GDQ Stardew CC% Glitchless Submission

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wish list for stardew valley for summer games done quick before I start I need to explain a few things first off the overarching goal for this run or the objective for this run is to complete the community center which is the main task for the arti Valley second off there's going to be speed tech that I'm doing right off of the gate called animation cancelling basically it's a three key button input input which is our right shift and delete after every single cool animation that I do our tool swing that I do I have it rebound in two different keys so I don't have to press those annoying keys car is bounded a spacebar into the buttons are bounded to my mouse to make it easier and quicker for me to do beckon all air third off is what I have selected on this menu first off I am going to be going with the forest farm the reason we do the forest farm is because of the extra force that can be gained on this farm that will allow us to skip out on other things later on because of it the next thing you're gonna notice that I is that I'm playing as a female character this is intentional if you play as a female character instead of gaining cookies from your mom if you play as a male you'll actually gain 500 gold from your mom if you play as a female there you get an extra 500 gold playing as a female over a male so we're going to be using that to our benefit everything else here though can actually be customizable for donation incentives or anything else name farm name favorite thing animal we can pick between a dog and a cat we can also have the choice of keeping the animal or getting rid of the animal for save the frames' or save the animals but everything else skin color hair or shirt pants there's a bunch of these things but we could just make like custom characters or whatever I did random for the sake of this run but we have that anyways that should be about it yeah let's get started you're gonna notice right off the bat we're gonna do what most just casual people do is we're going to move the TV just like everybody does everybody moves the TV right to their butt and pick up the parsnips we're going to immediately plant these parsnips the reason for that is because we want them for food in the minds we are actually not going to sell them for money we're going to make a majority of our early game money that we need to be able to buy strawberries for from the vines also we got really weird respawn the breeze spawn is orangey base so it is a little different every time you can already see the animation cancelling for people who played this game before we'll see how much faster I am at chopping it you will see that sometimes I'm missing the swing it just means I animation canceled early is all that means I want to get rid of that destroy my parsnips the next thing you're going to notice is that I'm going to be basically instant sleeping days the reason I Instant sleep days is because a lot of this game is locked behind a time wall or a season wall basically the game progresses in days that each have like certain amount of time each day you wake up at 6 a.m. and the day goes to 2 a.m. or yeah 2 a.m. so you have 20 hours each day to work with each each dog every 10 minutes in game is 7 seconds for your lifetime but the main thing that we're working with is crops don't actually grow up if you wait the entire day they don't grow up any faster if you stay awake the entire day they only grow up after you sleep for the certain amount of days that they have on them each seed packet has a different mountain a person if suddenly take 5 days to grow they're done on the fifth which is why we're just going out of water in those days the next thing the next thing that we're gonna prioritize is getting into the mines as fast as possible to gather resources you're gonna I'm going to be looking at the fortune teller every single day the reason I'm doing this is because it tells me what my daily luck is I want good daily luck going into the mines because it increases our spawn rates of ladders and ores which will help us dive into the mines quicker than what we normally are able to or give us a faster rate that we could dive into the plains I'm also going to be using the start of this day to redo some key lines and enable the zoom function so I can add zoom function so I can zoom out and see more and we only got a week here that's fine but yeah we're going to be prioritizing the mines early the reason we're prioritizing the mines early is because of all the goodies that we can find them there and it allows us to make sprinklers early we want to start automating everything that we do as fast as possible we don't want to be watering crops because that's slow we want sprinklers to water stuff for us so the objective is to get sprinklers as fast as possible so we don't have to worry about farming everything we're also hoping to get some extra forage along the way here so we have extra food in the mines this game works off of an energy system kind of similar to Harvest Moon this game is very comparable to Harvest Moon and was inspired by Harvest Moon where every time you do a tool action you do consume energy and you only have a limited amount of energy every single day so every time I swing the pickaxe I use up to about to energy it's a little less and any extra food that I get will allow us to stay in the mines longer to gather resources how the mines work is basically every five floors there is a elevator shaft which is basically your checkpoint you get a checkpoint every five floors and the way how you go down pours is as you saw these little staircases that you get from ladders all right these staircases can be found in multiple ways they can be found under rocks by just destroying them like so they can also be found by enemies or from enemies after slaying them which is the highest percent chance the highest base percent chance when you kill an enemy it's a fifteen percent chance of dropping the ladder I'm exploring this floor because I'm looking for money by the leg instead of instant taking that ladder and there are is another method known as the 3b which is basically just a ladder just spawning on the floor just like that I don't have to break a single rock and I have a ladder just given to me great timing game by the way other than that we're here to gather resources and money the main resource that we're going to be finding on these early floors is copper which you'll kind of see by those bright orange copper nodes that we see every so often that take a few extra hits the break and other resources that we can get from crates that spawn and or like enemies another freebie and so on and so forth a couple other ladder mechanics that I should mention is if you kill every single enemy on the floor the chances of the ladder do you go up from spawning from a rock though it is beneficial if there's not too many enemies on the floor and it's kind of a smaller floor to actually just slay them all but sometimes it can be a pain on the bigger floors because you can't see everything Heather freebie as for the amount of resources that we need we needed we need about a hundred and twenty copper by the end of these next two mines days I didn't even pick that up because I don't have any about 120 that's not the total number we need we need 145 total but we go to the mines a couple of days for a couple days not just like one or two we go a total of ideally three times but generally we have to go more like four or five depending on the luck but yeah we're just here to gather resources and money it's pretty great forward I feel like as for the mines layout in above itself you're gonna notice every five floors you do get an elevator shaft but every time floors you're going to get a little chest that has a couple that has like goodies in it most of the chests are kind of useless for us like that first one gave us a would have given us worn boots which is a defensive item that we don't really need right now we're not taking too much damage early on here so we don't really need to worry about one extra defense it's just a waste of time to gather for speedrunning purposes and then on top of that there are three stages to the mines that repeat every 40 floors the floors are the exact same every time and are in the exact same order every time so I know like what floor is going to be next and the general strategy that we should be using on each floor or the general idea of what we want to be doing on the next floor so I'm kind of just going down with the autopilot doing what I can and yeah so they repeat every 40 floors the fir and they each have their own themes so the first theme is kind of earth theme as copper as its main resource and it's just earthy the second floor or the second 40 so floor is 41 through 79 our ice floors base spawn iron as their main resource and the enemies are harder there and the rocks take more to break with the default pickaxe too because the rocks get harder as you progress down but obviously the rewards are better irons a higher tier metal than a copper and then for the last one is the lava floors where it's resource of its resource of abundance is gold ore and the enemies are even harder there but thankfully we don't have to spend too much time on floor 80 because we're only looking for a few things on floor 80 which is the fire quartz and gold award other than that we're kind of just making our way down we've had nice we have we have nice pace so far but it generally doesn't matter it's only get past for 1919 and say Make It or Break It floor for us for most runs or most uh world record attempts er veterans because there's a chance that the ladder spawns in the middle and it's just a huge waste of time if we actually have to walk to the middle that floor wasn't too bad but ideally you get the ladder right at the start but that's kind of just every floor 19 is more of just a bigger exception because of how large the floor is it is a huge spiral floor that can waste a lot of time I have spent on bad versions of 19 I've spent over five hours on that floor five in-game hours on that floor which is terrible each floor should only take you about a thirty minutes on average if you average out every single floor most of them take less they shouldn't take too long 30 minutes to an hour we got a bomb from a crab it just blows up rocks it's super good I don't have inventory room for it because everything else is a value in my inventory because again I'm going to need money for strawberries here I need to hit a very I need to hit a minimum of about two thousand eight hundred gold going into spring 13th so I got to make sure I have that money and we get it through just extra resources in the mines whether it be extra topaz extra amethyst geodes earth crystals warts you name it kind of worthless kill the crabs do have a low percent chance of dropping a crab which is an item that can be used in the community center it's not necessarily a needed item but it does speed things up if we do get the low percent chance of picking it up in the low drop rate for it which would be super beneficial but we can't get away without getting it it's kind of more of an inventory high which is like the hard part about keeping it in here in the story early all right I shouldn't explain crates now crates are not random as a lot of people think they are they are what drops from the crates are actually based off of the given day so whichever day you're on and the location of the crate so if I were to go on to floor 24 on the 8th on this file and break a let's say I break a crate on a specific tile and it gave me a cave parrot if I were to load up a different version of Star era not a different person if I were to look load up a different save of stardew valley go to that same floor find a crate at that exact same spot on the 8th of spring it will also give me a cave hearing because it's it's it's a like little tile sheet so with that we can actually determine which crates will give us which items granted it's not really beneficial to memorize everything since you can't reliably get a creepy spot on any given spot but it's kind of just good to know when we go over there if we're going to get specific items we're mainly looking for an item known as the wooden or the wooden wooden club or the club down there that is a weapon upgrade that is probably the strongest early game weapon that we can get currently because club types in this game are utterly broken how much money are we looking at I think we're looking good on money the reason I didn't take that off that ladder right at the start was mainly because I wanted the cold part down here and I was just praying that I would get a a ladder from an enemy down there that was kind of just lucky that I got the 15 there were