IFR Approach and Landing in Madison, WI

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[Music] a special thank you to the sponsor of this video avionics source where you can buy the avionics ifly fuel was starting on the right tank and then we'll switch to the left make sure both tanks work beacon is on gas lock is removed cuff flaps are open trim is three up here's my trim wheel also have electric trim on the yoke um landing the switch is down circuit breakers are in avionics autopilot off emergency gear crank is free that's behind me is a hand crank for the gear propeller high prop throttle open mixture rich i did not add fuel you got over 60 gallons or even more than i thought no i'm priming till i get a fuel clear prop all right we've got current databases all right let's check c to the west ramp and get the eight is along the way so it alpha closed between echo and alpha niner hazardous weather information for ions around the areas available on flight surface frequencies i left the first runway 270 you survived ceiling one thousand broken one thousand seven hundred overcast temperature one niner two point one eight altimeter two nine or nine or one notice the airmen packed with alpha seven and outside alpha closed between echo and alpha niner hazardous weather information for iowans surrounding areas available on flight service frequencies ios approach runway 270 you survive on initial contact you have whiskey all right whiskey i can't quite tell where the construction begins so we'll see we need a back taxi or uh taxi on alpha maybe to the intersection of the runways yeah so one time that hole all the way three was closed okay we're going to kmsn activate flight plan 55 degrees that seems to check i assume we'll get uh heading two nine or zero on departure okay let me get the clearance here and um but then we'll be warm enough for run-up that was information whiskey right whiskey see that was clearance good morning bonanza s7 0 tango bravo information whiskey ifr to madison clearance here to the madison airport is filed maintain five thousand expect minor thousand one zero minutes after departure departure frequency one one hundred point seven squad five 3 6 7. financial seventh year tango bravo cleared to the madison airport as far climb maintain 5 000 expect 9 000 100 minutes after departure 1.9.7 squawk 5367. okay our oil is in the 90s so because we're not gonna go all the way the run up head i'll do the run up here okay on our brakes are fuel i'll switch to the left tank now make sure we get fuel from both flight controls free and correct makes extra best power needles left bgts go up rpm goes down right second picture [Music] color temperature and pressure good instrument air is good ammeter is good everything is green throttle idle shack pre-takeoff mixture is best power prop is high trim is a three up cut flaps are open flaps are up for departure in this plane pump is off pito heat will turn on three four zero clear to land or close window i'll leave open for now transponder is uh it's on the runway okay we got ground and tower here we got departure up there we're direct madison airport we're ready for taxi see that was ground bonanza seven zero tango bravo west ramp with whiskey ready for taxi we'd like to use a little more runway than alpha six here two seven from the intersection with one three woodwork or longer if possible but it will be a minute i do have the aircraft inbound runway two seven uh so runway one three at alpha taxi via alpha and all right uh runway one three at alpha attack cv alpha and hold short of runway one three finances you think a problem has a seven zero tango bravo i can also offer a runway three one departure window three four zero at seven if you'd like to uh instead of taking runway two seven take the uh intersection and backtrack down runway three one but it's a zero tango bravo um negative but i could back texting on runway 31 for a little more length but as the seven zero tango bravo roger uh you can expect a runway three one departure but still hold short runway three one at when it says you're saying bravo hold short runway 31 at alpha all right one other thing i check here is synthetic vision that's kind of my backup instrument plus i have the turn coordinator here electrically driven so we got air driven electrically driven plus this one here all right so we'll back taxi on runway three one we'll make a normal takeoff on runway three one here in cedar rapids anything we don't like to accelerate door popping open noise vibration engine indications that are not normal either of us can stay aboard and we'll pull the power and we'll roll out straight ahead if let's switch the tower here if we have a total power loss below 2000 feet indicated on the altimeter we'll just continue straight ahead into the wind you know that runway directions a lot of open fields there and as we get a little higher we'll consider our options and uh waive them for 27. wisconsin targeted 43 rapid power runway 271 340 at six clear to land ryan two seven got more folks coming in good wave and maybe she'll let me go the tower bonanza seven zero tango bravo holding short of three one here at alpha ready for back taxi zero tango bravo turn right on to runway three one at alpha back taxi is approved turn right onto runway three one for back taxi bonanza is your tango problem bravo traffic from right on f3 i will show you three one on alpha we should get 50 to 14. [Music] approaching runway zero suppose he's not gonna let us out before that next arrival so i think across the runway 2-7 on runway 3-1 runway 2-7 on runway 1-3-1 bonanza zio tango bravo roger yeah we'll taxi all the way to the end here and hold short she is expecting you to bloop around and then hold like hold short like right there is that what she was well that's how