Who Is Skyrim’s BIGGEST Idiot? - Ranking Idiots In The Elder Scrolls: V Skyrim

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I've made sixteen videos on idiots and Skyrim but which of them is the worst who is Skyrim's biggest idiot first let's establish the criteria an npc can be idiotic for a few reasons excruciating ly stupid reasoning bad decision-making and an annoying attitude also I won't be including Daedric princes or gods in this video not only do I need to make more videos on their idiocy in the first place but they cut across all the Elder Scrolls games so it wouldn't be suitable to include them in a Skyrim only video to be clear the idiots at the bottom of this list of the smartest relatively speaking so as the list progresses throughout the video the more idiotic the NPCs are so let's get started at the bottom number 16 the least idiotic we have your biography this yours labeling as an idiot was controversial for some viewers much beloved by the fanbase y'all ballin is typically seen as something of a meme but all this funniness aside once you get stuck into the law you realize he's made some serious mistakes most obvious is his unwillingness to show up white runs defenses in light of both the Civil War and the dragon attacks white run a wooden city with few natural defenses is highly susceptible to any sort of siege or arson equally dragons reach the supposed prison for dragons atop of the city is itself made of wood I know balgruuf wasn't the architect of his own city but you'd think that at least one yarn from the last few generations would have taken the initiative and turned some of the city's defenses into stone in light of the threat of dragons you would have thought that your bar graph would do this throughout the game moreover y'all boroff's neutrality in the civil war seems stupid he comes across as a naive and not expecting a flick Stormcloak to initially attack his city even though it has pivotal strategic importance because of its central location in Skyrim Ulfric even sends messengers tell Bhargav that he was going to attack in another sentence Baal cliff also comes across as an inept father if the Stormcloaks take white phone bill pack his bags and head for solitude leaving his two children behind to be held hostage by the enemy talk about fatherly dedication what's more the quest the whispering door reveals that his son is a psychopath chiefly due to mephala whispering into his mind from the basement of the palace although this isn't actually Bartlett's fault he would have thought that he would have noticed his child is a murderer in the making rail off of River Woods is an endearing character the Dragonborn meets at the beginning of the game a Stormcloak soldier captured with Ulfric and headed for execution after iowans interjection he's one of two NPCs the player confused to tag along with although a minor character he say some things that indicate he clearly has little reasoning capacity for instance he deploys the empire for attempting to behead Ulfric Stormcloak without a fair trial firstly Ulfric committed treason blatantly in every medieval society this is punishable by death so what did ralof think a trial would achieve also it's a pragmatic thing for the Empire to do it makes sense to deal with the leader of the rebellion as quickly as possible before even the Stormcloaks Arthur more can get their hands on them equally you'd think a strong cloak soldiers first thought would be to protect their leader but no very loft runs off with the player with little consideration of all phix well-being all in all veil off comes across as simple-minded but kind-hearted y'all elesif is perhaps the most frustrating leader in Skyrim where balgruuf makes some questionable mistakes she outright suggests dumbfounding ly stupid policies that make no sense for instance she suggests that there'd be a parade of thousands of Imperial soldiers in the capital to bolster morale clearly this isn't a feasible suggestion when the country is gripped by war and there are a shortage of Imperial soldiers as it is no doubt the Stormcloaks would learn of this grand event and attack the Imperial lines at the same time also she suggests that an entire Legion be sent to sweep a cave during the quest the wolf Queen awakens obviously with hindsight we know that po Timur was being resurrected in there but it seems awfully rash of a Yong to instantly agree to send a regiment of soldiers to check out an oyster burns at a peasant's perhaps a sense of entitlement also comes across a deeply annoying she not only suggests she would be better general than Tallis but comments that she ought to be high queen she's forgetting that the office of high king or queen is not hereditary but a position elected by the y'alls she has no entitlement to that crown whatsoever I know that the silver bloods are a family but I think they weren't mentioning is one of Skyrim's most idiotic group of individuals for instance take their treatment of modern rock