Area 419 Machine Shop Tour | Hobby Gunsmith Becomes Successful Entrepreneur

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we are in northern Ohio at area 419 it's an awesome story of organic growth that stemmed out of a passion and a hobby October of 2016 is when we released our Hellfire muzzle break okay and that was when everything started to get real the first time you program a handoff that's bring up spare pair of pants that yeah this is something different like that ten minutes ago as it various of Craig's loading some ammo for a match this weekend cool company cool culture growing you know clearly you're willing to invest in people and fixtures of resources we would still be back at that 2017 sales level if I hadn't risked a lot and hired some good people hi folks we are in northern Ohio at area 419 already one of the coolest stories I've ever seen just because it's an awesome story of organic growth that stemmed out of a passion and a hobby and has grown into something very very real and definitely inspiring we're here with John and its founder Eric 409 you can tell us the story so we started as a custom rifle builder 2010 roughly just me it was a hobby to pay for my own shooting so things have gotten a little out of control since then since we've started releasing products in 2017 I quit my job to take it on full-time yep and from there so now we employ ten or so people that's been growing so fast lately they can't keep track so 2010 so your background is engineering but not necessarily machining correct yeah no machining experience it was just mechanical engineering yeah and designed on it and learned all the cam myself yep just self-taught on all that stuff yeah it's awesome and so so the growth was not linear like 2010 2017 was slow no actual products okay I was all just services oh you were good fit yes okay that got it yeah we would do all the chamber working everything on rifles okay and October of 2016 is when we released our Hellfire muzzle break okay and that was when everything started to get real so from 2015 the 16 we grew by 400% 16 to 17 200 and some percent and then 17 to 18 it 160 percent yeah bro and eighteen to nineteen will be about a hundred percent doubly yeah yeah every year it'll start to get a lot harder to double right right right going forward so do you have a financial background no no no you sound comfortable on on the numbers though they're probably very rough but silver like you think like that I said just one nothing to do with that right yeah and I I like to keep track of it I don't maybe an hour week thinking about it we do a company party at the end of the year and I kind of talk about all this stuff with the employees how things are doing so yeah and remember those numbers cool it's actually kind of a fun story cuz I met John for the first time I think it was it on earnest University oMG I am yeah I yeah I think I was I'm here yeah I got it yeah and I think a guy that they work with or sponsor took one of our training classes so I kind of knew what they were doing but what I think is cool was kinda how raw the growth is in terms of just what they're told me you guys are in a backyard shot yeah you've added on to multiple times yeah why don't you want you show us the shop but then I think the cool takeaway not that it's not cool to see the machines running in the fix tree it's actually selfishly really cool because we just bought our house late Sir John had some really good tips on like the live tooling options on to lean on bar feeders on chucks all that but to hear more about the kind of the silly business grows up like how are you handling packaging how are you handling your operation side of things how are you the little things like yeah or you don't want to think about right but it's but it's really right yeah yeah cool show us around so we've got the main production area out here about 1,200 square feet this house is 1,200 that's it that's from here for 1,200 square feet with five positive teams at to VF fours bf2 vs 30 y and another vs 30 y yep the bar feeder basically every day these machines are every single machine is run eight hours a day crank in the lathe got on and off because I'm the only one working with the lathe right now so a lot of times it's waiting for me to do something yep how do you guys think about the production scheduling of parts like who decides what to run who sets up the tooling the fixture into parts so that was kind of one of the the early things I realized about trying to grow that I couldn't do all that myself so basically the first person that I put on my payroll Justin a guy that I've worked with that like six different jobs I've known him since I was 18 or something he's basically my production manager so okay he keeps track of how where we're sitting on inventory and he plans all the what the machines are gonna be doing it orders all the material basically I tell them what we're gonna need sizes serial specs all that stuff he orders it and then puts it on schedule you know for the machines to run so when did you hire your first employee 2017 okay yeah so not me early 2000 selling this October 2019 so here two and a half years into uh and do it into a growth mode yeah exactly and it's uh we've had Craig my sales and marketing guy he's been with me since day one but it was the side gig for him he had a marketing job and just did all this kind of stuff on the side we ran my website actually traded him a rifle for my website redesign hilarious so he actually we're in 2019 Christmas of 2018 it's actually December 26 picked his family up for Missouri and move no kid now here who's here that's also to take it on full-time so sweet what's what's running on the lathe so right now we've got a 6061 part for our auto