The Superman Iceberg Explained

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so here we are I've said before that I would never do a Superman Iceberg because unlike Batman and Spider-Man I just don't really care too much about the character Superman I don't dislike him by any means I've just never really gotten into him outside of like the dcau but as a thank you for watching my videos and getting me to 50 000 subscribers and insane I don't know how you did that and or why you did that I've decided to give the people what they've been asking for a Superman Iceberg like with the Batman and Spider-Man icebergs this won't just be about Superman though I'm going to include some entries and topics about characters related to Superman for example like Supergirl Power Girl General Zod Lex Luthor Etc also I've covered some Superman topics before in other videos like the uh Batman Iceberg Batman Iceberg part two and the Spider-Man Iceberg things like Spider Boy uh Kingdom Come Superman at World's End but yeah anyways if you want to see those topics talked about go watch those videos they're great too anyways with all that being said let's just get down into it I hope you enjoy and thank you for giving my channel a chance Superman red Sun Superman red Sun is an elseworld story written by Mark Miller that tells the story of what would happen if cal-l landed in the Soviet Union instead of Kansas the story lasted for three issues and told the story of cal-el who landed on Earth in 1938 and is instead raised by the Soviet Union government though this cow L isn't actually from Krypton but instead a future version of Earth that's falling apart due to the Sun turning into a red giant and so Kal-El was sent back in time to escape dying with his family anyways because he was raised with the Soviet Union his morals and ideology were just a little bit different from the mainline soups for example when he became the leader of the Soviet Union his government created Superman robots these aren't actually robots though but they're instead the results of forced brain surgery that turns people into mindless obedient drones all of this really gets under Lex Luthor's skin and so he tries several different attempts to kill superband from creating Bizarro working with Brainiac helping out Batman and even creating a Green Lantern Corps military on Earth this all leads to a big old fight to where Wonder Woman and the Amazons fight Superman Brainiac manipulate Superman into the thinking that he was on his side ultimately this whole big fight leads to Superman retiring and living amongst Humanity like sleuthor meanwhile cures every single disease possible in the world and even created his own philosophy called lutherism which is our the name of a religion so uh it's gonna have to change the name Lex's leadership then leads to the Galaxy being colonized by humanity and everything's pretty neat you know it's a pretty uh pretty dope time to be a human that is until the sun turns into a red giant billions of years in the future and caldel gets sent back in time creating a cycle it's revealed then in the story that Kalel is the son of a distant relative of Lois Lane and Lex Luthor this story has become probably the most well-known beloved Superman elseworld story receiving critical Acclaim and was released this has led to this University Superman and other Red Sun characters like Batman and Wonder Woman to appear in plenty of media examples include video games a kinda live-action adaptation in Supergirl and by extension the arrowverse an animated adaptation a cameo in Justice League action a canceled live-action movie which you can see me talk about in the Batman Iceberg and many different other comics the Richard Donner cuts so long story short Richard Donner the director of the original Superman film was replaced as the film's Director after filming on the project had wrapped up this resulted in Richard luster taking over production as director which further resulted in completely new footage being filmed along its scenes from the original Superman 2 were removed from the film entirely a lot of these scenes include Marlon Brando who played Superman's daddy as Brando claimed that he had never received his percentage of the first Superman films gross which led him to filing a restraining order to prevent the company making Superman 2 to use his likeness and so this Richard Lester cut of Superman 2 was the only version of the film to be viewable for decades until 2005 when Warner Bros had Richard Donna return to recut Superman 2 and place back all the original footage that wasn't used in the theatrical version and so in 2006 the Richard Donner cut was released on DVD and Blu-ray this is the closest we'll ever get to the original version of the film as while the film does use most of the original footage that was taken out of the theatrical release the film was never originally completed and so certain scenes from theatrical cut had to be placed into the film along with some screen tests in order to complete the film as for whether or not the Richard Donner cut is the Canon version of events featured in the film I don't think it is like I think the theatrical cut like Superman 2 was the Canon version of events but uh it's generally agreed upon that the Donner cut is a better film so oh well I mean that's what matters at the end of the day if it's a better film or not forgetful kiss even if you've never seen Superman 2 you probably know how Superman in that film has an ability to wipe people's Memories by kissing them this was a power created for the film and to my knowledge has only appeared in this film besides some like parody stuff like Robot Chicken however there have been some people who have claimed that this power was actually adapted from a Superman comic Action Comics 306 released in November of 1963. this however isn't true as Clark only kisses Lois with such force that it makes her dizzy not lose her memory and so the forgetful kiss is just one of the many original powers to appear in these films Superman vs Goku so everyone loves a who would win in a fight debate well one of these debates would become extremely Infamous online for how heated these arguments become that being who would win in a fight Superman or Goku from Dragon Ball a ton of people believe that Superman would win while a ton of people think that Goku would win and so it's gone on for decades now of just people just constantly arguing I have no idea personally who would win in a fight because I don't really know anything about Dragon Ball but I I know that death battle at one point said Superman would win in a fight twice for some reason so maybe they're right I don't know I have no stakes in this if you do have an opinion on this leave in the comments below because I'm sure there's still going to be at least somebody there who disagrees with you Man of Steel 2. a sequel to Man of Steel has probably been the most talked about potential DCU movie out there with rumors about the film beginning even before a man of steel was released in 2013. and as time's gone by the rumors and leaks have only gotten more and more prominent there are talks about Matthew Vaughn directing the film JJ Abrams taking over the project James Gunn was apparently in the running at some point and of course there was Zack Snyder who was supposedly either going to direct or write the film but despite all of these rumors and what have you nothing concrete has happened Zack Snyder has said in the past that his original plan for a second Man of Steel was going to involve Brainiac as the main villain along with the rest of the kryptonians from the end of Man of Steel returning from The Phantom Zone again wasn't the plot of the first man of steel Henry Cavill has also stated several times that when a mass Steel 2 does happen he'll be more faithful to the source material despite this like I said nothing concrete has happened yet at least until recently following his Cameo at the end of Black Adam it's been reported that a Superman solo film is an active development yet again at DC with Henry Cavill even stating that his appearance in Black Adam was only a taste of what's to come so who knows maybe Man of Steel 2 is finally happening though at the same time the DC EU has been very weird with potential films it just like announces random things then cancels up like a couple months later peace power girls boobs so power girl is extremely hot probably one of the hottest Comic characters out there and a lot of people think that's because well she's got a pretty big bust size but what's interesting about her breasts what a sentence is that they weren't always this big you see the only reason why power girls chest or bust size is the way it is is because power girl's Creator while he would was convinced at the time of her creation that DC editors weren't paying attention to anything he did and to test this theory he made Power girl's breasts bigger and bigger with every issue until after eight issues one of the DC editors finally noticed and after that he stopped and she was stuck with big boobs so to all you really horny guys girls and NBS out there you have this weird series of events to thank for power girls physique except this story about Wally Wood is actually not true yeah this is actually false as if you go back and look at Power girl's early appearances this just isn't true there's no growth instead it wouldn't be until Bart Sears came along and started giving power girl more chest and the Justice League Europe comic series Ultraman Ultraman is the protagonist of the show Ultraman which was released in 1966 it ran until 1967 which resulted in the massive Ultra franchise with tons of shows and films being made Ultraman uses human hosts to okay joke over first appearing in Justice League of America issue 29 in August 1964. Ultraman is basically an alternate universe evil Superman the very first I think although could be wrong about that when he was a kid he was rocketed off his Krypton which didn't blow up in his universe and as a kid on earth actually developed Powers as he came into contact with kryptonites so again he's like the opposite Krypton didn't blow up he gets his powers from kryptonites etc etc when he became an adult he started calling himself Ultraman and started up the crime syndicate of America which is basically just the Justice League but evil his powers are mostly the same as silver age Superman's are he's got like the laser vision flight super strength speed Etc that was most notable power is probably his super supervision which allowed him to see into other dimensions which is how we got involved in the mainline DC timeline he would eventually perish in crisis on infinite Earth's issue 1 in April of 1985 as he faced off against anti-monitor's anti-matter wave head-on which didn't end up well for him outside of a few clones of him and alternate universe versions of him like Ultraman 2 and antimatter Ultraman Ultraman wouldn't be seen in comics until the new 52. first appearing in Justice League issue 23 in October 2013 this ultraman's father Jor ill since Cal ill off of Krypton due to the planet dying and So Cal ill landed on Earth where he'd then began to become stronger as he got into contact with more and more Kryptonite things took a turn for the worse when he murdered his universe's pod Martha Kent when he was only seven years old burning the entire Farm down he then murdered the U.S president and started out the crime syndicate and because DC loved his Multiverse stuff Ultraman in the crime syndicate have come into contact with the mainline DC Universe several times since power wise this Ultraman has most of the standard Superman abilities Ultraman has become a fairly popular Superman villain showing up in Smallville crisis on Two Earths DC Universe Online the world's greatest Super Friends and even Lego DC super villains the Superman curse people claim that if you play Superman in live action or you work on a live-action Superman Project some really bad things are going to happen to you or your loved ones there's a ton of people out there who claim that this curse has impacted a lot of people for example there's George Reeves who played Superman in The Adventures of Superman TV show from 1952 to 1958. who sadly ended his own life in 1959 Christopher Reeve who played Superman in the original film series was paralyzed due to a horseback riding incident in 1995 and died in 2004 due to a heart failure Kirk Allen who played Superman in some 1940s cereals that I'll talk about a little bit later developed Alzheimer's later in life and passed away in 1999. Lee Quigley who played Superman as a baby in the 1978 film died of a heart attack in 1991 at only 14 years old Marlon Brando's son killed his half-sister's boyfriend and Marlon Brando's daughter ended her own life in 1985. Margaret Kidder who played Lois laid in the original film series went missing in 1996 for several days and Allison Mack who played Chloe Sullivan on Smallville went on to do things I don't think I can mention without being demonetized so uh just Google her name and you'll figure it out pretty quickly now is this curse real I mean Henry Cavill Dean Kane Brandon Ruth Tom Welling and Tyler Hoechlin are all doing fine so probably not I mean Superman is a character has been around since the 1930s so of course some bad and tragic things are going to happen to some people who work on the media surrounding the character it's just been it's almost been 100 years since then so yeah over a course of almost 100 years some bad and tragic things are probably gonna happen to some people unfortunately deleted scenes like with every film the Superman films all have deleted scenes and like the Batman and Spider-Man icebergs I'll be listing a few deleted scenes from each of the Superman films and films involving Superman characters like for example I'll mention a scene from Justice League but only if it has something to do with Superman or Lois or Lex Luthor or something also only doing live action films for Superman 1978 most of the film's deleted scenes were later added back into the film in various DVD and Blu-ray releases under a director's Cod extended edition label anyways some of the deleted scenes include Richard Donner getting a cameo appearance retails Clark Kent well that'll be the day when a man can fly Superman faces off against some of Lex Luthor's weapons when trying to get into his lair including flamethrowers and ice machines Clark Kent has a talk with his dad after rescuing Air Force One various scenes of Clark traveling for the North Pole Superman saves some girl scouts at the Hollywood Sign while carrying Jimmy Olsen Superman stops in midair and tells Jimmy to take a picture of the dam and finally the Kryptonian Council hires a executioner to kill jorel to keep him from launching baby Superman as for the theatrical cut of Superman 2 a scene where Superman flies past the jet which surprises the pilots was cut a scene where his eye to order his none to murder a kid by throwing a siren at his head after telling everybody that nobody will leave the town was cut pretty grim a scene in which Lois Lane pulls a nightgown out of her purse shoots a portrait of Richard Nixon a bunch was cut and finally a scene in which Jimmy Olsen bites Nan's hand after he destroys his camera this doesn't go too well for him considering that non's a protonian so Jimmy almost shatters his teeth for Superman 3 a seat in which Frank Oz makes a cameo was cut where he plays a brain surgeon there was a scene in which Vera is trying to read a book about computers but can't uh due to the sounds of Superman having sex in the other room there was also a scene in which Jimmy and Clark spotty fire while arriving at Smallville and finally there was a brief scene set in Alaska where two oilmen discover there's no oil coming out of the pipeline as for the Supergirl film that everybody forgets there was a scene in which Supergirl cuts her hair using laser vision that was cut the protest scene originally had a woman being killed by being turned into an ice statue causing all the protesters to cower in fear and finally there was a scene in which Supergirl declares to Selena that she only bows the truth and justice for Superman 4 the Quest for Peace a scene in which Clark Kent visits his family's grave was cut the Metro Club date sequence also had a few cut moments like a woman coming on to nuclear man only to discover these not human finally there was also a scene in which the first nuclear man fell instantly in love with Lacey while at the Metro Club for Superman Returns the film would have originally opened with Superman traveling the Krypton in an enormous crystal-like ship there he traveled through the remains of the planets searching for any sign of life but finds none he's also made extremely sick because of the Kryptonite in the area there was also a seat in which Perry white tells Superman that Lois Lane is missing the flashbacks to Clark's childhood were also greatly extended including one scene of him floating in the barn Ben Hubbard the dude that Martha Kent is dating is almost removed from the film entirely outside of a few scenes there's even a deleted scene where Martha and Ben Tell Clark that they're moving on a Smallville getting married for Man of Steel there was a seat in which POG Kent takes Clark hunting for deer there was also a seat in which Clark's parents were given to a pediatrician because his powers were developing the doctor plays sounds in Clark's ear which causes baby soups to cry out and shatter all the windows of the building a seat in which Lois Lane gets interrogated by the FBI was cut and there was a scene featuring zotataki multiple cities on Earth that was cut for Batman v Superman dawn of Justice a good chunk of these if not all of them were added back into the film in the Ultimate Edition some of these scenes included Superman and Lex Luthor's talk in the Scout ship being extended a scene featuring Lex Luthor contacting Steppenwolf was cut and there was a scene in which Superman was searching for Martha and had to ignore multiple other crimes in Christ for help in the process to find Martha kind of reminds me of that one time Spider-Man did pretty much just this for Justice League 2017 there's a scene in which Superman is looking at all of his various costumes in the Fortress of Solitude here we'd see some Kryptonian battle armor the black suit and a more colorful version of the man's steel suit A variation of this scene was included later in the Snyder cuts there were also a few lines between Superman and Cyborg there were Cuts but that's pretty much it that we know of for Shazam it's not really a deleted scene but I should mention how Henry Cavill was originally going to play Superman in the film however he was unable to make the Cameo appearance due to Henry Cavill being unavailable for filming though there are rumors that the real reason was that Henry cavill's agent asked for way too much money for Henry Cavill to appear in the film and when Henry Cavill found out that his agent asked for some ridiculous amount of money it was pretty mad understandably so for the Snyder Cuts I actually couldn't find anything involving Superman Lois or Lex there's a few scenes in the center cut that were cuts that I mentioned in the second Batman Iceberg so if you're interested in those go check that out and finally for Black Adam originally Superman's cameo in the film was shot just like his appearance in Shazam meaning that he wouldn't say anything and he wouldn't see his face and you know Henry Cavill wouldn't be there this was changed fairly late into the film's production due to Dwayne Johnson reportedly demanding Warner Bros to use Henry Cavill so it was refilmed but uh thank God people would be pretty mad if they did another head down cameo Superman smashes the clan released from October 2019 to February 2020 and written by Jean Lewin Yang Superman smashes the clan is basically what it sounds like said in 1946 Superman battles the KKK who are terrorizing a Chinese American family it's several African-Americans in Metropolis there's also this dude named Adam Mann who's a German soldier seeking revenge on the U.S for its role in World War II this comic mini-series was Loosely based on a story arc from The Adventures of Superman radio show titled the clan of the fiery cross which aired in 1946. this radio program was extremely notable as it dealt a massive blow to the KKK in the northern United States this story arc was influenced by Stetson Kennedy a human rights activist who infiltrated the KKK to expose them this really ticked the KKK off as because of the episodes they had a sharp decline in recruitment but anyways Superman smashes the clan is a pretty good read it was also a pretty successful financially and even served its inspiration for an episode of Superman and Lois with the Adam man showing up to fight soups Superman lives Superman lives is not just the most well-known canceled Superman film but it's also probably one of the most well-known canceled films ever originally starting out as the film Superman reborn which I'll talk about a bit more later Superman lives was a film set to be released in the late 90s around 1998 to 1999. the film went through a lottery rights but the most well-known plot the film was done by Kevin Smith the film's plots had Superman battling doomsday Brainiac and Lex Luthor which would eventually lead to Superman dying and being resurrected by The Eradicator and so Superman now wearing a robotic suit created by The Eradicator defeats the villains and Saves the Day also there'd be a giant spider he'd fight at some points because uh for some reason when Kevin Smith pitched the film to John Peters a film producer that was trying to make a Superman film throughout the 1990s John Peters insisted that Kevin Smith put a giant spider in it uh Peters also requested several more ideas like Brainiac fighting a polar bear in The Fortress of Solitude Brainiac gifting Lex Luthor a space dog and Brainiac would be given a sidekick described as being a gay R2D2 with attitude yeah he had some uh some real ideas I can't say they were good ideas but they were ideas did I mention that Superman also couldn't fly in this film because John Peters thought it would look silly future rewrites would change some elements of the film like the villains for example after a certain rewrite instead of Doomsday Brainiac and Lex Luthor it was going to be lexiac an amalgamation of Brainiac and Lex Luthor The Eradicator would also be written out completely and Superman would just be resurrected by the power of k a natural force representing the spirit of Krypton this film was eventually canceled in 2000 due to a variety of reasons one of them was how pretty much everyone involved with the project was just leaving including Nicholas Cage who was set to play Superman in the film as for other actors attached Chris Rock was casted as Jimmy Olsen Christopher Walken Jim Carrey Jason Lee and Gary Oldman were all being considered for Brainiac Sandra Bullock Courtney Cox and Jillian Moore were all considered for Lois Lane David Hyde Pierce was considered for The Eradicator Jack Nicholson and Kevin Spacey were also considered for Lex Luthor with the latter eventually playing him and Superman Returns and Famke Janssen was considered for Mercy Graves a lot of what we know about this film comes from the 2015 documentary The Death of Superman lives what happened Cyborg Superman first appearing in Adventures of Superman issue 465 in April 1990 originally Cyborg Superman was a man named Hank Henshaw an astronauts who took part in a mission on a lexcorp space shuttle named the Excalibur Hank was just chilling out with his wife and two