The Diplomatic Druid - Baldur's Gate 3 - Ep 2

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coming back all right now if drops still don't work but then that's it the channel set up to work with drops yeah I know about left hole backpack oh a hat hold on we must okay go away tutorials we must equip a chef oh well it's a look I think I'm gonna go hatless I repeat Atlas hey quill pay attention there's at least until we find a John Deere hat hey no point thanks to the sub Mar grass which is gonna tell us we've unlocked a recipe [Music] let's read the shanties for the queen that would be um what's her name humberly umber cheat what's I can't remember that goddess's name uh it's the goddess of like the sea in storms and things like that um [Music] humberly there it is and all we row with the spray upon our necks and all we row with the spray upon our backs and all we row with the sea beneath her feet then the Queen stays the storm wave mother wave mother lashes to the prowl wave mother wave mother we ask you to sail your skirt if you allow I don't know how those lines are clearly I didn't have the right pattern there but wave mother may have other Cinco's if you will wave mother wave mother skulls are yours with Brian and santu Phil I know 10 out of 10 singing right Souls away and anchor still the wind won't move without the Queen's Will Will Wait gladly years and days till the Queen brings the waves hey ho she told us so hey oh she told us so there you go we could grab the book but I think they only sell for like a buck so mangled Fisher so we don't know what killed all these people maybe they got killed by following debris or maybe they got killed by something else getting out of here I don't know got a perfumed letter Psy I love you there I said it and if you meet me tomorrow I'll say it again and again and keep on saying it till we're old and gray so let's do it let's go to Baldur's Gate I know it's risky but so staying here the last few months have been hard but they're always a little easier when you're there leave your boat and meet me at the hill overlooking the old bridge bring whatever you can we'll make do without the rest don't be late love Anna well sucks it's not dead they're pining for the few words a fish some camp supplies gold Belladonna some beautiful woman I was like tuberculos of chica thing you know right syphilis Chic how was that a thing these disease looks that were sought after and then I think Belladonna one of the things with it is sort of gave you that that sort of pallid look right because you're poisoning yourself just a little bit just a soup smell poisoning uh yes Alchemy you can craft your own potions poisons and elixirs using Alchemy gather ingredients to distill into extracts this is someone else but the snow was two elves probably just wrong I mean I mean just thinking because of Distillery no there's still who else oh distill is the verb wait oh it's UK versus US spelling stuff okay and then Canada is just like flip a coin for which one we we follow [Music] I don't remember where the uh there Alchemy so yeah we don't have enough to complete anything yet filter craftables only oh that's weird oh it's weird it still has some categories open but not others I wonder what the rhyme and reason is I mean this is clearly all the extra oh extract all ingredients so suspension is there but filter crap okay so this is just to get the extracts or whatever of something this is the actual crafting part okay uh I don't think when I uh played the uh Early Access if they added in crafting at some point I don't know that it existed when I played it last so this is where you used to meet Shadow heart over at this door right over like in the early early um beta when shadowheart wasn't on the nautiloid let me get that open easily maybe there's another entrance but I think the Fast Travel point is already unlocked yeah when we came near okay all right so some of these people were people that were on the nautiloid things uh those intellectivars I wonder if they nerfed their damage from like the early early access because those things could one shot you they were brutal I'm gonna do a safety save here and then we'll pop in there but that's still got to be looted yeah and doesn't highlight the wooden barrels which are lootable so alt doesn't highlight everything not even all lootables I guess I should prep a sheleighly although I do have my wild shape bear it up although I can do it as a I can do it as a bonus action I was gonna say Swift action because I'm used to third Ed if the player chooses to be clear because Shadow heart's still cleric the first party member uh yeah um but yeah you can do a party that's all clerics and actually have like an amazing time he could be lethal I mean that is accurate one strike can be lethal but let's go ahead and wild shape for the very first time bear s the bare necessities the simple bare necessities you have unlocked an action as a result of another ability future condition it will remain at the side of your hot bar until those conditions expire so I think it's yeah dismissed wild shape has been unlocked nearby enemies to go them into attacking you so it's sort of a taunt mechanic this just smeared it looked like the bear just punched it wasn't a claw it was a punch that's what it looked like to me the biggest thing about going in the bear mode is we get a crap ton of hit points and if we hit zero hit points we don't die we just turn back into our humanoid form I don't have to worry about getting one shot by these intellect of hours the same way regular main head to hack foreign High half elf like how do you have Firebolt that's quite interesting so if we ran up melee 85 chance to hit it is pretty weakened there's a good chance of killing out of curiosity or Fireball odds 80 here less here because of obstruction I think what we do is we go for the finishing blow but we'll manually path because otherwise we're gonna go through the fire spells no I think this is the best way to do about things 85 chance oh my God why are you rolling minimum Shadow heart get your together um we could feel the faith you know what I think I will and I'm gonna use it on shadowheart herself to give her some extra AC here in case she gets attacked and she gets hit anyway he did succeed a concentration saving throw so that's good I'm not wrong right concentration does use your con yeah it does okay good so the lures yeah Max damage is 12. so we can't one shot here regardless so I guess oh you're at nine nine five oh these some of these are already damaged I see I guess I'll go here with our damage range we've got about a 50 50 chance of one shot in this I'll be a little disappointed if we don't pull it off I could goad here is it oh it's a full regular action and they get a saving throw oh my God one HP I mean that that's that's my that's on me for being greedy you know that's I jump to here no no attack opportunity nice let's do it all right almost for damage range on this who said well at least minimum damage assuming she hits we'll kill it there we go I don't think we need to do a shove although if she gets over here hold on [Music] hey yo shove him into the fire or or not it was worth a try okay I'm gonna smash this one because it's got a lot of hit points we might be able to kill it in one go no of course we didn't um I can as a bonus action earn a spell to heal myself and heal for what one hit point three hit points wow I guess there's no Plus on that so it's a straight d8 which isn't great but sure yeah uh we could have set up with this I mean we still have to touch for this to land we could do some heals and things but if we're playing better odds no 50 50. okay I'll go here because even if we roll minimum it'll die and there's no attack opportunity stuff happening here so but it will miss because of course we'll miss why not oh I could have tried to shove here first back into the fire dang it oh I may have to re-off the API key hold on let me let me do that that's a good point because it says uh no no it must be working right I'm clearly I've got the twitch integration unless maybe you know what let me re-add the Baldur's Gate companion because it was there before let me trash this completely no again that's the twitch integration which clearly works yeah the drop should always go I don't know oh well there's been no no drops in our enabled notification which I know I've gotten from other streams in the past yeah something's just glitched and people watching YouTube are just gonna be like these mfers they're doing nothing but talking about drops and confusing people I did just relink my layering account so it's not that I will no longer address drops done and damage see if they crit they can just take you out in one go terrible airform can't uh can't shove which is too bad perhaps our survival isn't such a distant Prospect oh I still talk oh intellect devour cerebellum alchemical ingredient nice to psychic resistance interesting all right let's go ahead and do a short rest here get some HP Mac maybe I should do it twice actually we're pretty badly hurt welcome rest there we go yeah I could change the prepared times spells anytime outside of combat that's crazy very convenient I suppose but crazy it's interesting it says the Rapier damage is so high but I guess it's because it's using my bear form strength right which is 19. open up oh there's a dead mind flare hold on Roar we got ourselves some little grenades that we can toss any lootables up there looks like no so there's another dead mine flare over here so let's take a look at that I don't think the skull is anything but we'll take it anyway all right so we can't go through that door which is fine what I'm gonna do is I'm going to go down um south over here and try to clear out some of this area so yeah this way west south perform I don't know that I'm still getting my bonus movement from the wood elf I would assume not might be useful and I also I think that means if you're playing a druid from one of the short races that have a lower movement that's not going to bother you when you're in um animal form the thing I can still collect all these plants oh a lock trunk that's this pathing pretty hairable can I force an attack on this ah another helmet gold um leather helmet oh plus one of the deck saving throws interesting pay attention there's a new subscriber yeah I'll whack that on oh can I not change outfits right now yeah it's interesting so it still has the equipment listed but it's not just ignoring it but then at skull is real latest cool BG to play 300 yeah we collected a bunch of uh skulls and bones on our playthrough awesome that was awesome just looks like a tiny little herb there sometimes uh well some things are unsmashable and I think it's possible sometimes that you lose the loot um now here's an interesting thing being able to speak with and change this note because I guess the board just runs away right away I have a vague memory of this this can I talk to you in Bear form I assume the answer is no hurry I've got one of those brain things coolant oh it's just gonna pick Shadow you can kill it I guess it goes to the closest talkable companion okay and kill it can't you like you kill the others you know what I think shot of heart would say easily stand back there can you see it just a dumbo you're relieved until you see the flash of a dagger boom if you make your perception check he doesn't actually jump on you with the knife okay there's so many things they really did a good job in this game to have skill checks do something that's nice if I remember correctly never winter night's the first one really didn't do a lot with them with um ability checks in the first game which was very disappointing but I think the sequel added a ton more I think shadowheart would say this if this is a robbery you're off to a bad start elf I just need information I saw you scuttling about on the ship you're in League with an aren't you those tentacles here's the thing I wanted Dolores to be the party face but that's not gonna work out so much if he's bear form all the time dark busy streets you try to hold the memory but it fades to the worm the light the fear what was that what was the black mark on the back of her hand stigmata no it's the Mind flares worm it connects us connected us the worm of course that explains things in some odd yeah maybe it's damage left over from the previous fight I was ready to decorate the ground with your innards no apologies I'll just accepted him I did on the same Pearl's reverse God we're all caught now you're better offer more than apologies now I think sort of a sarcastic like glad we're all caught up now indeed we are please allow me to introduce myself my name's astarian I was in Baldur's Gate when those beasts snatched me oh you are seeing the drops and drop page getting credit for watching okay cool thanks it's sisters maybe it's just it's not just it's just not uiing properly on the stream but it's still counting I know oh God damn it you made me talk about drops when I said I would not address drops anymore purses um I don't think shadowheart would tell us tell the story she would just say she would say her name though Shadow heart a pleasure so do you know anything about this work I know we got to get rid of them who's got some uh Ivermectin around right that's the anti-parasitic that maybe some people are using for something else that was dumb um yeah they're totally gonna turn us into mind flares it's super bad bro turn us into of course oh you got a little something on your neck what else did I expect although it hasn't happened yet if we can find an expert it's not totally not a vampire things there might still be time he just has very pronounced canines for no reason whatsoever and the pale complexion it's the whole Belladonna thing that's all it is so again thinking as Shadow heart here yeah I think she's she's definitely on board like we need to get rid of it at some point I'm gonna make a play through this probably as like a power hungry Mage or something like that and they might be like hold on hold on let's not rush to get rid of it you know yeah we need to get rid of it well yes of course but first things first well um yeah you should travel with me your odds are better together forgive me but are you really in a position to invite people along but if the Leisure of your little band wants to talk oh I'd be happy to hear it he's reacting to the thought the fact that shadow heart's not actually the main character that's so interesting all right fine I won't be a bear for a little while I like how he recognizes the authority of the bear hello again hello acid carrion as are you perhaps we should travel together you know I was ready to go this alone but maybe sticking with the herd isn't such a bad idea and you seem like a useful person to know all right I accept lead on decided no Druid for me in the first Nani yeah I