The Forgotten Deep Clone Wars-Mandalorian Connection

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ever since Disney bought Lucasfilm we've been somewhat starved for new Clone Wars error content and so when super battle droids and HMP gunships appear in the trailers for the Mandalorian there was much excitement among Clone Wars fans this excitement was for good reason the show does indeed tie back to the Clone Wars though not in the way we all expected in this video we'll be discussing that tie and what it could mean attention sergeant on deck the mandalorian establishes that our title character was adopted by the Mandalorians as a foundling during the Clone Wars in the aftermath of a CIS victory through flashbacks during armor forging scenes we get glimpses of that battle which shows separatist forces overrunning a village and gunning down civilians the battle has clearly had an impact on the Mandalorian considering his hatred of droids which is fairly reasonable given the circumstances what does it mean well we don't exactly know yet the show has given us absolutely no concrete connections between this battle and anything else we don't even know where it takes place contrary to some theories the battle is absolutely not the siege of Mandalore as the CIS didn't participate in that battle at all and as far as cannon goes right now the Confederacy never launched an offensive against any other Mandalorian worlds this begs a rather important question how did the Mandalorians tie into this battle we have nothing to guide us in answering that question in Canon but we can turn to Legends for insights Mandalore as it appears in the Clone Wars is the product of many long years of unrest Mandalorian society had been splintered by that point for hundreds of years ever since the Mandalorian excision of 738 BBY the last war between the Mandalorians and the Republic at that point in time following the end of the new Sith Wars the Republic was in in Scullin age with no major existential threats apparent in the galaxy of the Mandalorians were doing well too they had been allies of the Jedi and the Republic in the new civil wars and then was stronger than they had been for thousands of years but a few centuries after the end of the new civil wars the Mandalorians and the Republic began to draw apart Mandalorian culture became more and more militarized and there were fears that a second round of Mandalorian Wars were imminent the Republic didn't want to fight such a war and so this time they struck first the Jedi led a collection of judicial forces ships and planetary security forces on an all-out assault on Mandalorian space dismantling the government structure of the region and scattering the clans again whole swathes of world like Mandalore order and Concord dawn were bombed to the point where they became uninhabitable radioactive deserts of whites and the Republic set up a puppet government in Mandalorian space following the excision a government led by the new Mandalorians born from a peace movement that had been suppressed on Mandalore shortly before the excision the new Mandalorian sought to completely reshape Mandalorian culture adopting a philosophy of pacifism that flew in the face of the old ways they built massive architectural impressive cities in hermetically sealed domes in the desert regions of the planet of which sand re the largest and most remote became the capital but not all Mandalorians joined the new Mandalorians or acknowledged the new governments the warrior clans remained and they reformed into the Mandalorian super commandos the Mandalorian variant that we all know and love but over time the super commandos began to diminish in number they got themselves killed in petty conflicts or left the clans to become mercenaries the final blow to them came with the Mandalorian Civil War in around 60 BBY just the Morril who had inherited the title of Mandalore wrote and distributed the super commando codex a list of new honor codes that he intended to use to slow what he saw as the Mandalorians descent into savagery his codex split the clans some Mandalorians accepted his new codes and deemed themselves the true Mandalorians while others led by a man named Toph izla rejected them and formed the Death Watch the details of the Mandalorian Civil War are more fitting for a video on their own but we'll give you a summary here the civil war claimed the life of Justin reel and Jango Fett rose to replace a younger Mandalorian who'd been adopted by Maria when his parents were killed in a skirmish on Concord dawn the true Mandalorians then pushed the Death Watch back but they ultimately lost the war the Death Watch manipulated the Jedi into attacking their camp on Galligan resulting in the slaughter of every true Mandalorian save only Jango Fett who struck out on his own to become a mercenary effectively abandoning the mandala in ways by the time the clone was started there were three main Mandalorian factions in play there were the new Mandalorian so at nominal control over the entirety of metal or in space at the time they were led by duchess satine and were neutral in the Clone Wars there was the Death Watch which with the true Mandalorians dead and gone turned its attention to the new Mandalorians sponsoring terrorist attacks on Sundara and operating from hidden bases on Concordia and other Mandalorian worlds they were now led by previous la tour vis the son the third faction was actually the largest everyone else not everyone on Mandalore or other worlds were supporters of one of the two sides and most of the sector's