I Tried Secret Service Academy

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who doesn't love a good secret a small secret a big secret a top secret but if there's one place known for their secrets it's the agency tasked with protecting the highest Office of the Free World the United States Secret Service hello I am a YouTuber and somehow I have managed to convince the United States Secret Service to let me train with them for a week but little do they know I have a secret of my own to find the chief of the Secret Service himself to ask the question we've all been wondering what is the secret what what is the secret the secret [Music] now I know what you're thinking how are we doing this video oh for the past seven months I've been cold calling and emailing the Secret Service to try and convince them to make a video with us to which I never received a single response leaving me no other choice I had to play my trump card my Ace in the Hole my secret weapon the FBI I called up one of my contacts over at the old bureau from when we shot a video with them in 2019. we could put you in touch and 24 hours later we had an encrypted message in our inbox from the United States Secret Service and lucky for us the Secret Service agreed to make a video as long as we get more views than the FBI video and that brings us to today we were given an area of the country to fly into but we were not actually given an address of where to meet until yesterday the communication to make this episode happen has been fascinating the pigeon has left the nest sunglasses Emoji I bought this suit on Amazon two days ago and I'm about to walk into one of the most prestigious and secretive organizations in the world [Music] um leave it rolling and just put the camera on your lap maybe security put us through multiple checkpoints and then loaded us into an unmarked van how long have you been a part of the Secret Service Mike uh 35 years 35 years and now you're here it's not my first time in an unmarked man [Music] miss carray good morning good morning welcome to the James J rally Training Center where we proudly train the brave men and women of the United States Secret Service listen to [Music] the training in the world I have to say that we actually watched your other videos whether it was the FBI Academy the Marine Corps as well as San Diego Police so we're so excited that you accepted this Challenge and we're so excited to have you well I do have a question as I come here I'm on a quest to find out what is the secret if you successfully complete the final challenge we'll tell you the secret for this video's final challenge I will be put through the biggest training simulation we have ever done on this channel hundreds of live role players real Secret Service agents and even a mock-up of Air Force One my mission to keep a protective safe from point A to point B through potential assassination attempts to ensure My Success I have four days to learn everything I can about the Secret Service and how they train themselves to put the president's life before their own which brings me to my first lesson my understanding is you have done law enforcement and Military type control tactics or defensive measures before yes this is going to be different this is protection oriented instead of me hitting the protective you would rather be hit yourself wow that's the mindset completely different mindset yes our natural instinct is to push away danger and get away from it can't do that I'm not coming at you I'm coming at the protect D you're going to see this is not a high level of threat because you're safe will you say that you mean just like from like a baseline human base Primal okay the instinct is if I was to throw a punch in you and I turn and throw points at somebody else you're going oh it's not me but that not me is who you've sworn to protect we have a mission of providing a service that service is protection any one of us will put ourselves In Harm's Way for our protectees at any given time it doesn't matter if you're left or right democrat or republican we provide our service that's what everyone is saying this time we're just going to start with the knife all right everybody's shaking hands everybody's truly excited and then somebody presents a weapon our mindset is to attack the hand and the weapon notice how much of her body is between the threat and the protective if I do this and he stabs me is that better I guess so I hope your ideas you're gonna grab it and throw your whole body in between I'm Kelly and I'm a special agent with the United States Secret Service and I'm currently assigned to President Biden on the presidential detail other law enforcement agencies might not get that training but that is our job to step in front of the president and to put ourselves in between the protective person and the threat if momentum takes it into you that's the rule right our ballistic vest will not stop a knife one stab is way better than multiple stabs so if it goes in this we want to keep it there if you can get out knife gun weapon say something nice knife knife knife Perfect all right ready to do this on the Rope one what do you mean by the Rope line so typically we use bike rack where it's draped and that's where a protect you will shake hands hugs all that kind of stuff as he works through a crowd so for our rope lines typically they're the aircraft aluminum or metal that you have seen out there for our training purposes we use PVC pipe now this is my chance to sign autographs get pictures we're going to be right up here and there could be 100 people thousand people twenty thousand people all stacked up all right now let's deal with what we're most common exuberant handshakes amounts exuberant handshakes and hot people are there they've been waiting hours to meet this person I'm sure you deal with it all the time so it's the exact same thing but most of the time this is the only technique you need go ahead I start needing to let go oh my God that's what happens most of the time if he doesn't you lift the thumb up and just pull the hand out now talk to them sir I'm gonna need you to let go yep that's all you guys think we need to let it go I should probably sound more forceful when I say it though oh you can sound nice the grip is what's forceful so control I