The Danger of Living for Now | Alex Royes

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[Music] hey family i'm jessica communications director here at mount fiska and on behalf of our church family and our pastor alex royce we want to welcome you to our channel and to this word we cannot wait to hear what god has to say to you through his message now i want to share a few things with you very quickly remember to subscribe to our channel and hit that notification bell so that you could be notified of the word that will be brought forth week in and week out we are also so very grateful for you and your partnership with our church if you feel compelled to sow a seed today we thank you for your support as we continue to minister and reach out to our community the easiest way to give is be a text so without further ado let's get right into this worship experience i'll see you soon [Music] amen amen [Music] we just want to bless his name this morning and say lord god open the eyes of my heart anybody want to see the lord in his glory to see him in another light join with me as we bless his name this morning as we give a [Music] [Music] of grace heart [Music] open the eyes of my heart lord open the eyes of my heart i wanna see you thank you i wanna see you if you have that desire this morning join with me saying open the eyes of my fine lord open the eyes of my heart i wanna see you jesus [Music] open the eyes of my heart i wanna see you i wanna see you to see you high and lift it up shining in the light of your glory pour out your power in love as we sing holy holy holy to see you high and lift it up but shining in the light of your glory out your power in love as we sing holy holy holy put your hands together [Music] oh [Music] open the eyes of my heart lord open the eyes of my [Music] i heart see you come on join with me and say open the eyes of my heart lord in the eyes of my heart [Music] to see shining in the light of your glory oh pour out your power in love and squeezing holy holy holy [Music] pour out your power in love [Music] light of your glory pour out your power in love as we sing holy holy holy holy holy holy glory holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy [Music] holy holy [Music] so open the eyes of my heart lord open the eyes of my heart i want to see you thank you i want to see you [Music] open the eyes of my heart lord open the eyes of my heart i wanna see you [Music] i wanna see you oh i wanna see you i wanna see can we join like a choir to say i [Music] i wanna see hallelujah jesus that's our desire lord god cause we know one moment with you lord god is all we need heavenly father and lord that's why we come together lord jesus every day that you wake us up we want to know more of you is that anybody's desire to know more of him each and every day hallelujah we give you glory we thank you for your presence even now lord hallelujah just one moment with you gives me all i need just one moment with you gives me all my needs [Music] just one moment with you gives me your life [Music] just one moment with you [Music] gives me [Music] and forever you'll be all i need [Music] and forever you'll be all i need just one moment with you hallelujah gives us all we need just one moment with you lord gives us all we need just one moment with you [Music] give me all i need [Music] just one moment [Music] and forever [Music] forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] you'll be all i need yes [Music] and forever you'll be on my knees [Music] cause you're all i want [Music] you're all i want help me know you are me hallelujah we bless your name oh you're all i [Music] [Applause] [Music] i want help me know you are needs [Music] so draw me closer [Music] i lay it all down again hallelujah [Music] to hear you say that i'm your friend [Music] no one else will do [Music] [Applause] to feel the warmth of your friends [Music] hallelujah come on joy with me and lift your voice [Music] help me know you say [Music] help me know [Music] thank you jesus [Music] help me know [Music] help me know you i need jesus we bless your name lord god we thank you for your love we thank you for your blessing we want your presence lord god no matter what hallelujah we've tried everything but you're all i want or god you'll be our desire hallelujah has been there passing for the water hallelujah so my soul is for you god hallelujah we want to be in your place lord jesus holy in your presence god one thing have i desired hallelujah and that is hallelujah to be in your presence hallelujah come on lift your voice one more time i'll get out of the way but let your voice say you're wrong [Music] know you [Music] help me know you that's it come on give him the praise hallelujah help me know you [Music] one last time help me know help me know [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] some songs just never grow old draw me nearer blessed [Music] just [Music] [Laughter] [Music] in that it's not about the music it's not about the singers it's not about the person but it's to thy praise [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] how many of you know that he is an incredible god how many of you know that more than anything he wants you to draw nearer to him every single day and in every single way i don't know about you but i just want to be close to my lord and savior jesus christ i want to hear those words when it's all said and done well done thou good and faithful servant you have been faithful over a few things i will make you ruler over many glad to see your smiling faces in the house of the lord today just just go ahead and give