Miles Morales Spider-Man Vol 1 to Spider-Men: Full Story | Comics Explained

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make sure you guys hit the subscribe button if you guys are enjoying the content that we're throwing up and uh make sure you guys hit the like button if you enjoy the video and yeah let's begin okay so continuing our spider-man week coverage we pick up with the ultimate spider-man and the origin of miles morales is the best way to say it miles morales appeared before this particular origin but uh he was really just kind of like a kid who was there and that was really about it and this is interesting because this brings in really to like spider-man homecoming the idea of miles more out this video is being made two weeks before spider-man homecoming so i have no idea what goes on in that movie but i would surmise that miles morales will probably appear in the movie but either he'll be a post-credits scene or he'll just be a kid who's mentioned and that'll be about it and the reason why that works is because of the fact that that's what happened in the ultimate universe this whole origin came after miles morales first appeared prior to this he was just a kid who was there and that was really it there was no expectation that he was going to grow into anything or become anything significant it was kind of interesting because to me there are a lot of aspects of spider-man homecoming that pull directly from the ultimate universe and it's always been that way with the marvel cinematic universe the marvel cinematic universe is rooted more in the ultimate universe than it is in the main marvel continuity there are some differences i mean there are some main marvel timeline things that are folded in for example captain america steve rogers is the first super soldier in the main marvel universe but he's not the first super soldier in the ultimate universe and that actually brings us in to the story of miles morales origin and the reason why is because of the fact that all of this basically deals with norman osborn and osborne industries as well as something called the oz formula now the odds formula is just one of several attempts in the ultimate universe to basically duplicate the original super soldier serum that made nick fury and this is one of the biggest differences when it came to the ultimate universe and the main marvel universe with regards to the main marvel continuity you have what's called weapons plus and weapons plus is basically just this organization that serves the purpose of creating super soldiers to battle against credible threats the idea was that captain america steve rogers was weapon one that was it but because of the fact that dr abraham erskine the guy that was behind the formula that made steve rogers into a super soldier had basically been killed it was impossible to duplicate his formula perfectly and so the idea was to try to attempt it but if it didn't work to also have backup projects instead and so what we got were projects two through nine and that was everything from like you know implanting cybernetic implants and like animals trying to make animals sentient it was a multitude of just different things that all had to do with creating super soldiers eventually it led into weapon 10 or weapon x which gave us wolverine which led into like deadpool and you know all different kinds of stuff but all of it was rooted in the idea of captain america steve rogers in the ultimate universe it's a wholly different kettle of beans the way it all worked out is that instead of steve rogers nick fury was the very first super soldier but much like captain america steve rogers in the main marvel universe the entire basis behind the super soldier serum had basically gone up in smoke nobody really knew how to replicate it but what ended up happening is different organizations across the world began attempting to duplicate it of course in canada for example they were trying to duplicate the process that made nick fury into a super soldier and that resulted in them kidnapping james hallett and discovering the x gene which meant that if these x genes were basically unlocked or they were accessed people would be granted powers and so once they access the powers of james hallett then they in turn turn this formula or what-have-you into an aerosol form dispersed it across the world and that's how mutants started popping up when it came to norman osborne and oz diaz formula that was based off the super soldier formula that was used to make nick fury into a super soldier and so the idea was that norman osborne was trying to find a way to again create super soldiers and in doing so began the process of like radiating spiders and so on and so forth one of these spiders bit peter parker which led to the start of the ultimate spider-man line of stories now that deals with the idea of like mutants and most of the super-powered community the idea was that in the ultimate spider-man comics peter parker had just gone forward you know as a superhero he was learning about his powers with great power must come great responsibility that he was taught by uncle ben fast forwarding over the course of his publication history once we got into like 2011 2012 writer brian michael bendis wanted to shift things up he wanted to basically remove peter parker and put somebody in his place the fact remains here that in the instance of peter parker effectively getting away the idea of osborne was to basically figure out what it was about the formula that gave peter parker powers in the first place and then duplicate it now of course this all dead ends into the idea of norman osborn being revealed as the green goblin and so on and so forth but then we actually pick up with a guy by the name of prowler now in the main marvel line of stories prowler is a guy named hobie brown and you may have heard of his line of comics he got his own solo series as part of all new all different amazing spider-man's clone conspiracy really the biggest role that hobie brown plays in all new all different marvel is he's the stand-in spider-man when peter parker is you know holding a press conference or when he's in the middle of a meeting or something like that hobie brown is the one that parades around is spider-man so that people believe that peter and spider-man are two distinctly different people here in this ultimate universe line of stories he's basically just the uncle of miles morales he's just a guy and they call him prowler because he's basically just a guy that steals stuff but breaking into osborne industries has its own risks in the sense that you're basically breaking into a multinational corporation not only that in the middle of this heist the spider manages to make its way onto prowler which in turn enters his bag taking this spider with him now from here we pick up with miles morales and that's one of the things that i like the most about miles is that miles the way his story was told the way it was done by blind michael bendis he was designed to basically be a character that reflected the real world and most of the ultimate universe was like that the ultimate universe was marvel coming along and saying okay how can we take these characters that everybody knows and everybody loves and update them for the modern day so they could basically get an answer to the question what if captain america emerged right now that was the whole basis behind the ultimate universe back when it was made in the year 2000 and so the idea is that miles morales is basically in a lottery for a charter school there was a good documentary that was done a while ago called waiting for superman we said either is waiting for superman or waiting on superman but the idea was that it dealt with like the american school system and something that a lot of you guys may not know is that in a lot of like inner city schools and really impoverished parts of the country you'll have like the public school system and then they'll open a charter school which is like where you can get the best education in that particular school district and they'll hold lotteries like people will go to like these huge assembly halls and they'll basically start drawing numbers and those kids who were selected get to go to that charter school the others are just left to deal with the american school system i mean it's one of those things where it's like if they win and they get to go to a charter school they'll have a future outside of whatever education they get from the american school system being as defunded as it is so it's not really designed to be like a political statement it's designed to make uh miles morales relatable and that's one of the things that i kind of feel like needs to be said especially right now in marvel because a lot of people are looking at the whole you know political landscape and so on and so forth this was written back in 2011 and so while brian michael bendis does have a tendency to be a little political with his writing this was not designed to be a statement he was basically designed to say here's a relatable aspect of miles morales because there are kids that deal with this every day of their life in inner city areas so again it's kind of cool here because as a kid who is part hispanic part african-american it really related to a lot of young people who were reading his comics because that really feeds into the nature of spider-man keep in mind peter parker's legacy was formed by the fact that he basically empowered teenagers he made young people feel like they were the star of the show and that legacy of spider-man lives on because you get a little bit of the humor but you also get that whole backstory in terms of everything that happened that made him who he was and so with miles morales winning this we're basically introduced to the idea of his uncle miles does not know about the role that his uncle plays in being a thief for him his uncle is just an uncle and so it's really just kind of miles relaying the news and and that kind of thing but the funny scenario about this too is that miles was really told in a lot of ways do not go see your uncle his father had explicitly laid that out do not go see him on the regular he is not a good influence now of course again the whole idea of a thief but we'll actually learn there's a little more about miles dad than we were originally given there's a little bit of an expansion here but of course in the middle of all this he's basically bitten by the radioactive spider that his uncle had carried home and then suddenly just wakes up now of course with miles dad coming home screaming at it you know at his brother and that kind of thing miles basically just takes off now this is when we start to get into a lot of the aspects of spider-man homecoming just kind of going by the trailer she's looking at what we've seen you know with regards to the trailers and the whole idea here is that spider-man homecoming looks as though it's just supposed to be rooted in like the modern day it's supposed to be rooted in a lot of like current things that go on right now again sort of feeding into this ultimate universe thing but the introduction of it all really kind of comes by way of miles whole experience and learning that he has powers the other half of this is that when brian michael bendis made miles morales had he gone through and made miles just a total replica of peter parker it would have cheapened it it would have taken away the the impact of miles being spider-man with miles one of the biggest issues that he faces is a combination of just kind of growing up you know as being a teenager and also the idea of having powers because remember one of the relatable aspects of this is just teenage life and i don't know about you guys i don't know how many of you guys watching this are teenagers but being a teenager i mean in hindsight it's the easiest thing in the world but at the time when you are a teenager it seems like the hardest thing in the world because you're trying to make friends you're trying to be socially acceptable you also want to be able to drive around and have your own independence but you also recognize you're not necessarily ready for the world but you think you are there's a million things that go on in your head i mean there's college there's your future there's a million things rolling around in your head to say nothing of the fact that you're basically spending you know five or six years going through an existential crisis who are you where are you going what's your purpose in the universe i mean these are all the things that teenagers deal with on a regular basis and so this combined with the idea of the sudden introduction of powers makes things a little difficult now the other half of this is a character by the name of genki and this is really the whole idea of like ned leeds character being brought in to spider-man homecoming one of the funny situations and one of the things that fans immediately caught on when it came to the trailer of spider-man homecoming is the character of ned leeds historically speaking in the peter parker spider-man line of stories in the main marvel universe ned leeds was a bit was like a like a competitor at the daily bugle he was never a classmate of peter parker with this introduction of ned leads in spider-man homecoming it's basically genki from the ultimate universe in the sense that the two of them relate to each other in the exact same way genki is kind of like the the comedic sidekick he's the kid who sort of cheers spider-man or you know cheers miles away and says look man like you're capable of incredible things but it's also the idea that genki is going to be the moral compass for miles morales in a lot of different ways but it's kind of cool because instead of just like being terrified instead of being afraid it's this idea that miles could achieve something pretty incredible with the powers that he has and so in the middle of this whole conversation that he has you know with with genki he's basically pulled aside by his father you know taken to a local park and his father basically explains the reason why he doesn't want miles spending time with his uncle is because of the fact that his uncle's a thief and that's one of the greatest things about this particular story is because with peter parker spider-man in the main marvel universe it's well uncle ben died and then with great power must come great responsibility and the moral lessons that came with that with miles morales it's a lot more visceral it's this idea that his father basically made a lot of bad decisions his father stole at one point in time his father served time in jail somewhere along the line for him he looks at his son miles and says you've just been accepted to a charter school you have a future you can get out of this place but this also creates a bit of a contradiction with miles himself because in his mind in his imagination he sees himself being spider-man he sees himself crawling on walls which he inevitably does he sees himself saving the day and that's one of the interesting things about this story is because you know once he goes and visits you know genki and kind of tells him everything that's going on you know kind of expands on the idea that he can crawl on walls and so on and so forth and once he actually travels you know alongside genki and comes across a fire in a building this creates the kind of inner debate you know with miles morales between what his father's teaching him and what he's coming to understand on his own his father's looking at the big picture but his father doesn't know that miles has spider powers so in the mind of mile's father it's here's my son who lives in a pretty rough part of town who's just been accepted to a school that will get him a future think of all the things that he could do he'd become a lawyer or a doctor or a businessman or something along those lines in the mind of miles morales with the powers that he has he can save people on the ground level and that is the inherent difference between what it is that miles father's teaching him and what miles can become miles father is talking about playing a much bigger role playing a much larger role but when you're spider-man you know when you are on the ground floor when you're saving somebody from a burning building you don't say well hey we're passing some laws and it's going to make people's life better and it does instead you see their faces you see their immediate reactions you get thank yous you get wow i can't believe you pulled that off you get the adoration of a community that comes to respect you as you're able to do things that make their lives tangibly better that's the coolest thing about that is because it makes it more personal and so the struggle that miles faces is that when he does rescue a kid from a burning building suddenly the gravity of the situation begins to hit him because now he realized he just saved a human life and what that means is people will look at him and they will say wow that guy's a superhero man that kid's amazing i can't believe he pulled that off but now miles has to come to the realization that the life of other people is in his hands what if he hadn't acted that little girl probably would have burned to death in that building but with miles morales stepping in and saving her life then the question becomes but what about the lives that he inevitably just can't save what if there's just not enough time for him to get there what about the person who's being mugged or being attacked that he doesn't know about how does all that play into the equation peter parker spider-man in the main marvel universe deals with that by realizing that while he tries to