need you to let go and there you go and so the next one is a hug no matter how he's gripping the same thing applies if you rotate the thumbs open so we need to move on so you watch what Leslie does here see how it creates space so grab the thumb and rotate it down to make his arm weak and now you have control of them remember to be polite because most people are there just to have a good time okay but be prepared to crush anybody in Dayton Ohio today this moment of panic at a Donald Trump rally Secret Service agents racing to his side after a protester tried to rush the stage for my final challenge I'm going to have to deal with a live crowd and thinking about assessing whether or not they're friendly are threats that seems like it's going to be really really overwhelming crowds out on this side protect these on this side anybody comes from this side into this side it is a threat he jumps that where do I know he's going there so if I try to cut him off there see where my problem's going to be yeah I know he's going there that's the prize so I'm going to cut them off at the prize and this is where that crash and I take them around I redirect his energy so that everybody else can do the thing okay so you can be right here Dan's gonna try to touch Thomas's head don't let him driving drive and drop there you go perfect one more time make sure you don't try to catch because his momentum will always go through you redirect redirect is energy well done and you actually did a good job compensating you went there and first caught him and see how you knocked you backwards and then you started driving every other law enforcement take cover take cover take you are the cover so take control okay run towards the problem [Music] So today we're going to show you how to deal with a White House finish jumper oh my gosh so this this is like what we see on the news when someone actually decides to scale and jump a White House fence absolutely so this area of grass is meant to represent the White House lawn yes it is so that it's as if they've already scaled it yes and come over yep all right let's do it [ __ ] so today I'm gonna try to jump the White House fence and see if I can get into the White House so I'm wearing a protective bite suit just to make sure that the dog does get a hold of me he doesn't leave any marks of something that I don't want to take home it's time to protect the White House oh a problem face away from us and get on the ground stay right there get down on the ground take your time turn that to be fast cross your ankles now we're gonna make a moving in all right as you move in Turner's gonna come in and give you lethal coverage bend your knees and Christian's gonna cover down range good job search area accessible actual stop at 3 pm today a white male age 26. opened fire at the White House from outside the north fence at least eight bullets struck the White House complex one near a guest bedroom on the second floor it's crazy just to imagine being on the inside of that fence the White House on a Saturday there might be a couple thousand people on the fence line so we're expected to be able if it's a lethal situation to be able to take shots at distances with a backdrop of thousands of people so we spend a lot of hours refining our Marksmanship skills thank you thank you so much and thank you for your service thank you while today we know the Secret Service for protecting the president that wasn't their original purpose the Secret Service was initially formed in 1865 to address the nation's rampant counterfeiting problem and to this day the Secret Service still pursues this Mission along with other forms of forensic investigation this all happens here at one of the largest ink libraries in the world so this is the evidence envelope so we have our threat letters inside here so when someone sends a threatening letter to the Pres president the Secret Service then wants the forensic lab to do some examinations to see if they can find who it came from or where it came from you have to show the threat letter I'm coming for you you won't know I'm there until it is too late XXX so this was sent to the president yes okay yes what a lot of people see in TV and movies is the police officers will take a piece of paper and a pencil and start shading it and then magically they get impressions in real life that actually ruins the document so this is called an electrostatic detection device I'm going to have you push the buttons so power on that was a really good button also all right what I'm looking for is if someone had the threat letter and then another paper on top of it and they're writing on that top paper they're making Impressions on the document below oh my gosh there's something there what investigators can do then is do a search of their house or their vehicle and if they can find a piece of paper that has this writing on it we've now linked those two documents together have you found something really crazy of course but we can't talk about it you can't talk about it but was it like Nicholas Cage in National Treasure yeah like I I was the link The Missing Link in this exam did you have the memory like ran on the hallway with the behavior you're like I've got it yeah you just want to go brag to all your colleagues gosh so what happens next with this document so then after I complete my examination I pass the evidence over to the fingerprints Branch fingerprints I am in a movie right now this is so exciting so in this instance we're going to use a chemical called ninhydrin and it reacts with amino acids in your fingerprint residue and it turns a purple color so if you want to go ahead and put this into the tray and then you let it completely be submerged sometimes when I don't take care of my eyebrows for a while this is what the letter looks like after it's been processed and you can see down here we have a nice big beautiful impression that is so cool what I will do is I will encode it and I'll start to end the federal fingerprint database to see if I can make any identification you see often times where the computer is like hey this is this person it's not reality we actually have to make that identification decision the computer doesn't do it for us I think this is so cool because it's like y'all are finding the hidden story exactly yeah