the body had dominion so we look here he said i turned and saw one like unto the son of man john had this revelation clothed with a garment down to the foot now we're about to see what adam would have looked like before he sinned and in the spirit what your position is clothed with a garment down to the foot the robe of righteousness the covering of the glory gerd about the paps with a golden girdle man that speaks greatly of prosperity his head and his hairs were white like wool as white as snow this is the glory coming out of it his eyes were as a flame of fire that fire that leaps out of his eyes is the love of the hessed in hebrew it means the love a mother has for her baby that she would throw herself into a burning building with no thought for her own safety to save that child and so when he looks at you that blaze in his eyes comes out of and looks right at you and i he loves us that much and the position of being in the man's position that god originally created him to be in the position of being there in the spirit this is what it looks like this is what it looks like and so don't tell me you can't forgive if you're born again don't tell me you can't forgive i can't i just can't forgive them yes you can you won't forgive them but you can because that fire that's inside you that that that wells up in you can leap out of your eyes with compassion because you're his body you're part of him now one thing you'll never be and i'll never be and that's the head but we are the body and so whatever the body took the position of i mean the head we're supposed to be the body and walk in what he did that's why he said the works i do you'll do in greater works than i do you'll do because i go to my father and he sent the holy ghost and now the holy ghost lives in us we're baptized in the holy ghost he's the head we're the body if it can leap out of his eyes and it has to come up through the body to do it so we are to be moved with compassion this is what it looks like this is what the son of man looked like said it was like unto clothed with the garment to the foot gerd about the paps with a golden girdle his head his hairs were white like wool as white as snow his eyes were a flame of fire his feet like undefined brass as if they burned in a furnace and his voice as the voiced sound of many waters he had in his right hand the seven stars he had full revelation stars also represent angels so his dominion is above them out of his mouth when a sharp two-edged sword which is the word of god and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength in other words you can absolutely speak in that position speak god's word talk it out of your mouth that's why jesus answered satan when he tempted him to rule the dirt kingdom he said man don't live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of god so this is the position no wonder the enemy wants that position he wants that position if he operates in that position he not only rules the earth but he rules all the angels good or bad he rules them all he has total dominion he has access to god he knows he can't be god it he trembles at the very knowledge of god but he wants your position and that's what he fought so hard to get his hands on that's why when adam was created and all the angelic forces didn't had never seen a man they didn't know what a man looked like and those creatures full of eyes within and without the zoes that fly around the throne of god they fly around searching the inside of god searching him searching him can you imagine how long they had been looking at god the almighty himself i mean you just got to think about this god himself the god of all everything he nothing exists that wasn't inside him and he's seated on his throne and i'm talking about god in his fullness father son and holy ghost there he sits on his throne it's in the very beginning there was nothing there but him and he began to create worlds and he started creating angels and he started doing these things and then the angels had to have they had to have angels that were full of eyes within and without to circle him constantly constantly pulling any revelation of his holiness up that they could and whatever they saw inside god it would instantly they would transmit it to the other angelic forces and the other angels would get their orders coming straight out of the throne and all they could see was his holiness because they were to prepare something they were to prepare all creation for the greatest thing that god would ever make every the greatest thing he would ever create his family angels are not in the image of god they couldn't fellowship with god in the in the level that god can speak when god talks he talks with a voice of many waters can you imagine that the bible said they saw him lay the foundations of the earth and they sh the archangel shouted with joy the sons of god the angels started shouting as his voice said light be [Music] thundering and moving out through nothingness moving out through there the voice of many waters is every frequency known and he's talking in tones and sounds and and sounds we get music from sounds we get any kind of vibration from and if you can do sound just exactly enough you can lift thousands of pounds with just sound waves you can move buildings off their foundations with sound waves so when he spoke with the sound the voice of many waters he was re rearranging plates in the earth and creating things and it was moving around tons and tons of things were being moved and angels just watched it the book of job said they just shouted for joy to watch him do it and don't you know those angels full of eyes within and without as god and now everything is done heaven's created the the everything is is is is moving the heavens the stars and all of a sudden he's sitting on his throne they're searching him and every time they pass in front of him they can't look down into his eyes those flames that come out of his eyes and so when they look at him they they scream out and he cry out holy holy holy lord god almighty who was and is it is to come and the angels everywhere in creation heard the sound and they all shout saying he was he is he is to come how can you imagine why the scripture says that every devil knows there's one god and they tremble they remember him doing these things they can't even