crates at the bottom of this floor and I know that because I know the floor layout so that's why I didn't take that ladder instantly - we're hoping to get extra food as in like extra cave carrots and or a porous sword which is basically second best weapon that we can get at this time we have a good ladder pace here I'm easily gonna go 35 today easily just gonna go 35 today in a perfect run we go 40 on this day but I didn't get good Forge spawns so I don't really have enough energy to be able to go there but 35 is about the average that I get so overall it's uh it's probably gonna be a pretty good day that being said I can't get away with less so it is still marathon safe if I don't get 35 by if I get like I don't know 25 30 we're still looking good I just have I just might have to do one extra day of mining which is fine also everybody's favorite floors not known as the dark floors these floors are really dark I'm hoping to find a torch though I don't have the inventory for it always this is kind of a bit of a hassle because I don't have the inventory I can't really see the normal way how I deal with these floors is by like sitting closer to the through the monitor just to see the little shining light these floors are really hard to see on yeah I'll make sure that I have inventory room for a gdq run so people would actually see but we're gonna get a little bit of a forehead cam because of this I don't have to worry about exhausting here exhausting is not a big issue for us if we pass out or exhaust out in the mines you don't lose items like most people think you do that's you actually only lose gold and it's only ten percent of the current gold on you so I would lose fifty gold if I were to exhaust out or pass out today and that is not really a lot of gold for me to care about and it's faster than walking home the other side effect that does happen but it won't happen to me is waking up with less than max energy the reason it won't happened to me is because if you level up a scale no matter what even if you pass out at you am in the middle of the night you will wake up with full energy the next day just because you local Bob and I am definitely going to hit mining level one today so I have no reason to concern about not waking up with full energy this is not a great floor it is very dark floor that I can't see on and I still don't have a ladder I'd like to get off this floor just so I can pass out because I'm kind of running low on this is one of those floors we had a really good ladder pace throughout the entirety of the beginning of this run I'm not really surprised that we finally just got one bad floor I am going to be passing out here I'm just using the energy on useful items or using the extra energy that I have from eating that on resources like coppers so I can get a few extra so we're gonna pass out I just explained I'm gonna lose 50 gold but since I leveled up farming and mining I'm going to wake up with full energy no matter what and we're going to look for another good luck day which we just got we can tell it's a good luck day by looking at the fortune teller it was a peer it was a pyramid so it's not best luck but it's pretty good luck so now our objective is to get to floor 40 so we can get to the ice floors and then we are going to need to farm iron we need iron to make sprinklers you need copper and iron bars you make a copper and you make bars from smelting five or and and you use it you make a copper or iron bar by smelting five of the respective or and it consumes one piece of coal for look for the bar in a furnace so we will be doing that over the time that we are watering strawberries but we'll be doing that here in a bit but again we still need to get to floor 40 I'm resetting 435 quickly like that is because I saw a bunch of rocks on the floor the less rocks that there are on the floor the higher odds there are for me to get a ladder from the rock though since I can easily reset it with the elevator just like right there it's just a free floor reset that I don't have to worry about I still need a little bit more copper so I'm just going to NAB couple more in here nice extra cave carrots we do want that extra food we're going to need it that is a lot that is worth a cherry bomb will get returned profit from that as we hit mining level 1 we got unlock the crafting recipe for cherry bombs it uses for copper and 1 coal but I'm going to get way more coal are way more copper back from that exchange than use so it's worth it plus it doesn't matter if I just miss out on one piece of coal we're doing fine on that all right now it's iron grinding time everybody's favorite so the most effective way of actually farming iron is just repeatedly spamming 4:41 over and over again we're also going to need a few extra coal so we're going to slave some of these the sprites here the sprites have a very high chance of dropping coal when you slay them so we need a total of a 60 iron here and we're just looking for iron clumps which just have a random percent chance of spotting each time you enter the floor basically how node spawning works is there's always one mother node that spawns and then there's a percent chance that another one spawns next to it at another one and it keeps going into them like that spawn check fails essentially I'm just getting extra coal here I ideally want anywhere between like ah like 37 and 40 the more the better it saves me money later on so we're sitting pretty encore right now I'll probably won't have to kill too many more the sprites that I see in my way I also need to use this time to gain a little bit of extra money we did gain a lot of money on the first day of the mines which was really nice but we still need a little bit more so ideally we get a couple more crate spawns on these floors and hopefully we can get a few aquamarines frozen frozen geodes and or guedes which is our best source of money it's just one node we're almost there on iron looking really pretty with aw that's worth more Oh latter down there if we can get free ladders all the way down to 45 that would be also a really good ah really good for us because if we can start day 3 in the mines on 45 that is looking extremely good I need drops alright we're just dropping not for money I think we're chilling on money now looks like we're not going to get freebie ladders 2:45 here but that is fine I just need one more iron and we should be fine on money pretty sure we're solid on money so all right we're gonna do our normal stuff then we're just going to pass out and then call out a day that's really good mining that's really good really fast got all the resources that we need the level up here and now we're going to go out and sell resources all right now we're sleeping it's on the 13th 13th is the 13th is the best is a festival day but it's a special festival day because Pierre who is the main seed seller and star new sells dry berry seeds there which is what we're going to be using to make a little bit of extra cash and what is it and some farming XP that was a really good minds by the way ignore the gold split all right now we got to clear some room for planting today we're going to be clearing this area over to to the left here because we're going to eventually place a coop here and we want to make sure that nothing's in our way when I do it early clear there clear our farming area that we're going to be using all right so we're gonna be doing a really weird layout that most people aren't used to and it's because of the type of sprinklers that we're going to be using early-game most people just go straight into a sprinkler known as the quality sprinklers or the quality sprinkler but we don't really have the luxury to do that those are really expensive basic sprinklers only water the adjacent for tiles to them so that is why it is like this what am I still missing I have to leave am i missing the horseradish I think I'm still missing one spring Forge I need all four spring Forge coming out of this day I'm just buying 30 strawberries and then running back it's gonna turn tonight but then we're just going to plant these as we already have all the crops saw free watered in place all right so now now we're gonna do a majority of our watering this is basically all the watering that we're going to have to do for the entirety of the run itself we're also gonna take this time to smelt our bars for the sprinklers that we're going to need to make here in a minute I'm also going to check what up more time still missing I'm missing the daffodil and the horseradish all right I should have picked up a daffodil I thought I had that they're pretty common so I don't have to worry about it so ideally we get as many rain days as we can get here in the next couple of days brain has an 18% chance each day of happening and basically it will prevent us from having to water her a day which saves us time so we're praying for rain on average we get about one to two rain days Oh kinda what we're hoping for taking the time to smelt copper bars only take 30 minutes of smelt so it kind of works out very nice for us it takes us about 30 minutes to water the crops so by the time we get back in there by the time we get back in there we can put iron in iron takes two hours so we want to smelt it second so it gets done over the night so it's ready in the morning oh there's our rain day hopefully we'll get one more your watering can only has 40 charges so I basically have to refill it after every single cycle once I have 30 that's what you see me doing all right do more days of watering Oh here's the cap so will we do get the opportunity to say yes to the cat to keep it just for Speed purposes I'm going to say no here just because it's faster but we do get to name the cat if we do say yes though this could be a really easy donation incentive for us for this game and then also we have the ability to pick between a dog and a cat if we want one more day of watering hopefully we get rain on the 20th so I don't have to bother I need every film I can I'm done I'm going to go check for the okay well I found my daffodil I wouldn't have to do this eventually because I won't get a daffodil a spot on my farm I'm also gonna have to go to the left side of the farm for the horseradish a less have one spawns on the right side here right now that so we are going to lose a little bit of time to that sadly but anyways it is harvest day we're gonna get to harvest from these strawberries they are multi producing plants but I don't have to water anymore this is gonna get me farming level two so I can craft sprinklers whenever you level up in this game whatever skill that you level up there's five different skills you get different crafting recipes farming level two specifically gives us bring coolers which we're going to use to our fullest advantage to just sleep away days you so now that we have sprinklers up I don't actually have to go out on water every day since I'm they're being watered for me so I can be the laziest farmer alive and just hibernate every game or wish they could do wishes they can do this alright we're gonna go out on the 27th year due to the fact that uh I still need a horseradish looks like we didn't get one to spawn on the left side of the farm which is a little unfortunate but that just means I just have to go through left side here I also got a weeks-long horseradish whatever I'm gonna have to get rid of sweet well I should haven't eat my inventory first but this is fine a little bit of time loss but that just happens unlucky porch spawns easy backup stuff and one more day unfortunate that we lose time like that to orangey like that we generally get the horseradish but it happens now we're gonna place the remaining sprinklers today and then we're going to hoe this extra area which will eventually turn into where we put our quality sprinklers as they water the surrounding eight tiles instead of just adjacent four so that's why they're like this but we're just going to be filling these spots with meat the reason we're doing wheat is because they only take four days to grow and on average you get four rain days in summer so we're just going to let the rain water them for us oh now we're gonna open and now we're gonna walk over here and get the cut-scene to open up the main objective for this game which we're technically supposed to get on the fifth of spring but uh yeah we kind of just hibernated oh yeah we're going to be finally opening up the community center so for those who don't know what the game or what star do main objective is which is to complete the community center this is the community center basically there's going to be these little guys nip these little forest spirits known as Juna Mo's that want crap they just want stuff to help repair the thing each little there's a golden scroll for basically every single room and each