throw valve for our powder dispenser okay so for reloading custom like around so forth yeah exactly sorry it's really scary to watch this run yeah it's the first time you program a handoff that's bring up spare pair of pants that yeah still every time it's stuff the worst part is you can't single block a handoff whoops once the sub Chuck opens won't let you hit cycle start again you can't can you hit people you can feed hold it yeah you just can't if you run it a single block once the Chuck opens it won't let you restart the program got it basically 5% rapid and yeah and your friends at that point oh yeah I noticed because the Hoss machines come with one live tool and one driven and one sees me one axial one radial but he's got the doubles here so one block can do work on both the main and the sub like it's doing right there which is to me a complete no-brainer because you get double the performance or functionality without 300 bucks more I think for the double Bowl there yeah so basically gaining another $3,000 holder for ya for 300 bucks here we go here comes apart this is crazy Chuck's out the finished part sub comes in it's the Royal GQ and actually almost the same one we got supports the part pulls it out I'm gonna get cool a splash here in second incredible so that can you show us the mark Peter yep I think we probably just miss they it'll even swap out okay so you're out of material art okay yeah got it I think we just missed the bar feet unfortunately but you can hold quite a few in here yeah depending on the material size yeah like I don't know we really only don't save me like five bars and it's time right but um now we run one part out a three inch and I think we have like six bars of three-inch stacked in there so quite a few hours of work yet exactly yep one thing I learned very quickly about lathes as running lights out it's very hard to do it has to be the perfect material to make that happen brass is about the only thing that comes to mind that you could run totally lights out you'd think 6061 would be easy but chip control a 6061 in this a nightmare oh so you have a built-up chip yes bird's nest like crazy it's got a lot of the good thing is that normally it's not enough to break a tool because it's so pliable you know uh eventually it'll just start kind of grinding into your wet parts so and that's I think what's cool about the just sort of walk around here is that you know the lanes leat lend themselves to automation like the bar feeder here but they've done some really nice job on the fifth access the rock locks and not just on the fourth axis but also on your base plates on as a three axis yeah and then orange what does that an orange bison one's mine yeah Oh [Music] was actually uh oh look at all stuff this is something different like ten minutes ago as various that's what's perfect so this is our kind of gunsmithing machine okay and now actually we can use any other machines to do it because every single mill to be F fours and a VF to have a HRC to ten highs rotary with a fifth axis rock lock plate on them we also have the rock clock please yep on the table so we're making a fixture one of our look over here like one of our rock lock fixtures basically we'll set this thing in the vise drill tap for these four full studs then we'll flip it over drop it into the table rock laughs machine the top of it off sometimes we'll put a if it's a big picture we'll put it like a thick board hole so you can grab it yeah and then it goes into the rotary to get all the machining work don't we run the same exact fixtures on any three machine that's depending on which one is available yo that makes a big difference in scheduling you keep tools you have to setup for tools oh yeah maybe in an ideal world we'd have like a 75 tool changer where we could just keep everything right we try to keep duplicates of every tool if not one a lot of the tools get used in every single thing we do so they just live in the machine yeah parts like these this uses I don't know 26 tools so it's a big decent setup still to get all the tools in but zero setup on the on the machine side once you get the tools then you press go and it's done so if you have a tool let's say idle in the via four and you need it to be up to do you copy the gauge length out of the control you just retouch it off perhaps retouch it off okay having the probes that kind of makes sense actually when we were putting the sublights in the VF force we had to do some machining for the orange vise ball locks and the probe wasn't on the table yet because we had to machine the spot touch the tools off and here copy all the lengths and everything right and it gets you within a couple thousands so we've actually got a barrel set up right now you're gonna get fluted cool so that's just a support for yep yeah this uh I probably check and make sure he's got it all set up but yeah this just slides in the t-slot come towards the back of it because we're gonna side mill this inter so get a lot of refresher on is that the fluting tool yep sure similar okay yep horn that's a 328 one of their grooving tools for mill yep so it's in a it's on an arbor and then it's in a heimer shrink fit okay interesting that was actually a Mari tool but most of our shrinks our heimer okay so these programs are all written with variables basically we have a spiral through program we have a straight flute program a diamond and then no matter what the length of barrel is we just throw in some variables and the tonal fluting length got the distance basically from the collet Chuck to where that's gonna start okay so you're gonna leave it unattended for that distance a number of flutes depth of flute twist rate all that kind of stuff is that's also built into the program and this is