Baldur's Gate 3: Let's Roll the Dice: Let's Play Part 1

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hello and welcome to the stream I'm Mary and I got Baldur's Gate three and I'm super excited Arrow hello how's it going hope you're doing well let me know if the sound or uh the visuals need any adjusting if you don't mind I did do a test stream you're the only one here as far as I know um I did to a test stream with Pika and he seemed to see if it was okay so we'll find out I'm so all right we're gonna do let's see explore narrative experience playing story before combat balanced a balanced Adventure full of challenging choices tactician a tough campaign emphasizing strategic combat God no we're gonna go with balanced big pot needs a quick path to profit just make sure your sleight of hand is something what's that what's that race I don't recognize that race I don't know what that is I do play D D so oh is that a mind flare it is that's cool mind flares creep me out man I put it in her ear no it's oh oh God oh God no no no no no no no no no no oh okay for some reason my OBS chat doesn't seem to be wanting to work okay care creation uh these are all pre-made right yeah so we're gonna go custom we're going to edit appearance body type how do I know what's what okay I can okay thank you smaller wait I don't want hey no hang on I want custom oh okay so oh okay all right all right I see I see uh we want Dragonborn yes a proud race that values Clan and skills Above All Else once enslaved by dragons they tried to be self-sufficient not wanting to be beholden to anyone not even the Gods you can face racial speed you could move nine meters per turn okay Tim hello and welcome to the stream yeah I don't know I don't know why my chat's not working on uh oh you know what hang on hang on let's see if I can um let's log out of stream elements and then connect with YouTube see if we can get it working I [ __ ] it up earlier and yeah so log in successful loading yes I got you now chat sweet thank goodness I was worried about that all right how's it going guys going good arrow and Tim all right so where are we here all right so we're gonna be a Dragonborn and sub race let's see black dragon blue oh the blue one looks cool brass no bronze bronze looks cool too copper oh no this looks like a lizard man gold ooh I like gold Green Oh no red silver and white no I think we're gonna go with gold it's not a stream last night where it was like 2 000 people were watching so fingers crossed bronze because the time traveling dragons and wow at least Mandalorian Dragonborn I don't know I don't know what we're doing despite ancestral links to the mighty creatures these dragonborns share the resplendent shine and roiling blazing breath of gold dragons so I get fire breath 212 damage recipe for the cone and saves targets to level half damage and sub race features draconic ancestry the blood of ancient dragons flows through your veins you are resistant to fire damage sweet and then silver is ice damage right yeah cold okay all right but how do I okay so if I'm now I can edit my appearance I am female there we go oh oh I like her head the tentacles remind me the tentacle dreadlocks remind me of Predator hello and welcome to the Stream Taco Tuesday oh no we're going to Taco Tuesday oh my God okay what's our voices sound like Hills something just woke up down here I like that one be wary it's opened I wonder what's back there more of those there's magic keeping this where to next what was that let's hook health something just woke up down here I'm gonna go with that one base no we like that one oh and I get to I get to choose my horns okay [Music] Pizza Dragonborn Pizza Dragonborn we're not making a pizza Dragonborn oh that looks like black dragon horns that's red dragon I think oh no no that's what I just had foreign [Music] I think [Music] Taco Dragonborn then Taco Dragonborn no we're not doing any of those okay we're gonna go with this one I think reptile Frills yeah because gold dragons have frills thank you Tim for the 2.30 something cents thank you again too for subscribing thank you guys welcome to the stream I appreciate it oh chins okay let's do chins now wait does that does it is it just the chin it is okay so do I want a pointy chin I don't know oh this is gonna take me forever you guys oh I kind of like that one let's go with that one 30 something cents yeah [Music] um 34 cents no yes ah something like that this is why we're starting the stream three hours early this is exactly why we're starting the stream three hours early Jaws oh I get to pick so much stuff I don't like that makes me look like I got a beard maybe that one big spikes little spikes ooh spiky spikes you trust me with the mat don't trust me with math in my head man I like that one I go with that one yeah we're gonna go with that one skin color gold two do we have other girls oh we do oh that one's got oh oh look at that one oh oh I like that one too oh damn um okay it's between this one mess with Miri yeah Mary does not do math well in her head or where's the other one but this one oh yeah that one so that one or that one I think I'm gonna go with this one it's purple all right so that's that all right body art piercings ooh can I have piercings fast and start oh on my eyebrows got this stud muffin on my nose subdure lips Loops sorry Loops oh on my Note my nostrils okay midnight tears on my jaw silver got lots of piercings there got a bunch of them dark moons I don't see this one that's until it is it that right there it might be that right there I can't tell hang on yeah it was okay oh that's cool I might like that one let's see what else we got spikes Minotaur ring I wish I could have multiple okay let's go with the yeah we're gonna go with those suffice to say hello and welcome to the Stream can I zoom in more yes I didn't think about it but yes I can I mean I know I'm gonna change the eye color but uh the blue is pretty cool hi picka welcome to the Stream as we always go with green eyes or should we go with purple eyes matches my frills oh I'm undecided chat flame purple um working but lurking I love that I love the flame in the corner of the eye looks like it's burning that's awesome all right we're gonna go with the dark purple I can't be a hot dragon yeah the detail is amazing isn't it all right makeup dragons can have makeup oh oh I see cat eyes it's hard to tell oh because it's let's change the color of it first let's make it bright colored I mean we're not gonna do pink but this way we get to see it better I think I haven't read no red you can't see teal the darker colors you can't really see right yeah so we need to make it a bright color yeah let's stick the green so we can actually see it first okay now so that one cat eyes kind of like the cat eyes jumbo did I say yambo's name already I don't know I love saying yambo's name gumbo jumbo that one's intense an intense cat eye it goes all the way up there oh this one's cool looking though oh I like that one I think we would go with that and then you think I should do a light purple oh do all the purple man I don't know I don't think I like the purple [Music] but it draws the attention to the eyes it does Pancho hello and welcome to the Stream Orange it looks good let's go with orange let's do the orange we're gonna confirm that and then oh there's a lip tent too a lip tint I don't see it do you guys see it I don't see a lip tint I don't see anything changing [Music] yeah nothing's changing on this okay we'll just we'll just do bright red and believe it at that I don't know all right tail oh I can have a tail tail yes tail turn around all right what do we got a skinny one with a spike on the end got a spiky one with a claw on the end we got a bumpy one with another Spike uh I think this one the most the tail is going to clip through so much stuff isn't it I don't know do you think the Tails gonna work well it looks like a cat it moves like a cat tail not like a lizard tail which I like this one reminds me of the alien's tail actually no this one reminds me of aliens tail I think I like this one let's go with this one did you say something about the slider oh I see it okay it was way down so you can tell that it was doing anything I see there it is all right blue dark blue purple pink bright red oh I don't know Ray the plays would have to confirm but I think in current gen d d dragonkin don't have tails um I think it's optional I mean it doesn't matter there you can you can have Taylor not tail it's D and D you can do whatever the [ __ ] you want burger with that I don't know why but I like it all right so that's all done okay gold Dragonborn class let's change your class because we're not gonna be a cleric all right so usually do an orange cat on Uncle Rico van I have no idea what you're saying Pancho so normally in D and D I either play like a ranger or a um a fighter that specializes in bows or I play sorcerer those are my like Ranger and sorcerer are my two favorite to play unrivaled Scouts and tractors oh honing a deep connection with nature in order to hunt their favored prey hand trips true strike paying advantage on your next attack roll yeah two turns Beast Tamer fine familiar summon a familiar a face spirit that takes an animal form of your choosing or sorcerer hmm [Music] wait why did I say orange cat an orange an uncle rico spam I don't know [Music] play a sorcerer are natural spellcasters drawn on inherent Magic from a gift or bloodline bone chill I always forget the uh there's a spell that I always get confused in DND and it's um I'm gonna say it's like Chill Touch or something like that and I always think it's an ice spell but it's not it's a necromancy spell ass and splash true strike lights chromatic orb and magic Missile magic Missile last features level one spell slots unlocked you gain two level one spill slots which are restored on a long rest yeah I'm kind of oh I'm so torn all right we're gonna go sword my my very first d d character was a sorceress so we're gonna get a sword what's details deficiencies weapons daggers quarter staffs light crossbows okay yep sorcerer it is all right so can trips Charisma spellsave DC is 13 spell attacks plus five I know what all this means so I'm not reading it but if you want me to read all this stuff I will you remember my first DND character of course you were there a bonus to melee and range spell attacks improves your chance to hit certain spells selection change your cantrip selection by choosing the spell list below cantrips don't use spell slots and can be used to cast at will okay I don't know cursory hello and welcome to the Stream acid Splash throw a bubble of acid that damages each creature it hits is it a orb I guess or a circular Splash true strike lights what else to order options blade Ward [Music] that saves me some damage Mage hand special hand that can manipulate and interact with objects poison spray [Music] that's true strike friends gain advantage on Charisma checks against a non-hostile creature in higher difficulty modes the target might accuse you of enchanting them yeah it's always a risk Dancing Lights Firebolt ooh I don't think I need Firebolts because I've got fire breath it's like Ray of frost reduces the target's movement speed okay disadvantage on creatures with metal armor that one's good minor illusion see I don't think I want bone chill I think I'm gonna go with shocking grasp instead [Music] okay acid Splash is good deck save that's melee oh that's melee though oh all right good night Tim yeah yeah breath weapon um I you know I don't know I don't remember um does it tell me on Saved Target skills saves half damage no there is no um cool down or at least not according to this [Music] okay so that's a deck save I do want to have at least one melee spell so I think we'll keep shock and grasp and then these are fuse an object with an aura of light until long rest only affects one target at a time that would be a light source at least I use it in in D as a light source because it casts light right I think there's Dancing Lights illuminate a nine meter radius let's go with this one instead all right spells we're gonna keep magic Missile because magic Missile is awesome what is this one chromatic orb early sphere that deals three to 24 Thunder damage and possibly creates a surface on impact possibly creates a surface on impact alternatively choose a different type of damage what does that mean possibly creates a surface on impact I'm not familiar with that burning cans charm person color spray I usually like to do um color spray it's a good one disguise self expedia's retreat false life feather falling fog cloud ice knife oh that one sounds good can't sleep Mage Armor let's see is there a save on magic Missile there's not Shield sleep oh sleep's always a good one let's go to sleep instead of of orb I always like sleep all right and then subclass wild magic I've never done wild magic your powers come from ancient forces of chaos they turn within you waiting to burst free at any time I always do draconic bloodline because I love dragons tides of chaos activate to gain advantage on your next attack roll ability check or saving throw increase the chance of wild magic search see I don't like the wild Magic surges wild magic stems from the forces of chaos it turns within Sorcerers that wield it waiting to burst free iconic ooh look at my arms oh they're so cool your veins carry draconic magic the result of a powerful Dragon ancestor iconic resilience your hit point maximum increased by one for each sorcerer level and draconic resilience Dragon like scales cover parts of your skin when you aren't wearing armor your base armor class is 13. you're seeing a short rest for breath weapons okay storm sorcery I'm not familiar with this one is it changing how I look it is why no it's changing my arm color look at that we're gonna go with draconic bloodline because I like the arms that's the only reason why [Music] um Choose Your Dragon ancestor the damage type associated with that Dragon will influence later features well we're gonna go with gold because that's what we are right disguise self level one wait there's inspect magically change all aspects of your appearance what does this do what happened okay it just dims everything around it and just shows that better okay no there's no catch iconic bloodline enjoy your nap all right our background what are we gonna be I don't know Immaculate in service of Temple learning sacred rights nah charlatan uh criminal no Entertainer nope folk hero you're a champion in the Common People challenging tyrants and monsters protect the helpless saving innocence in imminent danger will make your Legend grow animal handling and survival I don't know I don't have one please play as bear a noble I might go Noble you're raising a family among the social Elite accustomed to power and privilege accumulating renowned power and loyalty raise your status history and persuasion Outlander is usually a survivalist grew up in the Wilds yep far from the Comforts of cult civilization Sage you're curious and well read with an unending thirst for knowledge learning about rare lore of the world will inspire you to put this knowledge to Greater use Arcana in history I might go Sage I'm leaning towards Sage or Noble I'm gonna go Sage yeah let's go Sage Where'd I get deception from lion cheat manipulate the truth I mean I'm okay with it but all right let's go sage and our abilities um I don't know if I should keep option why my professional professor in deception what gives me this I wish you told me what it gave me history in our Connor from Sage no I'm not an Argonian Prisma bonus plus one the Constitution I think that's because I'm Dragonborn can I not uh do random I mean obviously is this random deception and persuasion yeah it's not Entertainer though um yeah I'm not sure I'm not sure where that comes from they don't have a detail I'd have to I'd have to bust out my uh DND book and I'm not gonna do that so I guess we'll leave it I mean 17 is not bad for charisma these are bad stats I mean I don't like eight strengths I'd rather have that a little higher but but we'll keep it the way it is yeah it's fine okay are we done I think we're done it only took me 30 minutes to make my character it wasn't that hard there is no face cursory all right name Mary mono are we done yeah it looks good yeah all right let's proceed wait what's a guardian what there's more what what's a guardian I don't know what are we gonna do chat if Yankee okay the name gift Yankee is familiar but I'm not familiar with the race foreign [Music] let's see if they show up in my dreams okay so it's not somebody that I can like actually use that follows me around not like in Dragon's Dogma should we do tiefling these things are cool it's too tiffling a sub race as modest teethley found I don't know much about tieflings to be honest bound to nessus the deepest layer of the hills these tieflings inherited the ability to wield fire and darkness from The archdevil osmodeus Infernal bloodline Mistoffelees tiefling descended from the arch devil Mephistopheles these tieflings are gifted with a particular affinity for Arcane Magic zariel tieflings from zariel's bloodline are empowered with martial strength and can Channel searing flame to punish their enemies let's do this one okay you want to go male he's big let's go mail and we'll go big we'll we'll have a we'll have a a clear change of uh good luck ooh I like that it's nice and deep fat remarkable okay truly there's only two not sure what's really changing here like the jawline and everything should make him a chad let's go with that one skin color smoke tone I want them to be red I like the dark red no no not that dark you can make a white I ordered a movie like white white that's not that's not what I'm thinking though he's too pink here's a white Lexi hello and welcome to the stream what is it let's go with this one okay ooh scarring laughs sweet congratulations I'm so happy for you that's a lot of scarring that looks like scarring on purpose it's burn marks ah I like this one let's go with that one maturity make you old I keep them young freckles no freckles I don't like freckles there's no Freckle intensity ooh no we're not doing that either all right so that's done body art oh yes body art please I like that one [Music] that one's cool too let's go with this one what else is there oh wait there's more okay that one's cooler I'm all about the swirlies ah there's so many options chat oh that one okay let's go with that one that one's cool we're going with that one and the color purple no it doesn't look right the bright colors don't look very good let's go dark dark blue no you know what it might be better black oh green let's do the green let's do that one jungle green piercing Style lapis stud muffin I like that oops midnight tears dark moons oh these are the serpents on my jaw foreign let's do the same earrings there yeah okay eyes monik yellow [Music] demonic green ooh that one yes okay makeup nah he doesn't need your makeup Maybe we could make it the same green right it's darker that just looks black that looks close leaves they don't have emerald green we'll go with that one metallic tint I don't see a difference glossy tint ooh glossy man no glossy lip tints that works yeah italic yeah doll's fine okay air what hair do we got we're not going bald no Maybe interesting no I kind of want to go with like an old um uh if they had a long ponytail they had a long ponytail like that one I might go with this one we'll see what else they got foreign no I'm not liking anything else that I'm seeing here oh no no no no no no no no yeah let's go wait what was that one oh a braid no we're going long ponytail you guys where'd it go long ponytail it is all right color um [Music] yeah six hours of character creation I don't know yeah I'm gonna play at least six hours I don't know how long dark looks the best maybe I should stick with the brown yeah what was Black look like yeah let's go with black all right highlights the highlights look like oh they don't have a moon oh okay um no highlights um graying no he doesn't need any graying all right facial hair I don't think he should have any facial hair uh [Music] yeah we're gonna go with no facial hair all right the way to change his horns too sweet uh no oh um I went with um Regular the middle one [Music] not a tactician and not story mode you want twists I like the twists oh hiccup [Music] I never liked the Rams horns on other creatures besides Rams let's go with the twists yeah we'll go with twists oh I can change the horn color too oh interesting two-toned strange let's go with that oh horn tip color oh okay I can change ah let's go with the lighter yeah yeah that looks good all right we're going with that all right I think we're done Venture fourth here we go are those dead bodies more mind players oh it looks smaller than him [Music] what is this what is that oh my God is he going to try to ring the bell for alarm why would he already be up there foreign that guy had a good idea of running oh perpendicular to the ship Red Dragon that's strange with riders what's going on so is the ship alive thank you do they I didn't know that see I don't know anything about the gift Yankee [Music] yeah I don't have much experience I know of Mind players but I've never fought with any in DND [Music] this is freaking awesome it's freaking awesome don't leave me here get me out [Music] oh [ __ ] where are we imps those look like imps Plumbing left control allows you to destroy something I don't know it went by too fast you can lock your hot bar but actually moving spells and abilities oh sweet oh it's me I don't like my outfit but it's me I look so freaking cool bye Lexi see you later my head all right Journal updated escape the nautiloid SJ to review Quest Journal find a way off the not allowed we've been abducted by mind players infected with some kind of parasite we need to find a way off the ship who is we okay how do I get out of this uh there's an X up there all right oh okay W.A Steve moves my camera right clicked Community yes okay look at all my things I could do CentraCare you can always refocus the camera around your current character home or left Mouse button double-click portrait to Center camera this is my portrait and these things have stayed interesting okay spell slots can trips my spells bonus actions shove jump yip potion of healing actions okay how do I get back to where I where it showed all of them ah crap I screwed up chat oh there we go okay cool oh and I can move them oh yes all right cool ah [ __ ] wsd doesn't move my okay what is this someone else got out all right check them all out I guess might be able to survive us might still be stuck inside if we hadn't been attacked the dead mind flare something good here I hope level eight who Onyx it is said when Char walks upon the Earth she leaves a path of Onyx behind her uh well we're gonna take that how do I yeah take all dead good okay [Music] was this Nursery is the pool that thing came from the parasite now Rising behind your eye oh reach towards Port no investigate we'll investigate it skill checks some dialogue options require a skill check a dice roll that must meet or exceed a target number your character skills and add a bonus to this role it tells you the difficulty oh I don't like that my DM's always kept the difficulty uh hidden I get a plus one to intelligence of 12. memory and mental power improve spell casting for wizards plus one is saving throws plus one from intelligence total bonus of this one okay the dice I can read sweet sweet the casing is fragile the slightest touch could cause it to crumble reach toward the pool sounds like a bad idea but we're gonna do it oh yeah that was a bad idea you can use a restoration pod to fully recover your hit points and spell slots if you are hurt ooh okay I blew it Up chat what is this restoration I feel better okay anything else yeah I haven't looked at this one yet look at the rest I think everyone made it out alive all right so I guess we're leaving now through the sphincter no I do not like oatmeal no time to rest a goblin they're even abducting goblins what the [ __ ] was that we will take this gold a brain jar what the hell's a brain jar oh Rune slate a schematic of a nautiloid flashes into your mind sinews much living being as ship all right does that mean I know we can't access it no okay they attacked the brain jar I can sweet hibiscus chair I can sit in the chair all right okay what the [ __ ] is that noise can't see can I rotate the camera I I cannot rotate the camera why can't I rotate the camera you can okay how middle Mouse button nope ah there we go okay help us neural apparatus oh it's an elevator damn you elevators I'm gonna break all the brain jars because those don't seem like a good idea whoa dragon can I not attack it again I have to click attack every time plastic brine oh I'm taking damage ah I should be careful oh no I'm gonna die already get out of there [Music] oh no I'm a teal okay oh no all right um I don't have any healing spells what is this revisified revive a companion they return to life with one hit point oh healing potion four to ten healing 2d4 plus two heals and removes the burning a drop for curing minor cuts and bruises okay at least I'm not gonna die immediately let's stop attacking the brain jars okay this thing that's talking oh he doesn't look so good Chad look at my Swagger oh zombie oh brain yes to save us from us from a place from this place you'll free us the exposed brain Quivers an expectation please before they return they return um who am I talking to a man or a brain I think you're past the point of saving tell me what to do you sound afraid why so many enemies a newborn from this husk you know no creature like this one that is more brain than person destroy the brain tell me what to do remove us from this from this case free us inspect the exposed brain break the skull gently prize the brain from the skull destroy the brain respect the insposed brain I just gotta put the dice not the button yeah yeah made it swelling of the brain causing pressure where it strains against the shell of the skull we are going to attempt a cerebral extraction staying mindful of the swelling oh um I'm I'm I'm aiming towards dexterity I think my dexterity is higher and I don't think I have I think wisdom is medicine isn't it oh or was that intelligence dexterity okay staying mindful of the swelling oh Advantage lets you roll two dice and take the higher result from adding modifiers a 10. why do I get Advantage so it makes you more likely to why is it situational is it because I succeeded on my earlier inspection of it sweet holy crap my rolls what's going on I don't roll this well normally normally my rolls are [ __ ] brain surgery it's from the skull you could [ __ ] the strange creature making it more subservient should it prove a threat oh spare the creature inner oh oh how are we gonna play this you guys because like I could play it yeah we could play it a bit um chaotic if I if I make it more subservient to me that would be in my best interest right I wish I could have changed my weapon starting with them um technically yes but I mean you can they can be anything I mean you could have been a goal I could have been a gold dragon raised by a Red Dragon for example and it caused me to be evil just as an example I'm not gonna eat the brain karsui bear the creature energies might weaken it but it could turn against me we're gonna I don't I'm afraid of destroying it if I if I do this one from dexterity all right interesting you can't once you make your choice you can't it's a 15. oh no you can't go back what is this oh customized dice okay yeah come on baby no no we ruined it oh no I think we destroyed the brain we killed it oh oh my God oh goodbye we'll let it go I guess yep he doesn't have anything on him mind sanctuaries rain jars technical Aquarium well we're not going to touch any of those because I will just kill me long rest okay there it is I see it now topple weapon actions bludgeoning all right anything else appear to inspect don't think so all right let's go back here yeah I was clumsy I should have just left it alone I got cocky with my rolls I don't think there's anything else for me to inspect in here I wish there was a button I could press that highlights like all the interactables no what does that do whoa oh oh it's my staff oh I have staff oh okay there's a button for that okay oh cutscene yeah I'll have to check the coupons [ __ ] you didn't rescue me and now you're gonna Ambush me this is your end I'm the same as you you had trouble thrush past a dragon swing a silver sword flash of your face seen through the strange woman's eyes this is me this day together we might survive so if they're aligned with Red Dragons does that make them evil um unless we escape unless we are cleansed bodies and Minds will be tainted and twisted within days we will begin mind flayers oh I mean it'd be cool to be a mind player but I don't want to it took me a long time to get to get this look I don't want to do it again um turning into my flowers there must be something we can do who are you who am I we can do