Engine Upgrade - First Flight with the IO-550-B

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today is a super exciting day about five months ago I placed the order with air power that's the dealer for continental for a factory remanufactured IO 550 B to replace the old IO 520 in my bonanza and about four weeks ago I dropped off the bonanza at classic aviation in Pella to do that engine swap and a couple of other things today this bonanza with the new engine it's gonna fly for the first time waiting for Shane the owner of classic aviation to pick me up and then we'll go on a test fly together I'll be come along [Music] I'm a bit early at the airport in Cedar Rapids today chain is still on the way so I have a few minutes to enjoy the beautiful morning here on the ramp to the usual mix of flight training Airlines and business aviation Shayne picks me up in style in this beautiful Hawker which will make the flight in a very short [Music] okay not really of course he is for real landing in his retail bonanza we'll be on the way to Pella in a moment good morning Shane I'm great how are you it's an exciting day for me power Bonanza three-one-seven service year ready yeah g7 alpha three man two three one seven zero whiskey Cedar Rapids tower runway two-seven out of three turn left on courts appellate cleared for takeoff well that course cleared for takeoff three you want 7c whiskey okay we are cleared to go yeah clear on the right antlia okay - seven matches t7 twice we already love grass are this as positive rate of climb and do use my gears up climb maintain the foul come on yes I'm hoping one thing we can talk about a little bit today is the braking procedure so I've never broken in a cylinder you let alone in any form you've never had a cylinder out though Wow yeah so we're gonna follow you know so there's a there's tribal knowledge and there's internet knowledge and there's manufacturer's recommendations so we we typically try to try to stick with the people that are paying the War II veteran and a half miles would be reps so so we have I have the section on engine run in a break-in rented out of the accountant Holly yep zero maintenance manual makers like it says greater than 75 percent set a normal client power run greater than 75% for the first light so we'll do that and then we will it says what richer is that normal or full rich and we'll run it fortunately get the API so we can keep an eye on that but we'll run it pretty rich and so for flight and that and then at first they don't give you a specific time range but the subsequent flights they wanted again rich ABI that best power and sixty-five to seventy-five percent my personal experience is you know it's it's good run at 75 for for those first handful of hours it's pretty important 75 or maybe a little more and then the good thing is the manufacturers tests all process used to really really get it to break in a really good start versus you know putting a cylinder on in the field you got to work a little harder to rake it in these engines couple of one they've had a good start on that break-in already implementing uh self-learners Paulo traffic when I was a three one seven zero whiskey northeast landing [Music] okay speech at scare down so that's your almost he's turning final a fella miles per hour it's for fun on this airplane both up at the end nice job we shut down on the ramp in Pella classic aviation which is the shop FBO and flight school is family owned and run normally this will be the time when I run over to the famous Dutch bakery in town for their delicious pastries but as you can imagine today my mind is on something else alright I'm here with Shane Shane is the owner of classic Aviation the shop and FBO in Pella and we met here four weeks ago when I dropped this airplane off and at several months ago we went through the planning process and you know to me I'm an engineer but a software engineer I know nothing about wrenches and anything of that the new engine was here when I dropped off the plane yep and yet it was four weeks of work to get it in so it must not be quite as easy as I think it is open the box the box is still over there with the old engine next to it but yeah a little more than opening the box and opener net counting and swapping an engine so on your airplane we did the 550 conversion we also did the beryl d'shannon baffle kit so a lot of fitting and and and trimming and planning and then when you have the engine out it's a great time to to see things you can't see when the engine setting in there right though did some some cleaning some patching a few component changes while we were in there the engine physically is essentially the same engine 550 to 520 the outside dimensions but a lot of a lot of changes going in into place especially with the new cooling baffles it really changes the whole design of the baffle system how it matches the cowling and so a lot of time and fitting and making that work and of course you're following an STC with certain guidance tells you how to do certain things doesn't just give you the part and let you decide how to do it it gives you some good guidance so you make sure you follow that along the way and then everything you have off you know the exhaust system we pressure tested that the heat exchanger we took a good look at all the exhaust manifolds when you have that stuff off is the time to do it the the keel structure underneath and engine mounts of course isolation mount ice engine rubber mount replacement that the engine mounts and sells we did a good inspection on and found one that we ended up changing Allen you get all that done and now it's time to weight and balance flight manual supplements so there's a fair amount of time just simply in paperwork towards