STAMPEDE - Charles Starrett - full Western Movie [English]

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[Music] [Music] my [Music] uh [Applause] taking on buying some horses henry no billford owes me money and wants to pay me with saddle stock 500 more just like them henry besides my thoroughbreds and i'll give you enough to settle my debt yet twice over what can i do with them i'm not in the horse business why salem you knew my notes were coming due why didn't you sell them i've written to about a dozen buyers but i haven't heard from any of them yet that's right there hasn't been a buyer here for months and we've all got cattle to sell well if there's no market for horses how do you expect me to sell them hold them for a few days we're bound to have buyers in here before long i can't wait you owe me the money and i'm gonna have it if you'll just give me another week i'm sorry john but the bank's got me in a corner it's got to be cash or a sheriff's sale but my wrench is worth 10 times what i owe you well if you can figure out any other way i'm ready to hear it you can't wait i guess that settles weighty running back to pasture here comes dale i'd rather you wouldn't tell her about this just now it's gonna hit her pretty hard they're standing in a buyer daddy i opened up the letter i just couldn't wait it's my cheyenne company and says oh mr carson should reach your ranch not later than the 10th the 10th well that's tomorrow you can wait that long can't you henry oh why sure i'd be glad to go rustle up some food honey i reckon these men will stay to supper not me thanks it'll be dark before i reach down as it is i gotta be getting back to my ranch count me in john if you can throw in a little grain for the horse how come you let the go get that leather brooks must have come in on the stage after i left town get back in there and watch things i'll be in myself first thing in the morning i don't want to go through with this deal matt can't you let me out of it you'll go through with it or i'll send you back to the pen where you belong [Applause] i didn't want to talk before anyone john but there's some funny rumors going around town what sort of rumors they say that old buyers are warned to stay away from this district you don't believe any nonsense like that do you i'm not so sure that it is nonsense you know that stranger that i found dead on the trail last week yeah well i heard yesterday that he was a buyer on his way to this ranch we've got to get busy again what's up there's a buyer on his way in his name's carson i'll stop him before he gets to salt springs it's too late he's probably there right now you've got to get in between town and milford's ranch that's easier there's only two ways from town to the ranch you watch the wagon road james i'll handle him by the trail how do i get to the milford ranch milford ranch well you take the first road to the south after you leave town i can't miss it i go that's him who carson yeah he got in late last night after i got to bed well that simplifies everything you ride out and tell gans he's watching the wagon road [Applause] i never expected things to turn out as smooth as this this is morning we got any meal for carson i don't know but i'm going to have a look are you any relation to carson the cattle buyer i am casting the cattle by why there was another man in here this morning of the same name we took it for granted he was the buyer oh that must have been my brother i'm to meet him out of melford what time did my brother leave oh about an hour ago i should say no don't appear to be anything for you well thank you my name is stevens when you're through with milford i've got some stairs i'd like to have you look over sure i'd be glad to hey do you see anyone pulling around my horse out there no fight i'll find a curious sort of note under the rain it's carson stay away from milford it may cost you your life got any enemies in this belly i couldn't have i've never been here before might have been meant for my brother though he's been here that's right they might have made the same mistake as you did matt what's the tallest way to melford's rank uh small canyon turn left to the first crossroads so so where you bound for daddy i worried all night over what the sheriff said about finding that dead buyer i think i'll catch carson in town and talk business with him there he may be on his way out now and if he is you might miss him that's right i'll go by the road you take the trail if you meet him turn him back all right so carson's on his way out heading this way steven says for me to cover him from here well you'll go meet him on the trail meet him on the trail yeah and don't shoot unless you have to your car's in the cattle bar ain't you yes why on your way out to milford that's right you better turn back and get out of the district while you're all in one piece that sounds like a threat is it no just a friendly tip but you don't want to take it that's your funeral what's all the trouble out at milford's anyway it ain't healthy to talk too much i'm risking my own necks in as much as i have wait a second are you mr carson yes but i don't