I Married And Divorced This Character As Fast As Possible

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okay literally months ago someone in my discord had the idea for me to ruin haley's life essentially and i haven't gotten around to doing it for a couple of reasons the main one was that it is a five-hour speed run or more like four and a half but i rounded up so i'm gonna be here for a while we've got the live split going so we're gonna be going with the forest farm and um i have a rough like kind of list of what i need to do but i'm kind of gonna be doing most of it on the fly still good start didn't even start the timer that's fine though i started a little bit late i don't really care it's not like this is gonna be an official speed run it's just gonna be kind of a fun thing for me so i need to get to level four farming as fast as possible and also be chopping trees as i go the person who did this originally and like kind of came up with the idea or well not came up with the idea but actually did a run uh planted parsnips but i think kale is bad for xp so i'm gonna be planting kale seven kale seeds and that's all we can afford okay i just pasted the guide into paint so now i kind of know what to do and i'm running into a tree i'm stupid it looks like no forgivables but we got a lot of spring onions so i'm gonna go grab those yeah jesus i have a lot of spring onions we went with the forest farm uh because obviously forgivables can spawn base before just to spawn we need forageables all right that's everything planted for now yeah let's do a quick run around for forage bowls while we wait for eleven to go talk to hayley and um if i can find a daffodil also gift her oh got a leak that's not what i'm looking for but nice i guess i am going to be mining because i need to get coal so i can make preserved jars because preserve jars are how we're going to be able to make 65k i need for the marriage oh daffodil beautiful glad npc didn't walk over that that would have been annoying ooh a second one beautiful that's two gifts that covers this week's gift this week of gift ing gifting now we pretty much just need to wait for her to come out of her stupid room oh here she comes finally damn i still hate you all right let's go check the luck and see if we're going to be um mining today oh damn we are definitely going to be mining today so essentially our goal is going to try to reach those coal floors so many forageables dude right so it's a max luck day i assume we're gonna be able to make it down quite a few floors okay that's fine ladder is good just in a bit of an annoying spot oh my god last crate the last crate that is so good let's go okay the mines are a breeze from now on literally so free of course there's a freebie hiding at the bottom why wouldn't there be right floor 40 in a day isn't shabby okay we're just gonna pass out now okay we're gonna go sell all of this stuff and probably buy more kale i guess and we're also gonna chat with haley and give her another daffodil oh damn another death oh two more daffodils hell yeah three more oh my god they're everywhere i'm stupid i didn't bring into the things i was gonna sell okay that's fine it's fine i'll sell them the shipping bin and plant the kale tomorrow good play all that good okay we're gonna get really close to passing out talk to hayley and then pass out in front of her as the chad move here she comes there we go we're gonna give her uh we're gonna save the silver quality one just in case for her birthday okay that's two gifts i need go double check her birthday though yeah i'm good at planning don't at me spring 14th okay easy gotta remember that and now we are back to sleep don't don't look at me children it's fine it's fine nothing's happening over here what i'm stupid oh my god i was gonna i was gonna sell my stuff oh my i'm throwing okay we need money and farming xp we're planting our mix seeds you know what we're right we're gonna go collect more pixies actually no we need to go chop trees and talk to haley again keep forgetting we have to talk to haley like a lot oh wait no it's sunday her gifts reset man i really wish it would come out quicker once i get to two hearts it's gonna be a hell of a lot faster but it's gonna be quite a bit until two hearts oh hey copper bar oh hey baguette hey at least here she comes almost gave her the wrong thing but uh that would be a disaster how the heck could we knock on a heart with her holy smokes that's fine the her birthday is gonna be a huge day for friendship hearts so it'd be really nice if we'd have a gold quality dandelion by then see two dandelions a horseradish more spring onions but no daffodils so not interested i guess for now you know what actually i am interested i'm gonna go grab those really quickly and plant some more kale wish there's like a sunflower in here or something oh oh oh oh oh oh my god there is genuinely no chance i've never seen i've seen an agency in the