Crisis On Infinite Earths, Infinte Crisis & Final Crisis: Full Story | Comics Explained

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make sure you guys hit the subscribe button if you guys are enjoying the content that we're throwing out and make sure you guys hit the like button if you enjoy the video and yeah let's begin DC fans my peeps I was sitting here trying to figure out what story I was gonna do for a classic DC story because I'm not nearly as well-versed in classic DC as I am with you know Marvel stories before all-new all-different marvel and so I figured if I'm going to do stories before the new 52 then I've got to do something big something that just pops so I'm coming out boom boom guns blazing we're doing crisis on Infinite Earths now a little bit of exposition a little bit of lead-up to this the so before crisis on Infinite Earths DC's continuity was an absolute mess not only that Batman's comics were on the verge of cancellation because it just couldn't get him to sell due to the restrictions from the comics code Authority actually have a video on that there were all kinds of different things a really good example is a Wonder Girl down at Roy's so when Wonder Woman header publications and she was wildly popular DC decided to take the Superboy approach and what they did is they wrote a series of stories starring someone called Wonder Girl and it was designed to be Wonder Woman when she was younger and the various adventures that she had the problem was that whether it was through miscommunication or a lack of concern when the Teen Titans were launched DC took the character of Wonder Girl and they threw her on the Teen Titans and so it created continuity problems because a question fans had was how could he have Wonder Woman as a girl and the stories are supposed to be her in the past but she's currently in the present and so instead they rewrote her origin story and so at that in conjunction with things like Earth one earth two or three where you had the evil Justice League called the crime syndicate it created all kinds of different issues fans didn't know where to start in someone 1985 under the writing of Marv Wolfman and the artistry of George Perez DC said everything stops we're gonna reboot it all we're gonna wipe the slate clean and we're gonna start over and that was crisis on Infinite Earths now the way this starts the way this picks up is we initially did this this short little origin of the universe now there will be a huge explanation that we'll get later on so don't worry DC doesn't leave us hanging with the origin of the DC Universe keep in mind all this stuff is before the new 52 years so this is all original content with the first three boo that they did but they basically tell us you know of course in the beginning there was nothing and then we got the multiverse and there was an infinite number of Earth's that came into existence all of which were wild different and they were totally changed they have their own experiences and so on now initially we pick up an earth 3 now for those of you guys who don't know earth 3 is essentially the opposite of virtually all as a earths that we saw the main story's main universes on this will be earth 1 earth 2 and R 3 R 3 is the crime syndicate of America and the evil version of the Justice League and so instead of Wonder Woman you have superwoman instead of the Green Lantern and you have power ring instead of Superman you have Ultraman and instead of Batman you have our man but they are basically villains they're bad guys the superhero on Earth 3 is actually a guy named Alexander Luthor now for those of you guys who read Infinite Crisis the Alexander Luthor that you recall is actually the child version that we'll see in this story that grows up rapidly fast but the idea here is that we initially pick up with a guy named pariah now we'll find out more about pariah later on and he's actually it's actually kind of interesting the way his story goes he's really like a scientist and an explorer but basically he's being forced to jump to different realities and watch those realities die now all Marvel really gives us here in the beginning is just this idea that no one can save this universe that Ultraman the various members of the crime syndicate they can't do anything to save their reality that this universes version of alexander luthor who's married to Lois Lane they can't save their reality and so in a very Superman esque sort of situation once this this antimatter wave begins sweeping through all known existence they quite literally send their child out now the reason why I say this is Superman asked is that with Krypton originally you know dying due to its own destruction the result was that the izzat jor-el sent his son sent kal-el into space and he arrived on earth and much the same way they basically send him into the multiverse now the reason why this is done is because before crisis on Infinite Earths on earth one earth to and earth 3 had crossed over before and so it wasn't as though Alexander Luthor had no idea what universes were out there he had an inkling of an idea and he basically just kind of sent the child into space more or less hoping for the best and so what we do is we transition to the introduction of of two characters really the introduction of one character and the reintroduction of another the character that were reintroduced to is a girl named Lila now she's existed before she first showed up in the Teen Titans I believe um but she's basically reintroduced here as a girl named Harbinger she's effectively someone that has the of matter she Candace more let's manipulate matter um but she is an assistant of a guy named monitor now again we'll get all this information here later on in terms of where they come from but Marv Wolfman and George Perez are very finicky or not really finicky they're very you know scant on information in the beginning it's instead it's more or less like realities are ending and we're trying to save people and that's basically it but what he does is he goes to Harbinger and he tasks her with finding heroes from across all space and time from whatever planets are left and so it's just kind of like grab who you can't from where you can and then bring him here and that's exactly what she does she creates duplicates of herself and she sends him across multitudes of times so of course she goes to like gorilla City for example on earth and she ends up grabbing their king she goes to the 30th or 31st centuries and she grabs the Legion of super-heroes now supposedly guys who don't know the Legion of super-heroes was a huge deal when it first came out and because the DC one of the big issues they ran into in the the early ages of the publications is he had the Justice League you had the Teen Titans we have the Suicide Squad of what will become the Suicide Squad so it was like you know all the modern day teams are basically covered and so the question was what will really go from there if you've covered the modern day teams you can only have so many heroes on so many teams because they don't have an infinite number of heroes and so the question was alright well let's let's try something different and so they went to the future basically and they said here is a superhero team in the 30th and 31st centuries called the Legion of super-heroes and it was wildly popular and so what they did is they started crossing them over with the Teen Titans and some of our other heroes and it just bolster their popularity even further and so what we end up doing is we end up grabbing a girl named dawn star and then we just joined the rest of harbingers clones and she starts grabbing other people now behind the scenes and what we'll actually learn later on is of course because this story is you know thirty years old what we end up finding is that the 80 monitor who of course again will get a little more expedition about him a little more explanation on his origin he has what are called shadow demons and shadow demons are more or less henchmen that work for him and we'll see them you know as we progress through this story but one of the shadow demons latched itself on to one of the duplicates of Harbinger and so when she eventually reconsolidated herself it resulted in her basically having a fraction of the anti-monitor inside of herself and what it does is it creates this dichotomy where the side of her this influenced by the anti-monitor says kill them auditor and the side is influenced by the monitor doesn't want the monitor to die and so it's it'll play out in an easy-to-understand way as we get through this but again this is really just her grabbing people as they can now one of the most important people that she grabs is a guy named psycho pirate now psycho-pirate has the ability to manipulate the emotions of others and initially it didn't seem like it was going to be that big of a thing it didn't seem like he was going to be that significant but will find that when psycho-pirate is joined by Barry Allen when he's taken by the 80 monitor uh the acquisition of cyclope rattan tea monitor turns out to be one of the most important things that he grabs here but again Harbinger tracing these you know just just take psycho-pirate and initially seems to whisk him away to the lair of the monitor so what we do here is we basically join a lot of these pre-crisis heroes for example Superman from Earth 2 which is basically the Golden Age of superheroes so Alan Scott the Green Lantern you know Jay Garrick the flash they're not here but that's the era of heroes that they come from this is basically the original Superman from actually Comics number one we also have Ted Kord Blue Beetle we have a handful of others the Green Lantern Jon Stewart it's basically just heroes grabbed from different points in time and they're all initially brought here now they don't really know why and in fact a lot of them seem to seem to argue amongst themselves some of which is due to the fact the soccer pirates starts manipulating them but also because of the fact that some of these these shadow demons starts showing up out of nowhere and start attacking these various heroes now eventually they ask the question what's going on here you know whoever you are reveal yourself and the monitor basically shows up it says hey this was somewhat of a test I wanted to see whether or not you can handle the task that I'm going to to bestow on you because all of your universes are getting ready to die and so what we do here is we initially pick up with a with a young boy we pick up with a guy whose name is anthro and anthro hails from a future whereby humanity has been pushed to the brink of extinction now he's not the most important character ever in the history of of stories but the only reason why I mention here is because we'll eventually pick up with Superman I here in a little while and we'll join him and I necessarily want you to be without any explanation of who that guy is but what happens here is there's basically this sort of shuffling this this you know mixing up of time and space in the sense that we have an thrower who witnesses the 30th century before it immediately disappears we have you know people in the in the century who were suddenly met with the arrival of woolly mammoths who were just time-displaced that's really all this happening is a time in space is being disabled and is being thrown awry and so picking back up again with these various superheroes meeting with the monitor of course again the question is why we here what's going on he says I've assembled you for the purposes of trying to help me defeat my phone now the monitor doesn't tell them everything that's going on and in fact he's very enigmatic to the to a lot of these heroes there were stories that took place before this where the monitor began providing arms and even the monitor monitor himself was providing arms weapons and so on to various people but that was designed to be a test to see whether or not those heroes could fight for the monitor and fight for the anime monitor it was basically them this kind of determining who would be best suited to fight on their own fought on each of their behalf but the result is that the monitor has basically created these giant pillars these energy towers now those are the guys who read I want to say was Geoff Johns Green Lantern had dealt with the anti-monitor coming into the control of the Black Lantern Corps if you recall maybe wasn't for that crisis on an herb herb there was a giant tower that had the anti-monitor melded into it this is where that comes from this is where Geoff Johns grabbed that kind of a thing and so again we initially transition over to the guardians of the universe now this is only a quick thing and we actually won't see them again for a little while but the guardians of the universe are actually the core reason for why this happens for why we're having crisis on Infinite Earths not them directly but one of their guys named Crona and so even though you know Marv Wolfman only gives us a small glimpse even though he has them analyzing this antimatter wave and realized that seems there's nothing they can do but they have to try their best and while they aren't imprisoned or they're kept in stasis I'd like you to keep them in the back of your head because they're gonna be wildly important and so from here we jump to earth one now earth one is basically the universe that exists after the introduction of Barry Allen and so all the superheroes that you see that very allen fights alongside Superman Wonder Woman so on and so forth those are earth one characters the superheroes that you know the Green Lantern Alan Scott I guess fights alongside that is earth too so hopefully I can help you guys differentiate things but but again we basically join these heroes as they've been dispersed throughout all space and time to guard these towers that have been created by the monitor now we don't exactly know why a lot of this was done but we suddenly realized that the monitor is met with the arrival of Alexander Luthor from Earth 3 the last survivor of his universe now initially it's just kind of monitoring him it's really just keeping an eye on him watching what happens but the monitor is also curious about Alexander Luthor because he's aging so fast but also because he has such a high intelligence now transitioning back to some of these superheroes who are who are monitoring these towers you know keeping an eye on these towers and defending them of course again pariah makes his presence known now with pariah showing up here is basically just another instance where he's being forced to watch a watch of universe's destruction and that's exactly what happens ah this is you know where initially we believed that it would be kind of like a last battle at the Alamo where earth one is where this final battle would take place between the monitor and the ants monitor or the anti-monitor and the superheroes or something like that instead that doesn't happen effectively all this stuff gets wiped out earth 1 gets annihilated or 2 gets annihilated but it's really gonna be this mass panic that we'll start to realize here in a second but again we also transition back to anti-monitor as he's taken psycho-pirate captive now the interesting thing about this is we don't see the anti-monitor until about halfway through this story instead the anti-monitor is just kind of this this this disembodied voice that communicates with psycho-pirate and the question psycho-pirate has is why am I here and anti-monitor says because you're the most important piece of the board now losing psycho-pirate for the monitor is a huge deal and we'll find out why because again it really seems to change everything but picking up with earth 1 which is the comic book university you guys are most familiar with is basically the elimination of all things and it's really people trying to understand what's going on you have Wonder Woman Donna Troy you have Dick Grayson Nightwing you have Superman you know you have all these heroes that are that are trying to figure things out Batman doesn't even really know what's going on but in truth this antimatter wave is sweeping throughout this cosmos so fast that none of them really have time to react and so while flash you know reappears to them after having vanished previously and says hey look we have to find a way to stop this like this world is going to end but there's still a way to save things he suddenly just disappears he simply just vanishes and no one initially knows where he goes to and so again marvel and really gives us an idea of just how grave this situation is just how many people are watching what's going on when we switched to Brainiac now Brainiac is really just kind of out in space here he's really just doing whatever it is Brainiac does when he's not fighting Superman or attacking earth and he comes to this realization that there is an antimatter wave sweeping throughout the cosmos now Brady act with his extremely advanced intellect also realizes that this antimatter wave simply cannot be stopped it doesn't seem as though there's a way to bring it to an end but if there's anybody on earth that may have a way to end it it's Lex Luthor from earth 1 it's it's election that we are the most familiar with and so what we do here is again we pick up with a couple of a few of the heroes here and there who are fighting against these various forces some of whom are time-displaced they're thrown out of their own time period they're thrown into a future time period or something like that you know we pick up with like Ted Kord Blue Beetle who's trying to guard one of these one of these powers but they're also fending off against the shadow demons of anti-monitor it's really just not Marv Wolfman kind of giving us a quick run-through of what's going on with a lot of these heroes and the reason why he does this is because while that's happening we have the heroes on earth one trying to understand everything and trying to bring everything to an end and suddenly we have Harbinger who's basically taken over by the influence of the anti-monitor who turns her weapons against monitor and who annihilates him who completely White's him out and so the question that people have now is what's going to happen with pariah having been thrown from University universe and watching each universe die and having been thrown into the presence of the monitor pariah is nil is now in a situation where he believes that there's no way to save the multiverse there's nothing that can be done now something else that I also want to do here is I want to turn your attention to the new doctor light now those are the guys who were following DC in the 1990s you recognize this version of dr. light I'm sure that you do and the reason for this is because the monitor had this idea that there's basically going to need to be someone who can rally the heroes together or the very least who can stand at the precipice really among the ranks now the reason why I say this is because dr. light is exactly what it sounds like it's you know and in this instance dr. lights able to manipulate all forms of life but the reason why this matters is because the shadow demons of the anti have a weakness to light and so what this would mean is that if all else fails if these pillars were to converge into a single location then dr. light would quite literally be able to fend them off by herself just by absorbing light from anything that emits light around her absorbing that light into herself I'm in just continually shining it in keeping the shadow demons away it's really just a way for the monitor to buy time to keep the shadow demons song that's one reason why I say dr. light would really be kind of like at the precipice of these heroes because while they have to fight the shadow demons at hand-to-hand combat doctor lied could defeat them in the most feasible way possible and so again we pick up here with with a lot of these superheroes you know going against a lot of these super shadow demons again it's really just kind of a way to just show us exactly what's happening in this in this point and time but ultimately we're basically met with pariah meeting alongside the monitor prior to his death and then having to witness the monitor die and so what we have is this situation where earth to an earth one basically seemed to be gone that the multiverse in its entirety seems to have been completely eliminated I so the question that we have is if this is the case if the entry matter wave of the anti-monitor was successful in eliminating the entirety of the multiverse there wonder what have happened to these heroes what's going on and what we learned was that you know the monitor dying was part of this plan and the reason for this was because the vast powers that he possessed you know to manipulate reality and its entirety were limited by his physical body and so after his death he basically reveals a hologram image or a recording - to Lyla - Harbinger and two pariah and he says this is this was my plan that by destroyed my physical body you've released my energies into what remains or what used to be existence and what I've done is I basically created something called the nether verse and the nether verse is essentially like this little sliver a little pocket dimension is very akin to battle world from secret Wars for those of you guys who read that story and it's essentially a place where he's gathered what remains of what he could grab and store them there and so there are heroes there are planets there are locations that exist from the remainder of the multiverse prior to its collapse that have all been stationed here the problem with this is that as people from all spaces and all times and so you have dinosaur in the 30th century you have soldiers from world war ii who were in the modern day they're seeing things they'd never experienced before now initially this wasn't a huge deal but the most notable heroes from throughout all space and time all history of the DC Multiverse had been gathered together under the direction of Harbinger and the now older alexander luthor who's basically grown in to really pass adolescence into his 20s or so as well as pariah and when they bring them here they basically say yes the actions of the monitor you know resulted in his death yes that was part of his plan but it's all left to us and he says the only way they can basically a win is of course to defeat the anti-monitor or at least defeat whatever this foe is but also to essentially create one universe and this is basically where Marv Wolfman is coming along and saying this is the purpose of crisis on Infinite Earths the purpose of crisis on Infinite Earths is not to recreate the multiverse the purpose of the story is to effectively eliminate the multiverse and then create one universe going forward and so again the other half of this is that because of the fact that psycho-pirate has been brought before the anti-monitor and the moments before the multiverse was collapsed near the most for its entire collapse and in the time it took between when it was collapsing and when the monitor grabbed whatever he could and brought them over to this nether verse that antimatter had reached out and grabbed a character named Red Tornado now those of you guys who were reading the new 52 or those of us who read the earth 2 line of stories and new 52 that name will sound familiar to you Red Tornado will be familiar and the reason why is because in earth 2 in the new 52 Red Tornado was basically an Android with female features that had the mind of Lois Lane inside of it and the crisis on Infinite Earths story arc red tornado is his own being as his own entity but what anti-monitor says is that a set of Red Tornado manipulating winds and so on and so forth the red Toyota was a vastly powerful being now red tornado was effectively going to serve as part of the anti monitors machine and creating this antimatter wave that's going to eliminate the nether verse and its entirety with the intention of recreating the multiverse as an antimatter multiverse that's really what the anti-monitor is shooting for we'll find out why here in a little bit but with psycho-pirate having been told that operating as a henchman of the anti-monitor would mean that he would be able to basically manipulate a world of his own or I guess you know a reality of his own he's basically told yes this is exactly what you're going to get you're going to get the ability to manipulate realities of your own this will we get the actual plan of the anti-monitor what he does here is he basically bolsters the power of of psycho-pirate cycle parse ability to manipulate emotions are now planetary level really you know Universal level and what he does is he basically has the anti-monitor tap into the emotions of all these people who exist on the fragments of realities in this nether verse and essentially manipulate their emotions and start turning them against one another now while this happens we also have the guardians of the universe that are still alive in the nether verse and we also have Ultron which is still alive in the nether verse and it grabbed Lex Luthor from earth 1 and so it was really more of this thing where when the multiverse collapsed the monitor had just reached out grabbed people wherever they happened to be at that time and brought them into the nether verse and so things are pretty much the same as far as they remember for those who are out in space and weren't actually on planets but again because of the fact that all these different heroes are fighting one another we basically have like Shazam fighting against Supergirl it's really one of these scenarios where it's kind of the dream matches that a lot of people always wanted to see but it's also a less expansive version of the battle world events that we saw in seeker wars for Marvel Comics and so what we have here is is essentially Delilah coming to this realization that the influence of psycho-pirate is dependent on his power boost from the anti-monitor and so in order to keep everybody from fighting themselves she basically burns her powers out what she does is she essentially moves the entirety of the nether verse away from the influence of the anti-monitor and while it does restore things to normal she's inherently human now she has no super powers she basically burned them all out in an attempt to essentially keep everybody alive and so with the destruction of the monitor's fortress the question that everybody has now is what's next not only that they also have a lot of questions that haven't been answered on who the monitor was who their actual foe is how all this stuff works and what exactly is taking place and so what Marv Wolfman does is he effectively gives us this sort of end-all-be-all origin of all things and what he tells us is that when this universe came into existence originally there was only one universe there was only one DC universe which we could call earth 1 but what had happened was somewhere along the line after the guardians of the universe once the once the Owens basically kind of elevated themselves in science and so on and so forth one of their kind a guy named Corona wanted to witness the origin of all things but it was forbidden but despite this fact he used a computer to witness the origin of creation and in doing so not only gave birth to the multiverse but also gave birth to the antimatter universe now what this did is this basically created two opposing sides the evil antimatter universe and the good for at least for lack of a better word good positive matter of multiverse in response to this the the Owens form themselves are christened themselves as the guardians of the universe they imprisoned Crona and they set about basically correcting the error of their mistakes looking for a way to create superheroes are looking for a way to create a place for the universe that could basically offset this introduction of evil and so what they did is they initially created the Manhunters and when the Manhunters proved to be a failure they created the Green Lantern Corps now behind the scenes we also had a group of Owens who didn't necessarily see things the exact same way the Guardians did instead well the Guardians wanted to use the Green Lantern's as a peacekeeping force some of the Owens wanted to use them as soldiers getting rid of what they called undesirables the problem with this went to the term undesirables was an open term there was really no definition on what undesirables meant and so the guardians saw this as the first steps to creating addictive you know dictatorial universe and so instead they basically engaged in a civil war with these other Owens that you know had really harsh views and as a result the guardians of the universe maintained control over the positive matter multiverse and they in turn they sent the evil Owens off to the antimatter universe where they took up residence on a on a planet called cord now while they were on this planet cord they effectively evolved into what we call the weapon years that's where these came from but while all this had been happening when the multiverse had been formed