the end of the project is wrong and then of course the bananas are the way it's designed is not the easiest engine change in the business because the nose Bowl stays intact so the obviously the propeller comes off first and then once you get everything loose control cables wiring all that kind of stuff then the engine actually has to has to rotate out like this will tip up with the nose down then slide up about at this angle and then be lifted out and over so it's a little more it's a process you want to get right and you kind of don't want it dangling there any longer than it has to be so sounds like it was designed to float to be a joy to fly and not so much to be a joy to work on yep yep like many machines yeah yeah and of course the propeller isn't you as well yep yep hertzel scimitar when you go to a three blade you gain smoothness you gain client performance but you often sacrifice speed so do two blade design we've been able to they've been able to gain some of that speed back so this propeller versus the Macauley on my airplane was two to three knots faster by by the numbers I can justify and then so again it bolts on fairly simply but then doing it correctly obviously torque is important and then we did a full balance with our prop balancing equipment over there did a full balance on it weights are added on this unit on the back of this spinner bulkhead so no ugly weights in view yeah let's open it up and take a look alright the moment of truth you're going to notice it opens a little harder because we're still breaking in oh wow I'm still breaking in the the rubber bathyal seals yes so everything has changed so as far as the baffle so the the metal structure the metal baffles and then the silicone baffle seal are all new these are no an ordinary baffle seal they've got reinforced areas it's got webbing inside of it and just gonna take a while for those to get their form but the idea this kit is to to really tighten things up so you're controlling there's going where you want it to the cowling is designed to cool cool this air-cooled engine the cylinders have a certain design to cool more cooling area if you look at virtually any aircraft air-cooled cylinder you can see there's more cooling area in the exhaust area than there is in the intake area so you know everything is designed and engineered to to cool based on air moving through here so when you put a new baffle kit in you're really controlling that air and getting it to flow down through the way it's supposed to rather than having it leak away on gaps in the cowling and gaps at the back of the back of the engine compartment yep so that's the heavy weight back to a heavy weight starter some experimentation with lightweight starters over the years hasn't hasn't served very well and you can see all the flexible fluid lines are new some come with the engine some get replaced as we go and you can see our process is to double check the torque and then put torque striping on it so you'll see different torque stripe colors for our inspectors tighten those because we we don't want those coming loose and you can see the Bendix those are big Bendix mags 1200 series mags so that's my favorite Magneto okay for ya yeah so you gain a lot of a lot of Magneto there a lot of its in size and and and you know spark and strength so there's the help quiet Lina Pekin started aphorism yep you know ignition harness as well yep yeah so that's Continentals own ignition harness CMI you can see there so and you can see a little different there's a little different flow to this baffle system again it seals up better they actually use they take care from here up under this tunnel and run it back to the fuel pump rather than Beach took it from this side of the baffle so we're taking air from its own place and running it down to that fuel pump which is kind of a neat idea now at least the injectors from from my old engine or the exact ones these are continental balanced injectors so they're individually part numbered injectors so they should should work like the Gammy's will we'll see no way to tell until we fly a mic really no real well a way to tell until we do a true gammy lean Shack braid and you open the other side and see what we find there I love the look of the propeller is it's such a ya that's such a beautiful geometry yep that scimitar breaks pretty get on the airplane fuel pump oil filter vacuum system regulator and and filter there and then your inlet filter for the vacuum system there so there's a lot going on on this side and you work on the airplane and but not it everything changes just a little bit in locations but not a whole lot and of course all the the JPI stuff gets transferred over to the new engine so this is all JPI engine monitor wiring here and then the Tanis heater system the harness gets reused the - to pad type heaters had to be replaced or we recommend so you get a good seal you may be able to but and then all the the individual cylinder components are for the Tanis unit are reused from what you had before all right so what do we have to do before we we fly it so will we're very close so we'll we'll do a good pre-flight on the airplane and then we'll sit down and go through we have Continentals laying on the glitter shield there of Continentals guidance for engine running and break-in so we'll go through that together develop the plan and then we'll go flying alright so we are getting getting ready for our break in flight and and subsequent break-in flights of course - so so what we got here is a printout from continental standard practice maintenance manual they call it m0 now and what they did is kind of cool they took all those service letters and everything and combined them in this manual so it's it's kind of a do all