The Diplomatic Druid - Baldur's Gate 3 - Ep 8

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we'll just start with this let's just say I'll wait until Dell is in melee but it doesn't have to be the case it was the only way out through all right so Dell's gonna run into the middle again this might be a terrible idea but Dell's gonna run into the middle and then bear form and then start to attack or hold on I say that this is a great case for Fairy fire so we get attack on advantage on attack rolls okay these two are very fired this one made their save that's not so bad so I think I'm still gonna run in Bear form I won't be able to attack there might be a taxable opportunity and again I kind of want them ideally to Target me oh my God I hope something got a vague memory of this so we just perception track that there's a crack support beam here oh fairy fire is concentration that's true oh well if I were to attack that what would happen I mean the problem is I'm in the middle of things now but what if it just collapses this on top I mean I I kind of need to hold on no let me uncancel your turn [Music] move to here there's no attacks of opportunity Shadow heart I mean I I need to know didn't actually notice this in the fight before it was after the fight I guess we could have tried to bait them over there oh how disappointing what a waste of an action I will move here if they want a range attack me up here that's fine no I think that's that now you don't have an action you just have your bonus actions we could run up and do a bite um I should probably move up so that we're in a good position to melee next turn and I suppose if one of these decides to run after a stereo and it wouldn't be the end of the world I flourish I gotta remember that so we can Dash once I may as well use it right over here it's the Trap your team would be standing on that roof ogres would attack the pole and take you down oh all right um go off balance excellent so there's lots of reasons we're gonna have advantage in this guy because the fairy fire already gives us that okay now three ogre's gonna go and then will yes okay concentration succeed I'm sorry is that 17 damage 2d8 plus four rolled just three off Max that's brutal all right we're gonna keep focusing fire on Chalk choke over here um unbearable damage get out it could have been better damage I was supposed to not bad we rolled decently on the force I don't think there's any reason to move although I suspect this guy is gonna come around and try to climb but and maybe shove us off but for now this is this is a good vantage point Dell uh lunar man yeah there we go it's a bonus action so I'm gonna do I'm gonna eat a tier two spell slot to heal a whole 6 hp on 2d8 game what are you doing to me man actually let's take a Starion here first then yeah I can't flourish I could bite but I'm kind of going to want to wait maybe until we got since the bike won't finish him anyway and we don't need the heel right this second well let's see I'm not gonna end your turn I'm going to take the attack here with Dell because maybe the bike can finish it off okay now it's there I don't know if it's interesting chat but there's someone at the door apparently oh it's probably your passport Essentia so he's down to six I mean we'd have to roll very well we'd have to roll a couple of Threes but there's a chance we can kill him with the bike so I'm gonna try it one HP I don't know if the dog's just barking um I might just go and check the door one second foreign okay yeah had to get that door that was indeed essentia's passport which I kind of expected and it would have been bad to miss so there we go yeah I can't believe you know there's a reason we have the one HP emote that is really unfortunate because this is going to be another 2d8 plus 4 damage coming our way here I want to leave a stare in here because he might turn around and attack him instead of Doubt which would not be a terrible thing because we could disengage we could shove but I don't think there's any let me know I don't think we can shove these guys that's I I thought maybe I thought that's maybe I I heard the water running I was like oh man that is bad timing uh so Dell has no action no bonus action We're not gonna move him away from here we're just gonna have to sit here and take the attack shadowheart's still going before they go okay hold on uh heels and stuff too most important thing is to try to do some damage to choke chalk right because choke could be ke right Chuck [Music] I'm doubting everything about language once again yeah well we might just throw a healing word on Dell because if we can give him just enough to survive a hit without losing the bear form so you can effectively take two hits from these guys that will be very nice so yeah well standard action is going to be firebolting from here [Music] that's very helpful no we're not gonna do a higher spell slot I mean it's not going to do much but it might just keep him outside of one shot damage yeah we're gonna do the damage regardless okay 17 is not bad we know they can hit for that much but they do have to roll well to do it uh am I leaving you here I think what I might do is move you here because if someone comes we can jump across to the other side with will but otherwise yeah keep The High Ground where is oh you're turning around hitting a Starion unarmed strike [Music] nice thank you very much the cheers that's gonna hit the spot just great I just got the buzz so uh maybe quarter after two we'll have ourselves some pizza nice thank you [Music] all right so you've turned around done that so you don't have a club so you're just mailing is much less scary that's Frank so lumpy Enlighten has that who do we want to focus on because I got to put the hex on someone so delft got acid and arrowed the problem here is that both of these engage in combat oh but we can disengage with hysterian so what I think we're gonna do on a starion's turn is he will be able to disengage move in here to start doing sneak attacks on lump so we're gonna Focus fire