imagine falling under the weight of one of his words the weight of one word that comes out of his mouth will crush them but the weight of the words that come out of his mouth you and i live by them this is the level a man was created to live on who stayed about on the this is the level a man was created to live on right next to god it's only one one being big enough to meet a man's need that's god and he's not a created being he is the creator of all beings that's why he can meet the need of everything so can you see them as they searched him within and without looking for him they can't get past into something every time they see him they cry holy holy one of them's face is like the face of a man one of them's face is the face of an ox one is the face of a flying eagle one's the face of a of a calf and what he's doing is you're looking at the phases of redemption from the ox to the man to the resurrection which is the flying eagle so you're looking at these things and they're seeing them transmitting them who was and is it is to come who was and is and is to come all creation rumbles with that they all know it that's why trees have three parts bark sap pulp that's why eggs has three that's why you're a spirit soul and body he was and is and is to come revelation of the triune god makes everything exist so they're transmitting but they can't figure out what is this down beyond the fire what's kindling it what is that down in god they can't get past holiness but down in his love was this man down inside him god was going to reproduce himself genesis 1 26 27 28 genesis 2 7 it begins to put it all together and he watered the face of the ground god made an image a cast of him owns of his own self in the earth he uncovered the cast and made the man come up out of the ground his own size his own image his own likeness pulled his body up out of the ground when he breathed into his nostrils the spirit he had created man was going to be triune in the image of god angels couldn't fathom such a thing and so when god breathed into him he raised him up and he looked just like him and he raising him up he prophesied that i'm going man well one day i will take flesh and die for him i will do this if these sins i will take flesh and die for him and i'll rise from the dead after three days and nights and in doing so he prophesied our resurrection and angels marveled at this man coming up this is why it said jesus was the lamb slain he had already prophesied i will die for him that's why he's the only savior that's why he's the only god he's the only one there is no other besides jesus the christ he was not created he had a body prepared for him the bible said the worlds were made by him he was always in the beginning then it was father word and holy ghost and john 1 14 says and the word became flesh and dwelt among i said he john said and we beheld his glory [Laughter] we beheld the glory as of the only begotten of the father but here's something you need to know after jesus rose from the dead he's never again called the only begotten of the father after he was raised from the dead he is then known as and called for the rest of the time the first begotten from the dead the firstborn among many brethren he did that for us now he invites you to come boldly to the throne of grace who could be invited to come boldly to the throne of grace but a child of god because coming boldly to the throne of grace one word one weighty word from god would crush can crush an angelic foe could just crush one but you're invited to come into his throne room crawl up in his lap put your hands on the arms of his throne lean into his face and find mercy and grace to help you in time of need this is who you are hallelujah no wonder satan wants to herd you and i into one of the other kingdoms he tried the same thing with jesus don't come up to the man's kingdom jesus satan was telling him stay right there why would he even do such a thing because he heard the pronouncement at the jordan this is my beloved son this is him and whom i'm well pleased so he gets into the wilderness he's fasting and praying at the end of his fast when he was hungry satan came to him and said i know while he's hungry i can get him to rule the dirt and leave me alone if i can get him to rule the dirt i've got him like i had the first adam he said move into the kingdom of the dirt command the stones command them give them a kingly command to do what feed your appetite he said man will not live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of the mouth of god oh satan don't you know he trembled at that because it could crush him and every time he mentioned god and then he says he's with the wild beast rule them you could have dominion over all the beasts the kingdom of animals he wouldn't do that either then he says well cast yourself down command angels they'll be commanded you'll rule their kingdom then look at all this these kingdoms of the world the plant kingdom animal kingdom angelic kingdom look at the political kingdom you could be a tyrant you could rule like god you could just go in there and dominate everybody he said you take the lower position why would he say you take the lower position because he recognized as the warrior he was and he is that he was after his position he wasn't just after just to tempt him to do something he wanted him out of the man's slot because he had taken the first adam slot he knew that was the only thread he had left was jesus standing there and if he could get him to rule one of the other four kingdoms and try to rule them he could stay out of man's kingdom and satan would rule it forever what kind of benefits would that be for satan other than all this authority if you're the ruler of a man's kingdom and you're ruling the kingdom of man hell wasn't created for a man and if you rule the kingdom maybe it frees you from that so he wanted that he wanted it but when jesus said it is said then it came out of his mouth so heavy and weighty that that the bible said that spirit left him for a better season in other words he was running and trembling so jesus left there the bible said he returned in the power of the spirit did you know that in the power of the spirit and it says he was given all these things because he was the son of man he could do them he operated the way he had to do it that