nothing until we escape that must be our priority makes sense makes sense first we exterminate stress the matter of a cure for this infection once we reach the material place I had more questions damn it laughs [Music] combat General tutorial get ready to fight combat happens in rounds and each participant gets a turn to act the game pauses around you during combat so you have time to plan your actions sweet healing potions you're low on hit points I am low on hit points during your turn you can move take an action and take a bonus action sure your actions bonus actions okay and these are my cantrips oh and this is her oh this is her turn okay um what can she do almost strike make a non-lethal attacking his enemy I don't think we want to do a non-lethal charge forward and attack the first enemy in your way possibly pushing them off balance that's probably what we're gonna do arranged attack hamstring shot lacerate let's go with the rush attack she reached this one she can oh she oh nice cool but she didn't hit that one she only hit the oh interesting and then she can so now she's got ending your turn oh okay she can do a bonus action though is that shove try to push a Target away your chances depend on your Athletics the higher you are hidden or invisible dip dip a weapon into a surface to alter the surface or enhance the weapon jump jump up down and across your strength affects how far you can jump Second Wind healing drawing your stamina to heal yourself okay well let's might as well do a pommel strike on him do some damage he's saved against the Palm strike all right that's the end of her turn nothing important is ever easy and I have five health I don't I don't want to use my um healing potion oh there's another one there let's see what do I got shocking grasp how much health does he have six true strike sleep s um let's do May the gods take you first two damage damn that wasn't that much damage I was hoping it'd be more what's how far does show push them I'm just curious okay it's a good good distance away got it all right enter critical Miss huh she take damage I don't know main hand attack we'll just attack yeah the sound effects was good oh light crossbow is there gonna be time for me to come and loot these because if I if I use her to loot I'm not gonna get the stuff right I guess we'll just smack him with my spear I missed no [ __ ] I'm screwed chat she can't make it I don't know what she could do uh uh oh range attack okay the only way out is through and we'll just smack you with my staff again you've really got one there we go all right now I can prove surprisingly adequate now some allies can join you on your adventure you can control them in the same way as you do your own character the companion's portrait to take control of them okay well we're gonna take all the stuff first you can equip items from your inventory by double clicking them or dragging them into your equipment slot what's that spiked bulb one damage the Barb inside this bulb explodes on impact making all nearby creatures bleed oh nice okay we'll take that too scimitar we're gonna take all of the things gold oh yeah I looted him already yeah what is this I'll give it a shot I just want to check it out I don't want to do anything to it right what's this some kind of console must be okay cradle elephant cradle a potion of healing yes okay I'll use one now of course I get eight what does that do why am I sleeping in the Cradle not enough space all right I guess I gotta go this way amp there oh there's a restoration tank I could have used that oh damn it a drunken attack we need to get out before it's too late working on it think how do I get up here oh oh I can climb this okay look at me Chloe through the sphincter [ __ ] touch nothing without knowing its purpose um so what's up man isn't dead but he's totally unresponsive you get me out of this captain we have no time for stragglers look for lash that might open the lid there's no time we need to get out of here I'll look go look around there must be some way to get this thing open there's magic at work here determine what kind uh sure use our special stuff thank you I do believe I crushed that boarding runes feel them drawing energy from the console near to the pod satisfied we need to go calm the [ __ ] down [ __ ] um okay so we're gonna check out the thing here the console appears dormant for a switch or at least hit it sorcerer inscribe the device with the glyphs you sensed from the PODS of warding Prince the console hums to life sweet place your hand on the console take a closer look at the powered up console I'm gonna use all of our skills man oh yeah I don't know the waifu seems a little angry or maybe she's just painting I thought we had established that already place your hand on the console I'm like you feel a hideous squirming in your head of the parasite then discomfort Fades and organization washes over you connection Authority oh yeah illicit wisdom will open the pod a difficulty of two okay at least it was I got a bad roll out sweet got a bad rule out of the way mechanical brain constipated I had a feeling she was gonna fall out of that at last I thought that damn thing was going to be my coffin thank you weariness because you have a gift with you you keep dangerous company um I don't think that's the point right now we're just trying to get off the ship dangerous company is what you need in a fight got a problem with youth Yankee do you feel that just now we were in each other's heads any dangerous company when you need to fight looks like there's plenty of fighting ahead let me come with you we can get off this ship and watch each other's backs along the way all right then let's get going uh Miriam monomith you feel that I felt just before we were in each other's heads yeah more the merrier one moment she's got a trinket I don't care what you okay we'll ask it's nothing trust me enough of this chatter we need to get to the helm now he's right why am I the leader I mean I'm okay with being the leader but flickers in his eyes but he seems totally unaware of his surroundings anything else to inspect here dark mind oh rain in a jar oh boy oh boy you must be terminated all right well you're just gonna do a main hand attack here on this one intellect Devourer oh yeah I remember these okay and pushing them is not gonna do anything so we're gonna enter her to me main hand attack with fire bolts cuss of Smash we'll just do a mean hand attack all right and what else does she have Shield of faith protected creature from attacks increase its armor class by two healing word well we're not gonna use it and turn on my feet topple so if a creature did not get prone fire breath let's just fire breath everybody yeah yeah oh wait I should have [ __ ] I should have gotten around let's go around did that give me flanking you think I wonder I wonder how that's gonna work dude I'm always dying unless your Target's vital points to me how much health does it have one okay but I was just attacking [Music] well no because I don't have because these are these are just minions and I don't have that many spells I mean I guess I can back off but but any of my spells are gonna also hit my friends so because like okay this is her okay what is what's this elaborate rollatory locked it needs a key we need thieves tools to pick a lock or you can find script faint images appear in your mind a brain a good Yankee Warrior and centuries of Darkness odd yeah odd Okay so we've got two doorways we can leave through oh restoration sweet see what this does all right all right we're gonna go push the buttons she made the most oh oops oops all right um fire [Music] missed oh no all right we'll get you moving I have to keep going and your turn she can't reach so we will do can I hit him 70 chance of hitting yeah we'll take the shot and we'll move you to my path be true all right but to keep going why don't I have any actions that's weird that's strange right I should have an action yeah I grouped us up nicely didn't I okay oh yeah okay well I don't know I think I'm pretty sure that's a free action but okay um hamstring shot lacerate no shelters you got he's got eight see this one all right well that worked can I push another button already dead ah we're taking a candle quill I need restoration my hands on foreign all right which way are we gonna go we go oh hello camera distance the camera can't move any where to move your character to keep exploring this doesn't look like it could be the helm I can't quite see up there what's this way though you can't see some I don't know but it's big there's books okay we're gonna get North First forget where I'm at what's this and I should yeah let me look up keybinds um keybinds [Music] Hannah tactical camera cancel context menu expand highlight characters interact ping repair main attack rotate items select characters it's like slots short rest show item labels toggle climbings get toggled Alchemy cancel character sheet close window and turn leave from combat hold the split item stack yeah I tried lift alt earlier I didn't see anything illicit Powers B ooh turtle jump end tool tip reactions of hmm that's that's going oh wait there's dead body gold key I don't know what it's for but we're taking it certain items such as Keys ingredients and camp supplies are sorted into handy containers in your inventory check out our inventory later let's go check this out hey this woman is trapped inside the pod she doesn't notice you cheers so left Alt ah okay so it does it shows the it doesn't show all of my interactive things but it does that's weird I'm confused all right so the chairs aren't going to do me any good what is this we're gonna push this button as you place your hand on the Pod you hear something presence connected to the pod ending the person inside to change uh-oh uh oh I think we're gonna mind player chat oh there yep look at the tentacles change to the pull of a lever how if we are not purified this may be Our Fate we need to get out of here before it's our turn take it all I don't know what it was let's unlock those controls next to the pod I don't need to I already did that all right so let's go all the way back here now I wonder if that key that I found will open this chest shouldn't have pushed the button I always push the buttons welcome to the Stream thank you for coming what's in here and it did work use gold key could have saved it for something else I'm sure but yeah oh well all right so now we're going this way how can I can I look into the hallway no I can't absolutely like this sphincter I don't need to heal it's a cerebral Aquarium mind player Horticulture interesting fire nothing else in this room nope so we'll go through this sphincter I guess now dark you can't see yeah gotta figure out these camera controls we are nearing the hell once inside do as I see who put you in charge I'll Trust my own judgment guys we're all on the same team here Fame team yay auto save d That's oh no oh that's not pleasant [Music] the mountains we must escape now do it we will deal with the cake after we escape we need to get out of here now all right bless her health Spore the imps but look at all the things I can loot okay um all right what's my cantrips because I have a feeling okay they're all within melee range of these two guys so I'm not gonna cast true strike on anybody like doesn't help Splash throw a bubble bath acid damages each creature it hits and that's melee so let's do this one I'll go with the one that does weight yeah with more damage I can hit that one way over there sweet all right and in my turn you're gonna Dash after oh 75 40. yeah let's go for this one missed oh no I don't know if it wasn't within range or not we can still do a promise strike on it and missed again okay all right what's all her abilities Shield of faith guiding bolts the next attack roll against this target has advantage distance sacred flame it's a can trip 1v8 it's better than that charm person disguise blessing the trickster guidance inflict wounds Rita 30 damage purifier creatures and necrotic energy filling your hand s ooh let's try this one in thick moons oh I know is she has to be near them ah crap okay okay hang on ah [ __ ] how do I cancel this uh uh okay Escape so I want to move first onward okay now [Music] and inspect that [Music] can't reach it okay all right and then I'm gonna do another ask splash can't reach him but I can do it like here and it'll still hit him and not my thank you they don't have anything on them can't reach okay Enter to strike gotta loot everything can you hold an action I would assume you could but I don't know how to yet I have to figure out what all the buttons are for actually okay so help improves improvised melee throw Dash disengage shove dip jump those are my weapons I'm using melee weapon ranged weapon toggle light source toggle dual building oh she's at 9 to 12 health what's that noise it could use a healing potion I mean she's gonna kill this guy here in a second anyway so it's fine all right loot him he doesn't have anything none of the mud intellectual hours have anything technical aquariums what is that a lesser that's a lesser imp2 okay let's go check this list I will have you take these things all right we'll end her turn she doesn't have any ranged attacks except for this and I don't think it can reach sweet [Music] oh wait they're like resistant against fire aren't they how far can she go all right and her turn [Music] and it's my turn again and we'll use the acid Splash I'm I'm thinking of saving the magic Missile for the Mind flare if we have to fight him that's what I've been saving my uh spell slots for um is there anybody else to loot I think everybody else has been looted and looked about oh this guy over here head this way good here I hope okay and then end my turn to strike what shelters he got three okay you need to act fast to move forward first actually can I can I do this will it let me yeah yeah it automobile all right cool did you just totally miss you did what's wrong with you all right is he not dead yet this ship hits the ground we're dead working on it working on it uh do another acid splash how did that miss him that should have been it was in the realm wasn't it was it not we'll see if I if I do it on the Imp it's gonna hit my thing because is it isn't it a radius right isn't that what that little circle is or is it not am I doing it wrong I don't know no traps please nothing else to inspect oh there's a mind flare there dead thrall there get as close as I can okay all right and my turn I am death yeah I'll just hit you oh maybe oh my God look at him I don't think that's meant how he's meant to die chat oh he stopped okay not enough resource actions you're gonna do that and then check for anything useful yep I guess he's my Ally because he's green I have enough movement to move forward we'll move as close as we can all right um wait I can ah do I have any the next attack rule against this target has Advantage sure why not let's do it all right and her turn we must take the transponder okay okay fine um I can't can I Dash I can Dash how far can I move all right here we go maybe not the best time yes it is it's always the best time oh look at my teeth I have teeth hurry before they strike see you later nothing mind flare can't reach damn it I must I must have all the things uh she's gonna Dash too oh wait hang on I gotta click all right yeah Dash as close as we can get taking position and she doesn't have yeah Dash was her action so how far can we get with you not that very far do you have any range attacks go for Target and Flame like Radiance yes okay so we'll get you right here then [Music] all right done what is my fire breath oh it's short look how short it is that's short as far as I can cast it so wait so this sleep is different than the sleep I know hang on let me read it put pictures into a special Slumber select targets up to a combined 24 hit points oh okay so I select each one that I wanted to work on Okay so this guy nope the sky and this guy did that work no yeah it did okay that's what the little white things are for and I don't think there's any other can't voices he got oh oh no wonder why okay yeah that's everybody okay so now what do I do how do I engage it ah that reset it okay that's not what I want to do okay how do I oh finished selection okay I still have seven hit points I could do [Music] oh that's cute that's cute sleepy sleep my turn Waits all right you go where is he the Imp I can't highlight the Imp act it's my name and then maybe that way so what is this Second Wind yeah let's heal yourself all right and we were just gonna go she can't reach she still can't reach okay let's get our far as forward as we can on my way and then there we go pop it in there she can't have any more movements Come a Little Closer uh-oh uh oh oh no oh no [Music] oh no no it's not it's not at all um I need to disengage first how do I just get here we go Retreat safely moving won't provoke opportunity attacks foreign to keep going I'm kind of screwed chat all right you are gonna just use your main attack on the sky and then get to the transponder made it in time I still had things I wanted to loot but you know time is of the essence we're going down chat ow that had to hurt at least it wasn't me [Music] okay I kind of wish it was me but you know whatever candles and torches keep the Darkness at Bay Fire surfaces work too you know fire surfaces work too I guess if you light something on fire Profit just make sure your cider pan is up to the task definitely not I'm not a pickpocket I don't like pickpocketing in most games web services can in webview but they also prevent you from taking falling damage they're a good spot for a soft lighting now where are we space Goblin thank you [Music] don't fall out of the ship that was a very disapproving look if I've ever seen one I don't have wings oh hi Ray that wait how did how did that happen all right well now where am I it's daytime now okay I must have been out for a while okay glad you could make it what right the tadpole squirms in your skull uh I need to get that thing out check yourself for injuries or yourself where did you land check yourself infection you're more or less in tags a miracle given everything you've been through but it'll all be for nothing if you don't find help soon Chad Paul is a death sentence and the clock is ticking you need a cure I gained five experience when do I get to level completed my first task maglin Fisher oh mangled Fisher okay anything this way nope a giant tentacle oh it's the ship oh there's the ship okay so I landed not too far away from it all right let's go check out the mangled Fisher let's have a look right we will take your money hey it's Shadow heart something to ask dead that's the thing I'm not gonna take her stuff we're gonna wake her up we're live I'm alive that's a great way to wake somebody up just kind of shake them is this possible doesn't matter true seems like we're the lucky ones judging by all the corpses strain about I remember the ship I remember falling than nothing you have any idea where we are what happened to our gift friend any idea where we are I don't recognize this place but anything's an improvement on where we just came from first things first we need supplies shelter and most of all A Healer we might have escaped but we still have these little monsters in our heads what happened to our gifts you might want to reconsider calling her a friend looks like she ran off without us you don't know that she could be under the ship for all you know you were asleep you want to stay together I take it we need each other and we both know what's at stake can't think of better company and this is how a party is formed all right let's get moving one thing just before we go I wanted to thank you again for freeing me it would have been all too easy for you to run right past my pod but you didn't I remember that lead the way now I'm the party leader guys Okay so yesterday I went to CVS and Ben didn't go with me and that's always a bad bad idea because I bought candy I bought a [ __ ] ton of candy I bought a big bag of Rolos and a big bag of kitkats and three bags of like sour gummy stuff I have the bag of Rolos in front of me all right where are we going anything over here a barrel rope and trap disarm tool kit ooh take all that thank you he's a dead Fisher over there mangled Fisher inside the ship can I look any farther I can't look any farther all right [Music] there all right well let's go this way uh we'll look at the dead Fisher first highlight items highlight nearby items make it easier to find loot press left alt to highlight lootable containers and items I mean there's probably nothing in here but we'll check it anyway yep yeah this is what I was looking for Here We Go fresh water there must be a settlement somewhere nearby and we all roll with the spray upon our necks and we all wrote spray upon our backs and we all roll with the sea beneath our feet and the [ __ ] Queen stays the storm [Laughter] wave mother wave mother lash up to the Poway Motherway mother we asked to sail yours no that doesn't that doesn't work I don't know I'm not good at singing We have to steal your skirt if you allow wave mother wave mother sink us if you will with mother wave mother our skulls are yours that doesn't that doesn't sound right with bride and sand to fill s away and anchors still the wind won't move without the [ __ ] Queens Will Will Wait gladly years and days till the [ __ ] Queen brings the waves hey ho she told us so hey ho she told us so you were enjoying the song what does this button do oh that was my ex okay backpack can I take the book I can't take the book I can only look at him oh that's stupid camp supplies be sure to collect food and drinks you'll need them to restore I didn't get to finish reading don't take my tutorials away what's in the fish buckets you might need to cook those later on perfumed letters to legible in spite of water stains and smeared ink you can read books and notes you have picked up in your inventory open inventory I know Okay so I thought this wrapped around oh it does wrap around okay but where does this go oh I wonder what that is and then where does that go back up to the ship okay okay so let's well there's another backpack over here oh it's gonna take me this way no if that's the case I would have gone here do that one first and this dead body was that a bottle mysterious liquid has dried to the bottom of this bottle we could have lots of things to sell everybody loves a good shanty a blaggard hats I deluded that all right so let's go back this way and check out the barrel I need to find a way for wood I'm working on it I'm wet yeah I picked up a pirate hat these tools sweet why are thieves Tools in a barrel who knows oh I'm not wearing a dark well I haven't opened my inventory yet waypoints you've discovered a waypoint you'll be able to teleport to this location by selecting it in your map okay all right so Matt General tutorial this is the map of your surroundings so you can view quest locations and place custom markers you can also teleport to waypoints you have discovered by selecting them ancient door overgrown ruins ooh okay I don't think we're gonna go and ah who am I kidding of course we're gonna go in this ancient sigil Circle is that my oh that's the Waypoint oh okay I see request custom markers secret Waypoint neutral Ally party member location okay I keep pressing Q thinking it'll close things like it does for oh it's locked you maybe there's another entrance all right more of their wretched things lots of abducted commoners all right let's go take a look at our inventory look at all the stuff I've got chat item contacts me every item has a context menu where you may use them tag them as Wares or send them to another party member oh man everything that uh the Geth Yankee took is in her inventory isn't it see I knew it all right so you want me to put on The Lager hat for for the Discerning Ronin tier ran into spinning of stories and peacockish personality oh no oh no no we can't wear that Arrow no we can't wear that that's a No-No so the keychain is lightly rusted from use every new key that Jangles on it is a moat of possibility of Frontier to explore Alchemy pouch okay so this is the pouches it was talking about that I can put stuff in it organizes things so I have one key in here for example is that what I'm understanding towards your ingredients and extracts a patina of pure alchemical alchemical matter coats this pouch hopefully not the former owner reduced dust by their experiments ooh small compartments line the sack a compass-sized Furrow a pocket packed with storing salts and an area for stiff tent legs fixing pegs and folded canvas so how do I no that's not what I want to do it said I could Mark things as Wares ah here we go split item drop item throw add to Wares what does that mean oh so I'll sell it when I get to uh that's my gold um I assume that's what it means that I'll sell it when I go to a Whatchamacallit hand ax I don't need these mugs Eldritch Rune strange energy poses through this alien object you are sure you've never seen any of the like yet part of you recognize it as a component for some bigger machine Scimitar or quill I don't need a quilt a candle might help in lighting dark mine a humanoid brain alive and in perfect condition suspended in cerebro's spinal fluid I don't know what to do with that short sword two to seven two to seven piercing slashing I'm not proficient I might pick up somebody who is though so I'm kind of like keeping some stuff I guess daggers I don't need two short swords probably actually [ __ ] it we'll just sell it all trapped his arm rope will keep the Rope fight come in handy water bottles we're gonna sell the cap these tools and another dagger underwear oh wow okay that's a thing [Laughter] that's funny all right I'm gonna get more party members you may need gear between now the merchant uh oh I already did yeah I turned off nudity install my stats or my modifiers actually for my skills okay these are all my stats should have plus one movement speed oh I do have dark vision oh [Music] Bulgarian I don't know what that means oh hey assistant I can level up what's I can level up what'd I just do sweet [Music] level one spell slot unlocked you gained a level one spell slot which was restored on a long rest sorcery points two sorcery points can be used to alter your spells or create extra spell slots okay I don't know I haven't played a sorcerer in 3.5 or 2.5 in 5e so I don't know what sorcery points are create sorcery points suspend spell slots to gain sorcery points create spell slots Ben sorcery points to unlock a spell slot gained a spell replace the spell okay so we get a new spell what do we want let's see who's the spell as you know from the list below spells requires both slots to cast unless the future States otherwise burning hands charm person that's another chromatic orb Thunder damage witchbolt link yourself to a target with a bolt of lightning deal an additional 1 to 12 damage to each turn by activating it Thunder Wave Lisa wave thunderous force that pushes away all creatures and objects I like this one let's do this one Shield Ray of sickness I just imagined them a ray of sickness if she was here I'm sure he would say something about it's has something to do with my stink that makes them sick enhanced leap ice knife all right let's go with Thunder Wave yeah she was not here so it's it's safe we're good okay and class passives meta magic I don't know what these are careful spell toggle passive feature allies automatically succeeds saving throws against spells that require them oh distance spell toggle increase the range of spells by 50 percent ooh extended spell double the duration of conditions summons and services caused by spells twine spells spells that only target one creature can Target an additional creature oh I get two of these oh okay costs one surgery point for spell slot level cantrips also cost once or three point for spells that don't shoot a projectile the target need to be close enough together okay well let's go with distance spell for sure um extended spell yeah uh 3.5 Sorcerers weren't this complicated um double the duration of conditions summons and surfaces let's twine spell we can hit more that way and do I want to replace any spells the amount of spells you can have fixed in your mind is limited as you level up you may wish to replace old spells with new ones choose a spell you know and replace it with another I'm pretty sure I can only do this when I level um I don't think there's any spells that I want to change out though so I think we're just gonna accept the way we are all right and we can level Shadow heart too oh she's a cleric oh what'd she get turn Undead sweet and invoke duplicity distract your enemies with an illusion within three meters of the illusion attack rolls have Advantage for you and your allies ooh repair spells you can only cast from a limited selection of spells at a time select which spells you have prepared from the total list of spells you know spells must be paired outside of combat um no not for Sorcerers Sorcerers usually have to do it when they