a service you offer or is this part of a product like yep this is just a service we do it on a lot of our in-house rifle builds we also sell bartlein barrels just blanks and customers can add on including when they buy them if they're sending it to another gunsmith and then also other gunsmiths that don't have CNC kay we'll send us to work to do so the first thing we're gonna do is probe the front of the barrel okay this sets are basically x0 to this point probe our y0 please it does it automatically handle the taper of the barrel if right now it's this this macro here is measuring the the Y at the start and the Y at the end of Fair awesome that rotates the entire coordinate system to match the taper of the barrel this is a v6 th and so that's what's great about that fixtures they can actually pull up and handle that as long as it's a continuous paper right yeah we compound okay that's sick oh there's a through two coolant body uh one of the higher and high murmurs tools that has Wow through tool in the body plus the tool itself is through a tool oh the tool holder is pushing pulling out of the face of its ol holder yeah you're not you're going to work on that you're your cousin yeah yeah these tools actually like to be pretty hard we feed up too slow just kill the inserts interesting what's the barrel material 416 stainless it looks great you can start to see though it had a single pass a single pass yeah well a lot of times run multiple classes just because we like to creep up on the depth we want competive overshooting it but we can run it one pass and it'll be done it's awesome and the great thing is this all of our gunsmithing fixtures for this machine are built on the rock lock system so we've got a mixture to hold an action that we can do side bolt releases on yeah it's funny when you hear people talk a lot about quick change pictures literally we were in front of this machine like feet minutes before we walked over and they had a completely different job running on that's really cool and one of our vf4 is just running millwork here okay like you said we've got the sub plate I like modularity basically our company is built on modularity with our Hellfire so ball lock system with the orange vices yep we can drop four of them on there if we want we can move them from machine the machine takes five minutes to move a vice know indicating or anything and the the sub plates give us back the lost space of the rotary yeah so the rotary sitting off the table so we don't lose Nations have to work at look you've got 150 inches of X on these keys and the plates like 68 inches wide or something yeah other bf4 there we've got our shrink stationed over here with all our tools do you like the high rollers I do yeah they've been excellent yep that's awesome so you're surfacing in your text along the axis there correct looks really good yeah a tamper mil cuts this and then we're just free access engraving the area four nine on there the chamfer mill is a solid carbide or insert tool it is pull it up here Harvey helical flute solid carbide will get back out pretty expensive chunk of carbide yeah that's a people tool yeah and that's imply they last forever got it yeah aluminum what's interesting because there's been this kind of debate it's kind of one of things we're trying to play around with proving cut is yeah is you here guys and say you can't rough with a shrink fit no no no you need a million chuck then you see a lot of people who have shrink fits that are roughing with yeah no I mean I can't think of any better way to hold on to it it's not coming out of the tool holder that's for sure yeah you might lose a little bit of just mass per vibration dampening but it's nothing I've ever noticed now we do mostly aluminum maybe if you're trying to rough steel pretty hard you might want that extra mass but been very happy with it we run a lot of these this is probably the most popular tool in the carousel is our half-inch helical chip raker rougher yeah that's a workhorse gets rid of all the material for us yeah you were show me those funnels want to take a look at them I mean you do this a pretty impressive amount of cycling the beautiful design 93% material removal on these one of these takes little under five minutes in the mill furnace and second up against awesome so what is the what's the SC ten-four right now we're running our knobs for our ARCA clamp okay this is the system that lets you use kind of the camera equipment to mount rifle stocks or chats exactly a 1/2 inch dump Dale started in the camera industry it made its way into the firearms industry in they gets here to stay so cool beautiful part yeah very on the outside not much to it but there's a lot of fine grooving detail on the inside a couple horn 105 grooving bars doing some work in there so mostly static tools on this job or you could have this one one axial half inch end mill cutting though the finger grooves in it everything else is static yep I want to say one of these every two minutes something like that just a one-out part we're able to with a rake parting insert we're able to get it good enough oh and you don't have the backside bird nope that's awesome it might create a small one but it's in a spot that it doesn't affect us at all yep we also tumble these just to get the sharp edges from bailing off here's a beautiful part I see what you mean on the grooves yeah yeah I think if it wasn't for the grooving the part would take half the time but got a run slow on the inside Scott [Music] something I always try to think about is before you see a fixture trying to think about how you would make it so you've seen the fun one you know what the part looks like you know which side do you cut first and then how do you hold it on the OP - I