way in order to get it back legally and now he got it back and when you make him the lord of your life you get to live in that kingdom that's why you can speak to storms and they stop that's why you can speak to things like that and it stops that's why you can start speaking to the spirit of fear and it'll leave you alone nancy that's why you can start speaking like that and you can speak of the word of god and things start happening you can even call for prosperity to come and in the earth there's a rumble because it knows and it just starts moving towards you and if you won't let up and you stand on the word and your promise it'll find you it'll find you you see that that's that's the position of the man did anybody get a new revelation of that today i hope you did i hope we're starting to get that in the in the world of the prophetic and in the prophetic scheme of things and and and dealing with the future knowledge like this is absolutely vital it's vital to you and i we must know these kind of things jesus knew them and notice when he turned water to wine it wasn't it wasn't a trick his mother said to the servants whatever he says he's commanding elements he's commanding things like that in the garden of gethsemane when he sweat became his great drops of blood he said i'm so depressed i could die my soul is so exceedingly sorrowful i could die it wasn't his depression he was taking hours and he should have killed him but you know he didn't die and the bible said when that was over angels an angel came and ministered to him he was already over that kingdom as in the position of man but he was walking in it notice he'd give a command go to this town you'll find a donkey tide and and and bring that donkey to me and when they ask you what are you doing loosen the donkey then tell them the lord hath need of him and they'll let him go and that's exactly what happened go to this town and you'll see a man bearing a pitcher of water follow him to that room he's going to and that's where i hold the passover and sure enough he was there he answered the fig tree no man eat fruit of you hereafter forever he's commanding he tells the winds and waves peace be still there was a great calm he told his men get in the boat and his disciples go to the other side i'm going to send the people away now he dismisses all the people and then late early in the morning he comes out there the wind had got boisterous and he just heads toward the water the shoreline and when he gets to the edge of the water he never checks up he just keeps walking and the water said there he is hold him and just held him as he walked across when he got to one time he got in their boat and as soon as he got in the boat immediately they were on the other side and you think about that men just ood and awed and marveled over it and then him tell you and i the works i do you'll do and greater works than i do you'll do how jesus because i go to my father and i'll send him the holy ghost i'll send the holy ghost well he went and he sent and now he's here hallelujah hallelujah now you start thinking on these things and then we start we have to do it in these times because we're living in times where tyrants want to rule everything we're living in a time when a thin tail of a dog can wag the whole dog around can just wag instead of the dog wagging his tail the tail is now wagging the dog we live in a time like that when a handful of men would butcher and slaughter masses of people oh brother evan that wouldn't happen really it happened with hitler it happened with mussolini it happened with stalling it happened with all these tyrants you're looking at people right now that that went in and and fraudulently took the white house and as soon as they walk in there you just take one jackal with a pen in his hand first day first hour first anything signed away 340 something thousand babies lives for one year the first year he signed it the slaughter began you didn't see all these school shootings and all these mass shootings going on when trump was president it was rare something happened but in the days of obama it was the flag flew half mass that seemed like every other day and now it's all started again and here's the big solution take their guns and the moment they did by the next day you'd be under a tyrannical reign don't tell me oh brother brother now you sound like john the baptist now well you're not cutting my head off now i want to give you some of these prophetic words and robin if you'll help me please and i want to give you something the lord has has given me to say now uh let me find this now [Music] hallelujah [Music] the lord we thank you for your word we thank you lord for the prophetic words [Music] that you have given today [Music] one must stand in what god has told him to do your face must be set like flint [Music] unwavering [Music] for it will come if you will stand for when you act on god's word and you keep standing [Music] your faith stands in the gap and nothing can stop it it will happen glory to god [Music] there is not enough power in the wickedness of joe biden nancy pelosi chuck schumer or any of the rest to stay in any kind of power for already the ground is giving way under them can't you feel your feet giving way under you speaking to these people for you have chosen to make god a figment of imagination that you think the people believe in a figment of their imagination while you and yours think you are the adult yet i am real says the lord as you and yours will soon know this is speaking to these people for some of you will wake up weeping and gnashing their teeth as the reality you called fiction is the reality after all [Music] for when those waves came crashing down when they come crashing down there will be no escape for you for i will now judge the republican party for what it's worth [Music] few that have held to me and righteousness will be spared and see the deliverance to come [Music] but these who have not will miss it all mark it down and watch saith the lord for i will bring it to pass i will i heard these words sleep well joe biden in your false hope and your arrogant smile for you trapped yourself in your own mind when you sowed the seed for yours to destroy others lives now you will cry and no one will hear this is what i heard then i heard a word to prophets [Music] to