How I Balance Weight Lifting and Running

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[Music] good morning and welcome to another video so this video has been highly requested on Instagram on YouTube it's how I balance my weight training my resistance training and running so I kind of break down some of the things that I do on a regular basis to balance both of those now this morning I've been up for an hour Wilke of like 5 a.m. this morning it is 6 a.m. now I'm about to go for a run I have a 7 mile run on the schedule today sometimes I will run in the morning sometimes I will run the evening like before my weight training session or sometimes it's just a run day but if I do run in the morning like today it's typically fasted 99% of the time it's fasted so I didn't eat anything yet I just drank coffee mainly so that I could go to the bathroom before going on a run because I hate going on a morning run if I didn't go to the bathroom yet it's just like it doesn't feel right so about to go on the 7 mile run we'll come back eat breakfast all that jazz and I won't get into the day and I'll break down how I balance both of resistance training and running so I'll see you guys soon solid morning run seven miles 720 minute per mile pace completed in 51 minutes 18 seconds I mean about that run there were like swarms swarms of gnats everywhere you can see all over my chest put all over my face and I cover like honestly say 200 max they're everywhere [Music] so one of the things that I do like on that last mile of my run especially if it's in the morning is I start thinking the next things I have to do with an egg that hour after I finish the run I just start prioritizing like the tasks I have to do as soon as I'm done running so that just I'm more efficient running it backs like when I was running out last miles thinking okay for lunch I have meat prepped I don't have any carbs prepped so it's not I get in the house I have to throw rice in the rice cooker hop in the shower and I can make my lunch for the day so here's lunch for the day I have this is just like some pre-made through a beef roast from that that meat we got from the local drawers town rancher a few weeks ago we actually pick up another half steer in like nine days so I have eight ounces of that and then I prepped rice this morning so I have lunch for the afternoon but it's just one way to think about it like as you're finishing up something start prioritizing and planning what you do next so you can just be efficient so that's why I run my day in my mornings [Music] so now that we're the office let's talk balancing weight training and running kind of what I'm doing right now what I plan to do and how it works for me now before we dive into this I figured it would make more sense to give some context to my current situation and a lot of you guys know this to follow my channel I am training to qualify for the Boston Marathon a sub 3 hour marathon that is my goal right now however there are no races in sight all races were canceled so when we had a race on the schedule the main priority was training to qualify for Boston sub through our marathon and lifting was secondary however now that races were canceled no races in sight I was able to bring an emphasis back on the resistance training weight training into my schedule where there's a balance of the two now once races are back on and we have a race in sight well the main priority will be training to qualify for Boston running but for the time being I can have a really nice balance of of lifting weights bodyweight workouts and running so before we dive into it I wanted to to preface that that is my current situation right now and that's how I've developed this balance [Music] so number one is prioritizing based off your goal we're gonna set like like this balance scale right here now think of it this way this is weight training this is running and endurance training now depending on how big your goal is like for me running some through our marathon I have a lot of work to do still and that's my my focus I'm gonna put a priority to running over weight training so the scales gonna look at this maybe you want to be a hybrid athlete where you're you're just proficient at both and it's sitting equal you're putting equal emphasis of priority in both maybe you still want to be able to run but your goal your main priority goal is is lifting and getting stronger and a skelux looks like this for you so you get to find what your priority of goals are and how hard that goal is based on where you are right now now I'll just talk about kind of like my situation of how I set up training like you saw today I ran this morning so I give max effort to that run [Music] and this afternoon I will be hitting the weights I'll be hitting the gym and it'll be secondary now I can give max effort to that run in the morning now how do you both in the evening I personally I always run first and then I lift so I've been getting at question a lot like what she do first well it's based on for the priority of your goals for me I only give max effort and apply max energy to that run so I place it first and now I'll go into my lifting session which is my secondary goal in terms of priorities and and personally and the reason I do that one like I said I want to give max energy to that run to I don't really like running with a pump it's just it feels uneffective and efficient to like my form and what I'm working towards so I always do the run first I left afterwards and the lift always still feels really good but I place that run first so you have to decide like what's your priority in training and where your goal is how hard those goals are and then set up your training that way so now I'm gonna break down like what a sample week might look like and this this sample week right now has 44.5 miles of running so because there's no marathon in sight right now my coach actually pulled my mileage back a little bit increase the intensity one day on talk about is auto regulating your workouts so just because something's on a schedule or your calendar for training that day you should Auto regulate workouts based off how you feel and provide an effort for that workout based off how you're recovering how you're feeling from previous workouts going into that workout so this sample right here say like Monday it's a seven mile easy run and I'll also do a core and push workout push being like chest triceps Tuesday 7 mile easy run again and when I say easy run it's like a moderate pace workout I'm not doing anything crazy for me right now it's holding like between a 720 and an 8 minute per mile pace and that would be like a core and bodyweight workout bodyweight being like dips push-ups pull-ups so some muscle ups anything just body weight wise Wednesday all from running but a full day an accessory day so like back biceps and if I want to do some core can do that in if I want there's some some shoulder accessory I can throw that in there Thursday 7 miles but interval workout so