population didn't really care about galactic geopolitics these people followed the traditional way of life on parts of Mandalore and other worlds that had escaped the bombing and they paid no attention at all to the government or to the world outside the new Mandalorians claim to authority over them but they never exercised it and the populace didn't recognize it either they just kept living as they always had vaguely following the codes that civilian elements of Mandalorian society had always followed of course things didn't stay this way the Death Watch allied first with the CIS and then with more shadow collective against the new Mandalorians and the new Mandalorians had other problems on top of them their neutrality proved disastrous for the planet and the population of San Doria and the other new Mandalorian cities were already beginning to doubt satine's movement when the shadow collective executed their coup at the start of 20 BBY the new Mandalorians were effectively eliminated and the elements of mendler in society they once controlled fell to the Death Watch this schism between the Mandalorian faithful led by boat curtain and more super commandos tore former new Mandalorian society apart and those parts of Mandalore in space were in the grip of civil war until the end of the conflict when the Republic entered into an alliance with bow curtains Mandalorians and besieged Mandalore eventually driving more alerts but there was more to Mandalorian society than the new Mandalore and after a few months of civil war they began to tire of both the Mandalorian faithful and the super commandos a new faction rose up among this part of the population and seized control of Mandalorian space the Mandalorian protectors the protectors re-established the old ways of Mandalore following in the footsteps of the true Mandalorians and built up a small army of super commandos which they supplemented with a larger army of battle droids the protectors were led by spa otherwise known as alpha zero - a renegade arc trooper who claimed to be the son of Jango Fett giving him the right to the title of Mandalore spy seized control of Mandalorian space and allied with the Confederacy for whom the Mandalorian protectors began to fight on the battlefield spa and his men were incredibly effective they developed a strategy of lining raids on Republic worlds doing massive damage to enemy infrastructure before withdrawing sometimes in conjunction with the larger assaults they were a menace to the Republic a menace Darth Sidious himself had removed Sidious Lord the protectors into a trap that destroyed their armies and nearly wiped them out leaving only a handful alive Spa was shaken by the battle and abandon his post leaving the Mandalorians leaderless and their society weakened the Mandalorian protectors remained albeit in small numbers but they weren't strong enough to protect Mandalorian space anymore this led to the Empire subjugating Mandalore and the other worlds under its influence enslaving them to mind their worlds in search of best Skaar the occupation lasted until the remaining protectors allied with the rebellion and threw off the Empire the Mandalorian protectors exist in Canon - albeit a little bit differently in Canon that the protectors were actually satine's bodyguards the ones with the electro staffs from the Clone Wars after the collapse of the new Mandalorian government the surviving protectors allied with the Republic and began training clone pilots and during the Galactic Civil War they defected to the side of the rebellion the protectors of Canon likely are where the Mandalorians we see in disney's the Mandalorian came this most likely is the explanation for our Mandalorians origins the cannon protectors were fighting with the Republic as far afield as Megiddo which means they probably could have been fighting on whatever world the battle we keep seeing in flashbacks was fought on it was likely the protectors that rescued and adopted the Mandalorian who stuck with them through many long years of hardship until the clans reformed into what we see in the show so that's the connection between the Mandalorian and the Clone Wars but as per usual what do you think as of this writing only five episodes of the show are out so this may be a bit behind at the time it's released regardless feel free to post your thoughts in the comment section below and as beautiful guys just before you go make sure you check out all those juicy links in the description below waiting for your clicks including our get C's gaming network where you can join other gamers on our gmod and roblox communities and our main discord where you can just chat to other Star Wars fans and if you're into history I also have a second history channel that you may be interested in where we just talk about the niche and unknown topics of World War 2 so make sure you check all those archives all in the description below and as always thank you so much for watching and I hope to see you in the next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Geetsly's
Views: 103,095
Rating: 4.9532738 out of 5
Keywords: Star, Wars, star wars, the mandalorian, the mandalorian baby yoda, mandalorian, mandalore, duchess satine, duchess satine and obi wan, duchess satine death, true mandalorians, jango fett, boba fett, jango fett mandalore, clone trooper, clone trooper mandalorian, clone commandos mandalorian, clone army, republic army, captain rex, commander cody
Id: JoRd4I6S4Sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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