Chronicles of Reddit [Vol. 1]

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[Music] [Music] running this channel involves a lot of digging prolly exploring down in the darkest corners of the Internet's throughout the years we've gone down some of the Internet's wildest rabbit holes in our internet investigation videos dug do various cursed and coal related video game urban legends in console conspiracies and experienced some of the wildest real-life videos events and social media posts out there in disturbing things while this catalog of series effectively spans a wide portion of the creepier side of the web there's a glaring chasm of content out there that surprisingly doesn't seem to fit the mold that I've created for any of these I throw a lot of potential topics away topics that have unnerved me and would most likely unnerve you because they're just weird and that's where this series comes in welcome to episode 1 of Chronicles of reddit's a series dedicated to diving into the odd strange and bizarre part of the internet that doesn't quite fit the bill for disturbing things episode or a full fledged video while the case this series will still carry an anthology formats and will be a more casual analytical dive into the less disturbing more puzzling mysteries on reddit's that have stumbled upon in my hunts for video topics without further ado sit back because tonight we're diving into three perplexing mysteries that I've recently discovered from reddit you [Music] to lead off on this series I'd like to redirect your attention to the too afraid to ask subreddits as the name suggests the board's primary purpose is to house the various questions that one wouldn't be keen on asking publicly there's a user that visited there a few months ago by the name of Iceman throw away one two three appearing to be a big fan of PCs and graphics cards evident by his multi-month fretted history he was active in discussions spanning various boards related to the topic strangely on July 29th of 2019 he'd make a post out of left field that would quickly climb its way to the top of too afraid to ask that morning at 10:55 a.m. he'd submitted with the title 12 mysterious and identical stores open on my streets what could be happening it reads as follows I live just outside a big city and what were symbols a suburban main streets like many suburban Main streets retail business has been rough and they've all closed down after a month of nothingness suddenly 12 yes a dozen identical convenience stores pop up they look the same they aim for the same floor plan and they sell the same products at the same prices the names are all tiny variations of each other like town name Mart or market up town name and all clearly bought their signs from the same place as the fonts colors size and shapes are identical these stores see no business yet have large staff numbers and are surviving way longer than the former stores that closed on the street when I enter one they all stare at me while I shop I don't usually get nervous but it feels like they're staring threatening Lee rather than intently they only accept cash unless you pay some 50 bucks most of their products are Walmart brand great value products being resold for higher prices most of the products are expired food products I bought bread from one without checking because I was in a rush and it turned out that it was two months expired upon returning to show them I found that the entire shelf was expired goods what was even grosser was the dairy cooler which had ancient milk products I'm so confused I feel like I'm on an episode of The Twilight Zone what's probably happening here this post lit up like a wildfire users chimed in inquiring on details about his findings a nice man seemed to be fine with giving further details to help the case strangely though he was extremely hesitant to share anything that would give investigators even the slightest clue at the state or region in which he lives which threw a huge wrench in figuring this out before we get to that though before assuming his story is legitimates what's actually going on here and one of his many follow-up comments Iceman claimed various things such as the fact that quotes all the stores have expired food and seemed to refresh every few weeks and also the bread I bought was a nasty shade of green on the inside it seemed at least to me that this could have been a front for some sort of money laundering scheme it all appears to check out as well create what appears to be a legitimate business in hopes of circulating your cash flow and buy back into your own store considering that this is what Opie considers an Old Town they might have figured that people simply wouldn't question it regardless though this is just one theory in and of itself another editor actually suggested something that might be even more plausible the comment submitted by user named in fear reads as follows food stamp fraud it's not a good fit for money laundering the last thing you'd want from money laundering is a business with traceable inventory there's probably some organization that's buying food stamps or fraudulently getting EBT cards and using them to charge fake food at these stores now considering that the food stamp black market is and has been on the rise this could very well explain this by food stamps for cash less than their value and charge them fully on the overpriced and expired goods at your store make sense so case closed right well I'd say so however there's one more layer to this that makes this entire situation a bit stranger let's back up for a second Iceman throw away contrary to his name actually has an extensive multi month post history like we mentioned prior he was incredibly active on various PC and graphics card related subreddits however the last post he ever made was this one as of