she said it i think she just wants to make sure i'm i'm going at least to the far side of two seven in my back taxi because of the landing traffic which is about three miles out now i can see him there clouds have lifted quite a bit tower bonanza seven zero tango bravo ready for departure three one financial seven zero round proceeder at the tower runway three one fly around my head and clear take off runway three one runway heading clever takeoff bonanza seven years ago problem wisconsin 3840 turn right alpha three and uh texas park could be alpha whole short runway three one and alpha all right take off power set oil temperature and pressure is good it speeds alive you feel the drag go away all right everything is working before we enter the clouds here finance the second third tango bravo contact [Music] good morning bonanza 7-0 tango bravo one thousand five hundred climbing five thousand atlantis m zero tango bravo seed wrap is departure raider contact climate and nine thousand turn right direct madison flight maintain nine a thousand right turn direct madison finances seven you'll think problem all right direct enter enter and return about the first layer already all right climb checklist here is up climb power set maintain target egt that's where i keep my number six cylinder at 1300 degrees can already lean a little bit this screen gives you a lot of data contact the quantities approach on 125.95 today these data blocks you know it scrolls up and down you can customize what is shown there for your liking i can feel the sun getting a little stronger must be reaching the the top of a layer you can actually see the sun right there you notice there's water running back on the windshield here yep that's an important observation just when you reach the top of these cumulative clouds it's usually where they have the largest water drops and where that can bite you is in the winter when you're fighting icing and you think ah just just another 500 feet and i'm out of it still have the worst of the icing coming up on those last few hundred feet there's that stratus layer so it won't be quite the blue skies that i had hoped for yeah yeah if we would have stopped here at 7 000 we would have really had no horizon would we speak of really we may not have any at 900 000 either and bumpy here this is a 7-0 tango bravo contact chicago center one three three point nine or five one three three point nine or five financial seven's your single problem have a good day thank you chicago center good morning bonanza seven zero tango bravo eight thousand five hundred climbing nine a thousand zero thing above chicago center welcome to big time or two thank you all right level up at 9 000 go to 2400 on the propeller i really like them my curtain knobs those are pretty handy almost wish my throttle had that at a time can you get those i'm sure i could get one yeah just have to order it and put it on it's so nice for fine control and we'll lean a peak i'll turn the autopilot on alright we got monticello and gliding distance here and with decent ceiling i'm going to switch to the right tank pressure remains good this checklist bottle is wide open oops uh 2400 rpm is set cold flaps have been closed and we'll lean at peak all right 14 minutes in the air we got another 35 minutes to go to madison everything is looking good the engine is happy we're doing a little over 140 indicated 168 over over the ground that's just a little bit of tail when i was expecting a little faster but what point do you start listening to their adas and stuff is that right here i don't think we can receive it yet but you know let's get the charts ready eight is this one twenty four sixty five um probably not receiving that here actually the other thing i'll do is turn in the emergency frequency when we see that one coming in we'll start listening to it but what do we know about madison ams and we know the latest reported weather 17 minutes ago was wind variable at four that doesn't allow us to make a guess for the runway yet um overcast 700 feet hopefully maybe there ain't maybe clue us in once once we listen to the 80s it will yep well that's that's all we can do at this point or one cello is now behind us pretty soon our next emergency field for a quick landing will be dubuque followed by platteville and iowa county and then there really isn't much between iowa county or anything between iowa county and madison we have middleton here just short of madison we've got some really tall towers here just south of middleton uh that will certainly reach into the clouds today so we got to be careful there for sure well this is the part of the flight where we the captain says sit back relax and enjoy the flight yeah okay now we can on occasion see the rx here each of the avadyn ifds has two radio receivers it only has one transmitter but uh i don't have it wired like this yet but you can wire it so that you can listen to both so if you only have one of them you still can listen to the adas for example julia one four five three two one seven hundred overcast temperature one minor two point one seven alpha two nine eight eight ils approaches and used to plan the julia all right if you're making juliet still light wind variable runways two one and one eight november four or five uniform delta one thousand eight hundred climbing five thousand which is bad for us because it means all back to us all the way radar contractor it's interesting this is smart dams but it's positioned at zero strange to me the uh the the way that the ammeter works is quite different from the airplane the airplane what this one shows is a charge or a discharge of the battery so if it's hovering around zero that tells us that the alternator is doing all the heavy lifting and the battery is just there as a buffer which is how it's supposed to be