the monitor came into existence and when the antimatter universe had been formed the anti-monitor came into existence the kicker was that they had just slept they were basically dormant but eventually the anti-monitor woke up now we weren't initially told how the we learned was that this is why pariah is more or less being forced to witness all these things as kind of the penance that he's paying Briah scientists much like Crona the issue was that when he set about exploring the origin of creation he inadvertently woke up the anti-monitor and when he did the anti-monitor destroyed his world and that began a conquest to basically start wiping out everything and absorbing all the antimatter energy in existence to make itself this absolute ruler with the purpose of wiping out all things in existence and then recreating the universe or the multiverse as an antimatter multiverse and so in response to this the monitor started realizing what was going on and they fought one another which ultimately leads us up to where we are right now so what this does is it basically creates the status quo it tells us were things are at this moment and it gives us the origin of the DC Universe before crisis on Infinite Earths now something to keep in mind is it for those of you guys who jumped into DC Comics with like the Justice League dark side war the information that you found in there gets rid of all this stuff it basically replaces all this stuff is what's called a retcon or retroactive continuity who a writer comes back and they change the status quo with regards to what it is that they're doing and that's essentially what what do you did of course there's a lot of things that go into that but that's more or less the just of this in addition to all this kind of stuff this this exposition we're also met by the arrival of the Phantom Stranger and the spectre now the Phantom Stranger is like this II magmatic being that's just wildly powerful and no one's ever really explored that as far as I know we don't really know the full heights of his abilities we don't really know anything about him that's why he's called the Phantom Stranger is he has the capability to do or at least it seems though he can do almost anything he just never really does when it comes to Jim Corrigan when it comes to the spectre he's like the wrath of God but one of the kicker's to this and it may have been something that I that I miss I'm not really sure but one of the kicker's here seems to be that for whatever reason the powers of Jim Corrigan don't really work to their fullest in the antimatter universe as it stands to right now now it seems as though the reason behind this is because the anti-monitor has just absorbed so much antimatter energy that it basically just negates the powers of of Jim Corrigan that seems to be the case but we're not entirely sure at least I'm not entirely sure again if you guys know something that I don't feel free to post it down in the comment section below but moving on to Alexander Luthor the reason why his character was so important here is that when he passed through the dimensional barrier but the time it took for him to get from Earth three prior to his to his destruction and arriving in the realm of the monitor he had basically become like a living energy conduit now he has the ability to harness both positive and antimatter and in turn he can basically create portals to anywhere and he can create dimensions and that's that's what he does and in fact this will be a major component when it comes to the end of this story with regards to superboy-prime to earth to Superman to earth to Lois Lane and even Alexander Luthor himself which will actually be picked back up once you guys get into Infinite Crisis which is where all that kind of stuff comes from but we'll talk about that once we get you know what we'll cross that bridge when we get there but because of the fact that the anti-monitor still resides in the antimatter universe and they're more or less just kind of left in this no-man's land of the nether verse alexander luthor says okay fine i will create a portal i'll create a way for us to access the antimatter universe and we will go there and we will fight the anti-monitor directly and that's exactly what they do now interestingly enough about this is that the villains actually have their own plans and it actually kind of works and we'll get to that here in a second but we end up joining these super heroes does they immediately get in to the antimatter universe but what Marv Wolfman does is he also provides some caveats here specifically when it comes to the various members of the Superman family Supergirl Superman from Earth once ran through earth to the issue with them is that they've basically lost their invulnerability their super-strength remains their flight their you know heat vision all that stuff still there but it's basically just Marv Wolfman taking away from making these characters a deus ex machina you know where they can just basically in the entire situation because in truth any foe that Superman from Earth to that super girl curves or L goes against that Superman from Earth one if they were to fight them all you know fight that being with all three of them fighting at the same time they would probably lay waste to the anti-monitor and so by giving them a weakness making them you know easy to to kill basically by losing invulnerability that makes it possible for the story to have a compelling ending and so while they do face off against some of these threats of the anti-monitor what I want to do here is I want to transition away from these various superheroes and I want to move over to the death of Kara zor-el now the death of Kara zor-el was huge when this happened I mean this was this was nuts because when when she first appeared she had a huge following a lot of people really really liked her the kicker was a lot of people also saw her as like a spinoff of super I started to go away and she began to grow in a sense that while she was technically a spinoff she also developed her own character it was also done really really well but one of the questions people had is how powerful is Supergirl in relation to Superman and people always said well Superman's more powerful what Marv Wolfman did in this story is he said while anti-monitor was facing off against all these heroes while anti-monitor was taking all of them out one by one Kara zor-el was the last man standing she was the one the last person who was able to fend off against the anti-monitor and held out the longest and so what what Marvel from basically said here is that between Superman earth one between Superman from Earth two and Kara zor-el from Earth one she's the most powerful out of all of them the most capable and is solidified what a lot of people liked about her character but it solidified what a lot of people wanted to and so what happens here is that with her death Superman from from Earth one loses it because this was his cousin this was a part of his family and he's so outraged and so distraught at the experience you know that he feels like he should be the one that should lay her to rest he should be the one that should take her out and give her a proper burial and you know what remains of the fortress of solitude because again all these different earths are still confined within this another verse and so from here I want to jump over to Barry Allen to the death of Barry Allen because this is one of the other huge things to happen in the story Barry Allen's character had basically been popping in and out of time throughout this story and I'd actually skipped over that and the reason why was because it would have seemed weird and out of place and I was afraid it might a phony guys off but since his capture by the inky monitor Barry Allen has basically been manipulated time and time again by psycho-pirate and effectively just torture to the point where Barry Allen has to remember these terrible experiences yes you remember the happy experiences that he can never go back to and it's really just a way to mess with his mind at the same time we also have dark side from the new gods and apocalypse which exist in this another verse now Darkseid in this situation is actually really intriguing because he doesn't actually do anything and that's one of the funny situations here is because we would expect someone as capable as Darkseid to either ally himself with the anti-monitor or ally himself with a super heroes but it's some former fashion he would fight instead he says nope we're gonna stay hands off and we're gonna wait and the reason why is he says if the superheroes are successful things will go back to the way they used to be and I'll be doing the exact same thing I did before if the heroes are not successful they would have put up one hell of a fight which means that anti-monitor would be weaker which means I can defeat him and I can recreate reality the way that I wanted to be and so for him it's really just a waiting game it's just an intelligent game to play to see how things end up and so again you know with Barry Allen picking up with his character he had basically been kind of stirring in his powers because they had gradually been coming back while they had been suppressed during his time under the control of the of the anti-monitor and when he makes his escape he's able to easily subdue a psycho-pirate here and he immediately takes off to the core of this antimatter cannon but the anti-monitor has a symbol because the goal of the anti-monitor is to use his can and fire it into oblivion and recreate all things and so Barry Allen comes to the realization of course as a scientist that if this cannon is composed of antimatter that is core to take a sufficient amount of positive manner to basically destroy it but so his idea is to basically reverse the polarity of this cannon by running in the the direction counter to where this cyclones going and so he basically creates a wind tunnel effect that reverses the spin of this antimatter cannon effectively dispersing the antimatter in its entirety and destroys the cannon but in the process of doing this he starts fluctuating throughout all space and time and this is why those of you guys who go and read crisis on Infinite Earths you'll see moments where he just pops up and he sees Batman for a second and says hey you have to save us and then vanishes this is likely what's happening with regards to the Batman Superman movie when we saw the flash appear out of nowhere this is the kind of thing that was taking place as he was basically fluctuating throughout all space and time but ultimately his actions are successful and destroy the antimatter cannon and the problem is that he simply ceases to exist now when this story happened the initial belief was that Barry Allen died that was at that process Barry Allen's gone he's dead and he's never coming back as we found out with Final Crisis he was basically just lost in the Speed Force that was really all that was going on and so because of this it's really just kind of like this Last Man Standing it's this this final battle or at least it seems to be this final battle is taking place between the superheroes that remain and you know those those people who are basically trying to take their place or at least villains who are just doing villains stuff now the kicker with this is that when it comes to the regular super villains that we're used to they have their own plan in the sense that the only way to keep this cycle from repeating is to go back in time and to stop Crona from observing the universe in the first place the problem with this is that they're super villains so would they do that when they travel back into the past and they try to stop Crona they also really start fighting among one another which results in Crona observing the origin of all things anyway in addition to this with these various forces who are fighting amongst themselves Jim Corrigan pops up and says hey you guys have to stop this you know the anti-monitor is not dead the anti-monitor is alive and we have to work to essentially destroy him and from here this is where things get a little weird from here we're suddenly met by the arrival of superboy-prime now this is really just Marv Wolfman throwing superboy-prime into the story there was a story arc in I think it was ICI presents issue number 81 um and that explained where it was that he came from what you guys can actually find that in my video on superboy-prime explained but the fact is is that he's here now superboy-prime is wildly powerful in terms of the remnants of these various supermen who were left superboy-prime is the most powerful out of all of them but the idea here is to basically find the anti-monitor and to eliminate him before he can you know essentially try to wipe all things out or at least wipe out with what remains of these superheroes and so because of the fact that Crona is able to witness the anti-monitor I guess witness the creation of all things because of the fact that the anti-monitor is able to travel back to the creation of all things we learned that the hand that Crona witnessed was the anti monitors hand rising up but the view screens that the villains are watching in the past as they're standing alongside Crona it actually changes so that when Spectre and the anti-monitor are fighting one another that they see the hand of the Spectre and the anti-monitor so it's basically just an idea of how this multiversal battle is influencing the origin of all creation and so what isn't happening is that in this this conflict between the anti-monitor inspector it results in the fracturing of reality as it seems to exist and everything comes crashing down and then it immediately reforms in the form of new earth now the kicker about this is that all these heroes have no histories as far as the universe is concerned this is day one and they're all just here and so there's no backstories they have no origin stories um it's almost as if the character had just been written and no nobody ever wrote a backstory for them that's basically where we are right now and so the stage is set Marv Wolfman has made the slate he's set a stage for the origin stories that these characters will get after crisis on Infinite Earths is over but what we also learned here is that the anti-monitor is not necessarily dead the ante essence still exists and so what we have is the situation where Superman from Earth to realizes that his wife Lois Lane is dead Superman from Earth one real you know knows the Supergirl is dead the lives they had before are gone and so they basically have to make do as best they can not only that once the anti-monitor reconstructs itself or at least sari constructs its essence and begins reforming its physical body the Superman from Earth to lashes out north to has had and had enough of everything the anti-monitor is doing and so what he does and this is actually one of the most impressive displays of power in this story Superman earth who just loses it and ultimately just punches the absolute [ __ ] out of the entity monitor to the point that it seems to disperse his energies in its entirety now of course we also have a lot of other superheroes who are fighting alongside him as well but the goal here is that the ante monitors essence has effectively been completely obliterated the anti-monitor has been completely destroyed and so what this does is this allows the superheroes to begin trying to figure out what they're going to do next to try to get things sorted out now with regards to those of you guys who read Infinite Crisis this is where things began to pick up this is where you guys got earth to Superman a superboy-prime who ended up going on a rampage this is where they came from what happened was that with earth Q completely gone you know Alexander Luthor reveals that Lois Lane is alive that she hasn't had effectively been reborn with new earth but he had kept her hidden away from the danger so that she wouldn't be killed in the conflict because she would have been brought back you know exactly where all this this all this was happening and so when her presence is revealed Alexander Luthor basically says we're people without a home we have nowhere to go and so essentially he takes them all or whisk them all away to a pocket dimension now originally this was supposed to be the end this was gonna be the end of the earth to Superman this was gonna be the end of superboy-prime this is gonna be the end of Earth to Lois Lane there's stories we're gonna be finished and they were for 20 years until Geoff Johns brought him back and Infinite Crisis but as a story wraps up all it basically says is that we're getting a start of allure basically getting a refresh that these characters are gonna start getting their own origin stories that what Barry Allen having been killed that Wally West now takes his place due to the fact that he was his age was jump-started when the new earth was reformed is essentially you know this idea that we have a continuation of a lot of the characters that we like but the origin stories of where they came from are gonna be told in publications coming after so finishing Green Lantern vol 1 no fear um I was going through a lot of the Green Lantern stuff I mean I'm like I'm into two blackest night right now in terms of reading blackest night is amazing oh my god that story so good Sinestro Corps war was stellar I think Sinestro Corps war is better but it there there are amazing stories when you get to that level of storytelling it's pretty much as easy to say they're both amazing I mean you're really getting into like nuanced differences but getting going into a Green Lantern Corps recharge of course what that does is it basically focuses on the Green Lantern Corps so like Kilowog the new Green Lantern's who are being trained Guy Gardner Kyle Rayner Jon Stewart but it also kind of ties into the idea of superboy-prime still being held by the Green Lantern's and what I initially thought about doing was just kind of saying hey here's what happened to support Tron yada yada yada but I also kind of realized that in DC there are like intrinsically great stories or stories of this kind of need to be told and an Infinite Crisis is a story that I've wanted to tell and so what we're gonna do in this video is we're gonna run over countdown to Infinite Crisis now what countdown to Infinite Crisis did is it was basically like an 85 page one-shot and it set the seeds for a lot of stories that were coming after project Omak the ran Fenig are war villains United and I don't remember the last one I feel like the last one is the most important one but the fact remains here that it basically was kind of set the stage for for a handful of stories here and there and it went forward with the idea of basically telling us here are the the events that led to the start of Infinite Crisis here's how it all kind of kind of came together in a way that basically made something a little more cohesive day a vengeance that's the last one there we go but I couldn't I couldn't remove that last title for the life of me but this story almost focuses exclusively on on Blue Beetle but it's done in a way that makes sense now for those of you guys who were reading a Justice League versus Suicide Squad and you had a particular interest in like Maxwell Lord and you were trying to figure out about his character where he basically kind of became a major villain what the story does is answer those questions I mean well it really kind of lays the groundwork for answering those questions but superboy-prime and company don't really show up until like Infinite Crisis but again it's kind of sets the stage for things that go on we might be kind of picky and choosey based on you know what miniseries we do we'll probably just stick with only a couple of them and then we'll just jump directly into infinite crisis but what this does is it initially just kind of picks up with Blue Beetle making his way into the headquarters of checkmate now because this was a countdown to Infinite Crisis it really just kind of followed the trend of zero hour crisis and time in a sense that zero hour crisis in time was actually a miniseries or instead of going to issues you know one two three or four five six it started with six and worked its way down to a zero issue and that's what this little story does it really just kind of you know jumps back in time so what we end up doing here is you basically jump back to four days ago now of course Ted Kord the current version of Blue Beetle was hanging out with Barbara Gordon who again is still paralyzed following the events of The Killing Joke again it is basically alerted to the idea that somebody is funneling money somebody's laundering money through through Ted kord's company the issue with this is that it basically kind of is effectively bankrupting Ted Kord and so of course this kind of leaves him on a merry chase where he's trying to figure out what's going on but again it kind of sets the stage because keep in mind Infinite Crisis was billed as like the 20th anniversary of crisis on Infinite Earths it was one of those things worse like if you read any story you got to read this one it's o countdown was basically designed to introduce new readers so we get the sort of tour so we basically transitioned over to to Booster Gold now a lot of this comes out of identity crisis and identity crisis basically dealt with a pretty severe situation where the woman named sue did me in order to keep it family-friendly we're not gonna go t do too deep into it but comic story and does have a video on it suffice it to say the the incident basically involved sexual assault we'll leave it there but in response the memories of a lot of superheroes of almost the entire Justice League were basically wiped and so what this did is it basically created a rift with regards to a lot of the different members creating trust issues among them but what Blue Beetle does is he kind of gives us a little bit of a rollercoaster in terms of how he viewed himself alongside Booster Gold because when Booster Gold and Blue Beetle came on they were part of Justice League International and again Justice League International was the reworked Justice League team following crisis on Infinite Earths remember after after crisis was over there was no like main justice Li there was no Batman Superman Wonder Woman the flash Green Lantern and so on there there was no Justice League team like that instead it was just the unsellable I mean I hate to use that term but it was basically the characters that couldn't hold a book on their own but it was a way for DC to basically treat the Justice League like a revolving door introduce new superheroes that people would normally never read give them some exposure and then turn around and give them their own solo series if they prove to be popular the funny thing about this was that Blue Beetle was basically I guess really Blue Beetle and Booster Gold but kind of like the one-two punch of comedy on the team and so that's one of the reasons why a lot of people really loved the two of them together because it has kind of went together like like you know a peanut butter and jelly I mean they were just they were they were great in terms of how they functioned with one another the problem is that after the events of identity crisis Booster Gold had basically walked away from being a superhero he said I can't really do this anymore well the problem was that all the gimmicks all the money all the the draw and the facades that went with him being Booster Gold basically went along with it and so he was for all intents and purposes completely broke now there were instances where he tried to kind of get back on his feet and that's really what happens here you know we circle draws the attention of Blue Beetle when Booster Gold basically you know draws 300 bucks out of an ATM machine using you know money that the Blue Beetle has of course Blue Beetle says hey look we're kind of broke here and I'm we're running on fumes in terms of cash but Blue Beetle also says look somebody's embezzling money somebody's laundering money through my company and if there's any one person that would be most likely to do this it would be Maxwell Lord now keep in mind Maxwell Lord was basically kind of kind of brought in with regards to Justice League International as a guy that effectively stole leadership away from Batman I mean he really just kind of hijacked the team but it was really cool because Maxwell Lord was kind of uh one of these characters of DC was trying to sort out they were trying to figure out what direction they were gonna take him in and they struggled time and time again because Maxwell Lord was not inherently interesting but what this does is kind of pick his character and turn him on his head again now of course getting with Maxwell Lord meeting with Maxwell Lord the the meetings pretty short-lived and the sense that Lord basically says look guys your best years are behind you I mean you guys got to stop looking at being superheroes you guys gotta basically is kind of look at the future and see what direction you want your lives to go on well there's really no answers to be had here and so when is up happening is it's Booster Gold I'm sorry Blue Beetle basically turns his attention to Bruce Wayne and that's really what's gonna happen in the story Blue Beetle is gonna go from Justice League member to Justice League member telling them what's going on and none of them are really going to take him seriously keep in mind that when it came to Booster Gold and when it came to to Blue Beetle they were playing second fiddle I mean when people thought of the Justice League when they thought of the world's greatest superheroes they didn't think of Ted Kord the other didn't think of Blue Beetle they didn't think of Booster Gold I don't mean in terms of fans I mean it's rows with just society in the DC and so because of that you know they thought it would be a Batman someone and so forth and so we know Ted Kord I guess a Blue Beetle Booster Gold they were background guys they were second second rate guys and even the Justice League looked at them that way to a degree however speaking with Batman and basically saying hey look you know somebody's doing something I mean there's information that's going on rumors about dr. lights so on and so forth again all of that tying in to identity crisis Batman really kind of blows them off but what we ended up finding out is that because of the events of identity crisis Batman had basically created this sort of autonomous system called brother I and what brother I was designed to do was basically monitor the planet Earth to be really kind of be one of these you know Batman's I in the sky so to speak to kind of make the earth I guess a safer place now again we're gonna find out later on in this video how it can be used for nefarious purposes but again Jimmy back over to to Blue Beetle you know in the present moment right now investigating really the the headquarters of checkmate he's coming across all these different files belonging to Batman Superman you know the the Green Lantern Hal Jordan keep in mind this comes after Green Lantern rebirth you know investigating at the flash isn't one and so forth and there's all these files all these these dossiers you don't want them and what these profiles basically do is they list their secret identities their strengths their weaknesses all this information so for those of you guys who read like Tower of Babel where Batman was keeping detailed files on how to defeat the individual members of the Justice League imagine that information but expanded to include almost the entirety of the superhero community or at least the most prominent members as well as the various organizations that exist out there protein tech star labs so on and so forth and so again because of this what is up happening as we actually find out Ted Kord wonder that one of the I guess warehouses that was owned by Ted Kord had basically been raided it has stored several hundred pounds of Kryptonite and again this was a major issue just simply because of the fact that if a person got a hold of this kryptonite they could use it for any number of reasons on Superboy Conner Kent because remember following the death of Superman there was no Conner Kent during the reign of the Superman he was a holdover he was maintained by DC Comics he's still around and he actually has a really badass well in Infinite Crisis when he fights superboy-prime it's pretty amazing I love that fight but what Blue Beetle does is he kind of reaches out to Oracle says you know we did call everybody Emily to find out who Jack to this kryptonite so we've got you know we've got dr. fate we got power girl hot girls so on and so forth but again what this does is highlight the lack of trust between these different members of the Justice League team and so because of that of individuals kind of look at blue beetle and say look we're just kind of doing this as a favor but honestly man there's really nothing to go on here you're kind of wasting your time a lot of them don't really take him seriously