the king of the forsworn who they imprison in their mind phone our be de facto leader of their family decided they would be smart to keep this symbolic head of the forsworn alive in prison using threats against his life to curtail the worst excesses of the forsworn but not only does this not work as Majdanek has little regard for his own life the silver bloods emboldened the forsworn by giving them a figurehead in the heart of the region's capital they could aspire to free and follow it was a mistake not to kill him the culmination of the silver blood stupidity is the murder of thanas wife it's mind-boggling to think that they never suspected murder NOK might betray them even though he was imprisoned and sit in a mine the black briars are another major family in Skyrim with a grip on power in the local region headed by the matriarch maven the black brows control a meadery business and they eliminate any rivals they have through the Thieves Guild or if they have to the dark brotherhood boss the family may be powerful they treat those they are dependant on like dirt it's only a matter of time until she faces retribution for actions she industrially sabotages her competition for instance a meadery just outside white run and she tells those on the streets to get out of her way and everyone knows that it's also thanks to her that the Thieves Guild thrives in Riften at the expense of its inhabitants in short maven is blatantly a blight on the city of Rifton it owes a lot of its squalor and depravity to her selfish business interests she stomps other businesses from opening stifles trade and investment through the Thieves Guild and generally treats the city's inhabitants like garbage on another level she's idiotic because her legacy is doomed she's pampered her children so much that on capable of continuing her businesses one of her children is in prison the other is a sadist with a penchant for poison and one is a loafer with an addiction to wealth and lavish food it seems like all the major families in skyrim are idiotic and this is true too for the battle bones who come in at number 10 on this list and the quest missing-in-action the player learns that they probably abducted the son of thrown a grain handing him over to the Thalmor the idiocy of the battle bones comes partly from the fact that they make it obvious they were involved in this crime they openly tell frailer to shut up lest she suffer the same fate and on another level handing over the grain to the Thalmor is stupid in the sense they earmarks them as betrayers even among Imperials cooperating with a thumb war is hardly a popular thing to do risking their entire reputation despite some gray Mane's seems somewhat stupid gala boy is one of the few elven idiots in Skyrim and he's perhaps the oldest person on this list but clearly age has not left Gallup or Weiser he serves or via a god fat seemingly abandoned his people who were butchered and turned into slaves by the drummer he waits their dank cave doing his duty and his sole objective seems to do this until he dies the hope of a good afterlife is not justification for gala Bors actions either most humans are sent to a serious after a mere 70 or so years of normal living so what makes gullible think he has to spend thousands serving a weak God with his expertise and knowledge he could have gone out into the world and changed people's lives beer by teaching you skills educating them of snow of history or spreading the word of akatosh now we get into the final eight largest idiots in Skyrim and believe me it's been hard trying to compare them to see which one's the most stupid but it's number eight and placing mercifui the leader of the Thieves Guild the most frustrating thing about Mercer is his belief that he could outsmart a nocturnal a Daedric prince nearly omnipotent and almost omniscient merciful a was and is a nightingale nightingales are members of the Thieves Guild who swear themselves to Nocturnals eternal service in return for boons such as nightingale Armour they promised to protect nocturnal shrines during their mortal life but also after they have essentially a nightingale gives nocturnal their soul so when mercifui stole nocturnal skeleton key and looted from the coffers of the thieves guild he must have done so knowing that eventually nocturnal would have retribution on him in the afterlife and it's this fact that makes him a complete fool one earth would you trade your mortal years for prosperity and wealth for an eternity of torment in the afterlife it's not as if his theft is worthwhile he lives in a dank mansion in Skyrim's worst city and it seems like after he would have stolen the eye of the former he planned to simply travel the continent for the rest of his life constantly vigilant against thieves guild operatives and dark brotherhood assassins service Arvin is the Archmage of the college of winterhold Skyrim's version of the mages guild and he's an idiot primarily because of the whole eye of Magnus debacle