friends with suddenly some Cosmic radiation hit the shuttle and did some pretty wacky things to the four of them one of them was turned into a being of pure Cosmic radiation and the other turned into a creature made of rock and metal at first it seemed like Hank and his wife got all fine with no side effects that was until Hank's Body started to rapidly Decay and his wife started phasing into an ultra Dimension Hank would ask Superman for help if the two were able to save Terry but they weren't able to save Hank in time and so he died except not really as his mind somehow transferred into Lex corp's computers using his new abilities he built himself a new body showed up at his wife's door and was like I'm alive and she was like I'm not and died via shock and that's when Henry learned that he and his team were hit by radiation due to Superman throwing The Eradicator into the Sun and so he blamed Superman for all that had happened to him and became the super villain Cyborg Superman as for cyborg Superman's abilities he uses a robotic Kryptonian hybrid body which gives him most of Superman's abilities also because he's a robot ghost thing he can transfer his mind into any piece of machinery and can even transport Machinery into whatever he wants after the New 52 reboot cyborg soups would show back up again in team 7 Issue 5 in April 2013 and continued to be a menace to the DC Universe by the way I just love the DC wiki lists his jobs as astronauts mass murderer and Intergalactic terrorist what's the pay for those also if you feel bad for Cyborg Superman just remember uh this dude ripped his dead wife's corpse in half and nuked coast city so uh he's a pretty bad dude he's become a pretty popular Superman villain and has appeared in various media like Supergirl reign of Superman Lego Batman 3 and the Legion of Superheroes a show I keep forgetting exists Injustice the Injustice series is an alternate continuity in DC's fast Multiverse created for the 2013 video game in Justice Gods Among Us in this universe Superman has a bit of a brow moment when he accidentally kills Lois Lane and their unborn child due to a scheme from Joker afterwards Superman kills Joker and begins a new fascist dictatorship across the world as he makes War illegal and has everyone who commits a murder or like another crime at that level killed Superman is actually able to convince quite a decent amount of heroes and villains to his cause like Hal Jordan The Flash cyborg Wonder Woman Black Adam Lobo cheetah Sinestro Damian Wayne Raven and Shazam however Batman disagrees with all this and creates his own underground Rebel faction to consistic of characters like Martian Manhunter Green Arrow Black Canary Catwoman Harley Quinn Batwoman Lex Luthor Batgirl and zatana the game's main plots had Batman's faction the Insurgency bring over a bunch of Heroes from Another Universe to help them beat Superman they succeed and the day is saved until Injustice 2 where they're forced to work with Superman and his regime to fight off Brainiac and gorilla grodd's new faction the society Superman in this continuity is pretty brutal for example he beats Green Arrow to death in front of paw and Martha Kent murdered Shazam once he started questioning the regime and in the non-cated Superman and Dane to Injustice 2 he uses brainiac's mind control technology to force Batman and the rest of the Insurgency to join his side as mindless slaves the Injustice continuity is pretty popular and so far as two console games two mobile games two different prequel comic series an animated film adaptation that apparently everybody hates I haven't seen it in a crossover comic with He-Man that I assume isn't Canon but kind of confirms that He-Man will probably be a guest character in Justice 3. Superman flyby this is another cancel Superman film for 2004. written by JJ Abrams Superman flyby was going to be the weirdest Superman film ever made if it what was made the plot would have jorel sent to prison during a civil war on Krypton and have Kal-El sent off of Earth and then you know the whole standard of Superman origin story happens except Krypton doesn't blow up yeah like one of the most crucial elements of the origin story it just doesn't happen eventually in the film Superman would then reveal himself to the world which would cause four kryptonians to arrive on Earth to kill him Superman's able to put up a good fight but is eventually killed he then goes to Kryptonian Heaven which is uh different than normal Heaven apparently where he meets his father who we find out avengered and gamed himself in prison he then gets resurrected beats up the four kryptonians then flies off to Krypton in a spaceship all Transformers age of Extinction style Joseph McGinty Nicole was also brought onto the film to direct and the project was on until 2004 where it was canceled due to Warner Bros wanting to film in Australia while MCG wanted to film the United States Warner Bros wanted to film in Australia because they would save them 25 million dollars but MCG said no because he was afraid of flying so he didn't want to film there no really Superman flyby didn't happen because someone was afraid of flying Brian Singer was then brought on board and Superman Returns happened as for the cast of the film Jason bear Henry Cavill Matt Bomer Ashton Kutcher Joel egerton and Jared Padalecki were all in talks to play Superman Scarlett Johansson Carrie Russell and Amy Adams were in talks for Lois Lane Anthony Hopkins was in talks with jorel Ralph faines Johnny Depp and Robert Downey Jr were in talks with Lex Luthor and Shia LaBeouf was in talks for Jimmy Olsen now two names probably stuck out to you Henry Cavill and Amy Adams yes these two who would go on to play Superman at lowest light in the DCU actually had a chance to play the characters seven years before the DC EU began Henry Cavill even filmed test footage of Superman evil Superman so in the past decade or so there's been a growing number of characters in media that fall under the evil Superman archetype some notable examples include uh Superman being evil in Injustice Superman being brainwashed in that new rock steady game coming out next year that I can't say the name of or I'll get demonetized nightmare sequence Superman from Batman v Superman and the Snyder cuts homelander from the boys Omni man from Invincible the entire film breitburn helps Randy gets brainwashed in Supergirl at one point because of this wave of evil Supermen many people have started getting tired of the whole archetype which is why shows like Superman and Lois have been getting pretty positive attention due to it being a live-action Superman that's more faithful to the classic version now I'm not saying like which is better I'm just saying that there's a growing Trend and evil superman-like characters and that some people have started getting tired of them Superboy Prime first appearing in DC Comics presents issue 87 in November of 1985. Superboy Prime AKA cal-el is from the prime Universe plus the name which is a universe where all superheroes are just comic book characters except for him he wasn't always a villain as originally he was just an alternate super boy but after crisis on infinite Earths destroyed his Universe he was sent into another dimension where over time his morality was twisted which eventually led him to believe that his Homeworld Earth Prime was the only Earth that should exist in the Multiverse and that he was the only one worthy enough to be Superboy and so he began his travels throughout the Multiverse causing Mayhem and murder for example one of the universes he traveled to was earth 15 where he murdered that universe as Superman along with his wife and unborn kid and the Justice League and then the planet itself his murderous Rampage across the Multiverse has slided the face off against a ton of Heroes and even villains power wise Superboy Prime has your standard Superman abilities but more for example Superboy Prime is immune to Kryptonite and Magic he's also got two different solar armors he's worn these being powerful Arbors that constantly feed him yellow solar energy to maximize his powers besides being extremely powerful Superboy Prime is also well known for punching reality yes during crisis on infinite Earth's Superboy Prime punched the barrier of reality which caused some things to change in a ton of continuities this is becoming fairly common explanation for fixing errors and retcons and DC Comics two more things I want to mention he once carved a Superman logo onto his chest with his fingernails because edgy and despite being a very well-known Superman and Justice League villain he hasn't ever actually appeared in any animated material or video game Superman and the moleman released in 1951 Superman and the moleman was the first ever Superman film and the first film based on the DC character yes there were cereals in the 1940s but this was the first feature film starring George Reeves as the man of steel this film sees Superman battling mole people after Clark and Lois discovers Silsby Texas a small town that has the world's deepest oil well and in order to create that well they had to drill into the Earth and that really ticked off the bull men so they began to attack the people of Silsbee it's interesting that the first Superman film has a film original villain and doesn't even take place in Metropolis in fact Superman and Lois Lane are the only Superman characters to appear in the film the film was released to gauge interest in a live-action Superman show and when the film did pretty well the series Adventures of Superman was created with George Reeves returning to the role the film even returned to the show as the two-part episode The Unknown People which was just an Abridged version of the film Superman 64. Superman the new Superman Adventures AKA superband 64 was a game released in 1999 to the Nintendo 64. and you know the rest no really even if you're not a Superman fan you probably know about this game due to being well known as one of the worst video games ever made The Game's plot has some of Superman's friends being trapped in a virtual reality version of metropolis thanks to Lex Luthor and Brainiac and so Superman has to enter the virtual world rescue his friends and defeat Lex Luthor parasite Brainiac Mala Metallo and Darkseid yeah I bet you didn't know that Darkseid was in this game the game had a very troubled production as the developers of the game Titus interactive were constantly being messed with by Warner Bros and DC Comics despite the game being a commercial success it was heavily criticized and boxed for its poor Graphics terrible controls numerous bugs boring and repetitive gameplay and its Kryptonite fog used to help the game's frame rate also the Rings uh you flew through a lot of rings because of the horrible perception the game's PlayStation version was canceled in 2000 though this version was apparently going to be better as many of the game's bugs would have been fixed while this version of the game wasn't finished you could actually play the final build of it before it was canceled as it was uploaded to the internet on November 28 2020. valzad first appearing in Earth 2 issue 19 in March 2014 valzad is a relatively recent addition to the Superman family originally from Krypton along with Superman and power girl valzad was launched off Krypton as a child and when he arrived on Earth he was taken in by a man named Terry Sloan who turns valzad into a recluse by keeping him locked away in an underground lead-lined bunker it took a long time for valzad to be found by anyone but he would eventually be found in set free only for Val to have a serious panic attack due to him spending so much of his life indoors in an enclosed space he'd then be taught by Lois Lane whose Red Tornado in this universe and other DC heroes on how to use his powers in order to fight and defeat brutal an evil Dark Side created clone of Superman however there was one problem with displaying you see during valzad's trip to Earth as a kid he was taught by messages from his parents to be a pacifist so valzad wasn't really super into fighting brutal but after the death of red arrow and some talks from Jimmy Olsen and Dr Fate he finally decided to rise up and become Superman and so he stopped brutal and the day was saved kinda shortly afterwards some more things happened and the Earth blew up eventually it's a whole it's a whole big thing anyways you go on to join the wonders of the world it even crossed over with other DC realities when it comes to Powers valzad has most of Superman's standard abilities like super hearing heat vision flights x-ray vision Supreme and strength Etc sense his first appearance valzad has sadly not made any appearances in media outside of the comics as of now that is it was announced in 2021 that Michael B Jordan is developing a valzad HBO Max series set the DC EU he's also starring as valzad so when this show comes out I'm sure it'll be great I mean Michael B Jordan's a great actor so I mean how could this go wrong well uh I mean it might just not come out as Warner Bros Discovery does not really seem to be big on HBO Max projects anymore Rocksteady Superman game hoax in 2020 images began spreading online of a potential new superband video game being developed by Rocksteady fans were pretty excited for a new Superman game but it wasn't meant to be as later that year it was revealed that this was simply a hoax however shortly after this it was revealed that Rocksteady at one point had actually pitched a Superman game to Warner Bros unfortunately Warner Bros reportedly didn't even seriously consider the pitch and rejected it outright as of right now no reason has ever been leaked as to why they didn't consider it so we couldn't really only speculate time travel powers one of the most talked about moments from the original Superman film series is the scene where Superman travels back in time by reversing the Earth's rotation it's a pretty ridiculous power and scene but a lot of people make the mistake of saying that this power was created for the films sure the rotation of the Planet part was created for the films but Silver age Superman actually did have the power to travel back in time for example in Superman's girlfriend Lois Lane issue 20 released in October 1960 we see Superman getting fed up with Lois Lane trying to figure out his identity so he travels back in time to right before he apply to the Daily Planet in order to become a disc jockey on a radio station this doesn't really end up too well for him as even in this new timeline Lois Lane is still trying to figure out his identity so he travels back in time again to fix the timeline this isn't even the only time Superman's done this in Superman issue 141 released in November of 1960 Superman accidentally flies back in time to when Krypton wasn't blown up one final example I'll give is in Superman's girlfriend Lois Lane issue 48 released in April 1964 where Superman's like alright Lois I'll tell you my secret identity but only if you can figure out the identity I take in three different places in history pink Kryptonite so there's a lot of different variations of kryptonites but probably the weirdest one is pink Kryptonite pink Kryptonite never makes any appearances in any pieces of media however it is mentioned once in Supergirl issue 789 released in February season 3. this story is very notable for two things now the main one here is that Supergirl and Superman get married don't worry they're not related in this story this is actually Supergirl From Another Universe where she's not related to Superman it's it's a weird thing but anyways in this story there's one panel that shows Lois Lane asking Supergirl what kind of effect has pink Kryptonite had on Superman to which we quickly realize uh it makes superman gay for a period of time what a what a weird comic you're watching Superman Saturday on Boomerang power blessed ketchup day is awesome I wonder where they got it there's an energy flux on planet bending rare type of spicy and tasty ketchup right the black ketchup is now Burger King now in every big kids meal you can get one of your favorite Justice League toys and watch Superman roll Batman rise and Wonder Woman lasso there's eight toys in all so you can start up holding truth and Justice at Burger King today we now return to Superman Saturday on Boomerang Jimmy Olsen marries an ape in Superman's pal Jimmy Olsen issued 98 released in December of 1966 Jimmy Olsen and Clark Kent are traveling through an African jungle where they discover a film crew making a film and they're like well that's pretty cool and the director's like yeah it is pretty cool we're also giving the locals Fake Plastic jewelry as payment for working with us he's a real stand-up guy it seems anyways during the filming of their latest movie a gorilla that the locals worship walks into the sets and falls in love with Jimmy Olsen the gorilla named Bruno kidnaps Jimmy Olsen and then attempts to marry him and so Superman comes in to save the day but that realizes that the locals would probably get mad if he beat the crap of a gorilla so he tells Jimmy Jimmy you need to get married to that gorilla I'll think of a way to get us out of this mess later Superman then dresses up like a witch doctor and then attempts to get Jimmy to marry a gorilla and succeeds should probably also mention here that Bruno isn't even like a anthro like Candy Kong kind of character she's just a normal ass gorilla so the two are married which means now Jimmy's gotta think of something to get him out of this mess getting a Brain Blast Jimmy chose Bruno a movie that has a gorilla throwing a dude off a cliff which makes Bruno want to throw him off a cliff so she does this is apparently some form of divorce so now he's like free Superman is able to save him from falling to his death and the two fly back off the Metropolis should also mention here that Bruno the gorilla would actually make another appearance she'd Cameo and Batman brave in the Bold of all things canceled Smallville spin-offs before the arrowverse there was Smallville a 10 season long origin story for Superman that has its fans but it's been kind of forgot about today it kind of got overshadowed by the Goliath that is the arrowverse however that wasn't always going to be the case during its decade-long run two potential spin-offs were considered creating a Smallville verse the first would be a show focused on Green Arrow Justin Hartley would continue to play the character in the show but this show would never end up happening not because the CW didn't want to make it they really did I mean hell they made a green arrow show a few years later and look how that started this show didn't happen mainly because Justin Hartley refused to star in a spin-off because he didn't want to steal the spotlight in Smallville though maybe he changed his mind or something because eventually there were talks for a Justice League spin-off show where agreed Arrow would lead the team and unlike the other show this one actually made into early development but it wasn't meant to be and was canceled and before somebody asks about the Aquaman spin-off show technically the Aquaman pilot that was filmed wasn't going to be a spin-off Smallville as Aquaman was recasted in this and one of the small village creators even said that this was a different version of the Aquaman Legends so it's technically got a spin-off that's why I didn't mention well I can't wait I guess I still mentioned it oops Superman and the Batman the Batman is a very polarizing cartoon some love it some hate it but one thing about the show that a lot of people seem to forget is that Superman was actually revealed to exist in the show's continuity during its fifth season an interesting thing about this incarnation of the character is that he was actually going to get his own show at least according to Rumors in 2006 there were a lot of rumors going around that Superman would be getting a spin-off show though these rumors were not exactly shut down but they weren't confirmed in an interview with Dwayne Capozzi though A year later superband would make his appearance in the Batman so this has led some people to believe that maybe these episodes were intended to be a backdoor pilot for the show seeing as this show actually never happened I think it's safe to say that these rumors probably weren't true Superman 3 Supergirl the Superman 3 we ended up getting in 1983 wasn't the original version of the film in fact it was very different from the original treatment read it in the early 80s this third installment of the series called Superman 3 Supergirl would introduce Supergirl Brainiac and Mr name I can't pronounce into the franchise the plot of the film had Supergirl landing on a planet controlled by Brainiac there he'd fall in love with her and she would be like no thank you and so she bailed to Earth whereupon landing on Earth she'd become a hero Superman would then pretend to be a villain in order to test and see if she was truly a hero and only when she proves that she's a hero they fall in love Brainiac then arrives on Earth and sees that Supergirl is in a relationship with soups so he gets really mad and uses his powers to mess with Superman's personality to make him evil he'd then tells Supergirl that he'd stop messing with him if she married him she refuses Superman has broken out of his control and the day is saved the two would then get married either in this film or the next they didn't decide on that yet Warner Brothers rejected the treatment though they would reuse certain plot details for other material for example Supergirl would end up getting her own film in 1984 and Superman having an evil Persona would be used in the Superman 3 we actually ended up getting Superman the dark side releasing from August 1998 to October the same year and written by John Francis Moore Superman the dark side is a three-part elseworld story that answers the age-old question what if Superman landed an apocalypse instead of Earth well it's more like what if Superman as a baby was taken to apocalypse as uh the ship he was in was intercepted and brought there it wasn't like jorel was like oh yeah I'm gonna set my infant son to apocalypse that sounds like a good idea anyways upon arriving at apocalypse Darkseid took great interest in him and raised him as his own son and eventually over time cal-l became his most powerful Warrior even killing calaback in a gladiator match he'd then lead a mission to do genesis to wipe out the new Gods but there he was sent to Earth by the high father there on Earth he'd meet Lois Lane and accidentally bring the apocalypse a new God War to Earth this would allow humans to take new God technology and use it for themselves as Lex Luthor captured kalal with this tech only for Darkseid to then show up and teleport him to Granny goodness who precedes the torture him to death Darkseid then tells Kalel about his plans to use the anti-life equation and that Kal-El is literally a weapon turns out that Joel is a really bad dude in this continuity as he recorded a message telling cow to rebuild the Kryptonian Empire and lay weights to all that oppose him Kalel isn't really a fan of this and turns against Darkseid save Earth and so with the help of the surviving New Gods cal-l becomes Superman and defeats Darkseid in his Empire he then marries big Barda and returns to apocalypse to rebuild the planet into a free world overall it's a pretty interesting story that I'm surprised hasn't been Revisited you would think the recent evil Superman archetype craze would get some kind of like loose adaptation of the story in Supergirl or something to my knowledge the only time this universe has ever been Revisited was in promotional