save everybody he can he cannot save everyone you can't be everywhere it wants that's one of the reasons why superior spider-man was so cool because he was everywhere once he had eyes all throughout the entire city but with miles morales he's coming to realize that you can't be everywhere at one time you can't save everyone there are some people out there that you just can't do anything with and so what we end up doing is we basically pick up with the moment by which peter parker ends up dying in the ultimate universe and again this was a pretty big moment in the whole ultimate spider-man story just because you gotta remember i mean the ultimate universe was basically launched with peter parker spider-man and so for about a decade or so if you were reading ultimate spider-man you were reading peter parker and the way that he went out was actually pretty amazing i mean it was like this battle with norman osborne and you know he basically fought to the point that he died it was almost like this superman-esque scenario where it was basically just like a battle to the death but in the midst of all this what it does is it basically sets the groundwork for peter parker to be removed from the entire spider-man mythos and it allows miles morales to effectively take his place now something to point out here is that with miles being on the scene and directly you know speaking with gwen stacy when stacey really just kind of in a moment of of mourning sort of spits out the name of peter parker but what it does is it basically kind of lights this fire in miles morales because with miles morales seeing everything happen when he sees the death of peter parker he really just kind of looks at this and says well now it's up to me to do something his discussion with genki is look i didn't get these powers even if that got him by chance i have to believe if anybody had these powers they would put them to use they would live up to the legacy as it was created by spider-man they would live up to everything it was that he did that that peter parker had effectively done and so in the mind of miles that's when he begins to really understand what it is that he's meant to do the significance of the role that he plays in being spider-man because going to the funeral of peter parker speaking with aunt may speaking with gwen stacy it's basically this question that he asked why did he become spider-man what was the motivation of it and this is the beauty of this because gwen stacy immediately as angry as she is goes and basically says he did everything that he did because his uncle instilled in him with great power must come great responsibility those with the power to act have the responsibility to act and that is one of the reasons why the spider-man mythos has always been so great and one of the reasons why it's so important when it comes to different superheroes over the years they all have their own moral compasses their own motivations for why it is they do the things they do with superman it was this idea that he was taught by jonathan demartha ken if you have the power to stop crime you should stop crime in some form or fashion it was always this measure of responsibility but with the infamous phrase with great power must come great responsibility it made it tangible we've all heard that right like do the right thing even if no one is watching or something along those lines we've all had that moral compass instilled in us but to have gwen stacy say this to miles morales in this way it lights a fire in miles morales because he's just like that's true it's an honest statement i have these abilities and so in his mind while he goes through and designs his own little spinal spider-man suit the idea is i have to keep the memory of spider-man going and this is actually one of the first mistakes that he makes because what they do is they grab a spider-man halloween costume and he immediately takes to the streets now this is one of those things where it's just too early bro it's just it's just way too early despite miles more alice wanting to do the right thing his heart's in the right place the mistake that he makes is that everybody looks at him as trying to be like a copycat of spider-man but people are still in the morning phase you gotta keep in mind with the idea of spider-man losing such a hero in such a tragic way people aren't ready to see somebody just suddenly take up the mantle they're not ready to see somebody just suddenly become spider-man what they want is time to grieve what they want is time to mourn and once that time has passed then they'll be ready for somebody to take up the mantle and so at this point it's just too much too fast and so in the middle of this whole experience that he has running around the streets dressed as spider-man he's basically met with the arrival of jessica drew now jessica drew is actually a pretty interesting character in the realm of marvel comics and the reason why is because she originally appeared in marvel's spotlight in 1977 i think it was and she was actually a character who basically gained her spider powers by way of a direct injection from her father and it was really just a weird circumstance it was essentially that she had just been you know irradiated by uranium that was you know across the land and so on and her father basically tried to cure of her uranium poisoning by injecting her with a serum that was composed of different spiders and then putting her in this sort of evolution chamber that was created by the high evolutionary who messed around with the evolution of animals and stuff like that she woke up something like decades later and basically just kind of emerged with no idea who she was and eventually joined hydra or something like that but with the ultimate universe it's a wholly different kettle of beans and so jessica drew in the ultimate universe is actually a clone of peter parker and that's one of the interesting things is because with her character despite people knowing who she was she wasn't so significant in the realm of marvel comics that they kind of had to tiptoe around and be careful about what they did she wasn't captain america she wasn't thor she wasn't like iron man or anything like that and so because of that it offered marvel a little bit of leeway in terms of what they did with their character how they wrote her how they designed her so on and so forth also because of the fact that the clone saga from marvel comics was not a very well received story for a lot of people and so the idea of going back and reworking it in the ultimate universe was actually kind of cool it was actually pretty interesting but with her confronting miles morales this comes by way of the fact that she was basically told by nick fury there's somebody out there impersonating spider-man that happened within you know the a wholly separate line of stories but the fact remains that with nick fury basically being the director of shield and then essentially having all this information on the life and times of miles the cool thing is that there's a conversation that takes place between the two of them you know where nick fury basically says look i know your heart's in the right place i know you're trying to do the right thing but people are not ready for a new spider-man yet give them time give them a little bit of time they'll come around but for right now all they see you as is a cheap knockoff because you're wearing the exact same uniform that spider-man wore so if you are going to be spider-man if you're going to be a superhero then you've got to be different you can't just be peter parker you've got to be your own character and that was kind of like an in-comic book a statement by brian michael bendis effectively saying miles morales is his own character he's wholly different from peter parker they're two distinctly different characters and that was one of the interesting things is because again it was hitting home at the idea that he basically sort of gone away and so what ended up happening is that you know of course with electro maxwell dylan basically being one of the most notable villains of the ultimate spider-man making his escape miles morales is single-handedly responsible for basically being able to bring him down now the ultimates are there you know the ultimate universe avengers are there and they do what they can but it's really miles morales that pulls it off through a combination of his ability to make himself invisible and the fact that he issues this sort of electrical touch whatever it is that he engages somebody now the reason why that works is because what it does is it basically sends the electrical impulses of electro into overdrive and really just sort of hyper drives them and then just shuts them down he's basically overwhelmed by his own powers but you know with him being shot dead by nick fury as a way to kind of curtail his character a little bit what happens is it's basically miles morales showing the ultimates that he's actually pretty legit you know he's got what it takes to not only be a member of the team but to also stand on his own two feet as his own superhero now at this point he's not part of the ultimate avengers yet i mean he hasn't really been rolled in as part of the ranks just because one he doesn't have the experience and two they just don't know enough about him but the first step to allowing the the ultimates to gain more information about him to see what he's about is reno really comes by way of nick fury who presents miles morales with an actual spider-man costume based on mile's own designs when he was just kind of drawing up these little versions of his own costume when he was trying to figure out what he was going to look like nick fury basically used shield's resources found this design i don't know broke into his home i have no clue but took this costume made it real and gave it to miles and said now go forward and be your own superhero okay so getting into ultimate spider-man or i guess really miles more alice ultimate spider-man one thing i want to point out here is that in these video titles i'm simply going to call these miles more alice ultimate spider-man and you know volume 1 volume 2 volume 3 and so on really the origin story that we did is volume 1 so this is more like volume 2. but in truth this was really just kind of called ultimate spider-man and then there was another series later on that followed this that was called miles morales ultimate spider-man but in order to avoid confusion between ultimate spider-man peter parker and ultimate spider-man miles morales we're just gonna call this ultimate spider-man miles morales so that way everything's pretty clear and pretty easy to follow but the cool thing about this is that again the origin story for those of you guys who are just joining us with regards to the whole ultimate spider-man landscape the ultimate universe was never designed to be this great big huge grandiose thing like the main marvel universe i mean the main marvel universe was really kind of built by stan lee jack kirby steve ditko a handful of other writers and artists in the 1960s and 70s and then it grew to what it is now where it's just massive in scope and you have the avengers and you have you know excalibur and you have alpha flight and you have you know the brotherhood of evil mutants and the x-men and so on and so forth the ultimate universe was designed to be far more contained and much much smaller in scale and so the result is that when it came to the ultimate spider-man stories by brian michael bendis the idea was to basically keep things relatively small to tell these small volumes where characters would appear and then never be seen or heard from again or else if they were seen they were just in a containment cell where they were being held by shield or something along those lines but it was very easy to digest and it was very very easy to follow and that's one of the reasons why the ultimate universe was relatively popular but in the end people still gravitated toward the characters that they thought of when they thought of captain america when they thought of thor and so on and so forth now with regards to miles morales peter parker was basically the recipient of a bite from a spider that contained the oz formula and again the whole idea here in the ultimate universe was that nick fury i guess samuel jackson nick figure if you want to call him that nick fury was the original super soldier and when the super soldier's serum that was used on nick fury proved to be successful it resulted in this great gold rush more or less for everybody to create their own super soldiers and so that's where wolverine came from wolverine was the recipient of canada's attempt to create a super soldier serum but along the way they discovered a mutant gene that when activated would give people powers and that was the origin of the mutant race in the ultimate universe when it came to spider-man you had a guide norman osborne who was basically trying to create a super soldier serum and he created something called the oz formula and where he was going through and testing it on different spiders one of these fighters bit peter parker which led him to become spider-man in the ultimate universe but following the course of his publication history somewhere around 160 issues or so which this is far shorter than that i think miles morales stories probably total in like maybe 30 or 40 issues it's not really that long at all but uh following the publication history of peter parker he eventually died and the reason was because marvel was wanting to basically make way for a new spider-man and that just made good sense i mean you had ultimate spider-man peter parker and then you had the main marvel universe peter parker why have two versions of the same character give us a new spider-man and so that's what they did they killed off peter parker and they had a spider basically bite a new kid by the name of miles morales who gained peter parker's powers and then a couple of his own that peter didn't have for example miles morales can administer this venom venom shock which is basically kind of like an electrical impulse that basically shocks a person that's touching him or something along those lines he can make himself invisible he can camouflage himself that kind of a thing and so again miles was very much his own character but the whole idea here and really where the story begins to pick up as we start to get into uh his uncle aaron davis now the crazy thing about aaron davis character is that as interesting as he is there's a lot more to him than meets the eye it's not as clean cut as him just being a con man but that's how he comes off he comes off as a con artist he comes off as a thief and a cheat but he's actually a very capable guy and the way this story unfolds is it's actually going to be a sort of a battle of allegiances so to speak for miles morales himself but what ends up happening here is we actually pick up with aaron davis traveling back or at least intending to meet the tinker now the tinkerer is basically a character who creates devices i mean really the tinkerer was who we saw in the spider-man homecoming movie that was working alongside michael keaton the other half of this is that it also deals with the introduction of a new version of the scorpion and the reason why i say new version is because of the fact that in the peter parker ultimate spider-man line of comics and those stories the scorpion was introduced but he was actually introduced as a clone of peter parker the issue with this was that with brian michael bendis writing the story at the time and wanting to create a new spider-man it also made sense to give this new spider-man miles morales his own villains to face off against and so what ended up happening is uh the scorpion as he appeared in the original peter parker stories in the ultimate universe he was basically defeated he was revealed to be a clone of peter parker and then he was just never really seen or heard from again after he was taken captive by shield that was really it this version of scorpion seems to be more in line with the scorpion that we saw from spider-man homecoming this scorpion seems to be more grounded in terms of who he is and what he's about and that kind of a thing his backstory still remains pretty ambiguous and it will for a little while but suffice it to say he's basically in new york because of the fact that prowler owes him cash and that's really about it now the other half of this is miles morales trying to make his way and trying to figure out how to be a superhero but the other thing to focus on here is that miles is struggling with the exact same thing that peter parker did and that's one of the cool things about this is that what vendors and them are basically saying is that no matter what universe we're in for the most part unless the character is drastically different from who we're used to he's always going to struggle with the same thing should he tell his friends and family who he is and if he does what are the consequences of that because remember if he were to tell his mom for example that he's spider-man she may believe him she may not believe him but if she has that knowledge it makes her a target for somebody else and so she basically can't spill the beans on something she doesn't know anything about and if miles never tells her then nobody has any reason to go after her they have no reason to connect the two people now something else to focus on is that again when bendis and then created miles morales they didn't just abandon the concept of peter parker in his entirety i mean he's dead he doesn't show up and he won't show up again until spider-man