on lump looks like the most recent one goes maybe to the end of the list it's possible gets reset when you level up or rest or some damn thing so yeah unfortunately we do not have Advantage anymore well I guess we never had Ferry Fire on you anyway if we still have Ferry Fire on lump then um we would probably Focus there because the increased chance of hit but since we don't we'll go for the one with the club thank you okay I'm gonna burn another level two spell slot the self-heal as a bonus action now um I'm also going to want to get out of the acid that I don't have a penalty to my AC here there's acid on the ground you get splashed in the move that's okay 65 no I guess that's going to be that I miss I'm sorry I healed for three on 2d8 what the man yeah so here what I think I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use a cutting action to disengage so we don't get a taxable opportunity so that I can reposition over here I'm just gonna skirt around the acid here and do that admittedly that does put a staring and air section make me more likely to be attacked by Fink on the other hand maybe they'll go for Adele because he's so weak anyway foreign okay um you know what there you go because Dell still has the advantage of when he gets popped out of bear form he's just gonna go back to humanoid form with full HP so we still want to focus the attacks on Dell if we can end this now let's see um I can't cure wounds because of the touch we could do some more healing word here but at this point I don't think we can get Dell out of like one shot range for dropping his form so I think what we might do now instead is use oh this would be a level two spell slot because we're out of level ones all this adds an extra D6 I don't know if the the value is not that great [Music] eight is actually interesting here also the pass without traces um you feel your allies increase their Max HP by five it might be worth doing one of those boarding bondell yeah duplicity might still be a good idea we're having issues at the start but now might be a good time for it um duplicity is an action I think I'm gonna go with the aid here it still might not keep Dell out of one shot range but everyone will benefit from having higher HP well I forgot I swapped and cure wounds and dropped the shield of Faith which is annoying okay the warning bond isn't concentration which I didn't realize uh but it's melee touch it does last until long rest okay all of a sudden I'm seeing a huge Valley in warning bond that I hadn't noticed before so this is something we want to Precast probably on Dell because he's going to be the tank but it's not gonna apply now okay so let's go ahead and Aid oh no the radius never mind all right my action's just going to be to shoot lump then I mean I could jump down or something but I don't think I want to um yeah if I can't if I don't have good uses for my tier 2 spell slots maybe I will just guiding bold even though it feels like a waste because the as a level two just an extra D6 damage is it is nice to generate the yeah um it is good damage and it does generate Advantage I don't think I'm in a healing word here I'm just gonna save that and [Music] I'm good all right here's lump oh that's fan cash thank you for missing oh acid all right well that's not so bad I think we're gonna keep doing the war the Warlock thing which is I'll just blast and then I Elders blast some more do I wanna because guiding ball is just the next attack it's Advantage no there's no reason to not use it three meter range [Music] yeah I was thinking about it for the sneak attack which might be better but I mean will does decent damage so it's okay [Music] so it's unlikely to make a difference but I may as well still lunar men here because it might it's only a d8 why roll the whole two all right we're gonna attack lump some more um hold on steren might be able to finish offload it's a good sneak attack I don't feel a need to move [Music] critical Miss [Music] no all right be that way hungry [Music] I guess that's uh survival is all that matters now you can't split Stacks in combat for some weird reason yeah we found that out when we're playing multiplayer I need to have organized the potions better you can swap items back and forth like oh wait can we not oh there it is I couldn't drop it but I can right click and maybe it's maybe it's maybe it's silly that we can swap items in combat all right you dip your weapon in acid that's an interesting question no it's not dippable good thing to try though I think I think that's it for a Starion yeah potions being a bonus action makes them like actually useful I don't remember if tabletop has the bonus action potion it might be in 5e um but I think I've retroactively used it in like some of our 3.5 ad campaigns as well because potions are otherwise kind of garbage like spending money for like losing a whole action in combat is terrible now we really want lump to die there's a chance I could do with the Firebolt but I don't get to add stats or anything it's a straight up d10 when you do to 8 damage so while it is a ridiculous amount of Overkill [Music] I think we use another level two spell slot here and miss that's a shame all right lost polar bear form yeah mainly arranged melf's acid Arrow who's going to miss you still take half damage but that's ridiculous finish I'm finished I'm finished I'm finished I'm finishing the hex [Music] one HP [Music] this is well lit here so someone said are you a hiding um hiding him before the attack I guess I could try right because it would give me advantage and I've got the extra actions for it [Music] well received lost I don't think it's available um choice but to keep going and all of a sudden I'm back to 30 HP someone inside out yeah there's field of view I guess I would be it I guess you position yourself behind first and then do the hide action [Music] can't be threatened oh okay all right we'll use this better next time so don't be near someone get behind them but not actually in mail yet do the hide and then do it ah uh no you're too