art in a wizard magazine where you can just barely see this version of Superman fighting a Green Lantern in a Multiverse battle novels so DC is most known for its Heroes appearing in comics movies animation video games and TV shows however they have dipped their toes into the world of novels take Superman for example he's got quite a lot of novels there's lasts in a Krypton Miracle Monday it's Superman Doomsday and Beyond and Lois and Clark a Superman novel there is also a novelization of the death of Superman's story arc along with a ton of novels in the Smallville continuity pretty sure most of these books aren't Canon but I mean they do exist so if you're interested you can check them out and then of course there's the adaptations of Superman films like Superman Returns Man of Steel Quest for Peace Batman v Superman Etc uh but yeah overall there's a lot of Superman books out there canceled dceu Supergirl film alright so I really hope this entry ages poorly in 2018 it was reported that a Supergirl film set the DC EU was in development with Oren yuzel writing the script and that was it for a while no information would be leaked or announced until February 2021 where Sasha Kaye was casted as Supergirl in The Flash and a Supergirl film all was going good until Warner Bros Discovery canceled the Batgirl and then began canceling a lot of projects with it being reported that developments of the Supergirl film was coming to an end maybe if audiences and critics really like your performance in the flash they'll go back on this decision but as of right now it's not looking too good for this film Superman makes Lois Lane feel guilty in Superman issue 210 released in September of 1968 Clark Kent gets rejected by Lois Lane yet again and so he's had enough he's gonna get revenge on her for not wanting to date him and so he disguises himself as a fortune teller named astar and when Lois Lane meets with him that Clark Kent is going to Avengers end game himself because she rejected him and then Superman fakes his own death and puts the blame solely on Lois saying that you know you're responsible you're the one that drove her to do this and you know naturally she's pretty upset by this she's so upset that Superman actually starts feeling guilty that he tricked Lois light into you know thinking that she caused Clark Kent to drown himself and so Clark reveals he's okay and the day is saved the day is better microwave man first appearing in Action Comics issue 487 released in September of 1978 microwave man AKA Lewis Paget was an old man who spent 40 Years of his life traveling the Galaxy with aliens before his trip with aliens he was a minor super villain called microwave man who claimed that he was the first Super scientific criminal though he would eventually retire to travel the Stars after spending all these years with the aliens he returned to Earth where he once again became microwave man and had his alien buddies give him back his youth for just a few hours and then he turned back to being old right uh no then he dies yeah whatever technique they used uh it kills him after a few hours so this is a one-way trip anyways now that he's youthful again he challenged Superman in a test of strength to prove that he was the strongest being in the universe and so Superman was like okay sure I'll fight you but before the fight got really serious the aliens contacted Superman and told him basically hey man uh our friend here is dying and he just wants to like beat you in a fight could you like let him beat you he's gonna die in like an hour anyways so thanks so Superman allows microwave man to defeat him and yeah he died shortly afterwards the aliens then return take his body and send it adrift in space when it comes to his powers microwave man had a couple of them he could fly and had the power to absorb and shoot out microwave energy Superman battle for Metropolis in the early 2000s a Superman video game titled Superman battle for Metropolis was in development for the Game Boy Color developed by Neon Studios the game's production was going pretty well until DC and Warner Bros saw the project and they weren't impressed by it and so shortly after that they had the game canceled without the game even being announced to the public nearly two decades later on December 28 2019 a prototype of the game was discovered and dumped online so now anyone can play it though it's very buggy and it crashes quite often there's also just things in this game that don't work like the password screen the credits or even the options menu the gameplay it's a 2d beat em up with the occasional flying section think about this though this game was canceled without being announced and wasn't discovered until almost 20 years imagine what other video games out there were canceled before being announced that we have yet to know about The Adventures of Seinfeld and Superman in 2004 two short films released to promote American Express these shorts followed the lives of Jerry Seinfeld and Superman just hanging out to New York City Superman in this is a voiced by Patrick Warburton of Joe Swanson Fame these shorts were originally released online though they would eventually be aired on TBS later that year not really much else to say about these two shorts outside of some weird lore stuff in this continuity Superman has time travel Powers Green Lantern also exists uh not sure which one but one of them does Superman is also really big into musicals and gets really annoyed when somebody asks him where he came up with the name Superman it's a strange little micro continuity and I'm surprised they didn't make any more of these although there is this image I believe it first appeared in a newspaper in 2004 but this shot isn't from either short so my initial thought was like maybe it's from a scrapped commercial though at the same time Superman seems to be drawn a little bit differently in this so it was probably just made for the paper Superman Returns too before Superman Returns was even released Warner Bros announced that a sequel to the film was in development with Brian Singer returning to the direct everything was looking good for the sequel until the film came out Superman Returns didn't do poorly but it didn't do great to the box office it made 341 million which disappointed Warner Bros as they expected the film to easily make 500 million but they still planned on making the film with filming set to begin in 2007 but then Brian Singer left for a bit to work in the film Valkyrie so filming was pushed back to 2008. but then the sequel's writers left and then the 2007 2008 writers yield of America strike happened and uh it's not surprising to see that Warner Bros just decided to cancel the film entirely and reboot the franchise a few years later which resulted in Man of Steel so what was Superman Returns 2 gonna have in it well we know that the main plot was going to have Superman battling Brainiac along with some other surviving kryptonians also was discussed early on the Pizarro may appear in the film but as far as I can tell no script with him in it has ever been leaked Metallo would have also appeared in the film though he wouldn't be a main player and would kind of be a joke character he would show off in the opening action sequence and they get taken out by Superman never to appear in the film again Superman Returns 2 was also gonna have Superman killing his son uh no it's not a joke you see from the leaked scripts it turns out that Brainiac was going to arrive on Earth and begin causing numerous Wars when Superman tries to stop him turns out that Brainiac is actually an AI that destroyed Krypton and that the body that Brainiac was using was just a clone body of the AI was possessing he then finds out that Brainiac has chosen Superman's son as his new host and so he begins to take him over this causes the kid to rapidly age and then Superman has to kill him in order to put an end to Brainiac you know how Superman killing Zod and Man of Steel was pretty controversial at the time this would have been that times a hundred Superman War of the Worlds released in 1998 Superman War the worlds is exactly what you think it is an elseworld story about the Martians from War of the Worlds Landing in Metropolis in 1938 where Superman battles them though he does get captured fairly early in the invasion and then a study by martians for three weeks they did this with the help of Lex Luthor who switched sides during the war because he's like I think humanity is doomed the Martians will take over and I'll be the one human remaining he's also creating a cure for the Martians as if you know anything about War of the Worlds you all know that the Martians don't really do well on Earth's atmosphere but then the Martians turn on Lex Luthor and so he helps Superman escape along with Lois Lane who the Martians were keeping prisoner to make sure that Superman didn't try and fight them Lois then becomes really xenophobic towards Superman saying that she doesn't want another alien to ever touch her and Superman's like yeah I get it man that's fine that's fair Superman then battles some more martians and does pretty well until he doesn't and is mortally wounded by all the Martian weapons should probably mention here that Superman in this story isn't as powerful he is in the main DC Universe he's more like he was in the 1930s which Yes means that he can't actually fly he'd only jump really high and so he dies but Lex Luthor is able to figure out a way to kill the rest of the Martians the Martians then lose the war and the world rebuilds with a statue of Superman being built by the League of Nations it's a sad story but I mean hey the Martians healed Hitler in Stalin that means that's cool but you know what's funny this isn't even the first time Superman War of the Worlds and Hitler have crossed paths you see in Superman issue 62 released in January of 1950 martians who admired Hitler and his regime that I can't say without being demonetized kidnapped Orson Welles because of the 1938 War of the Worlds radio drama they did this because they thought that he'd be a good propaganda Minister during their eventual invasion of Earth but Orson Welles was able to warn Humanity causing Superman to travel to Mars save him and stop the Martian invasion Superman 78 releasing from August 2021 to January 2022 Superman 78 to the miniseries written by Robert vendetti that serves as a new installment in the original Superman film series except it's not actually a sequel to Quest for Peace but it's instead an alternate sequel to Superman 2. so now the original Superman film series has three timelines anyways this story is about Superman battling Brainiac who's trying to capture him in Metropolis he's eventually able to capture Superman by threatening to destroy metropolis and so shrink Superman down and places him in the city of Candor the last surviving city of Krypton but not only does the city remain but the people there too including Superman's parents jorel and Laura Lex Luthor then challenges Brainiac to a battle of the mines only for Brainiac to then just shrink Metropolis in response jorel then helps Superman grow to normal size resulting in Superman defeating Brainiac he's then able to regrow Metropolis but only metropolis and so the end of the story has him vowing to return all the city's Brainiac captured back to normal it's a fairly simple story and is the third installment in the well I'm not really sure what to call it's the superhero last two digits of a year anthology this all started in 2013 with Batman 66 a full-on series that continued the story of the 1960s Batman show this helped Inspire batman89 released in 2021 which served as a continuation the first two burden films unlike Batman 89 though Superman 78 is actually scheduled to get a sequel mini-series at some point divine first appearing in power girl issue 16 released in November of 2010 Devine was a clone to Power Girl created in Antarctica by Dr savani and Maxwell Lord Divine confronted and then battled power girl for a little bit until their Frozen fight ended up in Maxwell Lord's underground lab there Maxwell would end the fight and shoot Power Girl the gun that fired red sun energy as though because she's a clone of power girl this also affected Divine thankfully for her this wouldn't knock her out like it did power girl because she wasn't hit directly with it afterwards the villains would then leave power girl at the lab and that was it power wise Divine had pretty much the exact power set up as Power Girl due to you know or being a clone and you're probably wondering right now why am I even talking about her she just seems like a standard clone of power girl that only appeared like what four issues well I'm talking about her because she's sadly debuted at the worst possible time like I said earlier she first appeared in an issue a power girl released in November 2010 and that means she was probably gonna show up again at some points I mean you don't like just introduce a clone of power girl and never use her again but less than a year later it was the beginning of the new 52 and everything got rebooted meaning that whatever story they had for divine would just never happen it's a shame this could have been a really cool story but a new 52 just had to happen I guess Superman makes an adult film Action Comics issue 593 released in October in 1987 is fairly Infamous in the DC fandom because well as the entry name suggests Superman almost makes an adult film this story continues off the last issue where the villain sleaze who specializes in hypnosis captures big Barta and makes her dance in very suggestive clothing you see he's trying to break her as he feeds off emotion Superman then comes to save her but he ends up getting captured as well big barta's husband Mr Miracle is then shown footage of Barda being forced to do some pretty suggestive things uh the person that shows him his tape is Darkseid who's just chilling in Mr Miracle's house this is a really awesome panel he's here because he knows that sleaze is trying to get some money to buy an army to take out Darkseid so he wants to put an end to it but not directly I guess so Mr Miracle races off to the adult film store where he finds Superman and big Barda both still under hypnosis about to make an adult film turns out that slaves was going to get the money to buy an army by selling copies of Superman and big Barda banging which I mean fair enough I mean people would probably buy that Mr Miracle then breaks into the building which breaks them free from sleaze's control and so sleeves bails he fakes his death and just he's just gone Superman Mr miracle and big Barta are just kind of like all right let's never talk with this again yeah now move on with our lives it's no wonder why this story has been called one of the worst Superman stories out there son of Superman released in November of 1999 and written by Howard chaiken and David tishman Son of Superman is an elseworld story about Superman's son John no not the Canon John a different John in this story it's revealed that he grew up without even knowing that his father was Superman though he would eventually find out it joins a terrorist group led by Lana Lang and Pete Ross to rescue his father who's being held captive at an underground bunker so why does he need to join a terrorist group well because in this continuity the US government has become insanely corrupt and Lex Luthor has taken control of the United States and the Justice League upon rescuing Superman it's then discovered that Wonder Woman is funding the terrorist group and that Pete Ross is a pretty big loser who gets paid off by Lex Luthor to keep his mouth shut about Superman's capture then Martian Manhunter shows up and pretends to be Superman while destroying the Statue of Liberty in order to frame Superman for its destruction yeah it turns out that Martian band Hunter this continuity is a bit of a loser too because he works with Lex Luthor to capture Superman so that he would be the most powerful and beloved superhero in the world awesome motivation John then battles Lex Luthor who now has superpowers and eventually he beats him while Wonder Woman convinces the terrorists to turn themselves into the authorities Martian manhunters defeated and then forced to Exile himself to Mars and Batman runs for president the Justice League then retires and Jon becomes a full-on superhero it's a really weird story but Lex Luthor looks like a pirate so that's pretty funny canceled dcau Supergirl show so Legion of superhero is a show that's often forgotten about the show is about a young superband being sent into the future to help fight crime with heroes from that era however that wasn't the original premise for the show at least according to fans of the DCU you see right around the time of the Legion of Superheroes announcement the Legion of Superheroes themselves would make their debut in the dcau in the Justice League Unlimited episode far from home which ends with Supergirl traveling to the Future and joining the Legion of Superheroes because of this people begin speculating that this episode was actually intended as a backdoor pilot for the Legion of Superheroes cartoon meaning that the show was originally supposed to be set in the dcau in that Supergirl would have originally been the star of it and so when the show eventually came out people began speculating that during production they just removed all the dciu elements from the show and replaced Supergirl with Superman this Theory or rumor was fairly popular for a little bit until Legion of Superheroes producer James Tucker stated that the show was never going to be connected to the dcau or Supergirl the fact that Legion of Superheroes came out around the same time as the Justice League Unlimited episode was just a really weird coincidence so long story short no there was never actually going to be a Supergirl Legion of Superheroes spin-off show it was just fan rumors based on a weird coincidence super demon first appearing in final crisis secret files issue One released in February 2009 etragon AKA super demon is an alternate universe version of Superman well kinda it's more accurate to say that he's an alternate version of the demon AKA etrigan so he's really just an alternate version of Superman and the demon anyways back to a story instead of being from Krypton super demon is for the planet Camelot and was sent to Earth by Merlin guess the wizard there on Earth he'd be found by Jason blood then the two would Bond and fight crime together and that's it that was that that was it for a while that super demon didn't really do too much in fact he did barely anything six years later another Super demon would be introduced in the Multiverse in the multiversity guide book released in March 2015 and since then he's appeared in quite a few stories he's pretty much got the same backstory as the other super demon but this time he's part of the multiversal superhero team called the Superman of the Multiverse when it comes to his powers he's got quite a few he can shoot Hellfire out of his eyes spit out like a lava fire breath he's got super strength super speed and since he's a demon from Hell he's got a bunch of magical abilities as well Superman NES released in 1987 in Japan in 1988 in the United States Superman for the NES is a very odd Superman game the plot of the game is your standard Superman story he fights like Slither General Zod and some other baddies then you know Saves the Day what's weird about this game though is that Clark is only able to become Superman if his superpower energy is high enough which Yes means that you can play as both Superman and Clark and yes you can also change back to being Clark at the middlely level if your power level gets too low also according to the game's manual Lex Luthor aligned every single building a metropolis with lead meaning that Superman can't see through them also the Statue of Liberty can talk in this universe there's also these like weird blob monster things that roam around and Superman has to fight it's a really really weird day in Metropolis the final thing I want to mention is how in Japan the game actually uses variations of the John Williams Superman score film cereals in 1948 a 15-part film cereal was released in theaters based on Superman starring Kirk Allen is the Man of Steel Newell and Neil as Lois Lane and Timmy bonds as Jimmy Olsen the serials tell the story of Superman's origin and Superman's first battle with a super villain and no it's not Lex Luthor it's an original villain called spider lady she wouldn't appear in anything outside of this until 2021 where she finally showed back up at a comic anyways this film cereal is very popular at the time and even got a sequel in 1950 titled Adam Man vs Superman all the original cast returns for the second 15 part film serial this cereal is about Superman battling Lex Luthor who in this continuity goes by the name Adam Mann something that has never shown up in any other story despite Superbad versus the mole man being the first Superman film released these two serials are the first time Superman has ever been adapted into live action both of these film cereals are extremely historic and a must see for any fan of film history although they're both extremely long with the first cereal being 4 hours long and the second one being 4 hours and 12 minutes so they're a commitment if you watch them Supergirl and Lex Luthor Bang in the 1990s Supergirl went through some pretty interesting changes for example she was retconned into being a shape-shifting alien from a pocket Dimension which I'll talk about a bit more later but her love life was also messed with a bit you see in the 90s Supergirl entered a pretty serious relationship with Lex Luthor II the son of Lex Luthor who took over lexcorp after his father died of cancer except this wasn't actually Lex's son you see before Lex died a cancer he cloned a younger body for himself and transferred his mind over to it before his old body succumbed to the cancer so basically Lex Luthor was pretending to be his son who doesn't actually exist so unknown's the Supergirl she was actually dating Lex and not his son regardless this wasn't really something Superman was very fond of as from his perspective it was his cousin dating the son of his arch nemesis who's tried to kill him more times than like anyone could ever count because of this Superman's relationship with his not really cousin was a bit Rocky for a while until he died for a then came back but anyways was this a true relationship Supergirl was very much in love with Lex Luthor but was Lex really in love now I know of course he wasn't in love with her he was actually just using her DNA to create an army of Supergirl clones and when she found out about this she was understandably a little bit annoyed and so destroyed all of them and nearly killed Lex Blue Steel blue steel was the development name for a Superman game being developed by Factor five from 2007 to 2008. the game was never announced to the public so when it was canceled in 2008 due to the Great Recession nobody outside of member to factor five really knew what potential this game had since its cancellation numerous gameplay videos and pieces of concept art have been leaked showing off Superman flying rabbitropolis fighting foes with his heat vision also there was an element of Destruction to Metropolis for example some buildings you could actually fly through and when you throw enemies in certain buildings they'll damage them but Metropolis wasn't the only place you could actually explore apocalypse Smallville the ruins of Krypton and the Fortress of Solitude would have also been explorable though while all these locations will be explorable none of them