level if it's you're thinking of preparing spells um which is like what Wizards and clerics do they have to do it after every long rest they have to choose which spell they know they know about ride a wide range of spells and they get to choose which spells that they can use whereas Sorcerers they have there's a selection of spells that you choose from and those are the only spells that you know but you can change them out when you level but when you do that you lose that spell completely you can never cast it again unless you change it back the next time you level all right so what if she's inflict wounds was good I liked that guiding bolts next attack rule against target has Advantage I'll keep that healing word Shield of Faith um you just point things with pointy sticks yeah cure wounds yellow creature you can touch oh okay we're gonna keep that one too Shield of Faith though what else does she have production from evil and good no Sanctuary you or an ally cannot be targeted until you attack or harm a creature you can still take damage from area spells Bane up to three creatures receive a 1d4 penalty to attack rolls and saving throws oh that's nice command commanded creature to flee move closer freeze drop to the ground or drop its weapon wisdom save oh plus plus of the three creatures they gain a 1d4 bonus to attack rules and save your thirst we're gonna go with bless what's this one bait or destroy water now so get rid of short faith and really will bless instead all right sweet okay anything else down here I don't think so yeah we already diluted all that so we gotta go this way there's an enemy right there I see you there's two yeah all right let's go fight fight fight I don't know why I keep opening this up oh they got The High Ground rules positioning is important range attacks from above are more likely to hit full range attacks From Below hit less often you stash oh there's three of them I didn't see the third one damn vicious um might as well use this why not wait no this is a spell slot I don't want to use that not on for some intellectual intellect of hours oh they've got 10 Health that should be fine um why can't I see cantrips let me see your cantrips make a Target more resistant to spell effects Firebolt sacred flame guidance one to ten damage whereas her actions made him attack okay yeah let's let's do Fireball 80 80. a critical Miss no okay well we're gonna move you forward this one still breathing despite everything all right and I'm already Within within melee so we might as well what's the range on this pushes them that far away that's far he's just gonna come back though so we'll just do Shockwave or um thunder strike or whatever it's called shocking grasp only two damn and then we'll come right here and this might give her an advantage or something I don't know I don't remember what it is shared initiative party members next to each other in the initiative order can act simultaneously you can switch between them freely and take their actions in any order oh cool so nothing will stand in my way oh cool so I could like if I wanted to do something specific I could boost her and then have her attack all right cool um that's a spell yeah just smash it oh my God we're missing like crazy why yeah I'm screwed um we're gonna disengage where's this there we go and then we're gonna move breathe deep and move all right no leave me alone I need to hold on I need to heal that's what I need to do this guy yeah let's go with this one I don't hit hard enough comes easy these days um this is a bonus action so we're gonna use it and then no no you're right [ __ ] see I'm gonna hit her [ __ ] it sorry oh he saved that bastard was all this oh I don't know thank you oh dinner tutorial if a member of your adventuring party reaches zero hit points they are down this is the state between life and death where they roll each turn to survive on a three successful rolls they become stable on three failures they die yeah when they've got when you have more than one enemy it's always dangerous helping down characters down characters get back up if they regain hit points allies can help down characters by healing them or using the help action probably how you mean like from the main character or for these guys I'm pretty sure that would be okay I love sleep so much it's one of my favorite spells impedance all right so then we're gonna move they're asleep so I don't care about Bethany on my way disengage oh wait that's fires oh no don't walk through fire I wasn't fun I thought I'd be fine but you know all right let's reload fluid suit game laughs that was funny yep yep yep yep that was my first death it's okay chat I'm liking this though all right so I'm back at the very beginning oh this all again all right let's go wake her up wake up can I skip it wake her up skip we're live skip I'm alive how is this possible doesn't matter skip I remember the ship I remember falling than nothing uh now first things first we need supplies we might have escaped but we still have these little monsters in our heads um Stay Together each other and we both know what's at stake can't think of better company let's get moving one thing just it would have been all too lead the way all right through the barrel what's hiding here foreign do you mind Zelda yeah you have a bone I hear it you can how do you do that this is the part of the second zoom in I wish I could um cue things we already read the sea shanty fresh water there must be a settlement somewhere oh no that doesn't oh all right I know what I'm gonna do for that fight though I got something new out of that it was empty last time still nothing in there I'm sure yep okay I don't need to access it it just it already did it right okay check out the abducted commoners others they're look they're closer I'm gonna go into a fight much sooner I need to Let's level up before I get closer to them yeah all right so we went with Thunder Wave and we're gonna do distance spell and Twine spells and then her foreign yeah and then quick save yeah and instead of Shield we were doing less except all right and then I don't know what the button is for quick save let's look it up really quick camera camera camera camera camera action oh right Mouse button will cancel my action good to know ping ping character positions characters slots video toggle toggle come on quick save where are you click save F5 and f8 okay I almost clicked quick game like a dork all right okay more of those wretched things oh they ran away oh I didn't get this oh I didn't get these down here damn it meant to come back around I got that already all right cool let's avoid the fire this time shall we 've been through there's the one two and three okay vicious filth best keeps him distant so this will be a short fight all right um that's her only range attack and it can reach that one so let's do that he saved you bastard We're not gonna go through fire and we're gonna immediately cast sleep this time too many hit points ah damn oh we can at least get those two okay okay Shadow heart you're gonna focus on that one first and that's all you're gonna do and you oh man I wish I wish she wasn't here [ __ ] I should have moved her so I could do dragon's fire on them all damn um all of this will wake them up see that should hit him right that's why he's highlighted red how much else has he got two sweet all right and your turn and we'll go for the next one yeah it is I think I have it no I don't I changed it I don't remember yeah but I like splash I like hitting multiple enemies all right he's got 12 and 10. let's go for the 10 first ten all right that works no he woke up let's move yeah yeah we'll move on my way ah you missed you missed how could you miss eight one six true strike sleep yeah we started that's fun feel free to ponder it's a new game feel free to ponder all you want do I have something that makes her oh but it's gonna ability checks that girl gets to start eight Okay so oh nah okay and then the last one would be okay hopefully kill it now it's saved you bastard stop saving it's not fair you cried well perhaps our survival is in such a distant Prospect like a brain cerebellum alchemical ingredients combine three of these to create a suspension elixir of psychic resistance intellect devourers are born of the brains of humanoid mind layer thralls so what is it exactly they're holding in your hands oh see I was I was a good idea that I was looting all these brains just anything no go that way or we could go oh wait there's a mind flare up here in a chest how do we get up here no traps please that's out sweet oh void bulb throw this alien bulb at a Target and possibly pull in nearby objects and creatures another spiked bowl with skull and a potion of healing stop it's my alarm on my phone arsonist oil coat your weapon in an oil that transforms the target's fire resistance to fire vulnerability targets that are immune to fire damage are unaffected that too all right so and then this way leads out to here and and then back I think it probably loops yeah it lose okay so we'll go this way I need more brains brains oh I hear walking around what's in here I don't know if we're gonna find out more thieves tools what was that sort of grass always room for more I'm assuming it's some sort of uh ingredients mentioned overgrass press h to view party B you can see the inventories of all party members in the party View with Tab and select multiple items the water does look pretty Okay so how do I open my alchemical pouch I wonder open grass ocean of mind reading this tough and flexible Reed grows in butter side clusters and makes for a fine Building Material combine three of these to create a suspension what does mean by suspension I don't know okay it's locked should I use a thieves tools on it let's try it um lock pick attack I'm making trouble now because why not right a leather helmet dexterity saving throws plus one not proficient with light armor but our um how do I let's just pick up that and then you something the matter no I didn't want to talk to you um what's the story with that little odd that odd little artifact you have what do you think all that's happened to us so far we should get you a little more you know to know each other a little more we should Journey separately for now there's no story none that you're entitled to hear anyway just forget you ever saw it yeah I didn't think she'd tell me anything about it we haven't gone all that far yet what are you referring to exactly um the whole ship thing um thoughts about our little stoes oh the the uh the tadpoles Must Die thinking about it won't help we know what to do so let's do it find a way to rid ourselves of these things we have no solid leads right now though we'd best get hunting if you discover anything that might help us I'm all he is yeah I didn't think this conversation would get me anywhere all right turn to other matters um we should get to know each other a little more now now we're just gonna leave what I want to do is I want her to open this but I don't know how to control her I guess I can't inventory and then tab okay and then I want to give her the leather helmet oh she's wearing a circuit what does this do a quick but it provides it's where A Touch of Elegance but no additional protection okay it doesn't do anything so wear this leather helmet instead and I'll wear your circlet yeah look at that I got a circle it on all right cool it's a pod how much further can I go I need help I don't think there's anything over here oh I heard a chirping that's probably another one of those things yeah let's come talk to him I guess she's become hurry I've got one of those brain things corners in the cross you can kill it can't you like you killed the others easily stand back there can you see it yeah four oh yep that's a sound not if you want to keep that darling neck of yours what is he and you keep your distance no need for this to get messy promises promises but I have other business I'm afraid now is he a vampire you're on the ship didn't I not sure nah let's head butt him oh this is not gonna be good oh strength minus one oh no let's try it let's go get back out of it now yes hahaha you wretched little your mind twists you're looking out of unfamiliar eyes prowling dark busy streets you try to hold the memory but it fades to the worm the fear what was that what's going on with the night boy and I'll tell you everything now I'll just go ahead and tell him the worm that explains things someone and a thing I was ready to decorate the ground with your innards no apologies I probably would have done the same yeah um yeah I would have done the same a kindred spirit Shadow heart means a Starion I was in Baldur's Gate when those beasts snatched me am I a Bulgarian too is that so we clearly move in different circles yeah yeah you move in the undead circles I can see your punch marks on your neck uh yeah they'll turn this to my players of course it'll turn me into a monster what else did I expect although it hasn't happened yet can you turn if we can find anything I'm dead someone that can control these things and there might still be time troll it we need to get rid of it travel with me our arms are better together I need to get moving but you can shelter it by Camp yeah sure you know I was ready to go this alone but maybe sticking with the herd isn't such a bad idea as long as you don't want a light snap like a useful useful all right I accept lead on sweet sneak attack oh he's a rogue I thought he was a bar well hello Party Line your party line is shown on the side of your screen the portrait so uh I want to level up level you up why wouldn't I level him up and he doesn't get anything good all right cutting action okay he's got cunning actions and stuff yeah dashes five yeah yeah okay I heard something over here yeah Rogues are crazy little dudes all right yeah let's go let's go this way good oh wait how am I how am I playing as him toggle group mode toggle hide party view I want to play as me still breathing despite everything there we go okay okay stay out of the fire caustic bulb potion of speed gain extra action of plus two bonus to armor class advantage on dexterity saving thirds and double your movement speed ooh I mean we all know I'm not going to use potions isn't the bear the Druid actually a mind flare and it's hurt that thing's bound to be dangerous even if injured just be careful hmm he's dying you approached the dying monster this is the thing that abducted you you could end its life here and now if only you didn't feel compassion compassion he's playing tricks on me no stuck away come think ing is mercifully done for you stop it with your mind games to serve and die for it and honor and a thing your mind forcing you to love it but then the feeling slips the creature's mind seems to focus elsewhere constant ah concentrate on the laps Break Free concentrate on its thoughts I want to know where his mind went come on baby sweet your minds fuse lusting for something that is gone but then it's grip claws back with a vengeance a vice locking your mind into obedience and then I kill everybody sustenance to survive and body you can provide as for oh God resist the intrusion with everything you have you host the blood of a mighty Dragon Channel its will to resist the Abomination yes Mighty dragon and I get Advantage yes add bonus what's this dude oh guidance oh yeah yeah let's get let's get guidance sweet oh no oh it's a five okay that was scary for a second I was thinking I was like oh no I need it magic you will to resist the monster lies exhausted defeated its eyes wet orange pearls radiate malice oh I will close the Eyes Forever sweet stuff what you got on you buddy we'll take all that oh it's birds that I'm hearing okay dead goblins over here whoa what is that oh we gotta go figure out what that is this way no it just chests or anything no no all right let's go look at these goblins dead goblins over there worth checking the size Maybe what we're doing Supply pack sweet 40 camp supplies collection of cured meats dried fruits kindling and anything else necessary to survive life on the road everything down to the Flint smells distinctly of smoked ham and a goblin bow take it all and that was that direction okay figure out what this thing is ancient sigil Circle what's going on with that room looks unstable somehow found a road we're gonna check this out stuff approach the sigil on this Stone magic glitch swirls vomit erratically because lightly dangerous touch it touch it and I've done an Arcana check on it I mean really a hand anyone uh attune yourself to the scissors Magic and it's quiet down add the bonus guidance always use guidance not like I needed at this point oh my God my earrings just floating away quick little pull should do the trick you guys saw that fight my jaw ring I guess just kind of floated off into the air hello I'm Gale of Water Deep apologies be better at this feel not wasting time passing Adventures I certainly hope so uh no need to apologize are you all right shocked but friend it's a relief and a pleasure to make your acquaintance say but I know you don't I in a manner of speaking you were on the noise Lord as well [Music] yes I was and I can only assume you two were on the receiving end of a rather unwelcome Insurgent in the ocular region go on 30 we speak of this parasite are you aware that after a period of excruciating gestation it will turn us into mind flayers yes I'm a process known as ceramorphosis and let me assure you it is to be avoided you don't happen to be a cleric by any chance do you a doctor surgeon uncannily adroit with a knitting needle no we have a cleric she just can't you seem to know enough about our condition to realize it's beyond most cleric's skills most no doubt but I find myself hoping to be in the presence of the few you don't happen to be one of them represents many gifts but a tadpole extraction is not one of them I can't cure our parasites we've established few enough can it's not exactly a common Affliction we're most certainly going to need a Healer and soon too how about we lend each other a helping hand once more and look for a Healer together grow the party most excellent parasite shared is a parasite halved or something to that effect oh I like him before you think you're about to embark on a journey with most ill-mannered a man sorry foresighted kindness I assure you I have a feeling ample opportunities will present themselves for me to return the favor all right You Can level up too sweet need to heal her but she's got healing spells [Music] yeah it was a reminder gained two spells all right subclass evocation let's check it out the evocation spells Focus Elemental energy into powerful attacks and enchantments those who specialize in the school are known as evokers learning about evocation spells from Scrolls only cost you 25 gold per spell level not 50. nice oh he's a wizard sweet all right yeah the application is fine it's not going to change them too much cheese spells you have from your list below spells require spell slots to cast unless a feature States otherwise all right we're gonna learn some spells um color splay spray spray blind creatures up to climb okay I just magic Missile she he should probably know magic Missile give him that long Strider pieces of creature's movement speed by three meters pants leap ice knife I don't know what his other spells are oh here we go okay Mage Armor fog Cloud grease cover the ground and grease slowing creatures oh yeah Greece is always fun sleep which bolts magic Missile Thunder Wave all right he needs he needs an up close spell um fine oh wait he can have a familiar oh and Tasha's hideous laughter leave a creature prone with laughter without the ability to get up but familiar we're gonna have a familiar must have a familiar all right and what's this prepared cells Greece Thunder Wave sleep which bolt and Mage hour I don't think we're gonna need grease and sleep at the same time so we're gonna get rid of Greece and we're gonna find familiar find your familiar what are we gonna get uh fighter a raven a rats a frog a crab or a cat I'm leaning towards a raven or a cat meow to distract your enemies someone are really familiar that can blind enemies with its beak ooh nope we're going with Raven why did you turn around what are you doing oh I have to oh I have to do it okay I have to question yay we got a raven sweet all right and then you need to heal you had one that lets you heal yourself these are all level one spells maybe it's the other girl must have been the other girl well I do have five healing potions that I've picked up so if you choose a potion of healing all right and then back to myself no one's told me yet I could have a short rest but it's too late now what's this way it's a trail that goes this way trail that goes this way was that torn net trap but to not be cursed broken must have been here a while hey do anything to it not much use anymore okay smashed cage Another Broken trap who made these things goblins obviously goblins are great at making traps all right do we stick to the road I guess we'll stick to the road how large is does the party get Chapel entrance let's go find out what they're up to and it's about twice as tall as me but I'm off that Bloody backbone but we don't know what that thing even is and what about the Crypt I'm telling you it's a ship and a crypt can wait Mari and bartner be trying to break in for days now we 've got ourselves competition already that's our ship yeah I already looked at their buddy that ship is full of monsters I wouldn't go near it deception I think that ships an invasion Force run while you can no intimidation the only thing you own is your life leave before I take that too I don't think we're gonna do intimidation oh yeah quick saving ah persuasion I do have a point in deception run while you can 12. come on yes hello uh in that case come on you look no point in getting killed second worm gets the cheese and all um second mouse gets the cheese no nobody's getting any damn cheese now movies wow intelligence there is uh great in the new look I thought we had a fight in our hands yeah wait what did I just do I don't know what I did cracked Stone oh that's not what I meant to happen oh God oh God oh no I should have saved just oh no can't I just talk my way out of this no I can't all right what has he got he's he's the rogie boy so I'm never good at playing Rogues throw throw a character ride I'm from the world of free inventory piercing strike the extra Jam is on attacks main attack hamstring shot range attack and Firebolt let's go with piercing strike let's see how what that happens oh I'm so screwed all right and disengage foreign and how far you can't move too very far so we'll go here all right end your turn where you're running Mari what's the Raven doing Ren Vision one damage tax creature's eyes and blind it lie dismiss disengage Dash can you reach it you can't even reach him can you can't reach destination okay what else do we got a fire that's a fire Barrel chat a whole band of people down here why can't I just talk to them I didn't mean to come down here it was an accident I swear all right um beak attack I know they're gonna attack the birds so we're just gonna end the birds turn please stay focused I don't want to um tax increases Armor class to 13. yeah I don't want him going in first so we're gonna we're gonna have her go in first got to move okay and then oh I hope that doesn't blow up actually we're just gonna Dash wanna get away from the barrel we go after the ranger here all right and your balance board is set all right and you yeah we're gonna get you to dash too he's not you can't hide behind the barrel I don't know what his range is on his spell attacks okay dashings that might hide him possibly Barton that did not it did not hide him oh boy through the door can't slow down all right and we're going to how much shelters yet 25 what's my 24. ah not enough 10. 10 25 still not enough but we can put one of them to sleep let's put this one to sleep can I reach that one oh we can't reach him too many hit points just do that one not like he spin that was great nice Miss all right click to confirm first firm and then we're gonna have you go why can't you reach your destination can't reach desk why can't you reach your desk oh because I'm blocking the door I can't ah shite that's the best I can do son of a biscuit critical Miss of course it was okay birdie still can't go to the door either I've blocked the door chat like a dork y why did you oh there's somebody else oh no oh no all right I want to take you out first opportunity tech oh cause I leave oh I forgot opportunity attacks no oh I can't remember I think it's D and D terms avoid this living enemies melee range allows them to attack you as a reaction avoid this by taking disengage action first yeah but then it takes my attack that's okay only two damage damn tail for the ages all right what do you got which bolts link yourself to a target with a bolt of lightning deal an additional one to 12 damage lighting through each turn by activating it does it does activating it cause an action I think it does I guess sleep again no it only does 24 hit points damn um I missed oh no all right we need to get him away oh great he's a barbarian and he's raging I'm so screwed all right let's get the [ __ ] out of the door okay um get you out of the door okay and your sleep is that magic Missile how much health 25. five oh can I do this how do I do this yeah so you and you and yeah all right and your turn I'm snaring all right I'm stuck at least you didn't blow up the barrel at least you didn't blow up the barrel all right I hate playing Rogues I just I'm not good at them deal extra damage to a foe you have an advantage against how do I get Advantage though that's why I'm not understanding what gives me advantage in combat The Entity took half damage examine entry to see its resistances how do I examine ah okay threatened dangerous sense opportunity attacks yeah he's got all of his resistances up because he's raging disengage I don't know how far away I can move I can't move at all oh that doesn't look very good no come back you bastard can I get you to Blind missed great and that's an attack of opportunity live fly fly to Target position dismiss summon ah it's fine he's probably gonna attack her anyway 11 I have disadvantage why do I have disadvantage why because I'm poisoned or something I am poisoned okay some participated on tacticals and Billy checks great okay how do I unpoison myself I don't think I have anything that unpoisons me damn it yeah we'll do it anyway [Music] creature I can see who needs healing anybody no I think we're all oh wait no no we're good two I don't think he can do anything but which uh five volt it's a can trip that works there we go thank you I'm still stuck I don't really want to move him too far out yeah I knew you were gonna do that all right I failed a saving throw so I can't move but that doesn't mean I can't attack if I do this that's that would blow that up that would be bad that would be bad um acid spark oh yeah I can hit all three sweet oh they saved all right and a healing I knew it I knew it I knew it that has stuck in the fire damn it okay um does the red mean I'm on fire oh no it's the hamstring thing okay see I want to go I don't know how it does yeah I know eventually I couldn't but I couldn't move myself out of the range of it because I'm ensnared and I didn't know how big the explosion would be so and dash away actually yeah Dash away as far as I can get wait what he was disengaged what happened that work that's not right oh no I dashed instead of disengaged oh I had clicked the wrong button ah crap I meant to disengage not Dash um for Rogues they have an ability that lets them um do disengage as a bonus action I mean we're gonna go help him help oh I could have healed him like an idiot heal a creature you can see yeah yeah I know I I accidentally clicked Dash instead of disengage because I see the boot and I think I think running away yeah yeah don't ask [Music] um 28 that's how big is it I'm gonna push them away from me which bolts sleep how much actually sleep sleep sleep sleep go to sleep and Mario's only got one hit point left uh because she's ensnared she's stuck right here 12. all right mari's the only one I can hit he's got one hit point is out of sight damn it all right we're just gonna do this one then it's a shame but that's how that works yeah and I'm down not surprising and he's down too oh we're so dead so dead Gail's the only one alive [Music] I mean there's nothing I can do so we can kill one of them at least eat it shove you away uh it didn't work Athletics fail hi Gail all right thank God that's over no no [ __ ] all the way back here no I can't get out of here right there's too many of them for this amount of people let me try it again even if you can't be seen some criminal Acts were trying to reduce the noise that's true I could do that too I could just keep waiting for them to come see in my yeah not be too close to them okay [ __ ] bolts Mage Armor I want to use Fireball on the barrel how long is this reduces her movement speed and then I'm gonna move him farther back I'll