but the idea here was to keep the legacy of peter parker going genki really just kind of goes to miles and says look it's cool that you're spider-man but you don't really know what you're doing and peter parker's not here to teach you what you need to know because he's dead and so you need to be able to learn what peter parker knew from peter parker himself the best way you know how which is to basically watch movies of peter parker fighting and that's kind of the cool thing because you know miles gets a video gets to watch a you know watch footage of the ultimate universe peter parker facing off against doctor octopus nothing too significant but his first real attempt in trying to stand toe-to-toe and trying to really become spider-man comes with the arrival of a character by the name of omega red now omega red in the ultimate universe was starkly different from his character in the in the main marvel universe in the main marvel universe omega red was the byproduct of the russians trying to duplicate wolverine that's really all it was it was the idea that wolverine had been taken by the weapon x project his healing factor had been used in order to bond his body with adamantium and the result was that he ended up going forward as just this adamantium laced killing machine the russians tried to duplicate the same process but the difference here is that the russians didn't know the formula for adamantium and so because of that they ended up creating a cheap knockoff called carbonadium now carbonation is still pretty durable and it's still pretty potent in terms of what it's capable of but naturally this eventually led to a battle of sorts between omega red and wolverine with the two of them becoming mortal enemies in the ultimate universe it was starkly different omega red was basically just a guy who was a mutant he gained these powers that allowed him to just kind of expand these organic tendrils from his body he could emit toxins different things like that but he wasn't nearly as capable as his main marvel counterpart but the reason why this is important is because of the fact that for miles more alice going against somebody like omega red is going against someone he's never experienced before and so it's really him kind of on the edge of his seat using his powers as best he can trying to become a legitimate hero because with trying to dodge these tendrils and so on it requires him to use basically every ounce of agility he has as you would expect he comes out on top but the idea of aaron davis being rolled in as part of miles morales spider-man story comes when again aaron davis basically encounters the tinkerer and it's the idea that the tinkerer you know when aaron davis is looking at this newspaper about a new spider-man and so on and so forth the tinkerer basically gives aaron davis the whole backstory of how spider-man became spider-man the original peter parker became spider-man of course as we talked about norman osborne created the odds formula so on and so forth but this also rings a bell for the prowler because remember in our video on the origin of miles morales he was bitten by a spider in front of uncle aaron davis and the result was that aaron davis saw the spider and saw a number on it and so because of that when you know tinkerer begins to explain all these things about what osborne was doing how he would perform experiments on these spiders he would number them and he would catalog them in order to keep track of what his experiments were doing and how they were progressing aaron davis comes to the realization that a numbered spider bit his nephew and then suddenly there's this new spider-man on the scene two and two together miles morales is spider-man and that's why i say that parlor aaron davis is actually sharper than people give him credit for i mean he's smarter than your average bear i guess but it's kind of a cool thing because it sets the stage for this idea of aaron davis being brought in asking for some pretty nefarious things and that's really the first thing that he does i mean as soon as he realizes that miles is spider-man he goes to him and says hey man like we should work together like we can put our efforts together and we can really achieve something great now remember miles was informed by his father that his uncle aaron was a cr was a con artist and a crook and served time in jail mile's father was heading down the same path and so mile's father had basically warned him hey look do not get in the mix with your uncle aaron the other half of this is that mile's father i wouldn't go as far as to say is a very cautious man so much as he's trying to ensure his son stays safe but he's also a little overprotective and this is where the whole element of loyalties begins to come into play because with miles morales he's kind of stuck in two different situations the first is that he believes in his father i mean it's his dad you know he follows his father as best he can but it almost feels like his father's trying to shelter him from the world's experiences and life in and of itself people growing and becoming something better than they are is all about experiences doing something stupid and learning from that experience at the same time it's his uncle aaron davis and he knows that he's a crook but if he wants to go out and experience life there's a lot of different ways to do that but family is family blood is blood and so again that's one of the interesting things about this this story and that's one of the reasons why i've loved miles morales character for so long is because it's just the inner struggle between the two of them now with regards to aaron davis having killed the tinker so that nobody would know about the the possibility of miles morales being ultimate spider-man uh it also comes into play with him i guess re-encountering scorpion again and this is when we basically learned that scorpion was owed money by aaron davis that presumably aaron davis essentially cheated him out of cash scorpion comes back looking for his money now the other half of this is that we also get some perspective in terms of what scorpion's capable of and what we're actually informed here is that he's not just some crazy guy you know who is a mob boss out of mexico instead he does have some abilities and one of the most notable is a highly resistant skin aaron davis ultimately just ends up fleeing for his life when he begins to realize just how capable scorpion is and then he's not really a pushover now of course this leads to exactly what we would expect it to in the sense that aaron davis essentially flees to his nephew miles morales and this is probably one of the best elements of the story and the reason for this is because aaron davis approaching his nephew is done from ill intent like it's him showing up and essentially having this ulterior motive there's a guy trying to kill me i want to try to take him out so on and so forth but he doesn't say that he doesn't go to miles morales and say hey man i did something really bad i screwed a guy over in mexico and he got here to new york and he's trying to kill me you got to help me take this guy out that's not what he says instead what he does is he pawns it off on the idea of being a tutor of sorts and that's kind of the cool thing because aaron davis uses you know basically the abilities of a suit combined with his own experiences to engage miles in hand-to-hand combat and this is why i say sometimes despite the fact that there can be nefarious purposes here at the end of the day there is still something to be learned and so while aaron davis is trying to manipulate his own nephew aaron davis is teaching miles how to become a more effective fighter because remember miles doesn't have any martial arts training he doesn't have military training he has no kind of training at all he's a kid who was bitten by a radioactive spider and then suddenly has all these powers and so he doesn't know how to fight he doesn't have any of that kind of training stuff he's really just flying by the seat of his pants every step of the way in every single conflict he gets into now the other half is to remember he learns as he goes through and that's kind of the cool thing is because he's literally learning to fight while he's fighting and so that's one of the the crazy things about his character and his evolution but the idea of aaron davis is saying look i'm trying to help you out here now aaron is not totally evil like he's not a total bad guy he's not just like i don't care whether you live or die i'm just trying to make sure that this guy scorpion gets off my back instead it's really this idea that he's going to him and he's saying look i don't want to see you killed and that really is one of the reasons why aaron davis character is so intricate and is so complex is because on one half he's a thief he's a con artist he's a manipulator but at the other half that's family that's his nephew the last spider-man was killed by his own enemies it'd be a lot easier for miles rounds to be killed by different foes because he doesn't have nearly the experience or the training that peter parker had and so again it's kind of a cool scenario now of course ultimately miles is able to overcome aaron davis to the point that he proves that he's able to hold his own to a degree and this is where the conversation begins to unfold is because aaron davis basically says i want to train you i want to make you a good fighter i want to turn you into somebody who can be a legitimate superhero and this is why it's kind of this idea that these two characters have conflicting sides where you know aaron davis is just kind of a small time crook and a con man and miles morales is trying to be a good guy at the end of the day they have a common goal and the common goal is to take out an even worse bad guy named scorpion and so that's the common ground that the two of them reside on at this moment it allows the characters to sort of progress and to grow and so on and so forth and so where we ultimately have miles just kind of perusing the internet and trying to learn about this scorpion character and we eventually have him just sort of mulling this entire situation over and then ultimately agreeing to side with his uncle aaron against the wishes of his parents after learning that this guy scorpion has engaged in acts of racketeering murder theft violating other human beings this guy is just a genuinely terrible human being and so because of that you know ultimately miles ends up siding with us with his uncle which again sets the stage for some pretty cool stuff but okay uh so we are a couple weeks out from the release of the playstation 5 and miles morales spider-man uh spider-man miles morales i guess is what they're calling it whatever it is the spider-man 2 game uh and here's the thing okay i'm actually kind of sad about this uh myself and mariah have not pre-ordered like we didn't get a chance to pre-order the ps5 right the pre-orders were out like that like it was it was insane uh so here's the deal are there any members of the rob corps in columbus ohio that can hook up myself and mariah with playstation 5. i'll give you like an extra 200 bucks plus the cost of the playstation 5s if you can hook us up uh that would be awesome right that'd be that'd be super cool if you can send me an email rob at comics that would be amazing i don't know if any of you guys can uh we'll even go as far as cleveland if we have to but uh that'd be awesome if you guys could right so um it's been a little while since we covered miles morales right we covered the first two and i think we did it like three years ago so we're gonna do a little bit of catch up here for people who are are really uncertain and who are kind of lagging behind in the midst of all this so miles morales becoming spider-man came out of what was basically like cataclysm to a degree right it was it was basically this great big huge story arc in in the ultimate universe where that version of spider-man had died right so a little bit of explanation here the ultimate universe was launched in 2000 and it was the answer to the question what would it look like if superheroes existed in the real world right a more modern depiction of superheroes as we know them in marvel comics the ultimate universe was hugely popular and it was basically launched with ultimate spider-man right with peter parker now when peter parker died spider-man fans were pissed right they were so mad because they loved that version of spider-man and as we know as comic book fans we don't really like it when things change right we like things to stay the same forever and ever and ever because when things are different it takes us getting used to it again and we just don't want to have to go through all that you know we got we're old people right we just get stuck in our ways and the results of this is that when miles morales initially came onto the scene there was a lot of hate for the character of miles the funny thing is he's hugely popular now so much so that like one he's got his own game and two i've heard nothing but people being excited about the new miles morales game right so as with most things in comics give it time and you may end up finding that you like it but the whole thing behind this is that in the early days and kind of in the beginning of this miles morales having been bitten by a spider that gave him radioactive powers in much the same way that peter parker did was met with a lot of backlash in the ultimate comics universe right like in the actual comics themselves because peter parker had like just died and then miles you know in order to honor the memory of peter went out and got a spider-man suit and then was like okay uh let's let's be spider-man right he was met by like nick fury he was met by uh jessica drew or whatever you want to call her basically the ultimate universe version of spider-girl spider-woman and and they were kind of like you can't do this right like you're disrespecting the memory of peter but the reality was that miles believed that he was honoring the memory of peter right he believed he was doing the right thing and so ultimately he ended up getting the blessing of nick fury and then this led to the introduction of the prowler right the parlor was a character who had already been around and the prowler was basically uh the the uncle of miles morales uh he was basically aaron right and and the idea behind this was that you ended up having uh miles basically allying himself with aaron uh out of uh you know as part of aaron's request now when miles sort of realized and the things were a little sketchy here that's when all this kind of started popping off right but this this really is kind of like when the two of them first start teaming up we as the reader knew that aaron was a bad guy right like we knew he was basically a villain he was one of the most wanted men in the united states and in fact he was wanted by interpol and the fbi right like it was a huge deal again it's probably one of the best thieves if not the best thief in the entirety of the ultimate universe he was kind of a big deal now with him and miles teaming up for the first time this involves them going after a guy by the name of scorpion a marvel in in the ultimate universe you had two versions of the scorpion character and you're probably familiar with him from like maybe spider-man the animated series back in the 90s or comic books or whatever the case is but the scorpion that you initially saw in ultimate comics was part of the ultimate universe line of the clone saga right like cloning peter parker that's where you know the jessica character came from and so on but the scorpion was a clone of peter parker right so that was kind of like that version that we saw i wouldn't go as far as to say he was hugely popular i honestly didn't really enjoy the whole concept but the the thing about this is that this version of scorpion that we see here is the guy who's actually named maximus gargan right so his name is almost identical to the one from the main marvel universe max gargan the difference here is that unlike matt gargan and the main marvel universe who's just a guy who's a criminal uh and then in the ultimate universe maximus gargan was basically a mexican crime lord is essentially what he was he was like a mexican drug kingpin but he was working for prowler and so essentially you had this kind of exchange that was supposed to go on between the two of them but basically maximus gargan ended up turning on the prowler it led into a great big huge fight prowler basically got out of there and then maximus has come here to new york city in order to make himself a kingpin and because of the fact that he was able to overcome prowler before the indication is he can do it again right so he's not too worried about the prowler's character but that's why they're here it's because aaron is trying to get rid of maximus or trying to get rid of scorpion because scorpion's encroaching on his turf the the idea that he's pitching to miles morales is he's a bad guy right so we got to get rid of bad guys so he's essentially using miles desire to be a hero in order to effectively turn miles into his own enforcer is really kind of what's happening here but scorpion showing up here and just being like okay so like you know this is my this this is my spot now but like i'm taking over this like i was a guy who operated in mexico that's true but like now i want to swim with the bigger fish right and so i'm taking the entirety of new york over i'm going to become its new kingpin the the funny thing about this is that he's immediately met by aaron right he's immediately met by the prowler and