would be open world instead the game would be split up into episodes that you'd play through each episode would contain a huge chunk of a certain location to explore so it was like an open world light when it comes to the story of Blue Steel we don't really know anything at all that we do know that Superman would have faced off against a ton of his Rogues like dark side of Brimstone Lex Luthor Live Wire calaback non and Doomsday General Zod also would have been playable to some extent it's a shame that the game was never completed as for what we know it had potential to be the first real great 3d Superman game Superman Year One so people love Batman year One and it seems that people really like Wonder Woman year one and Robin year one as well so it only makes sense that Superman would eventually get this year one treatment as well released from August 2019 to October of the same year Superman year one was written by Frank Miller and uh just like that you know that this comic is controversial this story is Frank Miller's take on Superman's origin which sadly means that yes this does take place in Earth 31 which yeah it's home to Dark Knight Returns in Batman year One but it's also home to The Dark Knight Strikes Back All-Star Batman and Robin The Dark Knight The Master race and The Dark Knight The Golden Child anyways this comic is filled with weird stuff most notably Superman joins the U.S Navy Seals and battles Islamic pirates with his Navy SEAL Team he later fights Batman because I guess in every story we have to have Superman and Batman to fight he also tries to date a mermaid named Lori which admittedly is pretty based except the writing in the relationship is really bad so it's not actually based Superman then has to battle and defeat Poseidon her father in order for him to date her This is complicated by Poseidon saying how he wants to marry his own daughter Superman is thankfully able to defeat him and then becomes the king of Atlantis and declares that he will never leave Glory or Atlantis but then the next issue arrives and Lori and Atlantis are never mentioned again so I I guess he just like bailed on them then Lex Luthor shows up and uh starts being really creepy towards Wonder Woman and uh yes she shows up for some reason Batman also uses a gun several times in the story with the intent to kill which is very strange because this is the same Batman that said this like sure this panel takes place decades later but I mean it's still kind of odd overall Superman year one is a very weird mini-series that wasn't very well received Metropolis TV show in January 2018 it was announced that a show titled Metropolis would be created for the streaming service DC Universe it was being created by the producers behind Gotham the show would follow Lois Lane and Lex Luthor working together as they investigate the dark Underworld the metropolis and yes this show would take place before Clark moved to Metropolis and became Superman outside of an updated May 2018 about the show being redeveloped and that the first season would have 13 episodes there was never again an update about this show and a sense DC Universe is no longer around really don't know why they thought that was a good idea for her streaming service then again it wasn't the weirdest shipping service ever that's probably Stargate command it's clear that this show will probably never happen super soldier first appearing in Marvel vs DC issue 3 released in April 1996. super soldiers the combination of Superman and Captain America because for those that don't know around this time Marvel and DC were doing this big crossover where they combine a lot of the characters and put them into a new universe anyways Clark Kent yes they didn't call him Clark Rogers or anything they just kept Superman's real name was given a super soldier formula combined with the solar radiation this turned him into the hero super soldier which is honestly a very lazy name but whatever and so during the second world war he fought alongside the All-Star winner Squadron and battling the evil forces of Hydra who was being secretly led by green skull a combination of Lex Luthor and Red Skull his time fighting in World War II came to an end when he seemingly died fighting Ultra matalo which is a combination of Ultron of Italo though 50 years later he'd be falling out of ice and continue his super zero Crusade and taking down breed skull and Ultra Metallo who are still around somehow when it comes to his powers he just kind of has like Superman's standard abilities though now he has a vibradium shield and a rifle that he refuses to kill people with you're watching Superman Saturday on Boomerang what are you watching uh Superman's fighting reindeer did you turn it down cool new Superman toys are now at Burger King you can get one with Every Kid's Club meal well what have we here we now return to Superman Saturday on Boomerang Jimmy Olsen creates Supergirl in Superman she 123 released in August of 1958 Supergirl makes her first appearance kinda in this story Jimmy Olsen discovers a Native American totem it's magical if you rub a certain Jewel on it you'll be able to make a wish so he does but it's like a really weird wish instead of world peace or something he's like I want my buddy Superman to have a Supergirl girlfriend uh this then creates Supergirl who tries to help Superman in his day-to-day crime fighting superband seems to really like her which makes Lois Lane extremely jealous her brief run at trying to fight crime eventually came to an end when one day Superman is knocked out by kryptonite so she races over to him to save him without knowing that she's also hurt by kryptonite so after saving Superbad she then begins to slowly die of kryptonite poisoning and so Jimmy Olsen comes in and makes a new wish that Supergirl didn't exist so like instead of dying she just gets like erased from existence he could have just like wished for her to be immune to Kryptonite but no I I guess just not existing's better Just one year later an Action Comics issued 252 released in May 1959 the real Supergirl would make her debut and this Jimmy Olsen created Supergirl would just Fade Into Obscurity cluster first appear against Superman the Man of Steel issue 17 released in November in 1992 Closter is a creature created by Dabney Donovan while working on Project Cadmus exiled from the lab that he was created in Closter lived most of his life chilling out the sewers of metropolis where he eventually joined the organization the underworlders a group of freakish monster people created by Donovan together they'd flocked several different attacks in the surface world and battled Superman Supergirl guardian and even doomsday who like wiped out most of their forces in regards to his powers Closter is your standard brute he's got extreme super strength and spikes made of Bones sticking out of his body he's also really dumb there's not really a lot going on with him outside of how weird it is that Superman had a villain that looked like Doomsday that lived in the sewers Metropolis though despite there not really being much to him he still showed up as a boss fight in the video game the death in return turn of Superman released in 1994. canceled Superman family cartoon in May 2018 Vincent hyuk and Sean Galloway approached a Warner Bros animation with a pitch for a Superman family animated series the show was described as adapting Superman stories with a lighter tone inspired by the Silver age of DC Comics the show is also going to be aimed towards kids and feature characters like Natasha irons Damian Wayne John Kent Colin Kennon Krypton the Superdog Etc sadly the show would get rejected by Warner Bros in favor of Harley Quinn which is really weird because those two shows don't even remotely have the same Target demo but oh well Lucy and Superman Lucy and Superman is the 166th episode of the sitcom I Love Lucy airing on January 14 1957 this episode featured George Reeves reprising his role as Superman the plot of this episode had Superman visiting New York City which makes a kid named Ricky really excited as he really wants Superman to show up at his birthday party however Superman is only visiting a Macy's store so he can't actually visit the party in order to cheer Ricky up Lucy creates her own Superman costume but surprise surprise Superman is actually able to meet Ricky as he shows up at his house through some wacky Shenanigans Lucy gets stuck outside and needs saving so Superman goes to rescuer while being credited as playing Superman in the episode George Reeves isn't actually playing Superman but is instead playing an actor playing Superman so it's not like I Love Lucy as cat into the DC Multiverse or something Cara zorel in Superman the animated series so everyone knows that Supergirl showed up for a couple episodes in Superman the animated series Justice League Unlimited and even an episode of Batman the Animated Series but what you might not know is that while Supergirl the dcau is partially adapted for the main comic Supergirl karat Sorel Bruce tibb and paldini weren't actually allowed to use that name in the show or even her original origin as at the time DC Comics really wanted Superman to be the only surviving Kryptonian in all forms of media so they had to compromise they had to change her name to Cara in Zay and change her origin to being from a Kryptonian Colony World instead of just Krypton also she's not related to Superman at all so the DC Au Supergirl is in this really weird mess where she's both an adaptation of Cara's RL but also an original character Smallville season 11. so Smallville had 10 seasons with 217 episodes but if you really needed more Smallville in your life there's that universe's appearance in the universe but if you needed even more Smallville there's the Bucks but if you need even more Smallville there was a comic series titled Smallville season 11 that continues the story of the show written by Brian Q Miller this comic started out in April 2012 and ended in May of 2015. with 35 issues it introduced several different characters into the Smallville continuity like Batman Wonder Woman the Green Lantern Corps Hades black flash Parallax Miss Martian Raven Jon Stewart Etc Smallville an actual season 11 might be happening in June 2021 it was revealed that an animated Revival of Smallville was being developed and pitched to Warner Bros later in January 2022 the pitch was handed into Warner Bros and in May of that year it was reported that the Smallville Revival was in pre-production it's always possible that this could get canceled but right now it seems likely that fans of Smallville might be getting another season Superman's Metropolis released in 1996 and written by John Mark losafir Randy losafir and Roy Thomas Superman's Metropolis is an elseworld story and a kinda crossover between Superman and the 1927 film Metropolis the story sees Clark Kent arriving from space as a baby and then being taken in by the Kent family because of this Clark now comes from a very wealthy family as his father John Kent is the master of metropolis unfortunately for the Kent family the evil scientist named lutor is actually in love with Jon's wife and out of jealousy he kills her and then turns Jon into a puppet using hypnosis allowing him to secretly rule over Metropolis as it gets older Clark learns about the social inequality of metropolis once he meets a teacher named Lois Lane he joins the standard Workforce and then tries to convince his daddy to fix the city but Jon refuses because lutor still has him under his control lutor then captures Lois Lane and then creates a robot modeled offer named fatara in order to prevent a potential Revolution from happening it's then revealed that Clark actually has superpowers it turns out when lutar killed Clark's mother he discovered that Clark had powers and so he erased his memories so he would forget that he had powers Clark then becomes Superman destroys fotara and kills lutor who's revealed to be a cyborg being fueled by kryptonite also John Kent dies rest in peace the day is saved and Clark and Lois become the new rulers of metropolis and begin the process of fixing the city Luthor would go on to appear in two more stories set into Metropolis continuity titled Batman Nosferatu and Wonder Woman the blue Amazon in these stories it's revealed that before he died lutor had experimented on people take the Laughing Man for example who's this universe is Joker he's a terrifying cyborg that was sent to live at Arkham seriously this might be like the scariest look Joker's ever had canceled the adventures of super pup show in 1958 it was decided to create a Superman show where all the characters would be furries no I'm I'm not joking the show to be called the adventures of super pup it only the first episode would ever be filmed in this universe Clark Kent is actually bark bent who works with Pamela poodle at The Daily Bugle and in the pilot episode bark bent must save Pamela Poodle from Professor Chief dip the people who owned the Superman rights at the time must have not been very impressed with the show as it would never be picked up for more than just one episode thankfully this strange cancel shows pilot episode is still viewable but only in the Superman ultimate collector's edition DVD set Amish Superman written by Alan Davis Justice League The Nail is a three issue miniseries that ran from August to October of 1998 and was about Martha and Paul Kent not being able to discover Kalel because a nail on the road gave them a flat tire and so the world had no Superman until it does he becomes Superman by the end of it you see because the Kents weren't able to actually get to him Kal-El was then discovered by an Amish community and so he was raised in an environment that ignored the outside world and practiced pacifism meanwhile Lex Luthor had actually found Cowell's baby spaceship and used traces of cow's DNA to turn Jimmy Olsen into a kind of bootleg Kryptonian this caused poor Jimmy to go insane as he wanted to replace Humanity with kryptonians because of this the Justice League fought him for a bit which eventually LED them to fighting in the Amish community that Kal-El lived in there Jimmy murdered Cal's parents which inspired Khalil to become Superman and so he joined the Justice League and saved the day by defeating Jimmy Olsen this story continued in the three-part mini-series another nail which has the league getting involved in a war between apocalypse and the new gods Lois Lane does blackface oh boy um in Superman's girlfriend Lois Lane issue 106 released in November of 1970 Lois Lane decides to be a black woman for a day in order to understand how black people live in Metropolis this only happens after pretty much everyone in metropolis's community called little Africa ignores her when she shows up to do interviews for the daily planets after being ignored somebody shouts out that nobody should trust her because she's white and in the 1970s if a African-American person were to talk to a white person they were risking their lives later on Lois tells Superman that they're right about a lot of white people but not her as she's not racist and so she's like hey superman can you use this race changing machine so I can learn how black people live and if so she becomes black for 24 hours and now she understands that racism exists and that more needs to be done to solve it it's a story that I think was made with Noble intentions to actually address racism and stuff but man do they really miss the mark with it it is a very painful read also when Lois Lane asks Superman if he'd still love her or she was black he refuses to answer her so that's uh that's really weird overall I don't think DC is going to be referencing this story anytime soon Superman ant In Action Comics issue 296 released in January 1963 Superman faced off against one of his most powerful foes gigant nuclear alien ants they arrived on Earth after the humans on their world destroyed their planet with nuclear weapons it's never actually explained why there's humans on this planet just just roll with it this caused the ants there to grow in size and intelligence upon figuring out what the humans did to themselves they decided to dedicate their entire ant Society lives to traveling around the universe and convincing all sentient beings to abolish War when they arrived on Earth Superman instantly thought they were the bad guys and began attacking them and so they decided to kidnap Lois Lane to make her their Queen in order to lure Superman into their colony in order to negotiate the alien ants Superman uses red Kryptonite to turn himself into a Kryptonian ant hybrid this actually solves all their problems as Superman now understands the ants and is able to communicate with them and understand their goal after explaining the situation to Lois Lane the two of them helped the ants fix their spaceship so that they can continue their peaceful Journey Across The Stars surprisingly that's not the end of ant Superman an alternate universe Superman known only as rant first appeared in sideways issue 8 released in November 2018 was originally just your standard Superman before being corrupted by Red Kryptonite turning him into this weird Kryptonian ants hybrid Superman Reborn as mentioned way earlier in the video Superman lives was born from another canceled Superman film titled Superman reborn this script was written by Jonathan limkin and is really weird really really weird so in this canceled film doomsday would show up after being created by some invading aliens and would kill Superman but before Superman died his life force jumped between him and Lois Lane which resulted in impregnating Lois Lane with himself then some Alien named Morpheus takes control over Metropolis saying that there will no longer be police or punishment for crimes after being pregnant for only a single week Lois Lane then gives birth and is then murdered by criminals attempting to claim a bounty on her head by Morpheus also Jimmy Olsen dies in the chaos here rip Lois's kid would then be saved by a nurse and end up in the sewers where he meets Dr Harry ketamus within three weeks the child has grown to the age of 21 and is taught by the doctor about his father's history and how to use his powers he then becomes Superman defeats Morpheus and Saves the Day Warner Bros rejected the script but not for the reasons you probably think they rejected it because of its similar themes to Batman Forever the film would then be Rewritten by Gregory Poirier in 1995 and get rid of all the Virgin birth stuff this new version of the script had Superman being killed by doomsday who was created by Brainiac and then being resurrected by an alien named Cadmus who gives him a robotic suit to defeat Brainiac though by the end of the film he'd end up wearing the black suit that he wore during The Death of Superman story arc parasite and silver Banshee would also appear in the film to some extent Warner Bros really liked the script but they just wanted to edit it a bit so they hired Kevin Smith who completely rewrote the film again into Superman lives due to him believing that neither reborn scripts respected the superband Mythos whom Gods destroy written by Chris Claremont Superman and Wonder Woman whom Gods destroy as a four-part elseworld Story released from October 1996 to January of 1997. in this universe the Axis powers won World War II and so all of Europe is under Germany's control well not actually Germany as it turns out the god Adonis is ruling over Germany so really they're the one in charge Superman and Lois then traveled to Germany in search of Lana Lang who's been captured by the Axis powers there they discover that Wonder Woman has portrayed Paradise Island it is now a proud member of the Third Reich because pretty much all of Europe is now being ruled by a Greek god several monsters from Greek mythology are given to the Axis powers to help them conquer the world along with the monsters the Greek goddess Cersei works with them and transforms Superman into an evil Centaur while Athena transforms Lois Lane into the new Wonder Woman Superman then gets turned into a woman briefly infiltrates the Axis powers and eventually Lois Lane defeats the evil Wonder Woman with the day saved in Adonis being sent off to Hell Superman Lois Lane Atlanta Lang move in together in the Fortress of Solitude which is on the moon for some reason and enter a polyamorous relationship also it's revealed that this entire story was just Zeus and Hera plague a game of chess using the world as their pieces it is a very weird comic with even weirder art Superman vs Muhammad Ali released in 1978 and ruined by Dennis O'Neal Superman vs Muhammad Ali tells the story of Superman teaming up with Muhammad Ali to stop at Alien Invasion by competing in a boxing match though in the match Superman wouldn't be allowed to use his powers for obvious reasons in order for superband to stand a chance in the boxing match without his powers Muhammad Ali trained Superman for two months straight in the Fortress of Solitude using a Time warping machine so that for them it's two months but for the rest of the world it's only been 24 hours Jimmy Olsen is then tasked with being the fights broadcaster and the matches on being broadcasted across thousands of planets in the universe Superman then loses pretty badly and Muhammad Ali is declared Earth's champion and so Muhammad Ali is then forced to box the aliens boxing champion and wins after four rounds but then the aliens are just like okay that's pretty cool to beat our champion but Superman's beaten so we can just like destroy the Earth right now regardless of you winning but then the aliens boxing champion snaps and takes over the alien Empire as he says that they should respect the agreement so weirdly in the story Superman and Muhammad Ali aren't the ones that saved the Earth it's just this random dude named Hanya anyways Muhammad Ali then tells Superman that he knows these Clark Kent and that they're both the greatest this comic went on to become one of Superman's most popular stories ever the last thing I'll mention is that on the cover of the comic the people who are watching the fight aren't just some randoms and a handful of DC heroes no no no the crowd consists of a ton of celebrities from the 1970s along with Warner Bros and DC employees even U.S presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter show up to watch Superman grounded Superman grounded is a storyline that ran from Superman issue 701 released in June 2010 to Superman issue 714 released in August to 2011. the story is very simple Superman Begins to believe that he no longer understands or connects with the everyday American and so he decides to literally walk across the entire Mainland USA to reconnect with people before its release DC held a contest that asked readers to write in explaining why their towns and residents should be shown in the series so most the cities that Superman travels to in the story were chosen due to the people from those cities convincing DC through the contest on his journey he stops a woman from taking her own life in Philadelphia restarting a factory in Detroit rebuilding Danville Ohio after accidentally destroying it fighting some dude who got temporary superpowers stopping an abusive father in Chicago saves some workers for a fired and unsafe chemical plant in Deus Moines save some kids in a school bus in Nebraska each at a restaurant with the Flash in Boulder Colorado saves an archaeologist in Ogden Utah saves Live Wire and helps her perform in Las Vegas quits being superband for like 10 minutes in newsburg Oregon and finally saves Lois Lane Seattle kind of weird how nobody talks about how in the continuity before New 52 Livewire