car once i've never seen five and of course it's on my speedrunning game i'm genuinely blown away i've never seen anything like it hey leah the true love of my life okay so we're just gonna sell these forage bowls and we're gonna be able to afford a few more six more kale more farming xp all right got more of our kale planted sleepy times now it's pretty much just gonna be a lot of watering and shopping and chatting with her from now on also made another 650 gold so that's pretty good we can use that to buy a few more um i think that's gonna be like 11 or 12 i think more kale wait that's actually so lucky i just got a quest to bring uh haley jojo cola oh crap i don't think i have a georgia cola though oh no i need a jojo cola and i need jojo cola fast um where do i i have to go to jojo martin buy one it opens at 10. it's fine can afford it suppose i may as well do something productive while i'm waiting like check all the trash cans alright so we need like how much does a jojo cola cost 75 g okay 87 there we go 22 more to go uh now we just need to wait till 10 by the jojo cola go give it to haley talk to her we're going to be have so many friendship points man oh never mind it's already open you got the jojo cola let's go give it to the lady quickly oh damn it's prophet too okay we reached our heart with her uh we should have gifted her today you're not screwed i'm still going to gift her um i have to run home and get a daffodil really quickly good planning woolly good normally my instinct to just break every single sapling i see but i need to not do that because i actually do need the wood you know what since we're here we'll plant our kale that way when we give haley our second daffodil we can just pass out dang it we're running kind of low on fortunables we need to get some more of these also i really hope i can find haley because if i can't that would be extremely inconvenient oh god she's m.i.a um i'm gonna check if she's at the stupid bench oh i see three daffodils four daffodils where the heck is haley though she might be dang it oh skirt i'm checking the wookie okay she's where i thought it would be she's over here to the left taking photos enjoy that's gonna speed up the journey to two hearts and once two hours happen we're gonna save a lot of time because we don't have to wait for her to open her stupid door or leave a room at 11. rain date today so we're going to chop some trees i was going to go grab all those forageables before i forget about them or they despawn or something oh my god so many daffodils this is so lucky i don't think i've ever seen this many daffodils four on the bus stop too oh gold slow run that's for a birthday awesome and silver one that's just gonna speed it up in general and another normal quality one that's so good okay that's massive it's gonna speed up her heart so much okay so normally i name my cat subscribing but the cat's gonna get in my way so i'm not gonna adopt it uh just subscribe anyway please you don't need me to name a cat for you to subscribe just do it come on i only got a scarecrow down because i'm stupid okay you know what i'm gonna go grab robin's last lost axe while uh you know what no actually screw that no i'm just gonna i'm gonna sell these parsnips on this leek i just found and buy more seeds i guess because we really need to get a farming level four before summer so we can start jarring stuff all right today is her birthday we're sorry well not today uh tomorrow technically now i also finally got farming level two so that's nice gonna go buy some more kale today and also gift her a gold quality i'm daffodil hopefully that's gonna bring her up to two hearts also got a ton more kale to harvest so hopefully we start leveling it up quickly oh yeah i know i said i was gonna do the festival but i decided to screw the festival because i decided i just i don't know i just could you know i don't dude i don't even have good reason outside i just didn't feel like doing it okay and that's my prerogative you don't have to uh don't have to give you a reason to be perfectly blunt with you okay it's almost finally time she's about to start mumbling her way towards the door i don't know why i said mumbling don't ask here we go and that shoots us up to three hearts awesome i imagine this kale seeds will probably bring us to level three and four if i'm not mistaken i hope so because it'd be kind of annoying to have to do another harvest i think afterwards we're gonna use the profit from it to probably buy some potatoes since we just kind of need the money after that and the xp doesn't really matter until well once we get jars xp doesn't matter oh level three farming already holy smokes okay we're tearing through it awesome this 54 is gonna be more than enough then i imagine so it's just kind of the water and grind now and we're just gonna we're gonna water chop trees till like 8 30 then go to our house oh man look at this harvested kale beautiful hopefully