The day when 310 Pilot made a nicer landing than I did

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today's flight is to bowling brook cloud international airport it's pretty small field uh southwest of chicago there is a breakfast today that the pilots of america forum are participants local participants from the midwest area of pilots of america have organized here's the flight [Music] brakes are set beacon is on gas lock is removed car flips open trim sticks up uh landing is switches down circuit breakers are in avionics autopilot all converted to the crank freeze seats you get secured propeller throttle mixture rich brakes assets did not refuel we got almost 60 gallons of fuel on board priming looking for fuel pressure [Music] clip up quick database update on the gps and then we'll be good to go started the engine on the right tank we're going left that is the fullest tank that's the tank i'll take off from clear the left clear to the right rapids information hotel one three five two zulu wind calm visibility eight ceiling 8500 overcast temperature minus three dew point minus three altimeter three zero three two visual protein use landing runway two seven hazardous weather information for iowa and surrounding states available on flight service frequencies advisor nurse contact you have information hotel so you know it's clearance good morning vanessa 7 0 tango bravo with information hotel ifr 2 1 charlie 5 that's bowling brook cloud ready to copy my name's a 7-0 tango bravo cedar rapids clearance i've got a full route clearance for the advisory committee uh raise a coffee but it's a 7-0 tango bravo clear to the one charlie 5 airport via the victor 156. then direct moline vor direct the victor 8 direct juliet vor then is filed maintain 5 000 expect seven thousand one zero minutes after departure frequency one one niner point seven and squawk four three six six finance uh seventy or ten were cleared to the one charlie five airport via victor 156 moline victor eight juliet then his final climb maintain 5 000 expect 7 000 wonder minutes after 1.9.7 squad 4366. zero tango bravo read back correct uh ground bonanza seventh year tango bravo west ramp with uh hotel uh ready for taxi full length two seven please bonanza seven zero tango bravo uh runway two seven taxi via alpha across from a one to three at alpha two seven v alpha cross one three at alpha but answers your take a problem clear to the right clear the left left turn on alpha and exactly at 300 the ramp is uncontrolled so once you get word back from signature you can just maneuver that way as uh as directed all right we spent all their time with the old ups ramp with a new ups trap but uh i guess we're caught up now that works just let me know if it's the new ups rambling get you going all right we're approaching one three i'm cleared across it's clear on the left and clear on the right i'll turn my lights on for recognition approaching runway one three three one entered runway one three three one lights off oil temperature hasn't quite reached the uh green area yet needs to be at 100 degrees or higher i will take care of that during the run-up all right so we got a flight plan uh victor 156 to moline that starts at the cedar rapids vor and then goes via victor 156 to moline and then from there go on victor eight joliet and then two one charlie oops probably five um i doubt we'll actually fly the whole thing what i'm gonna do next is activate the lake from cedar rapids vor to the first waypoint on that airway so that it's actually the airway that is uh activated not direct tube let's do the runner brakes i said fuel is on the fullest tank left tank as my fullest tank flight controls are free and correct mixture best power needles left ops prizes fight indications impeller instrument air all temperature pressure ammunition look good everything is in the green all right good with the engine bottle idle check pre-takeoff mixture is best power prop is high from this six up cow flaps are open uh flaps are up fuel pump is off peter heat is off door window closed transponder is on model c and lights on the runway i will make a normal takeoff runway 270 at cedar rapids uh familiar with the upward wide and long runway anything i don't feel comfortable with as i accelerate i'll just pull the power let's run way ahead and land straight ahead under 2000 feet i will not attempt to turn back to the airport and just land straight into the wind ahead of the wings control aircraft rapids information india current altimeter three zero three four all right go to tower and departure for the flight plan cedars tower bonanza seven zero tango bravo runway two seven ready for departure it is a seven zero tango bravo cedar rapids tower turn left heading two five zero runway two seven clear for takeoff left heading two five zero clear for takeoff i'll run me two seven seven zero 500 feet [Music] and take off [Music] take off power set your speed's alive temperature pressure good positive rate gear up 400 feet per minute climb rate not bad [Music] left turn hitting two five zero [Music] good morning finance seven zero tango borrow 3500 climbing five thousand financial seven zero tango bravo cedar rapids departure radar contact climb and maintain seven thousand turn left heading one eight zero climb maintain seven thousand turn left heading one eight zero banana seven zero two problem [Music] what ends up zero tango bravo turn left heading one zero zero join the victor 156 album left heading one zero zero to join victor one fifty six with nancy seven's gonna take a bravo if at any time direct wine that intersection is possible that's whiskey yankee november echo tango i would appreciate it can you give me that intersection again please yes sir it's a whiskey yankee november echo tango it's west of the chicago air space on victor 8. it's on my route [Music] for roger okay heading 100 to intercept this airway here and because i've climbed i've gotten richer in uh less dense air i need to reduce the fuel five thick one delta external one zero vector one way two seven one six zero a few degrees more or less there's right there roughly 1300 is my target for