which leads to dozens of deaths in the already dilapidated city of Winterhold service are and fundamentally should have just kicked out on Carnot as soon as he started causing trouble I'm not sure if an karna or the Thalmor had any leverage over the college which might have brought about an car nose positioning there in the first place but nonetheless Sarvis Arvin had reasonable grounds to expel this thermal from the premises his deputy can be heard confronting unkar no telling him that he's been snooping around the college in unwanted places so if salvos had a backbone and kicked out on karna in the first place than this mishap with the eye of magnus and consequently salvo saurons own death may never have happened also one earth was he thinking in confronting unkar no when he was clearly extremely powerful due to his connection with the eye of Magnus yes his actions might have been brave but they were also stupid especially given the raw magical power at Encarna his fingertips also Sava siren isn't really that powerful in himself and the tafani wizard nel off makes this clear no officers that Tsavo siren is so weak you wouldn't even be fit to be his apprentice now I don't know if he's just being a bit rude but I don't see any reason to doubt what no law says there aren't any books that talk of Tsavo sirens achievements and he has nothing to show for his apparent power but more idiotic than salvos is an Carnot the thermal agent with an arrogant attitude that does not befit his cowardly weak and insecure nature let's deal first with his master plan to steal the eye of Magnus surely the best course of action if you wanted to secure the eye for the old mode Dominion would have been to wait until his thermal colleagues arrived to transport it back to the summerset isles rather than instigating a massive brawl with the college majors and massacring the local people given the Dominions leverage over the empire I'm sure that the Dominions negotiators would have been able to convince the college to part ways with the powerful artifact and if not surely the assassination of the Archmage would have worked better than on carlo basically detonating the elderscrolls equivalent of a moab Merrik is the first-ever Dragonborn an impressive title you'd assume that he'd be a being of some intellectual stature but no like most villains in this game his plans have major plot holes let's deal with his original rebellion against his dragon overlords not only was this futile because he had no chance against Alwyn and hundreds of other dragons but he refused to join a concurrent nord rebellion that he would have benefited from massively this speaks to Marik's selfish nature who had never learned his help to rebellion unless he knew he'd come out on top so the arrogance of assuming he could take on the Dragons alone and refusing the help of thousands of other Lords renders maroc a fool in my eyes equally stupid was his decision to pledge allegiance to her maius mora the Daedric prince of knowledge not only did this lead to his entrapment in apocrypha it also meant that when he started to break his oath the Daedric prince actively helped thrash Dragonborn the protagonist to defeat him talking of villains with the dom plans which seems our common underlying feature in skyrim horicon has one of the objectively dumbest themes in old scrolls history I mean seriously who thinks it's a good idea to blot out the Sun the one thing that everything in the universe depends on for life especially considering harken and his vampire peers need healthy humans to feed on equally Valerie carré's is a salient point when she talks about the implications of hearkens plan on vampire human relations if vampires came out into the open and started dominating the world everyone would be hostile to them even divided among the Dominion and Empire the peoples of Tamriel would massively outnumber the vampires and I think quite easily defeat them plus I'd imagine that the Empire and would probably temporarily join sites given that they are not at war and that the vampires pose a massive threat to both their existences so for being so arrogant about his powers as a vampire Lord his surprising that hearkens brain is seemingly the size of a walnut no one with a normal mind would come up with a plan so dumb Ulfric Stormcloak the leader of the rebellion against the Empire and Skyrim is a candidate for having the game's smallest size brain as well the chief reason for all phix idiocy is his stance on the Empire the leader of the Stormcloaks takes umbrage at the fact that Tallis worship has been outlawed across Tamriel books of the white-gold concordant allfuck believes that the Empire can no longer protect his citizens because it simply bends to the whims of its seemingly elven overlords such as by banning Tallis worship but consider the alternative to the Empire not outlawing Talos the Great War would not have ended and as possible the Empire would have lost remember the Thalmor had captured