be done I don't want to move yeah yeah see in 5e you can you can move through your your party members if I remember correctly I don't have Advantage there's no reason why I would have advantage to remove the speed's already reduced right now reduced by three meters okay piercing strike yeah and you missed all right now we're going to disengage and we're gonna move you as far away as I can as far as I can get you're all still stuck there foreign and she's gonna go open that door how much damage does she have on her still ten yeah oh because I missed that attack yeah we're not gonna do anything with the bird ready the door opens this way so if I move her here I have to keep going and then singing throws plus something against bonus to attack rolls ooh okay let's do this we'll do Starion myself I do herself [Music] all right and then in her turn I wonder if this is worth the cost and I want to move out of his way so I can still do spells though that we're ready don't want to group up too much doesn't their area of effect spells he's got three spells should I cast Mage Armor on him what is your Armor class is 11. yeah let's cast me jump around him [Music] see I don't foreign I wish there was a way to to Hold Your Action to be like you know I'll Attack when he comes in range I'll use this attack when he comes in range but it doesn't look like you can do that we're gonna attempt to hide how do I do it too light in here isn't it yeah it's too well lit in here what are you guys doing why are you okay uh no it's not it's not that picket it's the in the game he's got there's too much light in the game not not the not the game itself is too bright it's the hey light of the area so his height isn't that great I'm lightly obscured that's his initiative all right so now we're at the bird can we go blind him no he can still attack the bird afterwards so I don't want to I don't want to do that yet give up I'm not I'm just waiting for him to get his ass through the door do class actions distract enemies with an illusion within three meters the illusion attack rolls have Advantage for you and your allies not enough space I don't know I don't know how it works all right yeah we can I can't see him though sweet that three of them didn't even realize or did I get three no just the two oh there's something else that I attacked where did I attack I don't know and turn what is she doing raging what are you doing all right what do we got this is a ray so it's I need a line of sight or not a line of sight but yeah it's gonna hurt the duplicity if I do that one all of it's gonna hurt the duplicity okay let's move first to get better line of sight there we go now I can do it okay which bolts I wanted to do it on him let's do it on this let's do it on andorn instead situational actions you've unlocked an action as the result of another ability feature or condition it will remain at the side of your hot bar until those conditions expire oh okay activate which bolt and that's an action yeah okay cool and we're not gonna do anything else see I wanted them to come through the door so I could have Advantage because I'd be hiding and I could but now I'm fully seen so that didn't work was not did not go as planned did not go as planned can I hit them man I missed okay avoid enemies sight lines or sneak them to remain hidden yeah yeah yeah left shift okay I guess I should have put him here maybe I don't know it's not working exactly like it does in d d so that's what I'm having to to uh adjust and learn I guess I'm just gonna end this turn because I don't want to go to him yeah yeah yeah yeah how much can the bird fly what's your movement speed it's your total movement yeah yeah I need to hit the barrel with the Firebolt I need to get to it they're the perfect spot for it now I'm sorry if I can go blind him and then fly away oh yeah bye salmon so he's blinded now he is blinded sweet that's why he didn't get his attack of opportunity on me all right what are we waiting on I want them to come through the door I can't do anything until they come through the door I won't give in she doesn't have Fireball okay you can't reach them not within five meters if I move her in then she's gonna be ah I mean they're gonna have to come in anyway yeah they have to come in all right we're gonna wait you're blinded how did you even hit me all right Fireball the fire Barrel okay that did damage to her though too it shouldn't have because there's a freaking wall there that's called grip oh I did have advantage against him oh oh okay Gage and move away there I don't know I don't know what his actual movement speed is nine meters okay all right you need to take healing pills spell or something potion of healing only has a 55 chance of Landing a hit and she's got 80 . it's only got five hit points left yeah let's do it because of Smash possibly days is your target you can take actions they can't take reactions and are easier to hit all right let's do it he's saved against this concussive smash damn where do I go from here okay why is the concentration broken he dipped his Club in fire oh man won't sleep how many hit points they got three and six oh damn that killed all of them holy moly okay well geez how much does this do one to eight I did 11. okay don't know why but it did I don't have Advantage just go and attack him yay take a short risk to cover half your hit points and some other resources yeah we're gonna take a short round yeah short rest short rest um how do I take a short rest turn based mode camp and resting menu short rest I have two available twice a day you can restore fifty percent of your hit points or locks restore their spell slots long rest and go to Camp returning your Camp to rest and check in with companions oh you actually have a camp okay all right time to see what's new Horrors waiting for us now we get to loot the bodies and everything else in between yeah I get to sleep on the bed a folding screen cannot be I can't take the folding screen anything thing of use death and Divinity a Godly guide the spine of this heavy black book that's not it's not black is Inked with a chain of Silver Skulls how much is it worth 14 gold yeah books more books Noble hat casual sandals some rags and a row Dusty gray clothes Road dust only clothes gray with accumulated Road dust as much as dye these clothes are nothing special but we're gonna take them anyway because what else do we do oh I lit the candles cute all right looted him let's go boot him use a light source like a torch or the light spell to see in the dark creatures with dark vision don't need an external light source I do have some dark vision I think Journey Through the Jungle scroll the burning hands learning spells students of the Arcane Arts Wizards can learn new spells by studying certain spell Scrolls instead of using them okay drow poison your active weapon poison I need a bag of holding you guys okay I thought I saw oh the door okay there's so many things I can loot in this room okay we're going in this room first let's go with the easy boss oh and safe yes thank you because I would have forgotten so we can see a little bit better Granite bench can I sit on it I can okay I'm gonna loot everything you guys just get used to it oh there's a book in there oops foreign service had been impeccable daily did she devote herself to the lady of loss daily did she free herself from the tyranny of memory all in time was lost to her her relations her preferences even her own name upon the altar of her devotion placed the ultimate sack offering her emptied mind when she died when she awoke and death and found herself standing in the pale in the fate of the city of judgment she waited for the lady of lost to retrieve her a million souls and more passed her in colorless gusts but no hand materialized in her hand sounds weird no voice whispered instruction in her ear no guidance profit itself from the bleached and Barren Sky time immaterial time passed around her like air coming and going and still the goddess did not come to her devotee kelimvore pitied her as much as the lord of the Dead is able but could not intervene this cleric of the lady of loss and claimed despite her worthiness might yet have one more lesson to learn that not that not of forgetting but being forgotten I saw a chest over here Buddha's trunk Chapel records find dust codes the pages of this weathered book beneath the bone white powder hundreds of short obituaries recorded in tiny script grobian Tipple illmatter drowning Evan arkinson augma internal rot deveren Stout Celine Celine fever all right hope I don't need to remember any of that what is this abrasure ah it's annoying that you have to like if you're not careful you highlight the Shelf itself and it does work that's kind of annoying it's like why be that nitpicky ink pot and quill all right how the hell do I get out of here oh I didn't loot this room did I oh no I did yeah I did okay what's in this door oh it's locked seems simple enough how does it open all right main quest find a cure crash region explore the ruins banyan's daughter of Darkness the pale elf The Wizard Of Water Deep completed quests I don't need to see my completed quests inspiration when a character performs an action that's true to their background they gain experience points and receive inspiration inspiration to be spent to re-roll an ability check we're both sages a Charlton a charlatan yes and an acolyte you're curious and well-read and upon ending The Thirst of Knowledge Learning about rare lore of the world would inspire you to put this knowledge to Greater purpose see there's a reason why I'm reading all these books chat can't see anything in here and I don't have there we go like a smart person book of final breath dense rows of scrawled text the few legible entries seem to detail the names of final words of numerous individuals come see this it's your Pinner laboratory explosion Prof crests way laid in the Neverwinter alley you're blocking my light Donna Ree watered-haven feather lung I don't know what that means there's nothing in here all right let's go check this place out next doesn't look like we have any other portrait of the Usain all right I'm in Comfort yeah you're carrying too much during cumber your movement and rolls will be negatively impacted until you drop some items yeah let's uh let's change some inventory here look at all my stuff I have so much stuff here you carry these what armor are you wearing Armor class of 11. Armor class of 11 and you are in class of 10 and you can't wear that so simple robe leather gloves I'm not wearing any gloves I can put on some leather gloves yeah why not why do I have Rags because they're worth three gold that's why leather boots anybody need boots everybody's got boots um yeah you can have a crossbow yeah you can take a crossbow too wait no I need a crossbow I don't have any Radiance weapons can I I can't I can't equip a area ranged melee attack so you can switch between holding your range or melee weapons you can find the buttons in your hot bar you have toggle weapon set use range weapons use melee weapons okay gotta learn this stuff does it tell me oh okay there it is there's got to be a better way to do this like there should be a button that says balance inventory between all I'll uh characters that would be most useful chat just take all this stuff okay that's good enough in Fury oh yeah it's annoying that dancing life is casted on a location and not on a person why did you get on top of the box to open that what was the point of milk can I'm not gonna pick up those things cheese wedge does food do anything no more prayers only dust and silence who are those prayers for normally the patron God is obvious oh okay so I should pick up all the food dried sausage links cheese wheel cheese wedge all right I will plaque ancient indecipherable text covers the plaque a dead tongue whoever worshiped here must be long gone because I still haven't figured out how to get out this way nope oh there's a door it's locked oh it's not locked okay ah but there was a there no we're gonna go back in because there was a locked door we gotta go figure out what that door is I used I used the key he's a rogue he should probably be able to uh do I got that set of these tools where'd they go thieves tools give those to him he's got a dagger so I could give him we could do a wheel daggers off hand attack you'll automatically use your bonus action to make an offhand attack while using two weapons unless you toggle this option oh yeah but if I use it as a bonus action then I can't I can't attack and then go back out yeah one to four damage versus the short sword which is two to seven yeah I think we'll just do a short sword do we have to have arrows I don't think so right no because he's got short bow and no arrows two to nine four to nine yeah your short bow is better all right so we want him what a day to unlock the door look no handle how does it open lock picking is impossible ah it's resistant to everything I don't have any wait I do have bludgeoning she's got bludgeoning Shadow heart does my faith will guide me right that's a mace yeah it's a mace what is it oh I see it's not a resistance ah it's a weakness it's flashing damage against this entity is doubled all right and the fire damage oh okay in that case in that case what do we got here fire bolts speaking no it's sturdy that's not gonna work try it one more time just in case in case we go with that or something [Music] oh we did just roll bad all right cool [Music] there we go oh I don't like the sound of that here goes nothing oh yeah a dank [ __ ] you know what that means Undead what do we got now explore the ruins the strange door LED deep into the ruins there are bound to be some interesting artifacts down here we find a locked door but it doesn't have a keyhole there's got to be something interesting behind it we found a way into the abandoned ruins okay ooh a chest what's inside this place wasn't built for the living Scroll of protection from evil and good sweet heavy oak doors oh 36. all right well let's looks like this one's unlocked this is not spoopy at all not at all I say Trump's about oh I see that can you disarm it I wasn't touching you disarm the difficulty of 10. I do have a toolkit do I want to use this five six seven let's not use this how do I undo this can I not I can't there's no way I can choose not to do it that's stupid bye top right X I don't see a top right X yeah there's not I can only change the guidance oh this oh oh I should just take it out of his inventory is that what you're saying that's stupid wait no it's in my inventory yeah it's in my inventory that's stupid but I want to disarm it why wouldn't there be a way of not using this right clicking does nothing that's stupid that's dumb I'm using it I'm doing it I don't care oh critical success uh you rolled 20 on the skill check critical success and you've automatically passed it Charlotte hello and welcome to the Stream um okay so it's disarmed now it is now disarmed all right cool oh boy I see disarm I still have it that's weird oh no oh wait okay we're good we're good with all these bonuses I'm not it's grayed out if you look at it let's see traps oh [ __ ] oh considerate I didn't realize okay I don't I don't know actually maybe I thought it was grayed out but now it doesn't look like it's grayed out yeah see it's grayed out okay okay I'm gonna disarm this oh no yeah you can disarm traps without um needing it to quit no the disarm toolkit well in in 5e disarm toolkits just gives you a bonus to your role it doesn't mean you can't do it engraved key black instincts blot the handle of this key found in a sarcophagus within a long forgotten chapel and the Watchers guide zero to seven damage versatile 1d8 1d6 minus 1. death's promise when the spear misses its Target the enters the next attack rule against that Target gains true strike proficiency with this weapon type unlocks locks I can't oh I can do this and then look at it ah Rush attack charge forward and attack the first enemy in your way possibly pushing them off balance this is cool who should I give it to I'm thinking I should give it to um Shadow heart she can throw it yeah that would be probably shadow heart and she use it it's ranged right no that's not that scale no she can't use it hmm or is it considered mainly because it's a spear it's melee ah you [ __ ] I thought it was throat because it says throw when the spear misses oh oh no I'm I'm thinking it's a spear so I was thinking throw okay never mind never mind sweet all right what else we got going on in here there's a door there an ancient door here the reason why I could avoid these but knowing me I would still step on them we're just gonna disarm them foreign yeah maybe yeah they could have fixed it that's possible that is possible dude he's amazing on this this is just bonkers these coins can power infernal engines ooh ring mail armor ooh oh it's heavy an iron coin I prefer gold I don't take it no I killed them Carson I'm still in the Crypt I'm exploring the Crypt now but uh yeah yeah what's your 13 not proficient with heavy armor oh come on I thought she would be damn yeah I'm grave robbing I mean why wouldn't I grave Rob right all right let's go back to this door here you can use your thieves tools to pick a lock or you can find its key be warned your thieves tools will break on a failed attempt right Mouse button open contacts menu to Lockpick hopefully with all your bonuses yeah this is ridiculous uh take me outside hey I found my way back to the ravaged Beach interesting okay we still have a whole oh wait did I open this it did we still have a whole another door over here to look at it well we found the key to that door okay looking for things to light like a bracer describes with swords so much for the quill we my dear no he's got a Quarter Staff what are you talking about this is so subversive about their words that they commanded protection I'll just help myself you do that heavy key I wonder if that key opened the door that we unlocked oh a gilded chest Don't Mind If I Do what I get a plate a cup a cup worth 10 gold a fine pewter cup ornamented with polished brass and a chalice I mean why not right that's a chest I see you oh actually I see the Dead Guy Come On Party ooh polish ring it's not can't believe I already found a magic item though that's awesome probably nothing in the vases yeah didn't think so where does this go what is this what now for the letter um did we go up or do we check to see what's down here did I look to see what was down here yeah all right we'll come back to the ladder so I don't know what's over here looks like dead ends actually oh that might be a door Maybe looks like there's a button there ime of the Dead this Chapel must be ancient okay so we know who that is the Scribe of the Dead interesting that makes sense with all the books about the people who died what is that a button pushed a button oops oopsies something just woke up down here they're all alive now should we all go into the room the darkness can be to our advantage I didn't even see that guy foreign yeah they're all they all woke up great all right we need to get uh all right he's gonna Dash I need to get him somewhere dark hmm all right we'll get away over here first he's in the light right now but that's okay now I could have hit that one guy with a I should have summoned my my bird back all right um what's their health 28 they're level three I'm gonna die oh no um bludgeoning poison damage against the Synergy is nullified okay oh we're gonna die oh he's just out of range I think no I can hit him I have high ground sweet that I missed ready I don't think I can get her okay what's up okay and then your movements you'll come up here to attack this one moving at least I took away all their quarter staffs right so they don't have any weapons range here I need to make sure I don't stay in the silence bubble because then I can't cast spells either damage of 14. oh wait no acid doesn't work on him [ __ ] true strike gains advantages on my next attack roll sleep magic Missile Thunder Wave [Music] I guess we'll just do a range attack yeah it's outside normal range okay so hang on we gotta move forward I get Advantage oh because I'm on The High Ground oh guiding Bolt why do I have guiding bolt oh oh right okay sure why not I'll use it all right where are you going come back I don't know what my plan is with him to be honest I don't really have a plan still can't reach him they don't have hamstrings because they're skeletons but you know whatever it's fine her emotive fire one down we got this chat all right he needs to come out so he can see oh he can see that one candy yeah okay so you can stay there charge forward and attack the first enemy in your way possibly pushing them off balance did it work it does [Music] I missed damn it of course I missed I love the little noises ah all right you're you've moved back now what is your health 10. 10 okay so if I moved here and cast to sleep on oh I can't Target the undead ah crap it doesn't work let's see Thunder Wave magic Missile I guess I'll just have to use magic Missile this might break his silence spell one two three good I broke his concentration on his spell it doesn't matter though because it's oh you should have let him keep it damn yeah you're unarmed ha ha all right two we'll just do this this will this will definitely kill him now I don't have to hit them again right they're not gonna come back to life on me are they all right hunting action Dash this way oh wait on yourself first as close as we can get not trying to do anything I just want to he's not within range so let's move here peace and oh he's only got two now let's do this he's dead all right so we're not gonna die oh what one Health left there's nothing I can do you Ray of frosted me you bastard um I'm on the low ground oh well sweet critical hit nice and I broke his concentration not that she needed the con the needed to there we go he's dead let's do a range attack on you trinkets these guys are all wait they're not empty anymore sweet I get extra stuff from them now yeah okay where'd the other guys die at back it in for the day I think really no maybe we're gonna finish uh checking this place out though there was this guy here loot the bodies never not loot the bodies all right now come all the way back over here and check to see what's in this room we deep there's a plaque I missed a plaque somewhere a lot of effort to hide one sarcophagus what is our update we found a large sarcasus Hidden in The Roots who lies within I don't know let's find out see thank you richly adorned sarcophagus too ooh I should have I should have read the plaque I didn't see the plaque until now we got a boss fight on our hands the candles turn green I knew I should have used all my spells son of a [ __ ] I knew it I knew it so he has spoken and so those standards before me right as always what a curious way to awaken Withers now I have a question for thee what is the worth of a single mortal's life hmm quite a question what's the reason for it so he has spoken what here are you talking about little spooked by the crawling out of the Tomb bit what are you a peaceful Undead interesting why aren't you attacking me there's no I can't answer his question at all okay well we'll stick to the question curiosity nothing more we'll answer my question again what is the worth of a single mortal life no one life is worth more than any other person's Deeds life's only value is currency doesn't matter to me otherwise that 32 guy thank you for the sub each life is of infinite value and Merit sacrificing everything four welcome to the Stream um the only life that matters is mine depends on the mortal there's lots of choices oh no chat I don't know which one to choose [Music] um warm in here too um I guess it depends on my character right we haven't really established what my character's mentality is I'm kind of going with selfish um but good at the same time if that makes any sense depends on a person's Deeds Maybe each life is an infinite value of America isn't everything for no it only matters is mine I don't like that answer either depends on the mortal on the person's Deeds ah see to me it depends on the mortal and the person's Deeds are kind of the same thing so I don't know which one to choose out of those two I'm curious by what standards Thou shalt judge very well I I am satisfied we have met and I Know Thy face I had more questions see each other again at the proper time and place farewell how long has it been okay where's the plot go curious here lies the guardian of tunes comes atonement uh that was a wise choice ooh The Amulet of lost voices speak with dead level 3 necromancy spell ooh the dead had no secrets from gerbils [Music] riveners of Doom oh yeah we're stealing all of his [ __ ] sitting in the vases probably not but I also thought there was nothing in the the whatchamacallits and there ended up being something in them so oh okay well I just take the jug yeah we'll just take the jug all right I think that's everything in here now um so that oh the ladder right the ladder let's go to the ladder come on come on get a ladder we should probably take a long rest I've got one spell slot left whatever comes she's only got one spell slot watch your back so desire Gail's only got once yeah maybe we should take a long rest wait we don't have a camp how do I how does that work do you want to end the day you have enough camp supplies to restore all hit points and spell slots if you long how do I get back here though do I have to teleport all the way back yeah General tutorial oh cool it set up a camp somewhere nearby okay cool at your Camp you can take a long rest and fully heal your party you can also manage party members Advanced relationships with your companions store items and eventually change your character and recruit more followers cool oh I'm in my underwear I took my armor off all right cool bed Shadow heart what's up discussion go talk to her she's playing with her funky box you strike me as the reliable sword are you sure this is a good idea sure what is a good idea there are lit fuses in our heads sooner or later they're going to blow each hour that passes the thing inside us grows we need to find a Healer let's wake up at first light yeah but we can't just you know run around on empty fuel so our top priority fine but it won't be easy searching this Wilderness this is unfamiliar territory Russian only land Us in more trouble yeah it's our top priority maybe we'll get lucky we're overdue some good fortune rest well we'll need our strength okay hourglass I like how they got their own little campy areas Shadow heart seems jumpy must not relish the thought of sprouting tentacles understandable can't say I'm a fan either it's just hard to join in when all of this feels so new the night normally means bustling streets bursting taverns in the dirt and resting is um a little novel you never camped give it a try we'll need to be fresh tomorrow I'm in no place to rest yet it's been a lot I need some time to think things through to process this you sleep I'll keep watch I feel about a vampire keeping watchful asleep all mine sweet dreams we're gonna trust them though we're gonna try it and here is Gail what's a crystal ball no don't steal the crystal ball are you gonna steal the crystal ball I stole the crystal ball go to hell hey and good evening to you too you're a good sport go to hell an everyday expression so trivial it's almost meaningless but we've seen how to real it isn't trivial yeah just full of imps and Ambience campions I don't know whatever it was watch the flames dragons mind flayers they used to be abstracts pictures on a piece of paper What A Difference A Day Makes now we have tadpoles slithering through our heads like carnivorous feet high I don't know what a feta is but okay that's not abstract you can help us perhaps you should get some rest brooding will get us nowhere what can I say but you're right we're in deep you know what ah okay I see thank you Arrow perhaps you should get we're in deep you know what point well made I see I'll wake you bright and early we'll need to find a Healer before the wee one gets hungry I'm not gonna steal all of this stuff I mean I accidentally stole the crystal ball but you know there's lots of space for I guess other people it's not simple enough nothing so I open the door oh hello Withers we meet again as predicted well you didn't go very far I shall be here in like him for whenever thou Hast need of my services what are your services that to be rude but what are you there are many answers to that question none are important skeletons aren't supposed to be able to talk correct are you going to explain what kind of services can a skeleton of the threads between life and death should thou or any of thy compatriots perish I will cleave soul to body once oh that's incredibly powerful Magic why is it so easy for you you mentioned the cost what is it and look very ugly doing it helpful no one's dead on my side at the moment because it is my calling there is little else to explain what's the cost a matter of coins see this is why we pick up everything can you help me change