The Dressmaker - Bishop T.D. Jakes [November 3, 2019]

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Philippians chapter 3 verse 7 through 10 I'm going to be reading from the King James Version when you have it's a man here the Apostle Paul writes and I catch him in mid-sentence and and in some ways doing justice to it but I will explain the context of which the text is extrapolated but what things were getting to me though that counted loss for Christ yayyyy doubtless and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and do count them but dung that I may win Christ and be found in him not having my own righteousness which is of the law but that which is through the faith of Christ the righteousness which is of God my faith that I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the Fellowship of his sufferings being made conformable unto his death can you say man and be found in him that's that's what started this for me and me be found in him not having my own righteousness I want to talk from the subject the dressmaker the dressmaker must frame spirit of the Living God come close hover amongst us fill this voice open our hearts and our minds and our spirits to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to the church and we believe you free increase let the word give birth while it's being preached let it go into labor and water break while it's being preached and give life to your people give seed to the sower now and bread to the eater as we open up the bread of life in Jesus name a man you may be seated in the presence of God let's go to work when you think about the Bible itself it is absolutely amazing that God only gives us one book to explore him one book the fastness of God think of who God is think of who God is and was will be I am that I am infinite omnipotent omnipresent omniscient all power in his hand the Ancient of Days the beginning of the beginnings Alpha and Omega the first and the last the lily of the valley the bright and Morning Star think of who God is wonderful counselor mighty God everlasting father Prince of Peace El Shaddai Jehovah Jireh Jehovah sink new jehova rohi jehova manna think of who God is think of God the kinsman redeemer the Daystar the bulwark the trumpet think of who God is my shield my defense my peace my power think of who God is not going or coming always present saying yesterday today forever more think of who God is and all we have is a book one book not an encyclopedia not a set not a group of concordance one book to explore him even the presidents get a library [Applause] God gives us book one book through which we can extrapolate truth about him so the book must be living it has to be organic it has to be an organism to comprise all that God is the book has to be amazing every time you look at it you see a different facet of its glory because you only got one book in fact the book says if all that Jesus forget the prophets if all that Jesus had done were recorded the world could not contain the books the books now we have is one book and so when we read it it is not enough to read it or see it we must we must hear it and feel it we must not go to it in form we will must go to it as a fool because if you know too much you cannot receive much you must you must go to it empty and hungry and starving and destitute seeking direction and it is in that spirit that we stare at the text hoping hoping to see some facet being revealed that God might flesh himself before us give us a glimpse of another aspect of his divinity called revelation is when God flashes us and we see a part of him that we have never seen before and that is kind of where I'm at today I'm here today because I'm sitting there in my house seeking God for a word and I started out I'll be honest with you I started out studying for pity ation and I was looking at for pity a ssin and I was looking and I was actually google searching for some information that I used years to go about the when these space shuttles came back into the atmosphere the friction was strong enough to burn up the planes but because they had what was called a for pity ater it burned it took the heat away from the astronauts and allow the astronauts to enter into the atmosphere without burning because of her pity ater absorbed the heat so when the Bible says the crisis of propitiation of our sins we then begin to understand that he took the heat that should have killed us so that I was looking at that and so when I started looking at that I started thinking about coverings and when I started thinking about coverings I started thinking about clothing and when I started thinking about clothing I begin to recognize that a t-score Paul is telling us that God is a dress maker forgive the feminine usage normally when we think a dress makers we think of women they don't have to be but we normally think of women but if we use it in Frisco it's not insulted because after all he is our Father but he is also the breasted one [Applause] he does not leave the woman out in describing his likeness the woman is just as much in his likeness and in his image as a man is male and female created he them and called his name Adam and he created them in his likeness and in his image they together become a picture of his divinity they are whole as one though they are two they become one like God it takes both of them to be the likeness of God because God can create without leading another being and he created Adam in his likeness male and female created he them and they become one like God you follow what I'm saying and enjoy anyway as I'm calling him a dressmaker don't be offended by then I'm not emasculating him I am just dignifying his work it doesn't sound like Paul