DEAD SPACE: Original Hammond vs Remake Hammond

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while I do not think the new Hammond is a bad character at all he is quite different from the original Hammond both Hammonds have pros and cons to their characters but when comparing the two it does seem that people on the internet at least prefer the original Hammond to the new one I don't think it's a case of people just picking the original Hammond because he's the original but they are different characters in a lot of aspects so before I give you my opinion let's compare the two visually the two Hammond do look a bit different the original Hammond looks to be of an older age you can see hard lines on his face gives him the appearance of someone that has seen some [ __ ] he's been through some [ __ ] it also adds to his commanding nature it's like some old alpha male type [ __ ] going on and not only is he the guy in charge here but he looks like it too new Hammond looks quite younger to me compared to the Old Hammond you could say he almost has like a baby face going on at least compared to the original Hammond however I think new Hammond's appearance fits with his new personality so it's not really an issue just an observation and both Hammond are in a tiptop shape but New Hammond is a bit taller and a bit more muscular so visually they are a bit different but the changes aren't that drastic as uh some of the other characters however the Hammond's personalities are quite different and actually there's some pretty big changes made in the opening sequence that really changes the way the player views Hammond's character so let's take a look at that first first the original Hammond from the start of the game he is clearly the guy in charge not just in the sense of like a job title like Hammond's my boss but in the sense of like he is running this operation he has knowledge experience and expertise this is shown early to the player when he corrects kendro when she doesn't say the correct name of the ishimura so that's ishimura impressive the USG is shimura biggest planet cracker in her class you're going to need to boost a signal if her power's low yes we know boost the signal but when [ __ ] hits the fan it is Hammond that saves the crew that guance t is damage switch to manual now inside the magnetic field are you insane for no he can make it inside corpal gave you an order The Field's too strong is everyone okay what what the hell were you thinking were you trying to get us killed I just saved our ass Miss Daniels if we had aborted at that speed and distance we'd have smashed right into the side the ishimura now settle down let's get to work you now you got Kendry yelling to abort the landing procedure which yeah I think anyone would have thought the same thing I mean the pilot nearly does this is he's yelling about the magnetic field being too strong but Hammond straight up takes command of the situation gives the order to not abort and to continue landing and when the original Hammond gives an order you better [ __ ] listen corpal gave you an order all right we've still got a job to do we're moving out which after the rough Landing KRA starts yelling at Hammond and on first playr I think most players are thinking the same thing Kindra is you know it's a horror game and now this guy just gave the order to crash their ship why the [ __ ] would he do this now we're going to be stranded here but original Hammond quickly counters Kendra's Outburst by telling her if they had boarded at those speeds they would have crashed right into the side of the ishimura and everyone would be dead and then to end the sequence after everyone just almost died he's all like okay let's go people we have a job to do to him this is just another day on the job he's hard as a [ __ ] literally ham is in his name now let's look at the opening sequence from the Remake while New Hammond is the one in charge he doesn't have as much of a presence as the Old Hammond he seems a little green and on my recent survey one commenter replied that the new Hammond seem too innocent and I agree with that which it isn't a bad trait at all but in a situation where Necromorphs are trying to rip you apart it surely is not a positive now the whole intro sequence plays out in a similar fashion to the original but Hammond's character doesn't really give examples of being knowledgeable or being experienced Kindra makes a slight joke about him by saying anything is better than listening to ham and sight security protocols once apart with only vid calls it's rough easy to say the wrong thing I don't blame you I'd listen to my girlfriend over Hammond reciting security protocols for warned is forarm Miss Daniels so you keep saying I don't think she would really get away with that attitude if it was the Old Hammond I'm not sure Old Hammond would even recite security protocols for no reason I don't think he would really need to because he already knows them all he's called out by Kendra for digging through her files which he retorts is just standard background check maybe it was a standard check maybe it wasn't either way she caught him and he's uh taken by surprise just be careful on the approach I'm not taking any chances with the CC's Pride and Joy No chances huh is that why you were digging into my Personnel files before we left you track your file access I'm a computer