always sort of taught the way to set it up for op one so you can move the most material and it looks actually like it's pretty equal there may actually be more work done on the second off here yeah yeah and these kind of lend themselves to working opposite of that mindset just because of how you have to hold it for op - yep if you're trying to hold it here you'd have to have a recessed cavity for it to sit down in so it made itself easier to do all the op one or yeah the topside work yo and then flip it over we hold it with a mighty bite ID clamp on the this surface here and then we've got some little tangs here to go to locate it so we add for them tremendous were a gripping power yeah five or six thousand pounds of force putting uh we haven't even come close to ripping the one out of there yet the great thing about this is we've got two of them okay so one fixture takes 25 minutes it takes probably 10 minutes to change parts over really what we can change the parts over on a static fixture is sitting out the side of the machine takes so we only have a minute of spindle downtime anything we run a large quantity of we make two fixtures long as it's not something that we just can't possibly move by hand so we really use our verticals as horizontals right it makes setup so much easier and we can just run stuff much faster and like this part we don't need it to be in a rotary to gain access to stuff but we have a lot of stuff that we do need access to that the force exercise yeah got it well here you get the dent part density out of it right and oh yeah for up ones for up twos yeah we just used to run six at a time in I think four vices okay the set up took four hours really you would have to probe every single center point right and then the second op we were even still probing the the center of that hole just because of the vices it can move mm-hmm Center a little bit so so you kind of had products start to take off to two and half years ago or so what's changed like can you show us your packaging how do you handle give an ERP system how do you handle inventory levels forecasting shipping tracking patterns if you look over here this is the very non exciting part of the business I started really have things to uh like huge those the difference between that I mean a machinist to being a successful business so we keep all our cardboard foam we've got some of our our blank packaging sitting here we have a local box place pretty nice for us pretty cool boxes yeah it looks good some of them we've gotten to putting a lot of information on so we're starting to make our way into actual physical retail stores okay where people are just gonna be looking at this before they buy it and so we they've been able to put other product info on there to give them what's a cross le of what else we make sure you're sure this is the product you mentioned the Hellfire break that really helps you guys exact yeah so yeah and packaging it's I wouldn't say it's a this level of packaging is not a necessity to get started out but I decided from the beginning to make it a necessity basically that we are gonna have top-of-the-line packaging people were gonna be impressed when they got the product yeah not disappointed by something got scratched and transitor it just came in a plastic bag with a zip tie on it showing what it was it totally shapes that first impression when you when you open up a product like it just changes the mindset to what you're gonna expect that the next level yeah and it's a great it's it's an easy thing to do once you do it right but sometimes you know it was always click yeah it took us it took us probably a good year to to go from the first stages of let's make some custom boxes order them straight online low volume to find somebody local that will talk to us because we're still small to the box company that's printing cereal boxes millions of them right right right so it's tough to get somebody to pay attention to you but explain because we both use pack lane for the first like small volume orders and you know it's a little bit of a higher box cost but it was totally worth it to have that polished yeah you don't know that you're ordering from a small company so Sara Lee yep yeah it's uh it was social media now we we tracked a lot of stuff going on on Facebook and Instagram and we include a sticker with every single one of our products you look and anything relating to the precision rifle and you'll see 75% of the time you'll see one of our stickers on the background you see somebody's reloading bench you'll see our box is cutting in the background just free advertising yeah no reason not to do it so can you show us the reloading uh it was really cool but the trickler this is one of like when I was first starting the Wednesday widgets it was one of my things I thought I should do which is a Arduino powder trickler and clearly it's already been done and gonna be quite well so Craig's loading some ammo for a match this weekend Sarge is in the way okay he smiled for the camera there we don't know this actually manufacture the scale or the the brains behind it we do all the custom aluminum the furniture for it to make it better it new when you put it back on there that's awesome yeah picks up at zero because that cup boys about 730 grains okay does it retail at each time there's a tree zero no okay it has a plus/minus tolerance so fits within to 100 so grain which is roughly the weight of a kernel of a cup of powder it's always happy with in in the kernel because realistically being happy inside that window is reasonable got it you know raise your blade cutting Colonels it's really cool so there's a stepper that turns the actuates the powder flow and then the dual DC motor something that turns the trick Clerk