today he's completely gone vanished entirely from reddit's of course this netted fuel to an already burning flame of utter curiosity and so the question lingered in the back of my mind what happened to Iceman and one of his comment responses to people asking about this he claimed that he'd go back to the streets and take pictures to substantiate his claims but those never actually materialized this ended up leading to two predominant theories on one hand some work injecting that he could have been caught taking photos and was possibly reprimanded or killed on the other though many were shouting hoaxes personally I'm led to believe the latter while ice man's sudden disappearance after making this post is suspect at the end of the day his name is Iceman throw away for all we know he could have easily started this account with the full intention of shutting it down at some point thereafter and who knows he could have simply wanted to go out with the bang leaving his everlasting mark on the sub reddits a five-month long post history really isn't that long at all in the grand scheme of things and the sheer plausibility of this being an alternate accounts really drives his theory home with the lack of any location information combined with the absence of images or any search results from other people that might be suspicious of 12 sketchy stores that might have randomly popped up in their town it seems at least to me that this was all a fabricated story that grew larger than Iceman ever thought it would while intriguing all we can really do is wait on one hand if he does return to reddit's with photo or location proof then now will lead us down another intriguing rabbit home in and of itself if not though then we're simply left with another case of opine on delivering leaving this entire situation shrouded in mystery as one of the weirder and more perplexing oddities that came and went faster than we could ever find the answers for I'm not sure about you but I'll definitely be following this for all we know I could be wrong but it looks like only time will tell [Music] this next entry involves an odd situation that played out on the legal advice subreddits about five years ago at about 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday February 24th of 2015 a user by the name of concern hubs would make a post with the title need advice on talking to police regarding my wife it reads the following my wife hasn't returned home since she went out shopping late Saturday it's getting to the point where I should call the police to follow missing-persons reports I'd like to be as helpful as possible when speaking to the cops but I want to avoid triggering any suspicions about me I hear a lot of stories of husbands being falsely accused when something happens should I only give them info in response to certain questions is there anything else I shouldn't bring up I'm planning on contacting the police tomorrow morning I can't postpone much longer as I'm getting messages asking about her and I don't want to say anything to her friends or family until I filed the report first I now realize that I should have talked to our friends and family first but at this points I don't want to explain why I didn't follow report yet and light gas on a flame the comments blew up so where did you hide her body seriously just from this [ __ ] up post I think you killed her there's absolutely nothing you can say or do to avoid triggering suspicion you absolutely should call the cops don't do it tomorrow do it right now unless your wife is in the habit of disappearing for days at a time what the [ __ ] are you thinking if I last heard from mine Saturday I'd be totally freaking out mods chimed into this is if true one of the most [ __ ] up posts I've ever seen on air and that's really saying something your wife disappears for 48 hours and you have not yet contacted authorities when most people would do it within a few hours you haven't contacted her friends and family to ask if they've seen her or to let them know there's a problem even now you plan to contact police tomorrow morning waiting yet another 12 hours for no reason whatsoever before contacting police however your main concern is to avoid suspicion on yourself you're asking about procedural questions for talking to police when for all you know your wife could be kidnapped injured or worse you demonstrate no concern for safety whatsoever and only concern for yourself I'm sure you get the picture by this points this so-called plea for help was raising red flags left and rights some even compared the situation to the plot of gone girl as he appears to simply be putting on a front acting like he's worried about his wife but the thing is he's three days too late remember how I told you that he posted this on a Tuesday yeah he waited that long and so he sends out comment after comment after comments defending himself from the onslaught of responses that were grilling him for his inaction sorry I'm a bit sensitive right now I've never been charged with abusing my wife I did not kill her she's not dead and a few hours later he'd post an update update it turns out that she left a note for me saying that she was leaving town for a while to spend time with an old friend so there's no need to report her missing as of now I'm going to have my wife's best friend makes him calls to my wife's family and friends to let them know that she's okay now my first thought when I read this was that she really must be old-fashioned with the advent of the modern smartphone having happened about eight years prior you would think that something as primitive as a notes would be insufficient notice for your significant other taking some sort of random vacation out of nowhere this single detail led me to question whether it actually exists or simply a decoy to get people to