but if we were to see that you know dip into the red here with larger uh sustained negative numbers that would be reason for concern all right we have overflown the airport of dubuque crossing the mississippi now is well could see if there was a gap in the clouds we have 25 minutes to go to the airport but once we load an approach that might be an extra 10 minutes on top of that we have plenty of fuel i see this uh upper layer is pretty much overcast for the most part okay we're to get through that i do see openings to the ground uh we have the atis uh madison approach one three five four five will be next i'll put this in my standby i like that that was really easy to do i know on mine i could punch a couple buttons i can get into flight planning and get that but it's a lot more button pushing that when you do a different ways to do that i can just you push this and then say okay 35 45 uh or i can push the video and i can select if you want to fit for an airport end route or recent history so in this case i want airport and madison approach it is one three five four five so i'll put that in my standby i got this bird's eye view here which i'm not sure how how nice it is i got the synthetic vision view this one's pretty nice i can add the data fields to it uh it makes a really nice backup in case my instrument pressure pump or mechanical dryer fails contact most of the time i have it here it also um and then so like oh maybe we'll need the one eight a little harder to read but it makes a really nice backup you can view different parts of it the whole thing that's where i still find the ipad better so a combination of of this ifd for all the stuff that i need certified avionics for the ipad for everything else i'm sorry one three five point four five finances your thing bravo thank you have a good day madison approach good morning bonanza seven zero tango bravo level 9 000 juliet bravo madison approach expect vectors for the uh uh which approach would you like uh and they approach one eight or two one but it says seven zero tango bravo either one works but if it's a toss uh one eight will be great your single brown book in fact uh did you want an ils or an rnav uh we can take vectors to the ils when answers getting problems tech vectors ios from my one eight file approach course finances you're taking problems okay let's bring that chart up we already have it yep so that's easy uh back this to final uh let's do the setup here so i'm gonna hit procedure ils one eight um and there are really no other fixes here that i need see what the choices are yeah i'll use the vectors to final option 416 charlie mike you're cleared from the middleton airport to the point it's giving me the airport the uh radar vector space flight heading three and down from there i haven't activated it yet i'm still going directly and we need to tune the localizer 111.1 sorry 110 one now we're too far angled to see that we'll have to identify it later that should read idsc oh let's memorize that it'll show just like on yours it'll show up here in three letters once it's identified okay and then we'll set the final approach course of 185 after we transition from your direct medicine to the heading that he gives us okay for approach briefing we have the chart up for madison wisconsin for the ils one eight that's the one we're told to expect uh we have listened to the eighties we're already talking to approach uh math tower nineteen three will be next i'll select also like that from here uh actually let me do that now and then we'll get ground in there 121.9 there we go that completes our frequency center we've got approach tower and ground localizer is tuned gets you identified final approach course 185 we slew that once we um once we are off the current uh direct gps uh final approach sorry glide path night slope intercept should be at 2500. the uh decision altitude will verify with the profile 1064 is what we expect and the missed approach published is climbed to 2700 on the madison vor radio 180 so straight south to on our intersection which is just south of the airport and hold there and the gps will help us with that don't have a terminal arrival area we just have minimum safe altitude we'll get vectors to final we'll follow the altitude assignments from atc really easy on this one and once we intercept it'll be just a straight in these minimums for straight in ils 1064 that's 200 hgl we need half a mile visibility which we have plenty of from the forecast but we'll check it once we break out and confirm well my only question was so the missed approach do you load the vor now then too or would you oh i rely on the gps then we'll switch to to v-log when the time comes that's this button here you know i can turn that to v-log uh once i activate the approach the gps will do that automatically but once we go miss i just go back to gps and we can find our way to mona in this section more accurately that way okay we are 29 miles from the airport we're doing 170 knots over the ground that's pretty good tailwind tango bravo turn left heading zero four zero just trying to maintain six thousand left heading zero four zero leaving nine thousand descending six thousand financial seventeen problem i don't have a rate of descent i can control my pitch attitude and power and that's pretty much how i i descend on the autopilot you don't have an altitude plug assortment to be honest that's uh in my head okay so we no longer need to be on course to manage the airport so when they switch me from gps direct airport to headings for vectors to final that is when i go to v-log and when i slew the final approach course so 185 and right now we're not receiving it but we still have to identify it when we get to the north side of the airport i can activate the approach now inbound to rookie as far as the gps