was actually a hero at the very end of it flame dragon from Krypton first appearing in Superman issue 78 released in September 1952 the Kryptonian flame dragon isn't actually a single entity but a species of dragons that are from Krypton they're primarily green in color with purple scales it's got all your you know standard Dragon powers like flights flame breath Etc they appeared a handful of times arriving on Earth in various different ways to bother superban and the people of metropolis but only in stories from the 1950s and 60s in modern day DC Comics outside of maybe a background Cameo or something these dragons don't really do anything anymore though I do like to think that there will inspire the dragonlike creatures featured in Man of Steel the last Sun first appearing in Dark Knights death metal the Multiverse who laughs released in January 2021 this is an alternate universe version of Superman who like everyone introduced to the Dark Knights death battle series is pretty evil this Superman's Story begins just like many others born on a Krypton that launched off the planet before it was destroyed however unlike other Supermen baby kalel's rocket malfunctioned and instead of heading straight to Earth Cal was flown through a million different Suns this did some pretty bad things to him so now Cal L now going by kill all now just wants to kill pretty much everything so the Batman who laughs Unleashed him to battle the Justice League and surprisingly the league failed he's able to defeat all of them and is nearly able to kill Superman he's only stopped by Lex Luthor who creates a supermassive black hole that sucks him in and kills him president Superman first appearing in final crisis Issue 7 released in March 2009 Kalel was launched off his Homeworld of Krypton and landed on Earth where he was raised by the Ellis family and the rest is pretty much your standard Superman story minus the Kent's lowest light into the Daily Planet Kalel took up the name Calvin Ellis and became his universe's Superman battling Lex Luthor Brainiac and would even form the Justice League but what's probably the most well-known aspect of him is that in his Universe he became the president of the United States as president he's balanced the national budget formed the alliance of Nations had an insanely High approval rating and even solved the Libya crisis as confirmed by Grant Morrison this version of Superman is inspired by both Barack Obama and Muhammad Ali Superman vs nicotine in December of 1980 the health education Council teamed up with DC Comics to create a campaign in the UK titled Superman vs nicotine this campaign would consist of commercials comics and magazine ads the campaign was all about telling kids about how smoking is bad for you and you shouldn't do it so in all these forms of media Superman battles the villainous nicotine who's trying to get kids to smoke on some of the comic and magazine ads children could sign a pledge to Never Smoke and mail it in to get a poster and some badges featuring Superman as for the commercials which were done by Richard Williams Animation Studio they showcase Superman defeating nicotine in various ways one of which involves him straight up murdering him original casting like with all films and shows the characters featured in all Superman films and TV shows went through various different casting decisions until a final actor was chosen for the role here's some of the actors that almost made the cut for the original Christopher Reeve Superman films Arnold Schwarzenegger Sylvester Stallone Muhammad Ali Paul Newman Robert Redford Burt Reynolds and Clint Eastwood were all considered for Superman Annie Archer Leslie Anne Warren and Carrie Fisher were all considered for Lois Lane Dustin Hoffman Jack Nicholson and Gene Wilder were considered for Lex Luthor and Christopher Lee was considered for General Zod for the dceu Joe mongaliello Matthew good and Matt Bomer were considered for Superman Rachel McAdams Malin Anchorman Amanda Seyfried Zoe Saldana and Mary Elizabeth Winston were all considered for Lois Lane Adam Driver Matt Damon Tom Hanks Bradley Cooper and Joaquin Phoenix were all considered for Lex Luthor and Vigo moritzenson was considered for General Zod as for the arrowverse Claire Holt Gemma Atkinson Elizabeth lale and Kayla Compton were all considered for Supergirl Superman secret identity so remember Superboy Prime and how he comes from a world where only he has powers and the rest of the DC heroes and villains are just Comic characters yeah so uh what if he didn't become evil or I guess more accurately what if crisis an infinite Earths didn't happen well a concept like that was explored in Superman's secret identity this was a four-part mini-series released from January to April 2004 and was written by Kurt Busick in this universe Clark Kent is born on Earth instead of Krypton and is named as such because his parents David and Laura Kent are big fans of the comic book hero Superman and you know how weirdos will name their kids some dumb nerdy reference and the internet always responds to stories like this going like boy that kid's gonna get bullied one day well that exact thing happens to Clark as people at school love to harass him for his name that is until one night he wakes up and he's got Superman's powers it's not really explained to the story he just kind of has them now but anyways this changes his life and he becomes a superhero in secret Flash Forward a few years and he marries a woman named Lois shudhardy and is later kidnapped by the US government who wants to perform experiments on him he escapes and eventually his wife is pregnant and they're expecting twins but then the US government comes back and it's like hey uh you're gonna work for us or we'll mess with your family and so years go by as Clark takes missions for the US government that is until he hits his late 50s as for some reason his powers begin to disappear but luckily for him his daughters were born with powers so they help him save people knowing that they'll be able to carry on his legacy and save people Clark retires but will still occasionally fly around with his daughters and Grandson just you know for fun Superman's Zoo In Action Comics issue 241 released in June 1958 were introduced to Superman's Zoo yeah it turns out that Superman has a zoo in the Fortress of Solitude or as it was known in 1958 Fort Superman most of the animals in the zoo are either the last of their kind or one of the last of their kind but they're all from different alien worlds while yes they have escaped a handful of times for the most part it seems these animals are relatively happy living in the Fortress of Solitude also Superman has a second zoo in the Fortress of Solitude that's dedicated exclusively to Pizarro animals Superman 1 million the golden god aka Superman Prime this version of the character first appeared in DC one million Issue 4 released in November of 1998. this Superman is from an alternate universe where he basically became God like he's okay he's not like the god of that universe but he's I mean he's pretty close to what in terms of power in this universe Superman left the Earth towards the end of the 21st century once everyone he cared about passed away and thus he traveled the universe and eventually created a new Fortress of Solitude in the center of a super Sun this would greatly enhance his powers and he'd return to Earth in the 700th century where he'd eventually have Lois Lane resurrected allowing him to finally be happy again as for his powers like I said they're pretty much Godlike basically take your standard Superman powers and amplify them times a million he's also got the ability to travel through the Multiverse in time and space it's also been stated that he's been to heaven and hell so I guess he can just like kind of go anywhere I should also mention here that there are theories out there that this Superman is the same Superman from the critically acclaimed series All-Star Superman as that series ends with Superman live against a sun for a while Grant Morrison the creator of both these versions of Superman has stated that they did intend for these two to be the same character but they aren't actually the same they're from different universes the Beppo the Super Monkey first appear against Superboy issue 76 released in October of 1959 Beppo is a Kryptonian monkey that was used by jorel to test space flight pretty messed up of him to do that but people on Earth do that as well so I mean I guess we're no better anyways when Krypton was doing its whole blowing up thing Beppo hit away on Cal's baby rockets and so was spared from Death Beppo would just kind of go away for a while until Cal was a kid he'd and cause some trouble so Kal-El was just like okay I guess I'll just like leave you stranded in deep space as punishment and so he just kind of like stayed there for a little bit he'd eventually find his way back to Earth and join the Legion of Super Pets and hasn't really done much since he has yet to be reintroduced in the main DC continuity though he has shown up in a handful of alternate universes like the last 52 Tiny Titans DC Super Friends Batman 66 and the crypto the super dog cartoon the comics also Kingdom Come for some reason stamp day for Superman released in 1954 stamp day for superband is an 18 minute long short film starring George Reeves as Superman and has the rest of the adventures of superband cast reprising their roles this short film was created due to the United States Department of the treasury wanting to advertise saving bonds to children and so the film tells the story of Superman stopping a robbery and the robber's just kind of like I gotta steal money because I've never saved any money and Superman's just like damn I mean I guess that sucks but like I mean you're going to jail still later Jimmy Olsen and Clark attend a stamp day event and learn about the pros of buying stamps and saving bonds Superman then saves Lois Lane from a jewel thief holding her hostage and my God does he have the most and nothing reaction to Superman showing up no I don't believe it then Superman advertises buying saving bonds to children and the story just comes to an end this short was never shown in theaters and was created exclusively to be shown around in schools to educate kids about saving bonds and stamps also this is the only Superman film ever to be in the public domain due to it being distributed by the US government so the whole thing is available on YouTube for free Superman aliens Superman aliens also known as Superman vs Aliens is a three issue crossover series written by Dan Jurgens and released from July to September of 1995. the story sees Superman and various other Superman related characters interacting with and battling the Xenomorphs from the alien and Predator franchise in this universe Supergirl is introduced saving Superman's life after he travels to the remains of Krypton upon receiving a distress signal it turns out that the scriptodian city is filled with Xenomorphs who arrived via crashing freighter containing an alien queen should also mention here that Superman is powered down throughout the story as he's incredibly far away from any Center star anyways Superman and Supergirl eventually get impregnated by the Xenomorphs but are luckily able to remove the chest bursters though during their escape Supergirl is thought to be killed though she would show up again in the sequel titled Superman Aliens 2 God War written by Chuck Dixon and released from May to December 2002 this four issue miniseries sees Darkseid using a bunch of xenomorph eggs on new genesis in an attempt to wipe out the new Gods Superman just so happens to be visiting new genesis at this time and is able to warn them about the xenomorph threat and so the new gods and Xenomorphs battle it out for a while and the comic ends with Darkseid creating a pair of demon xenomorph Army that has never followed up on because a third installment never happened also I lied about Supergirl it's revealed that she does survive at the end of the first series but she's not in the sequel at all so like I don't really know what happens with her I guess they just like didn't care to bring her back there was also another Superman and alien crossover in Superman and Batman vs alien and predator and I talk about that crossover in the first Batman Iceberg but no it's not a sequel to these two stories it's its own continuity there'd also be a three issue crossover released from May to July 2000 called Superman vs Predator but it's also done continuity with any of the Superman vs alien stories this story sees a predator tracking down Star Labs who are trying to use some alien Tech to end the world Superman is also trying to take down STAR labs and so the two butt heads will try to stop STAR labs oh and also there's JLA versus Predator which is about the Justice League battling a team of predators who were genetically engineered to have superpowers it was written by John Ostrander and released in February 2001. the coming of the Superman written by Neil Adams and Tony Bedard the coming of the Superman is a six issue series released from April to September 2016. the story has three kryptonians land on Earth and meet with Superman these kryptonians are majar Ted M and 4m they came to Earth to recruit Superman into a war they're fighting against Darkseid a new Krypton the four of them then team up to defeat Darkseid the forces of apocalypse and Lex Luthor who was working with Darkseid well I mean he was working with him until he realized that darkseai was probably just gonna invade Earth after he took over new Krypton oh and uh the writing is really weird in the story ever wanted to see Superman say what's up also Superman and Lex Luthor make fun of Darkseid which is weird but pretty funny actually there's a lot of weird stuff in the story probably the strangest bit of it all is when it's revealed that darkseid's dad was a pharaoh in ancient Egypt and that the Sphinx was designed after him over man first appearing in 52 issue 52 released in July 2007 Carl kenz has your standard Superman origin story except for one little detail instead of Landing in Kansas he landed in sedated land in 1938 which was occupied at the time by the Axis powers you see where this is going now don't you B can take it in by the German government Kal-El was given the name Carl Kent and the superhero name of Overman the rocket he flew to Earth in was then taken in by Germany and they reverse engineered the attack to win World War II so Overman grew up as a member of the Axis powers and even became a member of Justice League axis there was also overgrown this universe who was a clone of him that he considered his cousin and if you thought this was the only Axis power Superman out there you would be weirdly very wrong years later in the multiversity guidebook released in March 2015 the world would be reintroduced to Overman but this time in his Universe he was raised by Hitler directly which is very interesting over man in this universe would help Germany take over the world and then leave for three years and when he returned he was like wait hang on a second guys I think genocide might be a bad thing but he still continued to work with the Axis powers so I guess he didn't really care too much about that I mean he would eventually feed information to persistence members which resulted in the ex's Powers being destroyed but he only did that after like 10 years after returning to Earth so again I guess it wasn't really that big of an issue for him there's also a lot of other Axis power Superman out there like her Superman from Earth 8 there's Earth 10 Superman another over man from the dcau and a dude called ubermench who is also called the Overman but wasn't actually an alternate Superman but I'm gonna count him here because he's called overband and he's part of the Axis powers there's also an overgirl in Supergirl in the ray there's even a cyborg over man I think that's enough Axis Powers men out there though I don't I don't think we need any more Superman of the Multiverse first appearing in final crisis Issue 7 released in March 2009 the Superman of the Multiverse is a superhero team that is exactly what it sounds like it's a collection of Superman from various different universes that teamed up the battle mandrick and Ultraman there's been a ton of different members of the team like Earth 11 Superwoman the DCU Superman Earth 14 Superman the just Superman Colin Cannon Kingdom Come Superman Sunshine Superman red Sun Superman Super Chief Captain carrots All-Star Superman's son and earth5 Shazam just to name a few but that's not the only multiversal Superman group there's also the Council of Superman who first appeared in crisis on infinite Earth's Giants released in February 2020 that features members like the Justice Lord Superman who is evil so I don't really know why he's working with them The Adventures of Superman Superman Beppo the Super Monkey arrowverse Superman and the Superman return Superman Superman 5. aka Superman the new movie reminds me when Ghost in the Shell did that decades later but anyways written by Carrie Bates this film would see Superman battling Brainiac after being defeated by Brainiac Superman would be knocked out allowing Brainiac to shrink Metropolis down and capture it Superman is then teleported Away by an unknown Force while Brainiac takes Lois Lane as a trophy of sorts Superman wakes up in a Kryptonian Hospital in Candor a shrunk in Kryptonian City it turns out that he was rescued by one of jorel's friends Lois Lane is then able to trick Brainiac into freeing Superman only because Brainiac had no idea that Superman was even still alive and so the two battle it out again this time Superman is able to defeat Brainiac and the Fallen villain demands Superman to finish him but Superman refuses so Brainiac then takes a Shard of metal and self-fans himself from his Minecraft server but he's not dead yet turns out that Brainiac is actually a robot and he attacks Superman once again Brainiac then uses his growing technology to increase his size while Superman uses it to shrink in size allowing him to fly straight into brainiac's brain and stab it with a metal shard he then uses the growing Tech to grow The Shard and Brainiac is then literally ripped in half from his brain Superman then Grows All the shrunken cities back to normal and reveals his identity to Lois Lane the two agree to get married and the film ends so why didn't this film happen well most people believe it's because of how bad Superman 4 was but that's actually not it it turns out that Warner Bros didn't want this film to happen due to the show Lewis and Clark existing as it was doing extremely well at the time and they didn't want to confuse audiences with two live-action Supermen also the film Christopher Columbus the discovery in its behind the scenes troubles killed the film as the sulkins the owners of the Superman film rights at the time had an insane Fallout during the production of that film and sell the rights went to Warner Bros and since they didn't want this one to happen it didn't happen lost original comic Superman's creation is interesting because technically he's had three different first appearances the original was a short story titled the reign of the Superman released in June 1933 where he appears as a villain though he doesn't really have anything in common with Superman outside of having powers and being called Superman as in the story he's the result of a mad scientist testing chemicals on a dude instead of being an alien crime fighter his third appearance is the one we all know Action Comics issue 1 released in April 1938. however his second appearance is sadly lost to time and there's really no hope of it ever being recovered Superman's creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster created a pitch issue for a comic titled the Superman the two looked around for a publishing company and would eventually find one only for them to drop the pair shortly afterwards and so the two looked around for more Publishers but nobody was biting and so enraged by this Jerry Siegel threw the only copy of the issue into a fire and so all the remains is the cover of the comic in a rough sketch of it we don't really know what story was told in this issue except the fact that this version of Superman would be very different instead of being from an alien world apparently he was just like a normal dude The Eradicator first appearing in Action Comics Annual issue 2 released in June 1989 The Eradicator is a very weird character he's been a hero a villain and a Nancy hero created as a Kryptonian cultural genocide superweapon uh no really it was created to preserve Kryptonian Culture by eradicating other cultures thus the name Eradicator The Eradicator would be used to protect kryptonians for centuries until it was taken away from Krypton where it would eventually encounter Superman on War World due to Superman being the sole survivor of Krypton The Eradicator changed its mission to protect him it originally did this by trying to turn Superman into a Kryptonian Warrior Superman was like no thank you and threw it into the sun Eradicator would return a few years later and take up a humanoid body once Superman was killed in battle at doomsday there he'd take up the Superman mantle and would stop crime though he had no issue with killing at all when Superman returned to life Eradicator would sacrifice his life to give Superman more strength he'd eventually return because I mean everyone in comics does and when he returned he tried to kill Krypto the Superdog became Krypton man for a bit and even battled and was killed by and then possessed doomsday though this was actually a different Eradicator that had the originals memories and also it was a clone of Doomsday and not doomsday himself it well whatever it's still pretty significant in the Post New 52 Universe Eradicator would be reintroduced in Superman issue 2 released in July 2016 where it was created by General Zod to hunt down Kryptonian criminals and tries to murder Superman's son John powerwise Eradicator has your standard Superman abilities like superhuman speed flight strength Etc however he can also manipulate energy and can sense beings from other realities it's also got telepathy which is pretty useful also I know I've been calling Eradicator a he and an it during the century like I don't know man it's it's a robot but the DC wiki lists eradicators gender as male so I'm just gonna call it both as for eradicator's appearances in media surprisingly he hasn't really been in a lot of things he appears in The Death of Superman and Rebirth of Superman animated films Lego DC super villains the death and Return of Superman video game and in Superman and Lois Superman's red and blue clones and Superman issue 162 released in July 1963 Superman creates a machine powered by kryptonites to increase his intelligence in order for him to figure out a way to eliminate all crime so he uses the machine on himself but instead of making him smarter it splits him into two beings these two clones are named Superman blue and Superman red together the two Superman fixed brainiac's enlarging Ray to restore the shrunken Kryptonian city of kandor and then create an anti-evil Ray that literally wipes out the concept of evil from Earth now that he literally can't be evil anymore Lex Luthor decides to spend the rest of his life curing all known diseases Superman red would then marry Lois Lane while Superman blue married Lana Lang the two clones would then create an army of superband robots to prevent natural disasters from happening so that they can just retire in peace now this was an imaginary story basically an elseworld story