god this moment a hand plan for praise if he's been he's been good to you if he has shown up in a marked way if he has opened some doors for you if he has made a way out of no way it's it's okay to to physically let him know god i am grateful god i am thankful god i am excited not just about what you have done not about what you are doing but i can i get somebody in here who's who's excited about what he's going to do i don't know about you but i'm excited about what god is going to do for you what he's going to do for me i don't believe that he is out of miracles i don't believe that he is finished with what he wants to do in your life and what he wants to do in my life but i believe that god is still doing and working behind the scenes and pulling strings and opening doors and shutting some doors and and and shutting some mouse that are speaking against you and making ways out of no way and because of that i just worship him because he is worthy to be praised from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same i don't know about you but my god is absolutely worthy and so and so we worship him uh on today we worship him every day but on especially on today on the day that he has set aside a time and where he's literally uh frozen himself for 24 hours you realize the beauty of the sabbath what's what's incredible about the sabbath is that god literally allows himself to be captured by time i wish i wish you understood that is that god uh he transcends time that god stands outside of time but but but in these 24 hours that we call the sabbath god allows time to wrap him up so that he can have incredible relationship with his creation and and that's why he tells us that on the sabbath you ought to you ought to pull aside you ought not operate like you normally operate you ought not do the things that you normally do during the week why is because i have allowed myself to be harnessed by time so that i can have great relationship with you and that's what makes the sabbath beautiful and so we just we worship him and we thank him on today on this morning i just have a few little gifts that i want to just give to somebody who's coming to church who who here has come to church this is the first time you in church in in over a year who anybody oh praise the lord first time in church i saw a hand here one of my favorite little spots chick-fil-a here you go go ahead and give yourself a milkshake amen um somebody i saw another hand first time you in church and a whole year amazon gift card go ahead and uh grab yourself something from amazon uh just it's exciting i'm glad that you braved uh uh the the worship experience i'm glad you got out of your shell uh i'm glad you said you know what i i was glad when they said unto me i will go into the house of the lord on today and so we welcome you into god's house on the day so glad that you could be here in this place grab your bibles if you have it with you on today uh uh grab your butt you know i'm glad i'm glad i actually have a a real bible somebody ought to say amen uh i left my phone rushing out the house this morning i left my phone and so i don't have my my cell phone uh uh but but but thanks be to god i i have the word somebody ought to say amen some of you would be in deep trouble if you left your phone if you left your android your ipad you you would be without a bible you would be without your bank information you would you couldn't call half of us can't even remember our phone numbers no more because we rely so heavily on data that that that that little that little box our little phone just has us all tied up in knots this truth be told and so uh i'm glad i'm glad i'm glad uh that that i actually have a hard copy word of god amen when's the last time some of you ever opened the hard copy word of god some of you can't remember the last time you i love bible works and i love the bible app it makes it convenient i'm always reading a plan uh to bless my life some some bible plan but but every now and again it's just good to to to turn paper uh parchment and and see the word of god live and in color and so and so i'm reading today from uh 2nd samuel chapter 11. i'm reading verses two through verse five and a message that lord has laid on my heart second samuel chapter 11 and verse two through five it should be on the screen for your reading pleasure and here is what the lord has to say to us it says this and it came to pass in an evening time that david arose from off his bed and walked upon the roof of the king's house and from the roof he saw everybody said he saw he saw a woman washing herself and the woman was very beautiful to look upon and david sent and inquired after the woman and one said is not this bathsheba the daughter of eliam the wife of uriah the hittite and david sent messengers and took her and she came in unto him and he lay with her sure for she was purified from her uncleanness and she returned unto her house and the woman conceived and sent and told david and said i am with child for just a few moments i want to speak to you from the message entitled the danger of living for now the danger of living for now let us pray father god we thank you today lord that you are still alpha and omega you are the beginning and the end the first and the last father we pray in this present and in this moment god where your holy spirit has been made evident where your name has been lifted up and worshiped oh god father now as we open up the written word today we pray lord that you would speak to us for your servants are listening in jesus name we pray let somebody say amen and amen the danger of living for