mean I can sort of see like the Druid is super powerful and I mean when we're in towns and stuff I won't be in Bear form it does it does hurt a little bit to pop in and out of the bear form for interactions in the wilderness but anyway a Starion let's take a look at you see his Crouch that is character sheet so it's a high elf Rogue with great decks lots of lots of odd numbers this is unoptimized nothing about being a vampire in any way whatsoever there you go he's totally not a vampire I don't know what you guys are talking about you know I was looking through here for his uh to see his weapon proficiencies I've been playing a lot of Ballers to get two still so all right level up now this does become quite interesting um because one could leave you with one level of Rogue and multi-class into fighter or something like that to get better combat maybe like a two level fighter dip for Action surge which is very powerful on the other hand that will delay progression of um backstabs and things like that I'm very likely going to generally leave people as single class in their current thing without doing any any funky you know trickery Shenanigans or anything like that um so yeah I'm just gonna keep leveling up as a rogue but it's interesting to consider so we will accept all right you get all your bonus action cheap moves which is good mostly a whole lot of hit points and that's all there is all right what now yes oh I didn't actually mean to click on you tell me about yourself who wants to tell I'm a magistrate back in the city it's all rather tedious uh uh I thought I was telling him to leave but no just ending the conversation that's good um I was gonna do something oh yes let's make sure sheleighly's up We're Not Gonna bear for him right now moving ahead so we can't move any further west is that a lootable I mean I don't know how we'd get down there let's get some helport stuff nice landscape though I mean that's really pretty there's so much effort went into this game they really didn't have asses a mind flare oh thank you yes leather cap unless it looks stupid I mean it's not great can you hide I think you can there's a right there no is there an option just hide the helmet because yeah I can toggle off all my armor I'm sure there was the eye above the helmet slot oh when you Mouse over it thank you I'm like there was something okay it's now to hydrant dialogues no I want it hidden all the time yeah at least for this some helmets we might show this one no deal with this down mind flare approach the dying monster this is the thing that abducted you you could end its life here and now if only you didn't feel compassion compassion given to the emotion this isn't right step away no you should be furious shouldn't you I'm gonna go with three yes you yes you feel hate and you deserve to be punished for it wait a minute should be whipped meant to Bow before this creature in shame assessing I think even kills you doesn't it forcing you to love it but then the feelings slip slit the creature's mind seems to focus elsewhere we can try to overcome it with an intelligence Shack although it's a good chance it'll fail oh yeah that's right we can get guidance from Shadow heart so it's redundant here if we're gonna keep Shadow heart in a party we really only the two of us to have access to guidance in which case I'd probably want to leave it on shadowheart because if we enter conversations with me in Bear form I won't be able to provide guidance at that point so when we do the respect thing I'll probably respect out of guidance for myself wow game rude try to break through but its mind is impenetrable with a last surge of defiance it slaps your efforts away the monster lies exhausted defeated its eyes wet orange pearls radiate man anyone feel like sushi nope we gotta we gotta close Those Eyes Forever monster death is too good for it and let's see how many stars I can collect so we got some elevated areas over here I'm just scanning for maybe some lootables all right I didn't see anything at a glance let's head Southwest again because I'm not sure what's over there skull is for the skull Throne yeah maybe we can use it some sort of crafting oh is it just loop around here okay little squeaky sounds I don't see any little wildlife otherwise I could talk to it but I can go up that way but we're gonna go here because I know there's an encounter over in this direction dead goblins over there it's worth checking for supplies Maybe next oh someone asked about the green item I picked up it's pushing a speed uncommon item potion of speed the birds they're mocking you know yeah you can't shape-shift into a flying creature that's interesting I know that o is the toggle for the Tactical mode but there must be another hotkey for it because I inadvertently entered it there but I don't know what it is tackle mode just like overhead camera what's coming on with that room looks unstable somehow bird wants the worm in your head approach the sigil on the stone magic Glitters and swirls from it erratically malfunctioning it looks slightly dangerous you know we have to touch it oh things DND characters wouldn't do that's the weird black glowing sigil a hand anyone [Applause] who are you slap the hand high five the hand new Strength Druid wisdom let's flow some words of prayer to soothe the sigil's magic high five Gail perhaps I should have clarified um Helping Hands anyone all right let flow some words of prayer to soothe the Central's Magic wonder what happens we fail you just lose Gail dead NBC companion whatever you're doing is working wonders now a quick little pull should do the trick so nothing of how you'll be lost I'd consider playing a wizard just because in the Early Access that I played I wasn't too keen on Gale at the time I thought well if I'm a wizard I don't need him is that what a wizard hand is I'm Gale of Water Deep apologies be better at this hmm at introductions and not wasting time passing Adventures no I mean I think for us and what the lures is no need to apologize are you all right a bit shocked but friend it's a relief and a pleasure to make your acquaintance pull this fingers say but I know you don't I in a manner of speaking you're on the North Loyd as well this is a busy no no it was a busy place never mind another one how'd you get stuck in that stone don't trust this man draw your weapon confirm the companions are definitely killable there may have been an insta involving Shadow heart above the nautiloid and a certain multiplayer person picking some pockets and triggering some battle I don't know what transpired exactly but the ship broke into pieces and I suddenly found myself in free fall so I was plummeting to certain death a spider glimmer quite near where I estimated my body to impact with less than Savory propulsion recognizing this glimmer to be magical in nature I reached out to it with a weaving of words and found myself on the other side as it were how about you how did you survive the fool I have no idea I thought my crap my head was going to be cracked open like a melon took control of ship landed safely save the day survive this all man no to be honest I haven't a clue fair enough but even so I have the unfortunate suspicion your Survivor is still very much in Jeopardy a wizard did it you two were on the receiving end of it yeah I think he does look different I think they've like made him a little bit more uh rugged roughed up they might have changed his voice acting lines as well to be I think I think he's less annoying but I might be wrong about that uh yeah no yes the eye thing was terrible I couldn't have phrased it more repellently myself no you sugarcoating it is there the uncertainty we speak of this parasite are you aware that after a period of excruciating gestation it will turn us into mind flayers yep it's a process known as ceramorphosis oh we didn't know the name before sure you it is to be avoided happened to be a cleric by any chance do you I mean we're we've got a druid and a clerk in the party but yeah we can't do anything about it kindly adroit with a knitting needle you seem to know enough about our condition to realize it's beyond most cleric's skills most no doubt but I find myself hoping to be in the presence of the few you don't happen to be one of them uh I was gonna ask you the same question Druid I contend to basic wounds and ailments but alien parasites I'm afraid not I mean if you've got a class-based option you're gonna go for it right established few enough can it's not exactly a common Affliction we're most certainly going to need a Healer and soon too how about we lend each other a helping hand once more and look for a Healer together it is unfortunate to do the preload they said they couldn't do the preload while like the Early Access available but I'm surprised they didn't like like pull the plug on the Early Access like 48 hours before release or something so that they can enable a preload um at that time instead and get people kind of ahead of things but because yeah it's a it's a chunky download yeah no I mean totally join us we're just gonna keep making friends we've all got the same problem we're all looking for the same solution let's do it parasite shared is a parasite halved or something oh but before you think you're about to embark on a journey with most ills he's giving me um thank you varic energy from Legend of Korra you know kindness I assure you I have a feeling someone else too can't place it and present themselves for me to return the favor all right for you yeah let's give you the level up easier to specialization available so there are specializations available here I think in the early access it was just AB duration and evocation I think but now we can specialize in a variety of different categories is it default invocation for Gale which I think is probably a good idea because yeah um sculpt spell sculpt spell means if we use an area of effect spell um although this is only evocation spells specifically but allies automatically succeed their saving throw against those spells and take no damage from them so he can use his area effect spells on a group that includes us yeah friendly Fireball exactly which seems stupendously good transmutation Uber to alchemical Solutions instead of one when combining extracts when you make a medicine check hmm uh improved illusion cast mind illusion is a bonus action ah divination hortent your dreams Grant you Glimpse that let you influence the future after each long rest you gain two random important dice during the day you can use your reaction to change the die of any attack rule or saving through a world near you to one of your portent dice so whether you rolled high or low on these it doesn't matter because you can always use the low ones to screw over your enemies enchantment enchantment hypnotic gaze Charming capacity creature okay uh it just create water as a conjuration not creating destroy just create necromancy Rim Harvest once per turn if you kill a creature with a spell you regain hit points equal to twice the spell slot level used Thrice if it's a necromancy spell well of being able to say Thrice an average residual magic of your spells forms a ward around you that protects you from harm so temp HP I guess when you cast it says spells in the Early Access did this only trigger an AB duration spells because I feel like this the Arcane ward in Early Access was quite poor that's all of a sudden quite tempting for a lot of temp HP but we're gonna go evocation because it's a pain in the butt to use aoes otherwise so we've gained two spells um it would be really handy if this could be filtered by type but here's burning hands the evocation now Gail's not going to want to get up close and personal too often on the other hand with his perk burning hands is so much more viable so much more viable what does he already know hold on prepared spells so he knows Mage Armor fog Cloud grease sleep which bolt which is an education spell but it's not AOE with throwing in burning hands oh sorry he's already got Thunder Wave okay if we've got Thunder Wave we don't really don't need burning hands burning hands does do more damage um thunderbay's got a push back but it does like Supply the sort of shorter range AOE kind of vibe oh they do Target different saves I'd probably prefer burning hands to Thunder Wave but if we've already got it um yeah okay I like the damage of kratomore but you do have to roll to hit whereas magic missiles always hits you know it's hard to argue with the consistency of magic Missile I think in Early Access expeditious Retreat wasn't a concentration spell I think it just worked until long rest period but I might be wrong uh false life is still the same way it gives you temp HP until short rest Feather Falls interesting like in a real uh campaign I would always be running featherfall I'm just not sure how useful it is in this um but it might be really important but I don't know we got find familiar we've got ice knife enhanced leap long Strider oh I'm getting confused between expeditious Retreat and long Strider longstrider is one that's not concentration and just increase your movement all the time hideous laughter is really fun um interesting Shield says until long rest but it's also a reaction but normally it's just yeah basically one round worth of increased AC maybe you can pre-cast it as opposed to just a reaction in which case maybe it just protects you from the next attack until the new the long rest it's a little bit weird but we're gonna grab it because especially it can be loaded as a reaction which means it'll Auto get cast when it does it I'm thinking work once and then go away I'm I'm thinking it's worded this way because with the game engine the way it is you can probably pre-cast it but we won't have to because we'll just use it as reaction so there we go that seems fine now what are we going to prepare for him uh Greece is hilarious but I'm gonna go ahead and drop it in fact let's go and I mean we probably want a Mage Armor Shield magic Missile sleep we don't need uh here's the thing I guess I already have witchbolt so maybe I don't need magic Missile but I hate missing with my spells we can respect later yeah Vlog is nice really all right that's blind but I'm wondering about a Thunder Wave to knock back people if we do get it up close I mean these are pretty straightforward maybe I could just drop sleep I'll sleep I mean Baldur's Gate one has me so conditioned with the fact that sleep is insanely op P but you know what maybe I do like that we can drop the fog on distant archers that are causing us problems unless I take sleep instead of Thunder Wave oh man it's tough and I like it oh yeah I think bench companion is still getting I think basically you you level up as a party but I'm not sure yeah we do want naoe you're right well I do want Thunder Wave you're yeah you're absolutely right so I guess it's mostly fog Cloud versus sleep