3 Greatest Threats the Star Wars Universe Ever Faced

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The Star Wars galaxy was no stranger to  conflicts, which, in fairness, is to be expected,   considering the name. Galactic civilization  frequently had to face external threats,   ranging from bloodthirsty empires to opportunistic  raiders to manipulative Sith Lords. But some   conflicts weren’t just threats to civilizations.  Some were threats to the galaxy itself. We’ll be   discussing three such threats today, the greatest  dangers that the galaxy as a whole ever faced. First up, we have Abeloth, the Bringer of  Chaos. Originally known as the Servant,   Abeloth was a mortal woman who came to serve  the Ones, the powerful Force-wielders that   would come to inhabit Mortis, a hundred thousand  years before the Battle of Yavin. Over time,   she became a beloved part of the family in her own  right, taking the role of the Mother and playing a   major role in resolving conflicts between the  Daughter and the Son. But Abeloth was still   mortal, as opposed to the beings she loved, and as  she grew old, she began to grow desperate as well. Seeking immortality, she drank from the Font  of Power; bathed in the Pool of Knowledge,   becoming a twisted Dark Side entity in  the process -- a completely unnatural   being. Horrified by what she had  done, the Ones withdrew to Mortis,   leaving Abeloth on the jungle planet they all had  once called home. To ensure she didn’t escape,   the Son and the Daughter enlisted the help of the  Killiks, and using massive gravitational weapons   like Centerpoint Station and Sinkhole Station,  they pulled black holes through hyperspace,   forming an impassable cluster around Abeloth’s  planet. That cluster of black holes was called   the Maw in later years, and was infamous for  being the primary obstacle of the Kessel Run. The Son and Daughter released the Killiks  from their influence and returned to Mortis   after imprisoning Abeloth, but the prison they  had created was imperfect. Abeloth was still   incredibly powerful, and whenever there was  a major change in the current of the Force,   the Bringer of Chaos was strengthened and  attempted to escape. Each time she did so,   the Son and Daughter returned to the Killiks  and drove her back… that is, until 21 BBY,   when both the Son and Daughter  died during the Mission to Mortis. The next few decades did a great deal  to alter the current of the Force,   and the final blow came when Jacen  Solo fell to the Dark Side in 40 ABY,   becoming Darth Caedus in a bid to change  the future. This awakened Abeloth,   who once more made a bid to escape by  drawing Force-sensitives towards the Maw.   To make matters worse, Centerpoint Station  was destroyed in a war that Caedus started,   a war from which the galaxy was still recovering  in 44 ABY, when Luke Skywalker learned of her. In short order, Abeloth became strong enough  to destroy Sinkhole Station, allowing her to   escape into the galaxy at large. She battled both  Jedi and Sith, and plotted to plunge the galaxy   into such chaos that all life within it would be  extinguished. Using her powers of shapeshifting,   possession, and her gift for manipulation,  she managed to evade Luke Skywalker and   quickly rise to power, getting herself elected  as Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance. With   political control of the whole galaxy and direct  possession of a number of important figures,   Abeloth came close to galactic domination, which  she would be able to use to destroy civilization. However, Abeloth was confronted by Luke Skywalker  and Darth Krayt before her plans could come to   fruition. The three engaged in a long and grueling  battle, but Skywalker and Krayt ultimately emerged   victorious when, one by one, their allies began  killing off all of Abeloth’s avatars -- the beings   she had possessed. This greatly weakened  her, allowing Skywalker to, apparently,   kill her. But, as Luke knew well, such a  powerful abomination was not that easy to   kill, and he believed that Abeloth would  return to threaten the galaxy once more. Next up, we have the ones everyone should know  would be on this list - the Yuuzhan Vong. The   Vong were a masochistic alien species from another  galaxy, whose invasion of the Star Wars galaxy   in 25 ABY ended up being the deadliest war in  galactic history. The Vong abhorred traditional   tech, instead using unique forms of biotechnology  for everything from weaponry to hyperspace travel,   and their society was built around a caste  system enforced by genetic engineering and   the worship of a pantheon of bloodthirsty  war gods. They were also unique in that they   existed outside the Force, having been cut off  from it for the terrible things they had done. Thousands upon thousands of years before the  rise of the Empire, the Yuuzhan Vong engaged   in an endless series of wars that left their  entire galaxy lifeless and uninhabitable, and   so they set out across the intergalactic void to  find a new one. Traveling in massive worldships,   they eventually approached the galaxy we all know  and love, which they saw as weak and ripe for the   conquest. For decades, they scouted it out,  and were disgusted by what they discovered.   