"The Diceman Cometh" (Entire Show) - Andrew Dice Clay (1989)
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Channel: tdkt160
Views: 6,546,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew, dice, clay, andrew dice clay, diceman, cometh, diceman cometh, mother, goose
Id: 5Htf_F6Nmtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 33sec (3393 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2011
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I watch this and the audience looks like they're in an infomercial. They are so into it that it doesn't seem natural.
My dad always does an impressoin of Dice smoking but I had never seen him perform. I always thought my dad was just a lunatic, but it turns out he has a fucking dead on impression.
Remember Mother Goose? I F*CKED HER
Did he get famous mostly for his dirty nursery rhymes? I just don't see the appeal. They seem like they'd maybe be funny if someone just improvised* them, but they seem pretty lazy for an actual stand up act
Heβs always been terrible.
Heβs not really funny by like heβs jokes and creativity, heβs funny because of how stupid his act is.