prophets standing is required but you are supposed to know that i showed you the future things that haven't happened in the natural but will happen in the days ahead but if you can't stand how do you expect people to stand they are looking at you to show them what to stand on [Music] prophets do not know [Music] what they are for the most part oh they are prophets all right but they have been in seclusion in caves so long that they do not know how exactly to stand in the office of a prophet to say things and they come to pass [Music] like foretelling the future is real yes but that's not all of it the office of a prophet also entails bringing words of the future for the people to stand on they are words from a time yet unseen by the natural world the office of the prophet is to bring a word from heaven [Music] a word from god when a prophet speaks a word from tomorrow [Music] it paves a road to that tomorrow [Music] from which the word came from when a prophet speaks a word from tomorrow it paves a road to that tomorrow or to the tomorrow from which the word came from when the people in that tomorrow hear that word of prophecy and they're in it they will find the courage to do it in the words [Music] from tomorrow that describe the pictures of tomorrow there are all kinds of people seen surely a prophet must believe his or her vision of the future enough to stand and then i heard these words to politicians again make no mistake politicians there is a god and he is looking at you we have now entered into the time of the 22 000 leaving gideon's army in this time we must remain very courageous and not be moved by those you see leaving just trust and remember what god has told you he will bring it to pass [Music] these are the words i heard these are the prophetic words that i heard and so today i brought them to you you can you can rest in the fact no matter what you think there is a god devils tremble at the knowledge of that god and all politicians remember he's looking at you and all the wickedness going on just so that there's no mistake on people pirating these videos and putting all kinds of faults asinine captions on them i will tell you something joe biden is not the legitimate president he is a jackal sitting in the white house seat if he's there half the time there's only one real president still in this nation and everyone in this nation knows who he is his name is donald j trump there is only one god and he ordained the one president everyone else has assumed that god was a was fictitious and all the wicked politicians believed that they are the adults in the room and all of us that believe in this one god are the children but you're about to have a rude awakening it was heard it's been said it's been said it's been said and yet you still say all things continue as they were all things continue as they were this is what they said in noah's day and the bible said they knew not until the flood came and took them all away oh brother you mean you actually believe in a real there was a real flood yes yes i do you actually believe that all this could just happen in one day yes yes i do well i don't i don't know if it could all happen in in one day and a massive thing like that come in in one day what does it matter to you if you're gone why would it matter to you if your flood came today [Music] flood can come to one person at a time i'm talking in code politicians there is one god and the bible says he speaks with the voice of many waters there is a water for every individual some are blessed with it some are taken away with it some are crushed by it remember the words in the spirit for some can find themselves with no job tomorrow some can find themselves impeached in a week some can find themselves with nothing more to say as one of those many waters come roaring out of the creator's mouth [Music] god is speaking and those of us that you consider children that just [Music] believing in a fictitious god we can live by every word that comes out of his mouth while those who don't are crushed by it your words mean nothing as you go grow old and gray and your looks of sternness at the world as you lie through your teeth to the people and tell them what the democratic party believes is the way while it devours them in their sleep you grow old and gray and your teeth have to constantly be fixed soon your days will pass as you age [Music] just like the grass scripture says man's life is butt up vapor it's like the grass it's here today and gone tomorrow it can be beautiful looking one day and cast into an oven the next [Music] but he remains how do i know he remains have you bothered to take notice of the deep breath that you can breathe air have you bothered to take notice who created the air that you're using to spew out and destroy the unborn and destroy his people he remains and he will always remain remember that [Music] hallelujah it's been a strong 11th hour don't you think so i heard the name jim morgan jim morgan i think it's the same person jim morgan if it is i'd like to know roxanne if they're watching maybe it's two names you hear this when you're in the spirit and you but i heard this name loud when i was i wasn't even asleep good and it was loud when i heard the lord say jim morgan so up i was whatever this pertains to god has his mind on either you or your kin folks your family and i sense a great encouragement that should be told to you and i sense this that there's a stigmatism that somebody tried to place on your family whoever this pertains to they tried to place it on your family to do to discredit to make people look down on you but the lord says these things are going to be broke today that we're going to break that over you today and you have you don't have to cry no more but the lord said you must stop saying that every time i start to do something it fails every time everybody's against me you're going to have to stop that and start speaking his word now i heard this name jackie and i heard the name owen jackie owen or either it's two people but this is what i heard i heard the her jim morgan that i heard jackie owen and [Music] yes there's something about children here something about a child if i knew more from jackie or owen or if it's the same person if i knew more about that i would have more to say but there's something about a child