The Day I Became An IRONMAN

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six months ago my mom was diagnosed with an advanced stage ovarian cancer well I thought she was diagnosed I thought it was speed she's gonna do her chemo she's gonna get her surgery she's gonna do chemo again and that'd be it and then next month the middle of July we do our family vacation in Ocean City Maryland but because the cancer was so aggressive after the surgery and after chemo it just kept growing back faster and faster and faster and about three weeks ago my mom went into the hospital spent some time in the ICU and her condition continued to get worse hospice with us and she passed away last week after battling ovarian cancer for six months my mom was a true warrior that's the best way to describe my mom fought until the day that she died against cancer and almost a great fun positive energetic person so I'm gonna dedicate all this hard work that I put in these next couple months for this Ironman see my mom [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ha [Music] [Music] okay so we are officially less than one day less than 24 hours out from the Ironman animal City Florida November 2nd 2019 so let's say yesterday Steph and I got here well Stefan and I got here Wednesday evening we drove from Texas with the intent of getting here a few days before the race so we got it in Wednesday night we had all day Thursday just get like acclimated settled in because I wanted to kind of recreate the conditions back home in Texas here in Florida so that like I'm just I'm feeling good I'm feeling fresh I'm comfortable like as you can see at my breakfast this morning the same exact breakfast I would eat when I was training back home in Texas however with the addition of some more carbs I'm added to today's diet in the past couple days leading up to for for like a carb load but I'll tell you I am psyched I cannot wait to be on the course tomorrow morning yeah yeah share we picked up picked up the race bags we checked in and just like the energy the atmosphere at ironman village is insane and i cannot wait to be there tomorrow morning at the starting line today is just like today's just prep it is dropping the bike off dropping the transition bags off I have to go to my final last athlete briefing this morning and then just stay off my feet and I'm preparing for the big day tomorrow so here's the 24 hours out [Music] now I'm gonna walk you through what is supporting me throughout the race what I keep in my bags what I'm not gonna show is my bike which is behind us my helmet and my nutrition that is in the water bottles okay so everything else is right here to start the race I have the Roca maverick wetsuit I have the real good try suit I have two pairs of goggles just in case something happens like maybe if a strap breaks when one or something off - to start tomorrow morning I have my swim cap provided by Ironman and then an extra swim cap like I said just in case in the morning who knows I'm preparing for worst-case scenario now in my bags itself we got the bike bag the special needs bike bag the run bag special needs run bag my bike bag I'm gonna have an off the check at the Ironman I'm not sure if I keep these in the bag door if I keep them on the bike my cycling shoes pair of socks an extra try suit they say casein happens I have two pairs of glasses I have two oakley's I have the Roca ones here and then some quick nutrition for options I have a GU I have two of these honey stingers I think they're called stingers yeah stingers and then I have two filled waters I had a chocolate peanut butter blondie and it's chocolate cereal crunch not say I'm gonna eat all this but they said options special needs bag which is gonna be halfway throughout the bike so like mild 56 I have this little envelope here which is salt tabs and advil advil or Aleve it some sort of ibuprofen and then another goo and a field bar if I need it for the run bag I have my Hoka na na rin cons I have a new pair of socks right here these are actually they're called features fe et al these socks I have the Hat I'm running in I have two of these bass performance salt packs I'm gonna carry one of these on on the run and then actually I'll probably keep one in my one of my special needs run bag I have a GU I have another hunting stinger and I have my bib my running bid with my race belt which is how I'll hold my bid on there so that is my run bag now my run special needs bag which is gonna be like a 13-mile mark for a 13.1 mile mark is nutrition-wise if i want it or i need it another honey stinger another do a field bar another envelope of this is salt tabs and ibuprofen new pair of socks in case something happens and then the other bass performance salt stick that's it so my bags I'll have on the course most of it I will need and will use by the nutrition stuff a lot I did I had an extra two the bags in case I needed something or I wanted options so that's it [Music] okay so quick update athlete meeting is complete and I have everything set up for for tomorrow as of right now what I have to do right now is drop off the bike at check-ins I have to drop off my transition bags we have good news the water temperature dropped 10 degrees overnight so as of yesterday the water temperature was not wet to legal as of this morning the water temperature is what suit LIGO so I can wear the wetsuit but if the water temperature it goes up over seventy six point one overnight then I can't wear the wetsuit I'm still have to make some minor modifications to the plan but man I'm ready