intervals maybe being like 800 meter repeats 200 meter repeats 300 meter repeats and a core and push work on again Friday seven mile easy run with a pool and accessory day Saturday six mile easy run in preparation for Sunday's longer run and I like doing a core and bodyweight workout tie it into my Saturday workout because on Sunday for a long workout I don't want to be the sore upper body that's dragging me down and then Sunday to be my longer my longer workouts this is a work I recently did ten point two five mile threshold so it was like a two-mile warm it was like a three-mile warm-up through mouth cooldown but in between there was like mile repeats at threshold and that threshold where I believe was like a six 15 minute per mile pace and that will be an off day from lifting or training in the gym so I think a sample week of what I'm currently doing the balanced resistance and running okay so about to grab a workout as you guys saw on the previous screen today is a pool and accessory day practice in core I'm gonna do one scoop of flight I'm gonna do a strawberry Kiwi flavour I'm gonna mix that with one scoop of endo pump our new release flavor sour watermelon it's a pre-workout stack right here and then during my training session I'm gonna sip on one serving of inter flight watermelon flavor so these are the workouts ups right here so let me walk you guys through tonight's workout it's gonna be four super sets the first superset we're gonna start with some core we're gonna do hanging leg raises and cable crunches superset save your new 15 hanging leg raises 10 cable crunches rest about 45 seconds in between three sets second superset pull-ups for an AMRAP as many reps as possible and then lat pull-downs for 10 reps or do that for four sets again about 45 seconds in between 45 seconds to a minute set three local okay Perot's 10 reps plus a hold on the contraction for about say 10 to 15 seconds and then superset it with neutral grip pull-ups for an AMRAP three sets of that and the fourth is gonna be three movements TRX bicep curls times 10 hammer curls times 10 and then push-ups times 25 and you do four of those total so that's the workout when I was a kid my grandmom I told me I can't go they're heavy so I stopped praying and that's it for guns and start up prepared for my machete got nothing to lose walking the edge don't fall enough for the lifetime apologize I don't understand are you for real this is the place this is grab all your people in log here and I'm waiting okay how long it's gonna take rushing away afraid that first mistake don't come amiss don't get it twisted I'm not reanima bull you were gonna use right on my headless keeping my distance checking the list I'm always aware if you come reposition not just saw what I've set a perfect condition coming up okay guys so the last set of the workout is uh Sam superset giant said if you will so it is ten bicep curl TRX bands directly into ten hammer curls pen each side directly in a twenty five push-ups it was four sets of this so one right into the other [Music] ah [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] 25 that's the workout hey hey Ron hey pups hey pups come on let's go all right guys so here is a Remi update Remy's growing ridiculously fast and she's like doubled in size since we got her a few weeks ago and Ryder is like her best friend of all time there consoling on top of each other you mean girl me good girl so we got Remy Remy's a goldendoodle and Ryder Ryder's a labradoodle Ryder's two years old and Remy's what's really a good 11 weeks now so it's Friday night home for the night home from work you know a lot of things we're working on the warehouse for now with our expansion which in the next video I'll breakdown a little bit more and show you guys like for example today we've been getting or the offices were getting painted we have all of our new desks in there our security system got installed the new expansion of the warehouse we we get internet next week so next we remove all the offices over to our new unit and into the expansion so it's gonna be pretty sweet and I'll show you guys that but I want to wrap this video with pointing out a few more things in regards to balancing training for endurance and strength and size like resistance training in the gym the one thing to point out it is scheduling like building a schedule for yourself that allows you to Train both obviously if you're gonna be training for endurance and in the gym well that might take two hours and now we're dedicated to both so you might have to wake up at like 4:00 in order to be running about 4:30 five to be back in time for your normal schedule for the day so if I know I'm gonna be crammed in that afternoon well front load my endurance training the morning hit resistance training in the evening that's something like really important a lot of people can't fit both both in because they don't allocate time for their schedule for for both types of training that's number one number two re-emphasize the fact that you have to prioritize your goals for whatever you're training for and how hard that is or how much progress you need to make in order to accomplish that goal and put emphasis on the priority of that training and the last that I really want to highlight and touch one already is its auto regulation so auto regulation essentially is changing your workouts based off of feel tracking your progress being aware of your body and how you're recovering how your trainings going tracking your heart rate tracking your sleep and just how you're going into each and every workout so I talked to my coach every day he asked me how I'm feeling and he'll change workouts based off of how I'm feeling how I'm recovering but you could auto regulate your workouts yourself and for example if your priority is endurance training well when it's time to Train resistance maybe take a few days off or take it easy just do body with it stuff instead of weights to change your workouts up based on how you are feeling be aware of your body and how you're recovering that's gonna be the biggest difference so I hope these tips helped you guys in this video I know a lot of people that are following me or are training for both endurance and strength and size and conditioning and you can do both it's just finding what works for you fitting into your schedule building a schedule and being aware of your body so think those tips apply them we'll see you guys next video and as always go one more
Channel: Nick Bare
Views: 977,593
Rating: 4.9299474 out of 5
Keywords: marathon training, marathon training plan, nick bare fitness, bare performance nutrition, bpn supps, bodybuilder to endurance athlete, endurance training, how to run faster, boston marathon training, boston marathon, ironman, ironman triathlon, nick bare ironm, nick bare running, 26.2, weight lifting and running, how to run and lift, run and lift
Id: ZSbxbdpoogg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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