was talking about clothing in fact he starts out on this long monologue about him being from the tribe of Benjamin Anna and about him being a Pharisee of Pharisees and concerning the law he was Elias and he's giving his pedigree which is so culturally profound because Paul comes from a culture that divine that defines itself by lineage I told my African brothers and sisters how much richer they are then African Americans are when it comes to cultural heritage because they know who they are they know what tribe they came from they know where the tribe migrated from they know things about themselves that we don't know [Applause] like my African brothers and sisters Hebrew people define themselves and prided themselves on their pedigree when Paul says he is of the tribe of Benjamin that is the tribe where all the kings of Israel come from it's bragging rights it's kind of stuff men do on the airplane when you sitting beside a man you don't know normally we don't pass our baby pictures of grand baby pictures [Applause] times are a-changing but normally the ureters conversation so what do you do for a living it's kind of like you know you would pull out a business card in and you start talking about who you are about what you do Paul is telling us who he is by where he came from and after he has closed himself in the lineage that dignifies the authority and the rights he has as a Hebrew to be respected he then turns around and throws it all down on the ground and counts it all but dung everything that he has stitched together to impress us with who he is he then castrated of any power or influence and says it's nothing but dung he says what I want is to be found in him and that's what got me found in him found in him found in him admits that I was lost found at him makes him the aggressor in seeking me out that he sought me he found me it is not that I found the Lord because the Lord was never lost we written four wonderful songs about finding Jesus but they're all wrong they're nice keep singing them but they're all wrong you did not find Jesus Jesus when lost he found you and being found in him not having my own righteousness not having the stuff that I'm proud of as my covering no I don't want to be found in him having my own righteousness which is of the law see Paul is making an argument to the Philippian church were started in the Philippian jailer house he is making an argument to them to help them better understand that he does he did not come to cover them with legalism and laws and traditions and rules and feast of weeks and feast of unleavened bread he did not come to cover them with that he counts all of that but dung that he might not have his own righteousness which is of the law but rather than he would be clothed with the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus he is he's doing a comparison between law and grace he's doing a comparison between that which a man does for himself and brags about himself and that which he receives freely and could never brag about and Paul says when given the choice it is better to appear before him not cold in your accomplishments not bragging about your degrees or how bright you are or how beautiful you are or how talented you are how gifted you are or how well you speak or what part of the country you come from or how much money you may not dressed in your stuff though let him find me dressed in my stuff in my pride in my arrogance in the things that I have accomplished because it really doesn't matter when you're in a hospital bed it really doesn't matter how many degrees your hand it really doesn't matter how much money you have it really doesn't matter how cute you are when you're laying there on a respirator you need to be able to tie into something that is bigger than you [Music] or you will find you there's some stuff you can't write a check and fix well since I don't want to be found in him dressed in my own righteousness dressed in my stuff you know how we all have our stuff I don't want to be found covered in my stuff oh god deliver me from my stuff everybody in here has some stuff you don't know what it is till you're Miriam uh-huh but everybody in here has some stuff don't let me be found in him wrapped up in my stuff which in this case was of the law and in order to find what he has for me I have to count worthless what I was counting this valuable this is about valued people it's about what do you value do you value what you have done or do you value of what he has done well Bishop is about values and it's about law and grace it is about that it is about the end of an error in the beginning of a new one it is about leaving that which was before behind and stepping into a new horizon it is about all that it is not however about clothing so why do you call him the dressmaker well allow me the liberty of assuming that when Paul says being found in him that he may be thinking of Adam because Adam was found in the garden let me call Adam to the witness stand Adam I'm gonna call Adam - Adam as soon as I find him Adam Adam where art thou oh there he is I found him covered with fig leaves then he and Eve had stitched together I found him covered with his works oh I don't want to be found in him like Adam covered in what I have worked and stitched together because you must understand that when Adam was stitching the fig leaves he was sewing together that which was dying and all the stuff that we worked so hard to stitch together it's dying all the stuff that we think is important it's tying all the things that makes you smarter dying because smart will be stupid in 10 years it's dying all the things you learned at school will be antiquated in five years it's dying all the when I went to