now somebody ought to recognize that we live in a right now generation we live in a uh a a immediate gratification type of world where uh if if we are honest uh uh we we have come to the place where nobody likes to wait for anything anymore if you go to the restaurant and the food is delayed people get upset if if the light lasts more than 30 seconds uh in fact in fact if you do not shoot off of the of the line when the light turns green the people behind you begin to honk in fact i was at the light the other day and and the light hadn't even turned uh green quite yet but the people started honking just in case it had turned green we live in a society where uh immediate gratification and getting what i want when i want it uh how i want it it seems to rule the day right now and and and i've come to tell you on on this afternoon that that that is nothing new because literally there is nothing new under the sun that that this is not a new phenomenon with with with with our society this is not something that that has just arisen in recent history but when i read my bible i've come to recognize that this uh gimme society this uh this let me have it now kind of mentality has been at work for quite some time yes it has in fact when i look in my bible i encounter multiple scenarios of people living for now have mercy uh in fact on today as i'm going to look at david but i'm going to compare and contrast david with aiken another person who was living for now and i'm going to look at judas who is also another character in the bible who is living for the right now and and can let me let me just back it up and come down your aisle for just a second the truth be told is that every single one of us at some point in our lives have been just like the people i'm talking about in the bible you have been someone who has decided that i am going to live for now and forget about tomorrow i've come to let you know on today that that there is a danger in in living for the moment when i read my text of scripture on on this morning uh it it says to us that that that that that the story goes something like this in fact let me give you just a little bit of a backdrop that that at this time there was the time it says in second samuel chapter 11 and verse one it is the time of the kings where the kings normally go out to wage war and the bible says that the kings of of of of this of the middle east were at war and and and and strangely enough while the kings were at war king david found himself at home uh david is home and the kings are at war and the bible says that david seems to be restless i wish i had time to talk about a restless spirit because sometimes what gets some people into trouble is that they have a restless spirit they they can't keep still they can't be quiet they they they're always on the go they're always on the move they're always got to be in something you know the people i'm talking about the people at any time something uh is brewing that they're right there anytime people are gossiping about somebody they're the ones on the phone and texting messages i'm talking about busy bodies i'm talking about people who are who are always putting their nose in the people's stuff that they have no business into but they seem to can't control themselves david who should have been at war is now home and the bible says that he was laying on his bed and somehow a restless spirit caught him and he jumped us off of his bed and he's pacing around because he can't keep still and while he's pacing around he goes out on his balcony or terrace as it were and and he's just looking over his kingdom and while he's looking over the kingdom the bible says that his eyes fall upon a woman who is taking a battle somebody ought to say my my mind have mercy jesus now now if david had been prayed up if david had been in a good spiritual place if david had been in a place where where where where the spirit of god was moving and working in his life it's you can't help nowadays seeing some people in compromising positions but but what david should have did had he been in the right kind of a place he would have seen her and kept it moving oh can i just preach to some real people uh uh in the church today sometimes you see some things you can't unsee but but but but the best thing for you to do is not linger and keep gawking at it and looking at it and and and staring at it david got into trouble is because he let his eyes lock onto it and he couldn't take his eyes away from it and it got him into a world of mess i'm talking about the danger of living for now i'm talking about the steps that lead you into degradation degradation uh uh uh let me just say it again uh it is not a sin to be tempted it is a sin to give in to the temptation can i just help some people you're gonna see some stuff that yeah we live in a day and age where people come out the house any old kind of way huh they don't care you don't believe me just go to walmart yeah yeah yeah when the last time you've been to walmart you go to walmart you see stuff you're like man you think you in the circus when you go to walmart huh you wonder how people come out the house like that huh you like man come on now uh did you even think about your wardrobe today did you even think about some people come out they got bonnets on their head they got fluffy flippers uh if they even got flippers at all they come one arm they they look like they got a gordon guard trail on huh they don't know what they're doing they're dressed all wild and crazy and you can't help but see it but the best thing you can do is just keep it moving so look at somebody and say keep