The Danger Of Reduced Loads in Rifles

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well shooters and reloaders fortune cookie 45 LC coming to you from the hot LED zone and I just did a search on YouTube and I did not see any warnings about reducing the loads of slow burning powders in big cases and the danger of doing that a huge danger of taking a slow burning powder like 48:31 and loading a reduced load in a case like the 30.6 by a reduced load I mean for instance you cut a charge of 50 grains in half and want to load a 25 grain charge of 48 31 in this big case what happens is guns in the past have blown up shooting those kind of loads and this is against logical reason because you would think while you take a case of 4831 and you put in half the powder and it should be safe right because you're not using as much powder should be less pressure less velocity and this kind of thing but in fact the exact reverse is true guns have blown up in the past and the labs tried to figure out exactly how it happened and you cannot get it to happen on demand but what they think occurs is that there are times when the muzzle of the rifle is down so the powder runs to the front of the case then when you fire it around the primer flame jumps across a big airspace lights the back end of the powder and then that powder starts to burn and pressurizes this area and Matt jams the powder together into a solid this happens within milliseconds then what happens is you get a muzzle you get a barrel obstruction and the gun blows up so it's a very unsafe thing to do to load slow-burning rifle powders in big cases with reduced loads do not do that is today you don't see that warning in the loading manuals and you don't see this warning on youtube plus there's a big tendency today for shooters to shoot 30 calibers and try and duplicate the 300 blackout trying to shoot a subsonic load around 1050 feet per second and that means reduce powder charges and the danger of the reduced powder charge with slow burning powders now crops up well there is a safe way to do it and here's how very simple with a reloading manual like the finely reloading manual when you see slow burning powders never go under the starting load so this is 30.6 and you see the chilling 20 ring jacket a bull or a 200 grain barns or to ingrain lead bullet you have a starting load here for these powders they're all fairly slow burning powders don't go underneath those so even though you're tempted to try and cut those in half don't do that now in our fine Lyman reloading manual you'll see a lot of loads for jacketed bullets and you might want to use a jacketed bullet at subsonic velocities so that the temptation is going to be to take a heavy jacketed bullet and then find a load that you can cut in half and get down to around 1050 but that is not recommended all these are slow burning powders if you cut those in half you run the risk of blowing the gun up so don't do that so how can you do that how can how can you get a reduced load around 1050 like a 300 blackout zeroes you go right to the next page and you use cast bullet data and here you'll see that there's fast burning powders or slow burning pistol powders the fast burning powders are like red dot unique those are a lot faster than the slow rifle powders and you can actually load these underneath the starting load and do it safely so you can build your loads that are subsonic from this data you'll notice that unique is then in every one of these so unique is a great powder because of the way it lights up the ease of which which it ignites and the way it burns is a great powder for reduced loads in rifle rounds even 30.6 you can easily get down to ten fifty safely and there's no chances of the small charges of unique causing the guns a blow up or better yet you could go right to the Lyman cast bullet handbook and there find 30 odd six loads that heavier bullets and you'll have loads using red dot unique green dot herckel all of our favorite handgun powders and these are fast burning powders and they will work very nicely with charges around ten grains and you cut those down and get your ten fifty with those powders easily and safely so choose the real odors out there take care and we'll see you next video
Channel: FortuneCookie45LC
Views: 51,657
Rating: 4.8636365 out of 5
Keywords: Reloading for rifles, danger of reduced loads, slow burning rifle powders, Rifle
Id: ZYleuf8xRgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 48sec (348 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2015
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