and oh you know one by one slowly but surely they all sort of begin to bail out now of course how Jordan appears before Blue Beetle and says hey look my rings picking up some very trace or very faint signatures of radiation but what this tells us is that whoever it was that took this kryptonite did so with stealth in mind that if some of the world's greatest superheroes Power Girl with all her different abilities to star fire with all her different abilities dr. fate in the realm of magic if all these different individuals cannot find any real trace of evidence to indicate who it was that took the script tonight or where well then suddenly Blue Beetle begins to lose credibility he's the boy who cried wolf but with Hal Jordan on Blue Beetle side of the saying look I'm willing to help you you know deal with this it kind of bolsters a confidence of Lou Beale it makes him feel like he's less of a second-stringer and makes him feel like he has more of a place or at least somebody out there is taking him seriously now of course when the questions asked what happened to the script tonight and where did it go Superman makes his up here so that's one of the coolest things about this because Blue Beetle looks at this looks at Superman it says every time I see him it's the first time every time I see him no matter when I see him no matter where I see him no matter how many times I've seen him before every time is the first time his authority the stance that he has the fact that he's so large the confidence that he exudes you know it really makes Ted Kord kind of feel insignificant but the fact that Superman is speaking to him and taking time to talk to him makes him feel important so really is one of these funny little moments one of these funny little things in terms of how different people view the concept of the character of Superman not only that Ted Kord actually starts tripping over his words he starts getting nervous his mouth dries up he doesn't really know what to say Superman says calm down relax tell me what's happening now of course Blue Beetle explains everything that's going on with regard to the Kryptonite that vanished Superman takes this with the utmost concern and says look if there's a hundred pounds of kryptonite running around out there it's you know for Superman and the various kryptonite based individuals out there it might as well be an atomic bomb and so it's like that line from the movie peacemaker I'm not concerned about the guy who wants 10 Nuge I'm concerned about the guy who only wants one and so because of this if Superman kind of say okay look this deserves a lot of attention now of course he races off but then blue beetles sort of accosted by these nonsensical villains and so on and so forth now the funny about this and this is why I love the story so much is because on the surface it seems woefully unimportant it seems totally unimportant in fact it's almost over in the blink of an eye in the sense that these guys are basically chased off by Booster Gold who returns to help Blue Beetle but will actually find out later on this was extremely important this was a very significant moment in this story more so than that again this basically kind of sets the seeds for villains United when we find out that Lex Luthor is working alongside a black Adam he's working alongside Talia al Ghul he's working alongside dr. psycho Deathstroke basically creating this this new team of supervillains for the purpose of carrying out whatever missions or goals they intend to carry out again a lot of this kind of sets the stage for some of the stories we're gonna be coming out of this some of the miniseries that lead into Infinite Crisis but from this point we jump forward you know a little bit you know by about a day and a half or so two and a half days something like that and we basically pick up with you know Blue Beetle and Booster Gold sort of going through and trying to figure out what's going on the reason for this is because of the fact that in blue beetles mind if someone was contracted to basically Rob his Robbins place you know robbed this warehouse then money had to have changed hands and if money changed hands then it could be traceable because in the worst of Blue Beetle people don't just change exchange money using suitcases anymore it's all done digitally now keep in mind Blue Beetle is wildly intelligent in terms of what it is he's capable of but he also has a great deal of wealth to his name and has a lot of resources at his disposal the problem is that in the middle of this whole investigation when Booster Gold steps up to try to you know get into this computer and trace these transactions the whole thing explodes the whole house is basically totally destroyed now what this does is it sends Blue Beetle on a chase to find out who it was that destroyed this house and the reason why is because of the fact that this damage also includes Booster Gold receiving third-degree burns on 40% of his chest so at this point it's really become personal more so than business-related now of course at this point the the investigations of Blue Beetle basically lead him to the rock of eternity now the rock of eternity at least as far as I'm aware the rock of eternity is where the wizard Shazam resides keep him on Shazam is basically the wizard that bestowed Billy Batson with his powers and allowed him to become you know Captain Marvel Oh Shazam or whatever you want to call him but you know this guy that the powers that this guy bestowed is the reason why Billy Batson can shout the word Shazam and turn into a superhero the issue with this is that when it comes to the wizard Shazam he has a great deal of knowledge on a lot of things that are going on keep in mind this is all still in the era where there's only one singular universe but a lot of this is kept cloak-and-dagger we don't really know what's going on the wizard Shazam speaks in a very cryptic way saying things like there's a lot unfolding at the moment there's a lot going on behind the scenes you know there are a lot of things that are taking place here you're a man you're not prepared for what's to come and then essentially this kind of whisks him away and calls it a day and that's that's that's really it here so again going through these files and doing some some investigations you know really eight hours until the present day um in the middle of blue beetles you know I guess following his being teleported away of course this ship is destroyed and what it does is it leads to him being taken up or taken aboard the Justice League Watchtower now again this is where he runs into Wonder Woman and that's the other cool thing about this is because with the character of Wonder Woman the riders tend to ride her in a way to where she's either a warrior or she's a woman she's never both the great thing about the story is that we kind of get both aspects of her in the sense that she's very calm she's very welcoming she has a very warm personality she's not just like blog let's go destroy stuff like I mean she's not really like that in this particular story and even Blue Beetle in the context of the events comments on that that whenever Wonder Woman says someone's name when she speaks to them it's like she knows everything about your life and what this is designed to do is kind of build off the work that's been done with Diana Prince to kind of remind us that she is a character who is a warrior in every sense of the word that she could probably kill Superman if it came down to it but in the presence of friends and the presence of people that she's familiar with she's a friend she's someone that you can count on someone you can rely on it was a great way to give us you know both sides of who she is in terms of creating a cohesive character for her the problem with this is that you know where she basically says you know hey keep me abreast of your investigation let me know what's going on you know keep detailed files it really seems to be more placation than anything else like yeah sure I believe you I mean I trust you man it's okay just you know keep me aware heat me you know make sure I'm informed that kind of thing but she doesn't really do anything to like go with him and help his investigation this is compounded by the fact that his Booster Gold is making his way out of the Justice League Watchtower he comes across Martian Manhunter Jon Jones and John Jones response is hey look Wonder Woman said that she may trust you that she may believe you but she's really a lot more trusting than she should be any superhero with their salt is going to believe that you're just full of crap beard is going on about nonsense and so again it's not really John Jones trying to be cruel it's not him trying to be rude it's him just kind of running over the fact of the situation because again Martian Manhunter is very kind of like hey here's how things are like I don't have time to worry about your feelings here is the fact of the situation and that's really the naked truth and naked truth here is that a majority of the superheroes out there do not consider Blue Beetle to be anyone of any real serious note and what this is designed to do is kind of reflect the existing DC community right if I go out into a street and I show people a picture of Batman I'm gonna say who is that they're gonna say well it's Batman if I show him a picture of Superman they'll say that's Superman Wonder Woman the flash so on and so forth if I show them a picture of Blue Beetle they're not gonna have a clue who that is I don't know is that blue guy that is you know they're not gonna know who he is the fact that he's obscure to really the the public at large the non-colored book-reading community at large is a reflection of how he's viewed by the superhero community the superhero community doesn't take him seriously he's a small-time guy he's a second-stringer you call Blue Beetle and when everybody else is dead when there's no one left to fight you just bring him off the bench and say hey man you got to get in there and you got to put up the good fight you know people of general public view him the exact same way now Blue Beetle fans will hit the roof if you tell them that Blue Beetle sucks walk out to a Blue Beetle fan and say hey I was reading about Blue Beetle recently I gotta say man that guy's sucks they won't freak that will lose their absolute mind like he's got a small fanbase I think amazing zero we were talking about this in the discord he was like Blue Beetle has a small fan base but it is a hardcore dedicated fan base it is insane but you know as he's kind of going through you know backwards home used to be and he's kind of going through this this whole this whole issue kind of struggling and trying to figure out his place and you know really asking the question am I really just going on a wild goose chase am I just a dog chasing its tail he didn't begins to realize that somebody's watching him and the reason why is because he basically discovered what amounts to a small little camera or small little monitoring device inside the goggles of his helmet and so what he does is he races off to Booster Gold tells him what's going on you know Bruce Segal tries to help of course with him sustaining injury he can't really go but Booster Gold basically collapses from his injuries from the pain he's experiencing he's put back to sleep by the nurses and then Blue Beetle tells the nurse he says hey look you have to promise me something tell Booster Gold no matter what happens it's not his fault that he's the best friend that Blue Beetle has ever had and so this basically leads into the ending of the story and it picks up with a Blue Beetle following or I guess arriving a checkmate which really kind of brings us back to the beginning of the story now with regards to him going through this database and going through all this information what happens is we end up finding out the hidden hand behind all these things that have been happening is Maxwell Lord and what ended up happening is that when Batman created brother I it was designed really with like the best in tendons or at least the best intentions in terms of like Batman right I mean Batman's not like it's not like a like an altruistic guy Batman's like hey look I really care about your thoughts and feelings that's pretty far from that but what ended up happening here is that the checkmate organization which was previously kind of a branch off of the u.s. cover where it operated on behalf of the US government and carrying out a really kind of serving as like a monitoring arm was relaunched and retooled by Maxwell Lord for the purpose of hijacking brother I and using brother I as a means to monitor superheroes around the world and so what Maxwell Lord wanted to do is basically say hey look there's like 90 L with of all the superhero I guess all the super-powered people out there you know the 1.9 million people out there who have powers 95% of them are nuisance powers meaning that you know they can barely use their telekinesis or they can kind of read surface thoughts or maybe they can teleport a little bit or something like that they can't do anything outrageous but there's the 5% that can do insane things who can fly who are invulnerable who have super-strength SuperSpeed you know who are a credible threat to any country they come across not just a group of people but a country and Maxwell Lords idea is to basically say we're not going to allow our world to be ran by people with superpowers we're going to allow our world to be rant by humans and we're going to control superheroes now this is not Maxwell Lord doing this for the purpose of just saying we really need a great safe world where superheroes are under control this is a power-hungry Maxwell Lord he's looking to use checkmater really his brother I and Project Omak is a way to basically control the world I mean that's really what this is this is kind of world domination if you control Superman if you control Wonder Woman if you control the Green Lantern the flash Aquaman so on and so forth you control the future of the planet because all you have to do is send the Justice League into a country and that country doesn't exist anymore and so because of that Maxwell Lord basically gives Blue Beetle a choice he says look you can join me in this crusade you can join me in this task or you can stand against me if you stand against me you are going to die now what he also does is he / basically deploys one of his Oh max these super powerful beings they're designed to really kind of counter the various powers of different individuals out there those of you guys who are familiar however I mean people who are but for those are guys who were familiar with like the old-school Marvel UK Captain Britain stuff think of this as like a kind of DC version of the fury I mean it's not intrinsic in the sense of like the fury was designed to counter every single superpower but you guys understand what I'm saying in this sense it was kind of like you know this this force of some kind but the fact remains here that because of the fact that Blue Beetle chooses not to ally himself with Maxwell Lord Maxwell Lord shoots him in the head just kills Blue Beetle on the spot and that's the death of Ted Kord now what this does is it sets the stage for later on down the line which leads into the events of Infinite Crisis the reason being is because the world is becoming a darker place now on the surface it does not seem like this has anything to do with Infinite Crisis and I understand that in its entirety however the darker nature of these stories because you'll notice these stories are dark these stories are gritty these stories are not designed to be happy and fluffy they're in stark contrast to what you're seeing in DC rebirth right now the nature of the superhero community in the world at this moment in DC Comics with regards to this countdown to Infinite Crisis is the reason why superboy-prime why it is that earth 3 lex luthor and earth to Superman and Lois Lane show up in the world in the first place is because to them the world's darker these are not superheroes these are people who used to be superheroes but they're basically villains now there's no real difference between villains and heroes okay so as we get into Infinite Crisis or really not invert across as official as we sort of get into it I'm gonna go ahead and roll this in as part of Infinite Crisis where it's gonna sort of title it this way remember we're covering Infinite Crisis because of the fact that this really gives a superboy-prime and it lays the groundwork for what happens with regards to like the Jeff Jones Green Lantern line of stories going into like Sinestro Corps war and all that kind of good stuff plus is just a story that I've really felt like doing but I figure if I'm gonna do Infinite Crisis like we're gonna we're gonna go for broke we're gonna do it all we're really gonna swing for the fences here and we'll pick up with what's called the Omak project now the Omak project is essentially explained to us over the course of this particular storm what we end up doing here is we actually pick up with a girl named Sasha Bordeaux now Sasha it was one of these characters who's relatively new or is really who is new relative to the creation of this story so she appeared in Detective Comics 751 I think it was in 2000 and she was one of those characters that DC brought in and then just didn't really know what to do with it I mean was one of those weird situations because at the time DC was toying with the notion of like Batman for having a love interest and that's kind of been an on again off the end thing it's always been the idea that maybe Bruce Wayne will find love and he won't be so mean and brooding and so on and so forth but people love the the mean and brooding Batman they love that version of his character and so because of that Sasha was shuffled out pretty fast in the in the sense that she was basically had a world over into checkmate now at the time checkmate was essentially a governmental organization that was similar but a little bit different from Marvel's Hellfire Club in the sense that were Marvel's Hellfire Club exists behind the scenes to more or less try to influence and take over the world checkmate does not serve that purpose but they are similar in the sense that their ranks are modeled after chess pieces black kings black Queens white Kings white Queens so on and so forth now of course with much like really much like the Hellfire Club the black King is like the top person and in checkmate and of course right now in this story the black King is is Maxwell Lord but this story takes place immediately after the death of Blue Beetle and so Sasha alongside a handful of others are basically tasked with taking Blue Beetle away now because of the fact that Sasha had spent some time alongside Bruce Wayne because she had basically been his bodyguard because she had been the one to deduce his identity after basically you know poking around and noticing how often Bruce Wayne was staying out late at night and suddenly putting two and two together the idea eventually came to her that as part of checkmate she wasn't really rank-and-file which is to say she didn't believe wholeheartedly in their ideals but there was a measure of loyalty in the sense that her life was basically on the verge of being lost and checkmate brought her back from the brink of death and so because of that she had a loyalty to the organization but under the direction of Maxwell Lord checkmate had become a far more sinister organization now the other half of this is that Maxwell Lord had basically come into control of something called brother it really was like brother Mark one now we're gonna refer to it as brother 1 for the time being but the fact remains that Maxwell Lord had come into control of this and what ends up happening here is Maxwell Lord basically just begins using brother 1 for the purpose of monitoring all the superheroes across the world specifically monitoring the members of the Justice League now the reason why this happened was because of the fact that Maxwell Lord you know killing Ted Kord came to the realization that if Ted knew about about Maxwell Lord what he was getting up to what he was doing then it also meant that somebody else would eventually figure out what was going on now the other half of this is that Ted Kord the Blue Beetle had basically eradicated almost all of the files that brother 1 had on the different metahumans that existed because remember Maxwell Lord wanted to keep an eye on metahumans and basically keep them under his control now in Ted Kord destroyed those files the only ones that were left behind were the Oh Mac project files so because of that it still leaves the Oh Mac project intact we'll find out more about that as we get towards the end of this story but really this is just a matter of hymn of Maxwell Lord keeping an eye on the members of the Justice League as well as other people who have associated with with Blue Beetle whether they were friends or enemies regardless of their stance now what this also does is it coincides with Batman trying to figure out what's going on with brother 1 due to the fact that he doesn't have control of it anymore remember Batman made rather one for the purpose of keeping an eye on metahumans after the events of really the events of identity crisis so because of the fact the Batman came to the belief that metahumans couldn't be trusted that they had to be monitored brother 1 served the purpose of just keeping an eye on them the problem is that with Maxwell Lord taking over brother 1 what he's done is basically removed brother 1 away from Bruce Wayne and now has total control over it and so because of that things progress exactly the way we would expect him to but it also picks up with Wonder Woman and Booster Gold not keep him on Booster Gold and Ted Kord were extremely close friends and of all the people who were on Ted Kord side you know Booster Gold was really the only one that generally that that genuinely actually believed him now of course one everyone believed him to a degree but what this does is it shows us the fallout of what happens when a member of the Justice League dies because no one else believed them something else to also point out here is that Blue Beetle himself was not really a part of the Justice League per se he was part of Justice League International which was kind of like a branch off team I will actually see that group reform to a degree not nearly as big as it was before but to a degree with regards to them calling in their own group of people in response to the to the death of Blue Beetle so what is up happening here as we pick up with with Sasha when she's basically sent on a mission by Maxwell Lord but what she does is she takes the goggles of Blue Beetle and she mails them to Bruce Wayne now of course the crazy thing about this is that when when Alfred comes downstairs and initially goes to give Batman the package he kind of blows it off because in his mind the biggest concern is why is he going to do when the world finds out that he no longer has control of a massive orbital satellite system designed to monitor metahumans what's gonna happen when the Justice League realizes that he doesn't control that anymore more so than that what happens if the person who does control it decides to use it for nefarious purposes and so because of this he's basically just kind of hounded by Alfred and eventually opens up the Box only to realize that it came from Sasha and when Sasha basically says you don't control brother I anymore it's also met with the goggles of Blue Beetle which is Batman basically learning that Blue Beetle has been killed and so what happens is of course the most likely scenario the most likely fallout when Batman goes to visit the rest of the Justice League and tells them what's going on now of course Booster Gold freaks out and the reason why is because Booster Gold says look this is your fault Blue Beetle came to you and said there's something going on here somebody's doing something behind the scenes I'm trying to figure out who broke into my warehouse I'm trying to figure out what's going on with all this Batman had a general idea of what was going on but didn't say anything he didn't speak up and so when the eyes of Booster Gold Batman's refusal to act resulted in blue beetles death whereas of Batman that's ho Blue Beetle look here's what I think is going on let's just go ahead and put our minds together let's put two and two together you know combine our resources and see what we can come to which would have likely resulted in the rest of the Justice League etting involved and would have seen the survival of Blue Beetle instead Batman's refusal to help resulted in the death of Blue Beetle now the other half of this is the rest of the Justice League Wonder Woman was more or less patronizing when Blue Beetle went to go see her when he said hey look here's things going off she said well that's nice come and see me when you have some more information she said it the nicest way possible but she more or less blew him off Martian Manhunter the exact same way Superman the exact same way Hal Jordan all the other superheroes blew off Ted Kord and assume that he D was basically going on a wild goose chase of course he was onto something it resulted in his death and so they're all experiencing their own measure of guilt but the other half of this is that we're also starting to see infighting among the Justice League more so than we were before the Justice League is always kind of bickered is that we've they've always argued to a degree and that whole you know dichotomy between the different belief systems of all the different characters it's what makes the Justice League so interesting because Wonder Woman's a warrior Superman is the moral backbone Batman is the detective everybody has something different to offer to the team but they all come to the Justice League with their own experiences guiding the way they view the world and so because of that they bump heads they don't necessarily see eye to eye 100 percent of the time there was a time when they did but that was 1960s DC Comics now it's more realistic it's more grounded and that is a theme that I want you to keep in the back of your head as we end up going more into Infinite Crisis because what we're gonna find out is the return of Superboy pron the return of Earth to Superman the return of Earth 3 Alexander Luthor it's not altruism they look at the modern-day superheroes and say you've fallen from grace you are not who you're supposed to be and it's really gonna be a Jeff Jones meta commentary on the state of DC Comics at the time that this story was written when he was basically using Infinite Crisis to say superheroes should be stories that are uplifting stories that are cheerful stories that give people a reason to look to the sunrise not stories that are dark and are brooding and make everybody feel miserable about their lives this should be a welcome escape not so many people feel like they gotta have to read and darkness that ends up following their path but regarding this story you know regarding the events that are going on right here with the Omak project with Sasha coming to the realization that Maxwell Lord knows that you know Batman had gotten ahold of these goggles her idea is that it's only a matter of time before Maxwell or traces it back to her and when that happens the question becomes what goes on next now what this also does is it basically coincides with Maxwell Lord having a woman by the name of Jessica midnight execute the other members of the checkmate organization now this is a two-fold step by Maxwell war the first is to basically impose his will on those around him to solidify the fact that he's not someone be trifled with the second is to consolidate power unto himself and that's one of the reasons why Maxwell Lord was so interesting is because when you look at him there were a lot of allegories to like you know Hitler for example you know the night of the Long Knives executing the head of the of the brown brown shirts Browncoats whatever they worked you know executing all those guys and then consolidating power under the Nazi Party at the same time Maxwell Lord does something similar now it's not to say that Maxwell Lord and Hitler are the same thing what Hitler did is something that's been seen time and time again by ruling people it's it's not uncommon it's not uncommon for someone to go in to have allies in order to help themselves you know take some measure of power and then kill their allies and usurp their territory that's not an uncommon thing that's happened all throughout history and what DC does is Maxwell Lord is they take that exact same concept and roll it in here now of course the way that Maxwell Lord does this is by virtue of his ability to dominate the minds of others now Maxwell's ability to manipulate Minds is not like wholesale telepathy right it's not him just going in and just saying like I have total control of your mind it's really more akin to like what the purple man does in the sense that where the purple man