school Bluto was a plan and everything that would busy stitching all of this stuff your beauty is dying your financial portfolio is going to die it's gonna run out all the stuff that you are stitching together are the fig leaves of Adam which think of making an apron out of fig leaves and you're pulling them from from a vine from their life source and you have been pulled from your life source and so you start pulling them from their life source because dead begats dead and separated we got separated and disconnected always likes disconnected and so you're disconnected now you want to disconnect the fig leaves and sew them together with dead thread to cover you don't you know that they're withering while you're sewing don't you know that they'll only cover you for a full few days before they turn brown and fall down again don't you know the house you built will fall down again the new car will be old as soon as you drive it off the parking lot don't you know that the new building will be old in a year don't you understand that all of your stuff is old and dying and dumb and nothing put my scripture in Genesis when when they went when when God found Adam he was dressed in death he was covered with that which was withering and either didn't were both open and they were and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons and God rebuilt them and said what you are trying to impress me with does not work all my talented gifted artistic creative instrumentalists vocalists singers psalmist's church people love you because of your gift and sometimes they use you because of your gift I hate to blow your head off this morning but God does not love you because you can say God does not love you because she can play the instruments God does not love you because of the way you beat the drums God does not love you because you are in the choir if you lose your voice and can never sing another note it would never stop God from loving you so don't come before God and be important because you got to give because all of your fig leaves I want somebody to love me for me because I did something oh I do something or I perform something I want somebody to love me on a deeper level if I couldn't walk if I couldn't move if I couldn't sit up if I couldn't entertain you if I couldn't think anymore if I couldn't move anymore so all of your righteousness is as filthy rags all of the stuff you brag about God said it makes me sad I love the stuff you think is that what makes me sick all don't let me be found in him covered with something that makes God sick don't let me did they give me the twenty first person because God had to go and do some worryin to Adam also into his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins and he called them not at that which they had stitched they didn't show a piece of it together God sat down and slayed an innocent animal as a substitution for slaying them and print the coats of skin and stitch them together and made a garment to cover them so that they would be dressed his righteousness alone faultless to stand before the throne not because of what I have made but because of what he made for me do you hear what I'm saying I don't want to be found in him covered with my stuff I want to be found in him covered with that which has been bestowed bequeath been given imparted unto me and that's the power of this tax maybe maybe can I go deeper maybe you can see it this way because when you you know the story of David and Goliath and you know how how God sent Goliath to reveal David you thought God's it David to kill the lab now a hotel that's Sunday school [Applause] that's Sunday school that's the children's church next door go down the hallway to the left and you'll get that story about how God sent David to kill Goliath God sent Goliath to reveal [Applause] god Sekulow god always sends your goliath to reveal you he never since your Giants to kill you he since your Giants to reveal you to give you a platform for you to find out what you got because all the while you thought all you had was a ring and a rod but when the liar comes against you you find out what you got you found out what you made out of you found out how tough you are you find out how strong you are Oh God anybody here found your Goliath your Goliath is your platform it's a place for you to strut your stuff it's a place to show the devil who's Bob God sends yoga live to reveal your power your influence your ministry your integrity your tenacity your fight your tribe your discipline Angharad becomes the gateway that brings the shepherd boy to the palace there was no other way for him to get there he was anointed but he had not been appointed an auntie will not get you there he will not get you there we overemphasize an audience will not get you there killing your giant killing your giant will bring you to the attention of Kings it will bring you before great men the Bible says the good that Saul has Adler who is that boy no he's not been in the port before I'll find out who he is they became curious of him because of what he killed they're not curious because he had an Instagram page that said I'm a philanthropist I'm a CEO I'm an executive of a company order and I dropped out of school when I was 19 [Applause] they respected him because of what he killed I'm not sure your neighbor could handle this would touch them and say kill something I didn't say somebody now and they say somebody and it says if I don't bring me the cord y'all not suing me this morning and I say kill somebody I said kill something something bigger than you something stronger than you something where the odds are against something you can't afford something you can't do by yourself something you need