in turn the prowler is like okay so like you gotta go right you gotta you gotta go now the response of of scorpion is like you still owe me payment right like you still owe me for our last deal that went down technically that's true that that when that deal initially went down that aaron was the one who refused to love to his end of the bargain now he did so under the auspices that scorpion tried to double cross him right and saying like you forfeited your share of this whole thing when he tried to double cross me but technically a deal is a deal and so the result of this is that you know scorpion's here to kind of call in his in and take out the prowler if he can and then take over new york himself now of course this leads to spider-man jumping in now there are questions that you're most likely asking here right where are characters like daredevil or like luke cage or heroes for hire or any of the number of ground level heroes that we see in new york that could easily respond to a threat like this the reality of the ultimate universe guys is that it was designed to be a far more stripped down version of the main marvel universe the main marvel universe just to give you perspective had like thousands of mutants who had appeared over the course of marvel's publication history and those are the ones that they focus on for any real measure of time when you take into account the one-offs the ones who appeared for like a single story then you're starting to get into the hundreds of thousands right there were just you know so many different mutants that had appeared and so you take that and you expand it to like the almost never-ending roster of avengers you add in things like the midnight suns right you add in like you know doctor strange's black ops defenders team from like the 1990s right they carried out like all these secret missions and things like that it was super cool it was an awesome concept it was terribly executed but it was an awesome concept but you take all these things and you throwing it in and what you end up in the main marvel universe you end up with this just hugely expansive landscape of heroes and it's insanely difficult to keep up with it all the ultimate universe wanted to correct that right so you have like the ultimate you've got the fantastic four you've got the x-men you got spider-man and that's basically it right you see other characters kind of pop in and out but you weren't really seeing like ultimate comics blade right you weren't really seeing that you weren't really seeing like ultimate comics werewolf by night you weren't really seeing any of that stuff right any of like these characters that would have been interesting to see instead it was designed to be super closed down i would say that overall in terms of individual publications right individual comic book lines i think you may be capped out at 20 comics over the course of the ultimate universe's lifespan and i'd say that's probably about it if that right it was very very very very small seeing other characters would happen in other characters comics things like that right so just just one of the you know kind of an answer to that question you know why don't we see a lot more going on here uh because it's not designed to be overly huge right it's one of the great things about the ultimate universe but of course this is when things pop off basically you know everybody pulls guns guns blazing shots firing everything's going all to pieces now this is when we kind of get reminded a little bit of the of the scorpion's powers right and make sure you guys check down in the description just kind of a reminder make sure you check down in the description you'll find uh ultimate spider-man uh really the first two videos that we did volumes one and two you'll find that down there so you can get caught up and you won't feel like you're just kind of flying in out of nowhere but uh but the idea behind scorpion is that he has enhanced durability and enhanced strength now he's not completely invulnerable and he doesn't have like super human strength right where he's like equal to the incredible hulk and strength or anything like that he's just kind of got enhanced abilities but they're enough to where he can easily hold his own against like you know being shot at or being stabbed or something along those lines right so he doesn't really have luke cage's skin but something reasonably close to it the other part of this is that given his enhanced abilities he also is able to go toe-to-toe with miles morales but the reason why this happens is because miles is still learning about his powers right he's still learning what he's capable of now a lot of miles ability to expand beyond his existing horizons will actually come in the first spider-man story which we will cover that's basically it was it was really cool it was when bendis basically told all the miles morales haters to shut up when they were like he can't he's not really spider-man ben venice literally wrote a story where peter parker from the main marvel universe and miles morales from the ultimate universe and and peter parker is like who cares what the world says uh i think you're a great spider-man go forward right and it's basically ben is saying hey i know you guys some of you guys out there don't like miles more alice tough luck and then just like continuing to write the story it was amazing it was a hilarious response to the haters but the the funny thing about this is that miles is learning his powers and so when it comes to somebody like peter but if we look at like even the ultimate universe comics version of spider-man peter parker or you look at the main marvel universe version of spider-man peter parker the important thing is that in the early days he had his learning he had his process where he learned his powers but as time went on it started to become second nature to where he could just react and instinctively know what he needs to do you know that's one of the things that kind of came out of dan slot's run is when he was talking about why spider-man would crack jokes all the time because where you kind of looked at it and saw spider-man as almost kind of a nonsensical character you know when he was engaging in in fights and didn't really seem to be taking it seriously the reason why he would crack jokes is because he wanted to make the villains think he wasn't taking them seriously and that in turn would piss them off and the angrier they got the less focused they became and the easier it would be for peter parker to take them out that's one of the things that he kind of learned over the course of his time as spider-man with miles morales it'll be much the same way that as we cover these comics you'll quite literally see miles become better at being spider-man but in these early comics here in this third volume of his original run he doesn't really know what he's doing he doesn't really have any official training and that's really what he was told by nick fury when nick fury sanctioned him as being spider-man he's like you're on your own to figure out how to be a superhero we're not going to train you right we're not going to give you like official training at least not at the moment we're not going to do any of that right like you just got to become the best version of spider-man that you can on your own and if you really are meant to be a great spider-man then you will become one if not then you'll probably suck and you'll probably end up getting killed best of luck and that was basically it [Laughter] it was kind of a dick move but you know ultimately one of the things that miles ends up doing is underestimating uh scorpion right in the sense that he's able to overcome him for a minute and where aaron wants to get his revenge on on scorpion the response of miles is no it's one thing to stop a criminal it's another to go out of your way and try to kill the guy right like that's not going to do anybody any good and and ultimately miles ends up intending to kind of walk away now scorpion wakes up scorpion attacks miles miles goes invisible he attacks scorpion again and then when miles turns his back scorpion gets away and so it's one of these things where he's constantly underestimating the villains that he faces off against but that's because he simply hasn't learned that you have to make sure that they're knocked out right like you know that's one of the things that peter kind of learned right as time went on that like as he would face off against different villains he would realize just because they look like they're knocked out doesn't mean they are right you just gotta you gotta pummel them a few extra times but you gotta you know smack them around a little bit more than you normally would and then you know then they'll be knocked out and that'll that'll basically be it you know you gotta slap him around a bit is is kind of what what peter parker would do but of course this leads to to of course you know miles morales tracking down uh trucking down scorpion going to attack him again and then using his uh his venom blast right to essentially incapacitate him this kind of venom shock ability that he has to incapacitate uh scorpion and then handing scorpion over to the cops now the response to the police officers is to initially try to arrest miles morales and that is the way his comics were earl in the early days right and it wasn't really like a racial thing it wasn't like he's wearing a black spider-man costume obviously he's black get him it wasn't necessarily like that it was this idea that they didn't know him like when peter parker first showed up on the scene in a lot of ways it was kind of a welcoming thing now a lot of that was because of the fact that it was spider-man right and nobody wants to really read comics where the world hates spider-man and then two uh because it was kind of the launch of the ultimate universe right so it was designed to be kind of a celebratory run you know this this kind of celebratory inaugural run in peter now he did run into a whole bunch of problems and there were times when society was kind of like ah you know but nonetheless you know with miles morales in a lot of ways the the writing the how the cops are depicted here is designed to kind of depict the naysayers right in the sense that he's not spider-man we don't really know what's going on here but get rid of him you know he's not legit uh and so as a result of that of course he makes himself invisible and ends up taking off right ends up you know kind of going back to where aaron and them were looking to find aaron and aaron basically disappeared now the next day you end up getting miles meeting up with genki right meeting up with yankee lee the two of them kind of talking you know and he's like dude you busted like maximus right you busted uh he busted the scorpion like he's this this huge thing and then that's when he starts talking to uh to his uncle aaron and his uncle aaron's like he's like where'd you go he's like i'm gonna go get some rest are you okay and you know it's like okay like we're just getting started right like we're gonna get back to this again and and miles initial idea is no like i don't want to be involved in this right and that's when aaron kind of breaks out that that blackmail card in the sense of like i want to like then maybe i should hit up your dad right maybe i should tell your dad what's going on now that's a little bit of backstory that we haven't really explained yet the idea was that aaron of course has kind of always been a criminal his whole life uh it started out with him just kind of getting into mischief when he was younger and then graduating into you know more more intense and and uh more not really violent uh but more serious crimes the father of miles was involved in that to a degree but eventually went his own separate way right he kind of went you know basically went on the right path kind of corrected himself and got himself into a better place the result of this is that uh the father miles does not like aaron and he does not want aaron to have any involvement in mile's life and he's made that clear to miles right like do not spend time with your uncle he's a bad guy right like he's a criminal like if you follow him like he will get you into trouble he doesn't care about anybody he doesn't care about anything if he can if he leads you to believe that he cares about you it's because he's duping you right like he's using you for his own ends and so that's one of the things that kind of went on here is that miles knew he wasn't really supposed to be spending time with aaron but he has been anyway the other part of this is that miles parents don't know anything about his powers right they don't know that he's spider-man and so he's kind of trying to keep this secret from them now it's one of these things where aaron knows this and then uses it against him and says i mean we can we can go in there right now right when miles meets him later on he's like we can go in there right now and i can just tell them everything that's going on miles responses no fine like i'll meet with you the same place as last time and so when the two of them end up meeting up together miles shows up and says this is not gonna happen you're like i'll tell my parents if i need to but here's what's gonna go on you're gonna leave town right like you are really a bad person you're every bit as bad as my dad said you were right like you really don't care about anybody but yourself like you don't come near me you don't come near my parents right now this was important for miles this was a hugely important moment for miles morales and the reason why is because for his character the way he was originally written he wasn't necessarily a people pleaser but he had this desire to connect with his uncle aaron and the fact that he was able to connect to a degree even when he was younger and he spent time with him knowing that he wasn't necessarily supposed to you know in this moment right now spending time with his uncle aaron and trying to to get to you know get to know him on a more personal level is compounded and made difficult by the fact that aaron really is a bad guy and so coming to him with miles morales being largely a a character who lacked a lot of confidence in himself right he locked confidence in himself what he was capable of and what he could achieve to in turn come along and to go against someone somebody like the prowler who despite not having the powers of spider-man is wildly capable of going toe-to-toe with one uh is you know he's basically saying like you're gonna leave here right like you're gonna leave this town you're never gonna talk to me or my parents again you know and and it's it's one of these things where where power is like fine like if you want to play with the big boys then you got to be ready and then he in turn attacks miles morales and this is not easy fight for miles right using a combination of all of his gadgetry his sonics all those things at his disposal he's able to kind of get the get the upper hand on miles but one of the important things here is that miles starts to gain more confidence in his abilities and begins to use his powers in the way that he's supposed to right making himself invisible using you know using a sneak attack using subtlety different things like that and that's one of the important things to understand is that when it comes to someone like miles what he lacks an experience he makes up for in powers that peter parker simply just didn't have peter parker did not have a venom blast he could not make himself invisible right and so you know with with miles the fact that he's still learning how to fight this actually bends itself to his favor right instead of being something that can just enhance his existing abilities it can help him compensate for his lack of experience right making himself invisible and then coming back around again and so he's able to to kind of get the upper hand on aaron and actually ends up damaging one of his gloves right one of his power gloves and when that happens of course the fight ends up leading down into the street where basically there's almost like this massive wreck or this this city bus you know kind of topples over when aaron ends up blasting it right with his gloves and that's really when miles begins to get the bigger picture that aaron really doesn't care about anybody but himself that he really is a tried and true villain and this is also significant because one of the biggest issues that miles had is he had this desire to inherently see the good in everybody and while that's not necessarily a bad thing that kind of naivety can really cause you problems later on down the line right the belief that people are inherently good and if they end up doing bad things it's because they were in a rough spot but they want to become good people that can cost lives and that's what miles is learning here that aaron isn't a guy who was just down on his luck and ended up in a bad spot and there's a way to reach him and turn him back into a good guy he's just a bad person and the fact that he's willing to like endanger the lives of a busload of people in order to to to get the upper hand in a fight against miles morales really shows the kind of person that he is and so at that point miles morales starts cutting loose right he starts letting loose and it's just like fun like like if that's how we're gonna fight then let's fight this is gonna be a knock down dragon fight he uses his venom blast starts you know starts literally hitting aaron from every direction and getting the upper hand the problem with this is that in a split second aaron gets the upper hand on on miles and goes