puts off pheromones and basically issues commands that people just can't resist it Maxwell Lord is much the same way but it's really a lot of mental control that goes in there the issue with this is that Maxwell Lords ability to dominate Minds is contingent based on the mindset of the person that he's dominating at the time so a fully powered Superman 100% cognizant of his surroundings focusing only on Maxwell Lord would not be as easy to dominate as a Superman that we'll see in this story when he is dominated by the actual Lord because his focus has caught him in different places at the same time he's in a relatively weakened state in terms of where his mind's at but the fact remains here that under the control of Maxwell Lord Jessica midnight kills all these different heads of the houses at the same time Maxwell Lord says now we're going to frame her for this crime and this is how Maxwell functioned that's why he's such a great charismatic guy that's why a lot of people love his character is because he's just so cruel man like he's just so mean the big lebowski he's just mean man like it's it's it's crazy how it all comes down but the fact remains here that this is really again Sasha's loyalties being tested to the sense that she doesn't believe that she can be someone they can truly ally herself with Maxwell Lord or his ideologies so what is up happening here is she basically calls a one-on-one meeting with Bruce Wayne but what happens is the entire scenario is seen by Maxwell Lord now the when this matters is because of the fact that by virtue of her act manipulate Maxwell Lord to make him believe what she wants to believe just by virtue of engineering circumstances in her favor Maxwell Lord had no reason to believe that sasha bordo was against him but with this revelation he now knows that she is so what happens is we start seeing the implementation of these Oh max now the Oh max that I want to kind of wait until we got to this section to basically run over this the Oh max are basically cyborgs but they're inherently human and what happened is that somewhere along the line basically individuals started having nano machines planted inside their bodies without them knowing it so what would happen is under the direction of Maxwell Lord by activating you know the Omak protocol these individuals their nano machines would effectively manifest they would take on a cyborg form and then they would just operate according to whatever it is that Maxwell Lord tells them to do through the brother one system and so because that you know when these individuals become Oh max they have no self will they have no free will no self determination they simply do as they're told so what happens is of course you know sasha is basically taken by Maxwell Lord and then Batman fins off as best he can but of course against these Oh max Batman can only do so much and so of course he's rescued by Superman and that's really that but at this point is basically everybody kind of rallying around this idea that Blue Beetle had died and how they're reacting to it specifically with the return of Guy Gardner now remember because of the fact that Booster Gold and Blue Beetle along with a handful of the other minor superheroes all served on Justice League international they basically formed a kind of brotherhood of sorts in the sense that whenever one of them is in danger they will all respond if at all possible and so because of this with the death of Blue Beetle Guy Gardner's response alongside Booster Gold is we have to go find out who it was that killed them more so than that they actually tell Wonder Woman to stay out of it and the reason why is because in their mind they're like you're part of that Justice League you're not part of our Justice League now this is a in comic kind of allegory for the way the fans view the Justice League at one point in time and the reason why is because remember after crisis on Infinite Earths there was no traditional Justice League Batman Superman Wonder Woman the flash Green Lantern so on and so forth there was Justice League International it wasn't until 1998 some thirteen years after the events of crisis on Infinite Earths that we got the return of the Justice League as we new them but the idea here was that the members of Justice League International were basically their own group and so because that there were essentially two factions of the Justice League running around even if one of them wasn't official and so what it did is it basically kind of created a rift in the sense that they didn't really see themselves eye to eye they didn't really see themselves as equal it was really like that's your team this is my team you stay away I stay away and everything will be okay now yet they work together in times of extreme duress but on the whole they really saw themselves as their own individual teams and so because of this you know this is really just the revelation you know kind of coming to fruition the revelation continuing that everybody is essentially going after whoever it was that was behind the murder of Blue Beetle of course we know that to be Maxwell Lord the other problem with this is that with Maxwell Lord using using brother one to spy on the Justice League inside the watchtower he comes to the realization that Batman is effectively spilling the beans on everything he knows behind the events of brother one and the whole nine yards and so because of this Maxwell Lord essentially jumps the gun and says if I can't take out Batman here then I will take over someone who can take out Batman and this is when he basically begins to use his ability to take over the mind of Superman that's why I say if it were Superman in the height of combat strictly focusing on Maxwell Lord Maxwell Lord probably would not be able to dominate his mind with Superman operating as Clark Kent with his guard effectively down Maxwell Lord is able to overtake him now the problem with this a little bit of a story here is that I wasn't able to find her I wasn't able to get my hands on the comic where Superman is operating under the control of Maxwell Lord actually wasn't able to get my hands on that I was so we kind of have to jump to like Wonder Woman number 219 but all that really happened in that story was that Superman had basically gone after Batman and tried to kill him under the control of Maxwell Lord but Wonder Woman intervened and so because of that we basically pick up with Wonder Woman as part of this equation now of course Wonder Woman fighting fighting against Superman is actually a pretty cool battle and the reason why is because it's again DC sort of reiterating this idea that when it really comes down to it Wonder Woman is every bit Superman's equal if not a little more superior and the reason why is because of the fact that when a woman is a warrior whereas Superman is more of a protector and so because of that their ideologies their moral compasses really fly in the face of what we would consider to be an actual battle between the two in terms of who actually went now one thing to also keep in mind is that Superman is fighting with the extent of his powers here and that's why I say this battle is so interesting is because right now in this moment Superman's not holding back this is a fight presumably to the death now Wonder Woman tries to keep him alive as best she can just because the fact that she's aware the Superman is not in control of his full faculties but the fact remains here that when it comes to a legit fight between the two of them they're both able to hold their own against one another and Wonder will improve yourself to be really formidable against him and so I think it was kind of a cool thing that should be mentioned here just because of the fact that when we talk about superheroes the Wonder Woman is really like the first woman of comics the first lady of comics in superhero form and when we're talking about just like you know the quintessential women in comics that title goes to Lois Lane in my book but in terms of you know powerful women and major roles one of them is really at the cream of the crop when it comes to that and so because of this you know with Superman more or less subdued at least temporarily Wonder Woman Ratz Maxwell Lord around with a lasso of truth and says tell me how to relinquish Superman from your control Maxwell Lord responds by simply saying kill me and that's exactly what Wonder Woman does she snaps his neck so for those of you guys who have seen that now famous panel where when a woman kills Maxwell Lord you've probably seen it and like the most insane you know comic book deaths of all time or something like that are like the craziest Wonder Woman moments usually see those kind of clickbait nonsensical things on BuzzFeed but if you've seen those you know in anticipation of the Wonder Woman movie this is where that comes from this is why that happens because Maxwell Lord literally says the once I take control of a person they're not free unless I want them to be free or unless I die now this is really where the rift in the Justice League comes into play the reason why I say that is because within the Justice League themselves you know even within you know like Superman's mantra killing is a no-no the only time it's okay to kill is if there's absolutely no other choice now in the eyes of Wonder Woman there was no other choice it was the only way to free Superman from Maxwell Lords control but that's not necessarily true Wonder Woman could have knocked him out Wonder Woman could have knocked out both Superman and Maxwell Lord taking them back to the watchtower or taking them back to earth and then turn around and said okay look you know we have to find some way to reverse this there were different roads that could have been taken according to Superman but in Wonder Woman's mind that was not the case she was thinking in the moment not only that it was also a little bit of revenge she looked at this and said this is the man that killed Blue Beetle now I would go as far as to say that Wonder Woman was making up for what she perceived to be her failure as a superhero in the moment of truth when Blue Beetle came to her and said I need your help she wasn't there to help him and so in a lot of ways I would consider this to be as a scenario that plays out where she basically says hey look you know this seems to be me just kind of helping him out making amends for the fact that I wasn't there when he needed me basically getting vengeance the problem with this is that with the death of Maxwell Lord the king is dead program is activated and brother Wan basically transforms himself into brother eye and becomes fully autonomous now we don't initially know this is the case and in fact as the reader and the only thing that we have to believe is that there was some kind of failsafe program that was activated that for whatever reason are in some form or fashion that brother Wan was basically monitoring the vital signs of of Maxwell Lord and with Maxwell Lord dying that the program was then activated but in fact we're actually gonna learn that's not the case but switching back over to Sasha bordo and Jessica midnight because of the fact that Jessica midnight was being held prisoner after being framed by a Maxwell Lord or really being forced by an actual Lord to kill those members of checkmate as well as Sasha bordo who was caught red-handed leaking information a Batman the two of them basically engineered their escape and this is when DC begins the process of sort of offering some new standing for the character of Sasha Bordeaux and the reason why is because she begins to show indications that she herself is an omec remember when a person becomes an omec they don't know they've been infected with those those nanobots you know they're they're basically lose all sense of individuality and they effectively black out I mean it's almost like just chunks of their memory are gone you know and then maybe they go back to being their normal selves maybe they never go back and they stay Oh max forever but the fact remains here that with Batman recovering from his injuries after sustaining a pretty heavy beating from Superman one is up happening here is he begins talking with brother 1 and what brother 1 says or I guess brother I now what he basically says is that it was created by Batman for the purpose of monitoring superhumans and to basically catalog information but under the control of Maxwell Lord the programming of brother brother I was modified to basically view superhumans as an inherent threat to earth but to operate under the direction of Maxwell Lord with Maxwell Lord having been killed brother I did the next best thing the only thing it really knew how to do it made itself fully autonomous it merged the programming of Bruce Wayne and Maxwell work together and basically said I now exist for the purpose of tracking all metahumans on earth and then killing them all and so what this does is it basically sets in motion this massive releases massive activation of all these Omax across the world so for those of you guys who jumped directly into Infinite Crisis and those are the guys who are curious as to why you see all these giant robots flying around and attacking everybody this is the reason why because brother I basically activated the Omak protocol and what it did is it sent all these really you know activated all these different Oh match now in terms of how many there actually are we're not given that information right off the bat instead we actually end up having you know the death of a few superheroes here and there rocket red 7 now when it comes to the rocket reds and they were created for the purpose of being the ussr's own superhero team you know strictly for their for their own country the issue with this is that with the Omax being activated superhero groups from across the world who would normally never interact are now banding together but the other reason for this is because of the fact that rocket red has a lot of dealings with conventional superheroes as we know them operating out of out of the united states so because of this the old rocket red basically tells Guy Gardner put one of your shields around me rocket red then activates his ability to create you know all kinds of energy projections and basically blows up the entire area inside this bubble killing himself as well as these different different Oh max but at this point this is when we basically learned Sasha Bordeaux herself is an omec the reason we learned this is because of the fact that her body is undergoing the physical change when the nano machines activate but the difference is that she's not like all the other Oh max she maintains her own individuality now the reason why she maintains her individuality is because she was not subjected to the same process that all the other Oh max were subjected to when they were given their nanobots instead she was a unique creation really created by Maxwell Lord himself and the reason why was because Maxwell Lord wanted a fail-safe Maxwell word wanted to know that if things went awry that he would basically have somebody who was loyal to him with absolute certainty and would have all the powers of a nomad but of course with Maxwell Lord being dead and Sasha bordello having turned against him anyway once her nanobots began to activate she basically has all the powers of an omec but she's self-aware she's not tied into the control of brother eyes so she's not forced the bidding of others now at this point this is when she contacts Bruce Wayne and says look you have to round up all those superheroes as best you can we have to find a way to basically fight off her or basically destroy brother I and when Batman's response is why she basically says because brother eye is activating them now when Batman asks them what are you talking about she says the O match that there's one 1.3 million of them and so because of that there's 1 million Samad own acts running around the planet earth and they've all been tasked with the purpose of killing metahumans it's really just things popping off in the extreme degree and so what is up happening here is Batman really kind of makes this last-ditch effort that's one of the reasons why this is kind of cool and one of the reasons why we really had to do countdown to Infinite Crisis the reason why is because of the fact that in that story we had seen it somebody had broken into the warehouse of Blue Beetle somebody had stolen you know a ton of kryptonite but we never found out where the Kryptonite went this is when Batman starts putting two and two together and this is why this is such kind of a you know really a tragic moment in the story because Batman figured out what was happening right off the bat as soon as you was in the warehouse and he started looking around he immediately figured out what was going on if he had put his mind to tasks when this all first started Blue Beetle would have been alive but what Batman says is that within this particular warehouse was basically a giant EMP machine that Blue Beetle had made that would set off an EMP in a pretty large location now of course the only way to really take out every single Omak across the world is to detonate an EMP that's equivalent to a 15 Megaton nuclear bomb well the issue is it would kill everybody in range if it would literally just kind of blink out the electrical impulses in their brains everybody would just die and so because of that the idea is to basically confine all these different Lmax into a singular location using a massive massive number of superheroes as a beacon as bait and so a Batman basically draws on Hal Jordan and John Stewart and says grab as many heroes as you can go to this mountain out in the middle of nowhere and then draw the lomax to you when that happens we're going to activate this EMP and we're gonna try to take them all out the problem with this is that Batman is actually too little too late now none of those heroes die instead it all really comes down to Sasha and what is up happening is that with with all these Oh max basically just bearing down on them descending on all these different superheroes that one is up happening is Sasha actually hacks into brother I directly and what she does is she distributes a virus that basis we begins to shut down the connection between the nanobots in the in the Oh max and brother I itself now of course it doesn't mean that all the Oh max are destroyed and in fact some 200,000 managed to continue existing but the big drop in this story the the huge revelation that really came out of the o Mac project was that with the conclusion of this we end up finding out that brother I had actually taken the footage of Wonder Woman killing Maxwell Lord and broadcast it out to the world and that is a huge event that comes out of this that's why the story is important for Infinite Crisis and that's why it creates a rift in the superhero community because of the fact that the world now sees Wonder Woman committing murder okay man we are here man is something wrong core man Jason now and for the crisis superboy-prime man fight everyone did it is that's why I titled this superboy-prime versus everyone because that's exactly what it is and he wrecks everyone it's the coolest thing it's like the coolest thing ever I understand is this what I've been missing is this what I've been missing with DC Comics like let's get into this alright cuz I'm I'm getting hyped up as it is alright before we start this what I want to do is I want to flesh out the multiversal concept in the realm of DC Comics oh so here's the deal alright those of you guys who are familiar with this bear with me for a second but even now it's still kind of baffles people a little bit alright in the history of DC Comics there's been two multiverses I mean Grant Morrison does his own thing but we're gonna leave Grant Morrison out of this equation there's been two different iterations of the multiverse the first one is the one that was destroyed with crisis on Infinite Earths the second one is the one that comes back because of this story Infinite Crisis so this actually makes a new multiverse new histories different things like that but the fact remains here that we don't need to go into a great big huge explanation about crisis on Infinite Earths we know about that story I've done a video on it we have the origin of superboy-prime that kind of helps us to tie into it a little bit but what ended up happening here is it essentially the multiverse collapse so it was the end of all things with regards to the DC universe and what came after that was one singular universe so everything that happened in DC Comics between the end of is on Infinite Earths in 1985 and right now in the beginning of this story has all taken place in one singular universe called new earth that's what that whole phrase comes from now with regards to the characters that we're gonna see here superboy-prime earth to Superman earth to Lois Lane earth 3 Alexander Luthor we don't really have to worry about like earth 3 and different things like that all we have to know is that during the events of crisis on Infinite Earths when the multiverse was collapsing because of the fact that all these different universes were impacted the superheroes just ran around grabbing who they could when they could and then brought them into the fold to fight against the anti-monitor the result was that because DC wanted to basically revamp the Superman mythos and return Superman to being the sole survivor of Krypton with no other versions of himself out there what they did is they said ok at the end of crisis on Infinite Earths Superman from Earth 2 which is basically the 1930s 1940s Superman Lois Lane from Earth 2 from that same point in time 1930s 1940s and Alexander Luthor who's basically the son of Lex Luthor from earth 3 who was a good guy they're gonna be shunted off to the Paradise dimension now DC's in tension with crisis on Infinite Earths was to never use them again who is to basically write them out of the story and the Paradise I mentioned was effectively heaven that's really what it was it was their own little realm their own little place it was heaven and they were never gonna be seen or heard from again now cue the post-crisis landscape because of stories like the death of Gwen Stacy in 1971 comic books were moving towards this trend of becoming darker in the xix age I think was 1986 1987 something like that weeded up getting Batman The Dark Knight Returns we got Batman The Killing Joke and between those stories comic books began to become darker and more realistic and more of a reflection of the cynical nature of the real world now with regards to this story what geoff johns is doing is basically issuing a meta commentary but there are a handful of things that led up to this because it wasn't like Infinite Crisis just dropped out of nowhere like there were things that were going on that we're leading up to this in JLA Justice League of America number 118 119 and 120 what ended up happening is the Justice League was going against various forces that seemed to just kind of be there there were just you know random individuals for the Justice League to fight but in the middle of all that Martian Manhunter was just suddenly kidnapped and the entire Justice League Watchtower was completely obliterated now what we also have is the O mat project that sword where we talked about Batman's whole Omak thing and all those different robots and so on and so forth we're just kind of activating throughout the world with the intention of annihilating metahumans all these things begin to converge into the start of Infinite Crisis now there's a handful of other things too but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it we're gonna go ahead and jump directly into this so of course this comes as fallout of the destruction of the Justice League Watchtower but also the revelation from the rest of the Justice League that Batman had created the OMAP project because of that the Omak project was basically hijacked by Maxwell Lord its entire purpose was corrupted and it became an evil entity and so the result is that trust in the Justice League is almost completely obliterated keep in mind we also saw Wonder Woman kill Maxwell Lord and so because that because of the fact that Maxwell Lord was killed about what this does or at least what this did is it resulted in the entire superhero community and the world basically going at odds as one another humanity looked at superheroes as dangerous people now super heroes the Justice League couldn't trust each other and so because of this what it does is it switches over to Conner Kent now Conner Kent as he exists here Jesus as he exists here there we go Cannell he's a holdover from the Death of Superman remember when Superman died in 1980 to 1993 DC released four new versions of him there was the Eradicator there was cyborg there was basically the metropolis kid and then there was John Henry irons also known as steel who just had a giant steel Superman suit he didn't actually have any powers or anything but once Superman came back DC didn't really know what to do with these different versions of the characters so someone away some just kind of vanished never to be seen or heard from again but Conner Kent was one of the most popular and so what ended up happening is DC just started shunting him off to like teen books Young Justice you know Titans Teen Titans that kind of thing and because of that his character still maintained you know face value still maintained publication in the realm of DC and relevance in the eyes of fans it was just the idea of him going back to the way he was in the 1990s was effectively gone now the other half of this equation is that Conner Kent has basically walked away from being a superhero and the reason why is because there Kim point when he was essentially taken over by Lex Luthor and the result was that he was basically forced to fight his teammates up once he had regained his and he had come back to his normal self he essentially walked away now the reason why this is significant is because of the fact that Connor Kent is being watched by several individuals that we can't see who are also watching a multitude of events unfold all across the face of the earth and because of all these different conflicts because of all these different skirmishes because Conner Kent does not want to be Superboy is not going to act as Superboy because of the fact that Batman's Omak project is basically run amok what this is done is it has led these individuals to believe that these people these superheroes on earth are not superheroes they're not acting the way superheroes should and so because of that in their mind something needs to be corrected something basically needs to happen to fix this problem now at this point we switch over to the specter now this is small but this is something that I actually wanted to toss in here just for the sake of showing you guys how much lead um you know how big the whole Infinite Crisis thing was if you guys remember our video where we talked about Green Lantern rebirth and the idea that Hal Jordan had basically left his role as the spectre or was really freed from his role as the spectre and went back to being Hal Jordan as we knew him an Air Force pilot aurélia a test pilot eventually going back into the Green Lantern Corps again what this did is it left the spectre without a host know with the spectre not having a host it was already on the verge of insanity and began to sort of dip over and so because of this the spectre was manipulated by being called a Calypso which is basically like the representation of God's wrath and the DC Universe but what it did is it sent the spectre on this absolute rampage the reason being because the spectre operates as the you know the the extension of God's judgment you know it operates as is God's judgment in the realm of DC Comics and so because of this Eclipse so it basically approach the spectre and said hey look everything exists according to like the rules according to like the the law of God magic violates that law because it allows people to operate outside of God's control and because of that these individuals are basically breaking God's law the spectre responded by killing the wizard Shazam the being that basically gives Billy Batson his powers and because of this Billy Batson more-or-less crash labs on earth stating to everybody Shazam's come been completely obliterated Shazam is now dead now again the reason why a lot of this stuff is done is because of the fact that this serves the purpose of allowing DC to go forward after Infinite Crisis treating it as a soft reboot in the sense that not everybody gets rebooted their their histories are completely but it basically kind of allows DC to half way hit the reset switch and kind of you know offer some new information or basically change people's histories a little bit especially with the return of the multiverses so switching back over to the to the Justice League Watchtower again this is pretty small it's not the most important thing in the world but it's basically just the arrival of mongol now again this