one of them has like five days it's like three to six different bundles and they're each wanting different stuff each wanting different stuff based off them or corresponding to different seizes seasons different crops different fish just a bunch of stuff that they want to repair the entire community center with sorry menus are hard go fast with this is what we're doing for summer the main reason we're doing a combination of melons and blueberries is because of farming XP routing I would love to just do all blueberries because they gain more money more raw money than melons but blueberries give 14 less XP per season than melons or per like full season and we don't have that much XP to give away so I do have to do 25 melons otherwise we wouldn't hit level six farming on a time so now we're just gonna plant that for those wondering how I'm just planting instantly you just hold down right click and it just plates or it just plants the crop right under your feet also for those asking about the selling price if you sell to Pierre at sells for the exact same amount as selling to the bin you just get your money instantly the only downside is if you go into your collections tab it doesn't actually count towards your collections so yeah there's that so if you're a complete unless you do want to sell to sell a couple items to the bin but it's just faster to get money straight through Pierre other than that we're back to hibernating we have we have our sprinklers down and we don't really have to worry about watering our crops we're waiting for all them to grow up so we can harvest them and make some extra cash we're going to need the money for an item known as explosive ammo and the mines here I'll explain a little bit more about explosive bama once we get to it we've already had three reign days by the way so the the the way it's going to be watered I wear to sleeping it's on the fourteenth year um yeah then we're gonna harvest and sell everything Oh aye silver slept in it I know I did it okay that was the 13th I thought I just overslept for a second I don't worry about that miss planted blueberry I buy thirty five blueberries instead of thirty four which is the actual number I need just because it's quicker menuing it's one less inventory or one less it's it's three less clicks though it's faster and then I can just plant it right pick all that up I'm going to give a real quick seizure warning here on the next good luck day I'm going to have this spam open a bunch of mail and it is a little bit of flashiness so for those who struggle with that I would recommend looking away because of that just a fair warning it's on the next good luck day so it might be a little bit I do have to wait for a good luck never mind it's gonna be right now we just need to read the mail there's a few pieces of mail that we need to get mainly there's a little bit of money that we get from our parents that I was mentioning earlier at the start of this run and then on top I need to get the initiation quest for the adventurers guild and then on top of that I need to read the Wizards letters so I can actually go and talk to the wizard about the Juna Mo's all right next up we're doing our last day in the mines today we are going to be utilizing a item called explosive ammo because of the difficulty ramping up in the mines with ice cores each Rock that I have to break with a pickaxe takes three floors which will take a Norma's amount of energy to be able to get the floor eighty that way we are going to use basically explosives to get our way down yeah though this is when I'm going to mention the time that or the mentioned the fact that I am not running on current patch I am running on a downgraded patch that is one point 4.0 live patches one point four point five the reason we're running on a lower patch is because of explosive ammo explosive ammo was nerfed on patch one point four point one making it basically useless for us in speedruns we can't really acquire it as early as we do in this run so yeah it basically always removed from speedrunning and any patch after this explosive ammo is basically arranged explosive that you can put into the slingshot that costs on this patch a hundred gold each or a hundred gold per shot yeah it's 100 gold per shot so it's dirt cheap and if you use effectively you can gain its a lot of floors instantly because bombs one shot rocks no matter what floor type you're on so even if I go even if I go to skull caverns which is the hardest saw the where the hardest rocks and the games are it will still just one shot everything every single Rock and skull caverns so I don't even need to worry about upgrading my pickaxe which saves us a bunch of time because I can just use explosive ammo to just go down as fast as possible and I still collect full resources from it I'm gonna hopefully be able to get a crab from one of these rock crabs today by the way the reason I'm just sitting on these floors killing green slimes is to get initiated into the into into the adventurers guild to be able to buy explosive ammo I have to kill ten green slimes yeah you heard that little ding-a-ling sound right there that means I I killed ten green slime so we're good to go so now my objective is to get to forty five before 2 p.m. the aventures guild opens at two it's a very irregular irregular shop where it opens super late in the day not early in the day like 9 9 a.m. it opens at 2 p.m. so we do have a little bit of time to get down a couple floors before it opens but ideally we get about we we take this morning to grind out green slimes and then we have time to get up 5 more floors after that I'm going to kill all these slimes since they're all climbed up nice and tight for me generally I don't bother doing this because it's going to drain my HP because I'm just going to constantly get hit by these guys but and I don't have a weapon to kill them quickly I don't have a good weapon this run ideally right now I would have a weapon upgrade I've got five floors we might be able to go ten really just depends on our lateral F here we do have a decent amount of time currently that is a weapon I just need a complaint forehead so this is a club this is a weapon upgrade this is the best weapon I can get this run basically each weapon type there's three weapon types clubs swords and daggers has their own special attack by right-clicking the clubs is the most overpowered because it is a smash a AoE type attack but generally most people only use it to just do a a single smash a single hit it has a little quirk with it where if you spam left-click after you smash attack it adds on extra hits so depending on how fast you can left-click after you use your right-click you can basically instant kill basically every monster in the game yes plat up just kill them just like that so getting clubs are very useful because now I don't have to worry about enemies and I can just instant kill them and get them out of the way they do take full knock back so if if you have a slime and he's kind of just in the open and you hit him he's just gonna go flying backwards and you won't be able to instant kill him but if he's against the wall like that uh yeah he has nowhere to go and you'll just kill him before he gets all right a few other objectives that we need to get through on this day is we need to gather 65 iron so I'm just like I'm gonna be passively grabbing that on my way down I need a 35 gold ore fire quartz frozen tier seven quartz and just as much money as we can I just need bundle items that's mainly what I'm looking for there's quite a few items I need to get on my way down ideally we can get it all on this day ah but that's not always going to happen it is really rng dependent on if ladders are generous to me if I get gold ore to spawn frequently on a t1 because I'm going to be farming it just like I did with iron and if I get the fire quartz which can always be a pain so that there is quite a few things that I have to be worried about I also have to be going fast here I got to make sure that I'm up not wasting too much time but this is the power of explosive ammo it just one hits rocks you saw how long it took me to go down ten floors but the pickaxe and how tedious it was yeah explosive ammo just bypasses that all and I'm just going to run straight down and just blow up the entire floor explosive ammo does take a little bit of skill to use you can't just blow up I wanted to kill those guys you can't just blow up the ammo wherever you want it actually only blows up off of enemy's walls and ladders I'm trying to get extra coal here by the way we're gonna need a lot of it so sometimes it's beneficial to like move enemies in the way of rocks like that and shoot it at them and then other times you just want to aim at the wall but like sometimes you have floors where you have rocks that you just can't reach naturally with eggs supposed to man low so you kind of have to like lure enemies where you want them to be it kind of have to play it well and play it smart so it does take a little bit of skill and brainpower to to get proficient at quest not only that the controls of explosive ammo are really wonky so that doesn't really help there but it's best used on PC or on keyboard and mouse but it's it's still a pain to learn it takes it takes a while I'm I'm gonna be a little greedy here or not little greedy it's more a little safe there's a coal card on this floor very cool bag whichever you call it and I just want to make sure that I have enough hope for this run so I am going to go out of my way plus it will give me time to come on guys I need a you solar essence all right the only risky part about using explosive ammo is well at least how I use explosive ammo I do hurt myself a lot a lot and it does do a lot of damage to you if you kind of just sit there and take it oh yeah are so 59 is a pain I do have a way to skip this floor but ideally I don't use a ladder on it because if I get a monster floor and I have to ladder 59 and the monster floor I am going to be really low on stone which will make me really low on money later into the game if it does happen we're buying on money it's not run over but it makes money a little bit more sketch I rather avoid that at all costs luckily enough we did get the ladder and not wasted too much time or didn't waste too much time so there is that I do actually want to go to the right side here I was just looking for a ladder I need one aqua aquamarine still like look at this this is a little awkward I can't actually blow it up off of that big rock so I can only get like the top a couple of rocks there there's our aquamarine there's also another two weapons that I don't need look at that out I'm gonna use this goes to my advantage a little awkward to aim hitboxes in this game are a little funky at times I really want to be using as close to that ball all right we should be good on iron now yeah we are way over on iron all right I don't need to worry about iron whatsoever at this point I really need to worry about warts I need three more courts still cuz I'm not really in panic mode for courts I need seven courts total and we just need to pick up our speed mainly I'd like to be on 80 within like the next two hours freebie pool full bag that oh here we go this is why we save the ladder I would be really low on stone that's an infested floor they you generally get one or two of them throughout the run though that's just when I got it that's why that's what you want to keep their stuff for so you don't have to deal with it I don't need to worry about iron too much sometime we don't waste ammo there all right this Fork gave us trouble on the dark floors and beam is picking up we're still a little slower than what I would like but hurry up I need one more quartz you can see by what I talked about taking full knock back from these skeletons by the way with the combo they if they're not against the wall they do get fun back thankfully skeletons don't take too much knock back so I can still instant kill them without them being next to a ladder but all right that is a boss slime that's actually a rare spawn they have increased health and increased damage that is a free diamond which I will take gladly that is free money and now we're on these floors I generally don't pick up these boots but I'm going to play it safe here and it's just extra damage reduction now we're just gonna be using explosive ammo to farm off Bowl here though the only items that we are now missing is a fire quartz and we need 35 total goals or so that's going to be spamming spamming 81 over and over and over again it's only get all the ore that we need we're also doing really solid on coal overall this has been a good run that is wood I know hopefully we just get gold ore to spawn even if I don't get everything that I need today which is we should be killing in that