oh here's the thing we can just sleep archers at a distance and we can also use this quite close yeah chronic group is great damage you do have to hit and you know this way with at least with magic Missile we can't get x-comed now we can change our memorizations whenever you want but yeah the companions went like a Starion and Gail like the insta leveled up soon they join I think all the XP is synced up all right we now have a full party let me I don't think there's anything over here but technically we haven't explored this tiny little area oh there's another deadbang Flair trap another potion of speed all right not full party it's not party of four is it already a five like the old sitcom well I mean I know we can fight lizelle like yeah we're gonna totally find Lazelle here um but I meant fool party as in we have uh the full party size if we get any more I think we have to send them to a camp that's what I meant Chapel entrance so do we want to do this before Lazelle is it the party I want to go with yeah that's okay might be worth checking if you've got any Scrolls worth teaching gay oh that's an interesting question um actually wait what did the squirrels look like in this game do we have any we have the scroll of revivify which is different I don't think we've got any like teachable spell Scrolls you know what I should do because I'm proficient in the short bow I wasn't proficient in the crossbow but a Starion is proficient in the crossbow I like crossbow is a rogue thing it's fine so we'll do this oh yeah scribing Scrolls cost money half price for uh view here half price if it's evocation Forum what's that hey Revival check oh give it a shot I found a dirt mine Mound but no hope of clearly I need a shovel let's keep an eye out for a shovel and remember that by the uh above the ancient door there's a digable [Music] so of course we're gonna assume that these people are probably friendly right sure we'll just walk in you dig in Bear form hmm Mr in the Rapier as well what's he using right now oh dagger I think it's saying that uh I think it's looking at me not being proficient let's see if I do this and do that yeah there we go okay thank you yeah that'll definitely increase his damage and he looks quite Suave with it um I just load up my inventory here because we can sort if I type here oh wrong person what to do let's work by type dagger Goblin blow I guess I could use that as well Goblin bow just seems to be a short bow okay and we do more damage with the Scimitar than the Quarter Staff am I getting like double my strength penalty because it's two-handed weapon oh it's a finesse weapon dexterity all right yeah which actually but then then I can't sheleighly I want to keep a Quarter Staff or a club because then I can chilly so yeah never mind okay I don't think I realized uh cemetaries were finessable that's quite cool moving in hello what y'all doing over here this is tall as me but I'm off that Bloody backbone but we don't know what that thing even is and what about the Crypt I'm telling you it's a ship and a crypt yeah be trying to break in for days now we stop got ourselves competition already that's our ship you pronounce it I like she legally that's great I mean no harm just looking around I mean that's true but also the ship is full of monsters I mean we killed a bunch of them but the ship is full of monsters I think that ship's an invasion for us run while you can the only thing you own is your own life believe before I take that too no I mean we're gonna it's persuasion but it's also true I mean more or less I would not recommend going near the ship it's full of bad stuff I got it why is everyone except the wizard and the lady who left and out okay that's true there do seem to be a lot of elves going on here although Shadow heart's a half elf and a Starion no point in getting killed this is an XL seasonal um second mouse gets the cheese no nobody's getting any damn cheese now Move It I Love How raging gets so we could have fought them all for some XP I thought we had a fight in our hands but we still got some XP for overcoming this it's fine do you want to see me kill a whole bunch of people just watch my balls get two evil to the core let's play or the ball is gate one insanely evil let's play you know either one of those would work I still want to do this because it's just fun right if you got a chance to do like environmental damage and stuff I'm sorry how did that hit you I know you were close but come on I did not think she was in the Splash Zone [Music] that's the thing if you're doing fights or even if you do a sneak up you can do that well shoot and out of combat the healing word's not that great but I didn't I didn't want a short rest right now I wonder what the next move is all right let's call that good enough dang yeah I really maybe it's everyone inside the square takes some damage that might be the hitbox for that is that blood that blood never mind I'm sorry twisting bites interesting okay did I click the plaque did I get distracted time and the elements have left the plaque unreadable oh there's a box up here let's go and take a look and I'm still downloading probably a lot of people there's no killing some people you're right I should have just killed them and then wouldn't have that problem hey they said no one would get cheese there's clearly cheese come on can I shove a box and yet you can also move things around anyone who's played Divinity original sin is used to this kind of thing the ladder up and down there but there didn't seem to be anything over there oh for that sack in a backpack rope I wonder if he's used for any contextual stuff these tools right enables you to open locks based on the sleight of hand check the tool breaks an unsuccessful attempt feel like we should give those to a Starion although maybe maybe there's like shared party inventory for that I guess we could check there's the thieves tools there does a Starion have any in his inventory he does what I'm gonna do is I'm going to send those to dolors and when we try to pick a chest open we'll see if it works or not I may have to pass it back and forth because there's not even shared gold in this game so knock knock there performance check yeah it's me let me in gimbal Buck triggered some trap he needs help now what would we do here and we don't tend to we don't tend to bully people we don't tend to lie too much but yeah I mean he ran your friends abandoned you here you know what let's start a community pool and see how it works so presumably yeah it's for it's in the overlay nice so you should be able to hit some bhutones oh oh that tooth's proven popular oh then the performance check coming up ahead feels like a it feels like a race but I think uh the verstappen option is going to pull this one off here I don't know if you type or you just I think you just click on your screen yeah you just click on the screen I mean unless typing also works okay there's no time limit there you go all right let's do this oh I love meeting new people so he didn't fool them okay so if I pull back if I grab a sterion and ask him to launch pick easy okay smooth huge tools are clear we got four so it does pull from the entire party yeah it's low difficulty as well no interaction there and yeah he's got his um he's got expertise as a rogue so he's getting to add his proficient twice oh yeah you know what I have skills excellent point um so shadowheart has got history religion as tagged as the um like the proficient skills although because she has yeah an intelligence of 10 I was gonna say no intelligence that's not fair intelligence is 10 it's only a plus two and a plus two she does have fantastic Insight fantastic medicine the medicine is really going to be a standout and yeah it looks like she doesn't start with sleight of hand well asterian's got acrobatics sleight of hand stealth huge numbers perception as well I mean so many skills but welcome to being a rogue right and as a half Alpha as well you get uh some extra stuff ready Gail is gonna Supply the Arcana history investigation Insight a little bit of persuasion and yeah I provide some of the Chit Chat skills it's nice that it's organized by stat here it'd be great if in the character builder group things up maybe by stat but it's not a big deal yeah we basically picked up all the wisdom skills we've also got the best persuasion in the party on the second best stealth I presumably even go in cat form so it has been implied that there's going to be a combat on the other side which like I don't know why we're running into just going to murder people but listen we're gonna go in we're just planning to talk except I'm I might I might be in Bear shape when we do it stealth bear they'll never see it coming I mean I could go stealth cat CH shape of the cat can avoid attention and meow to distract enemies it has two hit points I could I could Snoop a boot as cat form you know If This Were a pen and paper DND campaign that's what they would try like well we'll find a spot or just open the door crack and a cattle come through it's just a cat yeah I think we'll have a conversation in Bear form is what's gonna happen how button here we can quick save and see what happens let's try it let's go to cat form and see what happens oh we're so cute oh we're like a fluffy are we a Persian a ragdoll not a rag doll big type of wizard who managed to get stuck in his own pool I remember this from the a if you're shape-shifted and you start a conversation at party it drops a shape shift for the conversation but I don't think it actually kicked us out of it I need to stay to Camp Pro managed to pick up a wizard who yeah who managed to get stuck in the portal hardly promising introduction and then yeah we're back in cat form it didn't actually shift Us in and out oh this cat form has no hit points oh I think the whole party's gonna follow me in hey quilt okay we haven't started hold on oh I probably could have ungrouped and not have them come in I think they're still following you right now oh no they're not oh no they are so toggle group mode off there now they're not following me and yeah with the mouse cursor we can see the light of different places fully lit over there I love how like a Crouch down ears back down to the ground this place is clear there's a vision cone so the question is do I get instantly spotted when I go through the vision cone or not or does it still do is this where the stealth check comes in you say yes you do so where's the stealth check like where's the roll no stealth check no that's when you're we're doing this for science I'll probably reload from the quick save from before the cat Farm we're just doing this to like see things they should hiding successful receive condition hiding lost condition hiding succeeded hiding check against set free so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to end my turn now and see if they attack you and we're going to reload from the quick save in a sec we need to know how these Mechanics Work If I just hit enter is anyone gonna attack the kitty the answer is yes okay oh now we know oh I don't think the save I want to load actually this is the auto save from when we entered you're dead yeah one two yeah just outside before I go into cat form [Music] yeah who attacks the Cat come on rude you know we could go rest less heal Shadow heart but no let's go in yeah maybe I had to succeed stealth against all of them and I missed that won't draw any attention are you closer to the door you know what I'm thinking look at this radius not now what's the same the vision cone I thought maybe the size like the length of the vision cone might change based on your stealth oh shift C is group stealth okay Groupon stealth and then I think if you just hold shift yeah I was gonna say if you just hold shift you always get the vision cones there so step quick the ass stale it's been Century since any prayer has Disturbed yet who are those prayers for yeah it looked smaller but it could be that they Pace back and forth but no I think it was smaller in cat form ancient indecipherable text covers the plaque whoever worshiped here must be long gone oh I can't put the lid on the milk can I'm so sad I like how we can put out the candles though because light is an important part of this game oh these are worth a few books these books are worth a few bucks the curse of the vampire wow I mean that's not gonna be relevant to us because we don't know any vampires but yeah we'll grab some random books and sell them later they're not too heavy they're like half a weight unit cutting boards foreign you can drop in from the hole above can't you I'm trying to get the cheese wedge mmm sausage links more cheese some interesting pathing to get to these things apply Packer you come around again all right uh bottle care for wine me I'm online yeah all right getting pot and quill well I gotta take quills portrait of Fame wait a minute feign excrucially precise lines bring this portraits Undead subject to life despite his empty eye sockets you can almost swear in case follows you judgmentally Fane one of the best companions from Divinity original sin too lever for the door but it's already open if you leave your party down there and drop in from bear form to take this on you're not burst in Magic are you I want to select you but okay of course I am nature guides me oh I do apologize I meant to ask are you studied in Magic namely are you a wizard which you are not if you meet any Elder Wizards let me know there is a matter I'd like to seek advice on from a master or gatekeeping magic come on there are explosive barrels over there yeah I mean maybe a drop from above is that what the debris is here is that the drop spot or this one here we'd be right in melee right away but I'm worried we'd take falling damage so you know six and one half a dozen can't give up now I don't know why we'd attack these people other than I know that that's just the only outcome over here well I mean they'll start it I'll just you know they'll just be a bear if they decide to attack me oh you see an explicit Barrel in this room I don't see it entangle underwater Maybe now we might be able to bait them to come through the door instead I'm okay with tanking the damage in Bear form here oh oh never mind you're gonna shoot through me and go after Yale yeah I'm just gonna swing my arms and walk forward they get punched their own fault exactly ready that's for 10 turns huh to move forward first foreign that's interesting we could Dash up here and try to close the door there's blood in the air I know uh then they would be forced to come but I don't think it would change our situation much actually yeah range sneak attack would be enjoyable cover does make this quite annoying let's move here get line of sight I'm gonna magic Missile their spellcaster which could kill them but it'd have to roll very high oh you can individually Target the missiles