The Demons Baron Battled | Toni Talks

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i'm bad geyser i'm a rock star i created my own world where i was the king i'm the man and all of you are just my ale pores before i used to treat girls as objects [Music] i was in hell i was living if i was living i was living in hell i'm very grateful that he's here right now with this new look let's welcome baron geisler hello hi hi everyone hi instagram oh my well i'm just embracing my inner child and the new me i'm loving it and i was wondering yes uh three years now not a cebu and um i love it why because that's where i found god or i could say that's where god found me mature and a progressive babago i learned a lot of things and then i met my wife and then now i have a i have kids to live lina [Music] i could say i'm still baron but uh i'm a better version of that guy i could say that i'm a better person now first of all having having kids no i i wouldn't want anything to happen to them so as much as possible i just want to behave stay away from trouble iowa enemies i want my little talitha to not no man idolize me but to be proud of me that's my dad also i know i want my wife also to be happy happy wife happy life meet me and wife mosa rehab and she's a psychologist and i thought that was the first time that you entered rehab but she said it wasn't so uh 2017 palazza quezon city jail days um [Music] half a month 15 days or more and then airport for like two hours behavior behavior and do smoking peninsula were you good where are you drunk drunk so when you were drunk you know when i'm drunk i'm a very selfish human being and that's what i learned also in rehab in iowa school in except kona even before me being an alcoholic i was a self-centered human being i didn't care much for other people before i used to treat girls as objects that's why i well at all lasting relationships i entered rehab i really dig deep like dig deeper and really tried my best to find the root and the cause of why am i behaving this way what is really the main problem of all oh the root of all why why is baron why am i like this what's wrong with me why do i like drinking um why am i not so good of a brother or a son anger management issue yeah so bro i was so mad at matter of the world impala my parents were very strict uh military young dad go and my mom was also a disciplinarian so she used to spank me all the time so the moment i got i had the chance to get away from the house when i entered show business that's when it is freedom fame oh you neren that's when i seguro you know let loose i felt untouchable by doing that i was hurting myself i did not know i thought i was i was cool i thought i was i was a man i thought this is the norm this is how it's supposed to be and is when i met you know when i met god and met my faith family they made me realize this is i wasn't living i was in hell i was living if i was living i was living in hell true life is with god you know um i'm not being preachy here i'm not a saint i still make mistakes though it's just that oh i feel like you already found your truth yeah yeah i'm aware of who you are of who i am and also i'm aware of what triggers me um what triggers you a lot of things sometimes my wife i could say that my wife is she could be my sobriety capital and also my dream no i pray i pray i submit myself to god alone and i try not to react i think by not reacting and stepping back being still long which is in the good book the holy book um it teaches me to be very patient it's a process minimal in an instant there's a journey you're correct tony that's why you know the reason why india papago and undo now responsible father and husband change comes from within inside out i wanted to see people noticing byron's change it was your seventh time seventh is a lucky charm dumb what's your seventh what was different from that rehab that made you realize okay now i feel like i've changed or i'm changing i see you tried it before this facility taught me that i am no different from these other suffering alcoholics or addicts and i am nothing special by experiencing that i eventually embraced humility when one is humbled down there begins the change the spiritual awakening the acceptance and the willingness to to change and it took away then you know the self-entitlement yeah you know i'm bad guys i'm a rock star no you're not you're not baron you're actually a loser if you keep continuing if you keep continue doing that because you got down your ego they did because i got tired of being tired of doing the same things over and over again it's just insanity tony me drinking feeling that oh if i drink today maybe my life will change tomorrow or i could change the world and then the next day it's the same thing so i expect different results that's what albert einstein is trying to point out like you know doing something over and over again and then expecting you know different results um that's insanity so now i am trying to manage my that's why you have to find the right partner who can manage the tiling that you have and my partner jamie is god's best yeah she's well learned learned and me uh application [Laughter] [Music] and character your character is who you really are you have a different