The Dark Truth about the Gungans

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the Gungans are a bit of an infamous species amongst all was Finn's they're mostly remembered as a species of jar jar binks a character that is unsurprisingly more remembered fondly at all George's portrayal as a comic relief buffoon casts a shadow over the Gungans as a species however it should not be forgotten that jar jar was the exception not the rule the Gungans were warriors warriors with a laid history that's darker than one would expect attention sergeant on deck Naboo you is a very unusual planet it's cool is dominated by a type of high-energy plasma which carved its way up through the planet on a constant basis leaving behind massive tunnels through the inner regions of the planet most of which were flooded by a massive underground ocean this maiden Abreu's ocean system much different from those found on other planets the waters of the planet came in deep layers from the shallower seas that dominated much of the surface to unfathomably deep trenches that stretched all the way down into the core life evolved on Naboo in an unusual way as a result much of the world's underwater plant life consumed the plasma that whirled up from the core to survive and many sea dwelling creatures consume these plants for the plasma furthermore the massive and labyrinth nature of the planet's oceans led to the development of monstrous creatures of great size including the fish-like OPC killer the bioluminescent Kola Corphish and the legendary sander aqua monster life on the surface was much more tame by comparison and it was among these surface dwellers that the Gungans evolved as an amphibious species the Gungans preferred to stick to Naboo swamps leaving its mountains and wide grassy plains mostly untouched they became acquainted with the underwater world of their planet fairly easily in their species development but didn't settle down there at first instead choosing to reside in villages in the swamps the Gungans technology was a product of the environment in which they lived which is why it's like Naboo is so unique much of Gungan technology was actual ganic regrown the frames of their ships shields and even cities were made of a type of coral which was grown into the desired shape to create a rigid lasting skeleton for the desired piece of technology the Gungans also used an improved plasma pretty heavily which they harvested from underwater plant species their shields weaponry and even the energy membranes that they use for their cities were composed of or were powered by the plasma in later use this gave them a slight advantage over outside attackers as their plasma was a highly efficient energy source and very effective as a weapon against most conventional technology after the end of Nobu's most recent Ice Age Gungan society as we know its begin to form their villages were constantly preyed upon by packs of versus dangerous alpha predators native to Naboo the Gungans became warriors to fight off the vs. and they eventually drove the creatures to extinction in the process they developed standard tactics and methods of warfare that they retained all the way up into the modern era the gun guns were the only sentient species to evolve on Naboo but they weren't always the only sentient species to lay claim to the world long before the Clone Wars a race of ancient reptilian sentience known in legends only as the elders colonized the planets they went to war with the Gungan natives forcing them to move underwater most Gungans surface villages were destroyed in the conflict and the Gungans relocated to new underwater cities which were grown of coral and encircled by bubbles of plasma the elders however faded from memory long before the events of the prequel trilogy for reasons unknown they vanished entirely leaving only ruins behind their crumbling stone monoliths dotted the swamps and plains of Naboo and over the course of the millennia that followed the Gungans came to regard the sites as sacred evidence that Naboo was their world it was after this that two subspecies of the Gungans the green skinned ancora and the finnoppe la jolla united becoming one symbiotic society around the time of the dark was circa 3000 951 BBY the galaxy enlarged finally encountered Naboo explorers from a core world of Griz mount named the world after the daily Naboo and the planet quickly became a favorite of hunters due to the diversity of local wildlife the Gungans ignored these hunters as they generally stuck to the mountains and plains but they were at least forced to acknowledge the humans around a hundred years after the initial discovery when the humans attempted to colonize Naboo amidst a bloody revolution and charisma a group of humans Flitz and improve and established permanent settlements at feed and other sites across the planets grassy plains and mountains they established themselves a peaceful society of artisans hoping to find peace in isolation in the far reaches of the mid rim at first they didn't clash with the Gungans all that much but as the Naboo began to multiply and expand across the planet conflicts