I do have a question to ask you okay what's the secret I don't know it's a secret for me as well said like a true person who has a secret after the assassination of President McKinley in 1901 the Secret Service was finally tasked with the full-time protection of the president today the Secret Service protects the first family the vice president and their immediate family former presidents and their immediate families visiting heads of state and major presidential candidates as you can imagine that's a lot of people to protect in many different environments so how does the secret service plan for so much uncertainty come to the Secret Service to anything it's raining tank so you have marlargo Martha's Vineyard and her agents need to be prepared to be in and around water so I'll presidents have different Hobbies boating skiing bike riding swimming so as special agents we do have to be right there with them so y'all's training is completely based on the given president's Hobbies correct so you're all just sitting there saying please please don't get adventurous President right we always wonder when the next what's the next thing they're going to do so we have to be prepared for that that's kind of fun though yeah just go snorkeling yeah with the president it's fun okay some some good trips I'm actually going to have you put on a belt a gun and a radio to add some weight to yourself oh wow it does impact no one likes swimming with shoes on or long pants or especially a jacket because all that water gets caught in your sleeves swimming in bdus is a good exercise because it gets you used to perhaps falling in the water unintentionally wearing a year or regular clothing oh that was awful I feel like I'm like Veruca Salt and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and she pulls up into blueberry when you feel weighed down in the water you might need to get yourself out of that situation or even react to a threat from that situation Secret Service drop a weapon Secret Service drop the weapon The Next Step we're going to move on to our shallow water egress trainer AKA dunker chair so what we're about to do simulates a helicopter crash that's correct we go through it because we do fly on helicopters we fly on helicopters when you're on the protective details president's detail that kind of thing a helicopter top heavy right all the engines on top of the helicopter so when it hits the water it's going to immediately rotate upside down and then it will start sinking when you start egressing out of that helicopter as fast as we can window out find your reference point undo your seat belt and out you go that's a win things you sign up for the things you all do every day okay [Applause] while this activity might look simple in execution it is actually really difficult to explain how hard it is to do the second I went upside down my sinuses were flooded with water my nose was burning anytime I exhaled bubbles were going in the wrong direction and I could not get out of my seat belt what do we do I started unbuckling before I dropped the Box you kind of didn't worry about the door yeah okay you do it again these are our blackouts basically this will simulate you being in a helicopter where you lost your vision what that is uh device you did not mention for this moment we're going to cut off your vision so that you rely on other senses oh my God this is scary this is thank you very good that was better water every nose yeah and just like imagining oh my God we're crashing in a helicopter right and then thinking to yourself I'm going upside down now I have to relax now I have to kick the door up and like right thinking the steps is crazy while the president flies on Marine one and Air Force One for long distance travel they rely on the presidential motorcade for ground transport with over 30 Vehicles the presidential motorcade is a fleet of armored vehicles designed to get the president safely from point A to point B the presidential motorcade is essentially an armored White House on Wheels complete with its own counter assault team Hazmat unit press Corps and even medical staff the presidential motorcade is so vital they even fly it across the globe to use overseas and at the heart of the motorcade is the vehicle that carries the president themself known as the Beast and I was told I may have the opportunity to ride in the Beast later today all right Michelle I'd like to take you into the Robert deal historic vehicle garage show you some of the historic vehicles that were fortunate to maintain on here this is Obama's car it sure is it sure is [Music] one of our older ones this is a 1993 Cadillac limousine this was President Clinton's wow so this is president Bush's car oh my gosh custom it's hand built this is literally the only example left in the world so am I driving this no okay you get to drive the armored Suburban armored Suburban I'm really really excited about this segment this is where I'm going to learn how to drive in the motorcade yes ma'am you ready to go for a run a sure all right I'm gonna take you for a ride first and then uh we're gonna teach you two let you run the whole thing all right so we're about to go like launch like this is all system stuff [Applause] all right hold on tight what happened ready to learn j-turn no man a j-turn is a protective driving maneuver in which a vehicle going in reverse is spun 180 degrees and continues forward without changing direction of travel so a couple principles of this it's really simple it's not nearly as complicated as it seems put your hand about the four o'clock position so kind of where that that little seam is right there you'll put your left hand here you're going to put your other hand on the gear shift all right so you're going to put it in reverse you're going to start going backwards like this one two three four off the gas [Applause] aha okay all right you got it one get on two three four that's pretty good that was pretty good let's go flip back around let you do another one when you do this in the motorcade I can hopefully never if anything were to happen and they have to get out of the area immediately this is something they could do instead of taking your time to back up to a two-point turn yeah that's cool too and it definitely looks cool yes ma'am on you outstanding