and there's something about you to take courage and let guilt flow away from you something about this i'm not sure what i'm seeing but i saw in your in the name of something about a child jackie and so whatever that is lord we lift these up to you now whatever that may be and lord we speak life into all the situations life into their lives life into their minds life into their bodies life into their finances life somebody named owen died i think early [Music] died young young and it's in somebody's family and the lord didn't take their life god didn't take their life [Music] and the lord says that he wants life to continue but always talking about the loss of it is holding you back do not worry dear one everything is all right everything is much better than all right it's better than the enemy would ever let you know it's better than any than the enemy would ever let you see if he has his way about it [Music] hallelujah hallelujah yes [Music] yes i heard i heard heard the name i think it's i think it's i think it's tammy t timmy [Music] tamara maybe i hear that [Music] it's time for you to lift up your hands and begin to shout to the lord you have to lift up your hands now begin to shout to the lord because in tammy tammy and tamara's life this is what is going to set you free i saw three people they're kind of sitting i saw one here with their hands up one here and one here you need to lift your hands up and begin to shout before the lord and cry before the lord go ahead just cry you need to cry cry and the lord is going to set you free hallelujah hallelujah now at the helm of your life [Music] take back hold of the helm and turn it hallelujah and the lord is going to give you the strength to take control of your life again amen we do did this word fit jackie [Music] come up here and and talk and i said jackie it had something to do with children yes that's all right yes she said she had a daughter named jackie that worked with special needs children as an occupational therapist [Music] wow well i said that about had something to do with children whatever word i gave about jackie in this situation you go ahead and claim that for her take that for her [Music] turn yeah go ahead the when you said jim morgan it came to my mind and i heard jimmy morgan was a zoo it used to be that's right that's exactly right in birmingham and a lot of children go there did you know i was thinking of the jimmy morgan zoo this morning no because we never discussed it but i was the lord's trying to show us something i sense that also lord we pray over those grounds yes we pray for whatever that has to do with the jimmy morgan zoo and children we lift up that lord god and i ask you to bring a calming and a peace and lord god we we order disaster to leave that zoo and anything surrounding it in jesus name this is true bus after bus goes in there of children and lord i plead the blood over that place that lord god every child's life will be protected there that they will be protected not only in the transportation in the animals everything lord it will be protected and i give you praise and honor and glory in jesus name in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah well it's been a good 11th hour do we have anything else that we need to address okay we did have one more jackie that said my good friend jackie's son is threatening to commit suicide and she's filled with fear and guilt prayers are needed so did i say something about guilt yeah there was another jackie with a son and i said guilt i said you're gonna have to just let the guilt yes right now we arrest that spirit of suicide we arrest it we take hold of it and cast it down in the name of jesus you spirit of suicide take your hands off of jackie's son in jesus name turn him loose and let him go lord [Music] i ask you to breathe the refreshing air into her son's life and into her mind and i rebuke fear from jackie in jesus name somebody somebody had suicide in their family it was a father or someone who killed themselves [Music] and this thing is not going to follow you anymore this is not going to follow you any longer we take authority over that and cast it down in the name of jesus in jesus name this is a different word and this is going to sound just as i heard [Music] somebody had a dog [Music] and this is going to sound silly because this is a stereotyped name but somebody has a dog and i don't know if their name was spot and you laughingly referred to him as spot but i think they're gone now and the lord wanted you to know that's a very real thing to him and that it's not a silly thing that you should that you were so attached to that you know this is the way adam was attached to all the animals noah had the same attachment when he built the boat and but the lord says [Music] this is going to really start something but that dog is in heaven with him and you'll see it again oh yeah now you know people's going oh brother robin that's not theologically correct show me [Music] show me now don't come up with some silly abstract something there's horses in heaven there's a crystal sea there's bound to be some fish in that [Music] i believe that you're i believe that they're there yes i do i do hallelujah and i believe every dog you lost every horse you lost you'll get to ride that horse again one day play with that dog again one day or that cat or whatever it might have been uh don't you know there's a whole truckload of goldfish dumped in that crystal sea somewhere don't you figure so all the little pets hallelujah hallelujah [Music] yes yes so they were animals were made subject to what man did they didn't do it on their own hallelujah god has lost none of that he hasn't well it's been a good 11th hour don't you think so uh well i heard a amen and a yes and but i know there's thousands out there shouting right now yes yes yes hallelujah now i want to uh pray over our prayer requests we have today and if i can get the team all up here we're going to pray and i want to gather around these hallelujah praise god move them back just a little bit right right back here there you go yeah you'll have to the cards are uh when are these is these just the most recent ones now we have stacks and stacks of prayer requests and we pray over them we have a prayer ministry that prays over them mark and tina meet and pray our church