Relentless (1948) - Full Western Movie | Classic American Western

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[Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now Li try not to back too excited I can't  wait till I see their faces when we tell them [Applause] [Music] champagne for everybody and keep a por champagne why you  got anything better champagne you must have   hit a bananja made a gold strike eh well you  old buzzards you've been trying long enough   couldn't happen to two nicer guys hurry  up charie how to go to the safe for this ain't had no champagne in the mules  age not the top off charie yes she I'll   fig her this [Music] way kind of weak better  give me a little whiskey to change it with here to plen and Bricks good luck we won't had  hour you hit the jackpot eh nugget as big as   your fish where abouts did you say your mine was  Bob oh out there way you didn't happen to make   any extra copies of the map did you copies oh  we got two copies one in my head and one in his [Music]   You're Just in Time stranger the drinks are  free I'm looking for a drink what's the matter   son there a drink w't cure I got a sick horse  outside and he's Bing down well why not take   him out to our place straight through town and a  mile more the only Shack in sight and you can't   miss it the Barn's right back of it much Li glad  to help you out now that that's taken care of   what are you drinking well I guess the  whiskey would warm me up some good set them up [Music] [Applause] Charlie thanks thanks wait a minute you can't  travel far and one drink fill her up   I better be seeing him a we don't  forget what I told you are shacky   straight through town keep going  until you come to it thanks a nice fell not very smart f with a stranger tonight  we love everybody in the world you don't want   to lose your fold you better get that Marion out  of the rain I'm going to a couple of miners in   there offered me their Shack said it's about  a mile past Town yeah I know that Shack it's   wetter inside than it is out say there's an empty  stall that's dry right over there behind Watson   store door plenty of straw and it's a lot closer  why don't you use that sure nobody will mind no   you better get that M warm quick thanks for the  tip I like to see a horse get good care come on   girl here you are Charlie keeper change Happy  Days oh don't you remember sweet bety from Pike   who crossed the big mountain with her husband  dke with two y of dog and to Rooster and one [Music] [Music] spoted with with two and one and [Music] Ro don't [Music] you from [Music] pretty smart to he carrying a half you'll do  it the way they did you keep one half I'll   keep the other let's get the horses I'll  meet you on the other side of the Divide [Music]   I hello Miss berie hello cor Hey Joe how's the misses got  the baby buggy for you see you later [Music]   hi lella hello Mr Simpson ready to stock up  for your Valley run yep need some kettles   bridles and needles if you can spare them  well I took care of your father when he   was alive and I'll take good care of you  thanks yeah your father built up a nice   little traveling business for himself  he didn't get rich but he was his own   boss yes it's a nice business for a [Music] man  but uh not for a woman being your godfather you   you I can talk plain to you dnit lella  a g supposed to settle down cooking and   washing and taking care of a husband aiming for  something better than just keeping house for some   cowand what for instance soon as I save enough  money up going east I suppose you're figuring   on Maring one of them East millionaires come to  think of it that's a mighty good idea well I'll   get your supplies but don't you get two  man fussy remember you ain't getting any younger got a bet in this town bet why sure  uh oh that's him standing over there on the   porch [Music] which one of you is the  vet that's me what can I do for you I   need some stuff from a pony is that what that  is you got any horse blankets they cost money   in Winter that ain't what I ask you no I got  a few I need some sulfate of iron too to put   in their corn it's mighty fancy feed for a m  like that she's going to have a mighty fancy coat anything El else yeah soap liament and  turpentine so as a cult don't get joint evil   what do you think you got there son a race  horse I don't want to punch anybody in the   nose cuz the smell of blood makes her nervous  but this old lady don't like to be laughed   at and she ain't gun shy at all better count  10 Pilgrim here's your blanket what else you want thank you man but I'm afraid only  a vet's got what I need got some Turpin   signs some cooling medicine I guess your  sign don't lie could use some clean sacks   for a hoofs too and I got some rum for the  mayor not you it's good in her feed once a   day he you know more about horses than the vet  does that's not hard get your stuff together [Music] here you are Mister thanks will that cover it you uh gave  me too much here's a change you don't owe