I'm ready the last official training session before tomorrow morning now we're doing a short little swim here the ocean we're like eight miles away probably seven eight miles away from where we're going to start swimming tomorrow morning now tomorrow I have to be there around 5:15 and it's it's a rolling start which means you can start swimming I think it's 6:45 you can start swimming and you have until like 7:10 7:15 and so they cut you off so it's not like one two three go obviously if you're faster you're expected to start earlier if you're slower expect you to start later but your your time doesn't start until you jump in that water and you're officially kicking off at that race yourself so it's a rolling start tomorrow but I want to hop in the water a little bit and just like just feel it out for tomorrow you know I've been training in in a lake in freshwater and saltwater is a little bit different so there spend some time in the water here it's beautiful out right now like the Sun is now it's beating down it's warm the the wind has stopped so if like if this was the ideal temperature for tomorrow I would be in love this is this is perfect so hopefully today is recreated tomorrow in terms of weather yeah let's go [Music] [Laughter] okay so we are currently nine hours out most are the Ironman now the entire day it's been all over the place we were at Ironman village had the briefing dropping off with a break and then Steph's mom came in and my brother Preston and his girlfriend Val came in so it's it's been madness all day from now it's like everything calms down in the focus the distractions are gone it's just okay so that's nine hours including sleep it's just mental preparation for the morning I'm waking up around 3 a.m. to get my first meal in in preparation for stepping off for the swim around 6:45 and then from you know 3 a.m. until we leave the house at like 4:45 it's just in the zone preparing mentally for the remainder of the day I cannot wait for tomorrow I cannot wait to enter the water for the Ironman so see you guys there the 2019 Ironman Florida continues a beautiful Panama City Beach we're in the Panhandle in the northwest part of Florida and another perfect day we're off to a great start very good [Music] Phoenix - straight up first [Music] so we are 25 minutes away from starting the race I'll tell you it's a perfect day come be any more perfect the ocean is calm there's no wind right now the Sun is rising they never said we'll come in 3 a.m. I've been like I've been ready I'm ready to go so I feel prepped I feel you feel prepared right now and I'm excited to get in the water the thing is everyone's been asking me what's motivating you what's gonna keep it going what are you gonna listen to before the race like that she doesn't matter you know like you can't rely on that something this is this is a 12 plus hour race for most people myself included where your body is going to give up at some point I know that like my body my body will be out of energy at some point but it's worse it's gonna kick it out like where's my mind gonna carry you through and that's I'm [ __ ] excited for there we go first Ironman [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so a little update for you Nik had just finished the swim she was projecting for like a 120 time he actually came out of the water at 117 57 so we're ahead of schedule which is awesome onto the bike as you can see behind me he's gonna be sitting on that bike for the next 7 hours his projected time to finish bike is 349 p.m. so it's a little chilly hopefully it's warmer it's a beautiful day so we are all getting breakfast right now at the Waffle House who's killing it they got like the mad rush from the race and they're just turning tables like crazy but got a bunch of waffles of course coffee we all needed coffee desperately bad gotta warm up a little bit so so good stuff do you feel bad that you're eating waffle off by Nick's doing an Ironman he's signed up for man so we're tracking them [Music] [Applause] [Music] so it is 11:45 and you stopped at the house really quick because literally the bike of course is one mile from our house and we're like 25 minutes from the starting line so he comes all the way out here but he is doing so well he is rushing me I think he's gonna totally beat his goal I think he's at like about 56 miles on the bike so he's like almost halfway there he's closing so we're gonna cast named a little bit and then we're gonna try to find him when he's at mile marker 96 cuz he's like he's probably gonna need it to bend a little push so we're not without our signs encourage him and try to race back for the transition to get him ready for the run this is crazy it's like going by slow but going my fastest so we'll see you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] all right so we're walking right now to the half halfway point for the marathon mix that about mile eight right now starting off pretty good you know he had a good transition from the bike into the running the bike he killed I think he got 548 and now the running he's doing pretty well he was keeping it under a 10 minute mile mark so having checked it the last couple miles but we'll see how he's doing I just got to finish strong from here something that will stick with me forever and has changed the way that I live my life is an April I was visiting home and I was putting together a compilation video of people that submitted answers and I asked you all like what does embrace the suck mean to you and I'm almost watching these and my mom told me she wanted