international prayer you can you can also tune in that on tuesday and they will pray with you there too and um so who do we have any praise reports before we start it will encourage people yes we've had a couple come in um i know roxanne has one to to share but um one came in over the last week and i i really wanted to share this one because this this is just it's just miraculous the those of you that were watching the day that that prayer went out over those bound up in homosexuality and the lord revealed their destiny of evangelism and we're very criticized uh by by that community but the lord revealed the enemy's plan and it makes the enemy angry and so we had a prayer request come our praise report come in that said they had been bound up in homosexuality for over 30 years and they had given their life to the lord two years prior but they kept falling back into that and they said they were watching the 11th hour when that word was given because they had been asking the lord for to reveal their destiny and their call and they were watching the 11th hour and they said your word brother robin opened my eyes they said and now i know what i'm called to do and i am completely and totally set free in jesus name hallelujah praise god praise god hallelujah this is so wonderful right now as i had my hands laid on these these prayer requests i looked up outside it is so sunny out there but i looked up because all of a sudden i heard the sound of an abundance of rain i heard that sound and i heard that sound and there's always a sound before the event and i heard i looked out to see if all of a sudden you know if it was just started pouring down raining because in this building you can hear that and my i i don't know if you i was even on camera but my eyes got big because i looked outside i heard the sound of an abundance of rain hallelujah hallelujah it is coming it is coming it's here in the spirit it's here in the spirit we're soon to see it in the natural in every part of a believer's life the sound of an abundance of rain what do you say an abundance of rain an abundance of a brain of natural rain an abundance of healing an abundance of finances an abundance of joy joy joy joy in the holy ghost joy and abundance of the glory that is going to flood this earth and abundance and in abundance an abundance in abundance an abundance of an abundance glory to god hallelujah and right now in the name of jesus as we all have a point of contact with each of these of these prayer requests these precious prayer requests today as we make this our point of contact with our hands lord we thank you you said lay hands on the sick and they shall recover lord they shall they shall lord you didn't say they might or it could be you said they shall that means it's a done deal it is certain that this is going to happen and lord we thank you that we are laying hands on the sick and they shall recover lord we thank you that we're laying hands on the ones who is sick in their finances and they shall recover lord we thank you the ones that are seeking in their relationships and their marriages that they shall recover lord we thank you for restoration and families lord we thank you that every need be supplied and every need met in the name of jesus lord we thank you for an abundance an abundance an abundant abundance of joy abundance of health and abundance of of goodness oh we thank you father oh lord we thank you that god is absolutely good and he is absolutely good so therefore there is nothing but absolute goodness can come from him into your life in jesus name hallelujah glory to god if anybody hears a prophetic word of knowledge you've got your hands on these then and then give it quickly and we'll we'll move we'll move through this while the anointing is here you hear anything christa anything austin yeah cancellation say it debt cancellation debt cancellation we heard debt cancellation pray over debt cancellation father right now in the name of jesus father in this season right now father that they get to keep this that this debt be canceled and they get to keep this money lord this money is just given to him father and it's canceled in jesus mighty name yeah i've been seeing uh through chat multiple prayer requests for autistic children yes this is this is a spirit of hell plague in this generation of children yes yes so right now in the name of jesus you autistic spirit of hell i command you to release god's children in the name of jesus turn them loose now children speak with the speech of god let your minds be set right now in the name of jesus let your social awkwardness disappear in the name of jesus for you are made in the image and the likeness of the almighty god and right now i command you to be set free in the name of jesus and we thank you lord i heard somebody's ear is popping open right now their ears their ears is has been stopped up and right now i in the spirit i heard a pop and it is opening the ear also i heard a legal matter there's a legal matter and it's very serious it's very serious and i heard that it's going to be settled no more worries no more worries on this legal matter in jesus name and an inheritance that had been held back from you an inheritance that you've been fighting over fighting over fighting over and it seemed like that your head's been just in a in a bag screaming and nobody's hearing you this is coming to you your rightful the rightful owner and it's going to be revealed hallelujah hallelujah these these are two very special ones very special one is uh walt and he's seven years old and he lives in alabama and he has cancer and the doctors has sent him home to die in the comfort of his home and they're praying that god performs an 11th hour miracle and heals this little boy and they don't believe the the family is saved oh my goodness oh no you don't devil we bind you and cast you down in walt's life you are not you do not have authority not after they've asked us to pray and in the name of jesus lord i don't know who's standing for that child that has authority i don't know who they are if they're talking death over him life over him but lord we use our faith today to intercede and pray for young walt to intercede and pray for him lord we stand on isaiah 53 4-5 surely you bore his sickness and carried his pain and with your stripes he's healed