department we should get everything that we want today knock on wood don't mention that but even if we don't we can easily just come back the next day and be totally fine just like what we did with the forge we just have to go out of our way for it doesn't waste too much time but we still have to do it it's time more gold and then we're just resetting floors for the fire quartz fired for its time all we're looking for now and be using the remainder of my explosive ammo to blow up stone to get extra stone by the way because each stone that I get for later into the run saves me money so we're just or fire course of course we're getting really good gold spawns after we don't need it anymore again if I don't get the fire course I will just have to walk back up here and farm for it a little bit more ideally we don't have to but it's just a way of the way of the road and what I'm really gonna run so far if I actually pick this up I'm fortunate oh well I lose a bit of time here it's a it's generally not this rare but obviously because I had I had a good mind or a good spring and a UH and whatnot it's just going to give me bad luck I had a good spring and a good start to the minds for day three it's just gonna give me bad luck because I had a good run going oh well that's like this happens all the time it's not too big of a time loss we just got to walk back it is a little unfortunate because of how long the lock time is but we should be fine overall and we continue the grind and still pick up a little bit of extra stone here still - we can't get fired quartz out of crates so I I just have to find it on the ground this is really unfortunate I'm just faster to reset a t1 at this point over and over again stuff like this happens though there it is alright uh I would say not too bad but it's pretty bad but I mean we're looking really good on money sixty cold 313 or 323 stone we're gonna be really looking good on money later into this run but it's just unfortunate that we're losing a bunch of time here just now alright now we got to do a really big inventory management section or all our goodies here [Music] and all right now it's be a time to begin sleeping and smell tight this is why we start hibernating again so now would probably be a decent time for donations because I'm just gonna go out three more times to go harvest and we're just going to be smelting so like it would be a good time to read donations there's gonna be a lot of times like that throughout this run where I'm just sweeping to the next week essentially but we have that that's not what I wanted to do I stop getting distracted harvest we're gonna go the Taylor perk we just hit level 5 farming so we want to tiller perk which basically increases the base price the base selling price of crops by 10% which is going to be very useful because we're gonna be selling a bunch of crops raw here in just a minute oh yeah I get to explain a useless event this is the crop fairy it's a one percent chance of happening each day each and every day and basically there's no good use for this in a speedrun it is very nice for for casual play just to happen it's a really cool event but for speedrunning it is a pretty big time loss it's like a thirty second time loss just waiting for it to grow up because we have everything like set in stone so we don't need anything extra to come up and grow our crops for us we got one more harvest man that that fire courts really lost a bunch of time that's depressing I was it really good start to the run very good start to their on all right last thing we should hit level 6 farming off of this I would I generally don't check but just because I'm going to be safe this run I will check my but I don't believe I lost any I didn't lose any crops lightning all right we're chillin not too much time lost for that fire courts especially for the orange again all right now the reason we don't harvest the wheat on in summer is not only just because it is a multi season crop that stays till the fall but it's actually to keep all the spots or it's to keep all those spots till so I can do less tilling today which saves us a little time since today is kind of tight [Music] on time these are quality sprinklers they water more it's time for the inventory hassle the inventory plague you [Music] oh it's my item 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 I have all that all right cool why does it go all right now we finally get to open up the community center after two full seasons we finally get to talk to the Juna bows keepers of the forest this forest spirits that have moved into the community center and whatnot but we also get to talk to a lot of people's favorite NPC known as the wizard he basically gives us a magical soup definitely not drugs but a magical soup that allows us to be able to talk to the forest spirits and be able to read their language which is what's on the golden scrolls we're gonna be skipping the cutscene because it's slow but yeah now we can read a forest spirit but we're gonna head up to the community center and start turning in bundles a couple of things about the bundles is whenever you complete a bundle or individual bundle you actually gain a little reward some of these are very useful like a extra quality sprinkler or some extra money from spring seeds and then if you complete an entire room you get a bigger reward the one that we're completing today is the boiler room which will give us access to the mine carts which is the thing that you saw next to the bus stop top-left corner which is basically a quick travel there's a and the minecart in the mines it basically allows you to quick travel to areas so it will save time over time do that but yeah we got to unlock all the bundles there's more than just one here that is the first one that is spring Forge there's one there's a there's a forge bundle for each season but again we go to year two so it's easier to do a lot of the forging stuff in year two we just need to do spring for year 1 so we can unlock more bundles here because you have to turn you have to complete a bundle from here to be upload to unlock more bundles and the easiest one is the spring porch and that is our quality sprinkler for completing summer crops again we will be doing spring crops there's a spring crops bundle in year 2 it is faster and easier to do in year 2 so that is when we do it and now for the last one actual full boiler room I'm going to be stacking cutscenes here which will allow us to move for just a short period of time here alright so be because we are able to stack animations it allows us to move early and basically we can just walk out and it does this yeah it's a little freaky not a glitch by the way not a glitch uh yeah stacking animations causes some really weird weird things and that was just me completing bundles by the way there are multiple bundles at the same time and then using animation cancelling to get out of that animation early or one of the animations early we're gonna do fall crops here [Music] and just plant pumpkins pumpkins is our best money source that we can do in a in fall currently because we are going to get up an item called preserve jars which is basically going to double the base price of any crop that we put in so it is much better to put pumpkins in to preserve jars and cranberries since you get a better return value all right now we're just gonna be sleeping for our rain day so we can begin our fishing fishing fish that we need we're fishing for fish we need fish for the community center for one of the bundles fishy fish fish fish we're also upgrading our acts today that needs to leave so we unlock the the minecarts through the boiler room completion so now we can quick travel like that just click on the minecarts and yeah they work so we got to go get our fishing fishing rod from Willie he's just going to be at the dock he sent us a letter he sent us a letter on spring 2nd yeah we read it but we didn't really care to show up but yeah he's still waiting for us even though it's two seasons later he's a very dedicated fisherman but he gives us a bamboo pole so we can begin fishing yeah I probably miss the ring when I was doing my explanation there but basically we're just waiting for a little ring to get a hit and now we get to play a little fishing minigame the entire objective of this fishing minigame is to keep the fish in the green bar to be able to catch it ooh we got the little bonus sunfish so yeah it's pretty self-explanatory it's more difficult than it looks but I kind of make it look easy since I have a ridiculous amount of time practicing catching fish at lower levels but it is a much it is much harder than you think to get used to this some tips that I have is to just spam click you have more control over the green bar if you're rapidly clicking and then holding it you use holding you hold it if you want it to accelerate upwards but after you're after you're fine or after you get it to the point that you want you want to begin clicking you stabilize it we can animation cancel the real back-end so if I have like a junk item or a fish I don't want I can just cancel it I don't have to worry about it we're looking for a couple of fish here the sunfish is a bonus fish that people are probably asking how did I catch the sunfish when it's raining in fall generally the sunfish is a spring summer crop that is only available on sunny days but this game has a tutorial fish so the first fish that you ah I've missed a ring there's no way I haven't I I don't like I'm staring at my character I don't see it and I keep getting garbage ah anyways the the first fish that you catch is a tutorial fish so if it's a if you get if the game decides that you're going to get a like a seaweed on your first catch the game will automatically convert that into a sunfish if it is your first cast what sha it probably was or a piece of garbage it will convert it into a seaweed so that basically made it so I got the sunfish instead so I caught it on a day that I'm not supposed to it's basically the tutorial fish and the default fish that it goes back to other than that we're looking for a couple other fish we need the tilapia which we already have the red snapper and the sardine also I need to explain the training rod that I just bought the training rod is a new rod that was added in 1.4 and basically we use it to decrease the the pool Oh fish that you can catch basically how the how the training rod works is it can't let you catch a fish with a difficulty above 50 each H and every fish in this game has its own difficulty value ranging from anywhere between like one and a hundred and ten so basically what the training rod does is prevent you from being able to get any fish with a difficulty about 50 on the line so we can use this the siphon out the fish that we don't want I already caught the tilapia the tilapia is the only fish in the ocean fish that has a difficulty about 50 since I caught it early it means I can switch to the bamboo or the the training rod and catch the sardine and the red snapper at a higher percent chance of getting it on the line also you're going to notice that I'm calling out what fish I have on the line before I even catch it the way how I do that is because every fish has their own well I won't say each and every fish has their own unique pattern but their fish ah every fish in the in in this game has a pattern to it sometimes they overlap with other fish like you're going to notice here the fish that I need in the river right now is the the shad the walleye and the tiger trout the walleye and the shad shamed this share the same pattern so when I see that pattern I know it's the one of the two but I don't know which one it is where where let's say the tiger trout has a different pattern the tiger trout is a wiggly fast-moving fish so I know when I have it on the line when I see a fish that is wiggling a lot and it's pretty fast there's another hard fish in the river right now which is the catfish but I don't need that right now if I get an easy pattern for the catfish I'll go after it but if not I'm just going to ignore it like that one fish that I just had that was hard that was a catfish it was a little too hard for my fishing level my fishing level is a little low this is the pattern for the walleye or the shad I know it's one of the two but I don't know which one it is this time it is the walleye I can't really tell the difference because it's the same pattern they have the same difficulty number and the same typing that was a nother catfish but yeah I'm just waiting for hopefully to get the tiger trout on the line here soon and hopefully they get a shad you can see how like they do have bearing patterns like they they have the same attributes like the catfish is fast moving like this and it launches across the entire bar but it doesn't do