excellent I was wondering about that foreign one shot one kill well technically it was three shots but we still got the one kill why don't you uh move back over here buddy okay you got your Shield reaction pre-loaded that's good can't give up if I Dash and use my bonus action is my reaction still up I think so so I could move to here and then catch people who are running through if they're looking to avoid things but on the other hand if I just move here fifty percent of the time it works every time that works too he didn't die but jeez okay we are murdering these people I mean totally self-defense I don't know what you're talking about to be fair they did shoot us first you know we're not running karmic dice running here we would draw an attack for opportunity so we're not going to do that but we will why not move here am I is it weird because I'm like super big here are we having size issues Maybe yeah I can't shove in Bear form which does seem odd and I can jump it'd be great to get a Base to Base contact over here but it's going to generate an attack opportunity here though that makes sense because I'm leaving his threatened zone so I'll just do this because we want to invite the attacks against Dell here because we have the the Druid double hit point bar ah there you go Mario's rage attacking Gail needs 11 to hit they roll the 14 I will cast Shield and deflect the hit so it is just one hit as opposed to lasting for one round as a reaction but that's fine to hit rate's not great here it's gonna be better with the Firebolt no oh disadvantage of course because we are in melee I think we'll just go ahead for the attack oh I could try to inflict how many hit points you got quite a few so we'll try to do this I'm not sure if we missed the melee if it wastes the spell oh the AC bonus does persist okay the visual didn't all right but we landed it oh my God that okay the cause pretty serious serious kill spell look at that disintegrated him I'm gonna move uh Shadow heart to cover here she's already pretty injured I'm ready through the bear and then again brake line of sight we want to invite attacks on Dell that is my Royal Pawn to cleric 4. I'm gonna do some more spells here because I think we're gonna rest relatively soon um how many hit points you got ten yeah D4 plus one yeah we'll unload them all here we go and depending on the order of the yeah no we needed all three to kill him so Fine Again attempt to break some line of sight so much for peace so much for peace yeah I just couldn't I just couldn't bear it all right I'm gonna run past here [Music] excellent I don't know really I'm surprised that's okay because we can just well again I think I'm gonna do a long rest in a second here so we'll just prep a guiding both surprised that you're having issues sorting out a smarter path here but okay Miss was great when you missed on a spell slot okay feels great so that's why I pack magic Missile um can you do a stabby stab here because you should get sneak attack really just out of movement all right well I'm gonna get you to come into the room anyway we could Dash but then we wouldn't be able to attack wait no a rogue Rogan Dash is a dashes is that show up somewhere different there's the cunning action Dash forget about that well I guess I can still do that now bonus action and yeah I do have to choose sneak attack I remember seeing that oh my God giant okay there's a sneak attack giant lightning strike just now so if I do a melee attack here it's just going to do a normal one giant hit of Thunder just went we might have a power outage or something foreign oh my God the house literally just shook from the Thunder um I should have checked here I had to hit modifiers are we getting okay we're not getting a penalty from lighting or anything we just rolled badly okay that was easy these days oh all right I have their range attacking there all right we're just gonna leave you here uh sneak attack my God should be using karmic dice up any chance there's a better chance with a sacred flame foreign just because they are wanting to attack opportunity and stuff so um I don't think a shove does much for us right now oh yeah you already used your uh primary action oh no you don't I won horrible there we go all right I was really worried because of the choke point but that worked out pretty well it helps it like Dell just is just so tanky oh learning spells there you go and it's key horse more thieves tools over there hold on a sec okay that's a book but yeah scroll burning hands oh which he already knows all right Journey Through the Jungle is it about the bare necessities below the Horizon when I first heard its call a thousand Reed pipes at once whistling a single beautiful terrible song it's coming jaw dropped her pack and scurried up the nearest bitter with a bit more effort I climbed a tree of my own and the two of us surveyed the grassy air ground beneath oh there it was again above and beneath and all around so close my skull vibrated from the sound the ferns and foliage under me rippled and swayed Jay held the finger to her lips and demanded my silence and in one motion it snatched her a Vine a tentacle it hardly mattered the hunter had found its prey Jaws scream right draw the swimming's name okay Jaws screams swelled then faded as ULU thalong dragged her away I leapt down to give Chase but the creature left no mark behind the grasses were untrampled the shrubs unbroken I had only the memory of that harrowing call to guide me something we're gonna meet later hmm keep going right so this door is stuck although you can't batter it down like we can we can read just fine in Bear form you know then throws a scrawled text the few legible entries seem to detail names and final words of numerous individuals Victoria explosion rothkress waylaid in a Neverwinter alley you're blocking my light Donna ree waterdavian featherlung what's a feather lung you can read but just barely uh womp womp cast to put my hands on everything thank you chest with nothing in it come on that's just a tease a mirror I can barely see myself in there the Mortal view eyewitness accounts of the ball spawn uh crisis or saga ball the ball spawn Saga is like the uh this Bowser Boulders get one and two The Guild seal on the inside of the cover belongs to a printmaking collective in Baldur's Gate of the corpses marked emptied yes empty of life as well yeah of course I remember you're the second that girl is walking trouble little thief always in everyone's business I'm thinking they're talking about imuin and that ward of Orion went right along with her no surprise a wicked God's blood was running in their veins Anonymous Kindle keep I wonder who that have been sarahvak and his lot are always the first ones that come to mind you know this all started with a bit of iron in Nashville everyone thought their weapons would rot out their hands back then I thought the problem was bad trade never took the man for a son of ball omnian mercenary interviewed on his Deathbed you dare speak to me my mistress was turned to Ash fighting those forsaken wretches I curse ball I curse orenicus I curse you hostile vampire of Cutlass slums Boulders get two stuff the five tour tether to pieces I don't think anyone expected more bail spawns showing up would fix the war that a pack of them started then again they were all inclined to killing each other eh good riddance here's hoping every last one of them has been wiped off the face of feyron merchant retired I'm not authorized to be talking about any murder with someone like you take it up with the sea Tower if you want to argue but honestly who cares if ball spawn gets got it stuck to them their father's a Killing Type after all I serve the Flaming fist several hundred more interviews follow most of them terse like I like these rules of books right this this to me screams of like a dungeon master describes it like there's a bunch of books in the shells and the players are like we want to read them all and the dungeon master's like um um you know they're mostly just they're just rotten and Decay and illegible at this point yeah sorry yeah yeah it's not that I didn't have time to come up with enough lore or just couldn't be arsed I don't know if it's worth grabbing those Rags but I'm gonna man over there reading without thumbs you don't read with your thumbs look it up featherlung is a disease oh right it was listed cause of death it's like is this some sort of um um profession or something I guess we haven't read these actually death what was the name of this book it'd be nice if it marked red like for the title because we're finding multiple copies of things death and Divinity a Godly guide you guys want me to read these or skip over them death is too powerful a force for even a single God to contain it is a duty that has been passed from hand to hand splintered into small pieces disease War funeral rights but there must always be an overseer of the cycle as life Falls away raid okay good Mr corpse in first room thanks sadist I'll take a look for countless Aeons it was jurgel the lord of the end of everything presided over mortality with his unblinking stare until even he grew wary young ball Bane and Miracle must have thought themselves conquerors when they came for the god of death yet he used their Ambitions to free himself Merkel claimed Primacy over death from Dragon's bargain a friend true but even he does not rule death alone what is murder if not the most violent of death seized by ball and his incessant greed what need would there be for Noble clemvor to judge passing Souls if one deity could hold the process entire even Gods can die after all those who worship death should remember that Above All Else all right so this is vampire one parking close and Beware of the vampire beware it's cold Beauty beware it's charm beware its curse above all beware the pale Noble for the vampire cannot bear to be of the common folk how Duff one protect from the beasts walk not in Blackest Night for the vampire loves I should say like vampia loves these Knights more than any other if you must walk do so by the light of our moon and take care hear the blessings and marks of your God at all time but remember your home is a fortress if protected well if you hear a knock in the night be wary let no stranger into your home if it'd be a friend look upon them do you find them pallid and Juan Wayne one see you any Mark upon their neck see you any dirt upon their clothes unless their need is great turn away all but the most trusted and if the Beast finds a way into your home flee leave love and family behind you will not save them if you fight you will not see them again but they will see you pale and smiling calling them into the night all right let's see here is there a corpse leave no corpse unloaded uh empty empty empty oh that's right one of them followed us into that room oh yeah the one I freaking like turned to freaking dust over here that boots leather gloves Javelin great Club all right random loot to sell and in the Early Access you could bash down this door but you do find another way to get through oh four stacks of books nope nothing in there oh what's over here the unclaimed I don't think we read that one in life her service had been impeccable daily did she devote herself to the lady of loss daily did she free herself from the tyranny of memory all in time was lost her her relations her preferences even her own name upon the altar of her devotion placed she the ultimate offering her emptied mind and when she died when she awoke and death and found herself standing in the pale and Faded city of judgment she waited for the lady of lost to retrieve her a million souls and more pasture and colorless gusts but no hand materialized in her hand no voice whispered instruction in her ear no guidance proffered itself from the bleached and Barren Sky time immaterial time passed around her like air coming and going and still the goddess did not come for her devotee helenvore pittied her as much as the Lord of dead is able but could not intervene declare I've read a lot of the Forgotten Realms novelizations from back in the day including like like clembor and um and uh midnight when they were in their human forms good stuff this cleric of the lady of loss unclaimed despite her worthiness might yet have one more lesson to learn that not of forgetting but being forgotten damn death and Divinity we read that one already the unclaimed we just read the curse of the vampire we've read that and that one too you sell them for a few bucks so we may as well there's some light up in here little squeaky rats oh we read that one oh multiple copies of this book it was a bookstore that's why they had multiple coffees can I sit in Bear form nope ah Chapel records fine dust coach the pages of this weathered book beneath the bone white powder hundreds of short obituaries are recorded in tiny script Roby and Tipple ill Mater drowning Evan Arkansas augma internal Rod so this must be their their Patron deity Dever and stout Saloon fever sulune Saloon probably say salune the plaque over here um no click no clicky the plaque you'll try with another character here just gonna have the bear lighting everything oh what's that what's that a lever I think that opens that locked door you gotta touch the thing that was a really freaky sound it is a skull with like a scroll in its mouth but of course you're gonna have to touch it how could we not around you interact with the plaque you do not recognize language on the plaque okay I think we're gonna do is we're gonna go to Camp right now and rest up dangerous to touch screen drop is bare hands oh my God demonic [Music] yo with the twitch extension can you look through the inventory and stuff and let me know if like oh I'm not equipping the best weapon hmm imagine we got a double dual wheel here launch your bag [Music] it works how do we offhand maybe I can't do it right now in the camp foreign weapons you think maybe hmm are you even get the tool tips wow okay I'm used to sort of 3.5 ish which mostly the offhand had to be like times all right well let's drop out of bear form here we can have some conversations light on my feet and yeah I love that we set up camp here like in this place I'm gonna ball have a wood well we'll grab it what's squeaked pick up the mugwort I was doing a run around Camp here and we'll chat with people find out how they feel a first day adventuring together is gone she's got quite the setup what is she trying to do with that [Music] let's try to solve it like a Rubik's Cube now she's just trying to smoosh it we'll ask her about it in a second I thought there was a yeah there's a backpack over here okay what's it open you gotta Twist It Bop It spin it flick it there's a toy called like I think it was called bop it that had a commercial that said stuff like that shadowheart definitely solves the Rubik's Cube by disassembling it see now now I'm gonna