How To Run With Proper Form | Ironman Prep S2.E9

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come count it on [Music] so this workout today was ten times two minutes in big year come on keep pushing you got 15 seconds count it down we reached vo2 max improvement status working on vo2 max we're right at 90 of max heart rate so this is a vo2 max session for you and just leg strength when it comes to cycling i got my heart rate around 90 which we got it like top end today 172. but essentially what we do we zwift pulled up and for two minutes i'll go in the biggest gear possible and we wanted to hold over 360 watts essentially we wanted we wanted to hold over 120 percent of my ftp so i would hold that for two minutes which sucked and then two minute rest at around 140 watts trying to bring heart rate down in the 130s so it was that times 10. treat every 10 seconds like it's the last 10 seconds okay push pull push pull [Music] five four solid session working on vo2 max and uh and leg strength so i'm cooling down i got seven minutes left and right after this we're hopping on the treadmill and we're going to be working on cadence work increasing the turnover and cadence in my run which is if you're not aware the number of times your feet hit the ground in a minute so we'll cool down hop right on the treadmill which is about five feet from here right [Music] now [Music] so after you've done a warm-up we'll do rounds of 30 seconds on 30 seconds off on i mean you're standing and straddling the treadmill and we set the treadmill to a really high speed typically started around 10k speed and essentially you having to keep up with the moving treadmill that is going to be very fast it's either keep up or fall off the back so we'll actually speed it up to where you are forced to hold a high cadence just to keep up with it where we take it up a notch is we start to play with incline so we do it at uh zero percent incline for two two percent incline for two four percent incline for two so now you're really having to work to keep your cadence up to keep up with the speed at that incline and once you then drop it back down to zero that cadence just comes naturally again because you're not having to work as hard a way for you to track on your own that you are hitting the cadence is just to count for 20 seconds every time your left foot hits for 20 seconds you want to be at 30 steps and so each interval for the first 20 seconds you count to see where you are and then we adjust from there [Music] perfect [Music] okay so down to zero put it on nine points what do we know point six nine point nine it's got up to three so is just a little slower than a six minute mile um no how did that feel but essentially i'll tell you what i do every time that back foot hits i put my hand on the back of your hamstring and i lift it up immediately and you just realize how long that back foot hangs back there and how quickly it should actually be coming off the ground is what we're trying to feel and then also by me actually pushing force on that hamstring you learn that that is muscle that needs to be working to pick your leg up you see how your how much your back foot hangs out there yep so that's what you should be feeling think about relaxing from the knee down relax the foot if you're not pushing off the muscle that's being used is you're just pulling with that hamstring you're just driving those knees past each other how can i turn my legs over through this pain because i'll tell you right right now it's not you're pushing off more increasing your stride length it's just not going to happen you got to turn it over it's like michael you know the michael jackson walk where he's going backwards like that when walking it's essentially it feels like your moon walking going forwards because you're just kind of dragging your toes running so easy and then as you kind of get your rhythm going you just pick your feet up a little bit more and a little bit more and open up the stride a little bit more and all of a sudden you're moving but yeah moon walking or recovery runs or any run really oh it's kind of hot right now yeah [Music] well the moment has come the moment has come to eliminate the open turn and introduce the flip turn i've always avoided flip turns while swimming because well i don't know how to do them um and they've always intimidated me because i thought either my head was gonna drive into the wall or in the bottom but today natasha is about to teach me the flip turn so here we go get ready for it let's do it [Music] do it quickly [Music] okay the flip turn is not 100 yet but we're like a 75 80 solution um which will save a lot of time on my time trial swim for the 100 yard and 500 yards will come up soon again so i'm gonna do one more flip turn for the day show you guys the progress we've made i've never been one to do a flip but in the water it makes a difference here we go final of the day best one yet all right baby go on more [Music] all right guys well coach natasha brought in a little special surprise on this friday for the vpn team valerie hunt is here she drove up or drove down from dallas texas area and she's working with us the entire bpm team to improve our running form so a lot of us run here we're either training for full marathon task marathons 5ks so just one of those things that when you join the vpn team you naturally start running a little bit so today she's gonna work some mechanics and drills to improve our run overall the whole team to make training and racing a whole lot easier a whole lot better knowing all of you are into running or wanting to become better runners a lot of you are preparing for the marathon half marathon i thought the coolest thing to do to help with form was to bring valerie in from the day she came all the way from dallas to help you guys and so we appreciate your time coming here today and i'm excited because she's helped me so much she's gonna help you guys a ton i'm gonna film you and uh i don't want you to sprint or anything i'm just gonna have you guys run back and forth a few times i'll film you we'll go over it and this is the best part it takes you about five minutes to understand it the concept and that's what i say and then i'm going to take you through a few drills which are fun and we can do partners and bands and you know you've probably seen some of that to again just to sense and feel and then you have something to practice when you go run and then of course you have me you can always check in and then or even film yourselves or each other and then know what it is you're looking for one of the main questions i always get on like instagram on youtube is why am i getting shin splints and how do i avoid shin splints right like what is the best is that because of form yes and you'll see in just a second the reason they get a transplant well there's two reasons um one is they're reaching their foot instead of just letting it drop which we'll talk about today and the second