the same pattern every time it has differences but just the general like movement of the fish tips me off oh oh hey this is a catfish oh oh hey this is a tiger trout I probably shouldn't be going for this catfish it's how to waste the time it's kind of a hard pattern and I'm messing it up but I'm kind of dedicated at this point not too bad I'll take a pre catfish generally I have to get this back in summer but if I again if I get an easy pattern I may as well just like that there are a couple more fish that I do need I need to get the eel which spawns at 4 p.m. each fish has every fish has their own Lake timing window though some fish are all day but other fish has their own timing window like the eel doesn't spawn until 4 p.m. and the bream doesn't spawn until them 6 where some fish also has restrictions where the tiger trout spawn or starts spawning at 6 a.m. which is when you wake up but it only goes to 7 p.m. so I only have until 7:00 p.m. to catch it on the list so it has time zones kind of like Animal Crossing does for like those types of fish that's another catfish so we do have kind of a time range here to catch certain type of fish but we do have backups for fish if we don't catch someone we want to like the tiger trout the tired trout is the best fish to miss on this day if I'm missing a fish since it is a some fish has off or have weather type restrictions like they can only be caught on sunny days or they can only be caught on rainy days the tiger trout doesn't have a restriction like that and it can be caught so it can be caught on basically any day in fall so it's a very oh that was a salmon it's a very available fish that I can just catch on any day if I have to all right this is another salmon the other fish that is in the pond right here is the salmon it has a very mean pattern sometimes it generally moves it moves more than the walleye in the shad but occasionally it will have the same exact starting pattern as a walleye and the shad and it basically mace makes me waste my time trying to catch it this is a tiger trout by the way so it can be very mean like that and that's what that salmon just did it had the start of the walleye in the shad and then it kind of just stood there right really good fish only fish we're missing is the shad you're gonna notice that I'm switching to the training Rob the walleye and the shad actually have a lower than 50 difficulty rating where the catfish the salmon and the tiger trout have above so basically the only three fish that I can catch with the training rod in the river is the walleye the shad and the smallmouth and garbage technically but garbage is always available so it increases my odds by double basically of getting the shad just like that alright so now I just have to wait its own for 4:00 p.m. for the feel this one so I have a little bit of time here and it just relax but I'm gonna early cast here make our way down the L has a pretty unique pattern it will launch itself up the barbary quickly that's a start and kind of just sit there though we have that going for us like this this is our nice little eel if I can catch it alright so we have everything that we need so far though we just need one more fish which is going to be ah which is going to be the bream but if that doesn't spawn until 6 p.m. so I'm going to go do what I generally do at the end of the day because I I don't have the extra time and go and visit Gus I'm going to be buying 15 coffee and checking his dish of the day which is rice pudding so I don't really care generally if he has like a fishing item I'll buy it like a fish taco it gives me plus to fishing which increases it gives me a better shot or makes saw fishing easier you have some time that we can just relax here this probably won't happen in the actual run this is a really good fishing I generally don't have time to just sit here and relax because it's generally like down to the wire I'm generally missing a fish or two and I have to back them up so this is this has been a really good fishing day so far so I generally don't have this extra time but we could if this does happen it can easily be a good time to read donations or something like that there's really not going on for the rest of this day we got to catch one more fish which is the bream the really easy catch it will go up to the second notch and kind of just sit there it's an easy fish so we're gonna be using the training rod it gives us a better odds this is a perfect fishing day literally this is going to gold split by a mile so this should be fun this is basically a God fishing day the only time loss I had was to that catfish and it wasn't even that bad though we were just going to head back and then we are going to sleep till the 15th which is when the pumpkins are done so yeah again this would our once I start sleeping again it's a good time for more donations to be read there's going to be a lot of sections like this where I'm just going to be sleeping I tell the next crop cycle because the objective of star do is to just go out or the objective of Sardi valley speedrunning is to go out the fewest days amount as possible so we only want to go out when crops are ready and on days that we absolutely have to fish on and stuff like that and absolutely have to go out on so there's that so our just leave me until the 15th here you you a lot of rain yeah that was that was a gold split by almost uh 20 seconds 20 30 seconds inventory all right all right mentor is going to be a little annoying today cuz it how cool it is clearing that area out one day all right we're gonna turn in a bunch of these items here super quickly and during that same time I'm going to do some quick math using a calculator because we have a little bit of extra time today so I don't have to worry about doing anything else really I should put the salmon away [Music] okay I need the bee house okay I know we're gonna be fun on money aside I don't have to all right so we're gonna need the bee house later the bee house is actually a backup that I recently and implemented because of how wah also this cackle is a really good spawn because of how artisan bundle the artisan bundle has been treating me so it just gives us an extra artisan aw artisan product just in case if I don't get the RNG spawns that I need for them those kind of just a quick backup that we just get early all right we're gonna be using coffee for the speed boost cops don't open until 9:00 so we kind of just have to wait each morning and we're going to so you you and sell down to our magic number of 45 our favorite number and we're gonna buy 108 of those and that's it now we're going to buy 725 wood we need a total of 750 that's this way of buying is holding down right click and spamming off left click along with a shift I need 140 few extra stones making sure I get my numbers right a little paranoid what we're gonna do with extra wood and stone is make deserve jars by the way and we're going to big our pumpkins into Pickle pumpkins because it doubles their base price it makes them sell for 690 gold instead of 320 so it's very useful to gather get rid of those we don't need those anymore rather have it's more efficient to have the spots as pumpkins we're just gonna run around and go we're gonna put them right next to the bed for easy access and we're just going to go out and back in every three days they take three days to produce it does take time for these things to actually uh if you stuff back it's not like copper that you just have to wait thirty minutes so you actually have to wait three whole days but that's what that's we're sleeping a bunch of days because we have to progress through fall for our pumpkins to grow up and for other things to get done and we still need to get to winter for the winter forage crop or a winter forge ah that's very good to just sleep and go sleep and go every three days we walk out put nine more pumpkins in and make money this is the point in time where we are really going to start hibernating so this is like going to be a really big time to just get in as many or get in reading as read as many donations as we can grammars hard words are hard because we're just sleeping and I really got nothing else to say we're a little bit as we are sleeping at telling the twenty-eighth to harvest and then we were sleeping until in winter 19th before we actually do anything we got a bunch of time here Harvester I will say harvesting in this game is one of the most satisfying especially when you do it fast that is worth the loss if I don't have to go to the left side of the farm to get a purple mushroom I will take that this is what I mean by all the forest map being super beneficial with corresponds stuff like that you wouldn't be able to get the purple mushroom to spawn on your farm on any other farm type other than the forest farm and we do need a purple mushroom this this run so that is a very big perk sure you can say oh then select the mushrooms from the Batcave but then we have to get a bunch of aw fruit trees which is really annoying to do but again we're just sleeping until the 19th you you you we will have a busy day on the 19th coming up here I should probably start explaining it now we have to when you have to get all the winter fours we got to check for the nautilus shell on the beach we're also going to do a traveling cart check for those wondering about whether or not we are using the traveling car and that's run we are but only for one item we are manually getting the rabbit's foot and the truffle from Pig or from the pig and the rabbit and respectively for those who don't know what the traveling cart is the traveling cart shows up on Fridays and Sundays and sells a random assortment of items and they can sell some pretty rare items that we do need for the community center but the odds of them showing up are so minuscule that there's no on average you lose more time yoloing items from the cart than actually doing this route so that shows you how small it is to get the items that you actually need but we go out on the Friday specifically because of the cart check and it is the best air and it is the second best day or forge era for a forged check because we need with your Forge we want the OP we want it to be on the most optimal day to pick up for how Forge works in this game is basically it stockpiles throughout the week it starts on Sunday and it starts gathering up over time there's just a random chance of it's morning anywhere between 0 & 4 or off or jables in any given error in every single area every single day and it just stockpiles up until Saturday once it hits Saturday at the end of Saturday and on to the day of Sunday the Saturday to Sunday transition all the Forge resets so the most optimal day to gorge is on ace on a Saturday but since we don't have the cart available to us that are on that Saturday our next best option is to go out on Friday because we get the traveling kart check - we are going to start moving over all the items that we need for the car I forgot to sell the diamond did I forget the self dime [Music] and awfully oh so now we're gonna make a path way down south here I'm just gonna clear a little path because we're going to watch pattern here later we're gonna use actual paths so it doesn't get too overgrown it will destroy some of our pass over time but the entire goal is to just have it not that overgrown so we're gonna need a crystal fruit a Korkis a snow yam a winter root and a nautilus shell today for forge ideally we get a ideally we would have gotten a pufferfish there it is a very high percent chance as I as I was saying before table items in the cart are very low percent chances but one of the high percent chances is the pufferfish which is what we're looking for it is one of the highest it's in the top five it's like a thirty seven point five percent chance of showing up from the cart each day so it is a very safe item to bet to get from the cart plus the days that we can go and get the pufferfish are extremely awkward times or catch the pufferfish is extremely awkward times for us and it's a pretty hard catch overall though it's easier just to also did I really get screwed on the nautilus shell nice Friday for it I was hyping it up saying that Friday for just the best forage day but we just got absolutely but blasted by forage there we got a cockle though but we already had that we're gonna head up here so my extra crops to Pierre's that I don't need we are also going to buy the rice while we're here and then we're going to head up to Robbins we're gonna do a few special things at Robbins back in 1.3 the wood and stone prices in year 2 we're jacked up though once we get into year 2 the wood and stone prices are five times the normal amount so because of that we want to buy all the wood in stone that we need from from or for the rest of the game from robben in