analyst comes with a job I ran standard C background checks miss Daniels if you want to work in the big leagues you have to play ball the crash sequence is a bit different and doesn't have Kindra yelling to abort nor does it have Hammond ordering the pilot to land the craft during the crash sequence it is the player's character Isaac that suggests to ster towards an emergency landing Beacon which ends up saving everyone which is good to show how Isaac can think fast under pressure and shows he's well versed on the ishimura he mentions he uh is like glad I looked over the ship's manual or some [ __ ] so we know he's a smart guy so I can see why they wanted to change this part to like highlight the main character however it does change the way how the player sees Hammond very early on as he hasn't really made any sort of impact yet once inside the terminal Old Hammond seems confused and a little pissed that no one is inside you know it's the fact that standard procedure isn't being followed so he's a little annoyed seems like everyone was trying to pack in a hurry there should be a security detail in here yeah well there's not there's nobody here I can't pick up any broadcasts well that security console is still alive Isaac log in and see what you can find Kendra get that elevator back online power's dead I can't then weot the damn power and when he tells Kendra to open the door and she gives him another Nai remark he snaps at her will rro the damn power God this little scene is great you can see it in Hammond's face before he yells at her he just knows KRA is going to start bitching and you can just tell he can't take it anymore back online's dead I can't then we root the damn power most players at this point are kind of kind of on the side of Kindra where they're like come on Hammond can't you see something's not right here something's going on but Hammond isn't here to complain he's here to get [ __ ] done another interesting point here is once you've played the game and you know Kendra is undercover and she's been trying to slowly create Discord from the start I'm sure that reaction from Hammond was really what she wanted I'm sure Hammond knows she should be able to get the door open hell it's probably something basic for someone with her job title which is why he ultimately yelled at her and him losing his temper for just that one second really makes his character seem more human and relatable but yet at the same time he never really loses his cool he quickly regains his composure he has control over himself he tells the group to just all cooperate if anything the situation reaffirms his command of the group and right after that when he tells you to go to the computer display it's like uh okay yes sir right away sir like you [ __ ] listen to what he says right uh but in the remake when you enter the terminal area on the Remake everything plays out in a similar fashion but it lacks the back and forth between Kindra and Hammond nothing really notable happen there's nothing logged no duty roster no power to the elevator for God's sake that security console is still working Isaac get a damage report I'm done playing around when the player makes his way to the tram area he once again stumbles into Hammond Den Kindra and I really like the way this scene plays out Isaac Isaac God I can't believe you made it Isaac we ranom all of them on the way over here are you okay more what what the hell are those things is that the crew keep your voice down whatever they are they're not friendly and half the doors on this ship are locked because of the quarantine now we have to get to the bridge but first we got to repair the tram system you're crazy Hammond you're going to get us all killed if you listen to me I will get you out of here Alive Now what's wrong with the tram the data board is fried but there should be a spare in the maintenance Bay there's also a broken tram blocking the tunnel that needs to be repaired damn it everything is on the other side of this quarantine we can't reach it from here no we can't but you can Isaac if I can get to the bridge I should be able to access the Personnel files you fix the tram and I'll help you find Nicole you know Hammond could have easily crumbled under all this pressure with this new extremely deadly situation they've all found themselves in instead his confidence is what comes through the most and KRA starts yelling about something we're all going to die whatever and he tells her to lower her voice because you know there's [ __ ] deadly creatures lurking uh he's thinking clearly then the most confident voice he tells her if you listen to me I will get you out of here live what a badass and it really is said in a way where you truly want to to believe him and I don't know I really love this last bit here you fix the tram and I'll help you find Nicole this is really cool by telling Isaac just straight away if he fixes the tram he will help Isaac find Nicole because in this situation no doubt everyone is in like survival mode and uh in order to survive Hammond must reach the bridge and he knows why Isaac even took this mission in the first place which is because Isaac wanted to visit his wife Nicole and now they've been attacked by these Necromorphs Hammond knows what Isaac is thinking Isaac is of course thinking about Nicole and if she is okay and where the [ __ ] is she so with just this