see how so many total strangers know me by sight that's easy to explain i'm dale milford and we were expecting you daddy said if i met you to tell you he'd see you in town instead of the ranch are you wanting me to stay away from the ranch too have you been warned to stay away twice what's it all about anyway all we know is that someone's doing all he can to keep buyers out of our valley i'm afraid i've got to go under the ranch anyway it isn't safe one of the buyers was found dead murdered on the trail but my brother's on his way out there i can't let him ride into an ambush that's meant for me if he's going by the other road daddy will meet him and turn him back don't turn your head when i say what i'm going to i think we're right in an ambush now there's someone hiding in the rocks above us probably that fellow just tried to turn me back i think i better go have another talk please don't do anything your only chance now is to turn back to town i suppose you're right but it sort of goes against the grain tell your father i'm sorry i missed him looks like the bus was right now i can go back home yeah if i ever meet that buyer again would i have some explainers to do he's doubling back i'll pick up his trail you cut in the head of him so so i'll fire up that'll have to do till we get to the sheriff you'll never get me into town i think i will you'll have a lot of talking to do too easy boy [Applause] what happened he tricked us where's waiting carson's bringing him in shut up worse now get him upstairs and keep him out of sight no not me i have nothing to do with these killings and i'm not going to have i told you before brooks you're going through with this so you're going back to the pen hurry up pike we've got to stop carson before he gets into town well i caught up with part of the mystery steven good work carson give me a hand giving this man down [Applause] take him inside what happened that fellow took a shot at me and missed that explanation satisfactory has he got some friends around here you'd better come inside and give me the details the rest of you stay outside go find out bishop now what's all this about search me i was hoping you could tell me something you know anything about him i know that he's milford's foreman well that doesn't make sense i came here to buy milford's horses sort of fits in with that warning you got what warning you do know each other yes this is carson he's a buyer milford saint paul i found this tied to my reigns about five minutes after i hit town stay away from milford may cost you your life uh you'd better start at the beginning and let me get this straight there's a man being shot on the road to the milford ranch sheriff you're a little late kyle we got him already i didn't know about him i mean another one who is it i don't know it's a stranger to me i brought him in his own blackboard [Applause] my brother [Applause] either rig up the corners mitchell you got any idea who did it it was milford milford couldn't have been you must have been mistaken and i saw it all from across the flats he trailed milford toward home while i came into town just what happened milford met the buck board rolled past then swung around and fired twice the team took off but milford got him stopped and started going through the other fellas pockets on you and gansol that never made a move we started from right away with milford citizen boulder we fired a time or two but i don't think we hit him oh don't seem possible somehow knowing milford you almighty sure you're right you're condemning a man to death i am sure gans and i both recognized him well i reckon i got to bring him in go get my horse kyle you better hurry sheriff if you want to bring milford in alive go get your horses i'm gonna need help here [Applause] so so your name milford yes i'm milford but i don't believe i know you my name's carson curse brother of the man you shot this afternoon you got things so to mix mr carson i didn't shoot there where you are there were two witnesses to the killing i got the whole story from the man who brought my brother back then he lied well that's his wallet i saw you trying to hide it he he gave it to me and told me to i didn't come here to argue i came here ahead of the sheriff to settle with you myself go for your gun whenever you're ready are you going to draw shall i let you have it the way you deserve i tell you i didn't shoot him i'm gonna give you three milford and then one two three what is it daddy what's happened while you were wanting me back to town your father killed my brother thinking it was me he couldn't have your death would cost him everything he owns our only chance to save the wrench was to sell you our horses i've been trying to get a buyer in here for a month you were our last hope i'd like to believe that but i was warned to stay away from you and the fellow that tried to ambush me was your own foreman whitey and i can't figure it the man who shot your brother was one of our men too a fella named gans gans keep your head away my gun so you're trying to blame it on your men will you milford drop that gun belt drop it i was going to save you for the