is Mongols Sun so because this man was more or less just kind of relishing in the idea that the Justice League has been you know been defeated more or less that they have no trust in one another because remember Mom was one of the most formidable foes of the Justice League in general and alongside cyborg Superman had eradicated ko City which set Hal Jordan on the path of declaring himself as parallax and becoming a bad guy and during the events of zero our crisis and time and so because of this again it's really just kind of a reminder of how dark things are simply due to the fact that in the midst of this conflict Wonder Woman goes to kill Mongol now one of the things you may notice here is that this comic this story as it starts is very dark it's a very very dark story it's designed to be that way Geoff Johns wrote this explicitly and the reason why is because of the fact that it's no secret Geoff Johns Harkins for an age when Kiley books were a lot more lighthearted you know especially with what we're seeing right now with like the Superman comics in DC rebirth Geoff Johns is really more of a fan of like the Silver Age of comics the 1950s 1960s you know going into the 1970s when the Bronze Age started the idea for for Geoff Johns was basically saying there was a time when superheroes were very light hearted when superhero stories were fun when they were upbeat when they lifted you up instead of making you feel like you've been pulled down and what geoff johns is basically doing with this you know by virtue of talking through superboy-prime earth to superman so on and so forth is he's basically saying because of the fact that comics have become a little more realistic because of the fact that comics are a little more visceral and a little more real the magic has essentially been lost there is no wow Superman is someone to look up to you now it's Superman is dark you know Wonder Woman's dark that man's dark you know what we need is a return to greatness and so it's almost like you can really go back and look at the history of Geoff Johns various works and in DC Comics I'm not gonna run them all off because there's so many of them you could look at like you know the flash you can look at me Oh Green Lantern you can look at the new 52 Justice League you can trace all these things that Geoff Johns has done way up to the start of Rio BC rebirth and basically see the point he's making and see his efforts to return in DC Comics to more of a uplifting place as opposed to one that's a little too real and a little too visceral and so in response to everything that's going on what we basically have are these hidden individuals saying enough is enough this is it this is done we need to do something we have to step in and this is when we learn that this is earth to Superman superboy-prime Alexander Luthor and Lois Lane so this is such a really really cool development because when this first happened it was like oh my god it was one of the coolest things ever to take place in this in this particular story so because that's what this does is this allows us to segue for a second to a story called villains United now again Villas United was a six-issue miniseries that was a lead-up or at least part of the lead-up to Infinite Crisis but like a lot of the lead ups it wasn't necessarily the story itself was intrinsic it was what came out of the story that was important and that's one of the reasons why I kind of skipped over I mean if there was something in the story that was significant that was wildly important then I would say okay we'll go through the whole thing but we can really just kind of point to the story itself and highlight the finer points as opposed to you run to the entire thing now with regards to this that with regards to villains United what this was was basically Lex Luthor reforming the secret six now I mean there was like this super you know the secret society of super villains and so on so forth but the secret six was more of like an inner circle of that particular organization but it was Lex Luthor leading the group and basically bringing all these villains together for the purpose of attacking the super heroes and so what was going on in the lead-up to Infinite Crisis as you had the Omak project these robots running around trying to annihilate heroes and villains and then you had the secret six trying to annihilate superheroes so because of this in the middle of this fight we end up having Power Girl who's basically met by the arrival of earth to Superman now harkening back to the beginning of this video when we talked about like earth two we talked about the multiverse and so on and so forth Power Girl was a character who was introduced before crisis on Infinite Earths her character is a direct reflection of the various struggles DC's faced with regards to continuity issues following crisis on Infinite Earths because of the fact that she was the cousin of Superman from Earth to when crisis on Infinite Earths happened what DC did is they went forward and treated things like the multiverse never existed well if the multiverse never existed according to DC the power girl was still present after crisis on Infinite Earths then where did she come from because Superman is supposed to be the only survivor of Krypton there is no Supergirl none of that stuff and so the question is who is she where does she come from DC tried to go back and re explain her origins but it was an absolute mess it was an absolute nightmare and so what Geoff Johns is doing here is he's basically saying all the nonsense with origin stories and all that jargon and all that garbage that came after crisis on Infinite Earths is being removed in its entirety what he does by having earth to Superman meet power girl is basically take her over to you know this base of operations were superboy-prime and alexander luthor we're all operating out of an earth to Superman basically recounts the entirety of crisis on Infinite Earths for Howard rule now because of the fact that this information is given to her in conjunction with physically touching you know these individuals what is up happening is her entire history is restored to her and so she basically remembers all of her history by you know after crisis on Infinite Earths as it was basically geoff johns again essentially saying the origin of power girl before crisis on Infinite Earths is now her origin story that's now the basis behind her character now the other half of this is that it's also her basically realizing she's reencountering a long-lost cousin the person that she knew the person that she trusted the person who effectively adopted her in a lot of ways treated her like a daughter and so because of this this is very a celebratory moment between the two of them but in the midst of all this we actually switched back over to to Batman himself now again this deals a lot with regards to you know all these different you know the the old Matt project and so on and so forth but his Batman trying to keep things back under control Batman trying to basically Corral things back unto himself and the reason why is because of the fact that Batman is nothing if not a man who believes that he can take on the world and keep it under control that's one of the reasons why we like his character so much is because he is basically the epitome of a control freak but the way it works itself out is that in this instance with brother I and the Omak project Batman can't stop it Batman can't do it on his own instead he's going to have to turn to other people he's gonna have to return you know turn to other superheroes individuals who can help them out and so what is up happening here is we transition back over to earth to Superman and is when we learn the real motivation for why they're here with earth to Superman superboy-prime Alexander Luthor all these guys looking at the superhero landscape you know while they were in the Paradise dimension what they've done is they come to the realization that these superheroes are not superheroes and so the idea is to basically eliminate the entirety of everybody on this earth eradicated completely free earth to back and then resurrect these individuals as their earth-2 counterparts so essentially saying we're going to get rid of you as you exist now and we're gonna bring you back as better and happier people now the crazy thing about this is that Power Girl has loyalty issues at this point and will actually see what those loyalty issues are but for the moment we can kind of get away with simply saying that she's basically stuck between the superheroes that she's fought alongside so much the loyalty she has to them but addition that the loads he/she has to earth to Superman and her desire to see things go back to being you know a better time to the you know to see superheroes becoming better people and so what is up happening here is that with Batman basically struggling with the idea that brother AI is the most colossal failure that he's had in the sense of the program that he did that he designed completely ran amok with Batman you know harkening back to the death of Jason Todd with Batman looking at the death of his parents what he sees is failure after failure after failure and the interesting thing about this the way Geoff Johns rife is is that he's actually not wrong when it comes to the character of Bruce Wayne when it comes to the character of Batman he's had a lot of successes Dick Grayson was a great success Barbara Gordon being shot Batman feels it was a failure on his behalf The Joker's various schemes all the people who have died because of the fact that he simply just didn't kill all his villains outright Batman considers those to be failures the death of Jason Todd Batman's failure again and again and again when Batman could have stepped in and done the right thing he always did the wrong thing in his mind so because of this he's on the verge of basically giving up and in fact he goes as far as to say I wish I could start over and almost like a like a genie popping out of a bottle of earth - Superman arrives on the scene and basically says I can help you with that now the funny thing about this is that Batman's like you're not the Superman that I know when Superman's like I know I'm from I'm Superman essentially from Earth - and so again these two basically end up having a conversation with one another and the conversation goes as far as Earth - Superman basically saying here's what we're gonna do I mean you know I come from a totally different place I come from a universe called Earth - the universe has long since then gone but I want to bring it back on my universe on my earth in Earth two superheroes were something to aspire to you know superheroes were something to celebrate superheroes weren't feared by society superheroes didn't consider themselves to be failures they've made mistakes but in the end they always ended up doing the right thing there was no moral ambiguity there was no well maybe he's a good guy maybe he's a bad guy there were no anti-heroes there was right there was wrong and if you weren't right you were wrong and that's the coolest thing about this is because it's very rigid it's very structured but in a lot of ways it's also Geoff Johns kind of pointing at his own desires and essentially saying that yes I love the Silver Age of comics but it may not necessarily be you know exactly as I remember so again there's a lot of nostalgia fuel going on in this particular this particular bit you know miss Dodger feels you know going on this little particular bit of a story but what is up happening here is what we do is we basically have you know Lex Luthor meeting Lex Luthor now this seems to come out of left field but the reason why this is the case is because of the fact that during the villains United story that's one of the reasons why I wanted to just sort of hold us off during the villains United story Lex Luthor as he had basically reformed the secret six was not Lex Luthor this was actually Alexander Luthor and one of the things that we end up finding out here is that over the course of the time in which they were watching the various superheroes from the Paradise dimension Alexander Luthor in superboy-prime were leaving the Paradise dimension and they were showing up inside the you know the the superhero landscape in DC Comics and they were basically setting the stage to give them justification to go to earth to super in and say look how bad they are look how much they're failing those aren't superheroes we need to fix this and so because of that what is up happening here is that with you know Alexander Luthor confronting Lex Luthor Alexander Luthor immediately overpowers him and essentially removes them from the equation now what geoff johns does is he starts to show us how these guys are not necessarily on earth to steal and so on and so forth how they're not necessarily the great and magical superheroes that we remember and this is why I say Geoff Johns is kind of pointing at his own case of nostalgia he's kind of pointing at his own case and saying just because we remember things a certain way doesn't mean they are that way and so with earth to Superman basically approaching Bruce Wayne he's like look man change is coming either this change can be easy or this change can be painful but just coming it's better to be on the devil's right hand than in his path and so because of this Superman you know earth to Superman basically says look this is gonna happen we're going to eliminate you and we're gonna replace you with something better make it easy on yourself now of course Batman's response is to use kryptonite and this is when Jeff John steps in and basically sets the stage for how superboy-prime is going to wreck the world what is up happening here is earth to Superman tells Batman that's kryptonite that earth once Superman gave you but it doesn't work on me because it's not the Kryptonite from my universe this is really interesting this is really cool for those of you guys who are following Hickman's Avengers and New Avengers this basically works in the exact same fashion as the Infinity Gauntlet the Infinity Gauntlet can only be used in the universe that the Infinity stones come from kryptonite can only work on you know the same universe as a Superman that it comes from so earth one Kryptonite works on earth one Superman earth - kryptonite works on earth two Superman earth one kryptonite will not work on earth two Superman now the reason why this is important is because as we saw in our video on the origin of superboy-prime Krypton was obliterated in its entirety kryptonite are basically just radioactive shards of Krypton because of the fact that that Krypton from soot from Earth Prime was totally disintegrated by the Sun there is no green kryptonite from Earth pod and so there is no weakness for superboy-prime and that's why I say things are kind of crazy when it comes to this or at least there's no weakness no weakness initially now of course alexander luthor making its presence known to lex luthor really just serves the purpose of allowing him to topple Lex Luthor I mean that's that's really all there is to it but at this point what ends up happening is we basically have power girl you know after she's going through her own bit of a little bit of struggle trying to figure out what direction she was gonna go and whose side she was going to choose what she did is she came to a middle ground and said what we can do is we can't just show up on the dorsum of all the superheroes that exists right now and say we're going to eradicate you and replace you with something better what she says is we have to work out a compromise there's no reason why these two universes can't exist at the same time so again this is Jeff Jones setting up with the return of the multiverse but what is up happening here is when she returns back to the headquarters of everyone she basically ends up discovering that all these different individuals Martian Manhunter when he was taken black Adam when he was kidnapped all of them have been attached to this massive pillar this huge obelisk that seems to have been constructed out of the remains of the anti-monitor now again what Jeff Jones is doing here is Jeff Jones is basically saying look the anti-monitor is still a thing that existed crisis on Infinite Earths happen the anti-monitor is a concept it's not something that I'm basically wiping out in its entirety but this is about the extent that we get with the anti-monitor himself in terms of the anti-monitor actually coming back as we know him that'll be done as part of Jeff Jones Sinestro Corps war but it'll actually come out of the reformation of the multiverse from Infinite Crisis but what we end up doing here is we end up finding out that with Alexander Luthor and superboy-prime being the true individuals behind the destruction or I guess really you know that all this damage at all these these evil deeds of course what's basically happened as they have effectively become bad guys now what this does is it begs the question are they really bad guys or are they good guys the funny thing about this is that their actions are given to us by virtue of what we see around them you know we see them kidnapping heroes we see them you know hooking them up to the giant habla so you see them with the intention of bringing the multiverse back but wiping out all the different heroes and so on and so forth but it also you know it's it's like this like a hypothetical scenario if I came to you and I brought you over to the side of a lake and I said in five minutes this guy who's fishing right now is gonna be killed by a man who comes up behind him and slips as you know slips his throat five minutes later exactly what I predicted would happen somebody comes up behind the fisherman slices his throat and that's the end of him now on the surface it's well that guy killed a fisherman he's an evil man but what if I told you the reason why he slipped that fisherman's throat is because that murderer is trying to feed his family and he's doing it the only way he knows how because he doesn't know how to fish sure the question could be asked why did he ask the fishermen to teach him how to fish but he was thinking in the moment he was doing what he thought was right and that's why I say these are kind of interesting but then it also brings into play the idea of results it Breezer to play the idea of motivation sure what they want to do is the right thing but how they go about it is important too and if what they do is basically start kidnapping all these different superheroes with the intention of channeling their power into a single pillar which in turn will restore the multiverse then are they really good guys and so again with power girl basically learning about all this this is when Alexander Luthor essentially says take her out if you're not with us you're against us and so at this point power girl is basically an enemy but what we also end up finding here is again we basically end up learning that Lois Lane one of the motivation behind the earth - Superman is at Lois Lane is essentially done you know earth - Lois Lane is basically dying and so earth to Superman was in a vulnerable state alexander luthor began to prey on that and what alexander luthor said you know what's basically got a whispering you know evil deeds you know on the shoulders of Superman and such as saying hey look man if we can bring back earth to Lois Lane will live we'll keep her alive now all this did was feed Alexander Luthor's purpose of trying to basically restore the multiverse and create a perfect earth the issue with this is that with superboy-prime standing alongside alexander luthor civil war crimes motivation is much much simpler superboy-prime isn't looking for some grandiose thing he's not looking to take over all things in existence at least not right now Superboy Prime's motivation is that he hates Conner Kent and the reason why is because of the fact that Conner Kent carries the mantle of Superboy but Conner Kent is not being Superboy soon y-prime basically looks at everything that's happened and says we sacrificed our existence we sacrifice our lives in order to create a better world for all these superheroes to live in and all they're doing is squandering it all they're doing is refusing to be superheroes all they're doing it's fighting among one another all they're doing is screwing everything up and so in Superboy's you know so we're Prime's mind Conner Kent is not Superboy and if he's not going to act like Superboy he doesn't deserve to live as Superboy and so again see what Prime's whole motivation is just personal I mean it's it's basic and it's personal but the cool thing about it is we get to see him destroy everyone and so again what is up happening here is that with Lois Lane earth to Lois Lane continuing to succumb to her various younger illness ends up happening is of course Earth - Superman arrives on the scene Alexander Luthor says hey look man just chillier chill here hang out with her everything will be fine the other half of this is that with Power Girl having been subdued the dog is let off his leash superboy-prime says look let me go find Conner Ken let me deal with Conner Kent Alexander Luthor says okay now up until this point it's been standard comics explained ladies and gentlemen of the rob Corps things are about to pop off all right so the cool thing here god I've been waiting for this I had to explain everything in order to make it make sense I've been waiting for this more right now superboy-prime rolls up on Conner Kent's home and the crazy thing about this is Conner Kent doesn't know who he is superboy-prime is you know what color accounts like who are you super where prawns responses I'm the super boy the world needs you know I'm the super boy the world deserves you are not super boy now of course the funny thing the the funniest thing about this is Conner Kent tries to hold his own right like hunter Kent's just like man I'm gonna who this guy is but I'm gonna take him out Conner Kent starts punching back so on and so forth Superboy Prime's responses man you better come strong 30 racks Conner kid absolutely crushes him and that's the craziest thing about this is because it's just superboy-prime and unbridled rage it's just the wrath of superboy-prime that's all this is now of course with the fact that that Conner Kent's been damaged in the fact that he's engaged in this massive conflict and he's essentially losing he sends out an SOS to the Titans now the funny thing about this is like can see Sam's mark like Wonder Girl alright cassie sandsmark shows up hey guys I brought the Titans and the Teen Titans and the JSA let's jam Superboy proms like I don't give a damn dude he superboy-prime wrecks them all that's the coolest thing about this he's ripping off arms he's ripping off leg he's like oh it's the coolest thing that I've ever seen and that's why I love this so much it's because it is superboy-prime losing his mind and that's why so many people love his character but the other half of this is Geoff Johns writes him so well I mean yeah if superboy-prime Vendrell is superboy-prime lashing out its superboy-prime wrecking everyone but what he's doing the entire time is you saying you're ruining me you're making me like you you're making me evil you're making me bad you're making me a corrupted person and the crazy thing is that all these heroes are just fighting off against them as best they can and it is absolutely amazing because what it does is it gives superboy-prime character it gives him so much development it's tough it's proud top it gives superboy-prime so much development because what he does is he doesn't see himself for what he is he doesn't see him suffer what he's doing he's a guy that's fighting the entirety of the of the Teen Titans trying to be mean the entirety of the Titans fighting the half of the justice Society of America because in his mind they don't deserve to be heroes well who superboy-prime to make that declaration whose superboy-prime to decide who's a hero and who's not a hero superboy-prime is kind of like a reflection of a lot of comic-book fans who said things need to go back the way they were because the way they are now is bad I mean bad according to you but not bad according to everyone and so because of that you know superboy-prime has a lot of bill here and that's what makes it so cool is because this entire fight happens over the span of you know five or six pages but the way that it's done is so cool and that's what I think geoff johns he's an amazing writer just because of the fact that he's so good at building characters even if it's only in a very short amount of time but because the fact that that Superboy Pratt is basically this guy that no one seems to be to be able to take out because of the fact that Superboy farm is just crushing person after person after person knocking them down like dominos what is up happening here and this is this is man yeah fanboy one of the coolest things here is that Jay Garrick Wally West and Bart Allen race him try to race him into the Speed Force now this is crazy because you got to think there are all kinds of beings that superboy-prime is fought you know and of course that's one of the reasons why Geoff Johns really seemed to choose him was because of the fact that basically superboy-prime is Silver Age Superman it's 1950 Superman the Superman who is pulling a chain of planets out of the dying solar system it's the Superman who sneezed and destroyed a solar system you know it's that version of Superman initially superboy-prime had no weaknesses when he was first introduced into DC Comics none he wasn't weak to red Sun to red solar radiation kryptonite didn't exist he wasn't weak to magic he had no weaknesses whatsoever and Geoff Johns plays on this he says look he's faster than every version of Superman he's stronger than every version of Superman you know he's more capable than all the other superheroes that he's fighting against he's literally a one-man army who's gonna be able to stop him but was bar down in Wally West and Jay Garrick trying to race him into the Speed Force by God it takes everything they have to try to push him in but this is when Jeff John sets the stage for the return of Barry Allen and the reason why is because try as they might and as difficult as it may be they can't do it on their own so what happens Barry Allen reaches out from the Speed Force and pulls superboy-prime in that's what's so cool is because keep in mind Barry Allen after the end of crisis on Infinite Earths hopped up from time to time I mean DC basically said he's still around but we didn't know what they were going to do with him we didn't know if he was ever gonna come back we didn't know if he was gonna be gone forever we had no idea what was gonna happen the Barry Allen reaching out from a speed force and yanking him in is amazing because basically every body has er everybody's able to pull suit or Prime in there and that essentially seems to be the end of him and so what is up happening here is with Alexander Luthor having completed this massive pillar channeling all these energies back into himself and basically using it to reform the multiverse what he does is he basically restores earth to and so what we get is earth one new earth and earth two laying the foundation for the return of the multiverse in DC Comics okay so picking up with a second half of Infinite Crisis I really think that like this second half is a lot easier to digest than the first I know what the first half I threw a lot at you guys just because Geoff Johns what he writes his stories usually when it comes like these big crossover events it's like the first part is like here's all the stuff you need to know then the second part is like and we're on to the action and you get a good blend it's just Geoff Johns was using Infinite Crisis as a way to wrap up a lot of different things to remove a lot of different things from the DC landscape now some of this was like editorial in a for example when we get to the second about Dick Grayson but actually find out that editorial had a different intention than what we saw in the story itself but there were a lot of things that ended up happening behind the scenes that influenced how this story was done because DC was looking to Infinite Crisis to change things up now I think this makes a really really good talking point because at the end of the last video we talked about how the multiverse had returned and the idea here is that with crisis on Infinite Earths it was a line wide reboot I mean it was it was a hard reboot everything was just reset from one with Infinite Crisis it's not that way Jeff John's really just kind of comes along and says well you get to stay and you get to stay you got to go but you get to stay and you get to stay it's really just kind of going through and basically it is revitalizing characters and returning them to their roots and this is never more so evident than when we pick up with the return of the multiverse and the restoration of earth - now remember earth 2 is basically the universe where all the Golden Age heroes