that should get us to farming for and it does beautiful so we're just gonna pop all this stuff in the chest i think we're just gonna we're gonna sell those and leave like that much to jar and stuff actually it's probably better just jar potatoes i guess so we're gonna sell everything all right that means i basically have nothing to do all day now or uh today so i guess today is gonna be another chopping day because uh my level of farming so don't really have to worry about energy tomorrow new recipe preserve jars awesome you love to see it and we made 6.7 k okay that's awesome it's gonna be a lot of watering though we can make it work though because i think we have a decent bit of wood right now so we won't we won't need to do a ton of chopping so a big potato harvest is probably gonna be um the move okay this is a lot of tiles i don't know if we're gonna be planting i don't know if this is gonna be enough for all the potatoes i'm gonna buy though oh i accidentally forgot to bring hayley a gift that's fine we'll be okay i'll just talk to her today and i'll still gift her twice this week okay i'm kind of regretting buying this many potatoes because i don't think this farmland we have down is gonna be enough not gonna be able to water them all today we may have made a mistake you guys and by we i mean i have have made a mistake like i made a mistake definitely that's fine those ones will just grow a little bit late okay looks like it took me just enough time to water everything to be ready for hailey's so let's go it's kind of annoying but i i have to walk home every single time because otherwise i will not have enough energy to water my potatoes i need to be very very very careful not to accidentally exhaust myself wait oh crap i can go to the flower dance and i have enough hearts to dance with her yo i completely forgot today was the flower dance and i can dance with her too that's huge that's massive oh my god i wasn't even thinking about that but i can do that okay sick hell yeah i won't get rejected by haley for once i'm actually correct at this game bro literally number one n a no one's better than me anyways sorry no more egoing haley [Music] all right she's accepted it time to dance i have the music turned off so it's just gonna be ominous silence all right betty time and that brought us up to five parts with her awesome god damn it i accidentally just restarted my my timer whatever i guess well whatever i have a recording it wasn't really meant to be an official speedrun anyway oh my god potato harvest time [Music] all right we got a hell of a lot of potatoes and more coming so i think today we're going to craft some preserved jars with uh potato profits all right we do need money for summer crops so we're gonna sell all of the quality ones half of the normal ones i think then let's go buy some coal i think unfortunately we're gonna have to run all the way up to robin and buy some there too which is a pretty damn annoying but i guess we just gotta there's 20 coal oh i think that was too much that'll be six preserve jars that's whatever though how much stone do we need uh preserved our 40 stone 200 stone so that's like 2k we'll be able to buy some we might have to sell a few more potatoes though [Music] i'm kind of annoyed we lost the timer here we go five or six preserve jars and we still got some wood left over i think we're gonna need to chop a bit more actually because we need to upgrade the bridge and upgrade our house all right it is almost time dang i really wish i'd waited to sell my potatoes because i just got a crop sell for 10 more i hate my life we don't even really need to do anything um i guess let's go gifter real quick and chop some trees on our way okay now we do have some more potatoes we can sell so it's not the end of the world i suppose this would have been like an extra like a couple thousand i guess which does make a difference in the long run but nothing we can do now i don't really want to restart that day yeah i really need to go to the washroom that's a lot of energy hell yeah so i'll go to the washroom wait for haley's house to open no what are you talking about i'm hyper efficient i'm incredibly serious about this i don't know what you mean all right almost summer here we go summer one and level four foraging we don't talk about that okay dang it okay the jars are not finished actually uh so we're gonna have to sell some extra potatoes which is all right so we need to buy melons and sunflowers okay now only 18 melons only 18 melon um i guess i'm just gonna chop drizzle way i think we can afford that but if we have to we have so many potatoes we can sell i'd like to avoid selling those potatoes because otherwise i think i'm gonna have nothing to jar uh while i wait for the melons to grow but um if we have to i'll do it oh damn that's a funny coincidence but unfortunately that mushroom is mine marnie dude i'm gus going and early really really really grinds