me   any change who's run in my business you  are me I know how much things cost guess   between us we know about everything don't we thanks just the same though what are you  heading for cowboy the name's Buckley Nick   Buckley I'm heading for the first outfit where her  coat won't freeze why don't you wait here don't   she fold this is no place for a sucking cult all  the mayor could get it be hay this old girl rate   sunshine and clover then you better head down  the valley for the sunflower Ranch I'm riding   through there in a few days if you want to or  something I'll bring it to you this is all I need thanks might snow going over the Divide better  let me throw some buttons on that vest it's all   right give it to me if you get pneumonia  who'll look after the mayor that's right [Music] ought to keep the rooms at the hotel  a little tidier me and the mayor had a special   room stall number one first alley to your left  take it you're kind of fond of that old mayor   I'll tell you something I wouldn't trouble to  tell those guys when that smart alec V asked   me if I thought I was getting a racehorse  he didn't know he was telling the truth a   racehorse yes ma'am sire that fo is 100% th  bread racehorse none other than old Thunder   himself Thunder think what a combination that  fo will be her heart and brains and thunder   feed well I just wanted you to know what kind  of a horse you're helping bring into the [Music] world here you are much obliged ma'am it'll  come in handy tonight so long hello [Music] [Music] come on old girl just a little  way farther down we'll be out   of this snow you don't want your fool born here do you I guess you [Music] do okay you win [Music] welcome to a cold morning fella oo  you sure picked an awful time to get here but I'm glad you made [Music]  it being Thunder son you rate a   good name I think I'm going to call you uh storm [Music] over here Tex I was afraid you were going to make it  what a big idea keep them up and come on over here you ain't figuring to double cross me are you Jim give me your half the map it's in that pocket get it for me and quick [Music] a [Music] I'm in trouble partner I need a horse  sorry I ain't got one I'll take this   one but you can't take a m from her  F get over but the cold he can't live   without her milk I'm letting you live in  your talk of milk get over quick [Music] h [Music] we'll be back fella she can't go far  carrying a load like that [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] for [Music] hey [Music] you nice shooting son  but don't try any of it this [Music] way is that his mirror back there oh that's  the same M you told me were to bed down back   in Mile High that's uh Jim ruple you just  plugged I don't care who he is he stole my   mayor and run her to death he knew she had  a fo I reckon they go with the same laws   around here as any place else in the west  that's right and from what I saw you even   gave him a chance to turn around and shoot it  out no jury of common will ever convict you   if it ever gets to I'll take my chances on that  that's fine but rubble's got a lot of kin folks   out of the valley and you're a stranger might be  a tree before a trial if I was you I'd travel on   Fast and far I'll take the body down and say  I found it I line out of here without a trial   folks will forget the reason I shot him okay play  it your way but right or wrong you'll never get   a trial that's why it's your best bet to drift  don't mean nothing to me one way or another I'll   take you up on bringing the body down so I can go  back and look after my CT I don't want to lose him   too so if you want to you can tell the sheriff  Nick Buckley will turn himself in Nick Buckley yeah thanks [Music]   where's the mayor she's dead look I'll tell  you all about it some other time right now   if I don't get some canned milk for him  he's through the only thing I haven't got I got a stove in the wagon  let's get him in where it's warm sorry about the mayor yeah  come on storm get a little   this down you come on fella it's good for you come on I'm afraid he's too far gone for  anything with the real thing isn't there   a ranch anywhere near here in a ranch within  50 miles he won't last that long I know just   the thing we could be there in a half hour  what are you talking about never mind hang on oh there well there's his boss or mother  that remember she had a fo the last time I   was through here a Burrows milk for a racehorse  it's a fine time to be particular It's that or nothing okay I'll get [Music] storm hell there hi there Miss M what  can I do for you last time I was through you   you said your bur was muing cuz you sold her  full yeah just look at her take your squint at   her why she ain't put her ears up since think  she'd like to adopt nice little orph and cult   oh if it's all right with sa why it's all right  with me leastwise you can try kind of an incubator   forward Ain it kind of hey sa I got a surprise  for you you got a new son be sociable to him won't you you say br's