they're both stepper motors okay exactly the same stepper motor okay they're just programmed the top one to run a larger cycle and hit that macro throw which can be controlled via the business in just a leave pattern okay like you'd find in to the system and then the second step er here is being pinged by a brain that's inserted in the back of the scale and it's something like a hundred times a second it's like your kids in the backseat asking are we there yet yeah yep yep and as you get closer it's got a control where it'll slow down and so cool like parenting well we're almost there so your your trickler speed slows down you're less likely to get over charges because the poor part powder is it apparently it grabs in in clumps it's very difficult to truly throw one at a time but it can slow down what it's trickling in oh yeah you see it that's really cool so you don't have that like massive clunk falling at the end hopefully yeah and so you guys machine all the aluminum parts we're looking at here yep everything that's aluminium is our part cool the scale Trey this is actually a oh it may be our most material move apart we have that starts as a four by six by one yeah that's a big part walk and do quite a bit of removal on that part the actual base that the pill okay trickler sitting on got some weight to it too yeah and that comes on a 3d printed base that may be ways to ounces this weighs I think almost a pound more those stepper motors are very shaky yeah the factory 3d printed one would just start walking across the table as it was stepping so we've got rubber feet on the bottom of these an adjustable wheel so you can control the tilt right rate up great for people that's cool [Music] so we so awesome are shipping and shipping area keep all of our products we manufacture on the shelves and the drawers we sell some third party items that we don't make just complement all the parts that we make on our website is your website like a Shopify or custom or it's a wordpress new commerce yeah okay well kind of it so pretty normal yeah exactly fairly easy to do to get started with you I don't know I'm computer savvy I don't know websites but I'm able to get in the backend and change stuff as needed but for the most part Craig our marketing guy takes care of that stuff chocolate does your website know current inventory it does we're not exactly that sophisticated yet that's been a it's probably been the biggest challenge it's been something I've wanted to tackle mm-hmm and I keep getting talked out of it for various reasons it's it's incredibly difficult to track live inventory especially when you have parts that are assemblies made up of different things when you're also manufacturing the parts we were just buying items like sitting over there it's fairly easy to track inventory but when we make the stuff sent it off to anodize get it back maybe some of them came back as blown we started putting stuff together we find something we're a tool broke and we didn't notice it things like that it just so we mostly go off of just a physical count yeah we check when we're running low we keep all our breaks some of them packaged in the drawer here and then a lot of them just live in the unassembled state okay over here so we've got all of our different thread size adapters nice person yeah the Rousseau cabinets are definitely definitely a great addition so so for some reason let's say you ran low on a main hell-fire obviously there's a fair amount of lead time because there's some sort of coating or worked on and outside yeah job so what what causes more of those to get made you know so by the material schedule inside of the machine cetera yeah the be just visual hey we're low on these if somebody tells Craig or Justin yep yeah say hey we're we're down to a month there are two months worth of something yeah let's start making it got it and we're not immune by any means to running out of stuff it probably still happens maybe once a month we we try to avoid it we run much larger batches of parts now that we have a little bit more milling capacity but at the end of the day at we we have I don't know how many SKUs do we have 144 excuse but obviously more some of those skews are multiple machine parts absolutely and if you factor in adapters of different size there's a lot of parking mean you can't come close to keeping track of that in your head yeah and something like this the way these work where it's a caliber specific and then there's six different thread sizes there's two different finishes you multiply all that out you end up with 50 60 skews mm-hmm and our website that would be the one thing to a full on custom website it would be a bonus but our it just can't handle the variations and attaching excuse to all of them to where it can integrate with QuickBooks so you use QuickBooks for accounting but also generating he was yep yeah QuickBooks basically is just our accounting like you said creating POS we mostly use the website to track inventory because of 98% of the business we do goes through the website we get POS from bigger vendors here and there but for the most part website inventory is fairly live yep so what's a what's a stressful day for you you seem like you're pretty low stress guy ah not not normally I'm the I guess the being the business owner also the only programmer and all really the only designer and operator for the lathes currently okay so when stuff starts to go wrong on the machines that's a that's a stressful day for me if we're setting up a program we haven't ran in a while and for some reason something's not coming out right and I'm in the middle of something on the lay there on programming apart it's that's when it starts to get stressful bouncing from one thing to the next I'd