covers everything you need to know so so we're I printed out the section on engine operation after cylinder replacement and or major overhaul so or we're at the end of that of course working with factory engine so so they've done the test sell stuff so that puts us at a flight track checked and break-in some debate whether it should be called brake use the word brake but that's what we're going to use so flight trick and break-in so it's going to talk to us about we don't have altitude compensating so we don't have to do there's some extra flight tests and some some readings at different altitudes we don't have to do that so so we start here talks about you know start and ground run we've done so we've done a fuel system set up on the airplane we've done set the propeller governor for rpm we've done a full propeller balance as well during those we did them all at the same time so we didn't have very many runs use the same runs for for multiple purposes so of course we've we've abided by these limitations for ground runs and temperatures and times and all that kind of stuff so then that puts us right up here to to takeoff so I think you know we got a lot of these over the years different things you know but a lot of engines broke in right over this airport so it's it's very nice to have two of us that allow you to fly the airplane we monitor and we'll we'll talk we'll do some little briefing in the airplane on what what I'll say to you if I think we have an issue we need to deal with otherwise otherwise I'll just take note and go from there so we'll make sure we have that spelled out but we're looking for a normal takeoff climbing out normally set climb power and get to cruise altitude today will probably go to 4,500 feet over the field it's a beautiful blue sky day so no weather issues with this but 4,500 feet puts us at a good altitude 4500 MSL which is sort of good altitude we can still make easily make 75% power so the main thing we're looking for is we want level flight crews 75% power with best power or richer mixture for the first hour of operation so we have the JPI to help us there but we're using this case rich a peak we're using fuel as a as a heat scavenger as it as a as a cooling device so and then second and supplicant subsequent hours will do they want us to alternate cruise power settings between 65 and 75 and again best power so and there's a little vagueness on how long that goes but we do have some some good guidance on indications that the the engine is broken and again with the test I'll run there's a lot of that has been begun for us but cylinder head temperature oil temperature those kind of things will will start to tell us that we're doing our job so again without a without an aptitude compensating fuel pump it's it's pretty simple temperatures it is it correct that the CH T's will be higher at the beginning during the break and then when they come down that's one indication that the break-in is ending absolutely so you know once the cylinders working like it it should then we're gonna have less blow by by the Rings and we're gonna have less heat so you can usually see see that change and oil temperature for the same reason less less air getting less combustion air getting by the Rings while temperature will start to drop too so Mike space has been a test cell engine we'll see a less pronounced difference it'll start out and a little bit lower already because it's some of that break-in has been done and we'll see the difference but it'll be less pronounced with a out of the box cylinder that you bolt on the airplane and go you can see a real night and day difference as it starts to come down the only other real check we need to do aside from that airframe related is the landing gear horn so beaches test is twenty-five hundred foot MSL the horn should come on at a specific manifold pressure setting so at some point in our descent we're going to try to be gentle with our power reductions and go easy on the engine but at some point in our descent we'll have the opportunity to pull that power back briefly and we'll look for a gear horn to come in 12 to 14 inches okay at that altitude the airplane does have break-in oil and it has Phillips type M which is a multi viscosity and break-in oil so we do have that end that'll be in for the first so the first toilet oil change usually 25 hours so good you mentioned the fuel system earlier do you recall what fuel flow on takeoff you said it for we always set it to the high end of the range for cooling reasons so it's just and I forget what this one is it's like 20 27 and a half out of five fifty twenty-eight it sounds painful when you think about dollars per gallon it's a limited amount of time but it's yeah it is set up right to the top end the API will tickle the read likely on that one so that's that's good for longevity yeah I don't think many people realize that but I always think of that red line as a minimum on takeoff not a maximum yeah I wish it were I wish it it labeled and and there have been a few issues now especially in turbocharged engines where you get too much fuel you can get too much fuel but obviously we have a control to take care of that we can pull the mixture back if we need to but yeah it there's there's a tendency human nature to I'm gonna hit a right in the middle right fuel flow is not one you want to hit right in the middle you want to hit it on that on the high side on the fat side so all right let's do a pre-flight and then we'll we'll go fly sounds good all right so we'll go to 4,500 feet full throttle full recha leaning at all I would just a 4,500 probably leave it forever before rich unless we really feel like it's you know we'll see as we go to do we leave the the prop at 2700 or you can okay you