milk's good for  the sick he ain't sick he's just [Music] hungry a hey how much you want for this Jenny well  Sao here ain't much when it comes to looks   but she's right in the Blue Ribbon classo  when it comes to Savvy why she can smell   water for 20 miles how much and another thing  she can tell the difference T the rattlesnake   and the goer snake and she can totally load a  dynamite over a trail that even the deer slip   on besides I I've been come mighty attached to  her how much I don't know where i' ever replaced   another bur like s how much what say how much  oh well I I reckon I ought to charge you about   uh let's see about uh $3 that's I thought you  [Music] would these uh buttons sure get around [Music] huh this ain't exactly the way I planned it storm  but it's better than [Music] starving you mean   you'd rather have that Co than a ran your own  what would I want with the ranch thought that's   what every Cowan dream though not this Cowan see  those mountains I'd have never known what was on   this side of them if I hadn't crossed them to  find out some folks would call that kind of f   a saddle tra well it's a free country they can  call it anything they want all I know is any   place I feel like going anytime I want to go there  there ain't anything or anybody to tell me I can't see anything in a pry wagon what you say  I said did you see anything in the Party   Wagon oh yeah they they rolled past here  this morning you picked up a guy back at   the Foothills was he still with her uhuh  yeah see he bought a bur from you on the   count he had a fold that needed mother  it's too bad you didn't know who he was   you might have picked yourself up a nice  reward yeah what what what what did you   do murdered three men two Prospectors back in  Mile High and Jin rle up in the sieras come [Music] on well I'll be DD to Dad  burn he didn't act like no killer to me this um wagon and everything do you just  travel around like this all the time by   yourself just been by myself since my father  died You cover all this territory all alone   that's my business don't get Mighty lonesome  for you that's my business I wasn't meaning to   get personal I was just thinking I know I know  what you think this is no life for a girl what   a girl needs just the opposite I think this is a  wonderful life for a girl you do sure independent   Your Own Boss better than sitting around waiting  for husband to come along you don't think a girl   ought to settled down and get married problem  with a girl getting married is every time she   does she marry some guy you don't approve of that  it's all right I guess as long as I'm not the guy   that like every G you met want to rope you in  not just CU it's me it just seems to irritate   him somehow to see a guy going along enjoying  himself his own way that's why it's a pleasure   to meet a g ain't triling for a husband man  can relax it's like being with another [Music] man look at that you'd never know it  almost been Buzzard bait this morning   yes sir he's going to be some horse  Wai to see him about a year from now   year from now we'll be here selling out moving  East at the end of the summer yeah what for oh   curiosity maybe figure there must be more to  life than just mountains and sun and desert   horses and cattle must offer a girl more  than that if she's willing to look for it   I don't know what it is I'm looking for  exactly but I'll know it when I find him does that make sense to you sure it does we're  both after the same thing only we looking for   it in different ways I guess me and the family  better get ready to hit the trail look at him   burrow never looks at you like a horse does  they've learned it's no use noticing humans   you talk as if he really was part burrow don't  forget she just adopted him you uh never did   tell me how the mayor happened to die she was  run to death fell stole her right after she'd   fold and lit out on him did you find her I  found them both you killed [Music] him I'm   going now to turn myself in but I wanted to be  sure the little fell got a decent start first   before I stood trial well I met said I might  be walking into trouble what fell did somebody   see you doing I don't know who he was tried to  talk me into running away but I told him [Music]   quick get in the wagon before they  see you if they're Law Men I'll give   up I'll take my chances on what I did  being right you better let me talk to   them I'll see what they're up to First all [Music] right hello Lou hi Jeff you had a pass with  you we're looking for him he's looking for   you too yeah said he wanted to explain how he  had to kill a horse thief he told it wrong it's   murder and robbery robbery when they found my  brother's body the lining of his vest was cut   open I guess I never told you about murdering two  Prospectors back in Mile High either did he but I   saw him at Mile High so did a lot of people well  just because he was there I'm not making these   things up a dozen people heard Briggs tell him  to bed down