calm down this is further supported by the fact that he stated that she'd been missing since she quotes went out shopping late Saturday nights you'd think that if this were the case and she decided to get up and leave from shopping on some sort of random vacation out of nowhere a simple text message a phone call or anything for that matter would be a more effective way to give someone a heads up but hey to each their own regardless though according to the opie at least she ended up being okay whether or not this was just a front to get people off his back or to allow the conversation to die down this post and situation stands as a testament to the fact that if you act sketchy in an attempt at absolving yourself a suspicion then suspicion just might find its way to you you last up is something that's intrigued me for months I've considered making a full video on this fleshing out the sheer mystery that we're about to get into but given the fact that I haven't been able to find any concrete leads on it since I found it it's just sat there on my topic list totally untouched allow me to introduce you to the mysterious farming game that's puzzled the tip of my joystick subreddit for about three years now tip of my joystick if you're unaware is a play on the name of the tip of my tongue subreddits which primarily focuses on hunting down the source of various things that people vaguely remember typically someone will give a detail about something and redditors will jump in to suggest some answers as to what it could be in April of 2016 a post was made by user named Sparta 2 1-3 who was inquiring on a video game that was quotes kind of like Harvest Moon it reads as follows [Music] I know almost nothing about this game all I can remember and said it's kind of like Harvest Moon but with a dark twist the game starts out with you and your wife one night you get into a fight sandy ended up stabbing her to death now the game revolves around you farming to stay alive while trying to keep the town from finding out about the incident that happen every now and then the cops come to search your house and you have to hide her corpse now going by the premise this undoubtedly sounds like an eerie take on something like stardew valley while this merely gone are just around 100 of votes in 39 comments interest in tracking this thing down while scans was there redditors jumped in postulating that it could potentially be a flash game an old farming sin named scape land or even a top-down RPG named wild season while these are all solid contenders they all seem to lack at least one of the details outlined by the EOP for instance scape land is a 3d farming sim --that bears a mechanic centering on the police hunting you down at nights however it lacks the grim killing your wife parts wild season is a top-down pixelated farming RPG however it doesn't contain any sort of odd twist and regarding flash games Opie actually went forth to denounce it claiming edits I have no recollection of what console this game was for or when it came out I know that it was released after 2000 I know this is so vague but it's really hard to remember something you forgot also it had to be before mid to early 2015 graphics were not 3d I'm 100% sure it wasn't a browser game so dead-end Opie did go forth to explain in a few comments that he carries a gut feeling that it was released after the year 2000 and also that it was much more refined than a simple flash game because of the obscure nature of this combined with the fact that nobody was able to dig up anything about this a user named McCrory chimed in with the postulation at this point the most likely origin of this game is your dreams it's the exact sort of thing the average dream will create Harvest Moon crossed with a terrible incident you have to suffer through in guilts while nobody around you actively notices and are just generally probably suspicious of you everyone has the guilt dream this looks like yours you probably mix it up with real life as everyone does sometimes with how odd it is and how much actual gameplay an art they'd have to create to get it off the ground I highly doubt anyone actually made this it seems plausible I've personally dreamed up some incredibly obscure situations and for Sparta this very easily could have been one of theirs unfortunately though without anywhere to go by this points the mystery surrounding this seemed a fade just as fast as it came as redditors simply moved on to other ventures that was until nearly three years later out of absolutely nowhere on December 16th of 2018 a user named David Spade AMA jumped onto the board to post the following evil farming game there was this game I used to have downloaded around 2006 before I upgraded my computer and lost it it was a farming stardew valley style of game where you murder your wife and then you try to pretend you never kill there and that was the whole game keep farming and make sure no one finds out you killed there there was a fishing minigame and I specifically remember fishing up evidence at your wife's murder and then you pass out as it expects people were quick to jump on the connection to the post from three years prior what some were led to believe was simply a dream or non-existent fragment of the prior Opie's imagination began to lean closer to the potential of being entirely real in a reply linking his post to the former Opie claims oh wow I thought I was the only one not mentioned in that post was the pixel art gameplay and weird cutscenes in a different art style it was downloaded off some shoddy Andy Deb's websites that also had a ton of graphic liveleak style videos to download the name was so out there that I can't think of what it was it might have started with ash and then kept going but that might have been in other sites so before we continue I want to point