to attack him and seemingly does it with the intention of killing him the problem with this is the previous attack by miles that damaged his glove ends up coming home to roost when the whole thing explodes right it's like a bomb going off and when that happens it kills aaron right it looks like it kills aaron and so it's just kind of like the last little word that miles gets here from aaron is like look at that right you're just like me you don't care who you kill as long as you come out on top it's just this crushing response to miles effectively getting his uncle killed or seemingly getting his uncle killed make sure you guys hit the subscribe button if you guys are enjoying the content that we're throwing up and uh make sure you guys hit the like button if you enjoy the video and yeah let's begin okay so we are covering spider-man but here's something that i want to throw out there real quick right because i know some people are gonna ask the question rob didn't you cover this already what i covered was spider-man 2. uh here's the important thing about this right spider-man is probably one of the most important spider-man stories i'd say of the last 15 years and the reason why is because this is the story where peter parker first met miles morales right so um one of the things we've talked about here over the course of really some of the miles morales videos that we've done and a lot of the peter parker videos that we did is we kind of talked about the nature of the ultimate universe right so if you guys are familiar with this we just finished the video yesterday where we talked about that the miles morales one right so just kind of bear with me right we'll probably have some new people to the channel i know you guys kind of like to get directly into it but bear with me for a second while i kind of kind of reiterate this uh for for the people who are new here right who are new to marvel comics um in marvel you have a great big huge multiverse right technically the marvel cinematic universe is considered part of the multiverse that makes up all of marvel comics uh we know that for a couple different reasons one because it actually has a numerical designation among the marvel multiverse and two because there's comics based on it right so that kind of brings it closer in line with being part of the marvel multiverse but where you had marvel comics as it was originally launched in the 1960s right with the fantastic four number one and so on and so forth that's referred to as earth-616 right also known as the main marvel universe what we got in in the year 2000 was the creation of the ultimate universe and this was an answer to the question what would it look like if at that point in time in the year 2000 superheroes had just basically popped up right they just kind of emerged for the very first time uh what would that what would those superheroes look like how would they function how would all that stuff work uh and that's basically where you got peter parker in the ultimate universe now ultimate spider-man was exceedingly popular right it was hugely popular because in a lot of ways it was kind of an indirect reboot right marvel didn't really reboot everything with the main marvel universe spider-man they just gave us a new one and people loved it right people absolutely loved it but what you saw was a story where basically peter parker died right peter parker spider-man was killed and it might behoove us to go back and cover that event right cover cataclysm and the death of of peter parker right it might behoove us to do that just because you know we're kind of doing a lot of this stuff because the new spider-man game is coming out for the playstation uh but the idea is that when that version of peter parker died uh we ended up getting miles morales in his place and when miles morales first showed up there was a lot of naysayers there were a lot of people who were just kind of like miles morales sucks he's not really spider-man he's not really peter parker that kind of a thing because it kind of came from a couple different places a lot of fans were latched on to the idea of peter parker even when they were reading him before the ultimate universe was launched right so all they really got was just another alternate reality version of peter and they loved it a lot of people grew attached to peter parker spider-man in the ultimate universe when that was their first place to start in marvel comics but by whatever manner and whatever means a lot of people just didn't want to see things change this story is in a lot of ways kind of brian michael bendis snubbing people who were naysayers of miles morales right uh people who were just like this this character's not going to last or anything like that it was kind of been just being like no he will like he's going to be around for a long time and that's really where this comes from and i tell you that because it's important that you understand the historical context of this story as we get into it so you can understand why this story is considered to be so important with all that out of the way let us jump to the main story itself uh and so what we end up getting here is picking up in the main marvel universe or 616 with peter parker spider-man and is peter parker just kind of doing the stuff that peter parker does right like swinging around coming across some criminals some guys who are doing some things they're not supposed to do but here's the funny thing about this because of the fact that this story was written as a way to kind of tie into or kind of bring together the ultimate universe and the main marvel universe this story was written in such a way to where it was designed to treat people as if they're aware of who spider-man is but they don't really know much about him right they don't really know a whole lot about the character right so it's kind of reiterating the nature of peter parker and that's one of the things that you see in marvel comics there are certain characters out there who people know who they are right people know who iron man is now people know who spider-man is people know who wolverine is but knowing of knowing who the character is and understanding the history and the context of the character are two distinctly different things you know so a lot of people know who iron man is but i doubt they really know anything about the mandarin or i doubt they know about stories like demon in a bottle and why it's so important uh what is it the five nightmares run by matt fraction different things like that right arno stark kieran gillen's run a lot of people probably aren't really familiar with that so uh the idea is that we're just kind of giving peter parker in terms of how peter parker operates but just to say kind of amusing to himself about how much he loves new york city and the fact that new york city is kind of like a thinking breathing entity right that there are so many facets to this city you've got people who have their nose to the ground and they're just grinding day in and day out just trying to make it by you've got people who are just super high up in their ivory ivory towers you know the tony starks the reed richards who don't really have to worry about small time things right but you kind of have everybody who falls in between and there's just so many different varying types of people in the city of new york that is just so unique in that way what it also has are criminals [Laughter] there's criminals in new york city and spider-man goes to visit some and he basically wallops them one or two times shows them what for and then of course you know ends up pulling over the vehicle you know which is their getaway car and as soon as he's there he's met by the arrival of the cops right and the cops are just like take off your mask show us your face you know that kind of a thing now the truth about this is i was never really part and parcel to this kind of depiction of spider-man of peter parker and the reason why is because you have had stories over the years where jay jonah jameson and the daily bugle have kind of managed to sort of turn you know the the idea of spider-man into something where he can't really be trusted he's a menace but the the long and short of it is that over the years spider-man was largely trusted by society right you know your friendly neighborhood spider-man he was the good guy right he was largely trusted in that way there have been times where it's waxed and waned but in this instance i kind of feel like it should have been one of those things where it's like thanks spider-man you know and that's that's kind of it right now the fact that the cops show up here and he's behind the behind the wheel of a getaway car might give him a little reason to be suss right but i don't know why i say that all the time mariah started saying sus and now i say it all the time right like suss it's a weird word but anyway uh once he takes off and he kind of you know goes and does his thing he ends up fighting this building you know this kind of uh this this office building basically where the the the roof has been shattered right the glass has been shattered and he's kind of like that's a little weird now of course he ends up being drawn to that location because of a giant bright light almost kind of an explosion of sorts and of course once he gets there like the whole place kind of seems to be tarnished right and there's just this white light or this bright light emanating from it all now as he gets in there and as he starts investigating his initial thought is this energy source is a little weird now this story was released about a year after spider-man big time and for those of you guys who aren't really familiar if you ever wanted to get into spider-man i always suggest people start with big time we have that that whole series covered on my channel and big time was the start of dan slots run you had spider-man and you had mary jane who were like married and all that kind of stuff and then you got one more day then you got brand new day where marvel basically nullified it all uh because that was just so poorly received big time was kind of marvel's huge shift with peter parker right focusing on like an all-new age for peter parker spider-man uh but that's kind of a good place to start right because dan slott's run begins with that and runs all the way up through secret wars and after secret wars into clone conspiracy right so it's a it's like a 10 almost 15 year long run of spider-man it's very very lengthy but i think it's also incredibly good i think it's an amazing run on spider-man but the whole idea behind this is that uh that this takes place about a year after that now the reason why i mention that is because i'm not entirely partial partial to how this is handled by bendis right vendis is notorious for writing a character and then pretending like nothing anybody did ever happened right and it's just like the only things that matter with this character is what i'm doing here and ignoring continuity in its entirety now whether it's kind of business is always that way i'm not 100 sure i wasn't really reading vendors back when he was part of uh of event publications with jimmy palmiotti and joe casada i wasn't really reading him back then i only really got familiar with brian michael bendis once he actually came in the main marvel itself and was writing like new avengers right uh and new avengers was a wholly new thing so he could kind of get away with that uh it's something that i think maybe a result of his like his huge amount of popularity and it's kind of like i'm bendis i can do whatever in the heck i want i don't know if that's really the case or not but the reason why that matters is because during spider-man big time peter parker's intelligence had always kind of been downplayed by marvel comics right they never really kind of elevated peter parker to being on par with like reed richards or tony stark you always kind of knew he was but they never really did any of that for him instead what you end up getting here is peter parker kind of looking at this and just being like man this is weird he's like it's not it's not you know anything alien in nature uh maybe i should get a hold of like tony stark or reed richards or something like that during big time one of the big things that dan slot did was focus on the intelligence of peter parker and in being like peter parker's actually pretty daggone smart and he doesn't always need reed richards or tony stark to solve a problem on his own that was kind of solidified in a story where there was like a bomb that was going to go off and nobody else could defuse it and peter parker was the one who did right so he was kind of elevating his intelligence up and basically telling the reader base hey peter parker's not as dumb as he's being made out to be you know he's not just a spider-man right he's a super intelligent guy let's start treating him that way so not entirely partial on how this works but as he starts navigating this room he starts to realize all this stuff belongs to mysterio right all these things belong to him and that's what mysterio tries to sneak up behind peter and attack him and of course peter parker's spider-sense goes off and he basically ends up you know kind of kind of being aware that he's about to be attacked and manages to dodge out of the way now with mysterio and one thing that a lot of you guys are probably aware of after having seen spider-man far from home mysterio is a legitimate credible threat to peter parker right he's probably one of peter parker's most dangerous villains his ability to cast delusions to basically trick peter parker and his spider sense it can be pretty difficult to overcome mysterio and that's one of the reasons why you have you know peter parker kind of saying here like i've got to get this guy down as fast as i can because this guy is a real and serious threat the other part of this is that mysterio keeps rambling on about how like peter parker's ruining things and he's kind of destroying things and and so on and so forth and then he goes as far as to say like you have no idea what you're dealing with right you have no idea what i'm capable of uh i missed out when you died the first time i'm not going to miss out this time right so right off the bat our cue is that this is some kind of ability for from mysterio to actually look through into the ultimate universe where that version of peter parker died and mysterio wants to be in that universe where peter parker doesn't exist right his main nemesis the person that always foiled his plans he's just trying to find a way to escape and so what you end up getting here is is peter just kind of looking at this and saying like like what is this thing right is this some kind of a power generator or whatever this is it's weird that this is here but like i can call people they can basically break this down and take this thing apart so we don't really have to worry about it right while peter parker doesn't really know what's going on with this device he knows enough about mysterio to know it's probably not a good thing right like when super villains start doing weird things you don't understand you can usually just assume it's bad and you're not usually wrong in doing that it's a good rule of thumb to have but of course in his desperation mysterio ends up grabbing uh grabbing a handgun and firing it off and then missing peter parker and hitting his device and when that happens he's yanked through right peter is seemingly yanked through into basically the ultimate universe and this is the first time one of the reasons why this is so big this is the very very first time in the history of marvel comics that a character from the main marvel universe crossed over into the ultimate universe right this was a huge deal now the ultimate universe it exists now in marvel comics but it's nowhere near as a big deal as it was back in like the early to mid 2000s right at around the time and even really in the early 2010s when this story was written uh this is when the ultimate universe was really kind of at its prime depending on you know what you were reading there was a lot of fall off after the death of peter parker you know we can't really you know that's just an absolute thing we can't really argue that point but the death of peter parker in the ultimate universe actually made headlines right he made national news headlines and so because that there was a lot of interest in the ultimate universe and so it was really a great time to capitalize on that right to kind of give us this story but this is a big deal when this first happened and so as peter parker's there he's like okay this is weird like it's suddenly daytime uh i don't know what that great big huge building is over there that's the triskelion that great big huge tower looking thing off in the water uh you guys probably recognize the triskelion from uh captain america the winter soldier that's where this comes from that's why we say the marvel cinematic universe is a combination of the ultimate universe uh the main marvel universe in earth 98 where the heroes age in real time uh it's kind of a combination of those three things but he ends up traveling back to the building where uh where you had you know the whole um mysterious base of operations and everything popping off and uh and he basically ends up breaking into the place only to find out that it's occupied with some girl in a towel and he's like my bad it basically bails out right ends up taking off from there he actually ends up rescuing a guy who's you know kind of being uh being beat up a little bit he takes out the two of the two people who are beating this dude up and he basically