Galactic civilization was abhorrent to the  Yuuzhan Vong, so they resolved to destroy it. The Yuuzhan Vong invaded in 25 ABY, exploiting  the instability of the New Republic and beginning   a war that lasted for four years. The Vong  sought to claim the galaxy as their new home,   but after scouting it, they had developed  additional goals as well. They sought to destroy   the galaxy as it was known -- to transform its  planets and either exterminate or re-engineer its   native species. They didn’t just destroy worlds  and commit genocide as a matter of conquest;   they saw the destruction they unleashed as an  act of religious purification. In the words of   Warmaster Tsavong Lah, “We do not live side  by side with impurity. Your civilization is   built on abominations. Your galaxy is  polluted. We have come to cleanse it.” The Yuuzhan Vong were so severe a threat  that the New Republic, the Imperial Remnant,   and indeed the entire galaxy came together to  fight them off - and the Vong still almost won.   They successfully conquered around two-thirds  of the known galaxy, including Coruscant itself,   which they renamed Yuuzhan’tar in honor of  their old homeworld. However, the defenders   of the galaxy, under the banner of the Galactic  Alliance, were able to strike back and cripple   the Vong war machine, eventually resulting in a  victory in the Battle of Yuuzhan’tar. Nonetheless,   the war came with an incredibly high cost, leaving  an estimated three hundred trillion beings dead. The greatest threat the galaxy ever faced  wasn’t some terrifying Force entity,   nor some powerful invader, but was, in fact, war  itself. War - not just conflict, but protracted,   gruelling, proper warfare - wounded the  Force, corrupting life itself on a basic   level. Force-sensitives that were exposed to  long, bloody conflicts had their connections   to the Force slowly weakened, while even those  that weren’t Force-sensitive were negatively   influenced by the shockwaves of pain and  despair that war sent through the Force. No one understood this better than Meetra Surik,  a Jedi Exile that, at the Battle of Malachor V   during the Mandalorian Wars, was responsible for  a terrible atrocity that destroyed thousands of   warships and life on the planet below. The act  was so grave that Surik was cut off from the   Force entirely. Ten years later, she confronted  two Sith Lords who had been terribly warped by the   effects of war - Darth Nihilus, who was forced to  consume whole planets to maintain his existence,   and Darth Sion, whose broken body was held  together only by the sheer force of his   hateful will. The unnatural states of both  Sith Lords were the result of years of war. As part of stopping them, Surik travelled to a  variety of war-torn worlds, all of which still   bore the scars of what happened there. The planet  Dantooine had been subjected to an attack during   the Jedi Civil War that destroyed most of its  infrastructure and killed scores of people,   and yet the scars on that world stretched far  beyond the damage that had been done to its   civilization. The planet’s wildlife had become  vicious and predatory, upsetting Dantooine’s   ecosystem. On Dxun, the weight of a bloody battle  that had happened during the Mandalorian Wars   lingered still ten years later, driving the  beasts of its jungles mad. And in Korriban,   the ancient homeworld of the Sith, Surik  encountered a planet that had been completely   annihilated by war, leaving scars that made the  world a beacon of the Dark Side. Even tens of   thousands of years after the initial atrocity,  Korriban was still a thoroughly corrupted world. Malachor V itself represented the worst of what  war could do to a planet. During the battle there,   a weapon called the Mass Shadow Generator  annihilated the world and crushed thousands   of ships into it, killing all aboard. But the  worst damage done to the planet was not caused   by the superweapon, but rather the mass death from  the battle. Malachor itself became a gaping wound   in the Force. As a result, the life-forms left on  Malachor mutated into terrible Storm Beasts, and   what was left of the world was constantly wracked  by destructive lightning storms. All who walked on   the surface of Malachor V could feel the weight  of what had happened there, and Force-sensitives   that set foot on the planet were typically drawn  to the Dark Side by the sheer horror of it all. Because of how it wounded the Force,  war was a threat to all life in the   universe. The sheer pain and horror it  created warped life in terrible ways,   strengthening the unnatural influence of the  Dark Side or weakening the Force itself. War   isn’t as easily identifiable a threat as Abeloth  or the Yuuzhan Vong -- you can’t put a face on it,   so to speak -- but at the end of the day, it was  far worse than either of them. Neither Abeloth nor   the Vong were capable of the sheer devastation  war could cause to the Force. They threatened   the life of an entire galaxy, but neither were  quite so destructive as to threaten life itself. So, those were the three greatest threats that  the Star Wars galaxy ever faced. But what do   you think? Do you agree with our picks?  Do you think we missed anyone or anything   that could've been included in this video?  Let us know in the comments section below.
Channel: Geetsly's
Views: 571,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star, Wars, star wars, knights of the old republic, abeloth star wars the clone wars, abeloth eckhartsladder, abeloth vs darth sidious, abeloth canon, yuuzhan vong, yuuzhan vong clone wars, yuuzhan vong war explained, yuuzhan vong canon, yuuzhan vong invasion, yuuzhan vong star wars, star wars clone wars, star wars old republic, star wars great sith war, star wars mandalorian war, mandalorians
Id: GEifiK10Nrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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