WIRED DIFFERENTLY - Ironman Triathlon Motivation

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[Music] who I pay the price why work this hard why go this far why try to learn this much why try to do it all why try to see it all why try to have it all why do it why why study why put yourself out why try to take on this foots responsibility why develop yourself to the full why try to become all that you can possibly become why try to earn as much as you can earn share as much as you can share develop every skill you possibly can see every human you possibly can go to every class you possibly can touch everybody you possibly can why do that much why go that far why share that much why give that much away quite try to see everything why try to do everything quite try to become everything that's a good question why and you're the only one personally that can answer that question for yourself you've got to have your own list of wise [Music] if the Y is powerful the how is easy but if the Y isn't strong if your goals aren't powerful if the vision isn't clear the old prophets in without a vision we die without a vision we perish without a dream we're nothing [Music] without a dream we are nothing [Music] one reason it's not gonna be big enough and you need to put a lot of thought and a lot of preparation and a lot of meditation into all of the reasons why because at some point in time you're gonna need to gather all those little bad boys up and then and intently focus on it to have enough courage to get back up as navy seal is one of our jobs is to conduct underwater attacks against enemy shipping the ship attack mission is where a pair of SEAL divers is dropped off outside an enemy harbor and then swims well over two miles underwater using nothing but a depth gauge and a compass to get to the target during the entire swim even well below the surface there is some light that comes through it is comforting to know that there is open water above you but as you approach the ship which is tied to appear the light begins to fade the steel structure of the ship blocks the moonlight it blocks the surrounding streetlamps it blocks all ambient light to be successful in your mission you have to swim under the ship and find the keel the centerline and the deepest part of the ship this is your objective but the keel is also the darkest part of the ship where you cannot see your hand in front of your face where the noise from the ship's machinery is deafening and where it gets to be easily disoriented and you can fail every SEAL knows that under the keel at that darkest moment of the mission is a time when you need to be calm when you must be calm when you must be composed when all your tactical skills your physical power and your inner strength must be brought to bear if you want to change the world you must be your very best in the darkest moments [Music] we want to find out how to be someone else what we don't do we don't go inside so literally turn yourself inside out read the book that's like we're writing a book every day a lot but we never read that so what I would challenge this young man or young woman to do is you have to look inside of your son see what you really want what are you passionate about [Music] but to tell this young man and woman that the only way I believe this is miss my experience life the only way you're ever going to get to the other side of this journey is you have got to suffer to grow to grow you myself [Music] but a lot of us died never truly starting our journey I would tell this young person we gotta start to journey and they suck but it will it will come out the other side we're coasting [Music] [Music] [Music] finally in SEAL training there's a bell a brass bell that hangs in the center of the compound for all the students to see all you have to do quit all you have to do to quit is ring the bell ring the bell and you no longer have to wake up at 5 o'clock ring the bell and you no longer have to be in the freezing cold swims ring the bell and you no longer have to do the runs the obstacle course the PT and you no longer have to endure the hardships of training [Music] do is ring the bell to get out if you want to change the world don't ever ever ring the bell [Music] we're wired differently you have to set a goal that if we hit that goal we're guaranteed to make sure all that other stuff in the minute was going white 3 o'clock in the morning why don't you sleep my appetite my appetite I said ET I want more I can do more if I accomplish this without a father when I accomplish this with my mom being a teenage mom if I accomplish this as I had to drop out if I can accomplish these things from this start now that I'm at this place knowing what I know now what can I count and I want you to think about that I want you to think about more than just what you're going to do financially more than what you're going to do in this industry in the next three years right more than that I ask you to question what's your appetite what are you going to do that will ensure that when the alarm clock goes off that you are already up 10 20 minutes before your alarm clock goes up Wow you've heard me say it before no alarm clock needed my passion wakes me up listen to me no alarm clock needed no alarm I've been using alarm clock in over 20 years what is it internally Eric I want to be successful I want to execute I want to make all my dreams become a reality I want to do everything I said I'm going to do so my appetite increases it gets stronger every year I want more every I want to do more every I want to help more every year I want to be bolder I want to be better I want to be stronger every single year every single year your appetite should go up you should never get settled you should never get settled you should never get content every single year when you settle somebody's chasing you somebody's coming for me I and somebody time take this spot so every single day you wake up you gotta set new goals new benchmarks you gotta raise it higher and higher and higher pleased to make your dreams become a reality true hunter watching wire wired differently that had the same makeup listen to me what makes of the video a gazelle is how these wires [Music] when a lion sees a gazelle and the gazelle sees the lion both these see jeopardy back they died when the gazelle feed the lion because of how he's wired he automatically fear takes over he lights up It's Showtime the hunt is on this is what I was made for you
Channel: TC Tri
Views: 861,812
Rating: 4.7871184 out of 5
Keywords: triathlon, ironman, ironmantriathlon, ironmantri, swim, bike, run, triathlonmotivation, motivation, motivational, sportsmotivation, triathlon motivation, ironman motivation, ironman triathlon, ironman world championship (recurring competition)
Id: 107ldORVThs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Mon May 07 2018
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