The DISTURBED Planet Even Yoda Feared

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did you come here for answers there are none the call of Korriban is strong but it is the call of the dead attention sergeant on deck the Star Wars Galaxies was no stranger to dark places worlds irreparably scarred by past massacres tainted by dark horrors or worse but of these dark worlds one shadowy planet was feared above all others even by the greatest of Jedi that was Korriban the world that screams the loudest for those who hear the dark sides voice as so loose in one of the first Lords of the Sith put it in this video we'll be looking at the history of Korriban the ancient homeworld of the Sith and why exactly it was what it was the darkest planet in the whole Star Wars universe most of you are at least somewhat familiar with Korriban or moraband as it was called in one Clone Wars arc in that arcs final episode and indeed the last episode of the show for the time being Yoda himself traveled to Korriban in search of answers there he faced Sith ghosts and braved an ancient tomb before ultimately fighting a dream battle with Darth Sidious Yoda left Korriban unscathed but he by no means expected to even he one of the greatest Jedi of all time feared travelling to this dark world on the surface it's not all that easy to see what Yoda feared Korriban at the time of the Clone Wars was a dead world the entire planet was a barren wasteland a world of mountains and cavernous valleys blanketed by a uniform layer of red dust there were monsters there as well the planets valley tombs in particular were stalked by vicious took utter hounds flying chiraq dragon like Isis and other Horrors but none of them were a real threat for someone like Yoda and the planet didn't really have any other inhabitants aside for those unfortunate souls that are assigned to a lonely Commerce called outpost in the world indeed though the Commerce guild technically owned Korriban at that time even they refused to do anything major on the planet which was extremely out of for them what Yoda and everyone else feared was the darkside Korriban was a world that had been repeatedly drenched in blood a world where in all the galaxy the darkside held the greater sway one did not simply land on Carvin and walk around just setting foot in the planet drowned all but the strongest of wills in the sheer horror of the world Corvin wasn't the only world that was like this Malakoff I've had a similar effect but unlike Malakal which drowned its visitors in the aftershocks of the singular atrocity that had taken place there Korriban Zora was one of thousands of years of the darkest evils so how did it get to that point to answer that question we need to go back a hundred thousand years before the Battle of Yavin in those days Korriban was much less barren than it would eventually come to be and it was in this more forgiving environment that a species called the Sith evolved these sift were much different from those sit that we all know and love they were a race of red skin Shu noids whose brutal society quickly came to dominate Korriban as you would expect from Sith they were particularly barbaric their society was organized into a brutal caste system which stayed in place for so long that the castes diverged into separate subspecies with the most notable castes being the Musashi warriors and the Kasai priests the Sith of carbon advanced like many other species in isolation as Korriban lay far from the galactic core or any other major civilizations in general the most important difference between the Sith and other civilizations was the force the Sith especially their Kisai priests were unusually strong in the force as a species and they used that for alchemy and to enhance their power as warriors unlike civilizations of comparable development their caste system never died out and war was for them a constant of life their warring kingdoms only united in 28,000 BBY when King at us who had the red tree of obsidian black skin Letty campaign that brought all of Korriban under his rule it was around that time that Korriban had its first major clash with the outside galaxy in 27700 BBY there are carts of the infinite empire discovered Korriban and sought to claim it for their own taking thousands of SIPP as slaves but qinger dusts led his people in rising up against the invaders sparking a war between the Sith and the Rakata the Rakata had fought many such wars before indeed crushing unruly natives was a constant of their infinite Empire's existence but this time around something remarkable happened for the first time in its 7,000 year history the infinite Empire lost the Sith drove them from Korriban the first of any species to be victorious against the Rakata but this victory wasn't without cost at us and many others sift were killed in the fighting and Korriban had been ravaged the whole world was rendered barren and desolate and on top of that the war had a great effect on the SIPP as well the Sith as a species had leaned toward the dark side of the force but the ricotta and the brutality of the war had driven them fully into its grip their rituals became darker and bloodier and their alchemy began to evolve to include the warping of life itself using captured rock art and Technology the city mostly left Korriban for other planets most notably the frozen world of Z oast which became their adopted home world Korriban was not abandoned however a few small communities of sith religious zealots remained drawn to the dark side power that had now claimed the world furthermore thus it began a tradition of burying their dead on Korriban or at least their aristocrats then now barren valleys of Korriban can't be carved out with a labyrinth tombs of the course of millennia tombs that only deep in the dark taint of the world it was this dark taint that in 6900 BBY drew the exiles at that time the Galaxy at lodge from which carbon was still isolated was reeling in the aftermath of the hundred year darkness a century long war between the Jedi Order and a band of dark jedi such clashes were not unheard of but these dark jedi were different they went beyond simply studying the dark side and began committing the most atrocious acts possible with the force they perverted life itself warping creatures into nightmarish monsters known as leviathans but despite their horrible powers the dark jedi who were defeated only 12 survived the final battle at Kobus and they expected that the Jedi would execute them for their crimes but the Jedi in Jedi fashion refused to do so instead they exiled the Dark Jedi marching them aboard a galleon and shooting them off on a one-way trip into the vast unknown but fate was against the Jedi in this case they