know if anything happens after we get em on if we can land on the runway you you know the get port around the area on the upward best so I appreciate your yep yep place that you think is suitable for an emergency landing yeah if we have anything on the ground any issues on the ground that I feel we should abort or that you feel we should abort well either one of us will just call abort three times prior to rotation and we'll and we'll just stop okay no questions asked we'll start or any reason after that we'll communicate about any issues but we'll take it to the air and below a thousand feet we won't we won't try to come back towards the airport but once we get four or five hundred feet and we'll just start a climbing turn around the airport and so we put ourselves in a better position all right I always prime till I get good indication of fuel pressure yep I assume there's no different procedure here in nope same the same time same yeah I once it hits for is good too let's see if that same process works yeah yes I saw with a model and beautiful I love it already yeah it's good did the start crank the oil pressure and I can't be in it foreground this is so much smoother than the old ones that really yeah you know one thing you've got rigid you know you get a rubber isolation bounce those are brand new now so you got much more rigid feels feels good already hello traffic Bonanza 7-0 tango Bravo is taxing from the ramp to runway one-six for departure Pella it's clear left and clear aid I'm a super Catholic now I pass above so that wrong all right I will turn into the non-existing wind today the runner run-up brakes are said fuel is on the Left Chang's the tank both tanks are at the same level flight controls are free and correct the mixture going back to best power Oh [Applause] that's left and I see the rpm and the egt indication I'm looking for propeller because as we expect we got oil pressure and fuel pressure and instrument air pressure alternator a meters good I check the idol yeah this runs much better at idle that my old one a lot of that a lot of that is fuel system set up to you so that's good to hear that's we take off the mixtures best power from this high trip we already checked it still at 3 up car flips are open that's but identified the Boeing your pump is off pitot heat is off Hulse adorn all my stuff out of the way it's up to you if you want to close it or uh yeah this doesn't eat much this is two finger opera oh wow yeah every everybody answer owner you know the rules jealously oh yeah yeah see that's that's unheard of we know we'll be open to already I see whoever's coming in on final there so wait transponder is on policy and the lights are still on from him we were taxiing earlier so put this back to six mile range there we go so we already we already briefed the takeoff I'll do a normal takeoff runway one-six anything either of us doesn't like we'll call a board and will abort on the runway no turning back under a thousand AGL well with the exception you said you know whistles all right a general yeah things are working normally we'll start the turn if if if we have a problem well we won't go back to the airport but we have literally no wind today so if we need to we can pick just whatever is in front of us that looks suitable for a landing hello traffic but answer 7co tango Bravo is departing runway one-six pale on [Music] the approach lis around me yeah so based on our ground runs I won't expect the RPM to go red but if it does it's no big deal but we'll expect the fuel flow to go Reds which is good he said 28 pounds per hour roughly I think that's about what we were shown is 28 take off all right this feels different and 2680 I got a little rpm even yeah all he cut off this issue's she's pulling lots of thrust there precious temperatures good looks good positive rate gear up additional client numbers temperatures looking Carlo left turn it works for me look oh yeah I think we're leaving a few horsepower at the table right yeah just a little bit there point it in once and see yes for a warmth day that was pretty nice acceleration they're annoying at 40 people all right so now let's shallow a little for got about 140 we got number ones getting up there a lot on this EHT which doesn't hurt during the break yeah but see if we go maybe yeah 130 140 pounds let's keep it in check that's good and nothing wrong with running it you know if we can hold close to 380 nothing wrong with that on a break-in that helps break a minute but yeah I've even seen people talk about much higher temperatures like they were 420 us albeit bobble and breaking in the in the chrome cylinder days especially if there was some advantage to that to you because you're gonna help break the cylinder at Berkeley but do you move your hand up you can feel how much air is cooling the cameras just pushing it that's events and the visors help some people think this is for through my eyes and comfort but no this is to keep the camera yeah it looks nice and cool yeah they must do a better job on the number 6 cylinder than the old babbling yeah is that what's always to it silly on our way better you can see you know one is actually standing out as a Haunter cylinder now which was never the case before they really put a lotta a lot of engineering and event system they took what Beach learn in the early eighties approved on it pulling the prop back to 2,500 now about 4,500 I was good normally I'd go a touch higher there's a few bumps down here but this way we know we get our 70 to 75% of genders so traffic 570 responsible for Amazon or Ebay how easy is it to adjust the RPM to get a little higher we could so you would know about what it was to get it where it is so we could do an eighth of a turn and get you a little