very nicely done yeah nowhere to go let me take it right back up top and swap out did I graduate absolutely now we're going to step it up to the armor Suburban these doors are heavy so this is a vehicle that would actually be used in the real motorcade yes ma'am are there secrets I couldn't tell you that so that's a yes are we sir ready was this tire no no there's a supercharger there's a supercharger in here it's that heavy that's one of the secrets that's one of the secrets it was a secret until now so whenever you're ready just kind of do a slow one get used to it we'll talk you through it all right here we go ready nice and smooth we're having a freaking supercharged whale this is really hard to describe unless you've experienced it honestly I've never driven A semi-truck but this is what I would imagine it feels like to drive a machine that big all right now you're going to get up to 50 miles an hour straight in don't change lands land on the brakes as hard as you can keep going straight keep going straight break very nicely done what on Earth is happening now wow that's another secret you'll find out shortly more secrets you pass driving so what we're gonna end up doing now is ramming um see what yeah we're gonna we're gonna Ram a vehicle now is what we're gonna have you guys do so I am I am I ramming or being rich you're gonna be in the [ __ ] vehicle so this is kind of simulate an ambush a vehicle pulls out in front of you tries to block you and we've got to get through it through the vehicle we're pushing it out of the way we're moving and then continuing we're gonna continue on our merry way we want to try and get our front driver side headlight lined up with that X we don't want to hit the rear tire ideally you just want to move the car out of the way let's do it it's good though the program of car before no first time for everything cool Ready Set bang go go go you're going hard hard all right let me go and slow down just ring around that was so exciting [Music] wow and to emphasize the strength of this vehicle even more look at how little damage happened this is the paint from the other car [Music] and as I continue my quest to find the ultimate secret of the Secret Service it is no secret how grateful I am for all of you guys watching I just want to say thank you all so much for helping us hit our next Milestone on this channel of 3 million subscribers and if you're new here and if you haven't subscribed what are you doing be sure to subscribe right now because we do epic videos like this all the time for my final day of the Academy I was put through a multi-hour firearms training program consisting of time shooting tests accuracy assessments and a Marksmanship obstacle course they even have me run drills in a 300 degree virtual training simulator called vertra it's five massive screens projecting real life scenarios that react in real time to my actions and it's this type of training that measures an agent's ability to make split-second decisions under stress this police officer came out and he identified himself thankfully for him you were a bad shot on that one and you missed but in real life you have to take that second to really identify what it is you see before you take action while training virtually has its benefits nothing beats the real thing and so to train in the most realistic environment possible they brought me out to their tactical Village to learn how to respond in the event that the presidential motorcade is caught in an ambush we're here now in the Tactical Village we have a simulated Hotel municipal buildings hospitals basically to simulate a town in which we can do a number of different training scenarios this is amazing Emily is going to be one of our shift mates Adam is going to be one of our shift mates as well awesome and y'all will be with me on the final challenge as well is that that's correct oh good I'm really excited to work with y'all so you're going to be inside of a follow-up and the motorcade is going to be stopped and you're going to have to get out and defend it we're going to have Emily do a first demonstration the shift leader who is riding here will already have popped this door because they're stopped this is armor Emily will come out have her weapon charged she's going to engage that threat threat down threat down she'll put it on safe and she'll relocate to another point of cover she catches other threats in her sector she puts that threat down and she scans we anticipate if we there's one threat there's multiple threats we call it looking for work if there's problems we go find that problem solve that problem look for more work it's an entrepreneurial spirit unfortunately this is our business threat threat thank you foreign you want to ideally go up to his door threat down move moving [Music] so if that fails you have an operational pistol go to your pistol go there you go threat down all right actual stop guys reason why we wanted to have you not shoot from this door is because if in fact that shift leader came out you could potentially have a friendly fire okay we call it good better best that was good this up here is better and then if he's able to leave out and you're providing cover for him that's the best that's awesome threat threat what do you tell your partners oh they're having me repeat the same drill over and over and over again because when you are protecting the president it is a zero fail Mission okay do you have an operational gun on you she's still shooting at you get back in the fight and if things malfunction doesn't matter I need to learn how to get over that under pressure there you go press down threat's down now the one thing I like about you came up standing and then when it failed you changed elevation so now she's not looking at that same Target up there now you're just an eyeball and a muzzle Above This Hood even better also come around here all right now you can use the brakes and you can use this wheel your Marksmanship is good use of safety is good you reloaded two or three times you left these magazines did they have rounds yes they may be critical to your safety and to your shift mate safety this was the first wave of two or three attacks like what happened in Mexico in 2020 and their attack on their security General it lasted a minute and a half