says he was just playing pool and then suddenly they jumped him but the fact that he's wearing a peter parser a peter parker costume wearing a spider-man costume does not go unnoticed by this guy and he's like look i appreciate you saving me but like it's really in bad taste for you to wear that costume right now what's more so than that he's like you know we all need heroes but that was peter parker's costume and that's one of the big things to know when peter parker died and and even peter parker was spider-man his identity was known right when all that popped off his identity was known to the world people were like the world needs to know that this is the kid who tried to save everybody who died a hero that's why the death of peter parker was so massive in the ultimate universe right like imagine for example that like in the main marvel universe in marvel comics that iron man dies and it's this great big huge event that crosses over every single comic that they have right it's like the death of iron man you know the incredible hulk tie-in and the captain america tie-in and all that kind of stuff right like everything ties into just the fact that iron man died and how everybody's coping with it that's what the death of peter parker was it was just huge it was massive because spider-man had never actually been killed off in marvel comics with no intention of bringing him back right that's just never happened before right i mean movement kind of tried it with the clone saga but like that was never gonna happen uh with the ultimate universe it's the way it is peter parker's been dead you know he's like the the peter parker spiderman concept is dead and miles morales have taken it over and has been that way ever since so it was kind of a big deal it was a huge deal when it happened but this guy that the fact that this guy reveals that they know who peter parker is really throws like the main marvel universe peter parker off because his identity is something that he keeps insanely close guarded right now in the in in civil war he revealed it to the world just as kind of a proof of the fact that he trusted iron man superhero registration but of course as we saw in the aftermath of that brand new day that doctor strange came along and just magicked everybody's memory of peter parker's identity out of their heads right he's just like you magic and then nobody remembered that peter parker was spider-man and that was essentially it right that was basically it that's probably what they're going to end up doing in spider-man 3 the movie but the the whole point behind this is that this throws peter parker for a loop because he's kind of like okay that's crazy like wherever it is they're referring to me in the third person so one this guy doesn't know who i am but he knows who peter parker is so that means there was a peter parker here in this place what in the world is going on right now and so what ends up happening is he's ultimately met by the arrival of miles morales and miles morales pops up and he's just like no way right because to the eyes of miles morales this is the ultimate universe version of peter parker it's like peter parker has come back that's what kind of blew things off right that's what drive that's what makes miles morales kind of go nuts here okay so we are picking back up again with uh spider-man part two and this week we're going to kind of run through a whole bunch of spider-man related content mostly because of the fact that the new spider-man game is coming out we kind of want to be done in time for all that stuff but um and this one we pick up with part two right now again for those of you guys who are just joining us here spider-man is the first time that peter parker from the main marvel universe meets miles morales the new spider-man in the ultimate universe right this is a big deal when it first came out now we ended up having this happening by way of the fact that uh mysterio had basically managed to create some kind of interdimensional portal and the result was that when peter parker came upon it and ended up fighting mysterio peter parker ended up being thrown through it was kind of sucked through more than anything else but peter parker passed through it ended up in the ultimate universe what this does is it wakes up with mysterio in the aftermath of that now as soon as mysterio comes to his immediate response is really bro he's incredibly pissed off right because he's just like this is the worst thing now it's not like super complicated or anything that's one of the the great things about brian michael bendis when he was writing really ultimate spider-man and miles morales spider-man i always say business is better when he's writing kids or teenagers when it comes to adults he's not that good but with kids or teenagers he's amazing right so writing miles morales he was super good at it but the idea behind this is that from mysterio's perspective he does not want to run into another situation where peter parker exists that him basically stumbling across the ultimate universe was a universe where peter parker spider-man didn't really exist peter parker had never heard of mysterio and so with you know him you know really presuming that miles morales that he knew miles existed there miles could be somebody he could overcome pretty pretty quickly right because by and large when it comes to marvel comics villains from the from the main marvel universe are usually more powerful from villain than villains from the ultimate universe and even main characters themselves even somebody like the phoenix force or like thor or loki they're really powerful characters in relation to their to their ultimate universe counterparts because the ultimate universe was designed to be more toned down and realistic even in the realm of comic books if you're writing a character and really a series of stories that exist as close as you can get to the real world you probably don't want to really see these wild flights of fantasy when it comes to ridiculous level of levels of power right like the marquee of death different things like that but the whole idea here is that what you end up having is mysterio who basically kind of brings out this kind of avatar and this is basically a version of himself kind of a robotic version of himself that can go into the ultimate universe instead right because if you're mysterio you don't want to get yourself killed going into the ultimate universe you send a robot in your place and so switching over to peter and miles this is one of the interesting things here albeit a little strange and the reason why is because initially peter doesn't know what to make of miles and miles doesn't know what to make of peter right he's like what in the world's going on and peter hasn't figured out that he's in the ultimate universe because he doesn't know what the ultimate universe is he just knows he's in some other place right and seemingly picking up pretty quickly on the fact that he's in some kind of an alternate dimension and so because of this there's a you know kind of fight that starts to break out between peter and miles because peter's like okay you're freaking me out right because they keep going back and forth right peter's like what's the deal here miles is like you tell me and peter's like is it a clone thing and he's like what's a clone thing it's like you tell me it's like i thought this was some kind of nick fury test is it a nick fury test and miles is like you tell me and it's like you're just kind of going back and forth right so peter gets frustrated gets a little uh gets a little test and uh ends up attacking miles right ends up going after miles but miles for his part immediately dodges spider-man's webbing right and so from there what you end up getting is this really interesting situation where miles is able to bob and weave and duck all of spider-man's attacks and then counter proportionally now this is where things get a little wonky right this is where things get a little you know i don't know how i feel about that right because keep in mind miles has not been formally trained by anybody at shield yet right in anybody in the triskelion by nick fury or any of those guys and so he is still in a lot of ways flying by the seat of his pants and so the fact that we're kind of getting this version of miles who over his time in being spider-man is able to go toe-to-toe with peter parker who's been playing this role for a very long time and not only go toe-to-toe managed to dodge his attacks and then shock him is a little bit stunning here but no pun intended it's a little bit stunning here but the funny thing about this too is we can also kind of play into it into it from peter's perspective that peter is not fighting to like beat the crap out of miles right he's not looking to like overcome miles he's looking to kind of subdue him if anything else right probably web him up or something like that if peter were fighting miles in the same vein that he was fighting somebody like rino or like dr octopus or somebody like that the fight probably would have gone a much different way and it would have been over much much faster the reality is which way this fight would have gone depends on which character you like more that's basically what it is right if you're a fan of miles you're like of course miles could overcome peter parker if you don't believe me just ask me and i'll tell you but if you're a fan of peter parker it's the exact same thing right it's like no peter parker definitely could have gotten the upper hand on miles right i mean i know because i'm right right i mean that's kind of how we as comic book fans get we need no other evidence than our own opinion and that's basically it now the funny thing is miles actually goes to take the mask off peter which miles should know by now is kind of a no-no that's just something that you don't do and that leads to peter basically reacting you know waking up and then kicking miles off the ledge of the building right and then from there peter's like dude i think i just killed this kid i think i just did this kid in uh i do not need that on my conscience right i do not need this on my conscience now unbeknownst to him of course miles has initiated his invisibility power but nonetheless peter's just kind of like uh okay i think i killed this kid this is this is the problem we gotta find this kid right and then miles pops back up gets the upper hand on peter kicks him and then of course peter ends up kind of spinning some webbing out and then from there he shoots his webbing into mile's mask and yanks his mask off right and that's what he's kind of like all right it's time for you to come clean right like how are you spider-man what's going on here like like give me all the skinny give me all the information now the response of miles is you have to give me my mask back right like anybody out here could see that i'm spider-man and i have to keep my family and my identity protected like give me my mask back now you would expect peter to respond and say yeah i kind of understand where you're coming from that's kind of my thing too but desperate times call for desperate measures and peter needs information the problem with this is he didn't really understand why miles got the upper hand on him the first time and so he didn't really even think about the venom blast this time which miles uses channels it into the into the webbing and then takes out peter it's genius and that was one of the cool things that made miles so interesting in the early comics is when you were reading his character you could actually watch him become a biter a better spider-man as you were reading the comic and so with every single story arc that you read he was a better version of spider-man at the end of that story than he was before he started the story but it was really really cool but with regards to peter what you end up getting here is miles basically using peter's web shooters right to kind of swing them you know down to down to the ground and they kind of get them onto a roof and they get them to safety and when they collapse right he ends up taking the mask off peter and he realizes oh my god this is peter parker now for him he doesn't know this is peter from the marvel universe from the main marvel universe right he thinks it's like peter parker returned from his universe so he's like i have no idea what i do here right and that's when he kind of looks over to the triskelion and peter parker's taken to the shield headquarters right from there he meets with nick fury now most of the guys who read the ultimate universe know two things about nick fury the first one is that he was based on samuel jackson right and in fact samuel jackson actually threatened to sue marvel but they ended up letting him play the role of nick fury in the mcu so the lawsuit never happened that's why we got samuel jackson nick fury but the other thing about this is that nick fury is highly skeptical right he is a super suspicious guy and so when he starts asking questions when he starts asking him like like at least when he refers to him as peter and peter's like like do you know me and he's like i know the name you know and it's that kind of a thing he start the two of them start talking to each other and it's kind of a cool bit of a conversation here right because peter even makes reference to the fact that like i know your eye patch but it's it's one of these little these little tidbit things but when he asks him like you know are you peter parker it's like well it's not that straightforward and it's like okay well then give me give me an answer give me this one hypothetical answer that you have and peter basically reiterates his whole fight with mysterio then passing through the portal and then ending up here and all that kind of stuff and nick fury's kind of like huh okay i mean i could probably buy that story it's so far-fetched it might just be true right it's just it's one of those things so he just kind of ends up giving peter credibility here now the reality of this is that bendis does this just for the sake of keeping the story moving forward under any other comic in the ultimate universe nick fury would be like no i'm not buying that you're gonna stay in this cell until you tell me what's actually going on and he would legitimately leave him there nick free would have done that if you if you if you sat down if this happened in the ultimates and it was anybody else besides spider-man if it was ultimates or like the ultimate fantastic four or the ultimate x-men nick fury would be like no man i'm not buying that that nonsense that crazy malarkey not buying into that any of that stuff right so he would just leave him there but vendis does this for the sake of keeping the story moving forward what he ends up doing is basically handing peter over to miles and say okay it's your all's job to go do your own thing right you're all's job to get this whole thing sorted out and find out what's going on and so what peter does is by virtue of what nick fury told him the way that miles is acting that kind of thing he starts to put two and two together and so what he does is he really kind of asks the big question like tell me kid in this universe is peter parker dead right is peter parker not alive here anymore and that's what's kind of nuts is because before miles can really give him an answer and explain everything both of them are shot through the helicopter by this avatar of mysterio and in turn miles basically saves both of them and then kind of takes both guys or really takes him and the pilot down to their safety right but basically mysterio's here and starts launching his attack against uh against peter and miles so this is when we go from miles morales meeting peter parker to miles fighting peter to miles and peter teaming up all right what's going on guys this is rob and we are picking back up again with spider-man uh almost spider-man 2 with spider-man we're picking back up with miles morales and peter parker now this is kind of a three-pronged event right like the first time in the first issue they met and the second issue they fought and this one they team up so it's kind of cool a cool bit of storytelling here right but in the instance where they had initially fought each other and things had kind of popped off and they were sort of coming to coming to terms and you know with regards to this reality they're suddenly met by this this avatar of mysterio now again this is kind of the robot slash you know really just straight robot that mysterio is using he is in the main marvel universe but he's piloting this and it's moving around in the ultimate universe right and so because of that as soon as it takes down the helicopter that peter parker and miles morales were in the two of them start to team up to fight up mysterio the problem with this is that that miles morales has never really fought anybody like mysterio before and even mysterio as he exists in the main marvel universe doesn't really exist the same way in the ultimate universe to kind of give you guys some perspective of the big differences between these two things because i believe by this point doctor strange is dead um there came a point in the ultimate universe where doctor strange fought dormammu and in the main marvel universe doctor strain has fought dormammu a multitude of times and won pretty much every single time in the ultimate universe he fights him once and dies it's nuts like he's he's painfully outclassed in comparison to the power that dormammu has he kills him with a quickness and that's basically it but it happens so incredibly fast because you're talking about mysterio who still maintains his