existed so basically all the superheroes if you do Google searches or you look them up or anything superheroes that were first created in the 1930s and 1940s and the really really early part like the first five years of the 1950's that was all Golden Age stuff when the multiverse is recreated by Alexander Luthor suddenly people like Jay Garrick just began vanishing all over the place and no one knows where they are of course earth to Superman earth to Lois Lane they vanish as well what we find out is that they've been sent to earth - and so really what's happening here is Geoff Johns is basically saying after crisis on Infinite Earths a lot of the characters who were introduced before crisis on Infinite Earths in the multiverse on a different earth they were just kind of rolled over into the main DC continuity in the new earth continuity after crisis on Infinite Earths but because the multiverse is back basically all these different heroes are going to the earths where they first appeared at so for example we have members of the Shazam family that show up on earth s and the reason why is because before crisis on Infinite Earths the Shazam family existed on earth s and so that's basically what's happening here it's just returning all these different characters back to where it was that they came from now a brawl like a huge majority a bulk of these characters uh you know characters like that like Matt Smith that's man I know I said that's man in the other video characters like bats man he stays simply because of the fact that he's just a character that's so popular the deserts to counterparts not gonna be found I mean you're only gonna see him on earth one he's one of these weird exceptions switching back over to Batman himself the idea is that with whether I having had all these different Oh matches and you know kind of running amuck and so on Batman's main focus is to basically take out these there you know take out brother I eliminate brother i from the equation and then the Omax will fall respectively because remember the Omax only exists because of the connection between brother I and the Omax assume his brother eyes destroyed these you know nano these these nanobots whatever it is that surround these normal humans or basically deactivate and these humans will go back to the way they were before now in truth this was just DC giving themselves an out right it was just a way of saying hey look brother is gonna be defeated and it's not gonna cost the lives of some you know two million people in order to do it they're all just gonna go back to the way they were before but the other half of this is we actually have Booster Gold bringing to Batman Jaime Reyes now I call him Jaime Reyes some people like Joel call him Jaime Reyes I think it really just kind of depends I'm used to pronouncing it Jaime resume that's that's I don't know why it would be pronounced a different way but Jaime Reyes is basically the new Blue Beetle keep in mind and countdown to Infinite Crisis we talked about how Ted Kord the blue beetle at the time was killed by Maxwell Lord but the funny thing about this is that when it came to the blue beetle landscape with the exception of Ted Kord everybody has powers because of a scarab that they possess now originally in DC Comics the Blue Beetle was a man named Dan Garrett Danny Garrett's history is a little fuzzy if you go to like Fox feature syndicate or you were to look up Fox feature syndicate what you would find out is that Blue Beetle at that point in time was more akin to like a detective or something along the lines of like you know Green Hornet you know somebody similar to that as opposed to the Blue Beetle that you most commonly think of but the idea here is that when Blue Beetle Dan Garrett was effectively taken over by DC as a whole his entire history and origin was revamped to a degree to where it was similar but he actually had powers that were derived from a scarab and the Scarab effectively went away when Ted Kord became the New Beetle and the reason why is because of the fact that DC was looking for a more grounded character so the doubleu Beetle scarab solely just existed as like a trophy in the room are really in the the base of operations for Ted Kord and Ted Kord himself had no actual powers he was just a super smart guy but what ended up happening is because of the fact that Infinite Crisis was designed to fulfill Jeff's John's desire to take a lot of comics for as many as he could in terms of characters and send them back to their roots when we eventually saw Ted Kord stumbled across the wizard Shazam and his efforts to figure out you know what was going on with Maxwell Lord Ted Kord was killed the Blue Beetle scarab was left on Shazam when the rock of eternity was destroyed by the specter that Beetle scarab landed on earth and then took possession of Jaime Reyes and so what that meant is that Jaime Reyes went forward as the new Blue Beetle with powers now the caveat to all this is that within this story Infinite Crisis and even going into like 50 tubes and going into a lot of stories of focus on his character the issue is that Jaime Reyes does not have any control of the Blue Beetle scarab it operates with a will of its own is more instinctive or reactive than anything else and so because of this this is basically introducing his character into DC and showing us or at least giving us an idea of what to expect now of course Booster Gold bringing in Jaime Reyes - uh - Batman is done because of the fact that no Ric Bucher goal is a time traveler and in his future he already knows about the events that are going on right now and what he tells Batman is you're going to try to find brother you're not going to be able to find it but the Blue Beetle scarab can help you locate it because of the fact that it can allow its user to almost do anything they need to at any particular point in time it's almost like the last wide event with you know star brand for those of you guys who were familiar with Jeff R but not with Jeff Jeff with Jonathan Hickman Avengers and New Avengers but the fact remains here that basically Booster Gold says is Blue Beetle will help you find brother I because you will not be able to locate it on your own so at this point what we do is we switch back over to earth to now with regards to earth hue we focused largely on Superman and the idea was remember he was told by Alex Lane Alexander Luthor if we restore the multiverse then Lois Lane and you you guys can go back to earth too and Lois Lane will live so because of the fact that she was dying for reasons that we couldn't necessarily like really weren't really explained it was just kind of like the idea of old age or something along those lines but despite being on earth to Lois Lane dies anyway now this is one of the most touching moments of the story and the reason why is because of the fact that it is an absolute law of the universe that Superman always rescues Lois Lane Superman could be in a village of children who are being bombarded by conventional warfare and he will leave to save Lois Lane but the idea here is this is Golden Age Superman this is 1930s 1940s incorruptible Superman back in those days he always saved Lois Lane that was the crux of the story will Superman get to Lois Lane and ton find out in the next issue that was the way those stories were written back then and so with Lois Lane dying this is an experience that earth-2 Saran has never felt before there's never been an instance where he's ever had to even question whether or not Lois Lane was going to survive he was always there but with her death with the scream that he lets out the fact that he's feeling this much suffering in this much pain it breaks the barrier between earth one and earth two and Superman on earth one hears it and that's how much suffering goes into the show that's how much suffering goes into the screen now again this is geoff johns kind of tying up all these loose ends and having it you know really going forward the intention of returning superheros back to the way they're supposed to be now we'll find out with Final Crisis a lot of that ends up getting changed by Grant Morrison but happening here as we transitioned over to Wonder Woman and Wonder Woman of Earth one is actually visited by Wonder Woman of Earth to the Golden Age Wonder Woman and the cool thing about this is that the Golden Age Wonder Woman takes earth one wonder woman you know Diana on this journey where she basically explains look you're not a hero right now you're not acting like a hero you don't need to prove yourself to anybody like you've been a leader you've been a queen you know you have been an ambassador you've done virtually everything the only thing you need to be right now is human and that's the coolest thing about this because what Geoff Johns is basically saying is that in a lot of ways the modern superheroes at the time this story was written 2005 2006 the superheroes had lost their humanity they weren't superheroes anymore it was almost like you could write this story as a precursor to injustice gods among us right like they lose their humanity they lose what it is that makes them heroes and because of this they basically fight amongst each other I mean the injustice university or they fight amongst each other so on and so forth in this story it's a lot of the same way they've lost their humanity and insight of losing their humanity they fail to take into account that the actions that they engage in especially Wonder Woman when she killed Maxwell Lord have an impact that resonates beyond herself humanity won't say well oh my god wonder will he kill Maxwell Lord Wonder Woman is a terrible person none of them what humanity will say is Wonder Woman killed Maxwell Lord Wonder Woman's part of the Justice League superheroes are dangerous that's exactly the way the events played out and that's the case that earth to Wonder Woman is making be a hero be human understand everyone makes mistakes you've made mistakes Batman makes mistakes Superman makes mistakes learn from them and become a better person and so because of this we transition back over to Superman on earth too and we end up having this really cool battle between himself and Superman on earth one and that's kind of the funny thing here because it's almost like experience versus experience which one comes and comes out right here but the funny thing about this is that it's actually Superman from Earth one that talks reason into Golden Age Superman and the reason why I say that is because of the fact that Golden Age Superman is fighting out of anger he's fighting out of Wrath he's fighting out of rage and the reason why is he says Lois Lane didn't die because it was unavoidable Lois Lane died because she was exposed to the corruption that is what makes you superheroes who you are she was exposed to the corruption of your evil deeds she was exposed to the corruption of your more ambiguity your willingness to do things that that would basically make you a villain as opposed to being a hero now the funny thing about this is Wonder Woman steps in 101 basically says look you know you guys have to stop and this is one's bold name Superman really lets them have it he says you're not heroes not in any sense of the word your anti-heroes your questionable heroes sometimes you do good things but it doesn't a tell them for the bad things you do and that's really what that's the funny thing about this is a case could be made for that now somebody in the comment section of the video about on that project you made a really good point where they're basically saying look if all the old stories were nothing but heroes doing the right thing all the time that would get boring hence the reason why we started getting stories like The Dark Knight Returns and stuff like that where we sort of seen the darker side of Heroes but what geoff johns is saying is that is something that needs to be there there needs to be a time when the the morality of superheroes is questioned when the morality of superheroes is ambiguous that's something that needs to exist the problem is when it becomes the status quo that's the issue superhero should always be someone to look up to they should always be something to aspire to the humanity of heroes is what bridges the gap between them as you know comic book characters and us as the reader and it's what helps us identify with them but what we don't want to read her stories where all we see is darkened draggy what we don't want to see our stories where either it reflects the real world or it makes the real world look worse than it is and so because of that Superman says you've lost your way now the best counter-argument to this is Superman from Earth one when Golden Age Superman's ranting on he's talking about how he comes from a world where everything's perfect Superman from Earth one says well that can't be possible because a perfect world wouldn't need a Superman and so that's the beauty of all this is because this is when Golden Age Superman begins to put two and two together when he begins talking about you know how Alexander Luthor is trying to find that one perfect earth this is when building a Superman realizes Alexander Luthor is working against them and so what we end up finding out is that with this giant Tower that's been built you know with you know I guess a resemblance to the anti-monitor that alexander luthor kind of switches over and basically says that for reasons that he can't begin to comprehend for reasons he doesn't understand the multiverse begins and ends with Superman now there is an actual reason for this but it's not tied directly into the comics it's not like the multiverse was born directly from Superman in DC Comics he's not the origin of the multiverse the reason behind there actually goes all the way back to the 1950s so going on a bit of a journey here kind of time traveling a bit back in the nineteen 1930s 1940s when Superman first showed up and comics um he could just jump really high run really fast and bullets could bounce off of them but it's time progressed and especially you know being influenced by his radio show or kryptonite was introduced for the first time and with the you know the the Fleischer Studios when they basically introduced the ability for him to fly those were rolled over into the comics but no explanation was given it was just one day he could jump really hide the next day he could fly and we didn't know why and so what DC did is they came back in 1956 with Barry Allen and they said well you know if that was a different universe that was earth to earth one is the universe it has the flash Barry Allen now because of this what uh what Geoff Johns is doing is using Alexander Luthor as a meta commentary by basically saying that it does all begin and end with Superman the questions of you know the questions that led to DC introduced in the multiverse all stemmed from the radical change in Superman's powers that were never explained and so again it's really just one of those funny kind of meta-commentary things but for those of you guys who are impatient those of you guys who were tired of waiting those of you guys who are like I want to see superboy-prime this is when we get them so the funny thing about this is that because a majority or at least a lot of the different heroes innovation existed on earth that were originally created and you know the the Golden Age and have their own universes because they've been switched back over to those universes the ranks of the Titans and the Teen Titans have been absolutely decimated I mean half their numbers are gone and they don't even know where those guys have gone to and so because of this it really comes down to Conner Kent and to Dick Grayson Nightwing to try to fend off destroy this tower and basically converge all the different earths back into back into New Earth and so what we do is we switch over to Tokyo and we actually pick up with Bart Allen now the funny thing about this is that it's not initially explained here instead we just have Bart Allen emerging from the Speed Force as an adult wearing the flash costume and he begins just kind of rambling on and going on about nonsense talking about how we couldn't hold him we couldn't keep him contained the question is asked well who are you talking about and he says it's him it's superboy-prime so superboy-prime has re-emerged from the speedforce gotta love this story it's managed a subdued I love cat hello Infinite Crisis man I love this story so much so the funny thing is switching back over to Batman Booster Gold and and and Blue Beetle again this is just kind of a reefa miliary it's reminding us of the power of this new Blue Beetle in the sense that he can basically vibrate through dimensional barriers we can you can also reveal things that are hidden between dimensional barriers now what this does is it basically deactivates the cooking device of brother I and it allows Batman and everybody else to basically stow aboard and begin the process of trying to shut brother I data so we just get all these little sequences these small little subplots converging into one another to lead to the conclusion of this story really the last flight with superboy-prime within Infinite Crisis anyway but the funny thing is also switching over to Stonehenge it's grabbing what's left of all the superheroes on earth and the spectre suddenly appears and ends up destroying Deborah car mio Darnell now the reason why I Debra chromeo de Deborah Deborah the reason why I did word was destroyed Deborah oh my god Star Sapphire Deborah the reason why she was destroyed it is because of the fact that she is currently Star Sapphire around the time of Infinite Crisis but Geoff Johns is going to go forward in the Green Lantern mythos and rework the entirety of the Star Sapphire mythos and so he's basically like cheese in the way she's not going to be part of the story that I'm making we're just gonna get rid of her and that's it she's gone no muss no fuss nobody really even asked any questions it's just like and she's gone now and that's it so it was just one of those funny little moments this sort of gets wrapped in there but what we end up doing here is to basically switch over to Alexander Luthor continuing to experiment with the multiverse itself this idea that the Superman and Lex Luthor will are destined to always be at odds with one another that's one of the reasons why a lot of people who are reading DC rebirth right now believe that Lex Luthor in the new 52 is gonna go back to being a bad guy simply because of the fact that they read stories like Infinite Crisis they see these lines that geoff johns threw out the guy who wrote Infinite Crisis and is now the one controlling DC rebirth and they see things where Alexander Luthor says Superman and Lex Luthor are always destined to fight one another so again it's all these really cool moments what we end up finding out is that with with cassie sandsmark Wonder Girl basically joining alongside Dick Grayson and encounter Kent Superboy to free all these different superheroes who have been attached to the tower that Martian Manhunter a Power Girl they all begin to join the fray and it's this mad dash to face off against Alexander Luthor destroy the tower try to save the multiverse now the reason why this whole act is being committed why everything needs to be saved is because what Jeff John's dead is he basically established a time clock what he said is that with regards to the creation of the multiverse it's not a contained thing you can't just like bring one earth back and then bring another earth back and then two or three more introspect then what you do is you start a chain reaction to become a prime mover you initiate the creation of the multiverse and then suddenly earths start popping up left and right they just start activating all over the place and is basically an endless cycle that will lead to Infinite Earths the problem with this is that it's not created organically it's created artificially and so what that means is it basically invokes a half-life each earth only has half the energy of the earth that came before so it's diminishing returns and what will happen is it'll lead to earths that are basically completely and totally unstable and when those earths begin to destroy it will create a cascading event that will basically wipe out the multiverse and so because of that the entire multiverse is in and of itself completely unstable and so eventually it'll all just collapse in on itself and so in order to keep the end of all things from happening the tower has to be destroyed now what this also does is a sea superboy-prime showing up and just absolutely wrecking black atom now one of the questions that I've seen asked on Twitter different things like that when I did the video on the origin of superboy-prime is does magic affect superboy-prime the answer to that question is no superboy-prime is not affected by magic geoff johns confirms it in this story now the other half of this is because of the fact that superboy-prime was basically you know like the strong arm of alexander luthor because he had killed members of the titans because he was such a villainous guy what we end up having is all these different superheroes focusing their efforts on him first and then tending to Alexander Luthor later now switching back over to Batman again the cool thing about this is it again we kind of get this back and forth between Batman and Batman and and brother eye as well as all these different superheroes facing off against superboy-prime but what we end up finding out is that Batman's idea he basically says look I designed you physically I may not control your software but I designed you physically I can activate and deactivate aspects of you and what we end up finding out is the whole thing here is basically just a ruse he's buying time in order to allow mr. terrific the third smartest man in the world to begin the process of activating the propulsion system for brother I and moving him out from work he's currently located out now the reason why this matters is because of the fact that if brother eye is destabilized it'll go towards the efforts of destroying the Tower of Alexander Lutheran so again this is really just a scenario where brother I begins recalling all these different Omax directly to where Batman's located and Batman in turn invokes the Green Lantern's so that's how the Green Lantern's begin getting involved in this now they were already involved to a degree but they're more so now than they were before because we basically have two major skirmishes taking place right now we have the battle where the tower is which is where superboy-prime Power Girl Martian Manhunter so on and then we have this battle out in space that brother I which is Batman Booster Gold Blue Beetle and then like a ton of like a whole bunch of members of the Green Lantern's now this is cool because we basically get round two of superboy-prime facing off against Superboy but the funny thing is here much like the first time around while Superboy is able to hold off while you know Connor Kent's able to fight pretty well at the end of the day it doesn't matter you know superboy-prime is still able to overpower him now in a last-ditch effort you know some kind of a trump card hunter can't fly superboy-prime into the tower and destroys it and what it does is it basically shatters the multiverse and then takes all these different earths and restores them back into new earth and so it was almost like this this whole you know explosion of Earth's outward and then those Earth's coming back into new earth so that's one of the things if you ever do like Google searches you ever do any research and they talk about how during Infinite Crisis the multiverse was reborn and then destroyed that's exactly what this means the problem is that in the midst of its fight with superboy-prime Conner Kent is killed by superboy-prime and so again this is kind of a crazy scenario now one of the funny things about this is that Conner Kent was supposed to stay dead the reason why he was supposed to be gone is because of the fact that remember Infinite Crisis serves as a soft reboot and this is one of those instances we were talking about or Jeff Jones with society who gets to leave and who gets to stay you know who gets to live and who gets to die Conner Kent was supposed to die because he was just a holdover from the death and return of Superman and DC just never really knew what to do with him and in fact if you go and read Jeff Jones you know his whole run on like Teen Titans what he's basically doing is building up to this point where he would work Conner Kent was supposed to die the problem with this is that DC editorial didn't want to keep it that way and in fact he actually comes back during like it was like the Legion of three worlds or some like that I can't remember off the top my head where the story was called but he's basically resurrected what is a gets thrown into a Kryptonian rear you know regeneration matrix and they end up bringing him back the same way they brought back the old Superman the other half of this is that with the death of Conner Kent this is when they basically say superboy-prime is beyond the point of no return now the other half of this equation is remember we still have the secret 6 the super Society of secret villains alexander luthor posing as Lex Luthor freed all these different villains from across the world and they're all basically tearing cities apart ripping things to pieces just having a good old time and so because of this earth to Superman an earth 1 Superman of course basically take out doomsday and then from there their question is who do we take out next and their immediate focus is superboy-prime but the funny thing about this is that Superboy prom actually faces off against Bart Allen and this is when Geoff Johns begins to harken at one of the only two weaknesses that superboy-prime has the first weakness is a legitimate weakness which will actually see later on here in this story but the second is really more of like a fear or phobia superboy-prime is terrified of speedsters and the reason why is because of the fact that when Superboy prom was forced back into the Speed Force to his mind he was stuck there for years now in terms of the armor that he wears this is something that Geoff Johns does not fully explain he addresses it but he doesn't really fully explain it all we know is that superboy-prime built this armor to basically absorb solar radiation into his body and to store it uh while he was in the Speed Force now the reason why this matters is because for Superman for your average run-of-the-mill regular Superman Superman as a whole just absorbs solar radiation he's a solar battery all right his body absorbs solar radiation to the point that it just can't absorb anymore so that if he ends up going to a planet where there's like a red Sun or something like that his body will basically use up that solar radiation until there's none left and then he'll just be a regular person the suit that superboy-prime has takes it a step further it's like a battery pack for solar radiation he puts the suit on and then the suit itself absorbs solar radiation in addition to what his body already has and so it allows them to fight longer harder and faster than any of the other Superman or superheroes now and true that doesn't really matter anyway because he's already so overpowered that it almost makes the point moot but what it does is it pushes his powers a step further now with regards to the fact that he is running an absolute muck here what is up happening is he basically leaves the superheroes on a merry chase and isn't being encountered by the Green Lantern's but before we get into that what when I do is I want to switch back over to Alexander Luthor and the fight with the various superheroes are subdue these members of the secret six what is up happening here is that Alexander Luthor goes to kill Batman and Dick Grayson jumps in the way now if you they'll read interviews DC will tell you Dick Grayson was supposed to die he was not supposed to live he was supposed to be gone and the reason why was because of the fact that DC was looking at Dick Grayson as a whole and they said this guy's been around since like 1940 since Detective Comics number 39 or something I tell number what issue it was on top my head but he's been around for decades I mean he's been around for years and years and years and years and they were like it's time to get rid of him and replace him with someone new the problem with this and the reason why DC was talked about talked out of it was because there were other members and the DC camp that were like if you killed Dick Grayson fans will riot like they will lose it you cannot kill Dick Grayson that's one of the biggest mistakes you would have made they would have lost their minds so in the end DC chose not to kill Dick Grayson and just have him have them injured really really really bad but because the fact that superboy-prime basically takes off to the depths of space what is up happening here is that how Jordan calls in all the other Green Lantern's