on their Shack next morning there   were found murdered with the Linings of their  vest cut open Jim ruple dead in the snow with   the lining of his vest cut open you don't have  to be too smart to add that up murdering and   Robin prospector seems to be his long suit wait  a minute he stayed in town that night in an empty   feed stall how do you know he told me well what  did you expect him to say he had straw on his   vest and I kidded him about it and then he said  he had oh come on let's get going we're giving him   a fine start for the border with all this palver  how long ago did he leave about an hour ago left   the foe with me to take care of till he gets  back well he ain't coming back which way did he   Trail down Big Beaver Creek what kind of a horse  stray paint we found back Yonder let's get after him next time you ought to be a  little more careful you give rides   to Lou still didn't look like a killer to  me that isn't what to go by [Music] reach sir now let's get a few things straight I smoked  that guy cuz he stole my horse and ran her to   death but I didn't kill anybody else and I don't  rifle dead bodies there was another man in The   Gulch when I shot reel he said he'd bring the body  down and tell you I was I'm going to turn myself   in I never went near it nobody brought ruel's body  anywhere a Trapper found her right where you left   it just the same this man was there he even told  me to beat it said I wouldn't get a square deal   from you who was he I don't know his name I had  no reason to think he wasn't on the level sure   he probably killed plenty of braks too maybe he  did he was outside the saloon that night when I   came out he told me about a closer place I never  went near their Shaq he sure makes a handy witness   don't he pops up wherever you want him only you  don't know his name and nobody ever sees him   but you what do he look like about his size big  face light hair that sounds like T brand off Tex   ain't been seen around here for 6 months look pull  that trigger if you're going to and stop wasting   my time with that hogwash okay it's hogwash but  get this I'm not going to swing for somebody else   I'm going to find that guy and bring him in I'll  Stand trial in for what I did until then stay off   my trail you'll think you'll make a deal it's  no dice I'll be right back not for a while you won't one more thing she had nothing to do with   this she don't owe me for Adam I got  a girl she'd have done the same for me I'm sorry I got you mixed up in this  I knew I'd sew buttons on this vest once   too often plenty of Briggs prospected the Puma  desert I saw them grub on their way out there   you still believe me then I'll take care  of the cat for you till you come for him   I'll be back I've been through too much for  that little race horse to lose him [Music] now you've been holding out on me Jeff when'd  you get a girl when I figured I needed one to   convince that guy that I wasn't going to  do anything to you for helping him a man's   killed three men he's not going to worry too  much about making it four now hurry up and get   me a file not to sure I got one Jeff all right L  But I'm warning you you won't get a second break   I never thought I'd see the day when you'd  threaten me I never thought I'd ever have to okay Jeff I'll get it Jeff what makes you so sure he wasn't  telling the truth I'll ask you a question   why do women always fall for gutes like  that instead of decent La bodying men   falling for him I just want to see he gets a  square deal that's all that's the Law's job   not yours think you'll catch up with  him I know I will now hurry up with that file yes Jeff [Music] oh [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] Nick but you mean sneaking up on me like  that I bet you haven't had a square meal   in month I'll pick you some breakfast thanks  but I got to be moving on where's the co he's   around somewhere I haven't seen him this  morning don't you tie him up Burl won't   stray and he won't leave her I'll go  find him I'll be right with you [Music]   you know if your old man could see you he'd die  of [Music] Shame oh well it ain't your fault [Music]   kind of disappointing ain't it sure is he might  not be as bad as he looks that short back could   be from the Arab strain in his sire his coat might  smooth out if I could ever get him down into grass   country what about Tex [Music] brandall I even  went into a town to see if I could pick up his   Trail all I did was stir up a posy I heard you've  been asking questions too I found out he left big   sand for the desert 6 weeks ago you ought to be  back pretty soon now for more supplies I'll be   waiting there for him but you can't show yourself  look I'll go to big sand and watch out for him you   can hide just out of town and when he shows up  I can tell you you stuck your neck out too much   for me already I shouldn't have come near you now  only I just had to get a look at that cult well   if you're so crazy about him wanted to take him  with you I