heavy I was gonna say I can shove you into the acid but no you're you're too big for that [Music] say I still have a bonus action available but the healing potion probably won't give me enough heal to avoid uh going down if he hits me so we're just not gonna bother let's go well we got no more spell slots oh right you were still getting damage over time [Music] now I could drop animal form and go and help a Starion here but I don't think so but also gold and things like that but I think what we need to do is just continue to apply damage I'm not gonna do a self-heal now because I'm actually outside of critical anything range I'm gonna move over a little bit I guess I guess I don't have an acid debuff right now so I guess I'm not standing in acid I wasn't quite sure because there's some goop over here but it looks like we're okay so yeah I'm explicitly not going to move can't give up armor dice is off which maybe is you know part of the issue here um my gun well games is a touch yeah so I don't know if it affects death saving throws anyway any chance this is better 55 versus 65 no the firebolt's more accurate and neither one of them get bonus damage I mean that's still a pretty bad role in d10 but yeah at least he doesn't have the um remember to set up some things maybe invisible but he doesn't have the club so his damage not quite as bad safe successful huzzah asterin's got this how can you kill that which is already dead right let me go and I will burn a spell dollars nice oh death save throw failed hey last spell slot oh my God is that a one a three and a one on D tens jeebus let's say if a Starion dies because of this we're gonna we're gonna have to burn one of the dice we're gonna have to change colors okay uh shift click no enter 10 race mode okay never mind uh break out of this form well I guess you're static I guess you've been there we go I guess you might have stabilized there whoo we really tough fight for whatever level three that is a really tough fight for that yeah chicken some gold I'm Gonna Leave lump for a second here let me save first whole Pig's head and a piece of gold and then lump the enlightened has this war horn first of all sound this horn to call lump's frenzy band of ogres they will Feast on anyone they can get their hands on but if you've made a deal with them they will make an effort to spare your party we did not make a deal with them oh we got a diary as well the triumphs and travels of lumpy enlightened day one now that I see truth I can scarcely remember a time before at first I thought it was the human's thin flesh that bestowed this gift but I've come to believe it was the circlet she wore there was a crunch in that shoe day four the goblin boss draw ragslin made a tantalizing proposal spare any prey bearing his new Gods brand and feast on the rest he offered considerable coin in return warped headband of intellect increases the wearer's intelligence to 17. apparently in Early Access was 18 which basically made into dumpstat for everyone including Wizards 17 is all of a sudden less of an automatic fix to all things because most Wizards will want that 18 if not higher that is a great item we're not going to feed that one to Gail we had a salami a squirrel blur and some gold so the question becomes then let's group up the party what today step away from the acid to minimize the chance that anyone walks into that um so dead seafling over there as well the question then becomes coming around or are they still oh they're there who do we give that to I'm very tempted to wear it myself because then we can great get some great knowledge checks and conversation as we continue to sort of like Frontline the conversation give up now so we wouldn't be using the haste Helm anymore but I think that's probably okay I think I would like to do this and what does it look like I don't think I don't think it's a great fit for Dell I hide that now this haste helmet getting extra speed on a Starion is interesting since we couldn't give them those boots but he can wear this that I kind of like looking ahead what's hiding here oh how do I get [Music] um I click on the tag there we go dead tiefling rope a tarnished locket opens reveal intricate installation of stone tower the words El Torell strengthen Unity are inscribed across the top a javelin thieves tooled and some gold there's uh something re here the Folly in the fall though clearly old this hand bill has managed to maintain its bold print over time for one season only see the play that sent El Terrell's everlight theater into chaos the sharp tongue traveling troop presents the Folly and the fall a tragedy in four parts part one of lost netheral that great Wizarding Empire in Humanity's age of Wonder part two of The Great Mage karsus is brief and terrible godhood and the Rune he wrought part 3 of netheral's fall a thousand years of shade and Char's subversion part 4 of nethero's return and its shadow falling upon the land penned by the great Bard braganfegg the Folly in the fall tells a true story of the flying nethery City full tenthar and its dramatic return after a thousand years in Exile on Char's plane a shadow see the climactic Battle Above mythrenor rendered in stunning detail thanks to the finest thamaturges on the coast Direct on your Village Green as sharp tongue traveling troop makes its transit to Baldur's Gate see it now or face a thousand years of Sorrow no Octavian that didn't work clicking on the oh no maybe it did actually maybe that's how we did loot that deep Lane um it doesn't say lumpy and lightning is empty interesting but he clearly is I think with chalk right clearly empty step son real pork belly oh that sounds good I just remember to have pizza coming I'm so excited uh We've read some of these A's for azith no I don't think we read this one you should not ever play to pray to ball The Savage Lord of murder his worships of worshipers are killers all who spread his
Channel: quill18
Views: 13,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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