it moving you got to keep it moving sometimes i can't help it huh but i keep it moving what got david into trouble is instead of keeping it moving he kept on looking let me just read the bible says and it came to pass in an evening tithe that david arose from off his bed i'm talking about that restless spirit i mentioned earlier and walked upon the roof of the king's house and from the roof he saw a woman washing herself and the woman was very beautiful to look upon and and here is where the progression of david getting himself into trouble and david sent and inquired after the woman he that's where he was already in trouble uh you got to understand david had already he was already married he ain't have no business inquiring about nobody else can i help somebody today huh the bible says therefore shall a man leave his mother and his father and cleave unto his wife and the two shall become one flesh can help the brothers and the sisters out there today you can't handle more than one person i thought i would get a bigger amen than that uh uh yeah listen some of you having trouble with the one you got you can't deal with nobody else here is david and he is inquiring about this woman that he has seen that has captured his attention and the bible says that the that the surrogates are the those researchers his uh uh his staff comes back and they said david listen uh uh let me let me tell you about the woman you've seen uh uh uh uh and and they say to him uh uh uh listen uh uh bathsheba is the daughter of elian and the wife of uriah the hittite they gave him the information and the information that they give him should have caused him to say she is off limits that's what the information should have said i'm talking about the danger of living for now because there is a danger when you live for the right now uh and the bible says instead of hearing what let me tell you something i am sure that that that his surrogates were were very uh intentional about telling him the information that he told him they were literally trying to say david i know that you're the king i know that you can have anybody in the kingdom i know that you're the boss and you run everything here but but but she is the daughter of some people that you know and more than that she is the wife of uriah the hittite one of your assault chief soldiers in your military who is now at war fighting a battle that you should be fighting yourself i'm talking about the danger of living for now and and the bible says that in spite of the information that david receives about bathsheba the bible says that uh that listen what the bible says it says verse 4 and david sent messengers and took her and she came in unto him and he lay with her for she was purified from her uncleanness and we she returned unto her house sees her he inquires about her he calls for her he lays with her and then sends her home i'm talking about the danger of living for now and he thinks that that that that that everything is said and done he thinks that it's all over he thinks that i've got nothing else to worry about he thinks that it's okay can i can i help somebody huh i i don't even have this in my notes but one of the dangers of living for the now is that is that you forget that you have a devil who's trying to disrupt your tomorrows oh yes you do uh you have an enemy who is uh seeking out there whom not only he may devour but hear me somebody the devil is seeking to destroy your reputation the devil is the seeking to destroy your integrity the devil is seeking to to mute your voice and to make you have no authority when you speak about certain kinds of things especially religious things uh uh the devil is creeping around seeing who he can get to live for the now so he can inherently destroy their tomorrows there is a danger in in living for now and the bible says that that david thinks that everything is okay he thinks he's gotten away with it let me tell you somebody uh the moment that you think you've gotten away with it it's often the moment that it's about to turn a different kind of page the bible says that somehow not long after uh uh hear me somebody this must have been a one-time event because it does not say he has relations with the woman again but sometime later verse 5 and the woman conceived and sent and told david and said i am with child have mercy there is a danger when when when when you live uh for immediate gratification when the moment captures you and and your and you're tied up and uh in fact let me let me just look at these three individuals in the bible who who live in the now and the damage that it does for their life number one is david he's living in the now of lust number two is achin he's living in the now of greed and number three is judas he's living in the now of power look at these three individuals living in the now lust greed power overcomes all three of them and they pay a dear price for living in the now can i can i help you because these three areas are oftentimes the three areas that destroy most of our lives can i just help some people in the church today that there's nothing new under the sun lust messes david up agreed uh takes aiken out and judas desire for power you gotta understand that judas uh his thing wasn't the money his thing wasn't judas thing was the power he knew who jesus was he knew the kind of power that he had he had seen him raise the dead he had seen him take two fish and five loaves and feed thousands of people he had seen jesus work so many incredible things he knew that this man was truly the son of god he knew that he had power he had seen jesus in church one day heal a man