God to help you to do oh my god is there anybody listening it is more than somewhere somewhere somewhere somebody here this the thing that has worn against you looks like in opposition but it's an opportunity anyway that's not the point that's the point that leads to the point that's the point that brought the shepherd boy into the palace that's the point that brought him into the palatial walls of the first king of israel's palace with his marble floors and columns and it's granite fixtures and his pools and his beautiful people and his plummeting drapes and curtains his chefs and artists and here he comes in smelling like she done dressed as Shepards clothes that's how you show up I never will forget when I went to preach the first time I went to preach for Bishop walkins and and the line and was torn out of my suits cuz Sarita had washed him because we couldn't sent him to the cleaners and I had holes in my shoes so I couldn't kneel down and pray like he does cuz they would have seen so I crouched to pray but when God's got something for you is for you you don't understand what I've talked about cuz y'all always had it easy you so you don't get it let me explain to you what this is like sometimes your opportunity is bigger than your apparel sometimes you've got to get that doesn't fit where you are and you don't have clothes for where you're going and you're stuck between between two places sometimes you show up at a big opportunity dress like you pass and so David is in the palace and when we were growing up they used to give you these pictures and they'd say what's wrong with this picture and it would be like a living room and it would have a refrigerator in it and they were checking your cognitive skills to be able to see if you could discern without anybody pointing out what is inappropriate David was the refrigerator in the living room and then the Bible says Jonathan loved him put my takes up look my takes up first hand you 18 1 to 9 let me show you this and I'm done and it came to pass when he had made it end of speaking unto Saul that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David and Jonathan loved him as his own soul he God listen here God will cause somebody to love you on the next level this is a prophetic word to somebody in this room God will send somebody into your life who loves you even though you're not on that level yet they will fall in love with you this is what we called the bad favor God will give you a favor that doesn't make any sense why would Jonathan ever care about David they didn't grow up together they didn't go to the same University they didn't have the same clothes they didn't have the same background they had nothing to talk about but Jonathan said oh I just love him anytime somebody loves you and it doesn't make any sense God has opened up a door Tamara say something about the shift in my life and them and the Lord sent me here to tell you don't be intimidated when he opens up this big door don't be intimidated because you don't know all the rules and you don't know the protocol and you don't know when to stand or witness it or what to wear God said I got you covered when you get there [Applause] do you hear what I'm saying touch your neighbor say something's about to happen in this place somebody in this room is getting ready to shift somebody get ready to go to the next dimension somebody's getting ready to step into the next level and God's going to give you favor with a stranger it will not be your uncle it will not be your mama it will not be your cousin stop being mad at who didn't love you you don't need them God will give you favor to preach I feel something about to blow up in his face somebody given 30 seconds of crazy [Applause] [Applause] put the text on there I want you to see this this is good he's about to get good and so took him that day and would let him go no more home to his father's house slap you later says you can't go back I don't care how hard exist you can go back I don't care who doesn't like you you can't go back I don't care who tries to fight you you cannot go back to your father's house you are in you cross the line you crossed over you're there I will let him go too long I'm sorry give me some where I will let it go no longer then Jonathan and David made a covenant because he loved him as his own soul this is crazy and this is what I want there it is the dressmaker's at work again we met him making clothes in the garden and now he's making clothes too Jonathan and Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was upon him and gave it to David and his garments he took off all his clothes ain't it funny that it fit in it funny that it fits that it just so happened that what Jonathan was wearing fit David no alterations needed God's got somebody wearing your stuff right now but it is your stuff somebody's living in a house that belongs to you somebody built a building that belongs to you and when you get there it's gonna fit because the dressmaker made it for you tenshun neighbors say the dressmaker made it for me you bought it but the dressmaker made it for me you're wearing it but the dressmaker made it for me you've been modeling my clothes it's gonna fit don't worry about it is go then put my text back up or I'm not through with it and Jonathan stripped himself he stripped himself he stripped himself and Christ stripped himself in Christ stripped himself and he became poor than through his poverty I might be made rich he became naked that I might be clothed he emptied out himself that I might be filled and Jonathan stripped himself of the road that was upon it and gave it to David and his garments even to his sword into his bowl and to his girdle Jonathan stripped