year one so that is why I'm selling all the pickled pumpkins that we have stored up before we get the level 10 perk of artisan which makes them sell for forty percent more so we can afford all 2600 wood that we need and 1,100 stone that we need because we don't want to be buying wood for 50 gold apiece we rather be buying it for 10 gold apiece and one last thing [Music] nice little barn all right so we're gonna have to go out an extra day to get the dollar shell because I got I got really bad forced ones on the beach today so unfortunately I will have to go out again and we were going to upgrade our axe I'm gonna go out again next we will lose a little bit more time but that's just laying the road again this would be a good time for reading more donations we're just gonna be sleeping and I'm going to check the beach next ah Saturday or the nautilus shell yeah you you I kind of technically got out on the Friday honey is the coffee save a little bit of time or are we gonna be punching less robust cutscene I'm sorry Shadow Man cutscene spoilers that gets a speedrun I hope you expect spoilers hopefully we're gonna nautilus shell here we got three nevermind - that is what I mean about em PC is running over stuff if it's in their way pretty sure I mentioned that there and take our minute time loss all right ring time ring is a really chill season - nothing really different just going to be growing our spring crops and cauliflower for money and yeah that's really good well luckily for us we actually had a lot or we're going to have a lot of extra time on this day do you see the fact that I caught the sunfish in fall generally this is the day that I go out and catch the sunfish but since I already got it in fall I don't need to worry about it today we're gonna have a bunch of leftover time today [Music] [Music] and go do a few turnings done super quick since we have the morning [Music] all right look a little turn in since we have the morning kind of just do whatever I got to that's fine all right I forgot three items I just don't want to be late so you all right now we're going to hurry up and upgrade our coupe to tier 2 being the big coupe we do have to get our coupon barn to tier 3 which is the walks it goes just barn coupe then big coupe big barn deluxe bar and deluxe coupe that kind of just goes in order and now we're gonna go and pick up our acts which will be steel quality the reason we need to get our acts up to steel quality is because we need to unlock an area called the secret woods which is only unlockable through the steel acts but we do have to spend the time to upgrade our acts and that's why I was slowly doing it just like this and now we have it we have that I'm just going to go and ant all our lovely a cauliflower [Music] we're going to lose some extra time here but that is just due to the fact that I was turning in bundles when I generally don't today I'm generally just fishing so we're gonna lose a little bit of extra time into that menuing but we'll gain it back much later but we are killin [Music] all right again this will be another good time for more reading of donations because of we're just sleeping you almost out of pumpkins we're just sleeping in till in the 14 you all right we're basically gonna do the same thing on the 14th where we're just going to go up out sells some pickles we're going to plant more cauliflower and then we are going to upgrade our barn to tear ah boo aah Tara you can't be turning in anything else I can put that away the benefit of buying two rounds of seeds on spring first instead of just buying one round and then another round on this day is the fact that uh during the time that I'm waiting for peers to open to sell pickles Tim - I actually have the time - this plant it now so instead of going from beers to Robins to planting I can go from planting to the ears - Robins to bed so it saves a little bit of time doing it like this and yes I still have to wait until 9:00 because of the fact that I need to upgrade my coronet Robbins today it's just the best day to do it on since we're already going out and we don't go out any other day let's file we're also going to finally check the Batcave after a full half a year of letting make a stockpile we're looking for a pomegranate in here just a single pomegranate and a couple other that have been sick no pomegranate though unfortunately there is and I was saying that would have been sick is because getting three apples to spawn from the Batcave is extremely rare the Apple is the lowest spawn rate item from the Batcave and we need three of them for this run the only issue is they have to be three of the exact same quality and since these weren't three of the exact same quality I can't really use them I'm still going to have to buy an apple tree it is totally fine that we didn't get a pomegranate there we do have time to check for it one more time so we don't have to buy a pomegranate tree and even if we do have to buy a pomegranate tree we are doing really good on money in this front side I don't have a worry it's just unfortunate the past couple of runs I haven't been able to get the pomegranate so that's why I'm a little little tilted we're just waiting until 9:00 enough money we only need 12 K although more than 12 K so we buy the fishing on the first though so far so good on the run RNG has been up and down we had a really good mindset some fire reports all fishing was good and then we got really destroyed by the nautilus shell tho this run's had its ups and downs but so far so good very acceptable run slightly above marathon safe pace I would say with all the test runs I've done slightly above the average time that I'm looking for my inventory is a mess but it's fine all right so now we get to show off the instance sleeping because I don't have to plant all right I'm just gonna be sleeping at till the 28th now so and another good time for every donations basically the mid-game of this run is very relaxed in that sense the early game is kind of just a struggle bus quit ball mining and the fishing and fall and making sure that we have everything mid game kind of gets really relaxed it's just a bunch of farming upgrading just a little bit of memory nothing too hard and then late game kind of picks up again with more fishing and it's actually hard fishing the fish that we have to catch in summer are much harder than the fish that we have to catch in fall and then on top of that we get the inventory mess which is known as turning day at the very end of the run when we turn it every single item that we have because we generally just stockpile items I tell them the baryon because it's easier to just turn it in all at once like I get a few days here and there where I can do a few like quick turn ins when I have the ability to but other than that we mainly just do it all in one go at the very end you we have all the items Eric twenty-eight [Music] all right we should hit level 10 farming after this and we're going to select the artisan perk so our pickles sell for more left side here right now we get to do fun this day is going to involve fishing on it so we want to get this hoeing process reowing process as fast as we can here [Music] a nice low casual tip for people though is the fact that if you play staffing underneath sprinklers and you miss click on them and boot them or miss click on them with a hoe they don't actually up fruit grant it we don't really get that luxury in a speedrun but it is a nice little thing for people who don't know about that I should add alright now we're gonna go fishing we need a fish which is apparently known as the rung killer no or which is the tuna on this day this tuna has about an 8 percent chance of getting on the line each and every hook on average is about an 8% it kind of varies fishing it's very weird of how it works and yeah we either get it really quickly here or we lose a bunch of time and adjust how it works hopefully we get it fast basically the average time that I get it in is basically around noon but if I can get it before noon that is a really good time for me anything afternoon is kind of slow it is a very easy to spot fish it has the same exact pattern as the eel so it kind of just launches to the top and stays there for a little bit and then moves around kinda take a drink animation cancel we're also going to buy the fiberglass fishing rod from Willy today upgrading our fishing rod will actually allow us to equip bait bait allows us to be able to get more fish on the line faster than what we normally would be able to so we can cycle through fish faster I bought a few extra bait a cycle through fish faster you're also gonna notice that I've been eating trout soup the reason I'm eating trout soup is because the higher fishing level you have that is a higher chance you get air you have for getting rarer fish plus it makes them easier to catch because it makes your green bar bigger I probably should explain that in fall fishing but I forgot I'm just looking at the pattern as soon as I don't see the pattern it's a skip I don't remember fire to seaweed or not so I'm gonna catch that so we're just looking for the pattern for those wondering how I instantly fail the fish you can just press your escape that's another thing that I should explain in fall but that's just a little side note that's how you instant fail Eirik escapes on the keyboard well unfortunate so far so within the average time I really wanted to get it quickly here first couple of casts isn't 8 percent so it does take a couple tries but max casting by the way the further you are casted out the the more I don't think this is a tuna I'm pretty sure this is the tilapia gonna catch it just in case it didn't go all the way up on the first stop on the first stop rotation hello unfortunate bad tuna so far I will have to bail on this tuna if it gets to 3 p.m. because I still have to do a couple other things on this day the shops closed that late so that's why I kinda have to leave okay so bubbles also reduce the wait time but they don't they don't stay for long so I'm willing to bet by the time that I walk over there they're just going to disappear so I'm not gonna bother walking over as I say that they're going to last more than like two hours but I rather not waste the time to walk over there that's unfortunate our odds of finding it are slightly lower now since it's past noon technically I can actually catch the puffer fish today but again puffer fishes are hard catches so I'll probably just bail on it if I see it see they're already gone [Music] unfortunate so why it's known as the run killer it's fine the tuna can be backed up you can catch it any day in summer we do have to do another fishing day of the 13th coming up here so if I didn't get it right here this pattern by the way I would have been able to just get it on the 13th only an hour light every bit more I'll take it alright that since we have level 10 ah and farming I don't really care I don't need to hold on to any of the pickles anymore I can just instantly sell them without any hesitation whatsoever goodbye 20 melons poppy where's my corn I'm corn bun flour a hundred and eight red cabbage we have the rice and we got to buy an apple and a pomegranate tree full combo and a deluxe coupe today yeah because we didn't get the pomegranate from the Batcave I do have to buy the pomegranate tree because I didn't get one from there and just to be safe I could yellow for it which is what I would generally do in normal speed runs but but since its marathon say if I have to I will just buy the pomegranate tree we will be fine on money but it is a slight endurance plant our red cabbage seeds and I miss planted one but that's fine doesn't need to be perfect never needs to be perfect gotta get a majority of them down if I'm missing one or two we have room for error they're gonna be planting the rest of this stuff later now we're just going to casually sleep atone the 13th which is going to be our fishing day and harvest day we're gonna do a bunch of things on the on the 13th we're going to be fishing for a lot of fish we're going to be upgrading our final lob ah Barn upgrade we're going to be uh fishing in the secret woods unlocking the secret woods getting the fiddlehead fern and just a bunch of stuff or geing the beach a lot of stuff to do I say very jam-packed day is probably the busiest and hardest day to perform correctly in the run so it is a very difficult makes a little bit of luck a little bit of scale and a little bit of spice make it happen to add three again third the I mentioned earlier about rain 13th of summer is a guaranteed rain day so no matter what I know it's going to rain on this day so that is why we choose the 13th because we want it to rain do we take advantage of that plus the 13th has a very unique spotting chance of being able to get a sea urchin