before elseworlds were a thing though while called an imaginary story it actually takes place in a separate continuity as in the Kingdom Come Universe you can just barely see this universe in hyper time meaning that this story had to happen in some continuity but that's not the end of the red and blue clones you see decades later in the one shots Superman red Superman blue released in February of 1998. Superman was split into two beings in the main DC continuity by Cyborg Superman and toy man these being red and blue clones known again as super Ben red and Superman blue instead of the imaginary story where they were pretty much just the same person this time the Clones had different personalities blue is more intelligent while red was way more aggressive they also didn't really care for each other because they were both madly in love with Lois Lane overwhelmed by this because I mean who wouldn't Lois snaps at the two and refused to be with either of them causing the Clones to realize that maybe they should go back to being just one guy but not with a machine or anything instead they return to one person when Superman's electromagnetic energy was dispersed you're watching Superman Saturday on Boomerang to stop the evil doomsday you need a hero who's more than a man he's been called the greatest the strongest the first among Heroes high voltage villain conduit is powered by kryptonite but with Krypton connect lasting laser Superman powers him down conduit will learn don't mess with the ass it's the threaded Doomsday the most fearsome force in the universe even June still learned you don't mess with the S Superman figures eat sold separately blocked not included we now return to Superman Saturday on Boomerang Superman last Sun of Earth released from July to August 2000 and written by Steve Gerber Superman last son of Earth is an elseworld story about what if the Superman origin story was reversed what if a child was launched from the earth before its destruction to Krypton a very different Krypton as everyone wears biosuits that allows him to live for centuries in this story jorel and his not wife Lara discover baby Clark Kent and Lara's like let's leave this baby to die and Joel's like what no he then adopts Clark and starts to teach the kid how to live on Krypton Krypton also practices arranged marriages as jorel is then arranged to marry Laura and she hates this years go by and Clark discovers a Green Lantern ring and becomes krypton's Green Lantern though eventually Clark would return to Earth as it turns out it wasn't actually destroyed you see a meteorite had hit Earth in 1968 but I guess it didn't wipe out Humanity as when Clark arrives on Earth he discovers that Humanity still exists along with Lois Lane Jimmy Olsen and yes Lex Luthor who steals Clark's Green Lantern ring in an attempt at becoming all-powerful three years later in March 2003 a sequel one shot titled Superman Last Stand on Krypton was released also read by Steve Gerber it tells the story of Superman battling Lex Luthor and General Zod during krypton's final days as the story ends with Krypton exploding with Lara and Lois Lane being transported off the dying world as Superman stays behind and dies Atari Superman 3 video game one of the earliest canceled superhero video games has to be atari's Superman 3. based on the film of the same name this game was made in 1983 for the Atari 5200 the game was very simple you take control of Superman and try to stop a supercomputer from firing beams of energy towards different parts of metropolis you do this by flying around and firing your heat vision of beams of energy the game was never completed the Prototype does exist as the game was fairly far into production there's two reasons why this game was canceled these big the 1983 video game Crash and the poor reception of Superman 3. Superman becomes a furry In Action Comics issue 243 released in August 1958. Superman saves a woman who turns out to be a descendant of Cersei a Greek goddess and she's really into him inviting him over for drinks and even asking him to marry her Superman declines the offer and then it's revealed that she poisoned his drink with a potion that will turn him into a lion man and so during work the next day Clark turns into a lion man and is forced to go over the name super lion for a bit eventually he's able to figure out a cure to the potion after discovering that one of the ingredients of the potion was Kryptonite but that wouldn't be the last time Superman would be turned into a Lion Man in Superman issue 165 released in November of 1963 the original Cersei briefly turns him into a lion man and even a mouse man before using her magic to put him under her control for a while she also asks Superman to marry her and he again declines I guess cersei's bloodline is just like really into Superman in 2008 50 years after the first Super lion story DC would pay tribute to the story as they released a Superman action figure with an interchangeable lionhead Scandal gate elseworld's 80-page giant released in August of 1999 included a short outworld story titled scandalgate written by Tom pyre this story sees Superman as the President of the United States except his presidential career isn't really doing so great as he's currently being impeached for uh well not really sure they don't really say the story is literally only two pages long but it doesn't actually tell you why Superman's being impeached though it seems like it's not that serious of an impeachment as the only people who seem to really want his impeachment are Superman's enemies like Lex Luthor doomsday Brainiac satanus parasite Bizarro silver Banshee Etc this entire story is actually a parody of President Bill Clinton's impeachment in 1998. super Martian first appearing in the multiversity issue 1 released in October of 2014 this is an alternate version of Superman and Martian Manhunter he's both Martian and Kryptonian so he has the powers of both species such as super strength speed and telepathy he's part of the Justice Titans his universe's version of the Justice League along with the Superman of the Multiverse and is dating his universe's version of Batman who's a combo Bruce Wayne and Lex Luthor and honestly that's kind of it he's only appeared a handful of times canceled the Adventures of Superboy TV show in 1961 a pilot was filmed for a show titled The Adventures of Superboy this show was created to capitalize on the success of the series Adventures of Superman which ended three years earlier in 1958 though it's unknown if the show was intended to be a prequel to it the pilot tells the story of Superboy defeating the ABC gang the pilot wasn't picked up and the show Never filmed any more material despite there being 12 more scripts being completed though like the super pup Series this pilot has been released though only in the Smallville the complete series box set however there is actually another way to view this pilot in Superboy issue 88 released in April 1961 a story is featured titled the saddest boy in Smallville which is directly based on the failed pilot elseworld's finest Supergirl and Batgirl released in September of 1988 and written by Barbara Kessel Matt Haley and Tom Simmons elseworld's finest Supergirl and Batgirl is an elseworld story that basically tells the story of what if Superman and Batman were women well but we kinda instead of Bruce Wade and Kal-El being Batman and Superman Bruce Wayne isn't a superhero in this universe but is instead a billionaire who's Batgirl's boyfriend while Kal-El was abducted by Lex Luthor while a baby and was used in lexcorp's bioelectric research so he's dead and so it's Kara who was adopted by a Wonder Woman in this universe was taken over as the main Kryptonian hero while Batgirl is Barbara Gordon whose parents were killed by Hitmen hired by Lex Luthor the story starts out with Batgirl forcing Gotham City to be sealed off from the rest of the world in order to keep it safe from metahumans she's however forced to have some metahumans enter Gotham as the Justice Society is escorting Lex Luthor to give a speech in a ceremony once there Joker takes some Venom and attempts to kill Lex Luthor under orders from Emil Hamilton they kidnap Luthor which causes Batgirl and Supergirl to team up to find him they eventually find the three villains and battle it out there they're able to defeat the villains and Batgirl is able to expose Lex Luthor to the rest of the world destroying his reputation now with the three villains Behind Bars well two of them was Lex Luthor was able to buy his way out of prison Batgirl and Supergirl have become the best of friends also in this universe Elvis Presley is the president of the United States didn't know where to throw that in so uh there you go Krypton season three Krypton is a show that I keep forgetting happened lasting 20 episodes from March 21st 2018 to August 14th 2019 and the Sci-Fi channel it was a show about Superman's grandfather Segel in krypton's downfall though it also had a lot of time travel elements of the show so it was about a lot of things it featured a lot of characters like Doomsday Brainiac General Zod and even Lobo after a mixed first season and a fairly positive received second season sci-fi canceled the series though a third season was already being outlined when it was canceled according to Cameron Welsh krypton's showrunner season three was going to be about Brainiac on Earth raising jorel to be a super weapon ride a Kryptonite would then be used on kryptonians resulting in an illness that would make them fertile known as virus X this virus would be created by a sentient AI named Oracle General Zod would willingly be sent to The Phantom Zone various Hawk people would be introduced notably a woman named Nisa AKA hawkwoman The Eradicator would be introduced and battled doomsday and finally the season would end with General God leaving The Phantom Zone with nod and Ursa I'll leave a link to an Instagram post detailing more stuff about season 3 in the description below riot first appear against Superman the Man of Steel issue 61 released in October of 1996 Frederick Von Frankenstein was your average guy born into a family of scientists he was put under a ton of pressure to succeed in both school and his career so after a while he snapped and was like okay I'm gonna make two of me so that I can do things faster and better he went on to use his uncle's phase shifter and it kinda worked the phase shifter awakened a jeed in him that allowed him to duplicate himself it also like really messed up his face so he like permanently looks like a skeleton and made him unable to ever sleep which uh drove him insane because of all this he was thrown out of his home and began doing crime under the name riot Superman would quickly learn that anytime any damage was done to Riot he would just create a clone of himself although to call them clones isn't quite accurate as technically they're all him it's just one Collective Consciousness that controls them all because of this all damage or pain he takes gets spread across all the bodies that he currently has active but he also gets more powerful when he has more bodies so all that damage and pain doesn't really impact him riots would return to the new 52 Universe in Green Team teen trillionaires issue One released in July of 2013 a comic run that I literally had no idea existed until now riots would also go on to appear in Superman Batman Public Enemies and the Superman Returns video game also this dude is like extremely similar to twice from my hero Academia I can't be the only one that sees it Superman becomes Nova in world's finest issue 178 released in September 1968 Superman loses his powers this makes him pretty upset despite Batman Robin and green arrow trying to cheer him up being like it's okay not to have any powers I mean we don't have any powers and look at what we're doing but Superman still isn't really taking it well and so takes up a new superhero identity called the Nova the Nova's whole gimmick is that he uses his cape to fight so think the cape God I've always wanted to reference that on this channel does anybody remember that show hell did anyone watch it anyways Clark runs into some issues while being Nova notably he keeps forgetting to use his full strength as now that he doesn't have super strength anymore he can punch people as hard as he wants because of this he gets beaten up it is captured by the villain Socrates and Socrates is just like you're gonna work for me or we're gonna tell the world that not only is Nova Clark Kent but also Superman was the story continues in world's finest issue 180 released in November of 1968. in this issue Clark gets a mind control device implanted in his neck and Socrates has him face off against Batman and Robin also he has him going back to being Superman but Batman and Robin are able to defeat Superman and free him from the Mind Control meanwhile Socrates puts a bob in the Batcave but is killed by the very same bomb as he tries to escape the bat cave when Batman and Robin and Superman show up to stop him Superman then gives up the Nova mantle and decides to continue being Superman even without his powers but it turns out this was all an imaginary story that takes place at an ultra continuity so it doesn't really matter at the end of the day the hobby robber featured exclusively In Action Comics issue 73 released in June 1944 the hobby robber AKA Lucia Spruce is a criminal who specializes in stealing bizarre objects in demanding a ransom for their return no really that's that that's it that's that's his whole gimmick if it's bizarre he wants it in order to draw him out Clark convinces Lois Lane to write an article about how much he loves to collect antique clocks something that he actually does love doing at least exclusively in this issue as this is never mentioned again in the near 100 Year history of the character anyways this makes hobby robber want to steal his clocks so he shows up at Clark's apartment to steal the clocks luckily Clark was waiting as Superman and so he beats them up except no that's actually not what happens that would have happened however right before this whole thing happened Clark spots Lois Lane hiding his grandfather clock in order to get a scoop for the Daily Planet so Clark can't turn into Superman without her figuring out his identity and so the two are captured by Hobby robber and are almost fed to his giant carnivorous plants that I guess he just has my head Cannon is that he got these from poison ivy even though she wouldn't be created for another 22 years Clark is then able to become superband and takes them out and as you expect hobby robber has never appeared in anything ever again there is another hobby robber who fights Batman but he's a completely different character where is thy sting released in 2001 and written by J.M dimitas Superman where is thy sting is a One-Shot story that tells the story of Superman's immortality because of this immortality he outlives Lois Lane which makes him understandably pretty sad but he doesn't have much time to mourn as Lex Luthor then shows up and reveals that he was in love with Lois and that he could have killed Superman before but he didn't due to his feelings for Lois Superman then beats him up and it's revealed that Luther is just a robot now that's when death itself shows up yeah the Grim Reaper himself shows up to torment Superman for a bit because he wants to kill Superman but it's impossible for him death gives him a bunch of Visions like the future of the Earth being destroyed by the Sun the universe ending Lois Lane dying again and uh you know it's it's a lot for superman but then it's revealed that this was all just a dream kinda Superman thinks it was a dream but death note that it actually happened and it is actually thankful for Superman's immortality as it apparently filled his Empty Soul this is a really weird story but it's got some amazing art Legacy In Action Comics Annual issue 6 released in September of 1994 in elseworld story written by John Bryan is featured that tells the story of Kalel living on Earth in the 1970s except history is a little bit different you see in this universe one of his ancestors named garl arrived on Earth during the American Revolutionary War and takes part in it on the side of the British Empire so the British won the war and garielle is just like wait a second why don't I just take over the world and so he does the world bows to him he's even got little Superman armbands now back to Cal while he's related to garl he's actually not purely Kryptonian as generations of species mixing has left him with more human DNA than Kryptonian DNA he's also just like not very happy with the whole regime thing especially after witnessing his friends trying to r word this universe's Lois Lane also his dad was executed by garl so he's got a couple of pretty solid reasons not to really like the regime anyways he joins up with a rebel group that Lois Lane is a part of and dies uh he he dies dude confronts gar Allen is like dude we I don't think we should do the Kryptonian Empire thing on earth that's pretty bad Earth is in Krypton we should let earth have its own legacy not just do Krypton again and some soldiers just start blasting it he dies surprisingly this little speech convinces garl that he was in the wrong and he changes his ways after burying Kalel in the Sun and by changing his ways I mean he just leaves Earth his regime is still there would have been nice if he like went back and took it down but I mean I guess he was busy flying in space anyways the rebels celebrate and the world is free probably I think it's a bird it's a plane it's Superman this is a Broadway musical that was released in 1966. it tells the story of superband battling Dr Abner Sedgwick a scientist who Wants Revenge on the scientific world after they refuse to give him a Nobel Prize 10 times in a row it was actually very positively received during its initial run but it made absolutely no money and for a while was Broadway's single biggest flop the musical would make a comeback in 1975 when it was adapted into a TV special this TV special was significantly different though as not only did it change a lot of the script some of the villains were changed and four different musical numbers were removed from the story entirely though a new song was created in their place this special was very poorly received and for over 30 years the musical would be forgotten by most people that was until 2007 when the musical would finally make a significant comeback as a concert instead of a play this concert was actually fairly well received and so the play was resurrected in 2010 2013 2014 2015 and 2016. with the final three years being done in Europe twice in the UK and once in Germany rainbow powers in Superman issue 125 released in November of 1958 Superman discovers an alien ship underneath Metropolis that's causing earthquakes when Superman touches the ship it explodes instantly this explosion really messes with him as soon afterwards he realizes that his standard Powers except for flight have disappeared and now all he can do is fire rainbow beams from his hands that cause people to instantly surrender except that's not actually what they are while it looks like he's firing rainbows he's actually shooting out a mini Superman out of his hands that forces criminals to surrender and this really ticks Superman off as he's annoyed that all of his original Powers have been transferred into that little mini me and that the Press is more focused on the mini Superman than the original the final straw for Clark is when the mini Superman starts to stop crime all by himself without the original Superman knowing thankfully for Superman this mini me ends up dying after sacrificing its life to save Superman from some Kryptonite this causes all of his powers to transfer back into him and he loses that weird mini rainbow mini me power Superman true Brit released in October 2004 it written by John Cleese Superman true Brit is basically what if Superman landed in England instead of Kansas it's also just non-stop British jokes and British stereotypes The Story Goes that Kal-El lands at England and is found by the Clark family who raised him as Colin Clark as Colin grows up his powers begin to get stronger which causes a lot of issues for his family eventually he's able to get his powers under control for the most part and travels to University he also impales a dude with a cricket bat by accident and I was going to show you the image of him doing that but it's weirdly like extremely graphic for a comedy story Colin then meets this universe as Lois Lane and Perry white and joins the Tabloid company the daily smear a not so subtle parody of the Daily Star life seems to be going pretty well for Colin you know except for the whole Cricket incident after a while Colin decides to use his powers for good and becomes Superman with an extremely bad costume overall Superman true Brit is a very unique take on the character match first appearing in Super Bowl issue 35 released in January 1997 matches the result of what happens when you clone a clone you see the evil secret organization the agenda cloned Superboy which created match but since Superboy was a clone of Superman match is a clone of a clone after battling Superboy for a bit and losing he was thought to be dead for some time until the agenda kidnapped Superboy and replaced him with match and so match became a member of the Young Justice for a little bit until Superboy Broke Free and defeated him match would show up a handful of times afterwards but with every appearance he got more and more gross looking and Dumber this is because of the whole clone of the Clone situation his mind and body began to rot after a while and So eventually he began to look and act like Bizarro he would continue to be a threat to Superboy until he was eventually killed by Superboy Prime match would make his first appearance to the new 52 Universe in Avengers and gate himself Squad issue 1 released in May 2021 and he pretty much has the same backstory agenda created column of Superboy and now his mind and body are deteriorating however unlike his original self this match is actually a good guy instead of a villain this is because match for a while believed that he was the actual Superboy even faced with the real Superboy he refused to believe that he was a clone of a clone it was also revealed here that Amanda Waller was making clones of match so a clone of a clone of a clone when it comes to matches Powers he's got your standard Superman or Superboy abilities like flight super strength super speed Etc as for right now matches only appeared in one piece of media outside of the comics that being Young Justice JLA Shogun of Steel released in April 2002 and written by Ben Rob JLA Shogun of Steel is an elseworld story set in feudal Japan in the 14th century in this universe cal-l lands on Earth but instead of Kansas he lands in Japan where he grows up as a Buddhist and eventually joins a group of rebels to battle against the corrupt government run by Lord zuno AKA Brainiac who's also a robot he meets these Rebels after saving their leader komori who's this universe is Batman or Batgirl or Batwoman not one of the three or as he's known in this universe Hoshi has most of Superman's standard abilities he's also got some serious skills with a sword however when it comes to Brainiac the whole sword thing doesn't really work as Brainiac as a sword being at a Kryptonite so the whole sword dual angle isn't really gonna work here but he still tries he's eventually able to defeat Brainiac with the help of His Rebel friends the way he defeats Brainiac is really brutal I mean he literally throws him into the sun