kind of reputation i actually search your name so google and there's even an article of yunna five famous issues of baron it's in one article so it was there they narrated human fights the complaints against you complaints of other actors against you and then very few very few young that you're a good actor you're a brilliant actor you're one of the most talented actors here in the industry you reputation places a body of work is that frustrating not anymore um that's a really good um thank you for that question karina i want when she has her own thinking now or her she's her own persona when she clicks google or when she finds me in the internet hindi na baron brawling or baron gets drunk at the bar um slowly slowly you know what um you know right ops and i thank god for that is an issue that you got involved in you really regret to this day asana i shouldn't have done that i think the most ah tony that's i have so much me being a good son son is a mother i remember see i was going um that night i was preparing to go to a five-day retreat and i was sober for a while so i went to her room and i said my mom long hair um and then floral shorts and then when i said mom i'm barren here i'm good boy i'm gonna go to this retreat i'll see you when i get back and then parents she tried to stand up to say something and what's up what is it what is it and then this is oh so anyway um slowly slowly and then i i sort of knew nah this is it's light and that's when i knew that we lost her you were there i was there my dream was a on time now for my mom to see me i want to see me clean and i know i'm sorry tony different [Music] sorry but a lot of people are saying naman she knows it in her heart who baron really is my she's proud of you now sorry you happiness april fool's joke huh version of yourself now you're living right now she she's always in your heart and she will always be proud of you because my mother will and forever be living with me in my heart she will never be a part so she's with you in this journey and i'm sure she's very proud of you i still put a little or say a little shout out to mom about a mom you know i wish you were here i say [Music] you shared that um story some gundam boy i watched it why you named your little girly takumi yes yes a rice little one a rice little one and i was able to relate it to your story because i feel like at one point in your life god told you but don't get up because you've been dead for a long time your spirit has been dead for a long time now get up and having tali that's where i rebecca oh it is a rebirth actually both me and tali and even for our family jamie you know the stigma will always be there the doubts will always be there like it's baron tutobayan return of the hambach after after a few films i'm ready for that na my recovery is not for jamie it's not for tali it's for me because how can i lead a family if i am not ready if i am not whole so i need to get to that point where i am i'm strong enough to not be tempted so easily as we grow older we evolve and hopefully we evolve for the better i want to evolve to to become a really really good leader a respectable man when you know better you will do better so what do you know now that you didn't know before it was superficial it was all skin because first she's a woman of substance she's nurturing she's intelligent she's the girl of my dreams and um i believe that god gave her to me for a very good reason because there are times that i cannot function i will not be here in front of you tony if it weren't then with the help of my wife she did she you know she doesn't treat me like an actor not like most of my excess before um for you well yes i will feel bad sad mad and afraid but it's okay to not be okay pero when i look at her or see a photo of her or nah she i get strength from her also hey i can't let this my baby girl down you know i want to give her the best in life i want to give the best to jamie and my kids put her in a good school i just want everything for them because they are my everything my dream my dream is just for me to be okay and to be stable in life my dream is for me to maintain my recovery because that comes first and then i can take care of the rest i can take care of my family minute bag was a perspective no but my purpose is to serve my family my purpose is to be a blessing to others for this business if it grows help other people be a child of blessings and um when that comes in and i become that person at the laga that baron 8.0 or god's best nataliga you name pinaga but it will take time the best is yet to come so if you were to describe baron before the old baron and who is the new baron now the old baron was proud and lazy the new baron is humble and lovable [Music] and god-fearing who are questioning i do not have to answer to anyone except my god because only him and i have a relationship and this relationship is a very special one nobody can take that away from me tony
Channel: Toni Gonzaga Studio
Views: 5,037,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Toni Gonzaga, Toni, Toni Talks, Toni G, Baron, Baron Geisler, Easter Sunday, Confession, Talk Show
Id: DA5tNDUH7mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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