sheriff but maybe that's just a waste of time [Applause] put away that gun carton sorry john got to arrest you for that caution kelly he'll try to tell you that i did he did he and another fellow i couldn't see him well enough to recognize him he shot him and robbed him he's got the wallet right in his hand he gave it to me just before he died and asked me to give it to his brother i wouldn't talk too much right now john matt will you have your men make a quick round up for me it looks like i can't trust my own i'll go with it myself john we'll have a herd here at the ranch for you by tomorrow afternoon good oh up this is about all the calls i could find you've got enough rochon do we start with them oh not before about 2 30. i want to have plenty of time to get all set for them straight down blackfoot canyon is that right but don't get too close on them when you hit the narrows any idea when he'll be able to talk doc not till his fever breaks that's certain that may not be for a couple of days more likely a week that won't help john much he goes to the county seat tomorrow for trial sheriff did it ever occur to you that brooks might know something about this what makes you say that oh he's the only one i know that has anything to gain by it brooks hasn't got the nerve for it he's afraid of his own shadow the man behind this job is a cold-blooded killer sure and a killer could scare brooks into doing anything he told him to do that's a fact john i think i'll have a little talk with him he may be afraid of the law too that's a good idea all right there mr carter got an email for me i don't know but i'll see no not even a postcard you're a pretty good friend of milford's aren't you brooks yes i am and i sure hate to see him in all this trouble kind of wondered if you knew anything that might help him out of it i oh should i know anything about it well everyone comes in here for their mail i thought maybe you might have overheard some gossip oh i don't recall anything special too bad we'll soon know the truth anyway how's that why the sheriff's get out rewards for that fellow hearts someone will turn him in anyway when whitey's fever breaks he'll talk and then there'll be a roundup of the whole gang whoever talks first will get off a lot easier well i don't know anything you understand but but what well if i hear anything i'll sure let you know or i'd do anything to help john that doesn't matter much just speed things up a little so well what have you found out i gamble he's in on it but he's afraid to talk too bad this warning doesn't say more hit well i guess those horses will be ready by the time i get out the ranch he ran around to the back i just caught a glimpse of it there's a note tied to that rock [Applause] they aim to dynamite milford's horses in black canyon ride harley you built too late we still got a chance where's black canyon go straight down the mean street keep bearing to your left and you can't miss them tell the sheriff to follow me with a party up who's that coming none of our men they're all with the horses better go down and see so keep them up where they are don't move now get down on that canyon and fasten up those wires again come on so you cut the wires don't fire like it out [Music] so get it he shouldn't have fired the horses had already gone through who who shouldn't have fought don't leave me i'm hurt bad inside did you men see anything of carson down there after the explosion no was he there he was before the blow up i guess we're rid of him put up the team while i ride over to milford's the herd's been stampeded how did this happen larry oh they use dynamite dynamite yeah this fellow got caught in the explosion take care of him dale will i go get a doctor how did i get here larry carson brought you that was sure why to him after all i've done where is he i want to talk to him he went for the doctor doctor can't do any good i'm hurt inside but i live long enough to get stephen's stephens did he have anything to do with all this everything he hired me to shoot cars to keep buyers away but why he wants the stretch all his water holes gone alkali your man was all on stephen's payroll proofs and his safe at the ranch stubs letters and everything enough to hang water get into steven safe only chance to save your father i've got bad news for you dale bad news what do you mean we were attacked on the way in and the herd was dynamited carson rode up to meet us he got caught in the explosion and i'm afraid he was killed it couldn't have been i'm afraid he was him and one of your men bill gans he how did he get here he he didn't say first i knew he was there at the door you should have waited stephen [Applause] did he tell you anything about uh what had happened what do you mean did he know any of the men who attacked us he was much closer to them than i was from the little he said i don't think he knew any more about it than you do that's too bad i suppose i'd better go in and report this oh please don't i'd rather go the ride will help me get hold of myself again i reckon you're right at that i'm sorry for what happened dale i'll see you later as soon as stephen's left i