couldn't do that not while I'm trailing   brand sorry I've got no right to burden you with  him so if you want to sell him off somewhere it'll   be all right if you had half his brain youd know  I'm just as crazy about that fool cold as you are   there's no need to get riled up I'm not riled up  just tired of worrying about you that's all and   wonder whether you'll be alive the next time I see  or strung up to some tree then you Breeze in here   here cool as a cucumber and tell me not to get  riled up I wish you'd go away and stay [Music] away stay here don't move [Music] stay out of there spr out along the [Music] edge I'll take a gallon of kerosene Jeff you  can't you've got a sance to give up I ain't going   to risk any life is going in after him I'm sorry  [Music] Lou you better get back on the right side   of the law you're great a trail on innocent men  aren't you Johnny get some kerosene out of there [Music] [Applause] [Music] Buckley  take your choice come out or get burned out all right Buckley this  is it [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] Nick come on Nick give up [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] there yeah [Music] oh [Music] la [Music]   you're dead I'll see that I'll wa Beau to  Rich for my I'll raise you once more up what'll it be Mis whiskey Hey Jake throw this drunk out of here this guy ain't drunk he's hurt [Music]  hurt take him into the office quick [Music] hey Doc in a minute now doctor [Music] how bet is he hurt bullet just nicked his arm  lost a lot of blood he'll live all right Ry   is yeah he it begins to be how long ago  was a Shir let's say 6 or 7 hours 6 or   S hours e appears to me that the wounded  man wouldn't go so long without looking   for a doctor unless he's in trouble with  the law now if the law is after him you   should follow that there's a reward logical  n no no not a reward for you Doctor you're   a servant of humanity would you ask a reward  for doing your duty as a doctor logical [Music] he needs a [Music] drink is he all right as good as I can  fix him all right then go outside and   tell Jerry to give you three drinks and  me but only three more is bad for you   doctor and uh hey you've never  seen this man before understand [Music] who are you your fingo did you do this let's say it was done  at my direction as by my doctor was now   at the bar debating with himself whether  or not he should report this case to the sheriff I guess I better be moving along [Music]   boys after you might be and maybe now you're not in such a big [Music] hurry I think you need help very bad Mr  Buckley you know who I am of course but   I'll still help you why but there's a gold  mine which is so rich that you have killed   three men to get it it seems to me your  mind should be rich enough for both of us [Music] [Music]   well he's the view it's a deal actually what's in there that's for Ringo's office  what's the reward for the man you're after $500 we'll double it if we have [Music] to what  can I do for you Sheriff how do you get out   who Nick Buckley who's Nick Buckley  he wasn't here that's very strange I   didn't see him did you see anybody  Jake no nobody fell in there said   otherwise fellas in there imagine things  especially if they drink my whiskey C how's the mayor of Bown this  morning I'm perked what are they [Music] Jak did you get it I shook him inside out it ain't   on him he keeps on saying that  he don't know nothing about no mind where's the map what map the map of the  mine look I don't know anything about any mine   you murdered three men to get a mine and now I  never murdered anybody tell that to the sheriff   me I just want the map you're a hard  man to convince the map will convince me you get it do I walk out of here why not where did you hide it in my head it's my life insurance anything  happens to me nobody gets the Mind something   will happen to you Mr Buckley unless you draw  the map right now I'm not very good at drawing [Music] Jake hey that that's enough Jake that's enough  nobody likes to pay too much for life [Music] insurance now will you draw the map all right naturally Jay give the artist a [Music] chair stting from Big Sands you go  northeast along the old Indian Trail till you   come to an old water hole cut over East to follow  in the direction of three needle Peaks there's no   Trail just a narrow right out wash Circle the base  on the south side and follow the plateau to a deep   ravine at the end of the Ravine in the right  wall is the mine how far is it about three or 4 days have a cigar partner Jake will keep you company while I'm G I   thought if you got the map I walked out  of here you do after I see the mine you   got a funny idea of being Partners on  the contrary I think I have very good ideas time up keep your eye on him for [Music] [Music]   dad keep this guy moving [Music] hi Oldtimer hi [Music] how about  some water soon as that guy [Music] goes I practically had my hands on that ,000 I  tell you I bandag this Buckley up right in Joe   flingo's office