ability to create illusions despite using a kind of avatar form you end up having peter parker who picks up on what's going on now it took him a moment to realize it because he's like something weird is going on right it's a more more powerful strain of the illusion that he normally uses but what he ends up doing is conjuring all of spider-man's villains and the the things that miles morales fears the most right so basically their greatest fears between the two of them and with this happening you really only ever see the scorpion from the ultimate universe you see uncle aaron the prowler from the ultimate universe and omega red from the ultimate universe but you only really see those because those the only really the villains that miles morales has fought so far for peter parker it's it's a whole host of stuff right it's a whole host of things green goblin and dr octopus and all that stuff but that's what makes it so bonkers is because of the fact that miles doesn't really know how to navigate this now this kind of illusion that mysterio creates that's one of the big things to understand his illusions can be tangible if they're powerful enough they can be tangible and that's one of the big differences is that in the early days if i remember correctly in the early days his illusions were more or less intangible right so he could trick you into believing you were somewhere but he couldn't really make things interact with you in this instance he can and it's really kind of been that way for a number of years in marvel comics but mysterio uses his powers to quite literally have these guys attack uh miles morales and spider-man and peter parker right so it's like venom and it's carnage it's all these guys and this is incredibly dangerous because these are forces that miles isn't used to facing off against but this is one of the big differences here is that miles hasn't really faced off against mysterio before but at the same time this kind of magic doesn't necessarily see exist inside the ultimate universe now this may seem like it would naturally work against miles morales he's basically being exposed to something that he hasn't really seen before and wouldn't really know how to navigate those waters but instead of doing what peter parker seems to be doing here which is kind of overthinking it to a degree instead miles actually manages to get the upper hand and basically incapacitate mysterio temporarily you know if for no other reason than to basically take down his avatar form and then essentially destroy it right like destroy that body because miles picks up on the fact this is the reason why it's happening now again this is one of those instances in the ultimate spider-man comics where people were a little finicky they were like i mean i have a hard time believing that miles would be able to pick up on this and peter parker couldn't you're talking about two characters from two different realities who navigate waters differently they were when this when the story first came out there was one group of people who looked at this and said okay the only reason miles is able to figure this out on his own is because business is writing it and bendis is pushing miles and does it really wants him to be like the new ultimate universe spider-man and of what use would his character be if he didn't have some kind of caveat over peter parker from you know peter parker in general right even from the main marvel universe it's one of these interesting concepts one of these interesting quagmires but again you know with with regards to mysterio he's one of these villains where by all standards of measurement he would have gotten the upper hand on miles morales because what makes mysterio's uh you know his his powers so incredibly potent is he's much like mastermind or somebody like charles xavier not in so much as the powers he possesses he's just an illusionist right he doesn't really have telepathy or anything like that but much like those guys his powers can totally envelope you and convince you that you're somewhere that you're not right mysterio gets his hands on you he can convince you that you're a world away you know and and you're in you know some pirate land and you're fighting against pirates or something like that you know the whether or not you're able to actually pick up on that are two distinctly different things right creating that illusion if you're of sound mind you'll immediately know that something's off right regardless when everything kind of pops off peter parker actually ends up taking off he doesn't leave the universe he just goes to explore it and what you end up having are the ultimates who arrive here on the scene with miles morales now one of the big things that goes on here is again because these characters were designed to be a lot more toned down than the versions that we saw in the ultimate universe that tony stark doesn't really know how to navigate this this technology right like in the main marvel universe he would have picked it up right off the bat and just been like okay so here's what's going on with this instead in the ultimate universe his intelligence is a little more grounded right so it's not as though he's just wildly out there as intelligent as a story needs him to be instead it's a little more grounded here so he recognized it in so far as this an exceedingly you know advanced form of technology and that it's an avatar that's basically being used by you know this mysterio guy to control you know control this this avatar version from someplace else but in terms of being able to reverse engineer it almost instantaneously that doesn't happen here right that doesn't really take place here now for miles part of course he ends up asking nick fury where'd the other spider-man go and fewer's responses he went out there to explore things and that's the nature of this right when you're when you're someone like spider-man and you face off against mysterio and you've gone through his illusions so many times the biggest struggle he has here is trying to figure out whether any of this is real or false that's the biggest struggle he has at the moment because you got to kind of think of this from peter's perspective he was in his own universe he was facing off against mysterio found himself yanked through a portal ended up in this new reality where he's dead there's a new spider-man that took his place uh and that there's a there's a nick fury there you know who seemingly allowed the two of them to team up and then mysterio's avatar appears he ends up facing off against all of his villains even though they're illusions and then of course miles morales ends up destroying that avatar and now peter's basically exploring in his mind all of this could be the illusion and that's the truth of the thing right that's the truth of the thing here when you're facing off against mysterio this could all be illusion it's entirely possible that bendis could have ended this story and it was all just one great huge illusion created by by a mysterio and it would work it would be believable because he's done it before right that's the advancement of mysterio's illusions is that it just it screws with your head so incredibly badly but as we know peter parker is actually in the ultimate universe and so he basically starts tracking different things down right he goes to the place that would have been his apartment he ends up finding a corner store he asked them like how long has it been here she's like i don't know how long have you worked here i've worked here two years you know and he's like okay so there was never an apartment building here you know like there like there was never an apartment here and so basically he never stayed here the other thing that ends up happening after he you know beats up some guy who runs into the place and robs it is he asks her for you know for a tablet that can help him access the internet and when he does he finds an article that the spider-man in this universe really did die here and that it really that everybody really knew that he was peter parker that he was a high school student from queens and so it's one of these things where it's kind of like i really am in a universe where i'm dead the other part of that is of course she has this little necklace around her neck and of course is her way of paying respects to peter parker as spider-man and then he's like you need to tell me exactly what happened to peter parker in this universe and so what we end up doing is we basically end up picking up uh you know some period of time later with aunt may and with gwen stacy from the ultimate universe and peter parker shows up on their doorstep right like literally just shows up there and this is one of the most amazing things here it's one of the most amazing moments because this is peter parker coming to grips with gwen stacy who is still alive in this universe and aunt may and having to face the fact that in their mind he's dead and so it's kind of like wow like this is one of those things it's a hyper emotional story if you're a peter parker fan right it's kind of nuts it's peter parker re-encountering uh aunt may and gwen stacy it's kind of nuts okay we're picking back up again with uh spider-man which is the conclusion of the story where peter parker meets miles morales for the very very first time right peter parker from the main marvel universe meets the ultimate spider-man miles morales and the whole idea behind this is that we pick up with peter parker following his kind of encounter alongside uh miles with mysterio who use basically use the kind of robot version of himself to move into the ultimate universe or to travel to the ultimate universe uh peter parker has essentially traveled to meet uh the ultimate universe's version of gwen stacy and mary jane watson now keep in mind the last time they saw spider-man it was their version of peter parker and he died and largely there was just kind of the grieving process that went into it now one of the things that we talked about in the early miles morales comics that we did is that there did come a point when miles took on the spider-man costume and was met by aunt may and and gwen stacy and they were kind of like look if you're gonna do this understand that you're living up to a legacy much bigger than yourself right you don't just simply put on the spider-man costume and do your thing you're living up to the legacy that my nephew created uh and you stand for everything he stood for so this is not a thing to take lightly right so it was kind of initially they were against it but it's one of these things we're just kind of like okay you know we can sort of get on board once they realize the character of miles morales and what he had to offer but the problem with this is that when peter shows up he's wearing the original spider-man costume and as soon as aunt may sees this she gets pissed right because he basically showed his face and her thought is as some kind of a some kind of a joke right gwen stacy shows up and starts kicking the crap out of out of peter parker thinking that he's pulling a stunt too and it's not until miles shows up and says no no no it's really actually peter right it's not somebody pulling a pulling a trick or something like that not somebody being a jerk i don't really know of a reasonable human being that would show up on the doorstep of a woman and like basically two chicks who lost somebody close to them dressed as that person right i mean if somebody were to do that i would wholly like i would stand by and just watch them get the crap kicked out of them i'd record it and then just be like yeah man this guy kind of had it coming like that'd be my response i'd be like yeah man like they were kind of a dick they sort of had this comment right nobody do anything let them get their just desserts but uh this is actually peter right this is actually peter parker here and when miles comes to his rescue that's when aunt may and gwen stacy basically start to listen right and peter's initial response is like like i thought initially i died i thought something happened like i didn't really know what was going on how i ended up here you know i've only recently been putting the pieces together i never should have come here right i never should have come here to this place you know i'm sorry i did this to you and then basically aunt may passes out right now at that point we switch over to the ultimate universe tony stark and nick fury right now nick fury we've talked about before ultimate universe iron man we've never really had a big discussion about one of the big things to understand here is that ultimate iron man when he first showed up was designed to be a more grounded version of tony stark from the main rover universe right so not as intelligent because even tony in the main marvel universe his intelligence even for the realm of comics borderline's questionable right like how could a person possibly be that smart this version of tony is really smart but he is a version of intelligence we would expect to see here in the real world right hence the nature of the ultimate universe kind of reflection of the real world the way it exists now and so he's not really able to pick up or really figure out what mysterio what's what's going on with mysterio's character right how to reverse engineer the circuitry where the signals coming from any all that kind of stuff the the reality of this is there's an infinite number of universes out there right and tony just doesn't have the ability to trace his signal back to its origin point now if this were in the main marvel universe the main marvel tony stark would have figured it out like that but he would have figured it out so fast because it's what the story called for but the idea of the ultimate universe was to write more realistic stories right and really if you're talking about an infinite number of universes there really wouldn't be a way to trace the signal all the way back to its origin point because it's not like it's a rope that leaves from the main marble universe and all they have to do is just follow the breadcrumbs to get to its location it doesn't really work that way at least not for for anybody here and so at the end of the day tony doesn't really have any answers here he's like the only way for me to really get some answers is to talk to that alternate reality version of spider-man to talk to peter parker it's the only way for me to really figure out what it is that's going on here now the funny comment he makes is i'm surprised that you let miles morales run around with peter parker right i figured he would have cracked him over the head thrown him into a hole uh and basically grabbed like the the main peter and done the same thing right kind of you know kept miles morales under wraps so that he wouldn't really have any idea what's going on and then basically took peter and and just kind of locked him up but the idea behind this is that fury really feels a bit of you know regret when it comes to peter right peter was never properly trained to become a superhero he was never properly trained he was never really inducted the way that he was supposed to be he was just kind of allowed to do his thing and that led to his eventual death and nick fury felt a lot of responsibility for that that's why when you go and you read cataclysm there's a lot of focus put on nick fury and the guilt he feels for the death of peter parker because when he could have trained him or he could have helped him to become a better hero he didn't instead it was just kind of him doing his thing and so with that guilt in mind along with promises that he made it's kind of like we're just gonna let them work it out together right which is actually the right move the best move for nick fury to make is is really for peter on meg when stacy to all kind of come to terms with this on their own and so once ame wakes up you basically have peter like telling stories you know to to miles into gwen stacy them sharing stories with him that kind of a thing and kind of going back and forth right and peter's coming to this realization there's massive differences between this reality and the one that he's from now we as the reader know that one of the funny things that goes on is gwen stacy kind of starts poking and prodding and it's like is there a version of me in your universe and peter's like yeah but she's a little bit older than you are you know she's about my age and she's like well i mean you know like are you dating her and peter's like i mean not really like i'm basically dating mary jane watson right which is what gwen stacy calls and then as soon as as soon as this kind of explanation goes on that mary jane is like a supermodel which she's not in the ultimate universe right she's just like a nerdy girl when it's like she's a supermodel and all that kind of stuff like when stacy's kind of shocked to find out that like mary jane watson is this hugely popular world-renowned model and it's kind of like wow that's a little crazy but when she starts asking uh what about me right like what am i then like what's going on with me peter's like we we should we should probably talk about something else i don't have the heart to tell you that the green goblin threw you off a bridge and i shot my my webbing at your foot and broke your neck in the process uh because that's basically what happened i don't care what anybody says she was not dead before spider-man got there i don't care what anybody says but uh you know it's it's kind of an interesting thing because it's like there are parts of his reality he doesn't really want to divulge because who knows how gwen stacy would react if it was like well you're dead and i'm