10 Jedi Who Were The Only Ones Of Their Species - Star Wars Explained

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[Music] hi this is Saad from the scoundrels Cantina and welcome to another video in this video I'll be going over the stories of 10 Jedi who were the only ones of their species known to be a Jedi that means that were not gonna be including Jedi from species that have more than one member in the Jedi Order like for example the Wookiees wish f-for as always were mixing the expanded universe and cannon because we believe that there's no reason why most of it can fit together anyway let's begin at number one we have a key all who was a Jawa jedi knight who lived in the wanting days of the galactic republic he became a member of the Jedi Order and attended the Ulmus Academy a Jedi Academy that was located on the planet almas there he specialized to become a Jedi Council R which was a branch in the Jedi Order that focused on studying the mysteries of the force after he graduated in the academy and gained the rank of Jedi Knight he alongside a Kaldor jedi guardian represented the order on the celebration located on one of the moons of almas where they showed that the jedi order was not single-minded at number 2 we have tree tower who was a new jedi knight who served as a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars during the wars in 22 BBY he learned that the group of egg nuts men women and children were being kidnapped by the separatists to be used as slaves so he went on a mission to rescue them which was ultimately unsuccessful because he was overcome by spider droids after which he barely escaped he sent a distress signal to the clone commando squad called hope the commandos came soon after and helped treat our rescue his people at number 3 is full moon dama who was a tells Jedi who was born in Al's Luke 3 and at a young age taken to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to be trained in the ways of the force he was also the only one of his species known to have left his mysterious homeworld he managed to adapt to life on Corus ons and emerged a fully ranking Jedi Knights when the Clone Wars broke out he received the rank of general in the Grand Army of the Republic near the end of the war he fought in the Battle of Khorasan and with a few other Jedi defended the Supreme Chancellor for general Grievous's surprise attack in that confrontation he was killed by General Grievous in 19 BBY at number 4 we have nan B's who was an Ortolan Jedi who served as a Jedi general in the Clone Wars during the war his homeworld of order was threatened by the separatists so he was sent there on an undercover mission three days after his arrival their order was invaded by the Confederacy and NIMBYs uncovered a traitor in his people after a few setbacks he was able to successfully orchestrate a republic counter-strike during the campaign to eliminate the last pockets of Confederate resistance order 66 was initiated by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and as a result NIMBYs was slain by commander Davis at number 5 is a yep 65 who was a male except Oh which was a species that was very rarely ever seen Oum was born on the planet try ken his species home world where he was found and trained as a Padawan of a Kaldor Jedi Master he eventually became a knight and began training his own padawan a boffin by the name of Johann the sector later fought in the Clone Wars as a Jedi general he was eventually killed during the raid on the Jedi Temple when order 66 was issued at number 6 we have kena ha who was a female Kamino --an who was born on Kamino in her adulthood her for sensitivity began to manifest itself after which she left Kamino and became a Padawan to a trend ocean Jedi Master after she became a master she had a vision of a dark side army coming from Kamino and decided to go into self-imposed exile on Kamino to simply wait for a vision to come true and prevent the events following during her heritage the Grand Army of the Republic was created but she didn't recognize it from her vision and was unaware of the chips that were implanted in them by Darth Sidious soon after the Clone Wars broke out and after three years contingency order 66 was issued which disbanded the Republic and destroyed the Jedi during the great Jedi purge she spent her days in Mandalore with some fellow Jedi but would later move to a different location this is as far as her story goes at number 7 is zonder who was a solonian jedi padawan who was apprenticed to Barriss offee before she betrayed the Jedi Order while on a mission to Felucia he was captured by the separatists but later freed by Aayla Secura and commander Bly while on a mission with two fellow Jedi Order 66 was issued and the Jedi were declared as enemies of the Republic left without guidance the three Jedi were pursued by the Empire and specifically the Inquisitor Anton East remain eventually Xander was captured by Tremaine thanks to Prince Caesar while imprisoned he was visited by Darth Vader who set him free and gave him his lightsaber back to fight him in their duel Zander knew he would never win but nonetheless he fought bravely until he was decapitated by Vader at number eight we have tarr Vizsla who was the only Mandalorian Jedi ever inducted into the order now this is kind of an honorable mention because Mandalorians are not species but a culture so that means that Mandalorians could also be nonhumans which was rare but not impossible Hera was the creator of the dark saber and lived during the times of the Old Republic and after his death the Jedi kept the dark saber in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant but after the attack of the Sith Empire the saber was stolen by shave Islam who later passed it down from generation to generation now the last two Jedi on this list are based after Return of the Jedi so we just want to point out that we don't consider their stories as canon in our head Canon because we simply believe that Return of the Jedi should be the happy ending in a Star Wars story there's a link in the description where we explained our personal headcanon view on it all at number nine is a cushy Ben Jedi by the name of equate who was born around four hundred years before the Battle of Yavin and was trained by Yoda until he became a Jedi Knight during his training he had difficulties with using a lightsaber so he abandoned that at some point he traveled to Yavin where he was unable to complete his mission which included the golden globe of the ancient Sith Lord Exar Kun which was of the utmost importance so he put himself into a hibernation trance for about three hundred and fifty years up until here we consider Ygritte story as canon but this last part is based after Return of the Jedi anyway it wasn't until 22 avy 41 years after the Clone Wars had ended that he awakened because he saw the children who could break the Golden Globes ancient curse he later participated in emissions of jinn to retake obi-wan Kenobi's lightsaber which was kept there invaders Castle when the Yuuzhan Vong war broke out Iker was back to using a lightsaber and in one battle he sacrificed himself to save Anakin Solo and the other Jedi children at number 10 is an unidentified he walked Jedi which is also a character based after episode 6 so you know what that means for us anyway this Ewok Jedi was in activity at some point following the founding of the new republic in for ABY unusually for most he walks this he walk was born with the necessary mental capability to access and utilize the force he once attacked a group of sannyasins who tried to enslave a fellow Ewok he will get a blue bladed lightsaber and dark blue Jedi robes so that's about all we know about him now at the end we have two more Jedi we want to add to this list and that is the high salary in nakhon Adele Gor mo who was yonas Jedi Master and also Jedi Knights bill Dorian the Hutt the reason why we're mentioning these two is because we have videos dedicated to their full stories which you can check out if you like anyway guys this is it in the video and I hope you'll enjoyed it and learn something new about the vast galaxy of Star Wars if you want to watch more videos like this one the links to the playlists of our other Star Wars videos will be in the description down below and also if you want to support this channel hit that subscribe button for even more videos like this one and remember guys god is awesome may the force be with you always and we'll see you in another video you rebel scum this party's over
Channel: The Scoundrel's Cantina
Views: 2,081,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 Jedi Who Were The Only Ones Of Their Species - Star Wars Explained, 10 Jedi Who Were The Only Ones Of Their Species, 10 Jedi, Jedi Who, Top 10 Jedi, Top 10 Best Jedi, Star Wars, Star Wars Explained, Species, Cat Jedi, Ikrit, Jawa Jedi, Hutt Jedi, Ewok Jedi, Wolf Jedi
Id: 05Op1skP_0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2017
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