on the left side of the beach generally they only spot on the right side but for whatever reason in on the two guaranteed summer days which is summer rain days which is the 26th and the 13th there is a chance of us getting a sea urchin on the left side of the beach that we take advantage of that oh that's unfortunate I am no SAP so I'm going to check the beach first thing in the morning here because NPCs do crush do crush for jables if they are in their path when they walk in a couple NPCs actually walk on the beach even on this day on this thunderstorm day so just to make sure that no NPCs walk over it I am going to check the beach super quick for the sea urchin looks like no sea urchin unfortunately so we're going to have to get an extra 300 wood for for repairing the right side of the bridge because I'm not going to go out on the 26 the odds are not high enough for it to be worth it not where I wanted to go now we're off to the mines we need every single fish we can possibly catch from Lake fish here sturgeon carp largemouth bullhead chub surgeon being the artist fish that we have to catch you a bullhead but I do need I probably will need a little bit of quiet time for this segment just because of the difficulty the sturgeon can bring sometimes you can get an easy pattern most of the time it is a very hard fish just like that the very Dookie fish probably just caught that for the XP really another bullhead there's five different fish that I can catch and I've got in the bull head three of the four times that I've casted my rod and I guess I technically got green algae so it would be three of the five come on Big Boy come on Big Boy stay still that's an easy one the first one was stupidly hard and then I get a stupidly easy one virgin is just a special boy [Music] wait am I just missing the carp now yeah I'm just missing the carpet all right we're good okay at the largemouth they even notice it's probably a largemouth that looks like a bull head in pattern I didn't look at the real end kind of just looked away all right now we need the ghost fish the reason we go to 464 they goes fish is because it's a slightly higher chance to appear then on floor 20 is this light all right this is turning out to be a really good fishing day so far and we get to do best passing because we can afford the deluxe coupe erred deluxe barn while I'm up here fast path thing ducks born right now we're gonna go down Pierre so sell money so he can be so we're able to buy animals on the upcoming or on the 19th year I'm scared every time I hear lightning that it strikes an important crop that I need as one of the scariest things about this day I can easily replace it today it is in the back of my mind we're gonna use the South path that we made on the farm here to get down fast or we're gonna empty our inventory and then use the South the South Pass to get odd do this out quickly doesn't look like anything has been struck all right now we're going to go to the secret woods you get the remaining fish we need I need one carp one I would skip a fiddlehead fern and we're going to chop a couple of hardwood stumps in here not for the hardwood we already have the heart all the hardwood we need but for forging XP because we need to hit forging level three be able to craft the tap machine dime we can technically touch the the catfish today in this pond but we don't need it we already caught one earlier for the carp and the wood skip [Music] I do a shorter cast so I'm more likely dot to get the catfish by the way there's a carp carp carp and then we just need the would skip hopefully we can get it here faster with skip generally loses me a lot of time because out of the three fish it is the lowest one rate of the three so I don't know if this is the would skip for the catfish because it's not moving fast enough to eat the catfish it's faster to pass out hear them walk home so I will only end up losing a thousand gold and I have more than enough money currently so I can just pass out then walk home as a really good summer fish right now we are just going to sleep a town the 19th the reason we're sleeping till the 19th is because Marnie does Marnie isn't open on Mondays and Tuesdays and by that point we could technically go on the 17th but it's best to go on the 19th if we don't have the puffer fish because then we get a free kart check so it's just our best day to go now I'm gonna spend basically all my energy on this day collecting wood because we are already and that we used all our energy we are going to go check the cart and then wait for Marnie's to open Marni's we're going to buy one brown chicken one white chicken duck rabbit pig and cow each one of those can be named so if we want to do a donation incentive to name each animal we could there will be six animals total though that is another donation extent to possibly do other than that we got our pufferfish so we're pretty happy and we're kind of just kind of waiting for Marnie stolen this day is pretty straightforward these animals actually come pre pet so even though I buy them today I don't have to worry about taking care of them today free pet and fun but I only have to worry about that tomorrow you can tell what a chicken type you're getting by looking at the top right there I just got a white chicken and then we got a brown chicken it's a 50/50 about whether which color you get how big each one of them can be named is for this run I'm not bothering and milk pail and [Music] now we are going to a head up I don't have to worry about taking care of them today we're just gonna head up and instantly sleep and then after that we're going to have to take care of them next day for basically the rest of the run so we're kind of getting down to the last bit of stuff that we have to do we mainly just have to take care of animals for the next couple of weeks ah and get the last remaining items that we still need finally got level three so we can make the tapper we need a maple syrup and a no present so let's just start with tapping that and say hello to our animals each day that you pet your animals and feed your animals they go up in friendship points we're looking for we are looking for a large product variants of the large milk and the large eggs and then we also need a duck egg and a piece of wool from the rabbit for the animal products and then on top of that we need a rabbit's foot a duck feather and a truffle which is the special or the rabbit's foot and the duck feather are special items from the rabbit and the duck and the truffle is the pigs main product that it gives for for the large products the animals have to be or have to be fully grown or when I say fully grown they have to be in their adult variant or variation and they have to be max or not max friendship they have to have a friendship of above 200 it takes about two weeks of constant petting to be able to get the animals to 200 friendship points so we do have to spend basically the next 14 days petting them and loving them well well at the same time we're going to continue pickling our off crops we almost have enough money for the rest of the run we just need to call a few more the reason I leave that the coop animals locked up is because there's four of them they're kind of hard to keep track of so I keep that door closed but for the barn animals there's only two of them so it's very easy to see which one I bet or not plus saw if they come out I don't have to go in though there's that too when there's four of them I'm more likely having to go in anyways because not all four of them are gonna come out first thing in the morning since that is that in above itself is random where when there's only two of them there's a very high likelihood of both of them coming out and to be fair I don't even need to pet the pigs the pigs friendship level doesn't get in its way of producing one truffle I only need one truffle the pigs friendship level increases its chance to produce more than one truffle per day but not just one truffle and I only need one truffle so I don't need to worry about it I don't really need to worry about petting him the reason I do pet him though is because of the fact that all the higher friendship points they are the more they sell for so it's just a little bit of extra money when I can but I won't go out of my way to pet him in particular that's mainly what I'm more concerned about money in this run I'm not concerned about money whatsoever we're straight chillin we need 5 Gold quality melons here alright and no early rabbits put a duck feather they have about an 8% chance right now to give me a rabbit's foot in a duck feather on average daily luck does affect their oz drop rates it can increase it or decrease it by a whole 10% so it is a pretty big dropper increase depending on what the daily luck is it's not worth checking the daily luck every day for it you gotta just hope and pray for it hoping and praying really pays off doesn't it you can leave thank you for your services that is one of the rare products oh okay good they're so happy gotta make sure they're constantly fed if I forget to feed them a day their friendship kind of gets my stuff we still got a couple we could still got like a full week for the rabbit to give it give us its foot it can have a chance of giving us a really late foot which can be a little frustrating but if it goes if it takes too long to give it in I do have backups I can either just say screw the glitchless run enough of itself and spawn it in or or whatnot if it does take too long just to finish the run but hopefully it doesn't do that to us it doesn't take too much longer anyways if we don't if we don't get good luck generally we would really have to get bad luck for it to be a really big time loss and go over or go really air just for the run to go really poorly at the end here you I'm gonna do a quick little check to make sure I have the summer Forge vise very sweet Pete grape pick they're gonna notice that the chickens actually produce every day but the rabbit does not same with the doc the rabbit actually produces every four days though that's why the rabbit's foot is so rare not only does the rabbit not produce as many days as the chickens but just the percentage-wise it's also very slow and small so ideally we do get it early here but it is a one of those small things another piece of wool we still got two more chances before it realistically starts losing us time I do have to do a few things this morning here I'm going to do a quick item turn in a real quick item turn in [Music] though the main turn in that we have to do on this day is actually the artisan good bundle the reason for that is because we need to get a keg from it and we don't have to craft it ourselves the reason we need the keg is is to get one wine for another bundle so we're giving good and we can just do a few other turn-ins while we're here we already have that our tendon alright that's sick have anything else for there [Music] all right that's all we had to do today we just need this keg early pegs takes seven days to produce a piece of wine so that is why I need to get this going as soon as possible is ideally in a perfect run we finished this run on the I believe it's the 11th of fall we want to get this going early you all right this would probably end up being a really good time for donations here right I need to sell that Pig he gave me the truffle that I need bye thank you for your service so now we're basically sleeping until the fifth year and then we're gonna do another little quick turn in ideally we have everything we need by now we don't need to do any more jarring that tree we have all the gold corn now [Music] couple more Dave putz we should be getting large products here soon one saw once we hit about the fifth there's a fifth or the sixth there's about a 50% chance that the animals start producing large products each day it's only it's only a matter of time at that point I still need to gather a bit more would need to gather like 500 more would sounds insane but it will only take a couple of days all right hey six we should start getting large products there's about a 50/50 you do not want to give me a large product and I did not get it rabbits it air rabbit's foot this time rabbits a well em oh by the way all right so I'm going to use a little bit of time this morning to get would you still need another 500 would energy after this I'm going to do some quick turn ins thump off all unnecessary items don't need start and everything we can and away we go we're not missing too much more we're missing one crab pot item at this point or I'm sorry - I think we're still missing the oyster - crab pot items which can be fixed I'm going to have to get a crab pot this game we're missing one fish which is the sand fish and we're missing a couple exotic items Tzadik bundle items Oh Ice Bear I