mixture setting in the climb [Music] and my next frequency is already set for my last flight quad city approach one two five nine or five all right i'm approaching seven thousand leveling off here i don't wanna be late for breakfast [Music] so i'm going with 2500 rpm car flaps closed and now i know my number six cylinder is the last one to cross peak so watching the egt's here for number six [Music] okay the peak was 14.56 i'm gonna go to about 1430 as my target at 25 degrees lean of peak so minus a few it's not it's not a super exact science if you're off by a few degrees don't worry about that i got a relatively high fuel burn here of 15 gallons per hour that's because of the cold temperature you're on a colder day air is denser so i need more fuel to get to the equivalent mixture setting also i'm approaching the airway here my uh hsi coarse deviation needle is about the center [Music] i'm gonna turn the right to intercept the airway victor 156. probably see that better on the i have our chart but then hopefully i don't have to stay on this airway for too long [Music] it's always a bit of a negotiation here coming out of cedar rapids um victory to moline takes me way south of where i want to go and the idea is simply to be on the south west side of chicago when i get to the airspace but you know i don't have to start that 200 miles out ynht is is here and you're easy to see we could take that shortcut that would be uh pretty sweet and approach i'm boy 3584 inside onboard 3584 clear official production clear the visual 2-7 on western 5 84. we got to 300 contact chicago center on one three five point six save trip three five six seconds three hundred today there's a seven zero ten bravo contact quad city approach one two five point nine or five and make that request for why not with it when you get closer financial seven [Music] quantity approach good morning bonanza seven zero tango bravo level seven thousand and uh would appreciate direct winehead if possible bonanza seven zero ten bravo quad city approach good morning altimeter three zero three five and i'll have that for you in just a moment three zero three five for financial seventh you're thinking probably thank you you're welcome right this is your tango bravo clear direct wind that intersection and then uh victor eight rest of uh clearance remains unchanged finances seventh year bravo clear direct y-net then victory and rest of the route unchanged all right let's see right now destination 49 minutes i go direct winette 47 minutes skyhawk 8590 delta descended maintain thousand seven hundred it's gonna maintain two thousand seven hundred five hundred dollars forty six as i'm turning towards it so maybe save two or three minutes [Music] it's not a huge deal but you know if i can save two minutes why not all right to do this on the ipad i gotta expand uh victor eight and then i can go direct to wine end and i get the same thing here all right decent ground speed here at uh 191 i'm making a mental note the the winds are more from the north the lower i get so maybe for the way back i'm going to go lower and if the weather is nice i might go back vfr just 80 is down there below me any plane this one loves cold weather you know outside air is plus five i'm in level flight 160 well over 160 uh indicated about 180 true and the tailwind brings that up to 190 so yeah life is good and that's lean of peak alright let's look at some destination involved so i'm going to bowling brook cloud international let's get a chuckle with that name international because it's a really tiny field and it's got one runway north south 360 feet long snow weather reporting in klaus or get the weather from lewis university lot instead let's see what they have right now [Music] still saying low ifr broken at 400. um they said that earlier i have reports from a local pilot in the area who said that uh an hour ago said that things were clearing up so that may very well be gone by the time we get there but if not i'll be ready for an instrument approach a couple of approaches in cloud neither one is straight in so it's going to be the rnav bravo that i pick with a minimum if i fly it at 90 or below or 485 category a above ground 1160 msl that's one of the things i want to be prepared for the other thing if it does clear up nicely is of course a visual approach winds will be from the north so runway 3 6 is what i would expect what i can see here is for flight is showing me the ceiling so i got 100 feet that's low 300 feet uh 400 feet but to the north uh looks clear there's no ceilings reported so with wind from the northwest today there's a good chance this will all be gone by the time i get there i can see what it looks like the first ice of the season forming in places on the mississippi river gotta be honest not my favorite time of year it's too cold bonanza 7-0 tango bravo contact chicago center one two three point seven five have a great day one two three point seven five bonanza seven zero ten bravo thanks for helping have a good day too thanks chicago center good morning bonanza seven zero tango bravo level seven thousand our seven zero tango bravo chicago center o'hare also three zero two eight three zero two eight but it's a seventeen problem okay so lewis has changed now it's a flight category unknown they're no longer reporting clouds okay left turn arrow eight five is my next course guys departure good morning meridian four zero six charlie delta two thousand four thousand just off illinois valley center for six man victory or step down uh 600 victor 119.35 1935. [Music] our 7-0 tango bravo descend and maintain 6 leaving seven thousand descending six thousand financial sevens you'll take a problem [Music] okay i uh not quite knowing what to expect i think i will just plan to fly the rnav bravo approach at cloud and i can do that with the feeder from joliet or i can go straight to country um so we'll see what works for atc if i do apply the core tree i'll have to fly the hold gps will help me with that uh from courtry to cac wall final approach fix is 2300 and then um another runway let's do the full approach breaking here so i have the charger center remote i have