believed that the exhales would reach some lonely world and eventually come to repent in isolation there instead they unknowingly sent them on a ship bound for none other than Korriban led by a hunter pal the greatest of their number and sources sin his shadow hand the exhales quickly infiltrated and seized control of SIF society traveling to sayest and killing the reigning SIF king with his own sword in their triumph they named themselves the Lords of the Sith a title that came to be synonymous with the order that they found it Ajanta pal became the first Dark Lord and he quickly reshaped SIF society into a Sith Empire the first true Sith Empire and while this new Sith Empire retains IIST as its capital and the site of the massive Sith Citadel Paul and the other Sith Lords held Korriban in importance as well they scoured the planets for tombs secrets and eventually they discovered the planets darkest secret they discovered why the dark town of Corbin was as powerful as it was a rakaat instal map lay hidden in the caves of one particular valley a valley that would come to known as the valley of the Dark Lord's the Rakata built star maps on many of their captured worlds as monuments to their infinite Empire and in particular the star Forge that fueled it like the star Forge itself the star maps were artifacts of incredible darkside power each of the worlds that harbored a star map was influenced by it in some way or another on Korriban the star map served as an amplifier it took that darkness that shrouded the world the tain left by the ancient wars and duck imprints left by all the dead super buried there and amplified it to an extraordinary degree the Sith Lords claimed the star map as the source of their power and indeed claimed the whole valley building a fortress there for themselves but the exiles were twisted by the dark side and was ultimately their undoing in the words of a jointer pal himself we destroyed we battled until finally I thought this ring down on the battle that destroyed the fortress of the Sith Lords claimed the lives of the last exiles a new Sith Lords rose to replace them and the Empire they created enjoyed long after their deaths the valley that they claimed for themselves became the site where all future Dark Lords of the Sith were buried all the way up until the sieve and pie fell two thousand years later the value of the Dark Lord's became the most evil place on Korriban the tombs of the dead Sith were haunted by those interred within and the dark taint of the Sith Lords only made Korriban more of a nexus of dark power as we've described in a previous video the original civil Empire came to an end in 5000 BBY in the aftermath of the great hyperspace war the war started on Korriban when a pair of Republic hyperspace Scouts accidentally discovered the world and the last battle of that war happened there too but it was not as the rest of the war had been a battle between the Republic and the Sith it was as the battle of the Sith fortress had been a barrel between Sith the forces of rival Dark Lord's lunar crash and Naga Sadow destroyed each other and the Republic simply cleaned up what was left missive Empire collapsed shortly afterwards and on the orders of Supreme Chancellor Paul Timur a genocide of the Sith species was carried out which of course only deepened the darkness of Korriban Korriban was abandoned for the next millennium but it's history doesn't end there for thousands of years it continued to spawn Sith threats to the galaxy at large when Jedi Knight Exar Kun visited the world a thousand years after its abandonment the darkness of the world consumed him ultimately leading to his fall to the dark side as Dark Lord of the Sith exact own unleash the great Sith war on the galaxy after his defeat Korriban was resettle by Dark Jedi survivors who founded a singular settlement on the world cord draszt a the Sith laid claim to Korriban once more only a few decades later when Darth Revan and Darth Malak their own Sith Empire their Sith Academy was built the mouth of the valley of the Dark Lord's which they explored thoroughly when revin was redeemed and Malick was killed however Korriban was ripped apart by a swift civil war which left the world abandoned once more it was briefly reclaimed by darth sion of the syph trauma rate during the dark wars but abandoned once more soon after Korriban was claimed by the resurgence of empire yet again a few hundred years later and once more served as an academy and tomb world over the course of this period the planets tombs were almost all looted completely and when that Sith Empire fell as well Korriban resumed its status as a lifeless forgotten Rock the new Sith followed the same pattern as previous of empires as claiming Korriban as an academy world but they were eventually defeated as well no matter how many Sith empires tried Korriban would never be restored to its former glory but the dark taint of the sith remained and with every subsequent occupation it only grew by the time of the Clone Wars the tombs were all looted the Sith were gone from the world and only a singular corporate outpost was left on the entire world but the dark side was still strong there the wounds of war of decadence and the unspeakable horror and cruelty of the Sith had long since become part of Korriban itself and that is why nearly a thousand years after its most recent abandonment the world was so feared even by Yoda himself so that's the story of Korriban the darkest planet in the entire galaxy but as putrid eyes I don't know you think would you like to see more Old Republic content like this in the future make sure you let us know in the comments section below and just before you go make sure you check out all the links in the description below to join the wider get C's community and if you are a patron you can even join us on our behind the scenes discord where we post videos early for patrons to review and we pretty much just have general interaction with all the team there and you can see all the behind the scenes snippets of how our team works so if you want to support the channel more than your ADR by watching these videos make sure you do check out that page anyways guys as always thank you so much for watching and I hope to see you in the next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Geetsly's
Views: 967,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star, Wars, korriban, korriban lore, yoda korriban, yoda arrives on korriban, star wars lore, yoda, baby yoda, darth nihilus, star wars worlds, the sith, sith empire, old republic lore, old republic sith, old republic wars
Id: bhvc2KE4SIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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