is concerned it sounds like madison is very busy today see if i can uh pull the approach from the panel here as a judgment call you know when do we start slowing down we still have quite a few miles to go to the north side of the airport that's why i haven't reduced the power yet but if you wanted to get more time to do things in a more relaxed way you know this could be a good time to reduce power a little bit well that's what i wanted to you still got 4 000 feet to lose too so i mean yeah 3 000 until the assigned altitude of 3 000. we're doing about quite 500 a minute all right the the flag just went off so we might be seeing a morse code here i'm not soon it yet sand checklist here we have the weather and norms left heading 360 overnight did complete the approach briefing we have the nav and radio setup complete except we need to identify the localizer the cabin is secure but we haven't identified idsc remember idsc here oh i would take a right turn though say it's all almost taking you in what a normal procedure turn would have done for you yeah gone the other way looks like pretty far out people are out for it being way there oh he's probably going to get sky west in before us 39 26 turn left heading zero nine or zero bravo turn right heading 0-9-0 right heading 0-9-0 but it's a stealing problem see we can raise sky west on the way in we just entered the tops there when the right tang we can stay on the right tank for landing 39 26 you're five miles from rookie turn right heading one six zero maintain three thousand dollar establishment cleared ios runway one approach surrounding one sixty three thousand square bravo you're 11 miles from rookie turn right heading one six zero maintain three thousand dollars establish the multiplier cleared ios from 918 approach 160 uh 3000 till established complete ils one eight approach finances everything problem delivery 4501 madison departure under contact climate maintain one zero thousand it's really bizarre but i would never guess we're in a right you can't tell i mean it's just crazy isn't it all right altitude hold on it's coming back on the localizer is moving this guy in 39 26 contact tower 119.3 315 45 climbing fly from here finances here tango bravo contact tower 119.3 have today tower 119.3 vanessa team bravo have a good day as well madison tower good morning bonanza 7-0 tango bravo on the ils 180. 7-0 tango bravo madison tower good morning zero 1-2-6-0-6 runway one eight cleared to land runway one eight cleveland when it's a seventeen thing problem vice club is available now okay minimum is 10.60 even heading uh sorry heading 180 and uh what was the altitude 3000 for skywatch 39 26 3000. slope intercept ears coming down heading is zero nine or zero and when you're able to say reason for going around sitting zero nine zero and uh long landing scout 3926 all right i'm slightly left slightly high correcting 3926 contact departure one two zero point one thousand two minimums two zero point one scouts three mile final runway 1a gas undercarriage mixture prop i'm still high i'm taking some power out tightly left correcting to the right we got ground but no airport oh yeah that's very typical sdf 500 all right three greens [Music] greens [Music] the center line runway lighting really helps now that i keep it what you said keep that high above your vibes left at bravo four ground point nine open it says yo tango problem all right where's bravo four way down an alpha four a bravo four yeah i'm just saying that that's that's not it entered runway zero three and i don't mess with the configuration until after we've left the runway there's time for that yeah i want to accidentally erase the gear ah there it is b4 problem four all right let's switch to ground madison ground good morning bonanza seven zero tango bravo is on bravo four request taxi to the east ramp at the 7-0 tango bravo madison ground to activia bravo charlie hold short of runway one four check see we are bravo charlie hold short of runway one four when it's a seven zero tinker bravo okay so left turn on bravo and uh after landing lights pick to beacon flips open flaps identified and up back to three up or charlie hold short of one four oh this is where we're at we're gonna write that's never boxing kilos current when two eight zero at four altimeter nine or nine or zero let's say it on that final there it just seemed like we were really and you were right on the right path you had to look higher yeah it looked looked good it just seemed like we were high first they're aiming you into like the touchdown zone right which is quite a ways down the road i you know admittedly i was about a dot high all the way in they uh didn't make the enough power reduction to descend to the glide slope we stayed a tad bit high which following a jet on the way in isn't a bad idea but something i could have done better on on this one okay so charlie is coming up it's clear on the left clear on the right still have to hold shorter one four thank you have a good day entered runway one four three two on the left clear on the right turn the lights back on this is mike three and i will turn right on mic lights off play left clear right quite a few airplanes they must have a football game yeah it could be and i see a marshaller to the right oh i get to park next to my lottery airplane she got their pilates pc12 ah [Music] you
Channel: Martin Pauly
Views: 17,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IFR flying, instrument flying, instrument flight training, IFR training, IFR flight, IFR checkride, IFR approach, IFR flying videos, N70TB, madison, Madison wi, KMSN, JetRoom, Avidyne IFD
Id: VIxh5cXW4vI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 28sec (2368 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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