out something that doesn't quite line up we have this lost disturbing farming game that supposedly existed between 2000 and 2016 the prior hopi claimed that it was a console release and not a PC game but here we have this new Opie claiming that he found it on a shoddy indie devs websites that contained what seemed like shocked videos in gore while nothing damning these claims are contradictory which throws another obstacle in our investigation in an edits he jumped back in to explain that it also wasn't a kids game wasn't from RPG maker and reinforced the fact that he got it often indie devs websites furthermore he gave a detail explaining that in each day in the game the date would pop up and also one of the characters was quotes and all dude with the white beard Gleaner heights Maire Lake View cabin unfortunately at least according to the ope none of these are it's personally I found that the closest premise out of all of these is Moy right while not a dedicated farming game out rights its sinners on the main character being thrown into a pixelated farm your main task involves tracking down a missing woman and some nearby caves and after finding her we're left to either kill her or get help the game was actually connected to online servers and when you're asked questions by a bloodied farmer inside the cave your responses would pop up in a playthrough for whoever plays the game after you for all we know Opie could be mixing things up here under the presumption that in this game you kill your wife possibly attributed to the fact that the person that played it before them might have mentioned something about a wife in their own responses but even this is a pretty large stretch a disturbing top-down farming sim is something that would undoubtedly be ingrained in my mind for many many years and personally I feel like I'd know it when I see it I know I would but Opie said this is intense and so the hunt continues one month later and a third post related to this a user named you've done me a bamboozled jumped onto the sub reddits and the most popular take on the topic so far interestingly his post would stand out from the others as he claimed that he downloaded it onto an old laptop from 2001 and still had it in his possession hi all first time posting here today I found my old laptop but sadly it won't boot up but it brought back some great memories specifically the following game at the start of the game you killed your wife but after that you just live normal managing your farm however and had a twist the police could come at any time and find the body so you had to constantly be weary and move it's the laptop was built in 2001 and I bought a new one in 2003 so it would have been between that time it wasn't a browser game and I think it may have gotten it from you torrents but I can't remember to be honest ladies and gentlemen we finally had a lead like vultures everyone honed in on one thing we had to get that hard drive going by any means necessary and what I consider the subreddits largest act of mass collaboration most of the commenters chimed in offering their services and even a GoFundMe in hopes of repairing that laptop as it was the primary key to unearthing the identity behind this enigmatic video game so hope he went forth to thank everyone but decline their offerings as they lived in the UK and most that were offering or in the u.s. they gave an update stating that they were going to take it to a local computer store and hopes of repairing the damaged Drive and would report back later [Music] you so time passes the comment section becomes flooded with intermixed remind me posts and everyone eagerly SATs awaiting the consensus on whether or not he'd get it working final edits sad news the laptop is buggered the moisture of the storage I placed it in has ruined it all any final suggestions others suggested professional date of recovery Opie was willing edit cubed I'm retrieving quotes from professional data recovery firms and then update the platter of the hard drive was damp and it's been deemed unrecoverable I'm really sorry to have built hopes up and just like that brick wall again and that's worth sad to this day while the mystery of the lost farming game is currently lost on acre investigators that have yearned for even a shred of an answer The Hunt has admittedly been exciting whether or not this disturbing pixelated Harvest Moon freeware wife killing non-mo rye farming game ever comes to lights is to be seen but one thing's for sure personally I believe it's out there an indie game hosted on a shoddy website seems like something not that far out of the ordinary while seemingly only discovered by an extremely narrow initial players we can only wait and hope that someone out there comes forth with any sort of lead a hard drive a website's a key hidden inside a detail so we can finally discover what this game actually was if you're watching this and this sounds familiar to you please get in contact post in tip of my joystick posted my sub reddits anything let's put this mystery to bed as we can see reddit holds a wide variety of curious oddities that span a plethora of various subreddits and tonight we've dug through three of them I sincerely hope you enjoyed this pilot episode of this experimental series if you have any suggestions of real reddit situations odd users and intriguing mysteries absolutely send them my way for potential inclusion in a future chronicles of reddit installments with that being said thanks so much for watching I'll see you in the next one I love you all and good night [Music] you
Channel: Nexpo
Views: 2,086,329
Rating: 4.9462819 out of 5
Keywords: reddit mysteries, reddit oddities, online mysteries, online oddities
Id: VbY1g8arFro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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