have to practice with my Rubik's Cube again if I go a month or two without doing it I always forget the uh the last couple of algorithms all right uh Shadow heart you need a you need a hand there also try not to impale yourself on that thing I don't remember those spikes but apparently you can get a gadget Gail seems interesting get a wizard from a stone hey yeah um so yeah yeah that girl seems interesting yeah yeah what's the story with that little artifact you got there inquiring minds want to know there's no story oh do you remember skipping but you're entitled to hear my sister had one just forget you ever saw it um where's the option of no okay uh what do you think of all that's happened to us so far we haven't gone all that far yet what are you referring to exactly she's got me there but you must have thought about our little stowaways I like that must I thinking about it won't find a way to rid ourselves of these these solid leads right now yeah I'll try to keep it on uh if you discover anything that might help us I'm all he is I'm assuming we'll get an audio clue when we get to uh who encumbered uh what will you if we actually manage to remove the tadpoles I mean live the rest of my long long life I suppose it's like a dumb question but ways not a slight on your company of course yeah I mean there's no reason at this point that we have any kind of relationship so why wouldn't we separate no reason for us to not stay together if we if we get on well yeah but where would you go home Boulder's Gate there's someone waiting for me there someone I have to reach as soon as possible hmm I mean we're just gonna keep prying family friend a lover um I'm gonna go with option two here no and I mean as much of the Expedition is good it's like it's early right seems personal I won't pry if it's not something you want to talk about thank you right or for light conversation how am I holding up in your estimations I must admit you've been a surprise it's a little early for this but sure not an unpleasant one Kindred Spirits are few and far between for me besides you saved my life aboard the nautiloid how can I do anything but sing your Praises yeah this is such a different version of shadowheart from The Early Access holy cow did they did they update her with this this version of the voice acting um at some point during Early Access or is it just this release version that's got this new this new take on her because yeah the early betas definitely had her a lot more snarky and aggro [Music] and maybe she's maybe she's too friend I don't know Casey if you don't save her well that's true too that's true too um you get to know each other more separately for now no you know what that's good that's good that's good oh she's going back to playing with her toy all right let's make the full rounds here hey ass tarian oh thanks so we've picked up a wizard who managed to get stuck in his own pool everyone's commenting on that hardly a promising Yale's getting all the shade oh that's it all right I guess he wasn't playing with the toy so we didn't have a way to start the conversation what's on your mind tell me a bit about yourself let's see I hail from Water Deep city of splenders I am a wizard of considerable Acclaim and Scholar of exceptional accomplishment I have a cat a library and a weakness for a good glass of wine that's what he says on his Tinder profile oh I'm known to try my hand at poetry what would it be called in this world it's not Tinder is it scroller I'm thinking of like um the owl house and how they have uh uh penstagram like like pentagram but Instagram Instagram we're talking we gotta get him a familiar cat um don't stop there you must have many stories to tell about your adventures as an arc Mage I like how yeah we'll butter him up did not paint enough of them be older FaceTime is good too uh yeah so rude do we go and use like the alithid powers to pry into his mind at this point I want to because I want the exposition but it feels like way too rude sender like the sending spell oh that's pretty good it's saved first here let's let's do a vote what do people think there should be a pop-up on the screen that you can click although oh there it is took a little while to show up mm-hmm embrace the tadpole what could possibly go wrong gotta make sure you can trust him um oh it's a tight one although most people seem to think that privacy is just you know an optional feature doesn't say illifid I suppose but all right try to appear into his mind if he won't open up you'll sneak in dc15 we need to we need not one on the guidance hey there we go we pulled it off you might still know though right we might succeed but he'll still know what's a okay I thought that was a clickable thing then his defenses who needs privacy between tadpole friends yeah no yeah that was uncalled for you're right my bad buddy twitch made me do it you're right I'm sorry curiosity got the better of me I mean we could ask him no no I'm just gonna apologize right away it wasn't cool not an eventuality I'm entirely unfamiliar oh you proves he understands the please don't try that again I invite you to I like how we all have scratches and stuff on our face because we're not at full hit points well I don't think he does I think he's fine but I do um esterion did he had some like abrasions and stuff on his cheekbones all right now crafting wise so I can extract all ingredients I suppose but oh I actually do have enough for a potion of mind reading that's already gotten me in trouble though any sublimate and a suspension of mirror grass makes the potion of mind reading single use I think I think I might already have one um one thing I'm trying to remember in Divinity original sin were there not tabs in the okay okay yes there's this there you go as I say there was I think there were tabs in that one for the categories like consumables equipment whatever but I guess yeah we can just we can just do this that's not bad oh that's the equip stuff including my Underoos any thoughts are Romancing anyone I don't know yet um yeah I don't know like with Dell and think we're gonna have to like see let some things progress kind of semi-organically uh and see where it is I gotta tell you at one point in the uh the Early Access I was actually doing multiplayer with kiss for luck and I was playing um I was playing a gnome Warlock and at night uh a staring may come for like a little bitey-bite visit at some point and for that character I was like I think that just awakens something in me it's kind of like weirdly hot and it kind of worked I don't think that would work with Dell Shadow heart maybe I don't know who else will meet I can maybe there's something with Shadow heart with Dell could be especially this like less abrasive version of shadowheart but we're just gonna have to see what kind of like what kind of Vibes and what kind of story we can tell each other about the different characters and what kind of relationships we might go so and yes I know there's some I know there's some bare love something I I don't know man I know that it exists [Music] um here let's just get just gonna drop a little bit of weight here just to give us a little bit more space on our capacity I think we were in a yellow area let me add to hot bars so add to Wares is annoying because um originally you could shift click to add to Wares but they changed that now shift click is part of um like range selection so you can select here you go here now what I can do is I can right click and add to wherevers in bulk that way which is okay but there was something kind of nice about the shift clicking I don't know all right I think it's time to just sleep okay we have enough camp supplies to restore all hit points and spell slots if you long rest [Music] that's weird we didn't actually do the rest yeah we can control click the multi select and add the rest same thing yeah but go to we can't just go shift click click click um good evening to you too you're a good sport an everyday expression oh we did actually literally go to hell we've seen how real what's on your mind watch the Flames sound more dejected when we first met ooh it's interesting if we just wait silently he might decide to just add more or we could ask him and what's on your mind that might be a little triggering because then we just tried to like read his mind right yeah I agree with gray and now Taurus and Halco yeah I think too devils dragons mind flayers they used to be abstracts picture playing with the Rubik's Cube in the background What A Difference A Day Makes now we have tadpoles slithering through our heads like carnivorous feet high that's not abstract I need different casual wear this doesn't work for me that works for me holy cow I just noticed that in the background whoa maybe maybe I should have played a different character I would have cool outfits like that too probably have our storage chest over here I can get my purple clothes going on to where I'd find someone who can help us perhaps we can get some raspberry with us nowhere what can I say but you're right we're in deep you know what I want to stay positive but this almost seems naively so [Music] you know what you're right we're in deep you know what Point well made I see I'll wake you bright and early we'll need to find a Healer before the wee one gets hungry mm-hmm um hold on do we not actually have access to our chests here because it's not a regular Camp I think that's the case and yeah I actually got my my purple clothes right out like I had it on Tuesday like when I I got my press copy and my purple clothes was waiting for me already I don't know if it's why but I did this is probably part of the press build um so yeah I'm guessing we didn't actually oh wait hold on another exclamation mark you want help with your Rubik's Cube what were you two talking about what do you mean if it's under your business would have called you over I mean it's true but also feels a little uh that's a little aggro we're just discussing the next steps I think I like that I see I'd be careful with Gail you don't trust you like to stir things up this feels like the the OG ea uh Shadow heart now I wasn't confiding anyone just talking everyone's concerned it's you know you don't you don't trust Gail he's a wizard all they care about is power let's hope we rapidly find a Healer I I mean I agree you seem reliable I think you know how important it is that we find someone who can cure us Morgan from Dragon Age one Vibe yeah that's what I felt too yeah the sooner we find someone the better agreed we might even get lucky and find one right away as I see it we're overdue some good fortune rest well start something with the Starion nope you still just chill all right oh he's reading a book are you reading about the empires you got a good book about that I need a telescope here I spy with my little eye nothing of no really there we go camp supplies so we have to choose what to do use the required amount of uh camp supplies to fully rest recovering all your hip points spell slots and short rest not using enough camp supplies will rest only partially covering your resource as I say is there an Auto Select there is now we've got these Supply packs exactly 40. and then we've got this raw food situation here it looks like the raw food is currently weighing more than the pack so it sort of makes sense to use I'm just wondering if some of these things can be cooked to make a more efficient Supply pack kind of thing but I'll just go ahead and use the this you know raw fresh food rather than it's probably all like hard tack and stuff and terribleness that's what I was wondering if like maybe you need the food for recipes exactly Piccolo so like I'm wondering if maybe I should just use one of the supply packs and leave the raw food but currently I don't know but I mean you know what it just describes it's a mix I like this you know we got some wine some fire swill we got some fish we're gonna roast a little horseradish with the sausages you know what we deserve a nice little meal let's do that I don't think the food goes bad I would be very surprised falling into your trance should have been as easy as breathing yet peace eludes you yeah don't actually sleep as an elf you just meditate for four hours with the wood touched only by the telkwasia world around you breathes fires spills across your thoughts dragon's breath oh the tadpoles slithers twisting deeper into your skull your head is about to burst the memory consumes your mind corrupting the trance this is really interesting so you're getting different sleep experiences as an elf than as other characters because I haven't seen this before but I also haven't played an elf before so I can do a wisdom check which I'm good at you have walk your dreams countless times before will this will this memory to pass or Constitution refuse to break anything I mean during the trance or let the pain claim you interesting but I'm gonna go with option one still use guidance that's nice it's pretty easy save I'm curious about like more of these like making the wrong decisions and failing but I think that's like a second playthrough kind of situation the Flames cool the spelled as the image you know emerges again Nature's Sublime Majesty as the trance stabilizes your breath deepens be it cure or cage something must be done about the tadpole every night that passes is another night the monster inside you grows nice Camp spot though this is great oh look at him meditating actually a staring as well haha oh that's cool all right no exclamation marks so leave camp in this case it's mostly hack up camp it's awesome all right so we pulled that lever so this door here should be open there it is kind of heart was sleeping well she's a half elf although a steering might be as well I don't remember no yeah he's a full Elf Shadow heart is a half elf so she actually does have to sleep never a dull moment oh this script is totally dank man Royal protection from evil and good yes I'm getting a distinct whiff of Crypt it's undisturbed too until now so the only person who doesn't have dark vision is Gail that might be important for like the hit chances and stuff later on the oak doors and death and Resurrection I don't believe we've read that no we haven't immediately we look for the dankest memes in the bank Crypt an excerpt from the ongoing meditex rebound by yosefa Elgin a scholar excommunicated from the church of denir for her heretical efforts to reconstruct the meta text her God's annual of lost and hidden knowledge of what value is a life far too esoteric a topic to Warrant any serious critical consideration between these Pages surely or so it would seem at first glance but once we push aside the mysticism and dewey-eyed sentiments so often clouding our assessment it is clear that across all the spinning planes each and every life does indeed have a quantifiable value it is simply that not all are equally valuable