my class no what if I don't have that kind of gold right now then I shall wait here patiently until it is acquired what does he need all that gold for all right the strange wraith commands many Powers he has allow you to resurrect allies hire help and change your class for a price of course I can hire help any other doors anywhere suffice to say welcome back he was also a merchant in Early Access huh [Music] Travis chest Matt oh oh yeah yeah um we'll drink Adventures pack the lip of the pack is stitched with the likeness of a limited warrior their eyes sheltered something protrudes from the helm like a strange floppy Arrow yeah I bought the DLC Drake General die combine this die with an equipment item to alter the colors of fabric leather and even metal the magic of this mask comes from its gory provenance and makes it perfect for the Discerning actors sleuth or person with a mirror and Time to Kill this chest Bears The Faint likeness of six Noble figures from far off near mythical lands what's is it okay it's all the stuff it Cape of the red Prince a noble Warriors cloak woven in the heart of an ancient empire I have a tail so I don't think a cloak's gonna work really well Arrow do you know if the cloak Clips through the tail loot of The Bard of the Sea Beast a battered two point hat that's seen wear and tear of rebellion needle of the outlaw Rogue ooh proficiency with this weapon me type unlocks finesse like oh oh should we give this to um Aster or whatever asterion I'll put it on let's give this to asterion okay and we'll leave the rest of it I should put a shirt on though um where is it where to put it oh I sent it to him oh duh let's see this is two to five damage oh this is four to nine damage though oh look at that it's all the weapons that I have in my inventory cool I have torches I didn't know I had torches yeah no we're gonna keep the short sword all right we'll put this back in the uh chest I didn't mean to do that keep my bone thank you very much these are all just normal I don't think it does anything as special dude all the quarter staffs are the same yeah [Music] yeah but I do have short bows to give everybody because they're two to oh wait light crossbows are better four to nine 4 to 11. take a light crossbow yeah you can take a short pump just in case now he doesn't need it no maybe no he's got a cantrip that's a yeah he's fine okay he doesn't need it got a lot of things to sell I might do the selling of stuff off screen whenever I get around to merchants I already have 239 gold woohoo oh that's not who I meant to choose I need to be me never a dull moment now how can I put stuff in it can I not oh I didn't mean to like can I do that I can okay good to know okay what is this the Amulet of lost voices speak with dead necromancy level 3 necromancy spell the dead hope no secrets and journals Services of Doom we'll give this to Gail we'll put that back in there yeah it doesn't say that it does anything a dagger that thrusts with desire a longing for vengeance it doesn't say it does anything special it's pretty it's very pretty it's just a shame that doesn't do something good yeah proficiency with it unlocks something and but the short sword does the same things all right let's put this cape on how do I put the cape on I don't see a cape hmm can I not wear a shirt I mean come on why do I have to be shirtless my Camp clothes is my bra oh here it is oh I see there we go I'd rather be dressed like that oh see that's what I was afraid of that just looks so dumb see that looks so dumb [Music] yeah we can't we can't have that nope nope nope nope I'll put it on a different character later yeah I know I wanted a tail and I'm happy with my tail all right so now it's time to sleep go to bed I assume I have to put my hands on everything end of the day and restore hit points and spell slots to fully rest you must use enough camp supplies fully resting use the acquired amount of camp supplies to fully rest recovering all your hit point spills bye I can't stop going away I need to finish reading it Auto Select so they each worth like points ah four four I see ten I see okay stick cut chips fried and beef Tallow evoke memories of leisurely promenades along partially frozen rivers all right cool it looks like it's did all the small ones first I don't I don't know what frights are I assume it's supposed to be like fries I thought you were gonna keep watch that's not keeping watch all right so how do we get out of here oh leave Camp okay all right let's go up the iron ladder see where this takes us and that takes me back down okay what does this Trail do back around look at that and there's the hole okay well let's come back here lifted my feet can carry me don't fall down the hole this time what happened I failed a survival check that's curious wait what is it dirt Mound come back what is this no hope of clearing this without a shovel I don't have a shovel no hope of clearing this without a shovel okay we'll have to come back for that then all right let's open this chest what's hiding here I don't know we're gonna find out oh there's a plaque hang on hang on read the plaque time and the elements have left the plaque unreadable okay well nothing [Music] again so do you have loves waiting for you once this is all over you know what that is not the easiest of questions for me to answer you mean just wait wait like a lovesick puppy short-term amusements are much less [Music] hey I found their stuff and that's the door that goes to the Crypt okay whoa oh I get all of the things sweet and some garlic oh he didn't say anything about the garlic what happens here I just lay down yep anything else around here nope Okay so I guess we can go this way figure out where we're going that's a trap if ever I've seen one and that's a tiefling and there's somebody in it okay so we're gonna come here of course it's dangerous one of them called absorbs whole Squad so let's leave it oh it's our oh it's what's her name goblins have it have it we take it to the hello zoru was right yellow was a toad twice as ugly the thing's dangerous leave it for the Goblins to kill and if it escapes how will you oh a guest your skull power is in response to the prisoner's white hop stare her lips don't move yet you hear her voice get rid of them oh shoot the Trap down you must kill it before it harms someone this creature is dangerous get out of here leave it to me add bonus guidance let's go yes yes she's right let's go we need to check out that blast a blast could you be you didn't hear it shook out good so we came for a look you mean the ship crashing I mean was that even really worth a roll I mean come on overshot just a little bit just a little bit of Overkill look for Nettie whatever your wound she can mend it and be careful there are goblin traps everywhere night Messer come enough caulking gets me down say please no uh yeah say please never Shadow heart and what's her name of Peru [Laughter] all right and listen you'll hear goblins before you see them as you say all right fine thank you first the tadpole hasn't yet scrambled all your senses auspicious but the longer we wait the more it consumes my people possess the cure for this infection I must find a crash you will join me careful she obviously sees your kindness as weakness don't let her take advantage what exactly is a crush a simple think you wouldn't go amiss all right we journey together let's find this Crush what exactly is that many things Hatchery a training grounds a shelter give Yankee protocol is clear when infected with a gay tadpole we must report to Augustine for purification oh see if I if I go with her then I probably can't go to that camp because she killed a bunch of them apparently but she already is guaranteed she knows how to get rid of the thing but I can't really trust her either oh this is hard I see you may as well suggest a wyvern bow to worms The Cure I offer will suffice his thanks that's true that's true I'll give her that all right fine you are full up dismiss your weakest Warrior oh very well but heed my words the horned ones mentioned a camp one there this zoru has seen gift Yankee a X I must interrogate this sorrow our very lives depend on it I will be at your camp do not keep me waiting all right Shadow heart didn't approve of that but Gail did all right let's check our Journal [Music] uh get help from healing Nutter finally get stinky Crush we recruited a half elf named Shadow heart she was also working online and infected with a parasite yep strange elf who had also been infected with a parasite he was hostile at first but agreed to join us when he learned we were infected too and The Wizard Of Water Deep complete complete complete why is this one grayed out hmm oh because I've clicked on them I see I see all right I keep trying to hit Q hey a short bow but that will fit to my back dragon egg mushroom there was one more room in the Crypt I missed damn it what room did I miss in the crypts I have to go all the way back is there anything really good in the Crypt is there anything good in the room that I missed damn it damn it Arrow we're heading back I really miss about Boulder's Gate food freshest fish I've ever had I don't care okay unless we find a killer you won't have any teeth to chew it with door somewhere I explored this area this is where I fought those guys this is where I fell in at this room here that was empty that room oh in the actual crib so I gotta come all the way down here where I met the Skelly guy where was that at that was over here is it because it's dark and I just don't see the door ah C okay I see the door I see the door I found it there's no light sources I gotta close these drapes really quick I got a huge glare on my screen hang on a second guys well obviously the sun's coming in give us a glare but it also makes the room very hot too and hot room with sun and pajama pants just makes you a very warm chat no no this is what I was coming into hey looks like someone wanted to Bear their secrets dead gods it was far lighter than it should be with such a massive loss search for an Arcane Rune to sabotage smash the lock open sorcerer Charisma muster your will and channel a surge of magic through the lock we're always going to choose our special skills always as the locker opens weak magic Pulses from the book such a waste binding it to dry dead parchment what was once script is now an obliterated scroll you have a sense these are names a list but of what examine the book more closely yes yes bitching gods these are the names of gods once lost but now restored after the second sundering the last three names in this book sit close together but are so devastated by the scroll as to be unreadable entire pantheons have dwindled and been Reborn silently recorded by this book oh thundering I'm inspired sweet inspiration gained Magnus Gail was inspired nice act like the shadow heart is inspired everybody's inspired well I don't I doubt asterians item received Scroll of Rey up and feeblements okay when a character performs an action that's true to their background they get the inspiration may be spent to re-roll an ability check you can have a maximum for inspiration if you are at your maximum inspiration completing the background goals only grants experience sweet okay all right cool everyone else I saw try that failed so hard in unit 20 yeah that's cause I'm me I've got video game luck I already opened that Soul coin oh I already have one of those Nelson anything that has them I don't think we're gonna go down there all right well looks like I got everything this time so now we can leave um I guess the the tunnels are the ladder is probably the fastest way out really ah damn it I want the shovel because I want to dig up that mound oh wait what I thought you said I thought you meant here you mean down here you mean down here up top okay outside okay okay I thought you meant the chasm oh dagger boot tiger warts dagger Rick nope okay a recipe okay I hit h so Alchemy pouch a comfortable ingredient combine three of these to calcinate them into ashes oil of accuracy known as Executioner's garnish this Herb flourishes in blood fed soil and has flavored countless final meals what does it do helps your weapons slip through the tiniest of cracks in an enemy's defenses ooh okay not seeing anything else over here [Music] I don't see anything else unless it's up here somewhere and that's the mound up toward the balcony balcony over here trying to see what's on the other side of this door and it's just not letting me adjacent to the chapel oh a song what is that okay here take that here yeah I'm not saying anything but because I'm not here though oh yeah they would have they would have definitely moved stuff together aren't you okay um sure in silence pick up for picker actually we'll come back to where we stopped right here and then I'm gonna take a quick break because I need to use the restroom and get some more water because I've been streaming for five hours so I will be right back hang on yep all right give me just a few minutes guys sorry about that foreign [Music] foreign foreign yes that is my be right back screen that was made by Charlotte for me it's got my my little mm emblem for Mary monomith and yeah she did that I'm I'm super happy with it I think it looks great I supposed to get um some music to go along with it eventually so we'll see okay let's resume thank you guys for waiting I appreciate it all right we gotta pay attention to traps though by goblins excuse me not really sure which way we should be going Bob Ross type music yeah I don't I don't know what I'm gonna search for for it the joy of Miri oh this is back where I was okay okay that looks like a goblin trap doesn't it spikies yeah that's totally a trap okay so hang on let's look at the mat so that takes me back to somewhere I haven't been so there's more to this ship that I haven't seen yet okay let's check it out then might as well no we're gonna choose yes I know always have guidance I forgot all the bonuses though so dude he's a two op when it comes to the Trap disabled moments so is this this is where I killed that one guy that yeah where I stomped his head in okay just the way I didn't go I see so then go this way oh there's a shovel it's mine now he's shouting up ahead we should check it out but be careful hey we found it I just barely hear the shouting but it's probably goblins but I want to go back to that one dirt Mound come on let's go [Music] you guys move too slowly so slow here we go no necessarily I haven't made up my mind about you yet all right now we can get out of here yeah I don't know what kind of music I'd want for for my be right back um okay this is where we got to last time I think we can go this way first Emerald Grove I should have done it with my other character stop I'm gonna do it with this character because we can actually go on my couch right very well yes I see then go get him he's been alerted I won't leave my post okay let's go nobody gets several orders that pack of goblets will be honest any second what's going on goblins are on our tail open the door now you let goblins here where is The Druids please there's no time foreign that's not a goblin the nine Hells over the gates we must save them oh that's a lot of goblins Chad [Applause] damnable Roach provoke the blade okay here oh look there's goblins right beside me great just great all right oh okay um I can't swap places with anybody okay [Music] um how much help do they have seven oh this is gonna be yeah okay Piercy strike this guy go [Music] okay and then flourish weapon actions one to four damage possibly throw your enemy off balance oh interesting okay it's a bonus action oh cool not enough movements 44. 18 oh no 18. oh he's got a lot okay cool all right let's get our Mage up here and then what can we do what can we do ray of Frost let's see is there anything that we I don't see anything I was thinking like May Chan something and have rocks fall on them or something you know what I mean I don't see anything that we can use to our advantage so we're just gonna have to go straight damage um wait how much damage they have nine 21 26. 13. I could sleep two of them yeah I don't think I need to do that just do a fireball why I can't Firebolt him why not why can't I pay or hold him why can you get over here maybe was The Rock in my way what oh he needs to go forward just a little bit farther and I can't ah damn not enough movement I don't understand it's within the range what the hell do I have to go down there yeah I guess so yeah that's what I'm doing what are you doing oh rallied what does that do [Music] I played every last one of you okay can you hit with your doohickey no and you can't get down so we're gonna Dash firm you can't get on the actual rock it'll be in the way there let's get you right there okay never a dull moment you shouldn't have told me that Arrow you should have let me do it on my own um acids I can't see my range can't see the Splash Zone that's annoying okay put it there I get both of them that's what we're gonna do and we'll move right here okay and then end your turn down ooh what was that you said you stepped on the surface that could become dangerous affected by almost like fire or lightning most services like this can be washed away with water oh are you planning on firing me okay oh it's difficult to rain ah damn flourish piercing strike oh I already used it oh here's a shot oh he's got he's got three Health We're not gonna waste that do a range attack instead okay what is this that's melee that's not gonna do me any good let's go ahead and get him down as best we can yeah yeah I know you're in the grease now oh wait I could have did this ah damn it okay um fire bolts Fireball the little guy first and what's this guy 21 Goblin boss ooh okay okay who is this oh this is oh okay this is Shadow heart all right where is my oh it's a bug bear oh it's a bug bear foreign oh that killed him never mind okay simple enough okay is that still Grease can I get you out of the dress all right so make sure you don't get and hit the Goblin oh we did we haven't lost anybody yet oh I know what he is he's a he's a warlock got it got it got it got it speak attack ranged you should I don't have advantage and I can't see this target I assume okay so then we're just gonna do um piercing shot I guess on I have why do I have disadvantage Market outside normal range it's because I'm up high okay hang on now can I do it High Ground doubled movement cost 75 threatened I still can't do double sneak attack on him all right that I missed of course I did of course I did and I don't have enough movement to do anything do I get down as fast as I can I guess [Music] foreign oh yeah can you see him yeah you can I think so now how are you supposed to shoot him from up there you can't see him [Music] [Music] ah [ __ ] High Ground still 40 chance we'll try it there we go all right answer that's all that matters and acid Splash up sure then he saved that bastard what are you doing saving I have to go through yeah we'll stay here a critical miss you hit your teammate we'll see now I want to go back up on the grease to shoot him High defense Target outside of normal range How can I if I get up here no let's get back up here into the grease and I guess we'll just do a normal rocket do Firebolts no this one this one's guaranteed to do more damage well not guaranteed but but it's still outside of my normal range wow I don't know damn it critical Miss and I wasted guiding bolt [ __ ] damn let's just get you down oh okay he fell in the grease just keep doing Fireballs on them I guess oh he's only got three health and he missed of course he did you can't reach him critical Miss dude this guy's got high defense there we go that was the last of them inside all of you more may follow open the gate let's go this place doesn't look like much Taste of goblins to car my fear it must be a horde nearby oh I fell in the grease let's have a look crime certain actions are frowned upon by others get caught and you might find yourself in a prison cell well I can't loot the Goblins is it a crime to loot the goblins why would it be a crime to loot the goblins don't understand that's why it's red right I'd assume so wow gloves of power absolute Bane on a melee hit possibly inflict um 1d4 penalty to the target's attack rolls and saving throws sleight of hand plus one oh I'm gonna give that to our rogie boy okay and then the bug bear okay can I come in hello it's because we are there are children here you fool we was running for our lives you let them straight to us and you let them take the Druid too unbelievable there's one Goblin there's ten I'm leaving before the chords show up one fight just ended and now you're picking another relax Druid since gobbles didn't take any prisoners you can cough up my payment anytime now now um head at the gate there is no dead at the gate we saved everybody I am dead next to the Goblins if you'd sold any longer my dude do you camp it's tail but I shouldn't be surprised full Bloods ain't known for courage human you better step back I'm still watching both of you down I will otherwise knock it off stand back and watch persuasion more violence won't bring back those you've lost stop the video we're gonna intimidate let's see if it works then oh all right let's go come on baby yes oh yes I am badass [Laughter] enough squabbling is pointless the Goblins have found us at least we agree on that more goblins could be on their way parasite than a few goblins we need a Healer side it won't hurt anyone he always knew what to say when I was homesick oh that guy didn't die you know you know that's guy we met earlier with a goblin trap all right close forgive that display aledins are blow hard but that's no cause for me to join him for your help out there well met I should warn you visitors are no longer welcome in this Grove whatever your business I'd see to it quickly The Druids are forcing everyone out this attack will only strengthen their resolve oh that's a druid Circle I have no Coral liquids why are they forcing out those goblins there have been many attacks like that I don't be staying long just need to find a Healer um there have been several attacks by different monsters The Druids blame us Outsiders for drawing them here nobody's welcome anymore they've started a ritual to cut the Grove off from the world outside we can't stay but we'll be slaughtered if we leave we are no Fighters well what is there no way to convince The Druids stop it I tried corger their new first Druid won't even see me you though I know it's not your business but she owes you for saving this place perhaps you could persuade her for more time to prepare if nothing else I'll see what I can do I'm sorry I've got my own problems I have my own temporal temporal concerns I need a Healer what are you offering for my age I'll see what I'm gonna do we're Messengers now I'll show you a great debt if we're forced to leave now we won't make it to the city you'll find The Druids at the heart of the Grove please make them see sense before more lives are lost we need to find a Healer though no come back I want a Healer find me in the caves I need to let people know we're moving all right all right sweet we could say a prayer we should have time for that yeah yeah that would be good we're gonna come investigate stuff I can't open any of this it's all stealing damn you and you're stealing can I talk to you guys have some respect this really isn't the time to talk [ __ ] yes it is what the hell [ __ ] Jesus all right fine into the caves the emerald Grove oh well how was I supposed to know that your precious borders gate I care about our lives our futures no you just care about your stupid apprenticeship take that back right now is about the traitor refugees adventurers no one in years and suddenly we're overwhelmed well met and thank you for beating back those goblins most Brave of you is there anything you need act fast if you do the ritual will be complete before too long are you really locking down the Grove I'm looking for a Healer I know it's drastic but more monsters seem to terrorize this region every day what about the people we Druids we'll be safe as for those that took Refuge here well May Sylvanas guard them as they continue their travels themselves seems like most are tieflings they'll be fine they have devilish Powers no as I said it's a drastic measure but the survival of the Grove is Paramount why can't you just keep them in the growth to support everyone oh okay that makes sense I pray no Goblin Arrow has grazed you Nettie could put you to rights she should be with the others in the inner Chambers but I doubt she'll be taking on new patients and the Grove will be locked down soon what are you selling bits and Bobs I no longer need I won't leave them behind there are two ways to buy and sell items trading is quick and easy but bargering will let you haggle for the best value oh I hate haggling okay let's get all this can I so what happens add to Wares Journey what does that mean what did that do send the camp Oh I can send things to camp it doesn't do anything so do I have to drag drop and drag oh Jesus get rid of all the junk I don't see why we need any Onyx too late handles casual sandals portrait of Fame who's Fame excruciating precise lines bring this portraits Undead subject to life despite his empty eye sockets you could almost swear his gaze follows you judgmentally I don't want to get rid of that yet a bottle Frags glass chalice water hmm sword Coast's finest well water bottled for convenience it did say I could use water to get like grease off so maybe I should keep that I will sell the crystal ball I don't need it plates jug Elder tarune dark mind rope we don't even know I know in D rope's important for climbing crisis can we stop shouting read I can't read books Okay so split I want seven of them or six of them how did that work that didn't work I don't understand Spike Shield leather armor ignomable hats cool a thief or Rogue or a rogue who's wears Rogues because sometimes they might or a disguise that's her Morning Star I feel kind of bad giving away her own Morning Star leather boots a flute performed it said Dyers the Charming Once lured a nest of harpies to their deaths I'd have to get a bard Goblin scimitars can I like right click no see I wish that would yeah I don't know ah double click a great Club um short bow what sword javelins oh those that's what I was thinking of ritual staff zero to seven damage topple main hands this is about your precious borders gate streaks attended and snow cleaned of the animal's skull last top of this wooden staff lovely um torches the Torches run out back right now he has 398 gold I have 325 so far these tools trap disarm tool kits scimitars yeah do I need multiple torches how does that work do they burn out eventually I have 287 gold here but I have 341 gold here how does that work oh a potluck we don't even know that you can take that too that doesn't matter of course it does you would choose strangers over us what I said stop shouting split item confirm it doesn't work okay what do you got gloves of missile snaring ooh can intercept missiles from ranged weapon attacks reducing the damage by 1d10 your dick start dexterity modifier oh I could take those ring of flinging throwing boosts the wear against a 1d4 bonus to throw damage ring male armor change shirt one hedge Wanderer armor please you're going to get us killed padded armor rain dancer what is this create water transmutation spell it's a stats main hand only topple pale staff and Blade with droplet-shaped topaz it is cool to the touch Gale can absorb this item's magic destroying it will encumber very modern methods it's a Quarter Staff Thief Arcane venomous once per short rest you gain a level one spell slot when you land a critical hit with the spell thief [Music] that's cool I'm not proficient with it but that's cool dragon's grasp earned alive deals an additional One Piece One one or four slashing damage to burning targets I know I'm not Arrow boring Thunder no future exploding on impact Darkness illmatter prevent your target from regaining hit points oh wow necrotic um lightning resistance supplies I think I'm okay on supplies potion of Greater healing ooh I have some Balsam combine three of these to calculate them into ashes Alco goal solution potion of Greater healing since Boston thrives on how do I how do I make these though that's what I want to know people excuse me to choose strangers over us not what I said can we stop shouting no I think I want the staff Maybe not why would I need to create water Greece I guess oh no I wanted the gloves that's what I want I want the gloves now I want to get rid of the books too but I can't split them right now why would you be why would you not like this trade okay you're only giving me six gold 36 goals for leave them behind you have animal speaking simple toxin I don't know what to get Pig's head camp supplies baked in the finest oils and sprinkled spices this isn't omnian delicacy um oh oh oh okay I see I see all right well yeah let's barter oh look and he's got all the stuff now I'd have to look through all of that again we're not doing that I could get