my gears so we're gonna try to block him so i get in early dang it dude i hate him i don't actually i'm just slightly irritated at him okay we have that um sorry sorry i don't know why i tried the other one let's buy three sunflower seeds there we go six sunflower seeds because we're gonna those daffodils should tide us over and then six sunflower seeds should in theory give us probably enough gifts i hope also we can gift haley today what am i doing oh we got six hearts i didn't even notice so i'm so glad i don't have to water a hundred crops again run out of water on the last crop expected just my luck okay we're gifting her again things are going pretty well i'll just give kind of a bit of a status update so we have our six jars down we're just jarring potatoes every couple of days when they're ready it's like every three days uh we're gonna obviously start drawing the melons when we can since melons are a hell of a lot more profitable we do have seven pickled cauliflowers so we're also gonna be selling those normally the guy who originally like routed this run um i'm pretty sure he upgraded his house later on but i think we might be able to upgrade my house earlier because i'm gonna have a lot more money than he did thanks to my potato planting and um i've just kind of been talking to haley and gifting her every once in a while she's still only at six hearts cause man oh man only doing like gifts liked gifts is really slow i think we're just going to go repair the bridge really quickly okay there we go that way we don't have to like wait through one cut scene a tiny bit later on when we're buying the pendant to marry her time saved man what can i say intellectual more gifted and chatting seven hearts though hell yeah okay finally got some sunflowers so that's going to be a better gift for haley meaning our hearts are going up a hell of a lot faster even got a gold quality one so that's going to be huge stocks don't really need these dandelions anymore now that we got sunflowers so it's our dandelions you're being phased out right the melons are ready so that's gonna be pretty good stocks we're gonna sleep and gift her tomorrow our first batch of melon jam hell yeah and those pickled potatoes are gonna sell for some but not not an insane amount probably but anyways let's go get haley i guess i'm really hoping this gold sunflower is going to be enough to get her to eight hearts so i can start dating her but uh might not be seven out of eight oh so close dang it hopefully next gift will bring her up there i think i'm gonna wait until my next harvest of sunflower to gift her that way i can um maybe get a gold quality one and that would probably bring us all the way up to eight hearts if i've i've no like basis of facts behind this i just kind of hope it does i guess i accidentally just trash my sunflowers i hate my life that's fine yes it's fine it's fine okay i don't remember when i get sunflowers but hopefully it's it's not oh god wow that's uh that's that's sub optimal if i uh do say so myself okay we got some gold quality plus okay i've got a gold quality one that's all i care about awesome oh my god my inventory is so okay we go gifter now go go [Music] okay here we go eight hearts baby here we go let's go buy that uh bouquet let's get rolling okay i think uh today we're gonna sell our stuff we've been jarring see how much money we have maybe sneak in a house upgrade i am a little bit tentative to upgrade my house because i'm worried i might not have enough money but of course it's a wednesday on the day we go out that's really irritating because i'm i'm worried that it might we might not have enough money to buy all the pumpkins we would need but it also would save a lot of time well it wouldn't even save that much time it would just be like waiting there sleeping two days and then okay now i've talked myself out of it okay it doesn't really matter okay let's see how much we make okay 10k gold that's pretty good i don't really look at the breakdown so i'm still not sure how much the potato stuff sells for i guess we'll find out though oh fruit bat cave time um go with bath because i don't really want to be checking the mushroom cave daily oh my god so much bread all right we're closing in on the home stretch and we're at 2 hours and 30 minutes according to my recording so we're making like really good time actually we're way out of the other dude's run okay we're so close man i don't want to eat that i'm so close nine hearts we're in the end game tomorrow is the start of fall so we're gonna have to do pumpkins for our last bit of money and then we pretty much just need to get her to 10 hearts um buy the pendant then have the 50k gold to divorce her which i imagine it would be pretty pretty easy to get it's gonna be a lot of sleeping and watering basically so we're pretty much almost home free by the way this took my entire afternoon to record please like the video dang paul probably looks