consider we already know the destruction of our material form is not the end if anything our souls are more free after death transcending planar barriers in search of a resting place that befits best befits our Deeds beliefs and station in life but even this assessment is subject to Market forces Lord kalemvor weighing our souls against how thoroughly we have given them over to other gods empowering them in turn there is of course an alternate route not the end of the path but the chance to retread it clerics across the Realms wield the power to return life to any Soul deemed worthy or willing enough it is strange then that though these so frequently intersect with those deemed wealthy enough for the components for such spell are beyond the means of most Mortals I have interviewed those that have made such a return and in turn have found them to be of the most dull and unimaginable unimaginative sort that I could possibly imagine that I cannot possibly imagine what it is they were so eager to return to I'm doing so good reading and all of a sudden like blood you have a true assessment of the journey is to be made then there is simply no replacement for embarking upon it oneself perhaps one day this great volume of learning will make me worthy enough to walk that path and Wealthy enough to return willingly dying so you can be Resurrected all a string I guess we have a jug on our inventory now sure no one's not lootable so we got a pair of doors heavy Oak oh okay that one's got a little lock symbol this one does not let's go through the unlocked one first sees the means of Resurrection comrades that's right socialize uh raise dead watch how you go the trap yeah okay no disarm toolkit available including for a Starion then uh-huh now if I recall correctly still alive so that's progress we might be able to do that I don't know if that's actually gonna plug that up actually it may not seem to remember well there's a button there actually that visible right away that's interesting because I know it's going to set off a bunch of traps on something maybe just when we loot the sarcophagi I don't want this button I thought you had to do a perception check to find it things have clearly changed should probably just go in one at a time here step carefully there's a trap yeah there you go that's trapped I don't think the room trap goes off someone's left to trap out until we open that nasty surprise caution is warranted here all right so listen Starion you're a rogue man oh subtle steps fine no no no don't talk now right click just like someone 's expectations be careful I might moving no disarm toolkit well we could push the button like maybe there's a disarm toolkit in here well foreign quick load f8 okay I mean we got the scroll of Resurrection but so they did change this from EA I'm pretty sure it is a hell of a trap because yeah oil comes out of these things and I don't think this vase blocks it although I mean oh delicious Maybe I'm Wrong you know maybe we can do those after all I'm wondering if there's another one there that we haven't spotted doesn't look like it covers things so I really feel it's different so this button is that's changed because I'm pretty sure you had to spot the button and we saw it from across the room how might we safely disarm this now oh Soul coin some power infernal engines an iron coin I prefer gold big question is can we set off the Trap at range yeah pushing the button makes a sound but hey quill pay attention there's a new subscriber hey Smitty roof I don't think this is working I feel like it did before but I feel like these visuals aren't right like did we use boxes in the Early Access shooting that did nothing shooting the button did nothing oh there's another and there are some boxes here hold on maybe we can use that to cover the ones that are right next to us and take a while to move but I don't need to like plug everything I just need to prevent the spot next to the button from Lighting in you know burst into flames like that you really walk over the wow this is like the scene with the Paladin in the D D movie okay let's try this yeah I think the button does turn it off but only after it activates okay so the I see the problem is there's another trap there I don't think this one's spewed um uh oil so I think there's another trap there we certainly didn't spot we could create water first that's true um the oil might still override it because the effect comes second yeah the door is locked I mean I might be able to do something with it I think that's just gonna be uh let's crack it open interesting I don't think I could um guidance because it was I think we're too far away oh and EA you should automatically return basement oh yeah I could enter chain race mode and maybe hit the button quicker oh that's his own transition okay oh to outside here oh yep go and bring this box over but then also what we'll do is we'll go and force turn based mode that might give us a chance to hit the button immediately but yeah I think part of it too is there's a trap there that I hadn't spotted so we're gonna kind of guess about the location it has an environment turn let us start a conversation someone doesn't like visitors that work way to the nearest library oh that was easy yeah okay I don't think it's the boxes I think it's the fact that I made it and hit the button before those things fired I just maybe you could have done it in real time too if you're just faster you could reload and try let me try again without turn based mode and just see if I just click open and then immediately run over and hit the button let's see what happens for science I want to know it does feel really brutal use two people yeah but I'd have to switch to two people really fast we still have this stuff covered okay well for two things first of all I clearly was not able to do those at the same fast enough to stop the fire from going but these boxes did stop the oil it's I think these vasens also did it even though it looks like they shouldn't I think the vases actually did work so yeah we were fine I think because of the boxes over here so it's actually a good trap the fact that this I the fact that the vases seem to have worked because there's no oil here despite that is a little weird but the boxes feel fine I did take a bit of an explosion from the fire but otherwise we're okay okay Watchers guide first uh what kind of oh it's a spear oh yeah when the spear misses Target the wielder's next attack roll against Target gains true strike that's insane it's so good the question is who would use the spear I don't think uh Dolores is proficient oh you are I guess it's a simple weapon so anyone can use it but again we might want a sheleighly um we could give it the shadow heart it's Versailles you can one hand it okay there you go she looks like a Spartan now or a Greek hoplite so yeah no it's insane because yeah if you miss you get the bonus to hit on the next one which is actually crazy good right it's not a light weapon so someone with strength which she's only got a 13. it's not fantastic but she's the only one with double digit strength in the entire party oh my God and yeah she looks like a badass with a spear right that is really cool looking oh there we go let's say can we F1 to select party members and the answer is yes okay so that's just the exit we've presumably looted this room oh there's a phase there but I don't think the vases really had much dark side I mean that's pretty typical clerics are great mailers because um well depending on their choice of God they can potentially wear heavy armor so I'm wondering if the key is for this door here I view most of our uh most enemies are hard to hit we're getting a lot of like 60 chances and stuff like that so the true strike is great you go yep item sharing is fine okay okay so I have a decent memory of this room scribes no sign of a struggle I wonder what was so subversive about their words that they commanded protection looks like someone wanted to bury their secrets book of dead Gods is it really locked this book is far lighter than it should be with such a massive lock Hannah search for Rune to sabotage at a minus one or shrank smash them lock well we'll attempt Arcana although I should probably give it to Gail for this yes if I had inspiration for a reroll come on guidance I need a four oh I do have inspiration all right let's try it ah foreign does not take kindly to your tempering a feeling like pins and needles lingers under your skin pricking and prodding all right I'll try to smash the lock open book not defeat me whack even worse through your body as if you just slammed a hammer into solid adamantine the lock doesn't budge yeah what if I try with Gail excellent choice yes of course book is far lighter than it should oh such a massive loss wizard intelligence open knock the lock open with a spell presumably the DC for this is going to be lower because it's sort of a specialized wizardy thing right because we're not getting to add our proficiency bonus from Arcana here right be a total plus five here it's only gonna be a plus three but presumably in jail smash presumably it's a lower DC Advantage oh we're gonna get Advantage situational there we go well it said situational so I don't know dc10 I mean it is easier oh my God we're gonna be defeated by a book one pull zero no book three well zero tempering a feeling like pins smash there we go oh wait wait minus one so we still need a three or better we got there classic DND moment everyone fails the M's just sitting there like oh my God there's some critical plot um Exposition in this book like if these idiots can't open this stupid thing it's like and like the BM probably put some like obvious puzzle solution in the room to do it and the the the players are just being like a bunch of chimpanzees gotta hit in the right spot as the lock opens a loose page comes with it Apes together strong magic Pulses from the parchment what was once script is now an obliterated okay well you loosened it yes you have a sense these are names a list but of what well it's called The Book of the Dead Gods ooh religion check all right he's got a good end he's got the guidance there we go gods these are the names of gods once lost but now restored after the second sundering the last three names in this book sit close together but are so devastated by the scroll as to be unreadable entire pantheons have dwindled and been Reborn silently recorded by this book act like divinity and then shadowheart is inspired oh lovely oh Gail's got it as well yep so they act like God for religion Gail got it for the sage I've used my inspiration up we gotta wait for a new one okay still alive so that's progress hold on we want to take this with us if not if not through if I do there you go a little Grotto 98 Subs on the wall and we're gonna come back to this side in a second I'm wondering if there's some like preliminary trap stuff we could be doing on these guys not sure we have anything for that this is not the world's easiest fight look at that juggle the Scribe of the Dead this Chapel must be ancient but it's a good thing we have Gail around to succeed in all these knowledge checks the inscription is in a language unknown to you how do we learn some languages come on I wonder if you can torch their Corpses interesting ill ready and willing my pleasure sometimes if you uh oh invalid Target really oh that is interesting yeah the game's like no no no none of that something over there this is just highlighting the button which was already visible gas grease oh yeah we could pre-grease the area that's true Health something just woke up down here all right well apparently we're on group initiative you come I mean you just happen to roll that way um so I still want Dell to be a Target on my way I'm not sure that's gonna work out um good fair fight a prop might be able to hit these two with a fairy fire but I'm just wondering about ice knifing oh you're out of range enough movement oh to get line of sight and that's not the greatest hit chance either all right I'm just gonna verify these pick up the corpses and move them that's interesting although that might be something changed as well all right go bear form they're very hard so we're gonna have advantage to hit these guys uh I don't know this one may have made their save and actually noticed I don't see any Sparkles there Gone With The Weave oh sorry I don't mean any magic Missile I meant to Fireball here yeah with Advantage High Ground Ferry Fire a hole too you know maybe I should actually I probably should have opened with more damaging stuff just to try to get the tempo on our side guiding bolt 80 chance with advantage eight we did eight damage in 46 because the average would be uh 10. I mean so not too far below average but still somewhat disappointing um I think I'm gonna move you up over here at a risk of opening some line of sight yeah why don't you feel a faith yourself [Music] shall we cut and run that leaves a staring now sarin could run it far enough actually I bet you can reach this guy we're gonna Dash I'm actually not sure you can melee oh yeah you will okay excellent no average of 46 no average of 46 is so a D6 um average roll actually sorry I undercut I was doing 2.5 as the average no the average roll on a 2d6 or on a D6 is 3.5 I was doing the math as a 2.5 one a D6 average number is 3.5 so 7 14 14 is the average expected damage and we rolled an eight so what you do is you add the minimum and the maximum and then divide by two so one plus six equals seven divided by 2 3.5 that's the average number and a die so now that was very disappointing silence okay critical hit oh come on game ah stupid scribe their way to like cycle through people in combat here who are at an active turn I don't know um listen cool what's what's going on here buddy let's go movement speed is reduced yeah can't speak that's fine we still have advantage on this guy because of the fairy fire I'm sorry what was our chance to hit wasn't it like 80 percent I don't know if that was 80 with the advantage or 80 like twice either way I am disappointed I'm gonna go in uh lunar man here give myself some HP and I'm just gonna skirt around this guy another step forward what go spill some blood oh I lost concentration fairy fire but yeah I still had a uh Advantage from The Guiding bold like I knew I still had Advantage when I moused over it said advantage so I I mean I think I thought when I Mouse over Yeah Yeah Wendy 1d20 advantage that's interesting because it says I rolled a three was the three the best of my advantage role did I roll like a two and a three jeez I'm ready Time to Kill with pleasure all right we broke the Silence of the concentration of the silence no good no glue Let's uh let's break out a magic Missile here let's target um it's an interesting question who do we target I'm gonna kill it's actually tries to do anything it'll probably get attacked by