I'm wondering if I can get better a better shirt for uh her this is about your precious Border's gate I care about our lives our futures no you just care about your stupid apprenticeship that's her mace I don't know if I want to give her mace away she's got the jaddling or the spear yeah we'll sell the mace and the Onyx Scroll of detect thoughts I wonder if I should keep this if I'm going to come across a fighter that I might use this for and I should keep it oh oh okay these people that doesn't matter of course it does you would choose strangers over us no I don't have a fighter which I said no okay what's padded armor she's got a change shirt right now that's better you take one less bludgeoning damage 13 gain a plus one bonus to dexterity saving throws and checks ooh that's better change shirt Armor class you take one less slashing damage calm down I could get her that please I won't leave them behind you're going to get us killed marijuana a higher armored glass I need to put gold in it how do I put gold in it how do I do that I had a pile of gold on my other character oh no why not give me money where's your gold this is about your preciousness okay this doesn't make any sense take that back right now oh the gift lady yeah does that mean I have to get rid of Gail though I mean honestly I don't I don't really like walking around with Shadow face [Music] how do I okay if I switch to trade trading mode switching between ordering and purchasing will result in current offers do you want to continue oh okay this is much easier all right we don't even know people that doesn't matter you would choose strangers over us there we go what I said that's much better I like this okay [Music] where did it go oh there it is chain shirt oh what do you got on you lots of junk grease bottle oh I could use that what is this silver necklace polished rings a great ax Albert calm down please I won't leave them behind you're going to get us killed oh Arrow fire didn't know I had that potion of mind reading Soul coin okay what is Gail dad anything good can I put this on you somehow where would I put this piece here there we go all right sweet done oh I can mark it as Wares and then I could just press Silvers and it gets rid of all of it oh sweet sweet okay um I go up here and there's nothing else that anybody really wants what's this ring do again bring the flinging yeah throwing stuff oh these are dots I can dye my clothes okay I don't like my clothes right now stupid apprenticeship this Grove is kept by sylvanas's faithfulness else sleeve I'll not gamble Our lives our futures on people who are as good as dead we must leave for Boulder's Gate at once can we all just take a moment please the point in blazing spells that we don't bloody use them we should stay these people aren't Fighters we can help or yell louder that's fine too the goblets will be back you should all stay a single blade could make a difference Dragonborn plan is everything you don't abandon those you swore to protect yeah I made no such oath and I will not be held responsible for these people then leave by yourself responsible for yourself then we have to stay right thing to do come to the stream we'll stay if we survive it'll make for a good story I suppose thank you Roland done how long until Roland shows off his Thunder Wave trap not a sanctuary you should clear off while you can pause board Ox hungry Ox strange Ox why what makes it strange oh yeah look at it to investigate the strange ox [Music] the ox makes you uneasy try to discern why a fine looking Beast you are ugh hideous cow Arcana yeah we're gonna use it oh so close that was so close chat continue things off this creature isn't what it appears to be what is it then okay [Music] we're just checking out the auxes you guys why not it's strange all right what do we got going on here you go practicing we'll come talk to you you look like you're in charge over here children the blade of Frontiers what a thrill for the children they're tough kids smart too the future's in good hands oh I didn't even see you there go on give me a Best Shot yeah not bad again I can't do it I'm not like you me I don't need you to be like me you just have to buy enough time to run come on I believe in you you can do this hey there can I have a word this wealth is hopeless you're wasting your time it's good advice child you'll do well to listen Dragonborn he's men's words child his form is highly efficient kind words and unkind times my friend well met the blade of Frontiers at yours the man's smile bends downward it's become you oh you are the blade of Frontiers racing through the waists of avernus ahead a diabolical figure red skin single curled horn blazes with flame bloodied great exhale hell's great fires you were on the ship yes we put another escapee thank the gods I need all the friends I can get who was that woman the one in your thoughts peer further into his mind We're Not Gonna appear further into his mind that's not nice I need all the friends are friends than the ones hitching a ride in our skulls at least I'm showing other stories doomed to shed our skin and become a lithid they say there's no coming back but we haven't sprouted any tentacles not yet anyway could just be good luck I'm not so your minds Collide once more says the fiend ignited with ranker she is an infernal War devil threat to the living evil incarnate [ __ ] show her avocados diaboli advocates diaboli a devil's advocate a champion in the blood war between diabolical forces and demons we get these history checks and everything and these knowledge checks like crazy it's great that tells dangerous territory who is she converting with Devils I see you should consider better company a devil's advocate do you think she'll bring the blood War to feroon um I mean who is she she's a devil's advocate right Devil's Advocate you think she'll bring them that ship sailed the sticks already well I can hope Force to limit the damage her name is carlak an archdevel Soldier I sworn my good eye to kill this I tracked her through the hells to the Mind flayer ship but the Damned lithids infected me before I could end her she's out there now preying on the innocent I don't kill her she'll leave behind nothing but a trail of corpses destroying forces will help you cast this devil back into the hills I'm looking to cure this infection I suggest we partner up good luck with your devil problem it seems your work's cut out for you no let's join forces we'll cast this devil excellent suggestion but your party's full up still when the time comes call for the blade I won't belong to answer go to my camp and wait for me a splendid plan we'll talk more there it's my talk to you again at the gates you fight well thank you a few words spare a story or two I mean I'm a sorcerer they're just children why are you teaching them to fight soak the battlefield with blood do not resist death but embrace it well it's a good day to die be strong and watch over your kin and Trust there is Victory bad news children you're all going to die be strong and watch over your kid and Trust there is Victory that one ah a little lizard smile I prefer when they smile all right let's go down here I guess next um this way again yeah I know I'm playing a nice character we're exposed now yep it's just how it happens it's a nice character that's okay I mean it doesn't mean she's not selfish she's just nice at the same time I mean I'm just saying nice things you're an idiot I thought he was gonna be somewhere in the caves where the hell is he another traitor maybe he's got anything good oh he looks like a blacksmith excuse me thanks for fighting off those goblins if you need to replace any gear this selection is pretty slim I had to leave most of my cup in an El Torell let me see your ears be a bread and butter tin Smith before elterrell fell into her furnace these days my talents are more eclectic learned a lot in my time in the Hills hope to forget most of it but between you and me there's nothing in all the Realms like the utter power of infernal Machinery alas my offerings are far more humble these days let me see what you got to safeguards you sorry meaning of Rolo magic caught in the Sterling by being exposed to too many wizard family dinners shaving throws plus one hmm I guess I could do um oh dagger plus one speaking of this place I'll never get the smell out of my clothes um yes I could give this to the if Yankee is that how you say it thank you I kind of want those nah I won't get it okay I guess I'm going this way what's in the door there's two doors supplies oh hello how are you sitting with your glute okay not gonna ask what's going on here oh you tapes are all boring even your cages are boring you ain't gonna shoot me your hands are shaking put it down can't fight back that's the point get out of the way she didn't kill your brother ARCA you're better than this shoot before you lose your nerve tiefling if you ever had it to begin with shut up those words could be your last step between the crossbow and the Goblin that's a [ __ ] Goblin no I'm Not Afraid chosen by blessed bless you all right Watch What Happens here it comes you little beast blessed you art another door oh it's another prison this is where I go if I steal their stuff all right where that doors are locked up where is the guy I'm looking for in The Druids like die if I met heroican reeking of this place never get the smell out of my clothes I'll have to burn them wait who are you after you saw you fighting those slimy bastards fancy a bowl best to fill your belly now while we still can what is it exactly agreed hungry Warriors make for easy prey you've been on Hard Times too huh no worse than what you're facing now look in your eyes says otherwise here have more we'll need every bit of strength to make it to Baldur's Gate trust me don't be grumpy Roland we'll get to the city soon I am not grumpy scan on your face there Auntie Ethel maybe no uh fidget the talk of the camp it's a rare day when I see one of you lush a boat it came along when you what there isn't a bit of color in those cheeks people I don't feverish and Seattle will search out I've lotion and Potions Galore oh boy I'm fine really uh just your trade another fuss over you what are you an alchemist I am magic if I can't cure myself nothing you concoct will you are the dragon your blood hedge to ride with oh how did you know speaking of my ancestors like that again and I'll incinerate you and this power is mine and mine alone make no mistake yeah my ancestor never dream of I can smell it from here like iron and Fire glorious I am glorious smells of petal something is wrong isn't it just don't wary with a difficult day there's no third it's difficult to explain I've seen it all I once had a fella who'd been caught dabbling with a dryad ooh the wife was none too pleased and introduced him to a pot of boiling oil oh [ __ ] but worry not I fixed him up and depending on the lighting he looks good as new my point is whatever ails you I promise I've seen worse I don't think you see worse something doesn't add up about this one don't tell her anything what is it petal what's wrong it's no concern of yours don't get your knickers in a twist only asking no do you need anything I have a few odds and ends and ends for sale show me your wares hey bother what do you get she's got a lot of freaking money holy [ __ ] potion of invisibility Ireland's Grace what does this do natural Pudge list you can plus one bonus to unarmed tackles when you damage on hampered resistance while the wielder is not wearing armor they receive plus two times you're an idiot Little Giant strength cool potion of Greater healing all right all right fish I need your stuff take care no sweetie all right um where am I supposed to sign that oh hear me really ready oh we all level up we gotta level up what did I find the first level up choices pending I learned a new spell uh what am I learning guys oh I've got so many options blindness I can blind blur track attackers have disadvantage on attack rolls against me cloud of daggers conjured cloud is spinning daggers attack anyone inside um crown of Madness ah and still Madness in the humanoid enemy making them attack the creature closest to them other than you even if it's Allied Darkness heavily obscures and blinds creatures within creatures cannot make range attacks into or out of it no I already have dark vision detect I think I do I don't know maybe I do maybe I don't I don't know detect thoughts enhance ability enlarge reduce gust of wind hold person oh old person hold a humanoid enemy still they can't move act or react attacks from within three meters are always Critical Hits oh visibility knock oh yeah unlock them yeah mirror image Misty step I've used Misty step plenty of times in DND it always gets me out of a bind phantasmal 4 still damage to a creature each turn the type of damage changes to the last type of the creature suffered for 10 turns ooh concentration intelligence save scorching gray are all three rays of fire each Ray deals two 12 damage [Music] shatter no that's a big I need some I need some pinpoint spells burning hands and then we come back to uh level one but I need it I need a level two spell so I'm looking at scorching Ray or Misty step Misty stuff's always good oh this is a hard decision let's go with Misty step so when I take damage I'll teleport away yeah we're gonna go with that one live I get a one passive okay careful Spell allow allies automatically associating throws against spells that require them extended extends the duration targets of spells that require saving throws have disadvantage on their first saving throw ooh three sorcery points per spell how many sorcery points do I have tell me no it doesn't tell me here oh I gained one okay so I have three total now okay spell spells that cost an action to cost a bonus action instead ooh yeah we're gonna go with that one subtle spell you can cast spells while silenced uh no we're gonna go with Quicken spell and I still don't want to well maybe I should give her a Thunder Wave yeah let's get rid of Thunder Wave and we will go with one of endpoint ice knife throws a Shard of ice that deals one to ten piercing damage it explodes and deals 2012 hold damage to anyone nearby and leaves an ice surface hmm let's try ice knife let's see what happens I'd like a clean stuff okay level up you [Music] think all of our spills prepared spells are fine oh wait wait we can do level two spills now what is this one Prayer of Healing do we need free healing spells heal all else you can see ooh okay we're gonna keep that one definitely cure healer creature you can touch the other creature you can see four to seven four to eleven let's get rid of cure wounds less keeping that guiding bolt keeping that flicked wounds and keeping that one uh let's see what else we got Aid lesser restoration here's a you're a creature from disease poison paralysis or blindness ooh hoarding Bond protection from Poison calm emotions whole persons spiritual weapon doesn't that sound a floating special weapon that attacks your enemies alongside you yeah I think that's a good spell to have Hans ability blindness and silence let's go with spiritual weapon K and our Rogue oh we got lots of things to do okay what's Arcane trickster again I don't remember Arcane tricksters are robes with a clever Touch of Magic using Illusions and enchantments to keep their opponents on the back foot assassin deal Sublime punishment to a single foe at a time not in a dual mind because a duel implies chivalry and you're too busy getting the job done for Honor these use their skills in stealth and larceny to acquire whatever they wish whether from a third story window or the depths of the long forgotten ruins uh I think I'd rather do assassin assassinate initiative you're a deadliest against unprepared enemies in combat you had bandage on attack rolls against creatures that haven't taken a turn yet do I need anything um no well we should probably talk about dinner at some point assassinate Ambush any successful attack rule against a surprise creature is a critical hit assassinate I don't know that word assassins all are critty all are pretty I don't know quick is an ally cat in a rain dark city you immedially restore your action and bonus action at the start of combat I gotta figure out how I can keep him hidden that's that's what I don't understand about this game so far is how to use him effectively with his hidden abilities so he gets advantage it's definitely working differently than um in uh tabletop D and D so I'm a little reluctant to go assassin because of that I should go Arcane Trickster yeah all right let's do it let me try Gail oh Frank's making dinner oh okay nope then I have I got nothing out oh actually yes um can you bring me those um gummy strips in the The Shopping Bag still yeah give me some gummies choose the spell as you know from the list below spell requires spell slots to cast unless a feature States otherwise all right we're learning level two spells woohoo Arcane Lock close the door or container with a magical lock and can no longer be lock picked or opened with knock blindness blur or attackers have disadvantage on Attack rules against you Cloud daggers crown of Madness and salt and still Madness in a humanoid enemy making them attack creature close system yeah darkness dark vision detect thoughts enlarge or reduce flaming sphere oh flaming sphere you can move the sphere yeah ah flaming sphere is always fun custom wind hold person invisibility to knock to magic weapon infused weapon with Arcane energy weapon becomes magical for Sigma plus one bonus to attack on damage rolls milf's acid Arrow shoot a green arrow that covers the Target and the ground acid deals for 16 asset damage immediately and two to eight acid damage at the end of the target's turn oh I like that oh but he's got Misty step too Raven feebleman we're gonna throw the deal half damage with weapon attacks using strength phantasmal 4 still damage to a creature each turn the type of damage changes the last type of creature suffered scorching race the invisibility shatter web that ensnares them covering area and thick assemble webbing that slows creatures within us them um there are so many choices chat so many choices thank you oh you opened them for me too it's sweet yummy strips guys oh did you all right I get two so let's go with um where'd it go oh here it is light means fear and I kind of like the idea of this acid Arrow let's do acid Arrow why not except oh wait I didn't look at his prepared spells oh no [ __ ] okay that's the door I just came through right there he is have you spoken to kolga not yet I want to discuss something else what is it looking for a name means you'll find him in Camp what do you want with him being kind of strange pictures nearby no more right he's been going on about something of the sort you'll find him in the caves but we want no idea what flavors see that you don't distract him from his duties okay I gotta remember her name though no sir at least the monsters there looked like Monsters well no this is a dead end not where I wanted to go where do I find the [ __ ] Druids damn it I ain't leaving sound for a good while after this you boy hey you is painful enough oh there's no okay can't keep the Goblins out forever there's no Fortress and we're no Warriors well I haven't been this way ah I found it okay what's down here oh an inside check what do we find a trick about the cow no what was the inside check for I'm bad luck okay I'm not sure I care for the way that Ox is looking at me Gail this evening inside check I mean it's obviously he's not an ox I don't know what he is but I'll go down here let's see it's done I don't know what is it what is what did I find a hole you need a shovel you have a shovel huh I don't know what this is come back to it please not as bad as it could have oh look at all the people okay we'll figure out what's going on when we get close another step forward please through let my daughter go right now she's a thief he'll spawn and you will wait for corgis judgment now get back through miraculous chaper I'll Ricket and throw it out and you shouldn't care about your daughter that much Carl macron give her a chance you get back all right if you remember me being overrun by goblins by now I'll go where I please why what's so special down here I'm not looking for trouble and you just let me buy ignore them and proceed yeah no I want to do this one but I'll go where I please I don't think it's gonna be very good I mean I know I need to I need to be somewhat hospitable and nice so they in the game because there's there's so many choices and your choices make decisions and if I be an [ __ ] well I'm not going to get anywhere on anything that's suspicious it's forbidden to Outsiders order does well that's if that's that's not gonna get me anywhere so we're going to use this one back force my hand and I'll show you its claws [ __ ] what oh I understand apparently Corker wants to see you go ahead keep their confidence if you insist do that oh boy you were at the gates just now no costumes there's no overstating my interest I ask you questions nothing how would you describe that particular batch of goblins size nature distinguishing qualities you search your mind successfully recalling various details of goblin Behavior variety goblets led by Lasher and flanked by Bowie hags they're going Sims all the other people give an exact description goblins word of rare gem-colored Hue and wielded magic blowguns that's not what I said dragon they had marching in the rear was it of the brass or silver neither because those are considered good dragons there wasn't any dragon it was brass no but had about it I think there's been a misunderstanding what do you want exactly a brass or Silver Dragon will die a million deaths before allying with goblins that's the truth iconic bloodline there's a dragon blood in my veins I know if one of my forebearers had been there no no weakness is noticed red dragon matching at rear okay what is this question then you'll be quite afraid when they fell upon the gates oh well I know who this is now there's actually books um volo's guides to um Beirut or no the sword Coast or something like that and he's he talks about all kinds of gives you extra stuff about um monsters and and things like certain cities and like just more information about stuff it's a cool book uh did the attackers rally to the absolute when they fell upon the gates yes they called out the name like a war cry I don't think so I was concentrating on not dying sure like a war cry they did didn't they oh Hulk curious oh curious indeed I've interrogated one I active in this very Camp She reports they've abandoned their God mcloviath in favor of someone called the absolute the Scandal Goblin Superstition not worth the ink and parchment ah but his Superstition all these goblins are informed by a kind of strategy anathema to their kind I for one intend to get to the bottom of it and the Goblin just preparing them as we speak in fact the if you'll excuse me I ought not the door cabins aren't known for Mercy wait about our competition earlier why the Dragon I'll brought you to The Wilds in the first place about why the drive my friend every story benefits from a dragon that is true until we meet again that is very true can I talk to boss like a good moment at all I bask you look cute look at that little piggies tusk a Sleeping Bear why whoever so where's the guy I'm looking for awesome all right let's go take a look at this bear tough it that's not who we want to talk to you go talk to the fair anyway I'd rather talk to Bears than humans he's a sleepy bear throw a fish next to the elevator and we'll handle it carefully nudge the Bear's flank ooh I don't know what my animal handling is let's find out let's go oh no my first failure oh actually it's my second one oh use inspiration yes let's try it again there we go that's better all right okay oh no it's an elevator we're just gonna take me trap up and around and over let's go see what's over here Mika we talked to this guy I guess what happened what is it a bug bear assassin where's the rest of my team they didn't get on the elevator all right what do we got what do we got let's try the ice knife might as well at level two he saved oh you asked you asked yeah run away that's not how to run away I'm screwed chat my first time getting to use it oh let's see um that's the end of my turn yep run away guess I can't yeah no I can't because the elevator it doesn't there's not a lever down to bring the elevator back down wait no there it is I see it I see it come on everybody up on the elevator there we go luckily it's turn based I can wait all right there we go um you can't do anything oh it's the end of wait what are we waiting on I can't even catch my breath oh he got behind me somehow oh we're gonna disengage and come back oh but if I do that it's gonna attack her instead we're gonna try it don't waste a step okay um we need to get you but your butt up here actually do this firm get even closer and then we can do that I missed no your turn there we go oh he's still out for me oh no damn it why didn't he go after the one closest to him bastard go missed again oh my God what's wrong with me um um yeah I know you're dying shut up um 18 I could put him to sleep no let's not do that not doing very good on my damage rules here all right so you're gonna come over here over here oh what was that close I didn't realize it was that close um and you're going to help yes I mean he's just gonna knock her down one but yeah it's gonna be her his turn next he's just gonna hit her damn it not enough movement I can't go around this way why has got to be in the front and go spin it around knocked him off balance I don't know what that means all right that's the end of your shirt now knock her down again there you go good job [Music] okay down there I can throw a potion to be like I don't think I can can I no it's because they're not it's not a text what am I thinking it's not a splash potion somebody uh do something here hello stabilized how do I what do I do he was literally seen people doing it oh well I haven't figured out how to do it how do I stabilize she's stabilized how do I whatever it takes you don't have any healing potions that's not a good idea delicious okay thank you now enough for now that'll last us for a little bit all right um oh we're back at the gate this is not where we wanted to go how did we end up back ah crap it's the elevator ah Jesus this is not where I wanted to go okay let's go back into the elevator watching God no never mind all right everybody get on the elevator no on the elevator topaz that's a person Maybe I came from that way so maybe it's the door then the sacred cool okay I still haven't found the Healer stop times and getting dark have you lost your senses cougar release her Idol of Sylvanas she must pay the price and fund a guard of my serpent when the [ __ ] is wrong with her let the devil be an example we will tolerate Outlanders no longer The Grove will be made safe the circle will be closed dang I feel better [ __ ] please I'm sorry this is madness korga this is just a what wrath a thief a poison a threat a child I will imprison the devil and I will cast out every stranger leave poison wasn't girl what's this girl's actual crime she's just a child do nothing one of your guards outside so you want to see me here I am the girl's actual crime you mean parasite she eats all food drinks are water then steals are most holy Idol in thanks wrath look her up she remains here until the right is complete keep still devil Tila is restless oh my God we took back the idol surely do it no why would you follow her oh my God don't judge cherish Harmony jailing the girl disrupts Nature's Balance persuasion release her I'll see that she is stays out of trouble detect thoughts read kaga's mind bro could I do that let's try it 13. oh wish me luck chat ah sweet s how soon is gone I am first Druid now uh-huh I will take control and prove my authority yeah she's cursed you've proven your Authority now prove your mercy yes prayer words child take to the others word of my grace if Tina to me it hurts thank you Koga Master Holston Hal sin isn't here name off your tongue let's Tila pierce it yeah our trip like a major Power Trip okay I want to find the Healer first before I talk to her because she might kick my ass out before I can talk to her healer's got to be here somewhere right ridiculous let her run off the child a devil child one who tried to steal from us yet she failed that's what matters I like wrath better what's up with Gail tiring business isn't it all this traveling and adventuring we're all so dirty break and ourselves a few moments of rest gives me a chance to talk to you about something well rather important all right go ahead we've been on the road together for a while now haven't we haven't we like two days survive some perils overcame some obstacles ever since you were kind enough to free me from that stone I've seen you demonstrate remarkable guile and courage the way you defuse the tension between zevolor and aradon the way you got korga to release the girl in short