is they're not using elasticity of their muscle and that is a huge one for all of us because we're endurance athletes so you're like you know i run all the time i swim all the time whatever it is you do all the time 99 of runners are using what's called active muscle contraction so they're like like they're they're putting their foot down and that's three times your body weight unfortunately we think that that's what extends our stride right to reach so that's kind of mentally how we're all doing that and then all i should have said a third reason is ankle mobility or lack of so the nice part is you can you know a lot of people will say well i have shin splints i'm going to stretch and so like instead of stretching work on hopping in elasticity okay yeah that's good enough i guess the second like most frequently asked question or comment i get is about heel strike i'll talk about natasha about this today is heel strike actually an issue yeah and so can you explain like why heel strike is an issue and what people should be focused on instead of heel strike correct it's a great question and really like even the worst strike if we think about foot strike then that's what we're gonna do we're gonna strike the ground so when people say things like i'm gonna hit the pavement you know i'm gonna pound the pavement hit the ground if i'm thinking about where to put the foot then whether it's a heel strike midfoot strike toe reach whatever it is it's it's ahead of you and anytime you're reaching and it's ahead of you then that is a deliberate active landing so it's not that heel strike itself is a bad thing it's that it's not going to help you with your running so then why think about it okay and then once you switch to doing the correct action then you will literally not strike anymore when you think about running what do you think of not running out of breath okay just try to stay linear okay soft feet only recently after working with natasha i think pulling my hamstring so i try to engage my hamstring rather than like push my quad right so i'm going to switch how you think about your run because now you're going to think about running a little bit different so the the definition of running is free fall so running itself is free falling free falling is rarely done and running but that letting go aspect in the run is where you find your speed most people have no idea the potential they have because they've never actually let themselves feel it i'm a great example i am not an athlete i love to coach but i spent a year racing and i was an 8 30 runner 5k at a marathon same pace so i started falling and i went from an 8 30 to a 6 30 with no change in vo2 or conditioning simply not wasting time as he says on the ground we're going to spend more time traveling less time on the ground one of the things that does that for us is going to be how quick we can pull right so we're going to work on just getting in our running pose the fall in the pole and then elasticity hop so it's just going to be a very simple practice but you will feel a little bit goofy so i'll give you that so i'm going to be his partner for just a second so i'm going to do this i'm going to stand here and i'm going to put my hand right here he's not allowed to put weight on my hand but he has to trust me that as soon as he pulls this foot up i'll let this one go ready three two one pull without putting any weight on me ready pull ready pull pull don't put any weight on there ready pull pull so no weight pull so weight means that he would be pressing on my hand does that make sense okay so do that with your target just do like four or five yes solid stuff solid stuff baby so then the next step is to feel the fall with it okay so we'll do the same thing well first we'll do we'll keep it simple you could actually use the rig if you want and just go by grab just grab one of these because leave your arm out and try to look ahead and set it down remember when you're running you're going to have to find your fault point with your eyes but you're feeling it with your center so now how do i so here's two things travel actually happens only when both feet are off the ground traveling itself the travel flight phase of running and so to initiate movement we have to fall so fall is the acceleration so it goes acceleration travel right it's hard to stay in place so then we'll work on the paving stuff so what i'm going to do is i'm going to grab him here's your gas pedal i'm going to put my hands here he's going to fall so look ahead knock it through he's going to come at you both feet bend your knees now just let your body go forward into my hands all you got bend your knees okay keep going i got you keep going okay i'm looking down okay now start to pull your feet up up up like repeatedly like you're gonna oh so this is pretty cool you have what it's called an s like shape because i'm not a straight line right but we're falling as a straight line it's like being in a plank right so if i was in a plank right now who would call me out everyone i hope so [Laughter] or you know what i mean so how would you correct me yeah i mean give me some kind of cue something that would help me feel that something's wrong here right so when you're running it's the same i'm doing a plank right i'm falling but i'm connected so when we're running we don't have we're not doing like a crunch but you're strong and you're using your center and the strength is holding these shoulders over hips so this kind of stuff is just hip stability she's going to bend your knees a little bit and when she lets go she's done this before instead of seeing you know big bouncy thing you can see movement go forward down now press up into my hands are you gonna do it harder press up mm-hmm and obviously like that you won't be able to hold it for a long period of time in the beginning the goal is to implement them and then like slowly well i've watched you run i try to do things like that i'm like i can't hold this for more than like half a mile and i'm already out of breath yeah i'm trying to go too fast yeah it's getting still i mean it's got a muscle memory before like don't drop is really cool and what's going on because all my races are getting canceled that i was signed up for because of kovid understandably um we are creating our own marathon [Music] we're at roca headquarters we're in their gym
Channel: Nick Bare
Views: 759,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nick bare fitness, marathon training, marathon training program, ironman, 26.2, running, bodybuilder to endurance athlete, endurance athlete, bare performance nutrition, bpn supps, endurance training, nick bare ironman, how to run, fitness, swim bike run, hybrid athlete, run and lift, run and weight training, embrace the suck, run with proper form, how to run faster, running tips, ironman training, ironman triathlon
Id: 3x0xU2EhSh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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