first peter 2 24 who your old self buries sin in your own body on the tree that he being dead to sin shall live unto righteousness and with your stripes he was healed and lord god oh psalm 107 20 you sent your word and healed walt and delivered him from his destruction now lord god i ask you to whisper in the authority over his life whether it be his mom his dad whoever lord they have authority they have the ultimate authority i ask you to whisper into their heart to know jesus and to use their faith and we put our faith out there with with this ready for them to grab hold of lord god somehow another make this thing connect that we lift up in our words and our prayers young walt that he stand up and live and not die in the name of jesus in jesus name agree that walt is healed yes in jesus name hallelujah all the thousands watching whenever you see this later some in different time zones won't see it till later go ahead and agree with us oh it's very important to know jesus and it's very important to know the authority of his word hallelujah hallelujah now i i heard this i'm going to pray this is my prayer the lord quickened to me to pray for every apostle prophet evangelist pastor and teacher those in the five-fold ministry to pray i pray revelation knowledge from heaven for your thanking for your heart your minds and i pray a fresh kindling of fire in your hearts that you will boldly proclaim that god is absolutely good and proclaim the blood of jesus tell men they must be saved tell men it's the only escape tell them that it's his will to heal you pray for them and lay hands on them with no fear of a mask mandate nor of a disease pray over people speak the word over people start proclaiming the word of god and all of you that are called as apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers and you're not answering your call those of you that are called and you're not doing it step forward and i want to lead you in that prayer right now and all those watching that don't know jesus don't you see the importance of knowing who he is and having him live in your heart and life so that you have the authority and the position as the body of christ for he occupies the throne of god and the throne of man he occupies both positions he is the god-man he is god who became flesh who rose again and sits at the right hand of the father of majesty on high and so right now no matter who you are if you don't know jesus pray this prayer with me lord jesus come into my heart and be my lord and personal savior i believe that you died for me and i believe that you rose from the dead for me come into my heart and live forever amen lord we thank you for saving the people now those of you that need to be baptized in the holy ghost say it out loud lord jesus baptize me in the mighty holy ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues as the spirit tells me what to say and i thank you for it now jesus in jesus name now just begin speaking in tongues now i saw i saw two babies these babies have fevers they have fevers lay your hands on them their fever lay your hands on those babies and i'm about to pray and i'm going to tell that spirit to leave and it will leave now you spirit of hell that has sent this fever to this child to these children you know me and i know you and in the name above all names the name of jesus the christ jesus the anointed one in his name i command you turn them loose get off of their bodies and i'll order their bodies to cool now under your touch in jesus name hallelujah there is a policeman either you're watching me or this is a policeman in a family and there has been a lot of fear lately that something's going to happen this policeman if you're watching me is kind of skeptical about jesus you are called minister to god officer you're called according to romans 13 you have an anointing on you and it's that anointing that he called you to walk in that's protecting you every day it's that anointing that protected you twice already big so know this today you are called and now you are called so go ahead and just surrender it all to him for you're a man under authority having authority and you understand authority and now you know you can call on jesus and he will heal your loved one hallelujah hallelujah to the lamb of god glory to god hallelujah we had something else this one is a praise report and a prayer request uh dear robin and robin and team thank you for your prayers please continue as they are making a difference desiree went again for the second time this morning to the hospital to have an abortion and did not follow through and has has walked out and is now sitting in her car outside of the hospital please pray that she leave and not go back to the hospital and that she accepts supports to help and protect the life of her baby is uh is anybody around her if if you're around her and you know she's sitting in her car go to her now go to her now tell her that this whole team is lifting her up in prayer and that we love her we love her baby and there's a call for her and her baby and this this is going to be a mighty call and tell her this if she does not go through with this and she stands on the side of life and right that the lord is going to raise he's got a plan for her and the child and that this is going to be a tremendous future for you you don't know it right now but you're going to laugh where you cried run where you walked and you're going to fly where you used to drive it's going to be a wonderful time so just say no to abortion say no to ending the baby's life for i'm going to tell you this is desiree is this who this is for desiree i'm going to tell you something you are very special to the lord now i'm telling you i'm not just telling you this to talk you out of something i would talk you out of it but i'm telling you you are very special to the lord you see yourself as rahab but you are not you are not you know who rehab ended up being one of the great great grandmothers of jesus how about that now this is the magnitude there's a huge that's right that's right he can say that again i said don't tell me god can't work through a dysfunctional family that's right because he did and so this is a great call on you and your child's life people will remember you they'll remember you just stay with it just a little longer you're going