grown to trust you oh that's very gratifying to hear the flattery where is this going quite sincere I assure you the reason I make a point of saying this is that he disapproved confident enough to tell you something I've yet to tell another living Soul except for my cat okay I have this condition very different from the parasite we share but just as deadly uh what kind of conditions specifics are rather personal but suffice it to say that it is a malady I've learned to live with yeah not some effort what it comes down to is this every so often I need to get my hands on a powerful magical item and absorb the weave inside your illness causes you to consume consume raw magic I'm going kind of items are talking about it wouldn't that ruin the item what happens if you don't consume these artifacts are you telling me you're addicted to Magic what happened if you don't spare you the finer details but begins with a simple biological deterioration muscle spasms disorientation a slight ringing in the ears and yeah for too long days since I last consumed an artifact before we were abducted it's only a matter of time before my craving returns that is why I Turn to You I need you to help me find magic items to consume it is vital dare I say it uh where do we find these actor facts artifacts I feel to see why you need me to help you with this you've done fine without me so far I'd be happy to help sounds like no condition I've ever heard of I'd say you're just fishing for loot or do you suggest we find these artifacts already done the finding in fact you have one in your possession you know for yourself how hard one such an item was and it will be no easier when even more are required to assuage my Hunger there'll be danger involved or great cost what exactly would I risk either of those things for a wizard I barely know and at the end of it all that I lose a valuable artifact no thanks honestly that sounds terrible I see no upside for this for me I expected as much don't worry I'm happy to help splendid bit of boldness will serve us well yeah I'm sure we won't have to look very far to find what I need Fey Rune overflows with magic infused treasure as do all packs as a matter of fact with such an item already in our possession primed for the moment the need arises I hope I can count on you so I need to acquire an artifact that I don't care about it oops I know that why I was in pain before let's just clear the air about that now it's just an old wound that hurts me from time to time nothing to be concerned about I don't believe it it's nothing to do with the tadpoles at least in case your imagination is in danger of getting away from you it's just something I have to live with how badly does it hurt are you sure it's not connected to the tadpoles how badly does it hurt quite a lot if I'm being honest but it always passes quickly so I can manage you sure it's not connected you can trust me on that okay I'm gonna talk to you what else happened to us we should get to know each other a little more bye where's the Healer where's the Healer where's the Healer healer healer healer watch this is in the place I'm supposed to be allowed to go nutty I found you Nettie thank goodness I see you just give me a moment is there anything I could do to help excuse me I'm more important than some bird no that's the wrong answer to a druid a moment please there it's up to herna life now what was it you needed I'm looking for Nettie the healing looks like I came to the right person I do what I can for most folks that's enough come here let's have a look at you foreign healthy enough tired from the eyes how can you tell I'm a lizard no good way of putting this I have a tadpole in my head more than tired something crawled into my eye right yes I'm very tired something crawled into my eyes crawled in some sort of bug oh wait did it look like a tadpole but from your worst nightmare all slime teeth and tentacles well at least she knows what it is you know of them can you help me what other kinds are there it's not like a frog hopped in my eye actually never mind I'll get help can you help me I'll do what I can come follow me I might be able to help we need to be quick this way oh secret doors this one had the same problem as you attacked us in the woods together with some goblins tadpole crawled out of his head soon after John I have the same kind of parasite and hoping for a less grave cure so you killed him and laid him out on the table is everyone being captured by mind players these days didn't think it was common experience well watching the cut scene they were abducting people left and right so I'm hoping for a less grave cure oh [ __ ] I do the best I can oh [ __ ] I know master has in mind he'd have your tadpole out like that still we have options oh boy you don't have to be here for this please don't mind me look how dirty he is watch all right let's see what we can do I'm gonna be the one you experiment on why don't you experiment on the undead vampire because he's not gonna die from this like I will thank you I'll take anything that can help what's that plant will it help just hurry up and cure me I don't have time to she shifts uneasily hesitating something's off at night but first things first tell me about your symptoms have you noticed anything strange happening right what aren't you telling me I can merge my mind with anyone else that's infected I fell from a ship in the sky but something's caught me it saved my life it might aren't you I'm telling you everything you need to know believe me on that I want to help you but I can't unless you work with me so has anything unusual happened to you lots lots so much victims can identify each other not that the others know their victims of course how'd you pick up the parasite harlson was desperate to find where all this was happening on a mind player ship I was kidnapped infected I don't know I just woke up with it you're asking a lot of questions like are you going to cure me or not find fire ship a mind flare ship you always tell your doctor everything but Master housing was sure look you've been straight with me so I'll be straight with you you're dangerous if you transform here we're all dead yep but you seem like a good soul you deserve a chance to save yourself she put the branch away this is a vile of wyvern poison swear to me you'll swallowed if you feel any symptoms I thought you could cure me what about that branch of yours I swear all right hand it over no I'm not taking poison from a woman I can't trust what about that branch of thorn quoted in a fatal toxin it was the last resort in case I couldn't trust you yeah I don't have a cure only a way out damn it I'm sorry for misleading you but I had to be sure you weren't a threat before I told you everything now do I have your word or not yeah I don't want to be a mind player I swear I hope it doesn't come to that but thank you here you know I've spent my life treating folk and never once saw a mind flare infection then suddenly there's dozens of you maybe more Johnson and I were tracking them studying trying to figure out what the hell's was going on because you should all be changing there should be a small army of Mind flares out there but you're not weird powers aside you seem perfectly normal it's been seven hours what do you mean it should be changing you must have learned something from studying them mind flayers reproduce by infecting someone with their parasite seven gruesome days later the victim transforms and a new mind flare is Born the thing in your skull though anything in our records it's one of their worms for sure but this one gives you powers telepathic connections and it doesn't turn you into one of them not yet anyhow hmm interesting that's good news could be but there's a lot we don't know infected folks like you have been converging on an old temple of soluna and I've no idea why when Master Houston heard the adventurers were heading that way he saw a chance to get answers joined on the spot whatever he found there he didn't make it back what do you want me to do so go and get him I've sent Birds to find him but the place is rotten with goblins and if my Birds can't get close what chance do I have you though you're one of them technically speaking I mean they won't kill someone carrying their parasite if you can find Houston and get him out of there we can discover what he learned and perhaps he can save your life how's that sound I can't stream for 12 hours let alone 24. the sounds like you're making a lot of assumptions kill me you're sure he can cure me that sounds like suicide I won't do it all right I'll find out it would mean everything to the groom to me I wish I could tell you more but only those adventurers know what happened out there but uh all I can say for sure is the all went to the old temple of soluna and master halson didn't make it back good luck out there and if things start to go bad remember the vial remember your oath drink a lot of time come on never tried it and I hope to keep it that way better a quick draft than Sarah morphosis nonetheless better than becoming a mind look at all their stuff that I can't loot it's not fair I want to steal all the things all right we'll get out of here not going to be a thief all right let's go talk to the Via TCH quarter she is on her yeah yeah archdruid level five 65 hit points say it you think I'm a monster yes yes I do all right arrow good oh hiccup good night thank you for hanging out I will see you tomorrow really monster threat child you're protecting your own sometimes cruelty is required honestly I just wanted to see what would happen hmm what do I say affecting your own sometimes cruelty is required no you should honestly I just wanted to see what would happen only monster child yes you you would say so I know you're kind you see only villains and victims no I know a Viper Bears her fangs defending her brood I call her mother you call her monster no no matter I took back the idol of Sylvanas and the writers resumed I'm sorry we will seal the Grove free from harm free of intruders I'm sorry there's a difference between a petty theft and the life of the your children there's a complete difference especially if you got the damn thing back and it's a child come on woman uh this right must be born of powerful Magic salvor believes as people will perish on the road do what you want it's none of my concern Reach For Your Weapon no yeah you're leading them to their deaths and mine perish if he stays no they won't you showed great metal at the gate the metal of a skilled sword for hire no I want you to provide your services to sevlore offer to guide The Outlanders out of the Grove I'm sure they'll reward you well they're to be gone before final prayer if they are not the Viper must strike out all you want the refugees aren't my concern oh my God I can't attack her she'd kill me I should have said something about the magic ugh you will do more than [ __ ] with the Outlander Rod cleansed and the groove forever shrouded oh my gosh we just let him run off one who tried to in the nose and the schnoz is what matters I'm done with her I don't want to talk to her anymore there's no reasoning with a mad woman on power all right let's go steal it um I do wish I could understand you upstairs [Music] first child is it your daughter you ever scare me like that again and I'll feed you to a null mom fine stop it our little Hellion told us what happened thank you don't know what we do without her that green fog looked delicious probably lime flavored what are you talking about Polly saved your daughter I got it anymore than thanks for me no this could have ended badly keep her in line from now on no more light fingered Antics right Arabella yeah thank you for helping me oh God the ability to cast Dancing Lights I already can cast Dancing like I have to look after ourselves back are the words never dark again yeah scroll back oh the oh yeah yeah okay I know what you're talking about now yeah I could I can give this to Gail to eat it all right cool let's go find what's his face get where he is owls he's down this way he's here I say let's go kill all the Goblins first should give us a time when the uh when the skull would be complete we have a time limit here I heard what happened thank you for protecting the child if The Druids are this far gone then it's not just goblins we have to fear so we can risk violence here or face it for certain on the road quite the choice isn't it The Grove is the best option that's nothing to do with me I'm not here to advise you I'm here to make sure you leave you saw what they were willing to do to a child Just For Trying it's corker's influence without her twisting things I believe The Druids might see sense would you get rid of her I'll help it's good of you to offer but there's a whole Army of goblins out there we'd need an army of our own to escort us safely to Baldur's Gate and while I don't doubt your abilities you'll know I mean there may be a way though Josh hello and welcome to the stream disciplined it's unlike them to organize so cleverly somebody must be leading them bringing discipline to their ranks take out that leadership and they'll scatter it's no small thing to ask but I've seen you fight you're equal to the task not really the only common horns leader I'll see what I can do that depends can you pay me this isn't my problem I'm not interested yeah depends on it a story and disapproves of everything ready to leave as soon as you give word no sir wait am I so am I supposed to uh there's a ladder oh hello what's up here no I can't go up it okay never mind all right going back out I do have horns yes and yes it's I am gold I'm a golden Dragonborn zoom in on myself here in a second to the game I have horns and I can't there you go horns okay fighting over something who knows oh the Oxford no they're they're not gone it's just because I'm not here so I might go supposed to go find the Goblins now I'll find the old uh where can I get there is the door the gate is closed can I open it I'm like we're being watched all right road to Baldur's Gate is a long one who knows how long it'll take these folks to get their own foot if they make it they're slow vulnerable half or more will die long before basilisk gate doesn't seem to trouble you or jot what good would it do for me to be troubled we can't save them all I guess we're going this way it's the only thing I can think the Goblins might be this way I'm in the forest oh Gail failed to survive check what happened Gail blood that way let's just take where's this go I don't know we're gonna find out I should have healed people up ahead something's wrong true Soul you can't die please stay with us I don't think he's conscious can you hear us Ed you not a step closer strange single glows marked on their flesh and something within you stirs in response freezing hold up your hands what happened to your friend medicine his wound looks deep I might be able to help illicit wisdom I will go where I wish elephant wisdom I didn't use the guidance but it doesn't matter so too nope no Quest markers sorry it's our brother true Soul Edwin I wasn't thinking something stirs deep within you hungry and alert it's taking something you'll never get back the injured man locks eyes with you parasite run um hold your stairs intertwine you see his siblings andrick and Brenna new recruits yours to Shepherd oh protect them mind the true soul she will see see he had a lot of Health Edwin hey I guess he was bleeding out please he's with the absolute now truthful thank the absolute Edwin our brother he was chosen like you do you have orders for us we were reporting to Edwin yeah we're gonna go Slaughter your mates so explain this absolute to me perhaps you can help me I'm looking for the Druid Health Center why are you out here the Wilderness is dangerous what happened to your brother exactly a true Soul what are you are you testing us a true Soul like you has been chosen by the absolute you speak with her voice your words are her command she grants you the power to enforce her will and when the time comes the true Souls You Will Rule interesting that fellow had a tadpole in his head and they consider him blessed chosen Madness is this for the summary you have more to learn of your faith not us you're mistaken no I'm no true Soul perhaps you can tell me I'm looking for the druid helson uh uh we're just gonna pretend I'm sorry true soul I only repeated what I thought I knew it seems the absolute still has a great deal to teach me yes yes I do I don't know any Druids help okay why are you out here we know that all too well man but the absolute centers here we're looking for fugitives survivors from that ship that crashed farther west of here what happened to your brother exactly these fugitives tell me you don't know what they look like but anyone who survived that crash is bound to be injured Lots enough to get us started the absolute wants them found at any cost an oil beer Edward not to look in that cave it was filthy with oil Bear Tracks you need to find the Beast and avenge your brother it's aloe vera is still alive so go I don't want to tell them I'm a survivor of the crash because that might make them enemies I don't know the outburger is still alive what avenge your brother it's killed one of us it killed edawin the absolute that's why I must die the Beast must be destroyed the cave is just ahead it was too much for us before but if you could help us true Soul we may stand a chance are we taking on an owl bear you guys oh [ __ ] I didn't mean to go with them they spoke of the absolute same as that Goblin saza curious looks like the absolutes drawing all sorts to become followers yeah talking impressive in a way so the tadpole allows us to influence others our fairy interesting don't get too excited influence comes at a cost and until we know what that cost is the only reasonable approach is a cautious one you have the ability to manipulate people make them bend your every whim and you'd be cautious about it that's no fun we need a bath it's just Powers motivation could be useful and it makes our enemies more malleable all the better this power comes from those parasites I can't be trusted horrible useful it might be these are strange times and even strange powers we should seek to understand them before we make any rash decisions sensible I am sensible strange power resonates within the corpse calls to you your limbs move with their own accord there's something available to craves why let its hosts memories go to waste attack pullers absorbed at all it's gonna be awesome then your body guide you welcome the tadpoles influence strength the tadpole is toying with you resistant wisdom force your mind shut you will not be influenced by the illicit parasite add bonus guidance well not I will resist it ah just barely your muscles loosen the tadpole breaks free of its deceased host again thank you all right what's on his body oh there we go oh food yeah and some gold and a shaft of broken spear all right Albert let's go okay with L there so if it remains where'd they go wait where's a bird's nest rotten chicken eggs We're not gonna pick this up for once chat I did not pick up something ruptured mine flare pod if it's occupant survived then know why to be seen I'm confused where's the they're in this way looking for the Albert cave right where is it no I don't know let's go back that's okay oh wait ah here we go oh here we go first um I need you we need to cast um that's level one ah it takes our healing spells though damn let's do a short rest that took the edge off that's better okay moving ahead okay how do I use torches I still haven't figured that out this is it you did I wish he'd listen owl Bear Tracks it's Nest must be nearby Okay so torch no I don't know how can I um cavemouth let's go oh we gotta come and find and get all that stuff dead owl bear pray No Doubt we're up into our feet oh we're in the water oh there it is oh it's got babies 91. distressed oh my God chat can we even do this oh I don't know we're gonna try okay first of all we're gonna get you and we're gonna hide no hide why are you hiding they're part of the party what the [ __ ] what calibers Albers are extremely aggressive extremely aggressive we're just gonna do an ice knife on it we're just gonna go big all right okay okay um I can't get him to hide we can Dash why would you go around this is a bad idea Chad um piercing shot gaping wounds for two turns foreign against the gaping wounds okay what am I gonna do oh I've already done an action oh I'll come stand over here oh boy we're gonna die oh the baby's gonna come attack me oh how adorable I wonder how much healthy he's got 29. oh boy all right um I want you on my way I guess I'm gonna attack the baby okay I mean she just step forward and we're going to ah see I didn't put any of his level two spells in here like a dork oh I guess for magic Missile oh do I do the baby or do I do the mama [ __ ] mama we're gonna get our ass kicked why are you grouping up that's a bad idea okay let's find some prey no why can't he hide from they're part of the freaking party so stupid no that doesn't work not enough movement okay I guess we'll be getting closer I guess moving nothing will stand in my way exactly nothing Chad what is this couple oh if I'm in okay just gonna do it again okay it's Albert's turn now foreign it to Halt oh yeah we're just gonna keep you attacking this one down to 13. Sweet we got this what the hell I thought we were just we'd like get our asses kicked like fun looks from you to his dead mother a single strike will end his suffering you could turn into an owl bear I mean it's we kind of have to kill it I don't want to kill it can I keep it raise it and keep it for myself oh I mean it's gonna starve to death anyway it doesn't have any way to hunt oh [ __ ] I hate this I hate this so much oh my God okay I can't do it it's just too [ __ ] cute you watch speechless as the Cub begins to eat his mother yeah and write it into a battle yes now head of a broken spear oh it must be what's his name's broken spear 20. wait yeah I'll take it 20 gold Albert hey an owl bear egg these are supposed to be worth a fortune good sweet dope fathers embrace I'm a class 13. order Undead creatures that hit the where received one six radiant damage beasts that hit the where Dylan additional one deal in additional one six radiant damage ooh oh so it's good against Undead but not a good Feasts I mean we're gonna take it of course but we had a pork loin hmm oblivious to your presence the Cub continues to Gorge himself on his dead mother lovely look here time to press ahead foreign we're just exploring never know what you might find nothing that's what you might find nothing I don't know what that was all about but oh well see what all this is it's a Luna statue it is stinking cave hardly a place of honor build a chest let's open it up there's magic keeping this chest sealed I can feel its aura oh okay oh thank you very hard okay uh medium toughness made of fresh Stone covered in Gold it's just both sturdy and pleasing to the eye I want it how do I get it potion of healing the war between seluna and Char an ancient Tome detailing how saluna came into being along with her sister Char the silver radiant soluna and the dark alluring Char complemented each other and brought an early distinction between light and dark in the universe I have food potion of animal speaking incense what else do we got here glass chalice I'll take that too scroll to text thoughts take all this this I can't take that oh I put the candle out I'll take this incense damn it what about Gail can he be somebody Magic Pam how do we get into it oh okay I know what that is a druid maybe because it's saluno oh hmm I have dinner dinner was just delivered to me you guys it's rice with vegetables and kielbasa in it looks delicious corn and broccoli yummy um I guess we have to come back for this because I don't know how to uh get this with ease shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times one day I'll catch a break there's a goblin here didn't even notice what am I doing here heavy Stone why would I want a stone I'll take your gold let's see all right I think we'll go to the top of the hour and then we'll stop it there depending on where we're at in the game all right so we're going back this way no wait and we're going this way oh I'm entangled [ __ ] how do I get out I just have to keep waiting until I get out can somebody else do something time to waste oh I got out okay where'd it go maybe I need more pocket Pockets go get some mugwort scrap wood Shield I don't need to worry about that fallen tree what's in here oh there's lots of things okay hang on we got we got chests and burlap sacks and potatoes spoons and plates oh another shovel a broken loot I don't think I wanna it's worth 50 gold maggot dead goblins dead Travelers where they're heading to The Druids Grove trap thieves tools ooh Scroll of dark vision scroll charm person Quarter Staff and leather armor Adam they got some good stuff I need to do another short rest though lovely little pink Alchemy General story you can craft your own potions poisons and elixirs using Alchemy gather ingredients to distill into extracts and experiment to brew wonders Solutions but I don't know how to do that yet something's waking up ahead got a watermelon chat attack enemies while you are hiding will catch them by surprise and we'll give you an advantage of combat C it's a backpack though where'd it go remaining obscured sticking to the Shadows makes you harder to detect your cursor indicates the amount of light in a certain spot fully visible lightly obscured heavily obscured all right cool let's see where's backpack no so anywhere red is bad what's this other way this goes down here comes up is that a back way maybe it is a back way do we want to go the back way or the front way let's go the back way deep and move all right something we need to hide anymore should mind my step I wish I had a bag of holding so do I yes you can make them carry stuff this way anything Maybe what is it a burrow okay check in a second anything over here no nothing in interest let's go check that burrow out a thing of use some supplies okay more bone cap I don't know what it's for but oh no everybody failed their perception that's not good all right we're going this way oh okay this is not the good way to go damn it I can't climb this right [Music] all right let's go back damn it damn it demon damn it [Music] sorry I'm eating dinner too I'm moving stealthfully did the easy path lighted Village who sees me camera angles [ __ ] don't get in the oh my god seriously you two you're literally in the vision of whoever this is I don't know who it is but somebody [Music] I think there's a ancient sigil no there's somebody up there oh he's on the roof I see you oh I see I see okay traps please can we not climb up I have to walk around oh why how am I supposed to what's the point of sneaking I can't zoom out anymore so I can't attack him all right let's go up the ladder anything where you ain't want to be friend might have to take that nose the mark glows but you feel nothing in response you're a lifted power is beyond reach until you rest ah [ __ ] hmm I didn't realize that would happen damn it um with the guard let me pass reception intimidation persuasion I bypassed your guards I bring you no harm I could have just killed you all I thought the Goblin's thoughts propose thoughts probably not very wise it's probably not too hard foreign Rock s physic funnily around when I'm stuck dealing with jobs I'm here to see Fedrick that effect a windmill wouldn't all right let's go back down now now that we all climbed up the ladder now we can all go down with haste where's the windmill I hear a windmill okay so am I supposed to kill them all I'm not really sure I'm supposed to kill oh yeah I'm supposed to kill the boss the leader that's what it was that's what I was doing I remember chat oh this is gonna be difficult [Music] IES what's going on who's screaming the [ __ ] sheep that's weird [Music] another little birthday you wanted to fly oh I see that those wings some more and I'll feed you all hope you got a stomach for rights dude I'll put my boot through your face how old are you doing I'm not looking for trouble just want to pass by what the hell's are you doing bloody look like we're teaching this here pipsqueak to fly let me rephrase that why are you doing this I won't interfere I just want to pass by release that gnome at once yeah why because it makes me laugh can I just shh yeah boot face introduce I won't interfere just want to pass by nope what if I stand watch a while Fun's over release the gnome at once you want this little cave lurking what's it find your own Hazel the mom glows but you feel nothing in response oh no power is beyond reach until you rest yeah yeah I Won't Let You harm a defenseless being not without a fight persuasion all of you lot against one deep gnome you should go find a better Target thoughts read the Goblins mine again wisdom can't be very high oh yeah I ain't got much stomach for a fight better just passed down and scare this one off as if trying to judge you through smell