one sentence Hammond is helping himself and he's helping Isaac he doesn't try to beat around the bush just straight to the point I'll help you find Nicole you know he's a very smart guy in the remake this scenario plays out in a similar fashion once again but now Isaac joins in on the conversation as well ISAC oh my God Isaac you made it just they're everywhere Shen is he uh he's gone nothing I could do what the [ __ ] are these things the ones I saw some of them were wearing ishimura uniforms they're the crew how the hell can they be the crew look at them we need to get to the bridge there's a thousand people on board someone will be there we can't the tram system's wrecked everything's locked down because of the quarantine and you're both repaired Tex so how do we do this there's a broken tram car blocking the tunnel it's Gad loock the system and the data board's burned out I can't lift the lock down or call the tram until we get a spare from the maintenance Bay but it's all on Isaac's side of a quarantine I'll handle it just make sure there's power to the repair systems and Isaac yeah I'm sure Nicole's okay she's a doctor right she'll do the smart thing yeah yeah she always does find somewhere safe I'll be back soon and I like when Hammond calls KRA out here saying well you're both repair techs I'm not sure if KRA is actually repair Tech that she was then hired to go undercover by earthgov or if she worked at earthgov already and is just some sort of Genius that is pretending to be a repair Tech but either way I wonder if she kind of slipped up here and Hammond's like what the hell's going on and calls her out on it whether or not this whole scenario is better or worse than the original it's not really my point but simply Hammond's character here is just way more direct into the point in the original game he's a man with a plan and you just can't help but feel like you trust him in the original game while in the remake he's just kind of there I mean he does make the good point of so fix it but I don't know it's just not as uh doesn't feel as good to me but uh one other thing to point out here is in the original it's Hammond that calls you on the video call so he takes up most of the space in the camera but in the remake it's Kindra that calls you so she seems bigger as she is closer to the camera and while it's a small detail I think it does make Hammond seem not as uh imposing or in charge or boss like maybe even makes him seem like less confident as it's Kindra who's up front and takes the initiative with the call and in the sense of space Kindra here is bigger than Hammond because in the call screen she is bigger this was obviously done on purpose by the developers as they changed this around on purpose I mean maybe as a way to make Kindra seem more trustworthy for those that didn't know the or hadn't played the game yet and didn't know she was undercover I'm really not sure why else they would swap them around however swapping them around here doesn't really do Hammond's character any favors so once the player goes off and fix fixes the tram and comes back the scenario plays out where Hammond continues to go boss mode on kindra's ass all right we're on board and heading to the bridge good work strange the quarantine just lifted whatever was in the flight Lounge must have left that's lucky for us Isaac get back to the Kellon and prep it for launch we'll find out where we can from the bridge and meet you there if we live that long you're out of your league Hammond this is suicide we're going to die out here confidence in me is to be noted Miss Daniels but I have a mission to complete and that's exactly what I am going to do with or without you do we understand each other just get us out of here alive shrugging off her concerns by saying her lack of confidence is duly noted he doesn't say that kendr will make it only if she wants to live then do what he says it's like he doesn't care really what she thinks about him but uh in the remake I think this section is one where to me new Hammond really kind of Falls flat we're on board something hit the roof but it seems operational quarantine lockdowns lifted so you can get to the hanger comms are still down though so be ready for anything what's the plan you and Johnson fix up the Kellum we report to the bridge standard emergency protocol what protocol Hond people are dying here and I'm not losing anyone else we stick to procedure we'll get through this we'll see the way he says stick to procedure and I'm not losing anyone else is just kind of meh he doesn't sound like super confident I mean maybe he actually believes what he's saying but it almost sounds like he has no [ __ ] clue what's going on while Old Hammond was just on top of it also he says I'm not losing anyone else then Johnston dies back at the Kelly and about 2 minutes later so yeah and then you know a short while later he actually tells Isaac like the ex exact same thing I'm not losing anyone else and it's still holding this position what's happening there I found some hydr that should work on the barricade I'm heading back there now be careful with that Hydro Zine I'm not losing anyone else like okay man well you already said that once right before Johnston died and so it's like while he has good intentions and New Hammond seems like a really good person I mean this is not really a time for Good Intentions this