and there were a lot of rounds expanded this could be the difference of going home and not going home so we're gonna run it again and again until you get exactly the way we want you to run okay good thank you you're doing a great job keep your head up after wrapping up the last day of training it was now time for the final challenge today's Final challenge will involve me having to provide protection to a protectee through a series of events an Airport arrival a motorcade transport and a public speech in front of a live crowd and if at any point the protecty is harmed it's a mission failed and the challenge is over this final challenge will also include President Biden's actual motorcade and feature real Secret Service agents including the counter sniper unit so we're going to be posted here for your final exercise and this post gives us the best vantage point to help you and the rest of the detail in order to accomplish their mission so while I'm on the shift and in closer proximity to the protectee you'll be up here with other counter snipers as OverWatch for us correct yeah and then if we locate or Identify some threat we are able to relay that to you in order to help you on comps yeah do you know the secret you know the secret yeah of course can you tell me what the secret is no I'm sorry I can't it's classified Michelle this is the team you're going to be working with so who am I protecting today we're protecting the commissioner today call sign Justice call sign Justice well are there other call signs uh we have a lot of call signs like what are they secrets uh today we're just using Justice okay okay just one got it there's the earpiece in the radio that you need for the final challenge [Laughter] now it's real [Music] before you start to make it official all right is this the secret it not yet not yet we'll tell you after if I if I succeed I get to know the secret you succeed we'll talk good luck thank you command post Justice aircraft wheels down Justice aircraft wheels down shift leader coffee coming out Justice on top of stairs all copies thank you just as bottom of stairs [Applause] [Music] Justice inside the mall for showing him [Applause] turn them out look at those just follow up depart site one and we're outside two looking out the window I saw dozens of uniformed division officers lining the entire perimeter and this is when I realized the true scale of this operation a threat could come from anywhere at any moment and since it's the final challenge I knew something was going to go down eventually and I was just so on edge waiting for when or where thank you [Music] [Applause] a ride all right get out make those coffees Justice all right thank you [Music] remember my son thank you Chris Justice outside remote just moving the hole [Music] that's just as inside here [Music] Michelle you want to preposter them [Music] walking out onto the stage I was suddenly met with a massive crowd of people I realized it was now my job to track over 50 living human beings each with their own intentions ladies and gentlemen the commissioner of RTC Katrina Smith foreign [Applause] thank you welcome everyone what a beautiful day in Laurel Maryland huh this is great in the turnout [Music] yeah God for Michelle the guy sucker for the right I also know my love and passion for animals Target down please get down one in class C with unicorn division thank you everybody have fun today at this SPCA event I hope you end up finding your Forever friend and thank you again everyone up until this point I felt like I had an advantage against any threat because of the distance between us and the crowd but as we approached the Rope line I got incredibly nervous face to face with 50 loud screaming strangers and only a thin barrier between us [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you for being here thank you so much thank you for being here bye everybody thank you Justice concluding loved one follow-up Justice moving home [Applause] the smart side two in round side one with the speech complete all we had to do now was get Justice back to the airport guys I knew there would be some big flashy ending and the second we turned the corner into the Tactical Village I knew something big was about to happen [Applause] [Music] pedestrian's right if you're on the pedestrians pedestrians right follow-up lead is a vehicle blocking real estate 12 o'clock [Music] foreign just like in training my rifle jammed again forcing me to switch to my sidearm but as an agent I had to make my situation work no matter what oh standby and Cat establishing perimeter [Music] standby secondary attack can't go down 10 o'clock for me to set standby for smoke from cat respond to site one secure the camera copy that motorcade is resuming all set thank you though Justice outside limo Pharmacy Justice toughesters Justice on board aircraft [Music] actual stop we did it yeah good job she's safe oh my gosh oh holy cow congratulations nice work thank you challenge accepted yeah I crushed it oh well thank you awesome well done on behalf of the Department of Homeland Security the United States Secret Service this certifies that Michelle carray has successfully completed the United States Secret Service challenge accepted Secret Service Academy congratulations well done thank you oh my gosh the Department of Homeland Security authorized this and as promised for completing the final challenge I got to sit down with the chief of the secret service uniform division to ask the man himself what is the secret what what is the secret the secret so I've been here for a while so I've got a few but I'll tell you
Channel: Michelle Khare
Views: 11,307,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: secret service, united states, michelle khare, challenge accepted, business insider, news, election, party, president, usss, trump, biden, politics, government, how to, how to get a job, fbi, police, firefighter, army, military, marines, bodyguard, uniformed division, agent, special agent, cia, spy, secret, nsa, cnn, fox news, motorcade, presidential motorcade, pence, kamala harris, boot camp, academy, bootcamp
Id: EQP-lfVRgX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 5sec (2465 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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