remember brainiac's a robot in this story so hoshi's technically not killing anyone and so Hoshi in the Justice League then swear to defend Japan from all who try to harvest I'm really surprised that this hasn't gotten an anime adaptation yet you'd think after Batman Ninja DC would green light to Shogun of Steel film but I mean I guess not the Superman Revenge Squad first appearing in the Avengers of Superman to shoot 543 released in February in 1997 the Superbad Revenge Squad is pretty much Superman's version of the Sinister Six after being defeated again and again various villains are brought in by a Morgan Edge to work together to take down Superman this squad doesn't really do too well as they just can't get along and so they fail Morgan Edge would then revive the team with new members and the team would fail again but then Lex Luthor role did and created his own version of the team with new members to battle General Zod the villains who have been a part of this team include Maxima Bizarro anomaly barrage bod natalo Riot Rock parasite Misa and Superman yes Superman himself joined the team to fight off Zod in the Post New 52 Universe this team was brought back an Action Comics issued 978 released in June 2017 with a much more powerful team consisting of Cyborg Superman General Zod Eradicator matalo Mongol and blank who's blank he's some guy that Superman beat up in the new 52 and just randomly showed back up as part of a team consisting of some of Superman's most well-known and Powerful villains it's like if iguana was part of the Sinister Six I should also mention here that the Morgan Edge version of the team wasn't actually the first group to be called the Superman Revenge Squad in Superboy issue 94 released in January of 1962 the world of DC was introduced to a group of alien criminals and Warlords who went by the name Superman Revenge Squad and surprisingly appeared quite a few times in fact this group has the most appearances out of every single group calling themselves the Superman Revenge Squad Lois Lane gets spanked in Superman's girlfriend Lois Lane issue 14 released in January of 1960 Lois Lane is hanging out to the Fortress of Solitude and wants to prove to Superman that if they got married that should be safe living there so she takes a look through a powerful telescope that gives her some Star Ray poisoning and a Superman's just like I literally just told you a second ago not to do that why would you why would you do that and so she now has to stay there for three days until the star Rays wear off she's just chilling out in an anti-gravity couch when suddenly a gust of air sends the couch flying and she sent crashing into a Superman robot that instantly starts spanking her that robot presumably spanked her for quite a while as she literally can't sit down the next morning but then later it's revealed that the gust of air was from Superman who then used his x-ray vision to guide the spanking robot towards Lois this whole thing was just him trying to convince Lois Lane that living at The Fortress of Solitude would be bad for her this was also probably the author's poorly disguised fetish the master jailer first appearing in Superman issue 331 released in January of 1979 Carl Draper was once madly in love with Lana Lang and so hated Superman since Lana was obsessed with him this led to an obsession with Superman after several attempts at trying to win over Lana failed over time Carl would become a security expert that would create prisons and security systems for companies and well prisons he'd end up creating the prison Mount Olympus Correctional Facility Superman thought he did a pretty great job and so suggested the prisons be named after Carl but the Press ignored that and called it Superman's Island instead of Draper's Island to make matters worse the reporter who came up with that name was Lana Lang herself this was the final straw for Carl as he then became the villain the master jailer armed with a key chain that absorbs the powers of others a variety of different Holograms and his expert level knowledge of traps security systems and prisons Master Jailer battled Superman several times in the Post New 52 Universe he would make his debut in the squad issue 45 released in October 2018 where he'd be forced to join the squad during a mission to destroy Atlantis he would then die a few issues later when it comes to different pieces of media and continuities Master Jailer has shown up in the Smallville season 11 comics and in Supergirl which I'd say is surprising but the arrowverse seems to really love using bronze and silver age villains distant fires written by Howard shaken and released in 1998 Superman distant fires is an elseworld story that tells a fun little story about the aftermath three nuclear war because of the massive amount of radiation that's killing the planet all the surviving superheroes and villains no longer have any powers this includes Superman who's pretty much the sole survivor of metropolis with the story beginning with him burying Lois Lane Perry white Jimmy Olsen and Batman Clark lives in the ruins of metropolis with a giant cat named Kryptonite and fully expects to live a lonely life-fighting giant rats he reunites with Wonder Woman who's part of a group of survivors consisting of Guy Gardner Wally West cheetah Billy Batson big Barda Martian Manhunter Mr miracle and Joker who was made sane because of the nuclear war Superman and Wonder Woman then fall in love which really ticks off Billy Batson because apparently he and Wonder Woman at one point were dating very weird like he like he's an adult now but I mean she knew him when he was a kid but he was like transformed into an adult at the time so I it's complicated and weird anyways for years Billy Batson plans his revenge as he slowly gets his powers back by saying Shazam every night this causes the magic Shazam lightning to zap him but it also slowly gives everybody else back their powers eventually he discovers Metallo and the two team up to take down Superman a big old battle happens and Wonder Woman is killed by Shazam himself Clark then realizes that shazam's magic lightning he's been calling down every night has been actually killing the Earth and now the planet is set to blow up so he quickly becomes a Green Lantern using the Dead Guy Gardner's ring and uses it to create a spaceship for his and Wonder Woman's son Bruce Kent he launches Bruce into space and that's the end they all just are dusty to die on Earth moral of the story nuclear war it's pretty bad Mr Z first appearing in superband issue 51 released in January of 1991 Mr Z is an immortal being that loves to collect souls and gems like he's playing Skyrim he attempted to capture Superman's soul but due to him being an alien it blew up the gem and knocked Mr Z out during this confrontation Mr Z mentioned to Superman how they had first met each other during World War II which really confused Superman because this version of the character landed on Earth well after the second world war this mystery would be solved when Superman was then transported back in time to Germany in 1943 where he saves a family from a German general this General turns out is Mr Z and Mr Z was just about to finish an atomic weapon for the Axis powers Superman of course stops him and Mr Z uses a prototype atomic bomb to send Superman back through time to present day and uh that's that's that's kind of it as of right now Mr Z hasn't appeared in the Post New 52 Universe in fact outside of one other story about him being trapped on a tropical prehistoric island with Superman and a bunch of cavemen including a really hot cave woman named Lola La he hasn't really done much although I should mention here that Mr Z's first appearance may not have actually been Superman issue 51 but instead Superman issued 19 released in December of 1942 because in this story Superman battles a criminal who attempts to murder Lois Lane and a random dog this criminal is named Oscar Lanchester and his supervillain name is Mr Z I don't think the two are related at all but it is weird how there's two different Superman villains named Mr Z real world Superman released in June 2000 written by Steve Vance real world Superman is an alternate universe one shot that tells the story of Eddie dial a nerdy store clerk living in the 1960s he has a rivalry with a street Punk named Pete and after confronting Pete for being a bad boyfriend to Betty a girl that Eddie likes Pete beats the crap out of him but instead of beating him to a pulp Pete brings into a bar and basically makes Eddie drink until he passes out when he wakes up he's got a Superman tattoo on his chest and for whatever reason everyone in town turns against Eddie and are disgusted and angered by the Superman tattoo wanting revenge on Pete Eddie breaks into his apartment only to then be arrested and sent to prison where he's almost beaten to death for the Superman tattoo while in prison the warden offers him a deal join him in stopping crime and he can be let go and he takes the deal and immediately beats up Pete and quickly the Superman tattoo becomes a symbol against Crime eventually though he starts getting soft on crime which really annoys the higher ups of the prison so they turn on Eddie sending him into a trap and he's almost beaten to death years later Eddie passes away due to a heart attack right after writing his life story which is what the comic was titano the Super 8 first appear against Superman issue 127 released in February of 1959 Toto of the chimpanzee was your average chimp that was until he was launched into space one day as part of an experiment there in space Toto witnessed a Kryptonite meteorite smashed into a uradium meteorite and all that radiation from the Collision was absorbed into Toto now real life Toto have gotten an extremely painful and slow death but since this is a comic book Toto returned to Earth and is fine until he starts to grow to the size of a Kaiju kidnap Lois Lane and starts terrorizing Metropolis as titano the super ape Superman would come in and battle the King Kong knockoff only to discover that titano had the ability to fire Kryptonite beams from his eyes Lois lay would then trick titano into wearing oversized lead-line glasses which would then allow Superman to beat him up and I beat him up I mean throw titano back in time to prehistoric Earth there poor Toto would stay for the rest of his life Toto would return in the new 52 Universe in Superman issue 3 released in January 2012. and he has a new origin story being the result of genetic mutations by a mad scientist Toto or titano has appeared in various different pieces of media like Superman the animated series Justice League action the 1988 Superman cartoon and The New Adventures of Superman cryptothrax only appearing in Tales from the dark Multiverse dark Knight's metal released in February of 2021 this creature known as cryptothrax is actually Superman you see in this universe the element X Arbor that the Justice League wore in Dark Knights medal ended up corrupting them and turning them all into monstrous beasts cryptothrax would eventually be killed in a battle with Nightwing who stabs him with a Kryptonite guitar pick and that's it just a really gross Superman monster that dies because of a guitar pick Superman cow released in March of 1995 and written by Dave Gibbons Superman cows and elseworld story about what if Superman landed in the Middle Ages here Cal works as a blacksmith for a while and he eventually meets lady Lois this universe's version of Lois Lane the two fall in love and eventually Cal asks her to marry him all is going well until Baron Luther shows up and is like hey cow congrats to the wedding that's pretty awesome uh but did you know what the rule where the baron or the king of the land gets to bang the bride on a winning night it's a pretty cool rule not wanting to be cucked battles Luther but is easily defeated because Luther's armor has kryptonite on it that he found in Cal's crashed baby spaceship upon waking up the next day Cal discovers that Luthor had taken Lois attempted to our word her and then when that failed beat her to death yeah the story takes a fairly dark turn here and So Cal decides to kill Luthor and storms his castle with an entire mob of writers during this battle he takes boiling oil to the face it just shrugs it off the two duel and end up killing each other Cal is then buried alongside his would-be wife and his sword goes on to become Excalibur not the happiest Superman story that's for sure the super seven Adventures of Superman annual 6 released in August of 1994 introduced an alternate universe called the super seven this elseworld story takes place in a universe where Earth has been invaded and enslaved by an alien Empire known as the malazaar REM they were only able to take over the earth when they announced the planet hey if we see a metahuman we're gonna kill one thousand civilians this turned the people of Earth against every single hero out there mostly because Hal Jordan then led a team of Heroes to freak host City from the aliens they succeeded but in response the aliens killed seven million people including Lois Lane and so the heroes the world would go into hiding while the aliens took over with the heroes gone Lex Luthor and some other non-metahumans attempted to defeat the aliens they were slaughtered with Lex just barely surviving and becoming a being called metallics eventually Lada Lang becomes the director of human relations which is kind of weird that he would have that position when the rest of humanity is enslaved like what like what relations are they having with the aliens you know but it turns out that Lana is actually helping a growing resistance movement teaming up with Jimmy Olsen the pair are able to locate and convince Superman to return to the resistance agrees to join them and then they recruit to Wonder Woman Batman Superboy Hal Jordan and Wally West to the cause together with Lex Luthor they become the super seven a group of Heroes who work with the resistance to free Earth from the Alien Invaders they eventually succeed in Saving Humanity but in the process Superman Wally West Wonder Woman and Batman all die Superboy lacks and Hal Jordan are all the remains of the team and so the Super 7 becomes the super three but then Hal Jordan leaves to locate more meta-humans so it becomes the super two Matrix first appearing in Superman issue 16 released in April of 1988 Matrix is a very weird character remember how I said earlier in the video that at one point DC really wanted Superman to be the sole survivor of Krypton while it affected the dcau it really affected the comics as when a new supergirl was introduced she couldn't be from Krypton so instead of like coming up with an explanation like oh she's probably another world that was like a Kryptonian Colony world it was decided that she would be a shape-shifting creature known as Matrix The Matrix was created by Lex Luthor from a pocket dimension Matrix would then be sent into the main series DC Universe by pocket Dimension Lex in order to recruit Superman to help them battle some Kryptonian criminals rampaging in the pocket Dimension Superman would help out but the pocket Dimension would end up being wiped out now orphaned Superman invited Matrix to live in the main DC Universe where she'd take up the mantle of Supergirl and like I mentioned earlier would begin dating Lex Luthor's son who was actually just like Luther in Disguise she would continue to be Supergirl for quite a long time until eventually she merged herself into a dying woman named Linda Danvers matrix's story would continue but only in the body of Linda Danvers Supergirl the earth-born angel first appear against Supergirl issue 1 released in September of 1996 Linda Danvers like I said merged with Matrix became Supergirl Linda's life before becoming Supergirl was very dark as originally she was just a normal person who would eventually begin dating a cultist named Buds and he had her join his cult this would lead to her doing some pretty horrible things and eventually be kidnapped by Buzz and murdered as part of a ritual that's when Matrix showed up infused with her Linda was now forced to live with two different minds and memories hers and matrixes which wasn't something easy but she would eventually be able to live with it she would continue to be the main Supergirl for quite a while and in her final years she would be separated from Matrix but was able to keep the Supergirl Powers but she wasn't able to keep her earthborn angel firepowers oh did I not mention that when Matrix merged with Linda she became the earthborn angel of Fire it turns out when two beings are merged together at the point of death and beyond all hope they become an earthborn angel as the angel of fire she was given new powers like teleportation flame vision and was even given Wings made of fire like I said earlier she would be separated from Matrix so she would lose these powers and the status of being an earthboard angel but she was one for quite a while with her spending so much time as both Supergirl and an angel of fire she spent a lot of time in both the standard superhero side of DC and the supernatural side you're watching Superman Saturday on Boomerang now you'll tell me why Superman peanut butter tastes so great never so fresh roast it's so creamy so yummy that its secret will be mine all mine yeah he spoiled again just wait Superman I'll find out Superman peanut butter its strength is its Great Taste we now return to Superman Saturday on Boomerang Superman emergency Squad first appearing in Superman's pal Jimmy Olsen issue 48 released in November of 1960 the super ban emergency Squad is a group of kryptonians who live in the shrunken city of Candor who will occasionally come out of the city to help superban or Supergirl they all look identical to Superman and pretty much have all of Superman's abilities though because they all live in the city of Candor they're all extremely small there was even a super girly emergency Squad created at one point made up entirely of Supergirls fan club but there was even once a Bizarro emergency Squad after Bizarro cloned kandor canceled krypton's spin-off show in June 2019 it was announced that Krypton would be receiving a spin-off series based on Lobo it would be produced by Cameron Welsh and star Emmett J Scanlan as Lobo however two months after it was announced Krypton was canceled alongside the spin-off Series so it didn't really have much of a life Supergirl becomes a werewolf in Adventure Comics issue 387 released in December of 1969 a woman named Dr Sanford tells Supergirl that she'll make a serum that'll make her immune to Kryptonite Supergirl tries it out and it actually works but it also turns her into a werewolf well not a complete werewolf because she doesn't immediately Maul Dr Sanford but she looks like one so she continues her normal life as best as she can she even has a human mask made for her shortly after this some astronauts need saving and so Superman goes and saves them but the rocket explodes which somehow opens up a rift in space and time an alternate universe Supergirl then enters through the rift and it's revealed that in her reality Earth 387 everybody looks like a werewolf and when the Supergirl of that world took the same serum that this universe is Supergirl took it also made her immune to kryptonites but it made her look like a normal human Dr Sanford from the normal universe and the fur Universe then compare notes and create a serum that turns their super girls back to normal the werewolf Supergirl returns to her reality and the day is saved but what about the rift in space-time well Supergirl is able to seal it shut with her heat vision because that's a thing that kryptonians can do apparently by the way Dr Sanford in Earth 387 never appear or mentioned again side note Superman has this weird alien friend millions of light years away from Earth it's never explained who he is and he never shows up again but I think he looks pretty funny brother I Superman first appearing in the new 52 Futures End fcbd Special Edition released in June 2014 this alternate universe version of Superman is a cyborg zombie controlled by the Rogue AI brother I in this universe brother I was created by Batman and Mr terrific to protect Humanity but like so many other Rogue AI stories brother I comes to the conclusion that humanity is the ultimate threat against humanity so it begins to kill every single humanoid on the planet but instead of just leaving them dead brother I uses Nano machines to revive the dead and turn them into obedient cyborg zombie soldiers pretty much everybody in this universe is either killed or turned into cyborgs Blue Beetle Jon Stewart's Barry Allen Captain Cold grifter Wonder Woman Booster Gold Zatanna Aquaman and yes even Superman as a cyborg zombie this Superman still has a decent amount of his old abilities however his new nanotech gives him a ton of abilities he didn't have before like an arm Cannon and super intelligence he's also got four robotic Walker legs which is pretty cool Superman peanut butter in 1981 Sunnyland refining company in DC Comics teamed up to produce Superman peanut butter this was actually DC's first ever licensing deal for a brand of food this was a fairly new food company though so DC Warner Bros and Sunnyland themselves were a bit worried that this peanut butter brand wouldn't be able to compete with the other far more popular established brands their worries were put to rest as when Superman peanut butter made it to store shelves it became a huge hit this was because while Sunnyland wasn't really a super well-known brand Superman was and so people just bought it because they liked Superman despite it being fairly popular they stopped producing it in the late 1980s as for the food itself it wasn't really anything special apparently it was just your standard peanut butter though according to the commercials it had great strength that came from its taste Kryptonian laws In Action Comics issue 289 released in June 1962 Supergirl decides that she wants to play matchmaker for Superman because she thinks that he'll never find love so she travels back in time to arrange a meeting between Superman and Helen of Troy because she's the daughter of Zeus and was known at the time of being the most beautiful woman ever this doesn't really work out at all so Supergirl then takes Superman to the Future where she's like you should go date Saturn girl and so Superman starts making out with her only for lightning man to show up and say dude that's my wife so the duo returned to their time and Superman tells her that if he wants to get married it would have to be with someone who's as super and lovable as Supergirl but we can't get married because we're cousins there are certain countries where that's allowed but on Krypton that's unlawful Superman then leaves and Supergirl's like okay I'll use the computers in the Fortress of Solitude to find supermanic perfect girlfriend I'm just gonna stop real quick and say that this is one of the weirdest interactions in all of comics anyways she's able to discover a woman who would be perfect for Superman named Luma line a from the far-off planet of starl turns out that Luma is a super-powered being that looks just like Supergirl if she was a little bit older end of the pair it actually hit it off pretty well until they discover that the sun's yellow solo rays are killing her so Luma is forced to return to her Homeworld and Supergirl gives up trying to get Superman laid decades later in jlaja virtue advice written by Jeff Johns and David S goyer and released in February 2003 power girl randomly makes out with Superman which confuses the hell out of them now why did she