to tell me what embrace the suck means to her and she told me that every every person that goes through cancer or a life-threatening disease truly understands the meaning of embrace the suck to push past and have a positive outlook on life even though the cards they've been dealt and even when my mom was diagnosed with cancer and even when she was in hospital passing away she still was most positive person in the room she's still it lighted up and when I saw how much she was hurting but how much she was driving through I realized for the rest of my life I can't ever complain about any situation I'm ever in because it will never compare to the soccer the pain or the hurt that she experienced and that changed my life and everything had you after that the rest of my life there's there's no pain yeah the the pain that hurt that Iowa ever experienced anything physical or business or anything will never compare to what she experienced and the biggest takeaway that I took from Pascal months is I'm grateful unfortunately I found my passion for Lauren and watch my wants to tell her passion gives me the confidence to fulfill the same thing and it ever comes our way no matter how hard things get no matter how difficult and how much they saw how much matter how much they hurt to drive through it embrace it and to realize someone else is going through worse I love you mom thanks [Applause] that way not good under 12 I see that started and I finished the swim I like art I have a solid taste and I finish the bike under six really solid pace the bike I thought was stronger so your bike I was holding 24 miles per hour how it passing us passing so many people and get off the bike I felt fresh start that stuff felt good and then probably 13 miles in the run that's when I start feeling it and then at mile like 18 that's my start cramping up my goal was doing 12 and 13 hours was my time my final time was 11:28 Oh for a while now hang on what can we expect next from me I'm not exactly sure but I have like this this thing I do that I always go one step further so it's probably be one step further than Ironman so be prepared so we were back home back at the the Airbnb and ate a bunch of pizza and took a shower and I feel good so my guru my stats from the race I'm gonna make a separate video like post race recap which will break down everything like how I was feeling during the swim things that happened how I felt during the body things happen and same for the run and go to the fine details but I will tell you that I will I will credit a lot of the success of this race to sticking to the plan that Taryn and I put together from nutrition and pace and time so I stuck to that to a tee and turned out perfectly I felt good I am I'm super proud of my finish time I finished time was 11 2808 is 11 hours 28 minutes and 8 seconds and I'm reading this from the Ironman app and I know a lot of you guys followed the progress of my Ironman today through the app greatly appreciated I've got a bunch of messages so far and the support has been amazing session and say thanks first off we're gonna dive in this a little bit so out of my age group which my age group was 25 to 29 I was thirty sixth place out of a hundred and twenty one people plays by gender I was 421 out of 1866 and overall I was four hundred eighty fifth out of two thousand four hundred and fifty-two now we'll go into details of each one this swim my swim time was one hour 17 minutes 57 seconds my bike time which I'm really happy about this I was shooting for actually I was I performed better in all my events projecting it's like the swim I was hoping for like between 120 125 I got one 1757 for the bike I wanted to get around 6 hours I ended up getting 5 hours 48 minutes in 23 seconds and then for the run I wanted to be around for hours but I I was hoping to break 4 hours but my run time and being my marathon was 4 hours 4 minutes and 53 seconds so close so close I started cramping really bad towards the end and if that wouldn't have happened I think I would have broke 4 hours easily but I'm still happy with like a four hour 4 minute 53 second marathon time so those guys from the race and I'll just say this I am I am I'm happy I'm happy with the outcome I'm happy with the entire event it was fun and just like Taryn told me he was like the first 10 hours are going to be a warm-up and then you're really going to dig after that that's exactly how it was to swim was I feel like a warm-up the bike I was cruising like the bike I was moving so fast because it's such a flat course and the run first 13 miles felt good after that that's when I hit the wall but like I said I'll talk about that at the post post race recap video I do next but that is the Ironman video that was the series he ended it on the high note so I appreciate you guys for for watching for engaging all the messages you sent in over the past couple of days as I prepared to to embark on this journey this morning and Madame's happy happy with the outcome so thanks for watching thanks for following along and we'll see you and whatever I decide to do next
Channel: Nick Bare
Views: 956,399
Rating: 4.9732513 out of 5
Keywords: ironman, ironman triathlon, ironman triathlon training, triathlon, how to train for an ironman, panama city ironman, nick bare, bare performance nutrition, bpn supps, fitness, bodybuilding, nick bare military, nick bare ironman, triathlon training
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 54sec (1554 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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