and he had seen the people get mad at him because he told them the scriptures are fulfilled in this presence and the people wanted to slay jesus and throw him over the cliff and the bible says that jesus slips through the crowd because his hour had not come somebody ought to say amen you see when you walk with jesus people might want to kill you but if your time hasn't come you'll just slip through some snakes you'll slip through some crooked people uh you'll slip through some crazy stuff and and nothing will come nigh you because when god is with you and it is in your time no devil in hell can mess with [Applause] jesus slips through the crowd and the bible says he escapes and goes in another way judas understands this but here is where judas is perplexed judas recognizes that unless jesus hand is forced he is not going to place himself on the throne and hear me hear me judas has determined hear me somebody that that because he holds the money bag and because his arguments have probably been winning with the disciples as to which one of them should be the greatest he recognizes that he probably has the greatest chance of becoming jesus chief of staff and so he conjures up this idea that listen uh i am going to to to sell jesus out and when the people come at night time and they try to arrest jesus he will use the power that i've often seen him use and defile him disavow himself of his perpetrators and set up his kingdom on this earth but to his chagrin when jesus is captured instead of utilizing his power to throw off his captors uh uh he allows himself to be taken captive and into captivity and he recognizes that his plan has come to nought the bible says that judas is in such despair because he recognizes that he has betrayed innocent blood that he goes out and kills himself there is a danger in living for now let me let me let me look at let me let me let me look at a couple things that that are dangerous about living for now uh uh number one uh here i want you to hear me in the danger in living for now it seems like it's worth it let me let me help you uh it seems like the the thing that you're doing it seems worth it in the moments when you look at david he thinks that man this is a excuse me this is a beautiful woman uh she's she she's uh she's really not available but because i'm the king i'm going to take advantage of her and in the in the moment it seems like living in the now is worth it because i'm going to get what i want right now [Music] it seems like aitkin you you know the story with aiken uh no that they tell them listen uh we don't want to take anything from this people and and left leave their stuff alone and but aiken decides to hide some some of the goods of the uh a plunder of their enemies and and gets himself into trouble let me help somebody be careful when you only look at what you can see right now and you forget that there is an accounting coming on tomorrow be careful because that the danger in in living for now is that it seems like there will be no no no no no court case on tomorrow it seems like you will be able to get away with it scot-free but i've come to tell somebody today be very careful when you think it's worth it when in actuality it's going to cost you more than you want to pay it seems like it's worth it that's when you and i ought to do a cost benefit analysis uh let me explain to you what a cost-benefit analysis is it's when is when you sit down and you say wait a minute uh uh let me see what's the cost and what's the benefit i'm gonna get out of paying this cost and if the cost is higher than the benefit that i'm going to get then it's probably best that i leave this alone when you look at david it looked like it seems like it's worth it was worth it until verse five it seemed like it was okay until she sent word back and said hey david you've got a problem you remember the other night when you were living for the now you remember the other day when you thought that it was okay when you thought that nobody would find out to let me help you david the now has come right now and the now says i have a baby and my husband is off at war you've got a dilemma david um you've you've got some you've got some uh uh some bills that have come due and i'm not sure you're quite sure how you're going to pay these bills right now point number two point number two number one it seems like it's worth it that's the danger of living for now number two you don't see the danger it may cause when when you live for the now you often are blinded by by the damage it may cause yeah that's point number two you're you don't see the damage you're living in the now is going to cause let me just look at that for just a second look at the damage that david living in the now causes to him the bible says that david conjures up this incredible scheme he says you know what i've got to fix this let me tell you something when you get into one sin i've noticed that sometimes one sin leads to another sin leads to more sins you think that maybe i'll just tell this little fib and it'll be okay but i found you tell one fifth then you got to remember the next fifth that you did to cover the last fib to cover the next fib uh to cover the fit that you're about to tell and for you know it that everybody around you know you're fibbing because your stuff ain't adding up uh that was my friend who texts me uh i knew her from high school but how and for too long it it ain't adding up wait a minute that don't seem right uh uh uh that's what's happening to david and so he conjures up a scheme he the bible says that that he sends and brings uriah the hittite home the