the reason why then it's kind of like get out of this house right you know i don't want you here but it's really kind of new to her to learn it really fascinating for her to learn that there's whole other worlds and dimensions out there now for her part aunt may is a lot more reserved here why she's not nearly as excited as gwen stacy is you know she's kind of breaking bracing herself with the idea that it's not actually peter parker that's like well we don't really know if it's peter parker we don't really know if it's him right we don't know that's the case it could be somebody else pretending to be him now and in fact like it really is him we know that miles morales believes that gwen stacy believes it but aunt mae's doing this because in her heart of hearts if she gives in to this and then it turns out to be false she'd lose it right like it would just be the most crushing experience because for her when she kind of asked peter you know what led you to be to become this person right when he kind of starts talking to her about like uncle ben uncle ben's the reason why he does this that okaben of course is dead in his reality but the fact that he could have saved uncle ben and he didn't is the reason why he became a superhero the way that he did and the idea that he could he could basically help other people and in a lot of ways a tone for his past mistake he basically runs off the statement with great power and then she finishes it comes great responsibility now it should be must come great responsibility the fact that this is a lesson that peter was taught by uncle ben tells aunt may everything she needs to know that it really is him and that's what she kind of gives herself over and says we thought like like we lost you right we lost you and we didn't even get to say goodbye and that's the important thing here right that's the important thing to understand that's why aunt may kept herself reserved in this part right because if she had said like okay yeah you're probably peter and let her whole self believe it and then it turned out to just be some alternate reality version of peter who was evil or something like that but wasn't like the this alternate reality counterpart to the one that she knew which is to say a good guy who fights a good fight and does what heroes do then it would have broken her in her entirety right like the the inability of her to say goodbye the chance that she the fact that she never got to tell peter that she was proud of him that she loved him right to never say like to never be able to say i'm sorry or any of that stuff right to basically like confess or to to kind of get to say her last goodbyes to him is something that's always haunted her having peter here this alternate reality version of peter even though she knows it's not her actual nephew she knows it's not that peter parker from the the ultimate universe gives her a chance to effectively say goodbye right to say her goodbyes and and you know indirectly say it to peter parker from ultimate universe to give her closure it's basically what this does something that she's never had this entire time and so miles morales looking out the window realizes uh okay shields on their way we need to go right because shield is a lot more seedy in the ultimate universe that they are in the main marvel universe in the main marvel universe they're still kind of jerks but like they're more inclined to work with you than against you and the ultimate universe they're like a like a like a police force almost right i mean not specifically but in terms of like how they function right like they do their thing and all there are just people who stand in the way is basically all that it is but of course peter ends up saying goodbye to uh to everybody here and then of course he ends up getting in the car with uh nick fury miles morales and it's kind of a funny thing because nick fury asks like is there a nick fury where you come from and he's like yeah but he's kind of a white guy and then like nick fury's like sorry to hear that man which is kind of a funny thing but again it gives aunt mae the closure she needs and that's why when the story came out it was so huge it was wrapping up all these plot threads right all these little things that have been left hanging and the reality is that if anybody but brian michael bendis had taken this over we probably would have never seen this right but bendis started off with the ultimate spider-man he originally created it it makes sense that he would basically end it here and kind of continue things on with miles and that's why spider-man is so important it's one part wrapping up plot threads that vendors never got to wrap up after the death of peter parker in the ultimate universe in the cataclysm story and it was a way to kind of officially transition into miles and we'll find more you'll find out more why that's the case when we get once we get to the end of this but when he when he really meets with you know tony stark he's kind of like okay so there's a few differences here like one the tony stark in my universe stopped drinking a while ago which nick fury loves and two it's obvious this guy's not as smart and so with with tony kind of being like look like i need to know where his home is i need to know where your universe is uh when peter starts to point him in that direction then it turns into okay then we could at the very least figure out how to get you back right we could figure we could figure out how to reverse engineer this stuff now make no mistake tony stark's not doing this out of the goodness of his heart tony stark's doing this one part because he was directed by nick fury but two because he can get something out of it right i mean this is a level of technology that tony just doesn't have access to being able to attain this technology and use it for his own ends it's a huge benefit right it's something that he desperately wants here and so once once they're basically looking at the broadcast that mysterio has been putting out you know over the internet you know all day long and for how many days he's been here miles picks up on the fact that one of these buildings is actually in brooklyn right he's like one of these buildings in brooklyn i'm familiar with it and so they know exactly where it is mysterio is operating out of right they know his base of operations once they locate that nick fury calls in everyone and when i say everyone i mean an entire shield strike team alongside spider-man and alongside the ultimate thor what's going on guys this is rob and we are picking back up again with the conclusion of spider-man yes we are we are wrapping up the spider-man event uh and this is probably the single most important part of the story not necessarily because of what's happened so far but because of the future of miles morales so what we end up doing here is we initially pick up with mysterio and mysterio is suffering from the same problem that every super villain suffers from stupidity so the idea behind this with mysterio so the idea behind this with mysterio is that he comes to the realization that he actually unintentionally defeated spider-man that with spider-man being whisked off into this other dimension where peter parker in that reality is dead that it leaves no spider-man in this universe right in the main marvel universe there is no peter parker here right he's off in the ultimate universe somewhere and it was something that mysterio had not really thought of before and now he realizes it like man dude okay like i actually defeated spider-man but then the question becomes why isn't it enough right like why is it not enough he's like i have to see it right i have to see him suffer and die i'll just take a peek for myself just for one moment now this is brian michael bendis being brian michael bendis if it were me writing the story it would be like oh man dude i won cool the end and that would be it right it would be mysterio realizing he basically got the upper hand on peter parker and there's no no more spider-man here such as it is then just wanted to tell the story and so so basically mysterio comes to the realization that he wants to actually see spider-man suffer and die and so he reopens he basically reactivates the portal and takes a peek inside only for webbing to come flying out and the big should basically attach itself to him and then of course you have peter parker you have miles morales and the ultimate team who's there right the ultimate avengers who were all there and it's kind of like well crap right like well damn like that's that's basically it right like okay i mean who could have possibly seen that coming the cool thing about this though is that one thing to understand with mysterio is he's usually always got an ace up his sleeve and that's one of the things that makes him so dangerous right and so where you have nick fury you've got the rest of the guys who are kind of like cool the day saved keep in mind they're not used to the kind of villains you have in the main marvel universe where somehow they always have some kind of an escape plan or something like that remember the main marvel universe is a lot less realistic than the ultimate universe was and so mysterio immediately types away and just starts releasing a whole host of these chemicals and sets off an explosion and when that happens basically everybody here like iron man nick fury miles morales all these various guys are met by what are essentially their worst nightmares right it's literally what they're exposed to using the power of mysterio he exposes all of them to their worst nightmares right so you've got all the ultimates who are dead at the hands of tony stark which of course is definitely an allusion to what we saw in the marvel cinematic universe you've got nick fury who's watching the world on fire watching the world burn green goblin has killed aunt may in the eye in front of i'm sorry really dr octopus and green goblin have killed aunt may in front of spider-man and then you've got the prowler who killed miles morales mother and father and so because of that where everybody else is kind of succumbing to this miles sort of succumbs to it a little bit but then manages to get the upper hand on it even if only for a moment and when that happens he realizes mysterio's making a break for the portal and he tackles mysterio now by all standards of measurement miles should have should have been 100 incapacitated here and again that's kind of the critique of bendis right venice is just well of course miles morales has to be on top he's the guy that i'm riding right now he's the main spider-man we can't have him lose right so it's kind of like okay you know it's sort of you just kind of go with it in this story right it's just kind of the way that bendis does it but where you end up having mysterio who of course uses powers on miles yet again he almost gets the upper hand miles dodges the attack goes invisible and the mysterio trying to figure out what happens ends up being attacked by miles again now again this has kind of been just basically saying like this is how capable miles is now the reality of this is that while this was kind of i wouldn't say far fetched but kind of like what in the world's going on here you know back in the day in this day and age it's common practice and it kind of makes sense i think that with this story and and miles being able to overcome mysterio so fast despite mysterio's abilities was really more of just bendis wanting to tell the story as opposed to just kind of letting it play out organically in reality having somebody like mysterio was probably not the best vet they probably should have been somebody more like dr octopus because mysterio's powers are not limited to just some kind of tentacles attached to his back that go after you then he messes with your mind he messes with your head and so there isn't really a whole lot of reason to believe that miles would somehow be able to overcome this so quickly right if you're trying to maintain that kind of comic book lore that we're used to and kind of maintain consistency then you know it's something you would kind of expect but with uh peter parker able to overcome it as well alongside miles they take out mysterio pretty quickly right he's defeated pretty fast and so from that point what they end up doing is actually keeping mysterio inside the ultimate universe and the reason why is because mysterio now knows that peter parker's spider-man and so it kind of creates this situation where peter's like okay cool yeah man hold on to him i appreciate it guys thanks for looking out it's kind of the shady thing to do but this is really the most important moment that comes out of this right which is why we kind of more or less ham-fisted our way through this there's a point where peter and miles are talking and peter basically thanks him for keeping the legacy of spider-man going and when miles asks him like does that mean that i have your blessing peter's like absolutely this was brian michael bendis giving a big middle finger to the naysayers and we talked about that before that when miles first showed up there were a lot of people who were really pissy about the fact that peter parker and the ultimate universe had been killed and they wanted they didn't want miles they wanted peter parker the response of bendis is you already have peter parker you've had him for like 50 years right you've had peter parker for a long long time you need to get over yourselves right it's time for a new spider-man it's time to kind of continue on this story focusing on somebody else we can't do that in the main marvel universe because peter parker is etched in stone forevermore the spider-man in the main marvel universe we can't change that marvel editorial won't let me change it and even if i wanted to it'd be a terrible idea to do it anyway but in the ultimate universe i created this character then just giveth bendis take it and take it away and that's kind of his that's kind of his stance on that and so when you had a lot of people who were giving him flack and really complaining a lot on the the various form boards and social media different things like that about miles morales taking over the role of spider-man in the ultimate universe this was really been to saying no he's not going anywhere right if what you expected me to do was to basically give in acquiesce and admit defeat and say hey you know you you 50 comic book fans who sound like 5 million obviously you guys don't like miles morales so let me just get rid of him and bring back peter parker if that's what you were expecting then i'm sorry you're gravely mistaken that's not what's going to happen and so we ended up just getting miles more alice going forward and so it's one of these things where with with miles kind of getting the official blessing of peter parker that you have this moment where nick fury kind of pulls him aside and says you got his blessing man like you earned it kid right if that spider-man the real true spider-man gives you his blessing then you're good right just go forward and do your superhero thing so it's really not anymore nick fury kind of questioning miles anymore kind of looking at him with a skewed eye or really the only eye he can look at him at uh look at him with and just kind of you know this is one his one good eye kind of looking at him with a skewed eye and then just kind of being like is he really gonna be a good spider-man at this point you know he kind of goes forward with a whole new level of confidence that he didn't really have before and that's kind of a cool thing because what you do is you switch over to peter parker himself back home right back in his own apartment he's like miles morales miles morales i wonder if we have a miles morales in the main marvel universe and then it ends now of course we know as far as i'm aware that's not true in in marvel comics right this story was told like eight years ago so we know that's not really true at the time this was written everybody wanted to know if it was true or not it was like the biggest biggest cliffhanger of like a decade right like i wonder if it's real i wonder if they really do have a miles more house in the main marvel universe and it's like i wonder what's gonna happen with that right it's kind of crazy but it is a cool story let me know what you guys think down in the comment section did you guys enjoy spiderman the very first story the very first time where peter parker and miles morales meet one another let me know what you guys think i'm kind of curious what your all stance is but with that being said guys we're gonna bring this video to an end if you are new here to comments explain make sure you guys hit the sub button to become part of the rob core if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you drop a like and i will catch you all later [Music] peace [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] do you
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 334,349
Rating: 4.8868799 out of 5
Keywords: comics explained, comicsexplained, marvel explained, fluidic beats, comics, comic books, marvel, dc, infinity gauntlet, world breaker hulk, crisis on infinite earths, comic explained, infinity war, the batman who laughs, doomsday clock, Miles Morales, Spider-Man, Spider-Men, Peter Parker, Compilation, Full Story, THanos, Captain AMerica, Iron Man, The Ultimates, Nick Fury, Avengers, Gwen Stacy, Crossover, PS5, Mysterio, Spiderverse, Into The Spiderverse, Prowler, Origin
Id: TG6ig5lqF6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 28sec (6388 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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