to see something you've never seen before hallelujah i don't know who that woman is as some kind of woman i sense may be talking in your ear just shut them off because they're just fools i made that declare last 11th hour that they would change their mind about an abortion abortion that was a prophetic word now say that again you said it yeah i declared it i said the lord wants me to declare this and a sound go all around the world so they'll change their mind now that's you desiree hallelujah that was last week and now here we are and last week and they did it amen hallelujah see this is sounds for the 11th hour decisions amen are you still glad you tuned in everybody hallelujah something i need to know you uh oh yeah that's right it's our anniversary today what a way to robin said for us to spend our anniversary 42 years 42 years robin and i have been married now and uh and yes you want to come out stand with me you stood with me by everything about everything so 42 years we've been married we've been together 42 years and so i am so very very honored to be your husband hallelujah amen well we want to give you an opportunity to give today on the 11th hour and if you'd like to give people say how much do i give the amount is not the thing you know i wish i could i i we need to really realize this it's the obedience in what you give you know if the lord tells you to give a certain amount if you're obedient to that amount then it's more than enough for everybody involved what the ministry needs what you need as a seed but obedience is better than a sacrifice and so be obedient god works in obedience hallelujah so as you give today in your offering i want to pray luke 6 and 38 over you we put that on the screen luke 6 verse 38 the scripture says this says give and it shall be now that right there is a is very promising right off give and it shall be so when you give you can count on it jesus is doing that talking right there and he said it shall be and you know he gets everything he says everything he says he gets it and he said it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together running over shall men because that's where all the finances are is in the world of men he knows he knows where it all is he knows where there's rivers he knows where there's places like havala where there's gold all in it he can get it right to you so what gets it there your faith and obedience is an expression of your faith so good measure press down shaken together running over shall men give into your bosom for with the same measure that you meet with all it what you gave in obedience and faith shall be measured back to you again hallelujah say i believe it i receive it i call it done in jesus name now we stand on malachi chapter 3 and we'll start in verse 10 for those of you i was just up in the we had part of the team up in pennsylvania this past week what a wonderful meeting that was uh what a wonderful three meetings that was four meetings oh yeah four meetings man we were just in one meeting after another one we just just moving and some people said i tithe i tithe to the 11th hour a tithe there and people send their tithe here so we want to pray over the tither today amen we'll start in malachi and we're going to look at chapter 3 and verse 10 if we can put that up on the screen i'm going to read it just straight to you today i can quote it but you know you're supposed to keep the word before your eyes so we need to see this it says bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in mine house and prove me now herewith saith the lord of hosts if i will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it then he says and i will rebuke the devourer for your sake sakes and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground neither shall your vine castor fruit before the time in the field sayeth the lord of hosts and all nations shall call you blessed for you shall be a delightsome lamb saith the lord of hosts you know where it says they'll open the windows of heaven that's the same windows that opened in noah's day that saved noah and so when you start to give and you give tithes you can stand on this this is a tither's privilege right here so go ahead and say it as i bring all my tithe into the storehouse that there may be meat in the house of the lord i prove you now lord if you'll not open me the wind is of heaven pour me out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it and rebuke the devourer for my sake that he not destroy the fruits of my ground neither shall my vine cast forth its fruit before its time in the field saith the lord of hosts and all nations shall call me blessed for i shall be a delightsome land saith the lord of hosts hallelujah you can stand on that for the fruit of your your ground the fruit of your body the fruit of your womb the fruit of everything that everything is kept hallelujah well now if you uh if you're you're giving it right now then you can if you're watching on youtube look in the description click on that and you can text to give we have that on the screen you can text that and give and that's secure the the link on youtube is secure if you're watching on the robin d bullock website then just click on the give button follow the prompts and that's a secure place to give or you can mail it in to p.o box 67 warrior alabama 35180 and uh every gift is prayed over and you if you're a partner of ours i want you to know i pray over you every day i prayed over you yesterday i was praying over you on the bus traveling yesterday and i'll be praying over you today i pray over you every day you're our partners and you're dear to us hallelujah i want to tell you something don't lose courage you gather it up on the inside of you greater is he that's in you than he that's in the world god lives in you you can't be defeated if you just won't quit just don't quit and you'll never go down in defeat hallelujah well until the next time we gather together right here around god's word i want you to remember never forget say it with me god is absolutely good shalom [Music] shalom you
Channel: Robin D. Bullock
Views: 115,880
Rating: 4.9535098 out of 5
Id: Cz-sJn6ggOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 5sec (7805 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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