bible says he brings you right the hittite home he has him come to his house he feeds him at his table he allows him to drink as much as he wants to drink and then he has them send him back home but let me tell you something that uriah was more had more character in his scenario than david did as king the bible says that when uriah goes home the bible says that he sleeps at the front door of his house because he reasons to himself how can i uh uh come home and sleep with my wife when my other soldiers are out at war and they can't sleep with theirs and so the uriah said that would lack integrity of me to do such a hideous thing i'm talking about real leadership uh can i just be honest how many brothers out there would act like you're right most people will say well the lord giveth and the lord taketh away blessed be the name of the lord most people will be say well looks like it was a miracle for me looks like god just opened the door and blessed me and most people would have said well i'm just going to take advan nothing was wrong with it intrinsically but according to uriah it wasn't right uh psychologically i'm the leader of these guys and if they can't do it i'm not going to do it either the bible said that davis spies are watching uriah and they come back to him the next day and say the king david we've got bad news uh we've got some bad news uh uh we sent uriah home but here's the problem huh everybody saw him sleeping on his front doorstep he did not even go into his house and so your your your plan has not come to pass i'm talking about the danger of living for now here's my next point uh uh that that that that that i want people sometimes get hurt when you live in the now if you follow the story of uriah you follow the story of of aiken you saw the story of jesus someone dies in every single account because somebody else was living for the now i don't want you to miss that in in in in in david's case in living for the now he ends up sending word for uriah to go back to battle and he sends a note to one of his leaders that take uriah to the fiercest part of the battle and when the battle is raging fierce we want you to fall back and let uriah get killed so that i can cover up my living for the now so that i don't have to pay on tomorrow look at it that this innocent man then if there was ever somebody you wanted to have your back it was uriah this is a man of integrity this is a man who stands for principle this is a man who's doing stuff that matters but but because david is is living in the now he ends up killing someone who is loyal to him to a fault riot dies the bible says and now david feels like he can somehow cover up the scheme that he had had done and and the bible lets us know that it doesn't work like that not only does uriah die the baby dies it it's a mess i'm here to tell you that that when you live for the now it ends up hurting people around you there's a danger you you might not see it right away it might not happen like that but i'm here to tell you that that when you live for the now and let me say something you may not have a particular issue like david and your problem might not be like aiken or it may not be exactly like judas but i'll guarantee there's some areas in your life where you're living for the now where you're not looking at the consequences where you're doing things that are less than scrupulous where you're engaging in activity that that that that when you do the cost benefit analysis in fact i tell people all the time you ought to sit back and say to yourself if if if my actions were to be exposed uh could my life stand the private detective test and if your lap can't stand the private detective test that i'm here to tell you today then you probably need to quit it here's my next point the danger in living for now when you live for now you create habits that are hard to break later you know you know the worst thing that can happen to some people sometimes is that when you do something in the now that you she had no business doing and you get away with it you think you can do it again tomorrow and it'll be okay that's that's a danger for living for the now you you do it and no one finds out the the police don't show up at your front door the uh you you seem to get away with with with the creeping you seem to be able to overcome that and and sometimes the danger is that is that is that you you seem to be okay you seem to be getting away with it but little do you realize that you are creating habits in yourself that sooner or later they're going to be difficult for you to break them but you don't understand pastor i'm i'm living in the now because because i need uh you know this this is important to me i'm i'm living in the now because you know because this this this this this wine helps me to unwind from a crazy day at work you don't understand you don't understand pastor uh uh this this this cbd with the thc is you don't understand that that that pastor i i i i i watch this this this this kind of program because my husband ain't giving me nothing and this when you live for the now you create habits that are difficult to break later and they end up wreaking havoc on your life in due time because the bible cannot be made a liar whatsoever a man or woman soweth so shall he or she reap there is a danger in living for now and probably the most significant danger in living for now is that oftentimes people who live for the now destroy themselves spiritually they lack the skill of delayed gratification let me just help you for just a moment there said you know there when you lack the discipline of delayed gratification is not