opportunities for Mysterion well he's only got 2 Hp let's hit him with one there we go and then drop the other two over here there you go I mean again he might have gotten a kill anyway but let's just make sure because why not otherwise let's just stand The High Ground if this guy runs to me he's gonna get attack for Opportunity by a bear so so yeah 45 the hits not great but what if we so you've yeah you've got your Fireball you've also got sacred flame which is a little redundant but they do operate on different saves 65 percent 40 percent or let's go ahead and bolt this guy again in 55 ain't great let's do it there you go 55 of the time it works every time [Music] more silence we knew the fight in Early Access looted all the bodies before triggering the fight none of the enemy said well we did loot all the bodies but I mean it's not stopping these guys from casting spells well they seem to mostly just be cast in silence um I don't suppose sure he's supposed to keep going trying to think will can't really attack this guy right oh I still can't get there I was like I know I had the ray of frost but I thought well maybe but dang because I was hoping to get into Base to Base contact with them so that we could set up for some attacks of opportunity Shadow heart Can You Reach no not even with a dash that's not gonna happen and you're silenced all right so I think the best bet well actually I suppose Gail is the best bet because maybe we can break the silence uh we can do some more magic missiles yeah two farts okay just run up hey you got this and now oh yeah three different roles nice all right you just walk up and oh is it dead oh it's this guy over here can I Dash and dash again I assume the answer is no but I kind of want to test it I should go here and just shoot him because it just says double uh where's it right here oh yeah I can maneuver so we can triple move again probably the best thing to do would have gone here and just shot him but I had to know for science no no no heading there yeah no range uh call it em dash I love typography humor all they can do is cast on here thank you or maybe they're just ice if you see a spellcaster attempt to silence it if it's not silenced and we just keep breaking it you can't reach but this time what we're gonna do is it's gonna be a dash don't go around back that's fine and Base to Base contact with it and then here we can do a dash although I was like oh sneak attack but first of all I think I hadn't used this but also they probably can't be sneak attack because they're Undead or no they did take the sneak attack damage all right so that surprises me but sure my face will protect me on my way oh I have this sandwich I didn't realize I'd be threatened here I made it safe is that Gonna Get You Out of the silence just just barely yep one HP hey good job I'm thinking cadavers as well sorry for a bread basket I want to break uh this because I want uh Dolores to be in here having a conversation [Music] a lot of effort to hide one sarcophagus so amulet lost voices gives us access to a speak with dead ability here I don't know if we need it for this I think you can just talk to us anyway just one stroke no it's just the one in here isn't it Aaron I don't see a second sarcophagus oh do I have to Target oh yeah okay talk to a corpse answer up to five questions oh I've seen this movie maybe I didn't talk to some of the dead guys who just killed oh we've heard trapped one from earlier right [Applause] this guy does look really cool although you those probably smell like dirty feet so he has spoken and so those Standish before me right as always what a curious way to awaken now I have a question for the what is the worth of a single mortal's life let's see which twitch chat has to say about it if quite the question what's the reason for it so he has spoken what he are you talking about oh wait this is actually not the um the more to life thing I think he he will follow up on it and ask us again in a second here all right I kind of agree with with option four that seems interesting here a peaceful and dead interesting why are you attacking me because that would be senseless did they answer my question yes ask away so this is the one I want you guys to vote on what is the worth of a single mortal life there we go so the options are no one's life is worth more than any other we are all equal that the per depends on a person's Deeds life's only value is this currency it doesn't matter to me otherwise each life is of infinite value and oh some of the old votes are still coming through uh and Merit sacrificing everything for the only life that matters is mine depends on the Mortal or elf some Mortals live much longer than others I can't compare them well that's quite interesting let's click on seven yeah you gotta click on the screen as far as I know yeah you're right how can we not Alpha if you've got like a special thing that's not just for um that not every character is going to see you kind of have to click on that right yeah some Mortals live much longer than others I can't compare them yeah I wasn't earlier but it's popped up sooner yeah now I think I think it got confused between the uh it's not the old UI for some people yeah see this is starting to come in now yeah it might be a delay vote slag because I did two um two votes at the same time and you're right see here's the interesting thing we had that book that did say that not all lives are quite worth the same right in that one book we were reading that it might depend on the Deeds so two might be the right answer in a sense but we're gonna go with seven here some more lies much longer than others I can't compare them it is mortality just the same very well I am satisfied we have met and I Know Thy face I Know Thy face too seeing each other again at the proper time and place farewell like okay properly create another Soul coin gold bottle of drow poison coat your active weapon with poison and an elixir of bark skin here lies the guardian of tombs through knowledge comes atonement I have like can't cast spell silence stuck to my mouse I'm not silenced I can definitely cast a spell all right so just a UI thing all right and probably save and reload and get rid of that okay speak with dead this guy corpse is too damaged can't Target Undead what I assure you is not Undead he's dead dead round oh okay corpse too damaged mm-hmm do do some people don't know about like the ability to leave here I hadn't realized because I did the first time that I came through here oh your prob loot them we looted what are you talking about we looted all the bodies well I guess we looted them before we killed them didn't we or is there something else to loot I think the bodies oh no there yeah that's an empty chest anything of use a little check here but I think that's all that's all looted I don't think that was done oh well maybe maybe they respawn some gold I don't think there's gonna be anything important though there goes nothing we'll just go mm-hmm you're Rogue oh you pick locked your way in from here that's interesting I don't think I've ever like ended up having this way I don't remember where it connects okay there's some knotted Roots there more balls that might be worth something over there oh do we still have a freaking shovel I need a shovel now he said I think I need more Pockets am I getting no I'm not I'm not encumbered I don't think we ran into a shovel anywhere morph into a dog and dig no I mean I can't do a dig but how about a badger Badgers got the burrow ability questions for me to answer you mean just waiting like a lovesick puppy that's a giant Badger short-term amusements are much less hassle oh it doesn't even let me click on it game I am disappointed I consider this a huge fail I mean if I can do that you can't you tell me Badger form can't dig up a dirt Mound come on I disapproved um because this is based on Divinity original sin 2 engine and in there if you played a lizard folk you could always dig up dirt stuff uh which is your claws and do you need anything special maybe we need a magic shovel I would love if you could click on the map and tell your people to go there or click on the map to move your camera to an area and then you click the ground broken must have been here a while sorry just a call from uh from the nurse confirming my appointment for tomorrow gotta get my my foot processed some more [Music] you think dangerous of course it's oh here we go hang on one of them we take it to The Grove hey what's going on over here zoru was right yellow was a toad and twice as ugly the thing's dangerous leave it for the Goblins to kill and if it escapes how will you oh a guest he's skull pounds in response to the prisoner's white hot stair her lips don't move to hear her voice get rid of them rather demanding for a woman in your position why should I don't worry I'll get them out of here one way or another not one way or another I mean come on we can we can talk this out right deceptionist creatures dangerous get her out of here get out of here leave it to me persuasion shoot the Trap down we must kill it before it harms someone attack the tieflings well I guess we're gonna go for the little white lot well how it's not a lie this creature is dangerous I've seen her fight but yeah we I mean we don't want to just attack these tieflings just because they trapped her yeah the options stuck it'd be like it would be great if there was a persuasion of listen no she's actually fine don't worry about it oh oh I've got some inspiration is I wonder is it shared inspiration or did Dell do something to give him some inspiration let's roll again boy you better be worth it okay my inspiration die is cursed I just roll worse every time I'm not leaving this fiend with a stranger kill then roll's been bad all game maybe I should run the karmic dice okay I'm gonna say don't worry I'll get rid of them one way or another I'm gonna I'm gonna tell lizelle here the words flow to her maybe maybe we can come up with another plan I know what grows inside you and I know of a cure remember how Keen she was leaving to [Music] leave me to True um so the problem is I don't know if this actually leads to us attacking lizelle or or what if this is just ah this way we'll get her out and now we'll be like okay you guys leave now don't don't start no I don't know if this actually leads to combat I guess we have to I did save I think right before this conversation so um we can just repeat our actions push comes a shove I mean if they're gonna go and try to kill her we will defend her and attack the tieflings that's the way it's going to go you know she's the victim here but we'll do this and see where it leads okay because that's going to be like try to convince them and then after she's down we're like actually but if it immediately goes into combat then he's right no one's safe at that thing Shadow heart approves not even us oh wait she doesn't like Michelle enough lower the Trap radio blade a good roll for one that I don't necessarily care the same way okay she's down you've got one chance there you go join me well don't threaten me oh no no matter what we're just attacking the Deep wings okay well this is the way it goes no you lying light rat we're already but I guess that's what happens when you fail some checks I feel like there should have been another diplomatic options available to us you know well I don't have any more shape shifts available [Music] that's annoying oh right I don't I was gonna shove but I don't have a bonus action because I should laid let's have some Carnage yes oh damn it why doesn't oh hold on a sec it did sneak attack automatically so you don't have to choose the sneak attack because I main hand attacked is it a Reddit attack then use sneak attack as a separate thing it's listed differently than when I do this this did it as a single roll like a single line that did extra damage I'm confused it is passive over here okay then we don't have to worry about hitting this button anymore I don't know why this button exists maybe that's something they could just clean up oh you're right we can do non-lethal damage I forgot thank you we it's because we're flanking him is is we had Advantage what was happening maybe the sneak attack is only something that like that button is for when you are um like stealth but even then you would think because it gives you Advantage so it should be automatic anyway now I can't do non-lethal damage with spells but we can't kill this guy in one shot anyway the most we can do is 15 in here I guess we get attacked again of course and you'll just move back all right you're not gonna be able to get in there um I guess in case we um create or something we're gonna toggle on non-lethal attacks bleed for me there you go we have true strike for next round I could shove you but we wouldn't gain anything from I don't know here we'll go here I don't think that's enough to really do anything oh we failed anyway but it would have been really funny oh I don't think she's gonna be doing non-lethal attacks yeah so they don't need to be the flanking is not a concept that exists in 5e um but the Dr the Rogue has something special where if you have another uh well if you have an ally in melee combat with someone then that enables sneak attack um because you just sort of Quasi flanking in that case there's not an actual flanking rule but you can still get that as a rogue uh you don't even have to be in melee uh and position doesn't matter like you don't have to flank from the other side like you did in like threaded or something um and you can even range attack if you're within 30 feet I believe go for the throat uh pesos oh I think it toggled it for the entire party so here we can see I don't have sneak attacks selected it should trigger it well we're gonna find out if it auto triggers it or not they're just like a rule just listed optional yeah well I guess uh it doesn't matter oh it can flourish as a bonus action no there you go knocked out it's fine don't freak out dude although we're gonna take off all our armor in the middle of combat because sure that makes sense let's move oh maybe I shouldn't have done that because now I'm not sure Dell oh he will be able to get in there and confirm non-lethal damage is on let's get this over with [Music] wow did it sneak attack when I flourished oh it did too wow okay that's actually really strong all right the tadpole hasn't yet scrambled all your senses auspicious but the longer we wait the more it consumes my people possess the cure for this infection I must find a crush you will join me um I think it's gonna go the other way around actually she obviously what exactly is a crush grounds when infected with a gay tadpole we must report to Augusto for purification all right but you know yeah I think you wouldn't go miss you may will suggest a wyvern bow to worms The Cure geez wow what a jerk all right let's journey together