say we would still be back at that 2017 sales level if I hadn't risked a lot and hired some good people yeah we have a couple guys that when I when I quit my job I couldn't fathom paying my own salary and now paying couple guys a salary similar to what I was making before because it's it's important you gotta have people you can trust to make decision I have two guys that make decisions on a daily basis without asking me a single question it's awesome if they were coming to me 30 times a day to ask me hey should I do this should I do this it's just did they did you tell them that or did you hire them knowing that's what their personality was like yeah I knew they're capable of it they're smart sharp guys they're very creative with what they can do on their own so it's roles don't ask what roles are they the company so basically production manager takes care of all the material ordering all the machines scheduling all the Box all our packaging ordering anodizing and man anodizing is if you're a machine shop making your own parts or anything it's it's a it's a nightmare and to get that off of my back was just it was huge yeah so and the other guys Craig my sales and marketing guy runs the website runs our whole custom rifle side of the business he was big because he knows he's like one of my only guys that's an actual shooter one other guy is an actual shooter it's very important for this business because when I first started and I have buddies everybody wants to talk to the owner because he's the guy that knows what's going on having another guy that knows everything that's going on who can talk about our products exactly as I could talk about them I don't answer a single phone call almost every day that to deal with sales or anything like that that's another one of those things we would we would be back for tea products ago if I was still handling all that stuff so I would say that the key to our growth has been risk-taking just hiring guys pulling them out of good jobs that if we would have failed they would have been kind of screwed right buying machines when maybe we couldn't necessarily afford the machine at the time or they always say if if you need the Machine if you're buying machine because you need it it's too late right I always want to buy him before you need it employees scare you more than machines because you know I can solve the Machine problem with with just you know it's not hard to get alone if you get alone and but finding people yeah you can sell a machine if you can yeah high value so well okay get rid of it and only lose 20 grand wouldn't be okay yeah yeah when you when you're starting to support people's livelihood it gets scary it's crazy right so finding people's it was originally fairly easy for me I was pulling from a pool of people I knew yeah now that we're expanding out to people we don't know and trying to find skilled people for programming and setup we've been lucky so far we've found a lot of good people it's starting to get more challenging especially with less and less people wanting to do the trades and things like that this would be you know it's kind of one of those shops I get to see a lot of shops and this is one of those ones where it's like cool company cool culture growing you know clearly you're willing to invest in people and fixtures and resources a really cool story you should be proud of what you've built so far thanks I appreciate it looks like the future will be kind yeah or we actually just put an offer on a piece of a 74 acre piece of property so we can do some more shooting and build a new probably 15,000 square foot shop yeah we're literally in a basically residential street exact pretty impressive dude really I have a backyard about 5,000 square feet now yeah total space but we're out of power and we're yeah run on our single-phase everything's on pace converters yeah oh my god yeah crazy three-phase perfect that it'll get herders that's funny ya know but one thing that made me think of you when you were mentioning you know sitting there setting up a lathe at running a new job is we just toured allied machine that makes the drills yeah and they had a genius thing which is a lot of the machines had a construction worker orange vest bright orange like safety orange vest and the rule and the rule on their shop is if somebody put that on it means they're trying to figure something out leave them alone yeah and it's like the most oh we've all been there right yeah you just got to figure this out yeah once you're on a roll with something you get interrupted and takes you twice as long and it get back into what you're doing yeah so cool John thanks man it's good to see it for sure yeah preciate you stopping by for a really cool story I just feel like if you're if you're thinking can I do this can I get started it's cool to see you know 2017 this was what do you say one machine or two machines uh yeah one one CNC a.m. to pee yeah in 2000 yeah mid-2016 one machine awesome myself and one other guy working part time yeah that's cool that's cool take care folks see you soon yeah
Channel: NYC CNC
Views: 160,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tormach, fusion 360, how to, cnc, machine shop, nyc cnc, DIY, machining, milling, CAD, cnc machining, cnc milling, machine shop tour, area 419 tour, factory tour, Superb Industries Factory Tour: ONE BILLION parts per year!, AMAZING Home Shop Machinist Tour: TACrafted!, precision rifles, custom rifle builds, inspiring entrepreneurs, small cnc shops, small cnc businesses, how to start a cnc shop, cnc products that sell
Id: BnRupHS0QpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 28sec (2428 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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