more rpm if you want now in Cruz by IO 520 was always nice and smooth but you on the ground it was not as well balanced 571 open probably yeah big personal probably various factors that the Continental is definitely paying more attention to balance and they have you know they're injectors or more balance like that like the Gary's are that yeah but did they were just bounce make a difference it did come out pretty good on the balance III take a lot of lot of work to balance well we got cylinders that are nice and ISIL so each of these nice and cool cylinders nice and cool even the oil temperature is nice and cool so if you would like you could you could leave just a little bit and brick nose just clean it out a little bit you bring those cylinders these up at the 1300s instead of the 1200s or you know around 1300 so then after the first hour it could probably go up another thousand for 2,000 feet yeah yeah and I think that personally had nobody has ever really been able to explain that 65 to 75 but I think I think they did that faintly to give you that freedom you know depending on how we're doing on time but you do we you an idea the our or we look it over real good you you hop in and spend a little extra time getting Oskaloosa give yourself you know a little little more runtime on that plane yeah you know a good run over to Cedar Rapids in here really it's a time on it but you can see as close as these are it's good style that pretty good huh ready on a warm day we're showing honored oil temperature Ida I don't see your guys I don't think you're gonna see a lot of oil temperature reduction beyond that and you you could switch your chart direction or do you figure Eight's or you know get like spinning your head on the bandits up funny if you want to spin around the other way you can do that I've always used straight weight before but mostly because that's what the previous owners did and the recommendation the time was an engine that's been running on some kind of oil should just switch halfway through its life yep for this one would you would you recommend going to something different I would say 90 probably 97% of our customers are on Phillips 2050 now okay that for a long time aeroshell had a big presence but there's a lot of things about air shell that semi-synthetic won't be pissed that's that's an issue it's an issue on starter Drive just a lot of issues with it it has some some good things about it for high usage but I don't think it's a good thing I'm pretty much scared everybody away from it and the engine shops are scaring everyone away from it in a perfect world a straight way to L for appropriate temperature range is probably the best thing but I always figure we're in Iowa you know yeah we might leave if I leave Cedar Rapids when its finest and go to Florida where it's you know you know ninety degrees so I like to pumping this oil and the Phillips the prices at fact I think it's the multi this is may be lower than straight wave price now and yeah just any day of the year get busy and invariably if you run a straight way and here you're gonna change for the season what you just have to do an oil change then the season changes and they either do or don't so the engine shops we work with recommend if you're gonna use multi vist to use the Philips 2015 a lot of of recommend just using 2050 now so ok that's what I would do let me think another four or five hours then that the higher power setting then I guess after that I can experiment with Lena peak to see how well it's balanced jump you know there are those that would say wait 15 hours but I think what you're seeing here is breaking and quite quickly you know at the turbo Sears as we break them in Lina Pete from the get-go and they didn't have any significant break-in problems is that one of the local jets if that's Pella windows there oh this will be good - I don't come on for your client five six thousand eight minutes I'm gonna come through our out pretty quickly they will switch till their turns once we're on the other side village ever get one to Makena for the party and runway one-six let's turn out villains at the peddler traffic Bonanza samithy I'll take a broad was circling about the upward we have the departing idiot I will stay awake compare of you Roger I don't think we could hit that guy even if we wanted it goes pretty fast [Music] well with 50 minutes in alright we start our playing about how we want to bring it back down yep so there's again there's all kinds of tribal knowledge and thought my my theory is is obviously let's be as gentle on the airplane as we can so that what all mild heat will to bury what I like to do it you know again there's not a bunch of data that says you have to do that but let's be gentle as we can so I'll start out up here I'll pull two inches of manifold pressure off and then wait a minute and pull an inch off at a time that's kind of from the old twin Cessna world but do you have to do that now but you know it's being as gentle as we can so I'm sure it can't hurt no nobody will start doing that yeah I'd say any time weekend traffic for any road start to 23 inches for now yep anyone watching this on a DSP is wondering what the heck is wanted doing a daemon I'm guessing by now you have people that probably have a large set up they watching on a DSP regularly I posted an Instagram story in a Facebook story this morning saying this is today and you angels everyone by they're watching and you can pour another injection app and then cream we can start one thing start coming down [Music] with a nice crisp horizon out there Oh trying to figure out I'm not a farmer but there's of those brownfields early and see gist of it if you look up that way there's this tannish Brown yeah something just I