began to inevitably break out but even with the arrival of Naboo war remained mostly unintended onions it wasn't until 3,000 BBY that they united as a species for the first time after years of bloody intercity Wars it was boss Gallo that led this effort which began as a campaign against a vicious warlord named Rogo Dallow and his gun can armies eventually succeeded in taking spearhead logos base of operations which the Gungans transformed into Otto Ganga a city where gun guns of any tribe will welcome despite the conflicts and prejudices that separated humans and Gungans that Sioux civilizations that inhabited Naboo weren't completely isolated from each other indeed both the Gungans and the Naboo depended on trade with each other for survival though this trade usually went on quietly on the fringes of both societies though the two societies contested the others claim to Naboo neither considered the other a significant threat which is why it took a while for any true major conflicts to flare up this changed when after the end of the new civil wars and a thousand BBY a massive civil war began amidst the Naboo during this time of suffering Naboo joined the Republic and in 832 BBY the conflict was ended by King Javan United the Naboo under his rule as he rebuild the Bruce human civilization around feed the Gungans finally began to view Sherman's as a threat having been witnesses to the destruction their war had caused matters once improved by repeated cases of the Naboo mistreating the Gungans including at least one in which the Gungans were lured into an arrangement that essentially rendered them slaves to a group of merchants in 150 BBY the disagreements between the Gungans and the Naboo finally erupted into open war the conflict was devastating for both sides so much so that the Gungans sought to cut ties with the Naboo and the Naboo renounced violence altogether in regret the war ended in a victory for the Naboo thanks to the interference of offworld mercenaries which only served to inflame the Gungan distrust of outsiders and despite their enunciation of war following the conflict the Naboo continued to distrust the Gungans especially when the Gungans began cutting them off from sources of plasma which fuelled the Naboo economy in 100 BBY the plasma led to more bloodshed when the heads of several houses of Appeal nobles secretly contracted a mercenary army to wipe the Gungans alit's the genocidal campaign incurred heavy casualties for the Gungans including the destruction of entire underwater cities but the Gungans and their Grand Army fought back and at length they were able to drive the mercenaries from Naboo though they suspected the involvement of the Naboo in the war the Naboo vehemently denied the accusation privately the wallet to strife between the booze houses with the patriarch of House Palpatine challenging that of house Taplow to a duel one that he ultimately lost the situation only continued to worsen for the Gungans unfortunately an Abreu's plasma drew the attention of the wider galaxy and when vast reserves of it were discovered beneath feed the Trade Federation moved in to claim it like the majority of heart free rimworld at the time the human colonists of Naboo largely relied on the Trade Federation for economic contact with the rest of the galaxy and so the Federation easily established a monopoly on the planets plasma reserves but the Trade Federation was rarely content with controlling only part of a resource and so they quickly became hostile toward the Gungans who controlled a large part of the booze plasma reserves the Gungans came to understandably hate the Trade Federation and their droids the arrival of whom they quickly blamed on the Naboo the plasma situation ultimately ended well for neither side the booze plasma was part of what made it a target when the Trade Federation ultimately opted to blockade and invade a planet to protest new taxes on trade the rest of the story of the Gungans is history and fortunately for them things only improve for them after the Battle of Naboo at least until the empire came around so that was the history of the Gungans another species with a surprisingly dark history but as per usual guys I don't know what you think we've been doing a couple of these dark histories for species lately and I'll know if you want to see more of this type of content so if you do make sure you let us know in the comments section below and as per usual just before you go make sure you check out all those links in the description below if you want to join the wider get C's community anyways as always thank you so much for watching and I hope to see you in next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Geetsly's
Views: 842,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star, Wars, star wars, gungan, gungans, darth jar jar, jar jar binks, jar jar binks theory, jawas, dark truth behind jawas, jawa, jawas mandalorian, naboo, naboo lore, senator palpatine, gungan species, jar jar, star wars lore, gungan lore
Id: bTm9wrGiDZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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