and it wasn't 3 minutes after  I finished with him before the sheriff showed   up well how do you figure he got away all I know  is when I left him he was with Jake and fingo in   the office and when the sheriff walked in Buckley  was on and my fee could have been $1,000 well um   maybe we uh maybe you can still get it wrong  again Sam only ghosts walk in Ghost Town hi [Music] boys get up there [Music]   someone's kidding you fingo there's no place  like this within a th000 miles of [Music] here you're not a trouble with  me I trust too many people [Music] [Music] War there war boy easy pleas Sao hi Dad can I tell you anything  nope why'd you look over the stock   maybe you see something you need don't  need nothing don't want nothing [Music] [Music] let that alone get the rifle [Music] [Music] you fool he's no Ed to me dead they're  getting away I Know It come on down here quick load up a pack horse  or maybe a long trip move [Music] you can eat up now are you all right sure I do this sort of thing   every day you sure took an awful chance  I don't know what I'm going to do with   you seems to me you've done enough  already thank you thank you very much I uh saw brandall go through town just  ahead of you Nick why don't you give up give   up and get myself hung I mean give up trying to  find brandall I could drive you to the border   and then you'd be out of this and safe I don't  see it that way he's the one that got me into   this mess he's the only one that can get me now  all you have to do is find one man in 100 miles   of burned out sand we're on his Trail right  now get it all figured out all but just one   thing he might get you first you know I've got  to keep after him you've known it from the start [Music]   there's a saddle in the back take one of  the horses I can't use a horse the way I'm   going you can't Trail Brando on foot with a pack  train you'll have to follow the rivered if I cut   Over The Ridges I'll only have to do one mile to  here's five what about water the burrow can packed that sapple going to have to quit being a  mother and go back to work well I can't keep   it from being shot at at least I can see to it you  don't starve whoa you've got enough there for an army here you'll need this too I don't know when you'll ever get paid  for all this I'll take the chance Taking   Chances still seems to be your long suit  my pop always said if you draw the cards   bet them I got in this deal a long way  back did your pop ever say anything about   throwing good money after bad pop was  no shorn how'd he make out he generally won I'd hate to spoil his record that does it I [Music] guess I'd better tie them up he's  never been separated from her [Music] before Breeze is sure going to miss her Breeze I uh changed his name storm didn't seem  to fit somehow Breeze I guess that's about as good   a name as any your be a fine horse someday I guess  so remember it's a stock you come from that really curs yeah that's [Music] right let's go [Music]  sa come [Music] on Nick be careful won't you [Music] no use kicking  up a fuss we did all we could about it [Music]   we ought to be getting after him slow down Jake  slow down there no hurry no no hurry at all he   leaves the girl takes a pack borrow goes into  the desert now my logical mind tells me he's   going to the gold mine oh we don't need a  map Jake we just follow him logical yeah sure hi Alzheimer hi hey we're looking for  a girl in the wagon have you seen them nope   you sure yep that's kind of aured we happen to  know she was headed for here Johnny you take   the road on North ways you boys work over  toward the hills and we'll meet back here [Music] [Music]   oh come on saffo we got a long way to go yet what's the matter miss you pal sooner we  get where we're going the quicker we get [Music] back thirsty okay [Music] [Music]   poor devil you didn't get out of town as lucky   as we did going all this way  with a bullet in you [Music] [Music] sorry old girl I'm going to have to get that  slug [Music] out I'll go as easy as I can [Music] hi Jeff Riding Solo now I  am but I figured you ain't been took his livestock along with him this time  didn't he did he sure leaving you in the country   for good I've warned you Lou helping an outlaw to  escape is serious business I'm taking you in sure   that'll fix everything won't it now you listen to  me you stubborn fool Nick could have finished you   way back when he had to cff to the wagon but he  didn't cuz he's no more an outlaw than you are   and why does he keep on running cuz the only way  he can clear himself is by bringing back Tex brall   when you get a story you sure stick to it don't  you it's the truth that's why he's out there now   on foot tracking down the man that you should  have been after long ago out there where why   should I tell you you might as well I'll get him  anyhow you'd ride to California back to collect   that reward on Nick wouldn't you I'd ride further  than that to keep you from getting tied up with a killer he's no killer then why don't  