and sacked the capital of the Empire the Imperial City with relative ease although Titus me ii had managed to smash the odd mo forces in a single battle he knew his armies were weak and spread thin by signing that treaty the Empire brought themselves time to recuperate and stave off the old mo dominions onslaught so offer exposition against the Empire is a nonsensical one yes they might have out Nautilus worship but they had no other choice if they were to survive Avex arguments seem even more idiotic in light of the fact that the Civil War is exactly what the farmer want they want the Empire to be weak they want its legions to be drawn into Skyrim and slaughtered the Thalmor call the great war the first war against the Empire they believe no they know there will be a second war because they're planning on instigating it so overall Ulfric Stormcloak is ironically doing exactly what the film will want astrid is the leader of the dark brotherhood and also runners-up for biggest idiot in Skyrim underlying her idiocy is her infatuation with personal power for instance in order to defeat the Dragonborn who posed a threat to her power achieve smartly decided that she would tell the penet osaki artists of the assassination attempt on the Emperor's life in return for amnesty and protection this backfired where none rising Lee having told the imperial agents of the Dark Brotherhood location the penitence oculata is turned up and burned down the entire sanctuary to the ground I mean did Astrid seriously expect the commander of the penalty so cleitus to stay true to his word when Astrid had commissioned the death of his son moreover SGP Duty is compounded with the simple fact that the Dragonborn offered a legitimate way to revitalize the Brotherhood being an actually ordained listener the protagonist was the clear successor to Astrid and the knight mother's choice implies that there would have been more listeners to come following the Dragonborns death but know if Astrid it's not so much the survival of the Dark Brotherhood that's important but her specific version of it the alternative structure that she had created was unstable as well the Dark Brotherhood under her leadership was completely dependent on her which is probably what she wanted if Astrid had died then the Brotherhood would have been screwed because she had not shared responsibilities with anyone before the Dragonborn came along finally we come to the number one spot so who is the biggest idiot in the oldest cross five skyvan of course it has to be Delphine the self-appointed leader of the blades not only does Delphine have an annoying demeanor and an overcompensating personality she makes decisions that are so stupid they beggar belief for instance when she asks the Dragonborn to kill Paarthurnax dolphins reasoning is that Paarthurnax committed many awful acts as our wins lieutenant during the dragon wars and so deserves to die even though he was also the dragon responsible for saving mankind by teaching them the food and the one responsible for training the Dragon Ball to defeat our to win it in skyvan Paarthurnax was born a dragon and of course it was initially going to join our win but as Ardoin started become more and more brutal he consciously switched sides as paths enact States is it better to be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great efforts if anything Paarthurnax is a far better person than Delphine Paarthurnax struggled against his provenance to become the upstanding being that he is and who is Delphine a woman born on the morally correct side to criticize him for his past transgressions especially when the god-kind thought Paarthurnax worthy of redemption taking all this into account Delphine's just the pation for killing the dragon amounts to nothing more than blind and irrational hatred it seems as if her reaction to Pathan acts is driven by jealousy she knows she can't control Paarthurnax and she knows that Paarthurnax is a far greater being than she can ever be I think that Delphine fundamentally doesn't understand Paarthurnax rather than seeing the opportunity to make a powerful ally with the ancient dragon she instead decides it's more important to settle a score from thousands of years ago so there we go there are the sixteen biggest idiots in Skyrim I've had to abbreviate my analysis for each NPC in this video otherwise it would have been a longer copied version of my previous videos amalgamated into one I wanted to get across the ethos of each NPC but if you want the in-depth analysis of each person then check out my specific videos on them [Music] you
Channel: Avarti
Views: 1,038,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elder, scrolls, lore, avarti, plays, theory, idiot, elder scrolls idiot, delphine, astrid, ancano, savos aren, harkon, miraak, mercer frey, avarti idiots, avarti idiot, elder scrolls v skyrim
Id: D1Zb_ya5uOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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