let's find this crash you see you got a cure even though we don't I don't think we like you but you're saying you got a cure so sure dismiss your weakest um yeah I think we're gonna dismiss you very well but heed my words oh Gilbert shadowheart disapproves oh cause we still let her into the party sorry Yankee must interrogate this story our very lives depend on it I will be at your camp do not keep me waiting yeah so I don't know if like us doing non-lethal damage is going to really change anything um with these characters showing up again or not or maybe they'll cause problems later showing up or not but you know it feels it feels a little bit better is there there are dumb but not too dumb to live you know so what we're gonna do here is we're gonna keep going until we get to the gates of the uh the town which I think is just off in this direction I'm not sure and then we'll be wrapping up the stream so we're going for a little bit longer uh we'll probably should do a short rest here time to get going I like how Shadow heart still has her Shield of Faith going on ah a shovel you're shouting up ahead we should check it out but be careful lime lemon and lichen die wait we dye our armor what oh I'm Gonna Save that um let's let's push forward I'll we'll do the teleport and dig later I want to get the teleport site near the town here am I going the right way for this oh yeah over here we could take the high ground with people but not a bad idea on group Charmed I'm sure yes yes uh is that blood no never mind can't afford to stay idle keep your distance darling yeah box like or multi-select these guys looks like new I still like the idea of Gail having The High Ground it was just wish it'd be easier to move everyone else in a group I did untoggle not lethal path lies before me open the bloody gate nobody gets in save Los orders what's going on goblins are on our tail open the gates therefore now you let goblins here where is The Druids please there's no time man that's nice Graphics so fuzzy oh you can drag the parties the portraits create sub parties oh okay thank you oh oh get him no these guys are lucky they didn't get their hands crushed provoke the blade and suffer it sting good entrance I'm I'm very interested to meet the new aisle will I guess it's will right okay starion's gonna have a competition for the flashiest person oh okay so piercing shot is something that's once per short rest that deals normal damage plus a bleed that's interesting and this because the bleed will do the most value Maybe now we could Dash four but I'm not sure that's what we want to do just like old time oh then I'm out of mood right okay and I will I will got that panache [Music] hey there wasn't a goblin there before [Music] oh [Music] death is but a word away radical Miss gonna try to shove it no I think Yale should probably run away what should I do well part of me is wondering if you should go up here actually [Music] take care of business over here all right we got 50 60 and if we use sacred flame all right fire bolt that is [Music] we've been rolling that garbage all day [Music] okay do I want to cast a spell before I wild shape well I don't actually have any spell slots I know let's bear it up now Dolores isn't gonna be able to reach anyone regardless [Music] we'll do a dash you know what we're gonna come up here and help uh Gail out oh it lies before me really oh there's probably not enough room for him he's a he's a big boy all right looks like no attack opportunity doing this I'm just gonna get in the middle of melee and try to pin some of these guys down sorry it's Alchemist fire no action what well nothing's happening oh it must be a throw action it's probably standard action to throw it it just doesn't show as you use okay I'm thinking the action is a throw and it's just free to use the potion to do it [Music] I sickle and sword strike them down all right there will damn dude the question rapidly becomes who to include in our party there's some good candidates and also Azalea but we're not gonna bring her I don't even know if that's how her name is pronounced oh yeah that's a friendly all right advantage um how do we know if we're in range for the range sneak attack okay there's the radius so it seems to be fine [Music] 88 Advantage attack dang all right let's just get in there do some more uh attack of opportunity coverage here although that guy's mail here she's probably not going to move away time to get some new dice right let's say hi The High Ground doesn't count for anything but apparently victories assured we get a breakdown of the stats like can I hold the key no just 65 it'd be nice to know if I'm getting like a low ground penalty or or something from here I haven't really well we hit hold two damage so we're not getting income penalties that's okay I don't think I need to move it's fine where he is oh she does have a rush attack presumably because of the weapon charge ah that does look so cool in combat looting oh nothing to loot that does look awesome we shove this guy I mean I don't think it helps us but I kind of just wanna all right yeah I'm Gonna Leave um a staring to take that guy I could Roar to try uh is it a boat no it's an actual action never mind so we'll just go for the kill yeah two hit points short uh but stay here [Music] [Applause] there we go we're still getting the XP even if we're not getting the kill so that's all that matters here um melee weapon with the sneak attack massive Overkill quickly yeah this guy's not going to want to do range attacks anymore knocking you both skatepipes different universes and beaches I mean well yes and no although Divinity original sin with a Baldur's Gate skin isn't the worst thing in the universe either this guy's got amazing AC he's the boss I suppose that makes sense here's an illusion get distracted it's one of those well you're not wrong but I don't know if you're right I guess or I don't know if it's meaningful like is that a distinction without a difference [Music] the combat does feel dramatically different from uh Divinity I mean and it's not just that it's you know the strength dexcon and D20 kind of system um but the nature of the style of the attacks the damage range um the action bonus action like movement kind of vibe as opposed to um the action point system It All Leads to in my mind some pretty significant differences you don't die we're gonna go for a shove all right oh my God I mean admittedly they're not very strong but still kind of annoying we are destroying this fight which is good sometimes you lose a lot of these NPCs which is you know kind of disappointing that was the last of them inside all of you more may follow open the gate I was disappointed when they announced that this would be turn based as opposed to real time with pausing originally um because I'm a big fan of games where uh I don't know what color it's not theft is it I mean I don't see why it would be theft or red versus yellow I mean I didn't get that killed it could be a soft bedroom oh there we go this one okay this Goblin brawler would be theft because it's a red chest stuff there ritual staff so maybe because we didn't get the kill on that but we didn't get the kill here well will may have and maybe we're getting um we're getting the value of will in terms of of lootability waste a step interesting oh we can toggle group mode back on so many skulls I wonder if anyone buys them uh okay so we didn't loot the ones that we'd be considered theft and I'm not too worried that they've got a tremendous amount of value in there let's do our level up and then we're gonna wrap it up it's been uh four and a half hour stream and I'm planning on streaming again tomorrow um We're not gonna start at 11. we are probably going to start um we're probably gonna start [Music] probably at one in the afternoon is most likely what's going to happen because I have a medical appointment 11. [Music] hello level two spells well we're gonna since we don't have to choose what we're learning here I'm not going to worry about what my spell prep is we'll make an adjustment of that next time we'll have to choose it for Gail presumably whatever comes I'm ready foreign yeah no someone someone had pointed out yeah we can do the grouping of people thank you uh so same thing here we don't have to make any choices but we'll obviously want to prepare level two spells a Starion should get a rogue choice at level three right yeah subclass so I'm assuming the Arcane trickster was selected here because that is hysterian sort of Canon background which I kind of like for him [Music] um I'm not sure how powerful the Arcane trickster necessarily is um and part of me is actually wondering if I might just prefer him being a straight up Thief he does kind of have inch resistance falling damage additional bonus actions that's really handy and then yes then there's assassin combat you have advantage and attack rolls against creatures that haven't taken a turn yet any successful attack role against surprise creature is a critical hit yeah we really have to work the stealth for this one quick as an alley cat in a rain dark city you immediately restore your action and bonus action at the start of combat which means again you're just optimized for a sneak in and do an assassination I don't uh I don't know if I'm going to want to micromanage the stealth thing it is a little tempting the thing is the thief with just the extra bonus action is so flexible in combat because he's gonna do a bunch of extra dashes a bunch of extra flourishes be able to adapt to whatever situation we throw at him and the problem of the Assassin is that I'm going to have is a I suck at stealth mini game B he's gonna start combat by backstabbing someone and then he'll be exposed in the middle of everything basically you vote not our King tourister yeah I'm gonna go a thief because I think for me and my playstyle I'm not saying this is the the strongest pick necessarily but the way I like to play and me not liking the stealth mini game means I'm gonna do a bad job with assassin so we're gonna go with Thief um it's just a tremendous amount of flexibility this will be important because we're gonna have to pick a spell for him gain two spells Arcane lock it's interesting I wonder how much value that has in this game blur concentration spell cloud of daggers then he daggers attacks anyone inside lasts for 10 turns an area effect that sticks around is kind of interesting crown of Madness so they have they can save and it's a concentration spell attacks the closest person to them other than you but it could still be one of my other allies darkness dark vision detect thoughts in large reduce so in a lot of these games enlarge was actually a tremendous buff you throw it on your one of your party members and it increases their damage I mean what if we enlarge the bear right the Flaming screw is interesting because the last for 10 turns you can move around a had gone assassin we could have paired up with invisibility here I mean acid arrow is just a tremendous amount of decent damage I mean mirror image such a good defensive spell so is Misty step actually 1v6 damage over 10 turns with concentration I don't think that damage is fast enough to justify uh scorching Ray is a fun evocation spell though I mean it's not an area evocation shatter is an area evocation all nearby oh is it centered on self no it's 18 meter range Shadow's just like a poor man's Fireball I think I might like that we can memorize that instead of Thunder Wave or burning hands for example yeah I like I like the idea of enlarging the bear I think I kind of want that yeah 18 meters himself it's not an 18 meter AOE it's 18 meters of South and it has some sort of area and double damage on an inorganic yeah all right I like this this is gonna be fun mm-hmm oh right they do use different slots because I'm thinking of the cleric in fifth Ed right or the the Druid like when I check my memorizations as the Druid here I have apparently I can't tweak my spells in this form that's interesting oh I'm in cumbered now I have a fixed number of slots and they're not leveled like they could all be the level twos but you're right in that Gale has specific memorizations uh no oh yeah because the spell the actual spell casting slots right hold on I'm getting confused between the prepare and the spell slots that get used up yeah so I can memorize even as Dell here all level twos but then I won't be able to I'll only be able to cast two spells and then I'll be done I'll have all these first level slots that do nothing other than self-healing and animal form that's right I gotta remember that 5e is different with magic than what I'm used to again most of my experience is the third but yeah I forgot about that which is very handy so we're gonna want a mix of both because I'm still going to use these lower slots that being said I think it's still the case with Gail that I don't have to worry necessarily about an AOE we um because we can just level two shatter so I'm then I'm gonna want stuff like probably the magic Missile still I should probably get him to like be casting Mage Armor I keep forgetting about that and I think I still want magic Missile and then probably the shield spell is a reaction which I kind of like the idea and then we do have our Scrolls over here to learn more stuff yeah that is quite cool nice interface here that's actually incredibly good I'd have to go looking for the Scrolls and right clicking on them that's incredibly useful hmm and yes we can prep all level one spells and upgrade them not all spells upscale to higher ranks but a lot of them do the through the uh the last minute the sub thank you very much Noms and malambus so I will be streaming in tomorrow I'm going to say tentatively 1pm eastern time tomorrow we are going to start some more Baldur's Gate two normally we'd have a live stream on Saturday I don't think there's going to be one uh this weekend and so other than that Monday Rim World Well normally it's Monday win World Wednesday a bit of a wild card I kind of expect we're going to be doing some more Ballers of gate three because I think it's going to be the hotness both for you guys and me as well so yeah but no live stream this Saturday because I'm going to um well probably need the rest after two days of probably long stream I think I'm gonna stream long again tomorrow but then I'm also going to be out of town so but yeah other than that folks thanks for coming out today thanks for all the new Subs all the new follows everything like that much appreciated I'm gonna go eat my now cold pizza and I'll see you tomorrow thank you very much bye-bye more goblins next
Channel: quill18
Views: 93,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: lUGA_DeqrTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 16sec (11116 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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