you help him prove it I'll make a deal   with you no deals Lou I'll show you  where he trailed if you let me ride along I'll settle up one of  the horses for you [Music] that's the best I can do for you right now safo if it means anything to you you've  got the heart of a thorand [Music] oh [Music] why didn't you stay where you were well off sure I know how it is well if you're bound  to be a burrow like your nurse now's your chance you got me into all this  trouble now you can get me out [Music] Come On Son I don't like leaving her any  more than you do but we can't do   anybody any good hanging around here come on [Music] there he is [Music] Breeze I'll go 50/50 that's the best I  can do I got a long day ahead of me too [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]   a a [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]   Rand it's Nick Buckley remember me [Music] I don't want to kill you if I can help it I'd soon to take you alive and [Music] talking  you'll talk all right when you get thirsty enough [Music] your water's gone [Music]  now you stay where you are the sun   will get [Music] you if you move I'll get you [Music] water tastes good in heat like this [Music] like a drink [Music] Brandon Sun's getting hot ain't it don't bother me none I got water I'm in the [Music] shade ever  see a man die of thirst brandall pretty   soon your tongue will swell and your  eyes will start to crawl out of your head Ain very pretty [Music] you've been there 5 hours Brando [Music] why don't you give up while you can still think before this sun burns  your brains out [Music]   LLY Buckley I'll make a deal with you listen  now there's enough gold here for both of us   you give me a start with what's loaded up  and you can have the rest minions Buckley   all [Music] yours listen now if I kill you  I ain't got nothing to lose you're an outlaw will you kill me that's another murder  against [Music] you I can listen to reason you got nothing to lose fly out I'll  change even what you want to know for what I   want water that's all it'll cost you  just enough water to get me back to town you want to know who killed PL and Bricks  don't you all right I'll tell [Applause] you   what's the matter Buckley don't you trust  me I tell you what I'll meet you out in the   open halfway I'll throw my gun out first you do  the same then make a talk that's fair enough a [Music] it Rando off don't move drop it I come a long way after you don't try to make a break like you say if I kill you  I'm no worse off where's the water   I'll tell you that when you tell me  what I want to know you better start all right back up out me open you're going to stand there  and Fry till you're ready to talk don't forget brandall I can wait longer  than you can I've got more to wait for you're my freedom all right all right I'll  tell you me and Ruel went after   the map and Ruel try to double cross me [Music] [Music]   never try to make a fool of a man  with a logical mind Mr [Music] Buckley here's a gold mine two Outlaws fight for  it I come along with my good boy Jake too late to   step to fight well nobody else claims the mine  I get it logical look I don't want to mine just   let me get him into town he may still be able to  talk who will keep you from talking true you are   my partner Mr Buckley but unfortunately  I have learned that I cannot trust you   so I just dissolve our  partnership all right Jake by Jake [Applause] wait well quite a combination Buckley  and fingo Sheriff I'm here tracking   down this murderer and you won't mind me  taking over of course not heard the law   when did you start working for the law $1,000  reward is a very logical inducement listen   Sheriff he killed this man shot him in the back  just when I had him ready to confess no sh him   he did ask Jake are you going to believe  this crooked Gambler and his trained ape   why would I kill brandall I wanted him  alive so he could tell you the [Music] truth you're still great on  producing Witnesses I can't talk Nick Nick water [Music]   what's this the map you claim I took off  ruel's body who killed plenty and Briggs   we and R who shot you brandall who shot  [Music] you they live well sh but are   don't understand that you figured  out fingo you've got such a logical mind where you be heading for now I haven't had time to make up my mind any place you want to go  anytime you want to go there yeah I'm sure miss saffo  and Breeze they'll miss you too you know my pop always used to say that some  animals are smarter than humans but you've always   had your heart set on going east F couldn't ask  you to give that up why couldn't [Music] you   well besides don't you think we've got  too big a family to break up now [Music]   a [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Film Mix
Views: 28,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HQ7woakLFGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 28sec (5548 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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