is a time to get your [ __ ] together in the medical lab OG Hammond's video call is okay nothing special Isaac are you there we were attacked Kendra's gone one minute she was there and I I can't believe I lost her we can still do this get me the captain's rig codes and we'll find Nicole looks like the crew barricaded the door to the emergency Wing we have to blow through it to get to the mor get some thermite from medical storage and a shock pad from zerog G therapy should be down the corridor communication is useless in all the static here I think the Remake Hammond was a lot better than the original Isaac have you heard from Daniels we were attacked she ran the other way no nothing Medical's a slaughterhouse they bar bared access to the morg the morg yeah but the barricade was put together in a hurry a hydren tank might blow it open just need a Detonator like maybe a shock pad the Cole could be through there Isaac the one who attacked us I swear to God it was Chen but I saw him die if they barricaded the morg maybe it was to keep something in I think his comment here about the mo keeping something in plays on his new character pretty good it makes him seem like really clever and it adds to the tension of the overall horror experience later on in the game the player goes to the bridge to meet up with Hammond and uh at the end of the discussion Hammond says this by the way Isaac be careful I saw something out there I don't know what I only got a glimpse it was big really big and I really like this line it's ominous and for boing and it kind of makes you think like [ __ ] what's out there and in the remake it's really similar but I don't know it just doesn't carry the same weight with it and Isaac I heard something up there something big watch your back I don't know by now I think it's clear character-wise what kind of person OG Hammond is he's kind of the guy you probably wouldn't want for a boss at your office job you know he's probably not too fun at parties probably wakes up at 4:00 a.m. hops up immediately and proceeds to make his bed but in this situation he's the one kind of guy you would want as an ally this is why I think fans of Dead Space tend to prefer the original Hammond he's reliable and steady New Hammond just seems at times oblivious to the reality of the situation and doesn't really have the same presence about him as the original Hammond now New Hammond probably would be a lot more fun to party with or whatever but he's not as reliable as the original I think the writers probably didn't want Hammond to seem as one-dimensional as he is in the original game but at the same time it's that aspect about the original Hammond that lets the player really just get a feel for what kind of guy he is immediately also in the remake they try to add in this whole Hammond and Chin story line you can double back and cut through maintenance find the captain's body and get his rig with his codes we what was that Chen Hond [Applause] run [ __ ] could attack me I manag to trap him in [Applause] here his face I'm not seeing things right that's Chen you can't help help him Hammond he's you're right I should the hell with it Isaac you hearing this it's Chen there on the rig link did I lock him in alive Chen's dead you know that I know my own [ __ ] Corporal Chen come in Hazard detected lock down initiated another malfunction aeor is in the red someone get the door open chin Christ what that thing do to you help me get him to the Kelly sh not chck shoot him you're oh [Applause] God no quarantine lock [Music] disengaged and while there were cool things about it I don't think it really added anything to Hammond's overall character and I don't know to me it felt really cliche like I know in Dead Space it's common thing for people being affected by the marker to hallucinate and see people that aren't there or see people that are Necromorphs and not realize it but the way it's presented here almost makes it seem like a classic zombie cliche you know where someone is obviously turning into a zombie after being bit and some character just refuses to acknowledge it and that's just what it felt like to me I know it's not the same thing but it really did kind of feel like that and uh oh on a side note imagine if all the slashers looked as detailed as slasher chin does it would have been Wicked this is kind of what I expected all the slashers to look like to be honest but uh anyway I think both Hammond do work and if you prefer the new Hamming over the original there's nothing wrong with that I myself prefer the original and you know he was a little bit one-dimensional but it also lets the player just immediately pick up on who he is and what he's about he's a hard ass and experienced and he doesn't give up and while New Hammond doesn't give up either it doesn't feel like he has what it takes he also gets tricked by the marker pretty easily but at the end at least he went out like a badass so who do you prefer the OG Hammond or New Hammond as always this has been David with consternation evolved thanks for watching
Channel: Consternation Evolved
Views: 1,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hammond, Dead Space, Remake Hammond, dead space analysis, dead space character analysis, dead space remake analysis
Id: Z7IkhGHz5Nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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