long before your life becomes bankrupt because in the ability to delay gratification you are able to do and accomplish things that the average person cannot do either can they accomplish but when you live for the now you teach yourself that that that that the the delaying gratification is not really necessary [Music] when you live for the now they're they're they're there it's difficult for you to to to to go and get that degree and it's difficult for you to to lose the weight because because you you live in such a right now kind of way that you want it when you want it you want when you got it and yeah and you don't you don't deny yourself anything and and you begin to get to the place where where living for the now uh ruins your ability to say you know what when you when you live for now you have a difficulty saying no when you really need to say no when you live for the now you have trouble walking away from things that that that you should walk away from but because you've you've lived the kind of light that says i want what i want and i want it now that your ability to delay your gratification becomes so hindered and so weak that that you become the kind of individual that that the moment something flashes your way you've got to have it you've got to get it and before you know it you're in a world of mess i know this is not a flashy sermon i know it's not a shout message per se but i can't preach shout messages every week to you i gotta preach some messages some weeks that makes you uncomfortable that makes you think that makes you re-evaluate how you're operating your life that's what i've been called to do so the question that i want everyone to re-evaluate this week is where am i living for now in my life [Music] and what are some things that i need to change some of you are living for the now when it comes to your finances can't pay off no debt [Music] you can't save a dime because you live for the now when it comes to everything if i want a new pair of shoes i want a new coat i want a new jacket i want a new dress i want a new this i want to you just live for the now and then you wonder why you have no money saved you can't do anything you can't buy a house you can't get a car when you need it your credit is tore up because you're living for now i want it today i've got to have it today i've got to have that new bag now i've got to have that new hair now i've got to have that new clothes now i've got to have the latest car now and that's the danger in living for now is because you you've so created this habit that you've got to have it now that you've not learned to deny yourself anything some of you in the danger for living for the now it comes in it comes in a way of your relationships and in lust and you because you've you've so to train yourself to to to un to like david instead of just just glancing and turning the other way you keep gawking at stuff you have no business gawking at and when they got back you in deep trouble [Music] danger in living for the now what in what area of your life are you in danger of living for now that god has sent me to tell you you've got to change that you gotta stop living for the now you gotta stop eating all them sweets i know y'all ain't want to hear this word [Music] but i'm coming for you gotta let that haagen-dazs alone gotta pass by that milkshake you got to get up early and and go walking or go go to the gym and do a little bit of running do a little bit get your heart rate up you're just living for the next cookie [Music] it's a danger in living for now [Music] every time you just you keep eating and you're eating steak and you're eating come on cut eat some vegetables [Music] go on a juice fast and go on a cleanse and clean stop living for now teach your body to to come up under some subjection in some kind of way [Music] because when you can when you can train your appetite then sometimes it helps you to train other lust in your life when you can tell your palate nah we ain't eating that today we eating asparagus today and we eat sweet potatoes and we we eating some kale today not my my taste buds don't like it either but i i force them sometimes now we eating this today sometimes my wife comes home and she makes everybody these green drinks my kids and i hear the blender going and we go hide in the closet we don't want her to find us but she'll be coming around the house looking for everybody she got a straw and a little nasty green drink and she sit there until everybody drink that green drink i hate it [Music] but i've got to train myself to not live in the danger of living for now and wreck my health later [Music] wreck your spirituality later live for now so much in so long puts a wedge between you and your god and that's the worst part god says listen you've been living for now too much too long i need you to cut it out and come back to some level of discipline in your life i don't know where you are along the spectrum i'm standing because i'm preaching but if i weren't preaching i would stand myself there's some areas that i've got to say god i've gotta i can't live for now in that particular area of my life any longer and you you may be that may be some of you here today if you're saying you know pastor there's some area in my life i i can't i can't i can't live for now any longer in that area i want you to stand i want to pray for you i'm standing i'm standing not just because i'm i'm the preacher i'm standing for me i want you to stand for you there's some area in your life are you saying you know pastor i can do better i can do better i'm do i'm living for now in my money i'm living for now and