a regular up rnf bravo one charlie five i'll leave it here go ahead it's an rna the weather from lewis university uh c-tap will be tuned and the missed approach is the climbing left-hand 2300 to the joliet vor it's called a circling approach but uh landing runway three six it will pretty much be a straight in if i can see the runway allegiant 16-11 contact chicago center one three five point six [Music] flyers nine forty eight clear direct jill's press still set and maintain one zero thousand ten thousand november zero single bravo to send in maintain five thousand giving six thousand descending five thousand when it's a seventh year thing problem all right how to approach six i can see everything is yeah i can see the dividing line here you know where i'm flying and to the south is the low sky chicago to the north and northeast though is absolutely clear baron 5858 bravo contact chicago approach one one niner point three five one one nine three five five eight five eight problem november seven zero tango bravo contact chicago approach 119.35 119.35 finance seven zero tango problem thanks for the help every day see ya see you mark chicago approach good morning bonanza seventh your tango bravo five thousand [Music] 2.2 for 3 000. approach roger expect 31 center of midway to maintain problem bravo i uh can do a visual approach at cloud of course charlie change divisor frequency approved then you want to verify you are a full stop uh affirmative full stop and we'll over advise you on more charlotte for charlie thanks i need your translation as soon as you can they get traffic and trying to get it to cloud also ifr uh we can cancel now mark where charlie tell you why you can't let yourself receive vfr frequencies change improve there is one aircraft out of two a mile and a half fine and there's another one just a mile northwest of cloud right now trying to get in there have a good day all right thank you single bravo do you want the visual approach uh [Music] off all right five minutes to a cloud [Music] percent checklist whether i know that's obtained this is good uh i just get post briefing everything good depending check will be next all right citation two six one with four and a half or five thousand left to one six okay so the floor of the class bravo overclock is 3600 once i get to 3 000 after i cancel i'll be clear of the bravo but nancy sevens you'll see a bravo would like to cancel ifr zero single barrel translation receives squad vfr freezing change approved there's one aircraft that's a piper it's a warrior he's about the mile south west of uh lewis or carson cloud trying to get in the banana says seventh year i think bravo roger i'll be looking for him uh sparked me a bar leave me a frequency thank you all right let's start reducing speed a little bit what was he romeo climb maintain one two thousand watch this out [Music] cloud traffic peninsula you think of bravo 10 miles to the southwest 3 000 will enter the pattern for a 3 6 cloud all right i'm at just under 3 thousand uh i'm good with the class bravo [Music] there is uh one a plane closer than me that will land in first that's the one for charlie arrow eight four one four charlie about four naps in the south tracking the arnold bravo and planning straight at three six wow yeah that really cleared up nicely [Music] well traffic with cessna 7771 bravo charlie is 13 miles to the left and bound for landing cloud hey kevin it's smart and let's hope we could make it yeah i just got new batteries put in and it uh it worked out how far out are you i am uh seven to the southwest i'll enter the downwind for three six i see that tango bravo on the screen there all right i'll be behind you all right see you on the ground [Music] p10 pilot all right let's get the gear down three greens [Music] pending checklist here it's down and locked we got three greens charlie it's just good well traffic 201 bravo charlie is eight west descending out of two thousand two hundred inner left downwind three six five cloud traffic bonanza zio tank bravo is uh three to the west uh two thousand seven hundred will enter the downwind for three six full start cloud ah there he is one bravo charlie cloud traffic arrow one four charlie short final runway three six clown cloud traffic bonanza is your ticket bravo is left down with 36 club [Music] gas on the fullest tank undercarriage mixture propeller all good well traffic twin 771 turning left base 3 6 club [Music] runway three six full stop club fragrance short final runway three six traffic scott knight six one eight zero uh takes into the uh three six run up area to three six hold short clown well traffic conception 771 bravo chile's turning left base 3 6 12. [Music] [Music] well traffic 2701 bravo telly's turning final 3-6 clock all right little longer than i would have liked but here we are cloud traffic bonanza zealand bravo clear of the runway taxing to parking clown flaps identified and uh and trip back six up yeah his landing was nicer and shorter than mine no traffic to a tesla bravo charge clear the active class cloud traffic skyhawk 96180 departing runway 36 to the northwest cloud there were quite a few pilots of america forum members at the breakfast at charlie's the nice restaurant right on the field at cloud we had good conversations and good food in my case my breakfast favorite eggs benedict that's it for this time thank you for watching and a special thank you as always to my supporters on patreon who so generously helped make these videos possible please hit like if you enjoyed this video and please spread the word and subscribe to the channel if you haven't yet it helps me grow the channel and make more videos see you soon in the next one [Music]
Channel: Martin Pauly
Views: 11,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bolingbrook clow, 310 pilot, 310 pilot landing, 310 pilot martin, Clow international, POA breakfast, pilots of america, breakfast, bolingbrook Illinois, airport vlog, flying vlog, pilots
Id: luJuTtOHooQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 15sec (1875 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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