alone we're leaving what about the gnome are we supposed to bring into I said we're leaving there's plenty of sport and Rich Pickins out there for us all right then fresh meats kid mates yes I was at the ward okay that would have been a hell of a fight how do I get him down I would when I figure out how here we go where's this go oh what's inside we're gonna find out shoes nothing all that stuff bottle rack nothing heavy backpack need more eat more um what is this strong 12 to 21 damage smoke powder inside explodes when ignited damaging everything in the vicinity automatically criticates objects and environments cool all right anything in the barrel or lap stock Rags or three gold we're taking them yeah yep that's how it goes not my fault he got himself stuck up there let me quick save really quick all right figure out how to get in here Shadow Hearts attention is fixed on a damaged old statue are you fallen we we should keep moving what just happened nothing the trick of the light she's a lying [ __ ] don't take me for a fool something stirs in your blood something magical tell me I saw something that reminded me well it's private then I felt something rise within me like blood was on fire then it passed let's just move along times a rare currency for both of us okay where's the Statue I that she saw I don't see us oh here it is anything lootable no all right let's get up this ladder animal purpose Frasier lit the brazier so uh how do I stop it any ideas people my crew release oh wait wait I saw it release Here We Go release brake lever there we go oh what the oh Burger he just flew away right we'll get it sorted I hit the wrong one oops oops let's go find him where'd he fly to oh no I mean I'm sure he's dead I didn't mean to I didn't realize that's what that was I thought it was the break oh he's dead oh man can I reload damn it for that to happen I pressed the wrong level wrong level I feel really bad about that oh man bloody amulet tiny specks of blood cover this amulet they have pulled into the Engravings on the back spelling out the name woolbren in a Grizzly Brown hue Marcus is long well maintained but eventually weather-worn Journal containing the notes of one burkus root oh my God I didn't mean to it was a complete accident whoa who shot ball oh I'm glad I'm not fighting these guys all right I gotta figure out who behind them though right I'm confused found the bar but that will fit in my bag it's a book coming here oh it's Apothecary not a not far I'm Fair oh wait hang on there's more there's nothing in there okay herb hanger nope foreign except for the stuff that I've already you know suspension and blasted like I don't know what that is oh I missed something an antidote on the Shelf there can't have that household prayer [Laughter] the wonders of fandolin that's a town covered clothes I'm not really sure why the Goblins haven't attacked me to be honest okay I need to I guess I need to take a long rest so my elephant power will come back so I can manipulate them maybe I don't know I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do keep talking what are you saying pause to yourself and I won't Cut Her Off hmm and yes oh back in this place okay I'm Fair yeah I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do now I'm thought I was supposed to um kill the leader of the goblins it's behind them which I thought it was fenrick but I guess it's not [Music] I'm not really sure or go find helson right doesn't tell me where he's at though oh hey fush burgers I'm John Carlock defeat this oh here we go okay I'm gonna go that way all right all right we're good we're good we know what we're doing we gotta go there ah okay how do we get there back this way no yes no this is a dead end no we don't want to go this way cancel that we want to go this way [Applause] roasted meat I could get some roasted meat or when I have to camp Beast fit for an ocher notice Julia dagger protruding from the tough leathery meat looks Elven um grasp the handle the handling salmon the meat perhaps there is some trick to removing the dagger I mean I don't know I just like rolling dice 15. oh boy oh we're not making that one that's a fail and we are not using my inspiration for that the dagger is tightly embedded in the carcass you notice there's nothing on you slide a van um actually I wish I could wait can I yes how about this I can't why not why not oh cause I'm in the middle of talking about that okay I have to leave and then pick him and then use it Beast fit for an ocher there we go you notice A peculiar dagger protruding from the tough leathery meat well oh I can get another chance there you go let's try it shall we get the bonus let's go nope still not good enough the dagger is tightly embedded in the car cat carefully wiggle it out oh 15. oh but he's got yeah he's got a bunch of bonuses and we'll do that too in case we roll badly yeah I don't need to worry about it never mind okay you cautious method pays off the dagger Glides smoothly out of the mystery meat and you pocket it just like a thief would oh yeah all right looking ahead dagger plus one ooh this is where I want to go no I wanted to go that way I'm going the wrong way no no should have gone this way maybe no I don't know no traps please whoa what happened My my what manner of place is this a path to Redemption or a road to damnation not to say for your journey is just beginning suits the occasion [Music] the words to a lullaby perhaps I didn't just sing a sea shanty earlier today smiled rightly it outfoxed the cat then down came the claw and that love was that they do know how to write them in Cormier don't they well met I am Raphael very much At Your Service don't trust him one bit am I talking to the mouse or the cat pretty words if you want to threaten me don't disguise it um I'm gonna talk to the mouse the fox rather hiding in a word a silent Observer about to break the silence of course what I have to say merits some privacy as well as some more let's call it refinement this queen is decidedly too middle of nowhere for my tastes come yeah yeah I was just sitting here thinking that I'm getting um oh what's what's the guy's name there in Skyrim somewhere um the one you go and you go drinking with and he takes you and you end up like marrying to a hag Raven uh what's that Daedric prince's name I don't remember she had no it's not sheogorath it's the party one Shia gorath is the is the Mad one that he uh with the old emperor um nice Decor the House of Hope where the tired come to rest and the famished come to feed lavishly go on partake enjoy your supper after all it might just be your last it very well could be oh well far be it from me to disappoint sanguine yes there we go sanguine there we go I knew we were getting somewhere what's better than a devil you don't know a devil you do am I a friend potentially an adversary conceivably but as a savior that's for certain you know what makes you think any saving I don't care what you are I care what you want Oh Amir trifle how dear is one Soul really a rhetorical question of course but let me Venture an answer if you have an answer then it's not rhetorical little no solution in sight I could fix it all like that uh-huh I need to think this over you're mad if you think I make a deal with the devil then fix it or die at my hand oh oh what's the deal though I need to think this over take all the time you need that make up your mind before you're counting down with tentacles try to cure yourself shop around borrow and steal exhaust every possibility until none are left and when hope has been whittled down to the very marrow of despair that's when you'll come knocking on my door yeah I don't know how to get here so I can't really knock on your door [Laughter] take this deal how would I find you I'll have the last laugh in the end take me back after that and everyone see you again I'll rip out your mocking tongue yeah if I if I want to take this team I'll be around watching you squirm like a tadpole through a nice juicy brain all those pretty little symptoms sundering skin dissolving guts they haven't manifested yet have they one might say you're a paragon of luck I'll be there when it runs out I didn't get to eat okay do I continue going this way just stroll Just Walk On By yep yep take your sweet time not a jog or anything it looks healthy but it's done dead the pig's dead my friend staring at it won't bring it back come on he's clean we'll never fix these brain worms if we stop and go because every piece of carrion you find I'm just getting food [ __ ] don't tell me what to do I will roll my dice the ball seems to be fresh only a few hours dead Examining The Corpse you see two small puncture wounds in its neck I don't but that's okay is it dead enough for you Foundation you know something about this don't you these marks are strange do you recognize them persuasion I have high Charisma I could do that oh Scroll of charm person no we're not going to use that oh yeah that 20 wait what no that's a one oh [ __ ] I didn't know that was a one [Music] all right fine I don't know TIG I don't know I'll have to do another playthrough of sometime and find out it's been drained of blood with wounds in its neck it's been killed by a vampire I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to worry you they are ferocious creatures no but don't worry I'll keep watch tonight we won't have to worry about nocturnal visitors now please let's go okay so I go this this that takes me in the direction I don't want to go you think that you'll get me where I might go maybe try it can I get here I can't get there can I jump Target is too far I can't jump across that ah okay jump okay all right so that's not the way I want to go but I'm gonna go back to where we came damn it I still feel bad about that poor gnome man I went through all that trouble to get them to leave and then I swing them across the town our little birdie blue all right so I want to go this way then this way yeah this way I think [ __ ] I don't know yeah I really did fling him to Oblivion the poor guy okay I am going the right direction this time we'll go to this path here okay wait oh that's okay mugwort pick up the mugwort I don't know what it's for but picking it up all right let's go continue onwards anything up here no meeting is a related sport to perform talking laughs anything up here that might be worth it yeah you've got the shovel there buddy actually I think somebody else has got a shovel now too Scroll of false life temporary hip hop some gold I got a bunch of Scrolls for what's his name too uh that's the only way I can go still going the right direction I'm not going the right direction anymore son of a damn it what's the point of going down here so what did I find here oh boy we might be going to our deaths oh I found the goblin camp defeat the goblins Embrace Your Potential defeat the goblets find the leader of the goblin camp we arrive on the can now we need to find who's in charge and deal with them yeah okay you kind of want to let's do a long rest yes reason being is because I want to be able to use my uh Philippine abilities actually you know what I did say we're gonna stop the stream at eight o'clock didn't I so I'm gonna stop the stream here I if I can can I I don't know maybe I should finish the rest okay let's finish the rest let's have a discussion let's go see what everybody has to say no there's a bloody devil draining after us well this gets better and better the shop around he said he's I'm sure we won't find anything and he might be right we've had no luck so far oh it's gonna last for ages yeah the game is very low we'll have to cross that bridge when we come to it he's not we'll have options we still have options if you want to sell your soul be my guest oh right there was I was still supposed to talk to that one guard about the the camp for the gift Yankee damn I forgot about that [ __ ] we still have options Maybe but all that take your time I'll wait nonsense he's playing with us of course he is he's a devil well someone I Used to Know and someone would like to play with people creatures like them don't play games unless they know they can win so what do we do we keep hunting balances what other choice do we have this is no ordinary mind flayer parasite who tampered with it and why what do they have planned for us and why are we important enough that a devil comes knocking our door if we find those answers we might have a chance no I don't really want to talk to her at all I'm going to but I don't want to this devil Raphael fluents his poultry wings as if he wants to impress us red dragon slaying his infernal kin above hell's fires did you not next to a dragon the devil's a gnat when I am kithrak I will take my queen blacketh his head as a trophy alrighty then I like her spunk pithrack what does that means the riders that chase the nautiloid they are the commissars and enforcers of my queen vlakis will vlakath bestows no greater honor to wield a kithrak silver sword is my destiny I will earn my Queen's favor and I will conquer every layer of hell should she command it why were these nights chasing one leadership what are these dragons to look at danky allies mounts pets they are gifts to my Queen from the goddess Tiamat herself they reside in the great city of chunaraf awaiting the privilege of battle okay do not pity them they reap great riches from their service gold and otherwise there are waypoints why are they chasing the mindfulness mortal enemy it is not unusual for the kithra to give Chase to penetrate the hells this is unusual but I'm not one to question the wisdom of my queen I can see but to the horizon blackest sight pierces the many planes already it's over here probably one of the shops I don't even talk to the shop the Goblins still infest the roads as long as their leaders live Zev laws people are trapped we're working on it what do you make of Raphael he brings to mind a story the Devil with the silver tongue an old fairy tale my father read to me the kind with a hero a villain and the moral a farmer made a deal with the Devil so The Story Goes in exchange for the farmer's dearest fruit the devil granted him a bottomless coin purse Farmer's dearest fruit naturally he was no apple no Peach but his beloved daughter we can learn a lot from fairy tales don't you think how is his daughter a fruit oh the fruit of his loins I got it got it the right teacher yes for your thoughts on the devil it's the point you mean Raphael we should at least consider his offer given our circumstances Square I mean The Parables I have no intention of bargaining the likes of him that's right teacher yes what are your thoughts refuse him no matter how tempting they offer no matter how delicious the feast he lays out for you the cost will be too great I know I have no interest in a devil's deal that's because you still have hope but when he becomes Your Last Hope remember this he'll require of you only what you're least ready to part with and then require more still you might think you give up anything for a cure but the devil won't take just anything it'll take everything [Music] and you end up chasing a devil in the Hills tell me we'll how did you come to the blade of Frontiers I've noticed your stone eye did you lose it in a battle I'd like you to join me uh sure colax fires raged in Baldur's Gate before she escaped to a furnace as my source told it and she was planning to return one of the archdevils Ariel's own chaos incarnate a devil with pure fire for a heart I made my way to avernus to stop her she fled from my reach even climbed aboard the Mind flayer ship as it screeched through the hells I followed in close Pursuit I can't bear to imagine the lives khalac might be taking the damage she might be doing who's the source of powerful friend with a keen interest in privacy I'm sworn to say no more all right anything more we should discuss uh Gail let's go see what he has to say now I feel as flattered as I do if I did a dime with a devil succeeded Arcana you have a strange definition of flattery dining with the devil left a bad taste in my mouth Devil's really approached Mortals without some nefarious intent we'd be wise to avoid him don't let his Bluster fool you all that talk of desperation merely illustrates his own I think he wants something from us badly I mean that knowledge lies our opportunity all I'm hearing is conjecture and what is this devil wants so very badly let me remind you that when dealing with the devil you always draw the short story our souls but I suspect that's but his opening offer let me play The Devil's Advocate the man is too eager do not dismiss his offer out of hand and if there's one quality all the denizens of the hell's embody it's ambition quality they share with many humans come to think of it um [Music] how do we beat him his own game by figuring out his true intentions Fact one there's something very strange and very powerful about our tadpoles a devil offers to take it away Devils aren't known to Aid Mortals out of Simple Kindness whatever Raphael wants we must be the key to getting it along with our tadpoles so we'll say for now we wait if I'm right Raphael will seek us out again and when he does there's a mighty bargain to be made remember his call Mary and Ryan down came the claw perhaps we should start growing our nails yeah I have a feeling I am not going to be smart enough to deal with that oh there's the Dead Guy oh he's got something to say let's go talk to him not this one no this one and this one a less worthy still more riddles from my resident gesture I readily not I speak only what requires telling Beyond mortal Realms there doth exist an amalgamation of spirits akin to thine own and snared by the treacherous Cult of the absolute failed in its name they bear great discontentment with their destiny for a mere pittance of coin I might summon the worthiest among them to lend Aid to thy undertaking will these hirelings be joining me willingly do you think I can trust these cultists I want to change my own please their passions doth Run Deep for what hath been rolled upon them do you think I can trust these cultists suspicion always haunts the guilty mind my services are all that I can properly what thou Wilt do with them is for thee to under okay I don't want to talk about hirelings but good to know all right who else have I not talked to uh I should have somebody else ah here we go you're still [ __ ] around with her box bloody Hells literally it's one I think I've got a grasp in our dilemma a devil shows up no matter we've dealt with every other Oddity thrown at us lately we can handle this one too now as for this Rafael he knows our secret he claims he can help what do you make of him he helped us help no matter the source no honestly I'm not so sure he's a devil we shouldn't trust him simple as that wisdom use your shared connection to read her thoughts Cherry connection let's do it hope she doesn't mind anticipation she is testing you somehow about Raphael seems like you have a particular point you want to make about Raphael actually yes you're right very intuitive I know clearly the devil was trying to sow doubt Among Us I know people who work much like our new acquaintance does you don't need a Scourge or a rat to break people fear and self-doubt is sufficient when actual pain comes the victim's already done the heavy lifting for their torturer there were no right answers with that devil he was toying with his food us I agree I'm glad I made the right decision then who the hell are these people you know who do such things I didn't realize you were so well versed in mental and emotional torment I think I detected a note of admiration in your voice my respect his craft should you watch out for that Dello yeah I do respect their brains uh [Music] um I'm sure of it there's something you're not telling me I didn't know what you mean it made you hesitate Saloon statue no I think you know exactly what I mean it's nothing really I'm gonna harp you about this girl to be honest with each other what is your keeping from me on 18. oh well she know I always have advantage on saving throws against being Charmed oh usually they know if you've Charmed them or not this is this is a risk chat oh no oh our party in the window though I can't stop it let's go oh snap I'm lucky I'm going to let this go are you you might wish you had I worship sure the Mistress of the night it is my holy mission to oppose saluna her teachings and her followers interesting cuts now that you have the truth please don't make a big fuss about it wasn't going to I'll decide whether maybe faster not hard to trust someone who's holding out on me you could have told me how long were you going to keep this secret I didn't agree to join up with a Shar worshiper I don't care who you worship we have bigger problems true I didn't think you'd react so pragmatically perhaps I should have told you sooner yes yes now that the truth tell me more in future I expect you to be honest let's leave it that for now I can't trust you best if we travel separately for now tell me more all right as I said Shah is my Patron my mistress goddess of darkness and loss I assume you've heard of her uh honestly your faith is your own concern I don't judge one way or the other she doesn't sound very appealing going about her titles I've heard shower worship is vilified by many forbidden outright and parts remind me my lady Shah is the night singer the patron of darkness and loss continue most fear the dark like children because in darkness they see their fears reflected but Shah teaches us to Step Beyond fear Beyond love I see ghosts in the darkness we do not hide we Act pain hope the promise of Better Days all of these are heavy cloaks that bend our backs and burden our hearts we shed those cloaks before Shah We Stand gloriously naked beyond the vanities of Mortals uh-huh sounds daunting I don't think it's for me how exactly do Char worshipers turn people to their goddess and you put it like that it seems strangely comforting hmm we tear down the lies the world is drunk on the institutions they trust the so-called gods they worship the lives they cling to we destroy false idols topple corrupt organizations fight Heretics wherever they're found there's often suffering death even many people break before they Embrace Shah's truth like I said it didn't sound convincing you should tell me more sometime ah I don't cast judgment on your beliefs that's not curious most are afraid of my lady I think I did well by joining you most agreeable company most agreeable company sounds like uh a Vulcan um I don't want to talk about any of this we're done all right can I talk to everybody yep yep okay all right how do I change their job I'm sure bills .com wizard items asses what is this toggle non-leaf but that's uh custom drag action spells and items from your character sheet inventory here for quick access oh cool okay hot bar locks Camp resting menu I'm gonna have to look up to see how I can change his spells because I can't figure it out that's good oh that's not what I okay well whatever go to bed not a problem you don't sleep well flitting between Dreams and Nightmares maybe you wake up because you know something is wrong or maybe you just get lucky that's what I thought [ __ ] uh-huh no no it's not what it looks like I swear I I wasn't going to hurt you I I just needed well blood there in the dim Fire Light you see him for what he really is a vampire a slave to Sanguine hunger we didn't know this already I'm pretty sure we knew this how did you die we even found the boar you snacked on the last You Killed Someone days hours melee attack pick up a steak and lunge with the monster I mean I saw this uh it's not what you think I'm not some monster I feed on animals balls deer Cobalts whatever I can get I'm just too slow right now too weak if I just had a little blood I could think clearer fight better please am I gonna be your blood bag a strange sensation courses through you and your companions mind Folds old Secrets half revealed uh you're not drinking why didn't you tell me questions on the source of the power but it is quiet and still it needs to rest damn it why didn't you tell me at best I was sure you'd say no more likely you'd Ram a steak through my ribs no I needed you to trust me and you can trust me I mean everybody you shouldn't trust the vampire but I'm gonna let him do it you tried to bite me how can I trust you leave if you ever see you again I'll kill you I do I believe you thank you do you think you could trust me a little further I only need a taste I swear fine but not a drop more than you need all right but go too far and I'll drive a stake through your chest are you mad no um go too far I'll drive a snake through your chest ah cool I shall be gentle as babe let's make ourselves comfortable shall we just so weird it's like a shot of ice into your neck a quick sharp pain that Fades to throbbing numbness your breath catches your pulse quickens oh that's enough easy enough to convince him oh no oh no we have to use my inspiration critical failure exam foreign that's funny of course that that was amazing my mind is finally clear I feel strong I feel happy I'm looking forward to seeing you fight I don't I don't rock melee attack this card's down grab the steak and drive it to his heart now shouldn't take long so many people need killing no if you'll excuse me you're invigorating but I need something more filling this is a gift you know I won't forget it he watches he stalks towards the forest stronger more confident ready to hunt just the nibble achievement okay now how do I okay let's talk to him I should speak up good morning how do you feel I'm just a little woozy my neck hurts how do you think I feel I feel awful I won't be doing that again a little easy it'll pass just be glad I'm not a true vampire a bite from them and you might wake up as a vampire spawn like my good self all of a vampire's hunger but few of their powers is that how you can stand in the sun because you're not a true vampire any other products I should know about pity I thought you'd be more powerful oh no I should be Cinders in this light I hadn't seen the Sun for 200 years before we crashed here someone or something wants me alive they've changed the rules standing in the sun wading through a river wandering into homes without an invitation they're all perfectly mundane activities now as for my other quirks well we can figure those out in time yeah yeah a little bit of the the fuzzy bear kind if I can help just ask we're in this together figure them out quickly I don't want any more deposites that's my theory but who knows I'm just glad you're being sensible about these Revelations I was worried people might turn up with torches and pitchforks although there's still time a vampire well that explains the power Tom where each Monster's in the making after all oh and a quick word of warning historian I taste absolutely awful keep your distance I trust him he won't hurt us if you don't like it you can leave you eat him like it or not quite the opposite I'm here in the spirit of openness and honesty to work together as a team you say all the right words but I'm not so sure you mean the right things still I will respect the decision that was made there now we're all friends again shall we go there's a long day ahead of us okay I need to figure out how to directly change this well maybe his character sheet how do I get to his character sheet this spell book movie I need to figure out how to find his spell here we go spell book here we go okay gotta be right um yes this is where I do it okay cool all right so just familiar is not powerful enough right now let's say someone the cat Maybe Thunder Wave Mage Armor all right we'll get rid of familiar and we will go with acid air or flaming sphere flaming sphere yeah we'll do that okay cool figured it out thank goodness all right I think we're ready how do we leave again have a lot on my mind and well in it okay God I'll be on the stream for nine hours it's 8 53 here oh my God eight hours and 52 minutes all right this is where we're gonna stop it we're here at the goblin camp and that's where we'll start it up on Sunday Sunday we will start streaming at noon again thank you guys for watching so much don't forget to like the stream if you haven't liked it already or subscribe if you're new here we are trying to grow the channel so every bit helps leave a comment if there's something you enjoyed let me know or advice or something along those lines it helps with my views we do have a Discord link is in the description uh we hang out watch anime play video games together it's a lot of fun uh what else what else that's everything I wonder if the game is addicting yeah I don't actually want to stop playing it but I have been streaming for a while so I do need to stop I have to go hang out and be sociable with my husband you know how that goes so all right guys thank you for watching I will see you guys on Sunday if not in the Discord bye
Channel: Miri Monomyth
Views: 2,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 534min 4sec (32044 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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