himself so that David could be dressed this is Calvary [Applause] this is being dressed in his righteousness this is what Jesus did this is why he bad let him [Applause] he had to die naked so that you could be covered he is your propitiation he is your covering y'all don't hear what I'm saying when they got through changing clothes Jonathan look like David and David look like Jonathan Jesus so clothed you then he said when you go talk to Danny don't use your name whatsoever you ask the Father in my name that will I do for you don't go in in your name cuz you don't look like you you're wearing my clothes can I preach this is more I feel like preaching this this morning I feel like preaching this because the pauper is dressed like a prince the Lord told me that shared this with you because sometimes your clothing doesn't fit how you see yourself I said well you mean Lord he said tell my people I'm dressing you for what's next who am i preaching to God said you look funny right now cuz I didn't dress you for where you are I dress you for where you're going see y'all don't get this yet David wasn't a prince but he was dressed like one and if you're willing to look out a place for a little while if you're willing to be a woman who hadn't got married trying on a wedding gown God said I'm not dressing you for your past and dressing you for your future what I got all you right now when you step in the place [Applause] yeah yeah yeah not unless he this is the problem with you that here's the problem with you can take you trying to fit in where you're leaving you are trying to fit in where you are leaving God said he's dressing you for what's next by the way I was praying for you scaling off of that wall I'm the reason you didn't fall I was praying God is dressing you for what had happened here that's why you got haters cuz they said she got on a - ad marry yet they don't know you about to be they walk around calling you he acted all [ __ ] he's beside himself that's all right the reason I don't fit with y'all cuz I'm leaving I can't go back to my father's house I can't go back to being who I used to be I'm dressed for what I'm gonna be walking around in a palace I didn't pay for when clothes I didn't buy I didn't stitch this this was placed on me and so I call him the dressmaker I call him the dressmaker even if he used somebody else as a mannequin [Applause] I hope they give this he made it for you [Applause] so don't be scared of it he made it for you so put it on he made it for you though you're old friends mock you he made it for you though it feels funny put it on isn't it funny that the same David who would not use Saul's armor now after killing the giant puts on Jonathan's sword his girdle his armor his robe his clothes everything everything somebody say everything he put on Jonathan's everything he became the Prince before he became he he started acting like one he Dressler punches give me that text give me that text give me some more but I want some more of it give it to me give it to me give it give it to me and David went out whether so ever saw sent him and behaved himself wisely and so set him over the man of war and he was accepted in the sight of all the people and also in the side of South Side this boy don't have no business in this position he didn't come up through the race he didn't play by the rules God picked him up out of nothing and sent him over in the Sun and said now walk like this walk like this and the people saw him as something that he had no background in at all hey God said I'm gonna make you look good I'm gonna make you look like you know more than you know I'm gonna make you look like you have more than you have I'm gonna put you in my plan for your life but you gotta be willing to look strange to your brothers cuz you're dressed for what's next can I go deeper give me a little bit more I want to finish this and it came to pass as they came when David was returned from the slaughter of the filicide was one thing about David he could fight he could fight he learned how to fight in his pants and God brought it over into his future he was training him and David whipped the Philistines hind parts he tore him up that the women started seeing all the cities of Israel singing and dancing to meet King Saul with Tabitha with joy and with instruments of music and then making noise and her playing all the instrument to meet the king come on and the women answered one another as they played as they saw have slain his thousands and David his song was cool when they started saying that David was better than him Saul was wrong Saurav is a Hebrew word which means anger with fire and the Saints displeased him and he said any time you succeed you will breed haters any time you succeed you will breed haters I remember years ago when Kirk Franklin did stop did you remember when Kirk Franklin did stop it wasn't controversial till he sold a million copies see if he'd only sold ten copies they wouldn't wrote no articles about it would have been no issue when he sold a million copies now people start talking about look at him a fair shake it is behind for Jesus haters gonna always talk about you when you win you have to decide who you want to be like or do you want to win Shaw was this please come on with the word Shaw was displeased with him and he said they have ascribed them today that ten thousands and to me they have ascribed but thousands and watches and what can he had more but the kingdom who said hallelujah say hallelujah again that lets me know that you understand that God was getting him dressed for what was next and what would Saul says is a prophecy what more can he have but the kingdom he ended up getting the kingdom Oh y'all don't