my relationship i'm living for now and some things i'm getting myself into and i need to i need to shift that i'm living for now and some habits some addiction that's got control over you know it's got control over and you're like ah i need to be back in the driver's seat i don't know what you're dealing with and how it's come coming to your life but i've come to let you know today that god has overcoming power for you and i want to pray for you i want to pray that god begins to shift and change some things in your life [Music] but before i pray there may be somebody here who's saying pastor i actually want to go one more step with god i think god's calling me to a deeper relationship with him i think god's calling me to take the next step i probably need to join a church i probably need to be baptized in the name of the father and the son and the holy ghost i don't know who you are but but something's telling me there's somebody here who needs to take that next step with jesus christ and i don't know who you are but if that's you just raise your hand in this place today if god is saying hey i need you to take a next step god bless you i don't i just sensed in my spirit there was somebody here if there's somebody else here who's saying pastor i need to i need to i need to make a am i calling an election sure i need i need to i need to join the church i've been kind of hanging on the fringes of church for a while but i sense today that god's love is there for me and i need to i need to make sure that my life is hidden jesus christ if that's you and you sense that god is saying hey you need to join a church and this may be the church for you or might we may facilitate you to the church that you need to be a part of but you just want to say today you know what that's me pastor i want to i want to make sure that jesus christ is number one in my life and you need to be baptized just raise your hand wherever you are i don't know who else is here i saw that hand and we're going to speak to you after church there's somebody else here who god is speaking to your spirit and speaking into your life and saying hey you i i love you more than you could ever understand and i want to give you the power to no longer live for now but i want to give you the power to live for to tomorrows that i have over your life if there's somebody else here who's god is speaking to you and you know god is speaking to your heart just raise your hand so that we can see your hand and i can have a conversation with you after church and make sure that your name is is written in the book of life and to make sure that god is speaking in and through you just if somebody else here today who god is speaking to you right now i don't know who you may be but if you're here today and god is saying hey i want to bless you i want to deliver you i want you to be a part of this church that is transforming lives by the power of jesus christ just raise your hand real quick if there's somebody else here today somebody somebody else here today let me pray father god i thank you today that you are still in the saving business father i pray for the hand that went up and said you know what pastor i i need to take that next step with god and i believe there's somebody else who needs to take that next step with god i feel it in my spirit and i don't know who they are father even while i'm praying i pray that you'll help them to make that decision and go all the way with you father we're standing [Music] and i'm including myself in this prayer we're we're in danger of living for now lord you want to teach us how to live for tomorrow father i pray the things that have control over our lives i bind it and i break it in the name of jesus right now that it will no longer have authority over us but father i pray that you will have authority and you will have dominion and that you would have uh the supremacy and that you will take over the controls over our lives and the areas where we are living for now that father you would break them immediately father i pray as we launch into this week we'd start to say you know what no i'm not doing that any longer no i'm not i'm not going down that road no i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm not gonna defile my body like that i'm gonna take care of myself i'm gonna be a person of integrity when it comes to my relationships i don't know who i'm praying for right now but father you know exactly who they are give them victory over themselves [Music] bless us today oh god heal us today mold us and shape us into your similitude is our prayer today in jesus name let every child of god say amen let somebody say hallelujah somebody say thank you lord [Music] amen let's join with me as we sing our last song before we leave it says i give myself [Music] away give myself away so you can use me i give myself away i hear y'all come on join with me i give myself i give myself [Music] [Music] give myself away i give myself away so you can use me here i am [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i give myself away so you can use [Music] so you [Music] [Music] so you can use me well family that's it for today's service we pray that you have an incredible day we love you and we thank you for joining us for this portion of the mount crystal worship experience we will see you soon you
Channel: Mt. Pisgah SDA - Miami Gardens, FL
Views: 5,819
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: qmg5zRHpd_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 32sec (4472 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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