saddled up my horse and came on in do you think he suspects games has talked he didn't act like it if he had he wouldn't let dale come in like he did and all that's left is go search that safe getting into that safe isn't going to be so easy sheriff all i got to do is to take out the search word and then get shot in the back or i'll take a posse his men could hold you off long enough to destroy what you're after besides if you try to enter that safe openly you're throwing milford's life away but how else can we do it well i think i've got an idea that might work if you can find a man you can trust after what's happened i wouldn't trust anyone in this town is there anything i can do too dangerous not so sure about that it's like you might be better than the man if your life wasn't at stake mr milford i wouldn't even suggest this but supposing dale and i go out to stevens ranch tonight and i got a straight in the middle u.n this seems to be my lucky day with gans gun carson dead and milford out of the way good deal stephen brooks will turn the ranch over to us in a day or so that's when you get your lucky cup haven't we better post a couple of guards as usual what for there's no one left to bother us but the sheriff and he don't know anything scared a little so am i why reach the house safe you fall but if any shooting starts you get on your horse and leave well i'd rather promise all right i promise i'm out you jake free blue i'll bump you three little boys i'm gonna kick it five more and listen the matter with you tonight pike nerve's a little jumpy for some reason because jake give me the lid well i'll take two myself your bed jake tell you why sure don't pay any attention to him scotty i love it for two i guess the horses outside i heard i hope you're satisfied what are you doing pike listen will you quit thinking you'll hear [Music] things who's in there bring me that light look all right let's get back to the game that in there come on out with your hands up come on out or i'll start shooting dale milford what are you doing here you don't leave until you tell me i'm afraid to nonsense you don't have to be afraid of me well if you won't let me go i suppose i'll have to tell gans talked he said that you had some evidence in your safe that would clear my father what would i be doing with such evidence i don't know but he said you had it and i came to try and get it of course i haven't got any evidence but if i did how did you expect to get into the safe without the combination there are ways to open safes without the combination how for instance will you let me go if i tell sure i will well to begin with i was pretty sure i could get into this room like i did and then and then what then i thought i could find a way to make some sort of racket like i did you mean you knock those pants down on purpose yes what for well i thought probably you men would all run in here oh you wanted us to find you why i thought maybe i could keep you talking in here a while like i have and and what get to the point while you were in here a friend of mine could be in the other room getting what i wanted bring her along i don't get the point but you sure had me fooled for a minute if you think that safe hasn't been opened i've still got you fooled what's all this about that safe was never open the only way we could think of to get it open put them up out of temptation but you said carson was dead stevens has made worse mistakes than that see if he's got anything we want dale here's part of it and here's brooke's note that ought to be enough to sense things you don't expect to get away with this do your carson they've done pretty well so far get his gun down be on your way she'll never reach town with it a little surprise for you did it work and here's the evidence take away their guns they won't need them anymore [Music] get back all of you don't you'll hit there so that's another mistake you made stephen you shouldn't stop the shoot after you ran out of bullets uh well there go the last of them on their way to market yes i guess i'll be going along with them well you don't have to go with them do you larry no but dale wanted to go along sort of a honeymoon honeymoon why we didn't know you were married we're not but if you don't mind we can fix that up when we get to salt springs seems like a good idea to me well what are we waiting for [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: CowboyTV
Views: 40,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: western movies, full movie english, western, full length western movies, western films, western movie, western movies youtube, western movies online, western movies from the 30s, 30s western movies, Charles Starrett, charles starrett movies, charles starrett western movies, charles starrett westerns, Charles Starrett actor, stampede, stampede western, stampede western movie, stampede 1936, stampede youtube, charles starrett stampede, starrett, full western movies youtube
Id: zN6nvMlklFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 12sec (3372 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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