hear what I'm saying y'all don't hear what I'm saying y'all hear what I'm saying it is the father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom God is about to give you the about 30% of y'all know how to act the Rassi all can't even receive what I'm saying God is about to give you the kingdom the kingdom he gave you the clouds there you go give you the kingdom and and when I'm talking about clothes I'm really not talking about clothes like dressing up I'm talking about God will present you as if while you were not because it is a precursor of what he's about to do in your life and he will make people see you as more than you have he will cause him to respect you of the level of your prophecy not your history and you know your history but they see your prophecy and you're standing in between both these wondering which one to believe so so God is making a king out of a person who sees himself as a shepherd boy and the first clue was the dressmaker the first sign was Jonathan stripping himself with this crazy love he had for David the love was a sign on the next level [Applause] the love was a sign of the next level your next level loves you your next level finds you fascinating that's what haters will never be successful because when you speak against better you cancel out the opportunity for you to go you can't receive what you hate and the only reason you hate what I have is cuz it ain't yours and if it was yours you would like it and you'll never get it as long as if you hate it on me but it was strange but David received it he received is one thing for Jonathan to give it but David had to have faith to receive it David had to have faith to call those sins that are not as though they were and walk around in it and accept their perception of him even though according to biblical history David had never led an army before in his life all he had ever led was sheep he had no background in strategic warfare [Applause] [Music] all he had ever killed were lions and bears and if you have the capacity to be uncomfortable if you have the ability to take on a challenge that is intimidating and yet not be intimidated everything in your past was getting you ready for your future the sheep were just training for the army you were leader on a lower level now God's getting ready to lift you but you can't be scared of what's next so God is dressing you for what's next one more illustration and I'll close I saw Mary coming down coming down to the tomb to find Jesus as she had left him he was not there he was risen the angel said why seek ye the living among the dead he is not here and she goes running out and has anybody seen what they did with my lord where did they take his body she's looking for corpse she's looking for corpse and she runs into a gardener or whoever holiday the back thank you for knowing your Bible thank you for knowing your about she she ran into a gardener and she says he says Mary the only thing she recognized was his voice because my sheep know my voice a stranger they will not follow she didn't recognize his clothes she didn't recognize his stature she didn't recognize his demeanor but when he said Mary she said rabona but that's not the point that's the point at least to the point here's the point Jesus rose from the dead there was no gardener suit in the grave [Applause] who who made who made his his gardeners outfit oh my god and why a gardeners outfit because it started in the garden and Jesus rises from the data says Oakside needs something to wear for what's next and the same God that was making clothes in Genesis was making clothing for Samuel was making so clothes in the New Testament was making clothes while Aaron was dancing naked around the calf God was designing the high priests garment for him to where he was he was whether it was Aaron's clothes or Jonathan's clothes or Adams clothes or Jesus clothes he always dresses you for what's next if Jesus would have had on what Mary left him and she would have recognized the clothes my contention brothers and sisters is that what God is slipping on you is for what's next and what you don't want to be is found in him wearing your stuff and though it may sound strange and it may look odd I called him the dressmaker maybe it's because when I was a minister in a storefront Church they used to make fun and say look at Minister Jake's walking around like he's a bishop [Applause] pastor Lawrence to tell you I'm telling the truth I got a witness up there he'll tell you I'm telling true sister can't prepare you right there since the cafeteria I see the witness of living a living witness they made fun of me they said I'd like a bishop when I was just a minister they made father me and they rejected me for the head my head up and my back straight and I was walking like my mom apartment for as he was my dressmaker he knew things I didn't know he knew this when I was crying about that he knew this when I was crying and praying about that I wasn't praying for this I wasn't praying for this I didn't even know this existed I didn't even know to ask for this I didn't even know to want this so I was praying about that and he was dressing me for this [Applause]
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 812,184
Rating: 4.8161492 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes 2019, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, td jakes commitment, td jakes sermons 2019, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes sunday, td jakes 2019 motivation, The Dressmaker, Dressmaker
Id: PDYgMCx1qg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 53sec (3473 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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