that are out in their various sectors recalls them all to the location of where superboy-prime is heading to and has them all face off and so what we end up having is superboy-prime versus a guy gardener led Green Lantern team and let me tell you some Rosslyn is a sight to behold ooh this is one of the coolest things ever because they're making statements you know like the thin green line will stop him called sewai Proms responds like you guys don't know cold and he starts killing just ripping him to pieces I mean there's there's no contest here I mean he's just tearing him to shreds he crushes them so bad that the standard operating procedure of the Green Lantern's to preserve life is cast aside and they're given permission to kill superboy-prime now the reason why this is important is because if a green lantern unless his permission is given if a green lantern goes and tries to kill someone the ring will stop them the ring will keep them from doing that that's one of the things that Geoff Johns really focus on a lot when it came to the lead-up to Sinestro Corps war and during the Sinestro Corps war is that the Guardians of the Universe permanently installed in the Green Lantern rings the ability to kill members of the Sinestro Corps because what Sinestro did is when he made his own Lantern Corps he basically set it up so that his range we'll allow members of the Sinestro Corps to kill anybody and so it was basically you know creating a way to counter the Green Lantern's so because of this the Green Lantern's are given the ability to kill and it doesn't matter superboy-prime is still crushing and stomping every last one of them let me tell you something man let me tell you something if God was writing superboy-prime line now is what it would look like right now is one of the coolest things that I've ever seen to see him just crushing all these Green Lantern's now the reason why this is important is because when we pick up with Green Lantern Corps recharge they'll reference this moment they'll actually talk about how he killed some 40 Green Lantern's without even trying and so what is up happening is that in this last-ditch effort with his recognition that super war crime simply does not seem to be able to be stopped earth once Superman and her 2suit man grab him and race him to the red Sun from where Krypton was destroyed now the funny thing about this is this is basically Jeff John showing the arrogance and how far superboy-prime is falling because in his mind to his immediate thought well you know they're taking me to kryptonite you know to it to where Krypton used to be where that kryptonite doesn't affect me like these guys are boneheads they're not paying attention flying him through a red Sun effectively begins to negate all their powers it destroys the armor of superboy-prime and then it begins to basically draw away the energies of Superman because remember they start to lose their powers in the presence of a red Sun and so like asteroids falling on to a planet they crash onto the Green Lantern planet Mogo and then they do they all just start duking it out now in the process of all this a superboy-prime kills Golden Age Superman you know or really kind of beats him to death but the cool thing about this is that earth one Superman lets superboy-prime have it and the reason why is because they're both in the presence of a red Sun now the reason why I say this is significant is because remember in our origin story of superboy-prime red Sun energy did not affect him he had no weaknesses he wasn't weak to magic he wasn't weak to kryptonite or a kryptonite didn't exist he wasn't weak to red Sun radiation he was stronger faster you know had more energy than every suit man who had ever existed superboy-prime was in essence 1950s 1960s Silver Age Superman all strength no weakness in order for Jeff Jones to be able to just end this story he had to give him a weakness and so he basically just throw his red Sun radiation in there now in truth Jeff Jones is probably looking at the obscurity of Superboy's origin in the sense that is a very difficult story to find unless you know where to look you'll never find it and so it's just superboy-prime is just this version of Superman that exists out there that's really Opie and so I imagine Jeff jobs just kind of relying on that that obscurity in order to help him pass the switch it works I mean it's it's fine I mean Superboy promise watch as I love him he's got to have a weakness you know it just makes sense that we would see him being weak to red Sun radiation and so because of this because he's in a weakened state and his powers are effectively dwindling away the Green Lantern's arrived just in time to basically encase him and Green Lantern energy and then whisk him off to a science cell on OA in the center of the universe where he's basically gonna be held prisoner in the presence of a red Sun which again completely negates his powers and so what is up happening here is that with Golden Age Superman dying it really just kind of transitions to the fallout of all these different events and it's basically just sort of this epilogue where it continues on with things as they're heading forward you know the idea that we still have the new Blue Beetle Jaime Reyes you know where these characters are gonna go from power girl Wonder Girl cassie sandsmark the new spectre all these different things that are sort of coming out of Infinite Crisis going forward into the future of DC Comics but for those things they're not really relevant to us because we're doing this strictly to help us understand what's going on in Geoff Johns Green Lantern mythos a little bit better but there's actually two epilogues that come into this story the first is that we pick up with alexander luthor who survived everything he survived the whole return of the multiverse all that kind of good stuff but his idea is I'm going to try again like one day I will try again I'm going to recreate the multiverse and I'm going to find the perfect earth but what is up happening is that as he's making his way through Gotham he's attacked and killed by the Joker and the reason why is because the real Lex Luthor shows up and says the biggest mistake you made besides impersonating me and all that kind of stuff what is that when you reformed the secret six you didn't invite the Joker and that's why the Joker killed him because he didn't get an invite to the party that encapsulates Joker so well Joker's the kind of guy to find out that somebody's having a party somebody's having like a great big amazing birthday party in Gotham City and there's gonna be all kinds of crazy look like an adult birthday party but there's gonna be all kinds of crazy stuff he didn't get an invite so he goes in there and just shoots the place up that's the kind of thing that Joker would do but the other epilogue that we get is Superboy with all these different superheroes basically learning their mistakes really their lessons from the return of east of an earth to Superman ones up happening is that with superboy-prime confined inside of this science cell he cars the Superboy symbol onto his chest and then simply says I've been in places like this before I've been in worse and I've always managed to get my way out and so what this does is this segues directly and a Green Lantern recharge as part of the Geoff Johns Green Lantern mythos okay the events of Dark Knight metal basically confirmed Final Crisis and tell us the Final Crisis is in the existence of DC's continuity as it stands right now the reason why I make that declaration and make that statement is because the new 52 erased a lot of things from before 2011 a lot of things that happen in DC Comics before 2011 were eliminated in their entirety but in order to make Dark Knights metal make more sense we're gonna cover Final Crisis now here's the deal Final Crisis is crazy it is it is it is absolutely bonkers because this is one of those stories worse just like Grant Morrison just being crazy that's really what it is it's Grant Morrison just being insane those of you guys who don't know writer Grant Morrison has this tendency to take these metaphysical concepts these things like how we perceive good and evil and then apply characters to them and say this is the world this is how it works kind of a weird scenario but fortunately for us these are not that extreme when it comes to like the Final Crisis story they're just weird his really all it is now what this initially does is it picks up with a guy by the name of Dan turbine and Dan turbine has been around in DC Comics for quite some time I want to say he appeared in Detective Comics number 64 in 1941 maybe was 1942 and I believe he was adjusted like he was actually given form given a character in the new gods solo series by Jack Kirby um and we'll talk more about the new gods here here in like five seconds but the whole basis behind this this new gods thing is that this initially deals with the arrival of a guy named Orion now Orion just kind of crashed lands on earth but this is the first indication that a massive set of events are happening and the reason for this is because damn turbine is just a detective he's just a guy who just goes and looks at cases different things like that but when it comes to DC Comics the new gods were kind of a weird situation when Jack Kirby originally launched the whole new guy fourth-world epic back in the 1970s when he left Marvel Comics the idea was to create this wholly separate imprint away from DC superhero landscape and it would just be out there by itself in the middle of no man's land so you would basically have DC superheroes Batman Superman Wonder Woman so on and so forth and then isolated from that and never crossing over you would have the Fourth World epic which is where you would get Darkseid and things along those lines the problem with this was that Jack Kirby left before he completed the project the rumor is that DC treated him like crap so he ended up leaving and going back to Marvel again and because of this he never finished the fourth world epic and so what DC did is they grabbed all these concepts of the new gods and then rolled them over into their main DC continuity but in the realm of the pre-crisis on Infinite Earths landscape because of the fact of the fourth world were supposed to be removed from the DC continuity while it was rolled in it was basically established as a separate universe because in 1961 DC made the multiverse with flash of two worlds and so because of this with crisis on Infinite Earths coming along and saying okay there is no multiverse anymore there's only one universe DC had to find a way to work the new gods in as a group that was originally part of a different universe but it's now part of the main universe with all the other superheroes and so what they did is they went through and I believe it was in the cosmic Odyssey series by jim Starlin they went through and they basically came back and said okay you have apocalypse and you have New Genesis apocalypse is where dark cloud hangs out at New Genesis is where his mortal enemy highfather hangs out at and it was all part of the universe they were just out there and some galaxies somewhere but eventually events took place in such a form that things like the anti-life entity the anti-life equation and stuff like that sort of popping up and it basically just walled off their galaxies and so in effect they were isolated in an alternate universe insofar as their galaxy wasn't able to access anything else and DC use this is kind of a bootstrap way to say this is how it is they're coming in to the superhero universe but it's the reason why superheroes can't really go to them but the fact that Orion has basically died or at least is believed to have died here's a pretty big deal because new gods are beings with incredible amounts of power and for a new god to basically just be eliminated in their entirety is something that immediately just accord with anybody it would be like if Superman just crashed on a dock somewhere and then was dead nobody would know why people would be like what in the heck happen what in the world took place here and so the result is that it's this huge investigation now remember because the fact that the new gods are massive in scale one of the big things that DC did is they came back and they launched a story called Infinite Crisis now when it comes to the different crises DC's done over the course of their landscape they're pretty straightforward DC made the multiverse in 1961 with flash of two worlds they got rid of the multiverse with crisis on Infinite Earths in 1955 they brought the multiverse back in 2006 with Infinite Crisis and this story Final Crisis makes the superheroes aware of it but as it stands right now post Infinite Crisis the new gods do have their own reality they have their own universe that kind of a thing but the idea is that again with one of them being killed this is huge news and it actually draws the attention of everyone because everybody's aware of who the new gods are specifically it draws the attention of the Green Lantern's Jon Stewart Hal Jordan so and so forth but it also draws the attention of someone named Renee Montoya now Renee Montoya was originally a character who was introduced in Batman the Animated Series and she was rolled over in Detective Comics 475 in 1992 but the idea here is that Renee Montoya is like Harley Quinn Harley Quinn basically showed up in Batman the Animated Series and because this show was so popular DC and Warner Brothers began grabbing characters that didn't exist in comics and then started rolling them over into the comics now Renee Montoya was just a detective I mean she of course she was gay and she had a girlfriend different things like that but her girlfriend was killed and what this did is it coincided with her basically taking over the mantle of the question I'm throwing a ton of stuff at you guys I'm throwing a lot of history of you guys because there's so much that goes into this so the question was a guy named Victor sage and he was basically created for Charlton comics Charlton comics sucks they were just one of those cover book publishers that exists out there they went belly-up in 1967 and so the question was rolled over into DC's landscape the question Victor saved he was like War Shaq from The Watchmen right like he was just a guy who showed up he wore this mask that hid his face and he just beat the crap out of criminals at night that's really what he was he was almost like Batman in a lot of those ways the idea was that Victor sage ended up dying and his student at the time for the most part Renee Montoya took over the mantle and this is because of the fact that Renee Montoya girlfriend had died and she had become an alcoholic but it was a way for DC to take a character who was originally popular in Batman the Animated Series but it long since lost her popularity and basically reworked her in a way that fans would actually care about her so she doesn't play a significant role but I figured I'd drop that little tidbit of knowledge here for you guys I mean she basically tells Dan Kerman hey the questions that you're asking for with all these kids who were vanishing isn't a place called the Darkseid Club now of course this also coincides with you know how Jordan talking with John Stewart about the idea that Orion has been killed the problem with this was that when Jon Stewart originally tried to get a hold of Hal Jordan after the eve you know ten eleven came in basically the warning to the Green Lantern's that a God had been killed and somebody needed to investigate Jon Stewart was not able to get ahold of Hal Jordan and that's a very important thing but what we end up doing is jumping to a group called the secret society of super villains and that's exactly what it sounds like it's just super villains all hanging out scheming trying to find ways to defeat heroes different things like that but one of these characters crops up as a guy named Libra now libras had virtually no important aspects in DC Comics at all this guy did I think he appeared in like some Justice League story like 111 through 114 or something like that and that was it the fact that Libra is here is interesting because we initially don't know why all we know is that Libra basically makes the case hey I am going to give you guys your heart's desires I'm going to basically give you guys everything you want to prove that you guys should hand over control of the secret society of super villains to me and then in turn I can lead us down the path of destroying all the heroes who were out there now in truth the secret society is really just kind of like whatever and there's no reason for them to believe this because forgot likely were to suddenly pop up out of nowhere who's basically had no meaningful escapades whatsoever and say I'm the answer to all your problems is nonsense it's like if you're walking down the road one day and some guy walks up to you and says hey I can make all your wildest dreams come true if you're a fool you'll follow him but if you have any measure of common sense you'll be like get out of here that's ridiculous but in order to prove that he can actually do what it is if he says he can do he ends up killing Martian Manhunter now this is where the death of Martian Manhunter comes from for those of you guys who were following our Green Lantern videos on sundays and we picked it with blackest night were grit we're martian manhunter comes back as a black lantern he basically comes back from the dead but in this instance there was a prison that was created for supervillains and the idea was that martian manhunter had basically infiltrated the prison to really just kind of keep an eye on things and report back to the Justice League but Libra had known about this of course this was also because of the fact that Catwoman had figured things out and basically told Lieber what was going on but in response when Martian Manhunter was attacked by the prisoners inside the prison itself and then quote-unquote whisked away by Libra he's effectively killed because remember at this point in time Martian Manhunter has a literal weakness to fire and so the results of this is that Martian Manhunter is dead and it proves to the various members of the secret society of super villains that they can actually pull this off now what this does is this follows up with Turpin and it officially jumps in to the introduction of Darkseid what this does is it picks up with a guy who's just referred to as boss Darkseid and the idea that these various kids have basically been brought under Darkseid's control now we're not initially told how it was that this had happened instead we just knew these kids were being controlled by boss Darkseid and that was really about it in truth this is due to the fact that these kids are under the influence of the anti-life equation now we'll talk more about the anti-life equation in the next video the long and short of it for right now is that the anti-life equation is basically just this equation that if a person cracks it if they figure it out they can dominate the wills of others they can basically bend others to their control with an almost absolute control but that's basically what we're being told here that Darkseid has managed to figure out a way to crack the anti-life equation the other half of this and a story that was covered or I guess events that were covered in DC Universe number zero is that there was a war among the new gods and the dark side had quote-unquote died and truth his spiritual essence had just been thrown into the body of a normal person so it's very similar to the idea of like Ragnarok from from Marvel Comics Thor dies all the Asgardians die and they're reborn in human bodies and Thor has to run around and wake them up bring about their true selves and the difference here is that these guys who have been reborn on earth in human bodies when their spiritual essences were teleported to that location they know who they are they're simply just biding their time and trying to find a way to conquer the earth and so what we end up doing here is picking up with the Justice League following the death of Orion and the investigation into how it happened now what this does is it breathes into sharp relief something called the Alpha lanterns there was a story that basically dealt with the idea of the Sinestro Corps the you know yellow lanterns created by thousand estro going to war against the Green Lantern's in the Sinestro Corps war but there was an instance where a member of the Sinestro Corps who had basically surrendered was killed by a Green Lantern because of this not only was the Green Lantern kicked out of the Green Lantern Corps but the guardians of the universe the ones responsible for creating the Green Lantern's had basically said we can no longer allow you guys to run unchecked instead we're gonna create something called the Alpha lanterns and the Alpha lanterns are going to serve the purpose of basically policing the police now the Alpha lanterns answered directly to the guardians of the universe themselves and they're effectively cyborgs but they're the ones that carry out these internal investigations but regardless they're the ones conducting this and trying to figure out what's going on because in the middle of all this Jon Stewart's basically attacked by someone that he doesn't literally consider to be an enemy only for the Alpha lanterns to arrest Hal Jordan and the implication here is that Hal Jordan is the one who not only killed Orion but it also attacked Jon Stewart and that brings in the equation the idea that superheroes like Hal Jordan are being dominated by the anti-life equation now switching back over to Batman essentially what happens is with him having his detective skills and basically being able to piece things together and figure out what's going on because of the fact that these Alpha lanterns are part sentient because they still have a conscious mind of their own albeit half machine they can still be controlled through means that are insanely powerful and the anti-life equation has no limit and so because this the implication is that one of these members of the Alpha lanterns had basically had their well dominated by the anti-life equation and the result is that either they tampered with the crime scene or something along those lines that man seems to figure out what's going on he's basically snatched up by a boom tube and whisked away to apocalypse again it's essentially this idea that the superheroes are slowly being removed one by one now what this does is this brings into the equation the idea of the Justice Society of America now the best way to think about the JSA is that they are basically the 1940s superheroes from DC Comics the jay garrick or the Green Lantern Alan Scott so on and so forth the kicker is this in 1956 because Barry Allen was introduced as the new flash there was no explanation as to where it was Jay Garrick had gone too and so what DC did is they came along in 1961 and they said we'll see what had happened was when we started publishing stories about the flash Barry Allen we actually switched over to stories from a new universe we just didn't tell you and so what they said was that every story that ever featured the flash Barry Allen on the Justice League or ever the case maybe that was all in earth one all the stories that featured like the flash Jay Garrick things like that or earth - the problem with this was that again when crisis on Infinite Earths happened DC had to find a way to basically either justify the existence of the JSA kind of reconciling the idea of an alternate universe or if there were no alternate universes kill them off entirely and that's what they did after crisis on Infinite Earths the JSA was gone they basically just vanished from the face of the earth now this lasted until 1991 with Roy Thomas I think it was and it was basically this story that was done in secret origins issue number 31 which is technically volume 2 but the idea was that DC came along and said okay so any of these old-school superheroes they basically have modern-day counterparts a 1940's Wonder Woman like a JSA earth to Wonder Woman a JSA earth to Superman things like that they're gone and what they did is they came back and they said okay so in this new universe continuity after crisis on Infinite Earths the JSA were actually just superheroes who fought in the 1940s and 1950s and they've long since retired and the new superheroes took up the mantle now that did not answer the question as to why it was the JSA was never referenced in the origin stories of superheroes as they appeared in mid-1980s after crisis on Infinite Earths happen but most fans just kind of took it that has kind of said whatever we just want to see the JSA come back this lasted until 1993 and 2006 respectively 2006 was probably the most important date just because of the fact that with Infinite Crisis seeing the return of the multiverse it allowed DC to basically bring back earth - and to say here's the newer origin of the JSA in DC's comics it also allowed a lot of crossing over different things like that but if it a crisis was largely launched because DC's continuity had managed to just go to absolute pieces within the 20 years of crisis on Infinite Earths running to infinite crisis but the overall gist of this is that characters like the flash Wally West whose the flash after crisis on Infinite Earths due to barry allen being killed and the original flash Jay Garrick they were able to cross over they were able to meet and it actually resulted in some pretty cool stories but in this instance the Wally and Jay Garrick are just kind of going through and you know investigating things of the request of Batman that's really about it any information they can find about the death of Orion anybody who saw anything they're basically investigating that but in the middle of this investigation they're suddenly met with this insanely blinding flashing light only for us to see the return of Barry Allen now this is huge this was a massive moment in the realm of DC because remember when it came to everything from Infinite Crisis running all the way up to 2011 with flashpoint in the new 52 the goal was to basically set the stage but regardless of how they look at it ultimately it's this idea that when it comes to Barry Allen he had been believed to have been dead since crisis on Infinite Earths we covered that story already you'll find that story down in the description when Barry Allen sacrificed his life it allowed DC to remove his character from the landscape and put Wally West in his place and we got some really cool stories and in fact we saw a lot of the limits being pushed when it came to the flash wally west the kind of abilities they had different things like that a lot of that was pushed to the extreme with wally west it's one of reasons why a lot of fans loved his character because things like the Speed Force were created during the run of Wally West there's just all these crazy things that happen during those stories but the return of Barry Allen is a big deal because what this does is it sets the stage for the interim flash stories between this story final crisis and the start of new 52 it deals with things like the flash rebirth barry allen's new origin by geoff johns all these different things that took place and sort of reshuffling his character changing him around updating him for the modern reader these are the kind of things that happened and so the result is that in this instance with regards to the return of barry allen as is being told by jay garrick to Barry's wife at the time iris west what he basically says is that when Barry showed up their role was to actually stop the bullet to catch the bullet that shot Orion the problem is they could they could not catch the bullet in time and the result is that Oh Ryan basically died at the same time what we also end up finding out is that we're Barry Allen was believed to have been dead following the events of crisis on Infinite Earths what he had actually done is entered the Speed Force and from the time crisis on Infinite Earths happened right up until this moment he had been quite literally outrunning death he just been running away from death constantly odd you know is a pretty significant deal but what things began doing was moving in the direction of basically taking these major characters out of the equation Batman who was basically teleported away by a boom tube Hal Jordan the Green Lantern he was taken away to be put on trial by the guardians of the universe for the perceived death of Orion himself and the assault on Jon Stewart Superman in a massive explosion that takes place as a Daily Planet is basically told by some unnamed person they need to leave this universe and they have to go somewhere else in order to save everything so it's this gradual staged removal of these various characters who exist out there within the DC superheroes landscape so it's really interesting and it's really kind of wild because what ends up happening here is we actually end up picking up with this idea of the anti-life