do this well it wasn't her well I mean it was her but it was the villain lust no not that lust possessing Power Girl still weird very weird but uh not as weird as if she was like in full control does this Kryptonian cousin law include alternate universe versions would that even count I don't know let's just hold the DC Comics never does anything like this again because this is just really weird jab bush in October of 2015 U.S presidential candidates and political loser Jeb Bush was asked who his favorite Marvel heroes were instead of answering the question he said he would like to own Marvel because of his love for capitalism and he liked the movies he then said Batman was his favorite and that Melissa benowitz Supergirl was hot in response to this Melissa benowitz stated that she doesn't really know what to think of this quote and that she's glad that Jeb Bush is excited to watch the show I don't think he did though I'll be completely honest with you this doesn't really fit on the Superman Iceberg but I thought this was really funny it's my video so it's going in please clap Gandy charkakowsky Superman cartoon in 2013 animation Legend Gandhi tartakovsky was hired by Warner Bros and Cartoon Network to develop a series of Superman shorts for the Cartoon Network block DC Nation sadly the project never made a past concept art as the project was canceled early in development Superman meets Al Capone in Superman issue 142 released in January of 1961 while attempting to travel back in time to figure out titano's height so that Perry white can write a story for the Daily Planet Superman ends up Landing in the 1920s because of titano's kryptonite vision so Superman is stuck in the 1920s for a while until the Kryptonite wears off while the 1920s he disguised himself as a gangster and is hired by Al Capone and so Clark plans to stop Al Capone by acting as a double agent messing with his plans from the inside while working under Al Capone Superman has to fake a cop's death and deliver illegal bootleg alcohol it's all going pretty well until the criminal that Superman has been pretending to be Vincent is mentioned on a radio stating how he's in jail Al Capone and the rest of the gangsters then instantly jump to the conclusion that superban is an FBI informant and try to kill him Superman's just like all right I give up I guess I'll just let him get arrested for tax evasion Superman then leads the 1920s and Al Capone is eventually arrested for tax evasion Unforgiven released in May 1994 it written by Christopher priest Unforgiven is an elseworld story that tells the story of what would happen if the Kryptonian Empire invaded Earth and occupied the planet in this universe cal-l is originally part of the Kryptonian Empire but after spending years of hearing about various war crimes and authoritarian actions being enacted by the Empire Cal eventually turns against his own people and sides with Batman who is one of Earth's final Freedom Fighters Bruce has been fighting the good fight for roughly 30 years at this point so he's a much older Batman and speaking of old folks the Kents also exists in this universe and they're just one of the many many slaves forced to work for their cryptonian overlords anyways once Batman is captured by Lex Luthor who is siding what the occupying forces against his own people he's freed by Superman as a freedom fighter Kal-El takes up the mantle of Superman and teams up with fellow resistance Fighters like Lois Lane and is eventually forced to face off against Luthor and his own father jorel honestly surprised that Kal-El didn't turn against the Kryptonian sooner I mean they forced him to wear this every day like what is this Lex Luthor kills Abraham Lincoln in Superboy issue 85 released in December of 1960 Clark attends an event in honor of Abraham Lincoln day while there he's like what if I were to save him somebody travels back in time to 1865 and attempts to find Lincoln instead of fighting the president he discovers Lex Luthor who's got some red kryptonite on him it turns out he's here because he was being chased by Superman for the 1960s so he went back in time to hide and so Clark isn't able to warn Abraham Lincoln in time as Luthor has him trapped thinking that Clark's only in 1865 to capture him it's only after Lincoln is killed that Lex Luthor realizes why Superboy was here in the first place and he's just like oh my God I prevented you from Saving Lincoln I may be evil but I respected him he then lets Superboy go it feels extremely guilty for what he's done while he failed here there is actually a story where Superman was able to save Lincoln's life in superband issue 146 released in July of 1961 he attempts to go back in time to stop Atlantis from sinking and he's actually able to do it he decides to travel throughout history and prevent tragedies with the assassination of Lincoln just being one of them however he then realizes that this was actually an alternate universe and so that the Lincoln in his reality is still killed by John Wilkes Booth the supermobile a lot of people online will make fun of the fact that Sonic the Hedgehog has a car in certain racing games like why would he need one the dude's the fastest thing alive surprisingly nobody ever talks about how Superman also has a car not like you know Clark Kent's car I mean Superman's car the supermobile first appearing in world's finest issue 77 released in July of 1955 the supermobile was created by Batman as a gift for superman but it wasn't like a friendly gesture or something he kind of had to because in a recent battle with a villain named Professor Pender Batman and Superman were both zapped with a ray that caused them to switch powers so Batman got powers and uh Superman lost his so Batman converted the Batmobile into the supermobile for a brief period of time years later it Action Comics issue 481 released in March 1978. Superman would get an actual supermobile after losing his powers for a brief period of time Superman was once again forced to use a vehicle but this supermobile was a lot different from the one that Batman created this vehicle could replicate most of Superman's powers like flight super hearing super breath x-ray vision and even super punches after this story it would occasionally be used but it would eventually Fall Into Obscurity which I think was something DC was okay with as Carrie Bates one of the creators of the supermobile claimed that it was only created in the comics to promote the Corgi Toys toy line sand Superman first appearing in Superman will shoot 233 released in January of 1971 sand to Superman is a bizarre creature known as a cormor it was created when a portal was created after a nuclear meltdown occurred in the middle of the desert Superman attempted to stop the belt down but failed and so when the explosion happened it knocked him out he'd eventually wake up and discovered that due to the explosion he no longer had any more weaknesses after he left a quormer emerged from the portal and attached itself to the imprint Superman left in the desert creating sand of Superman it would follow Superman around for a few and absorb some of his energy which resulted in Superman losing bits and pieces of his powers over time after a while the Sans man comes to the conclusion that only one Superman can exist in this reality Superman then is just like dude if you're not gonna give me my powers back you at least like save Metropolis for villains and sand Superman's like nah I'm good wanting his powers back Superman was then given most of them back by AI Ching this almost kills Sans Superman wanting its powers back it would attempt to take them back again but was eventually forced to work with him in order to stop a monster after stopping it sand Superman was like all right soups I'm gonna take your powers now but then I Ching showed up and was like wait if you fight Superman the Earth will blow up and so Sans Superman is like oh I'm sorry that I'll I'll leave with only half of your powers and so he returns to his Dimension with half of saran's powers since then the idea of sand Superman has been toyed around a bit like in Action Comics Futures End where we see a reality where sand Superman is Created from the aftermath of one of Superman's final battles but in this reality he's a good guy Mike Flanagan's ranfilm in November 2022 it was revealed by director Mike Flanagan that he had actually met with Warner Bros in 2017 to discuss possible projects for him to work on this would ultimately lead to him working on the film Dr sleep but according to Flanagan he had showed up to the meeting to discuss a potential horror film starring Clayface and a potential Superman Project as of right now nothing is known about what the Superman Project would have been could it have been Man of Steel 2 a reboot an elsewhere's project at the moment nobody knows except Mike Flanagan and those that he met at Warner Bros horrible 90s costumes in the 1990s a lot of characters in both Marvel and DC went through some radical design changes and a lot of them were pretty bad Superman and some of his related characters were hit pretty hard with these redesigns for example in Superman Doomsday Hunter prey Superman is given a new costume called the mother box armor this armor can heal any of Superman's wounds and even teleport Himes anywhere he wants he's also got a lightsaber that plugs into his thigh strap but when it comes to like looks it screams action figure oh wait also there's the black suit he wore when he returned from the dead and I know that people like it now I'm fine with it personally but what I'm not fine with is the idea of Superman packing heat power girl also went through some weird design changes like this one with a yellow open chest swimsuit and the sweater collar she also had this one which was inspired by her avantian Heritage because for a while power girl was retconned into actually being an Atlantean except it was later retconned that she wasn't actually General Zod on the squad in 2017 a very strange thing happened to the 2016 David Ayer film Squad where after freeing General Zod from The Phantom Zone Amanda Waller had the squad beat him up which they were actually able to do due to the fact that Zod wasn't as full strength he would then be imprisoned by Amanda Waller and have a bomb planted in his head meaning that yes for a brief period of time General Zod was forced to join the bye bye man yourself Squad this would last very long as while Zod did work with them for a few he was eventually like nah I'm good and used his laser vision to remove the bomb from his head and afterwards he wasn't very happy it began fighting the squad the feral Man of Steel released in June 1994 and written by Darren vizenzo the feral Man of Steel is an Ellsworth story that tells the story of what would happen if Kal-El landed in the jungles of India instead of Kansas The Story begins with Kal-El or as he's known in this universe cool uh kll it is almost killed by a tiger named Khan he's then rescued by some wolves and the pack raised him as one of their own as he grows up he befriends a black panther named John Baja and starts to develop his powers one day returns home to find that his wolf family is dead killed by some Hunters kalal beats them up and flies away he then kills Khan the tiger and skins him wearing his body later when Lex Luthor and Lois Lane arrive in India during an expedition kowal leads an animal Army to wipe them out but the attack is called off when Kalel is like wow Lois Lane is pretty if you haven't figured it out by now this story is heavily influenced by Tarzan in The Jungle Book lexling captures Kal-El and attempts to use him to assassinate Queen Victoria so that he can take control of England Cal refuses fights Lex and Lex is killed by some dude named Sir Richard who's a real person by the way Khalil is then named Clark and is taken in as a member of the British Empire and becomes a colonizer no really that's the ending that's he he spreads the British Empire around the world what a happy ending Superman XX first appearing in Superman issue 181 released in November of 1965 Clarken t-5477 aka Superman XX is the Superman of the year 2965. he's got most of Superman's standard abilities but he's also got one major advantage over his 20th century ancestor he's immune to Kryptonite though he does have a Kryptonite alternative the Earth's oceans it turns out by the year 2965 Humanity will have a war called the pollution War which will end up making the world's oceans toxic to people I wish I could say this was unrealistic anyways his main villain seems to be Muto a time-traveling alien and also Joker XX because I guess everybody in 2965 is just like we gotta put XX after everything Batman XX even shows up to help ran XX battle Joker XX during this battle Joker XX gets struck by lightning and dies it also turns out that joker XX killed Batman xx's dad to wrap this entry up Superman XX actually appeared a handful of times in comics with his most recent appearance being Superman issue 136 released in July of 1998 where he battles some robots super brother against Super Brother in Superman issue 200 released in October of 1967 an imaginary story about Superman and his brother hyper man was told well it was originally an imaginary story but like a lot of the imaginary stories it was later retconned into being Another Universe this one being Earth 200 anyways The Story Goes that in kryptonopolis the capital city of Krypton that Brainiac has shrunken but don't worry and this universe Brainiac is actually a good guy calall and his brother norel were part of a competition to see who would become Earth Superman norelle would end up beating Kalel in the competition and so he became Superman and took up the alternate identity Ken Clarkson Norrell would do a pretty good job as superband until he'd eventually be beaten up with some Kryptonite which required Kalel to travel the metropolis and save him the two Bros teamed up and the day was saved Cal would then take up the mantle of hyperman and the secret identity of LeBlanc and fight crime in Canada Supergirl and Comet the horse so combat the horse is well known for being Supergirl's horse but what many people forget is that he's actually not a horse he's just a centaur that looks like a horse originally Comet was a centaur named Byron who is turned into a horse by the Sorceress Cersei but in cersei's defense it wasn't actually her fault some Wizards swapped the potions around and he just ended up becoming a horse but Cersei thought it was her fault and so gave Byron a potion that gave him immortality and superpowers that he was launched into space in an asteroid where he'd be freed by Supergirl centuries later Byron would become obsessed with Supergirl and would later reunite with her which would lead to the pair teaming up Byron now known as comet would eventually meet a wizard who would give him the ability to turn into a human whenever a comet passed by Earth he didn't tell Supergirl about this new human identity and so when Supergirl saw him she fell in love with him without knowing that he was her horse by the way Byron in his human form made out with Lois Lane ones and she was really into it so Cara unknowingly fell in love with a horse but surprisingly she's not the only Supergirl to fall in love with the horse because of course not years later Linda Danvers the earthborn angel that I talked about earlier fell in love with a dude named comet whose comet well he's not come with the horse this is the combination of a dead horse jockey named Andrew Jones and a woman named Andrea Martinez and because they were combined they became an earthborn angel before being combined with Andrea Martinez Andrew Jones had an accident that almost costed him his life and was only saved by combining his DNA with horse DNA that turned him into a horse-like humanoid and so in the combined they took the form of a centaur but he wasn't always a centaur as he was originally just a dude who'd swap between Andrea and Andrew's personalities and looked relatively human Linda would only be in love with the Andrew personality while he looked like this comet would only become a centaur after being tortured by the earthborn angel of Light so I guess in all fairness this Supergirl didn't fall in love with a horse she just fell in love with a dude named Comet who was the combination of a dead horse jockey mutant and a random woman who would eventually become a centaur son man son man is a canceled side-scroller action game that was planned to be released in 1992. developed by eim and published by sunsoft this game was mostly completed before its cancellation now you might be wondering why I'm talking about this game since Superman isn't in it well it's because Superman was originally going to be in the game in 2008 the game's director kaijiano confirmed in an interview that sun man was originally going to be a Superman game much like sunsoft's two Batman games during development of the game DC backed out of the deal and so eim had to remove all traces of Superman from the game resulting in Sun man in 2009 Sunman was leaked online and you can currently play it using an NES emulator and finally in 2014 a rom hack for the leaked prototype was released that reintroduced all the Superman elements yayem was forced to remove Superman owned by Marvel during the 1980s DC Comics was going through some serious Financial issues and in 1984 during discussions on what to do about these problems DC management began considering selling Superman Batman Wonder Woman Green Lantern the Justice League Teen Titans and the Legion of Superheroes to Marvel Comics this idea was given so much thought that John Bryan wrote a script injury cover for Superman the first Marvel issue the first installment of Superman's time under Marvel this idea was scrapped however as Marvel was hit with a Anti-Trust lawsuit which caused a Marvel to get cold feet about the whole deal as for this canceled issue the script itself hasn't leaked online but Jim shooter has written a description of what the script's story was it was basically just a retelling of the Superman origin story with Lex Luthor showing up in the final panel as for the cover art it's sadly never surfaced power girls diet soda addiction in the late 1980s and early 1990s Power Girl joined Justice League Europe and had many different adventures with them however during the course of her career with them her behavior got more and more aggressive and so doctor liked it some research and found out that the reason why power girl is so aggressive isn't because she herself is aggressive no no no it's the diet soda she's drinking how did she become addicted to diet soda well she apparently started drinking it to lose weight to live up to the ideal female body created by men when she's confronted about the issue she vows to quit drinking diet soda and if so the world quickly forgot about power girls diet soda addiction superband George Washington General custard and Abraham Lincoln go to the 24th century In Action Comics issue 399 released in April 1971 Superman gets plucked out of time and sent off to the 24th century why was he taken to the Future well for history class when Superman wakes up he's met with George Washington Abraham Lincoln and his General George Custer he's then told by scientists that he was killed in the 20th century by a space energy manta ray vampire Comics are wild Superman's just like no no I wasn't what are you talking about he's then told that scientists on Earth then created two different clones of him in order to continue the Superman Legacy after the first clone died the people of the Future made a second one and then they tried a Gaslight Superman into thinking that he's the second clone who also died and had been teleported to the Future to prevent his death however when this clone died he saved the Earth and so Superman now believing that he is the second clone Returns the 20th century to await the day he must sacrifice his life for the earth except when he does return to his time and does do the mission that results in his supposed death he doesn't actually die he then realizes that the future he was taken to was the future of an alternate universe Earth so he's just fine and not actually a clone also in this universe Abraham Lincoln was elected president for Life George Washington freed the slaves and George Custer is the chief of the Native American Federation Man of Steel woman of Kleenex written in 1969 Man of Steel woman of Kleenex is an essay written by Larry Niven about how he thinks that Superman wouldn't be able to bang and have kids with human women he argues that the genetic DNA in Superman's stuff would cause serious harm to any human woman also according to Larry if Superman is able to get Lois Lane pregnant when the Kryptonian baby hybrid kicks it would annihilate Lois it's a very weird essay that concludes that the best way for Superman to have a kid on earth is for a fetus to be implanted in his abdomen and born through a C-section I hate this I have no idea if I can link this so I'm not taking the risk if you want to find it it's not hard and I guess neither man all right and that's it that's the end of the Superman Iceberg that's three hours and uh I think 25 26 minutes uh insane it uh I knew it was gonna be this long going into it I knew it was going to be around this length um yeah uh really I would just say outside of um please share this around uh give it a like comment Etc um subscribe if you like the contents there'd be there's gonna be a lot more Iceberg stuff in the next year um I don't normally ask those things but this is a this was a really big project so I figured I'd ask but uh I mean it's the end of the video so like like two people are gonna see this but I hope you enjoyed this video uh I I know I certainly enjoyed baking anti-learned a whole whole hell of a lot about Superman stuff uh I I have come out of this with a newfound respect well I already ironed have respect for the character but like I I have I have a new interest in Superman as I'm trying to say here is that um I'll probably check out some more of more of his comics and stuff like that uh actually purchased the uh a big ominous of uh abidus whatever like the big collection of the the death and Return of Superman story arc it's like a thousand fifteen like 1500 pages bought that recently I'm gonna read that soon I just did this Iceberg you know I mean it made me interested in the character and I hope it made you interested in the character in case you weren't uh super big into Superman not much else to say uh have a good one have a great Christmas have a great Hanukkah Kwanzaa whatever holiday you celebrate have a great holiday and uh trust me there's gonna be a lot of uh content next year there's gonna be a whole whole heck of a lot of stuff so stay tuned for that really stretching it the length here so I'll wrap it up uh have a good one stay safe see you next year we all hung out in the coffee shop called poopies
Channel: Pigpen
Views: 992,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Superman, Pigpen, Pigpen iceberg, Superman Iceberg, Iceberg meme, DC iceberg, iceberg, meme, DC Comics, Man of Steel, Man of Steel 2, DCEU, Supergirl, The Flash, Power Girl, Lex Luthor, Batman, Brainiac, Injustice 3, Superboy, Superman Returns, Arrowverse, Superman Returns 2, Superman 1978, Lois Lane, Lana Lang, General Zod, Batman v. Superman, Justice League, Justice League iceberg, Snydercut, Snyderverse, Shazam, Black Adam, Super Horse, Superman Lives, Wonder Woman, Kryptonite
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 208min 17sec (12497 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2022
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