the best out of all the seasons besides like actually no i think it looks the best straight up like irl ending game like the trees just look beautiful yeah i do actually have to eat a sunflower because i'm out of energy all right go go go go go and also gift haley one more time we got one more silver left then we're gonna have to swap to the normal one all right we're gonna go with 85 pumpkins then let's gift haley and we're going to plant these and head to bed and then the sleeping watering jarring essentially still missing a heart we're getting close we're getting real close though i guarantee you next one or two gifts also the ambient noise in fall is just so much nicer than like the bees this is like fall asleep to this man all right from here on out it's just jarring sleeping and watering we're in the home stretch we're gonna miss the sub three hours but uh that's fine honestly watering with animation canceling ain't even that bad it's kind of just satisfying not getting as many rain days as i would have hoped but uh what can we do oh my god we did it we have enough hearts okay we're in the end game or the end game here we go here we go here we go okay so no more gifting just sleeping uh oh my god okay this is massive this is huge here we go here we go here we go hopefully we have if it does rain and fall hopefully we have enough money to buy so i'm actually going to sell these now hopefully that gives me 5k but i can buy a pendant so we don't have to sleep all the way through winter because that'd be annoying hopefully we can get at least one rain day though that is going to give us just over 5k beautiful just enough to buy it in case uh push comes to shove which it hopefully will because we need it to shove i just noticed i hadn't sold my melon jelly so we're gonna sell that really quickly also i just realized i'm dumb and it rained and i didn't go by the pendant that's fine um stupid it's fine it's fine all right pumpkin day okay we have enough to go do the house upgrade and buy a pendant so we're going to operate the house today and jar asleep and wait for it to rain and buy the stupid pendant and then marry her all right here we go it is nine o'clock there we go and i've prepared myself to pass out so now it's just sleeping and jarring and level seven farming and lovely farming sick i'm gonna move my jars really quickly to here because i think it's just gonna make my life easier boom sick our house is already done no rain though hopefully i really hope it rains during fall be really annoying to have to sleep through winter uh hell yeah okay we're off today is the day where we get our hopes up we have acquired the pendant when the home stretch here we go just gotta wait till nine um then we get engaged we get married and then uh you know what happens next all right here we go sorry no time for cutscenes oh i thought your all right go home and then a few days i'm a happily married man for now wow it's time guys i feel like i've been seeing this cut scene way too frequently what is wrong with my life yay i'll be a happily married man for a couple days well a couple weeks maybe like a month you think i want to see my wife heck no who do you think i am i'm not a funny word simp oh thank god i'm not on twitch i can actually say that but um i've been dunking on twitch i gotta get in on the action come on wonder what my wife is thinking she's like why is this guy sleeping like why does he need all this money what could he possibly use all that money for [Music] i just noticed we have enough money let's go let's go okay we sell these take a quick nap and that should be 50k old 49 000 doesn't matter we have a thousand in the bank i just noticed santa on the top by the way just out of the corner of my eye and on christmas we are going to divorce her wife merry christmas today's festival god damn it okay um uh sorry you're gonna be divorced on boxing day oh man dude the lost book time loss you hate to see it i know i shouldn't have gone for that artifact spot right we're almost there we just gotta get ready to exhaust so we file for divorce then exhaust and then we're free thank god it opens at 8 30 not 9. that kind of time loss i just simply could not live with 10 minutes away from freedom here we go oh wrong one sorry haley file for divorce and then you just pass out in front of the mayor chad move oh my god it's so funny the leech has been eradicated from our home i think we should just go chat with her and see how she's feeling after that uh crippling defeat that took three hours 24 minutes and 29 seconds straight of recording that was pain here we are i can't wait to see your reaction you're going in hey i gotta get away get away get away
Channel: Waligug
Views: 446,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stardew valley, stardew valley 1.5, stardew valley gameplay, waligug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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