equation being quote-unquote uploaded to the internet and sent out into the digital space because what it does is it allows Darkseid to basically use the modern era of smartphones and the internet to spread the anti-life equation around the world so it's really kind of cool because it feeds very much into this idea of technology now in truth when it came to Grant Morrison as a writer this was him saying well these are the dangers of technology you know anybody could conquer the world humanity is too dependent on technology but the overall gist is that the goal of Darkseid proves to be true he successfully manages to conquer the earth the reason why we find this out is because in their efforts to escape death both Barry Allen and Wally West run several weeks into the future only to find that the world has basically been conquered by Darkseid everybody is under the influence of the anti-life equation and those individuals who try to resist Darkseid never succeed that in the end Wonder Woman is one of the superheroes who were under the control of Darkseid so the question becomes how did we get from him releasing the anti-life equation to this point in the future and is there any conceivable way to stop it okay so we are getting into Final Crisis and the death of Batman this is the last part of Final Crisis keep in mind this takes place before blackest night and so I'll try to fit it in as best I can as far as continuity goes with the Green Lantern playlist ah but this story's also been referenced in like dark nights metal and it's actually been referenced a few times in the new 52 so I have no idea why it took us so long to do it but Final Crisis is basically the one of the last major huge crossover events in DC Comics before the new 52 in 2011 I mean blackest night brightest day those are huge crossovers different things like that but the first video and I and I highly suggest you check it out but if you don't have the time to do it the first video basically dealt with this idea of something called the source destroying the new gods originally under Jack Kirby the source was just this concept that was part of the fourth world mythos with the new gods which were totally isolated from all of DC superheroes but because of the fact that Jack Kirby left in the 70s and he went back to Marvel and DC started just gradually folding over different aspects of the new gods Darkseid and things like that into DC's main superhero stories where they would crossover with Superman and different things like that the origins of the source or the nature it serves has changed over the years different riders have taken different roles with us so there's no definitive explanation on what it is now we can go with the original Jack Kirby explanation and say the source is just like this Wellspring this massive source of energy where all life came from but different writers have said well the source is an aspect of the presence which is basically the god of the DC Universe DC's version of the one above all from Marvel we can take it to basically just say the source is where all life comes from now the idea was that the new gods were basically going to be eliminated by the source it was going to be DC's way of getting rid of that whole fourth world thing getting rid of Darkseid the new gods all that kind of stuff the problem was the animosity between Darkseid and hi father who was the good guy that led LED New Genesis because their animosity was so extreme when they died they continued fighting in heaven the result was that somewhere along the lines Darkseid basically in his forces had gathered the anti-life equation and the anti-life equation is a mathematical proof that if it is shown to someone will take away their free will the the forces of Darkseid effectively won but not without Darkseid being killed in the process or at least being shot in the process and so where he was attacked and of course he had shot Orion different things that happened Darkseid's body had essentially released his essence had basically fallen out of heaven and through the multiverse when Darkseid's essence crash-landed on earth he didn't just dissipate he didn't just die instead he took over the body of just some crime boss somewhere and then eventually a detective named named Dan Turpin who was really just in the wrong place at the wrong time was effectively possessed by dark side and the result is that dark sides forces who had been reborn in new bodies began coming together and then began biologically modify the body of Dan Turpin to make it suitable for the body of darkside just because of the fact that dark sides essence would destroy any physical body of a normal human just because it's so powerful basically what's taken place now is the anti-life equation has been released on to the earth by the forces of Darkseid and the result is that everything is just kind of going to pieces it's really like a last end in almost every conceivable way but the story comes from two different perspectives the first is in the modern day when everything is beginning to fall apart the second is about a month into the future where everything has already fallen apart and the idea is that because of the fact that Barry Allen had basically emerged from the Speed Force having been revealed to have been alive and been chased by the black racer who's basically been an embodiment of death for speedsters because it had been chasing Barry Allen Barry Allen and Wally West just ran as fast as they could to get away from the black racer and ultimately landed a month into the future in the modern day right now it's just everybody doing the best they can to stay alive as best they can almost every single normal human who was flying on planes or watching TV or on their phone or whatever was blasted with the anti-life equation when it was sent out over every conceivable radio and internet frequency and so something like three billion people exist to function under the whim of Darkseid all that's left are whatever superheroes haven't haven't been killed or captured and so because of this a couple things took place the first was that uh the Hal Jordan the Green Lantern was basically believed to have killed Oh Ryan you know one of the new gods who fell to earth of course we know that that wasn't necessarily the case but it was believed that that was done by Hal Jordan he was taken from earth and he was sent to OA to be put on trial by the guardians of the universe Batman was just whisked away to another realm we didn't really know where he went to he actually ended up going to apocalypse where he was basically just tormented and then Superman was whisked away to the 31st century and so basically anybody who could really do any real measure of good was basically taken away the only people that you really have left around here are people like Green Arrow and you have like you know Jon Stewart one of the Green Lantern's of Earth you've got the atom you've got Deathstroke he's got a few people here and there there's no Superman there's no Batman there's no kal Jordan the Green Lantern that's really about it things have just really kind of gone to pot now jumping into the future and picking up with Barry Allen and Wally West they actually come up with this genius plan their idea is this Barry basically says that the black racer will try to find him no matter where he goes because Barry's supposed to be dead the black racer is an aspect of death itself the black racer exists to take those who are supposed to be dead and bring them to the afterlife to send them back to their rightful place the whole goal here is to basically leave the black racer on a merry chase directly to Darkseid and the black racer will basically capture Darkseid because he's not really supposed to be alive Darkseid's essence fell out of heaven for all intents and purposes he should be dead and so he will be captured basically taken by the black racer and then sent to the afterlife that's the goal of Barry Allen and Wally West and is actually really cool the way they end up pulling it off but for all the other characters that are out there again I mean there's tie-ins to Final Crisis the biggest problem for the Final Crisis tie-ins is that they don't necessarily match up with the story that Grant Morrison wrote and so there's actually some contradictory stuff that goes on in there now as far as like Oliver Queen Green Arrow as far as a lot of those characters go it's basically just trying to get offworld as fast as possible or take a refuge wherever they can I mean it's literally just these small little areas here and there these little bases of operations the fortress of solitude the Justice League Watchtower things like that the other half of this is the nature of time itself and space in the sense that because of the fact that how Jordan is basically put on trial what we end up finding out is that one of the Alpha lanterns has actually been corrupted by one of the new gods now this goes into our run on the Green Lantern's that we do every Sunday but the idea was that there was an event called the Sinestro Corps war and the Sinestro Corps war dealt with a villain thousand Estero forming his own Lantern Corps the yellow lanterns which went to war with the Green Lantern's the Green Lantern's rings were modified so they could actually begin killing and the problem is that one of the Green Lantern's killed a member of the Sinestro Corps who was actually basically giving up who was surrendering the result is that the guardians of the universe said yes you can kill yellow lanterns but only if the yellow lanterns are trying to kill you you cannot kill a person who's trying to surrender the result is that that Green Lantern was exiled from the Green Lantern Corps and in response the Guardians made the Alpha lanterns to police the Green Lantern Corps the problem with this is that the essences of the new gods transcend anything that exists and so they can take over any being so long as it has a biological component and that's what the Alpha lanterns are they're basically cyborgs and so because of this one of the New Gods named rainy goodness took over one of the Alpha lanterns now granny goodness has a great big huge history when it comes to DC Comics but the only thing you really need to worry about is that she's the one who's basically in charge of the Furies which is basically the elite fighting force of of Darkseid himself so again there's a lot of history there there's a lot that goes into it but this story is packed enough with content as it is we're not gonna do a great big huge thing on granny goodness in the middle of all this that's the long and short of it but the idea here is that with Hal Jordan being exonerated by the fact that he didn't actually commit the crime that he was framed for it allows his character to go free but it also provides a 24-hour window in the sense that the universe is again falling apart of the seams and so with with Hal Jordan basically coming back with Superman off doing his own thing Batman off doing his own thing and Darkseid officially risen to power basically becoming the character that we are the most familiar with what this does is it shifts to a Renee Montoya now in the last video I think I had made a statement that Renee Montoya his girlfriend had died it was actually her partner that had died so that was my mistake but the result is that with Renee Montoya at the current moment she's actually going to serve as an avatar of sorts what is up happening is she's basically grabbed by checkmate one of the few groups that exists around the world that are trying to stop the entire you know collapse of the universe they're doing a litany of different things they're trying to get a hold of the spectre who's basically the representation of God's vengeance they're trying to reach out to other universes I mean they're literally doing everything they can to try to find a way to stop this whole thing and the idea is that Renee Montoya is basically willing to serve as this avatar in the sense that she is going to be a person that's literally going to travel through the multiverse itself and basically just try to grab various superheroes that can come together in an effort to basically stop dr. site or at the very least she's gonna serve the point of trying to find another inhabitable universe I think is the initial place the way it ends up turning out is because Darkseid ends up getting defeated it ends up being defeated jeans up grabbing all these supermen together and that it goes into the final villain of the actual Final Crisis story but the whole idea here is that picking back up with Hal Jordan and Jon Stewart and Guy Gardner and a lot of these Green Lantern's who are traveling to earth in the intention of saving at the skewed nature of space itself means the closer they try to get to earth the further away it is so they can never actually get there you know it's like where you're running down an endless hallway and the door keeps moving back with every step you take the other half of this is that with Darkseid officially risen this begins the process of moving things in the direction of joining with how we saw events turn out a month into the future in the sense that Darkseid basically begins gathering all the humans around earth all three billion of them who are under his control and begins moving them in the direction of capturing earth essentially now what this does is it jumps into what Superman's doing in the 31st century now it comes across with him meeting with a character named Brainiac 5 and again Brainiac 5 has been around for a long time the Legion of super-heroes had been around for a very very long time now the Legion of super-heroes dates all the way back to adventure Comics number 247 in 1958 I think it was and they were actually tied into Superboy now I'm gonna give them a little more attention here than we do a lot of the other groups just because of the fact that either we've covered the other groups or because of the fact that with the Legion of super-heroes we're gonna see them in DC rebirth but the Legion of super-heroes was originally introduced really is more of like a Superboy story than anything else back in the mid 1950s the Superboy stories largely continued to fall in line with the idea that it was basically the escapades of Superman when he was younger and the idea was that the Legion of super-heroes was basically the 30th to 31st century result of modern day heroes meaning there whether Superman or Batman or Wonder Woman or whoever knew it when they became superheroes on earth and began fighting crime they set in motion a legacy the Legion of super-heroes has waxed and waned over the years in the sense the rosters changed and different characters have been introduced other characters have gone away the stories that involve the lead are usually just isolated to the 30th and 31st centuries and in fact during final crisis there is a story called the Legion of three worlds I think it is but the idea is that with Superman being brought to the 30th and 31st centuries the Legion of super-heroes knows that everything is going to happen but keep in mind the existence of this future is contingent on the success of Superman because remember when it comes to the actions of Darkseid when it comes to this idea of space-time being warped it's much like a tidal wave when a meteor crashes on earth and tidal waves are created they don't just suddenly show up on the other side of the world it takes time for them to reach the other side of the world and that's how this is this shockwave of space and time being completely distorted it takes time for those changes to reach the 30th and 31st centuries and so the idea is that Superman being here really comes at a crux because at this moment right now Brainiac 5 is vanishing he's disappearing the effects of Darkseid's actions are beginning to reach the future and so what Superman is basically shown is this device that was basically created using the concept of willpower from the Green Lantern Corps in the sense that the Green Lantern's tap into the will aspect of the emotional spectrum all that willpower is channeled into a device which is rightfully called the miracle machine he sees it for a few seconds but using his x-ray vision and just his general eyesight is basically able to see exactly how this thing is functioning now the whole idea is that with everything basically crashing down around them with everything coming to almost a screeching halt what we end up doing is we join up with the arrival of Batman now Batman showing back up here again comes out of the fact that he's been tortured in a lot of different ways the reason for this is because Batman despite having no powers is probably one of the best superheroes in DC Comics people who hate Batman will hate me for saying that it's the idea that he can always use his mind to find a way to win it might take him years to find a way but if Batman is a piece that's left on this quote-unquote chessboard he will inevitably turn the tide of the game because he'll put his mind to use and figure out how to win the perfect example of this is the shooting of Orion one of the new gods who was killed Batman puts two and two together takes the bullet from Orion when he originally died took the element of radion which is harmful to new gods bound it to the bullet and fired it into Darkseid the craziest thing about this is that it's a bit of a gambit it is this instance where dark side kind of says we're playing chicken here you can fire this bullet but will that bullet hit me before I hit you with the old mega beans nothing Omega beams a dark side were really controversial and this a little bit of a story historically speaking the Omega beams incinerate whoever it is they come across for Batman who's just a guy he should have been totally incinerated what DC did here is they basically said hey wouldn't you guys want to read a story where Batman dies but he doesn't really die he just gets time-displaced that's kind of what happened with this whole particular thing it was modifying the effects of the Omega beams just for the sake of being able to have this part of the story but at the time this story happened everybody thought he died this coincides with the arrival of Superman because that was really the only purpose he served in this instance it was the Allegiant of superheroes Brainiac 5 grabbing Superman bringing him to the 31st century and saying hey look in order for you to win you have to memorize how this miracle machine works if you don't everything fails and so what he did is he memorized the miracle machine and then was sent back now what this does is this begins bringing in and basically laying the groundwork for a story called Multiversity now we're not gonna get super in-depth into that we've covered that already actually but it basically gives us these different iterations of Superman one of which is basically a world where the superheroes all seem to be of african-american descent there's other ones like the zoo crew where all the superheroes are animals man captain carrot dude I love Kathy Karen captain Kara's the super bunny any alternate version of Superman that you could ever imagine is basically here but there's only 52 of them because there's only 52 Earth's in the multiverse and so again it's kind of cool in terms of how this happens but the idea is that they are all basically being brought together by Renee Montoya herself you know who's basically going through and gathering all these different characters what this also does is this coincides with the destruction of Darkseid and this happens by way of Wally West and Barry Allen racing in now they are basically running at the speed of light nobody around them is really moving everybody's just kind of sitting there now as they begin to get to where Darkseid is and they start to slow down a little bit that's when we start to get into the idea of characters basically talking of Superman recognizing that Barry Allen is there his words reaching the but keep in mind they're traveling faster than his words can come out so basically by the time they to Darkseid Superman's already said his phrase but the idea is that with a black racer coming in it basically says I come to all even you and so this is basically the black racer saying everybody falls to me everybody is going to basically die at my hand if you are dead and you are somehow walking around I will take you back to the realm of the net but with the defeat of Darkseid the question now becomes how does everything get set back to normal how do things get restored to the way that they're supposed to be and so what isn't happening is this massive undertaking there's a couple things that go on here the first is that one of the things that we hadn't quite talked about yet was a character by the name of Shiloh Norman now I do not know how to reconcile Shiloh Norman and scott-free Shiloh Norman and scott-free have both played the role of mr. miracle at this point in DC's continuity Shiloh Norman is mr. miracle the idea is that he was a protege of scott-free but I don't know how to reconcile those two things meaning I don't know where scot-free is but the idea of mr. miracle is he's basically an escape artist he is the child of hi father from New Genesis who was basically held captive by Darkseid with the concept of mr. miracle - what he basically ends up saying is that there is a symbol that everyone who is captured by Darkseid wears and it's this symbol that basically ends up saying you are allied with Darkseid but within this alphabet is also the idea of a symbol that will free people from the control of Darkseid and that's exactly what happens one of the superheroes named Ray who's basically a character composed of almost pure life draws this symbol that basically fries everybody from the control of Darkseid on earth so it's kind of cool in terms of how that happens but following this is this massive undertaking by all these different heroes and even villains lex luthor all those characters who exists out there trying to build this miracle machine the problem is that time runs out before they can pull it off and space-time itself basically falls apart at the seams everything falls to pieces and so the idea of Superman is to basically rush and finish this miracle machine as fast as possible in order to set everything back to the way that it's supposed to be what we end up getting is almost this out of place scenario we basically end up finding out that the evil behind all this is Mandurah now when I say behind all this I don't mean that manderach orchestrated everything not at all manderach was just this evil that was out there somewhere but crisis serve the purpose of saying okay so infinite crisis brought the multiverse back how does it work Final Crisis gave us that explanation we talked about that before and so the idea was that with the formation of this new multiverse came these monitors and these monitors were basically these beings of an insane level of power and they were designed for the purpose of making sure that the universes didn't cross over so each of these universes got its own monitor it was basically DC's explanation of simply sank the monitors exist to make sure universes don't die but it allows us to continue telling our stories about superheroes fighting supervillains and so the result of this is that one of the monitors had actually fallen and became a bad guy once he realized that you could begin feeding off the energy between the universes and so this guy became man Drac who is basically exiled and just sat outside of the end of all things so that when the multiverse basically collapsed and everything died he would feed on whatever energy was left and when the multiverse was reborn he would retreat and then when that multiverse ended he was freed he would feed on what's left so he would be this being that would just rise to godhood slowly but steadily and be virtually unstoppable the issue with this is that the son of man Drac who had basically taken over his father's role was a character named Nick Co 10 and Michiyo 10 story really fed into the lead-up to Final Crisis in the sense that the universe who was supposed to be monitoring was totally obliterated do a combination of the actions of superboy-prime and then another villain I can't member his name but the fact remains that Nick co Thanh was basically exiled and stripped of his powers but with space-time fracturing and with things just kind of out there in limbo Nick's yotam's powers returned and so what ended up happening is that when Renee Montoya showed back up with all these different versions of Superman that this basically led into to Nick Co tant grabbing all these other superheroes as well he ended up seeing him basically showing up and then you see like the Green Lantern showing up and you see like the zoo crew showing up because what we're talking about is manderach being almost God in terms of all the power that he has he seems to be almost unstoppable the other half of this is that what the Green Lantern's couldn't reach earth in the time when Darkseid was ruling it and space-time was being distorted because of the fact that all of reality has completely shattered they're protected from that that destruction they're there but they're basically just kind of in this giant void and so they just try to where it is that Superman's at being brought there by mikio tan and everybody else and so what is up happening is all these forces of the Green Lantern's of Superman and all these guys end up destroying manderach but it's kind of disappointing because he shows up for like four panels and then he's dead then he's killed and that's it that's really all there is now a lot of that's covered in tie-ins but remember because of the fact that the tie ends are so inconsistent I just kind of chose not to cover them we can if you really really want me to but I kind of think the story stands on its own two feet in terms of how it's being told but regardless because of the fact that Nix geo tan basically says that man Drac was a fallin monitor and that any one of them can end up falling down that path that the monitors need to go away they need to be eliminated and removed from existence because the superheroes need to be allowed to grow to progress now this was basically DC simply saying okay now that the multiverse is back and now the superheroes are aware of them we are going to allow the superheroes to crossover and so getting rid of the monitors did two birds with one stone it allowed DC to get rid of an unnecessary element something that didn't really even need to be there in the first place and then it also allowed DC to go forward saying all these universes are gonna start crossing over if we choose to allow them to and the end it didn't matter two years later DC rebooted but the whole fact is that with these monitors basically being viewed by NYX Roatan as being unnecessary he literally just starts obliterating everything from existence all the monitors are effectively destroyed NYX geo tan is reborn in human form and this allows Grant Morrison to grab his character and send him forward into the events of multiplicity but the last little tail bit of the story told fans Batman's not dead instead what ended up happening is that when Batman was hit with the Omega beams he was basically sent back to the very early days of humanity basically to the very beginning of everything and the result is that Grant Morrison followed this up with a story called the return of Bruce Wayne and it basically followed Bruce Wayne making his way through time back to the modern day it actually gets to the point I think where he ends up all the way at the very end of time and the Justice League ends up having to grab him and bring him back but again the aftermath of Final Crisis saw a lot of different things happening there was a legion two three worlds that tied in Superman dealing with that there are a lot of cool things that ended up happening you ended up getting like Batman Incorporated and a lot of that cool stuff but anyway guys if you want to see that let me know down in the comments section let me know what you guys think if you are new here to come this explain to make sure you guys with the sub button to become part of the rob Court if you guys enjoy this video make sure you drop a like and yeah I will catch you all later peace [Music] you
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 870,946
Rating: 4.7792687 out of 5
Keywords: comics explained, comicsexplained, marvel explained, fluidic beats, comics, comic books, marvel, dc, infinity gauntlet, world breaker hulk, crisis on infinite earths, comic explained, infinity war, the batman who laughs, doomsday clock, Crisis On infinite Earths, Arrow, Green Arrow, The FLash, Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Superboy Prime, Final Crisis, Darkseid, Infinite Crisis, The Joker, Lex Luthor, Dr Manhattan, Full Story, DC Comics
Id: Y3Is3RKajqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 54sec (11214 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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