think on harvest like they go to Part III one that's yeah it's not normal so the the one thing we will view is what I get well level at 2500 and we'll check that gear hormone material oh yes yeah thanks for thanks for inviting me or that I would have forgotten about that I really appreciate you coming along for this all right it's one thing to read a procedure like this on paper and a completely different thing to actually be in the place okay so how long do we wait between these steps yo-oh claim to be an expert on any we've done a lot of these and had good results [Music] the proof is the way they should have been done so under work you know after the money spent on this and the hour is that you and here you guys spent on it the last thing I want to do is damage it by it by not breaking it in right right none of us want that [Music] you can pull another inch off [Music] by mile [Music] see the wind might be we're checking the window a more time make sure they have [Music] 1/1 whether win 3-1 euro at 3:00 the government won actually if you don't mind using once there's a bit of a pothole on 3/4 that Thursday will be coming out Vic yeah no that that's fine one I was just looking you if we do we have an engine problem weird where is more open space I see flat six has three mile 12 2011 three two okay it's got only 500 through the dirty laundry to do pulled up okay so what we'll do is just gently bring the power back until we hear it sound note the manifold pressure and don't you bring it back in sore it's point 9 actually if you don't mind I'll do while you're flying yeah I'll let you handle the throttle [Music] Hanako who trusted was set aside for Georgia where the time for foolish north of wanna vote thirteen point seven thirteen eight doesn't right in range so so maybe after this dawn which it was hit up for landing or episode we're good bring me three green is confirmed Broadway is clear reroute traffic for one final one well I like this engine yeah I think you'll be happy with it I think you got a good one yeah I don't think they turn out too many limits down there but I think you did all right on this one you know people talk about continental they badmouth them on on the boards and oh no you gotta send all these cylinders into some boutique shop first and I've seen plenty of continental ribbons around all the way to over all without a filling around I think the only thing you want to think about it we don't have to do it nah we can do it when I come back to the oil changes I think I would like the RPM to be a little higher yeah it's up to you I can help tweak it if you want or that was a good flight and while Shane's crew adjusted the rpm limit I did still make a quick bakery run over to yozma in downtown Pella on the way back to Cedar Rapids I picked up my friend Steve in nearby Oskaloosa where he had dropped off his pipe with a coda for its annual inspection so the two questions which I imagined may be on your mind at this point are how much did all this cost and what is the actual performance improvement the cost question is easier to answer engine overhauls are about the most expensive part of aircraft ownership and this one was - it's the higher end of what I could have spent all added up you're looking at around eighty thousand dollars that amount bought me a factory remanufactured IO 550 B with zero hours total time a new propeller a new prop governor and what I would call the upgrade fee to switch from the 520 to the 550 which includes the DeShannon STC and baffles there's also a surcharge for returning a different engine quarry to continental for the exchange the total figure includes a long list of other smaller parts and shop labor of course the equivalent setup with the factory remanufactured IO 520 would have been around $10,000 less but really the only time to even consider an upgrade is when the engine is overhauled or replaced so it was now or never looking at performance one thing that changed is the weight and balance the new engine is lighter than the old one by about a pound but the new propeller and baffle kit add a little weight since the STC increases my maximum gross weight by 100 pounds the net change from my useful load is a nice increase of almost 90 pounds not bad the rest of the performance question is harder to answer acceleration on takeoff is better by a margin that doesn't require charts or measurements to feel it you can easily feel the increased power the STC replaces some of the performance charts in the pilot operating handbook similar to the original pages but just differently not that the true apples-to-apples comparison is difficult for cruise speed looking at just one example he had 75% power you can see the old charge for a maximum of 168 knots Julius be on a standard date Wisden you charge shows 8 knots more now is that a meaningful comparison for me probably not because once the engine is broken in I will revert to lean of peak for cruise where it takes speed penalty in exchange for better fuel economy and lower temperatures once everything settles in and I have a few longer flights with a new setup under my belt I will report back with some meaningful real-life data until then fly safe thanks for watching today and see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Martin Pauly
Views: 58,372
Rating: 4.9594593 out of 5
Keywords: bonanza, continental, IO550, IO-550, engine upgrade, d'shannon, d'shannon baffles, d'shannon STC, IO550 STC, IO550 upgrade, io-550 upgrade, io-550 STC, more power, powerful engine, hartzell, hartzell scimitar, scimitar propeller
Id: lDKNmchb-0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 41sec (2681 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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