don't need that I'll use it [Music] [Music] and the gold stuff in another chest don't just need to bring the spice berry that now we're going to so basically everything we own at this point or any money anything that we own that is actually worth money way more than enough I'm gonna keep the five I'm gonna keep the extra gold melons just in case if I forgot to save some being a little safe I know I'm Way over money so I don't have to worry about it we're going to unlock the bus stop a we can just animation cancel this by the way and just kind of walk out the game did not like that Thank You Prem Thank You Prem note to self tone animation cancel that we're gonna have to redo that day sadly that was a new tech that was told to me right before the run that you can actually animation cancel that apparently I didn't realize that kind of softlock to you and it doesn't work it it works for the the first turn in but not this one so unfortunately that happens but yeah whatever nothing I can do [Music] we have to do the beginning of this day again that's not technically considered a glitch whatsoever it's just animation cancelling that doesn't really it doesn't really like it's probably more the fact that I left the CC before but you could say that has never happened before all right we just got to do the same thing turn in everything I probably brought a different round of items I kind of just take whatever I can get in turn stuff and [Music] I turned in this bundle yet I can't remember all right same thing we're just gonna head back and redo that way over money already knew that so yeah we're really wrapping up here there's only very few items that we have left to do I named them before but I'll name them again sand fish cactus fruit coconut we need to beach for Jai tums or two crab pot items we need sea urchin a rabbit's foot and then the large products and one oak present and then we will have all the all the items that we need for the remainder of the run also I'm pretty sure I got an audio glitch and it's just having the wind noise play over and over and over again kind of funny and upgrade our house here super quickly that we can cook some recipes re have all the fall forward so we're good to go there and we are just going to us bleep little Jena Moe's fixing our bus the bus will gain us access to the desert which is where we catch the Sam fish and get the cactus fruit and coconut is what you're doing today and we will be doing that that actually I just have to go check out the animals super quickly oh we got a large egg the white chicken does not produce for us that I large milk you can go away though to access the bus stop we actually have to wait for the bus driver to get there who is Pam he doesn't get there till about 10:00 or 10:00 a.m. so I have a lot of time in the morning here to go right now I'm just going to be chopping down the wood because I need 300 wood to repair the bridge the right side of the beach to be able to get [Music] a couple March fries to go on would the rest of the ROM all this plenty of time right now we're gonna head to the beach super quick repair the bridge hopefully find a sea urchin it is a Saturday so it's basically it should basically be guaranteed for birth to spawn here we'll see we're gonna say that and it's not going to spawn oh I do need a hit fishing level-3 for crab pots but Willy doesn't work on Saturdays and I know that I'll have to do that later or on another day walk up and turn everything in and then we're gonna go out and catch the sand fish super quickly in [Music] [Music] [Music] Harry hey I'm should be at the bus stop now it's 500 gold for a ticket and then we're just going to go and catch a sand fish pick up a cactus fruit and a coconut and then we're going to go to bed hello Pam so since we're wrapping up here I guess I should give my explanation and why I think or why I thinks CC % should be you know earth should be in summer games done quick Rd Valley has a very dedicated fan base to it it just recently passed 10 million copies sold there is a very dedicated community that basically religiously plays this game there is a biggest server wide discord that a lot of people are in and a lot of people are active and it's a very active game so I'm sure a majority of them would love to see I see this game run in gdq even though most of them play casually speedrunning this game we want to get it out there I think would be a great showcase for the game in the first place and it kind of fits for a very nice just chill run kill nighttime run lots of times to get there nations in there's a lot of donation incentives for the game it kind of just fits well for that like time period there plus it will it would be starters first time in a gdq it's not its first speedrunning event there has been other there has been other events that has used her start it has been a part of what I think it I think it would be a great addition to summer games done quick all right we still need to go out and pet the rabbit every day I have the hay on me I'm blind there's our large white egg and now it's all up to you you stinking or wabbit he just needs to give us our house is about to be done here in a second so we can cook the two things that we need and our wine is done yes Oh by this point in time it's about a 12% chance each day that I get the rabbit's foot though we're basically just waiting on him really just waiting on the rabbit to give us a rabbit's foot and then we're good to go there's not very there's not anything else to do at this point also waiting for that tapper to finish another piece of wool of course you know just making sure we have all the remaining items I need sure that could be it just missing the rabbit's foot and a crackpot item that can play cute crap lotta items mainly just playing the waiting game now hopefully this won't take too much time at this point after next after next wool production if he produces another piece of wool I'm just going to basically sleep a bunch of days to make this go by faster because once you get em up to a kind of heart threshold he's not gonna get too much of a higher chance of producing uh producing the rabbit's foot and a lot of the chance doesn't decrease very much every time that I don't pet him it's mainly just a waiting game [Music] give to me oh it's not your producing day our client ours the fastest producing one and I might need an extra one for the exotic bundle I am just going to play it safe there it only takes five days I'm going to guess that I don't get the rabbit's foot on this rotation alright how many hearts are you at a half that's where I want you to be I'm just going to sleep a bunch of days at this point I'm gonna sleep a till next Friday I should probably sleep until next Sunday l gave its two chances and then I have to go refill its saw a thing but we're just gonna sleep days its percents not gonna go up very much higher anymore nor is it going to drop actually I'm only gonna get do the five that I need or the four days go in a little love I'm fortunate honey first is our next check have hearts Oh this rabbit dude this is the last item we need this is what I mean by if the rabbit takes too long I can easily just go spawn it in there is a item I there is an item ID glitch in this game that allows us to spawn in items basically every single item in the game so if it does come down to that I can't abuse that I wasn't supposed to go on today I can use that to finish the run ideally we don't obviously but if it does take too long I will I will just force that we still have plenty of time this room was actually quite good after her after summer fish until the little softlock that I had I again wasn't supposed to go out today but I'm just going to put him as extra friendship just gonna sleep tomorrow again hopefully we get this within like a decent amount of time I'm fortunate I'm actually just gonna get the crab pots today I do technically need the crab pot items still so I'm just going to use the time that I have today to go get fishing level three you need to be fishing level three to get the crab pots there is actually a world where we don't need to get fishing level three for crab pots but it just wasn't for this run I'm still missing a oyster and I would have needed a crap from the mines but at this point it's easier just to get fishing level three then to get the crab from the mines Oh Willie's going to be working today since it's a rain day and I know that perfect so we're just gonna have to fish a little bit here we probably only need to get a couple of fish for fishing XP there is a multiplier mechanic where if you catch a perfect fish where if you keep the fish in the green bar the entire time he'll get an XP modifier you also get a XP modifier if you catch a treasure chest like that which is the only reason I caught it is for the XP multiplier right there so you get extra xp for catching stuff ideally we can just get perfect catches since it's a bigger XP multiplier it's a 2.4 XP multiplier compared to the chest which is a 2.2 50 but since we're just looking for fishing XP that's just what we want to do ideally want to keep it within the bar sometimes the fish to move too much and we can't really keep it in the bar but other times they just don't move like that and then you get a perfect alright now we just got to wait for Willy I can also stop by the Traveling cart to see if there's just a free of rabbit's foot in the Traveling cart today since it is a Sunday what we are really just missing two items here and there condom or yeah two items and one of them's just a really big orangey portion of the run as sad as that is to say we are trying to come up with a more consistent way of getting the rabbit's foot by adding two rabbits but money is really tight right now but that might be added in the future but as of the current moment this is basically what we have to work with but overall it's not too bad and Willie I love out NPCs takes light takes hours to walk across town in this game it's actually really funny if you think about it if you look at Emily's schedule who's an NPC in this game it takes her there it takes her a full hour and a half to walk from her house to the saloon and if you don't know the saloon is directly north of me just like a screen away and this is Emily's house right here this has to walk two blocks and it takes her an hour and a half I forgot I planted those trees all right I'll be very shocked if we get a rabbit's foot here also really hysterically laughs if we do that's just funny a rabbit's foot but we got a puppy hope no rocks spawned in our way but I guess I can just break any rock that gets in our way at this point all right now we're just gonna sleep for days for the rabbit actually we're probably just gonna sleep until the first as that will give us I forgot to place the crap pots down okay the one thing that I needed to do don't need that anymore rabbit do you feel like producing today I hope you feel like producing you want to produce one job damn it one job rabbit has one job and he doesn't want to do it either the crab the crab pots only take one day to produce technically they produce overnight though I just need to check them to make sure that I have the one actually I need two crab pot items so I need them here I need the crawfish two or the periwinkle all right you just need a periwinkle and this run will be complete Thank You rabbit and there he is lets us finish this run hopefully I don't I have all the items that I need on me if I forget an item it's about a minute time loss but I should have everything it's not very much left to turn in [Music] [Music] it's one bundle down we're happy to help it's not our house after all a little forest spirits yeah right it only need the large in here yep pantry done and then we just have the crafts room and yeah that's gonna be just about it for the run timing comes on the flash of the very last bundle completion oh wait I still need off they'll need fish tank right they'll need fish tank bathroom and then we got to go back to fish tank click out about fish tank when we're done here we'll return to the other world [Music] so timing comes up on this last flash right here really easy at the time and we do have every single item thankfully all right and yeah that's going to be it for community center percent glitchless which lists in parentheses there were a few things that went wrong like the little soft lock for the scrap that I was testing real quick but other than that thank you for considering stardew valley as a category at gdq and yeah thank you for what you do have a nice day
Channel: TheHaboo
Views: 126,947
Rating: 4.8995543 out of 5
Id: 1b7nfn4NEQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 49sec (11269 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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