Humanity's Last Line of Defense - The Black Wall | Cyberpunk 2077 Lore

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the black wall is a border developed by netwatch located within the net it is tasked with keeping rogay eyes from breaking through into the rest of cyberspace and wreaking havoc the fire wall often splits old Network systems in half leading to stories of haunted data and even severing netrunners off into the old net to never be found again at least not in their original form in the base game of 2077 we encountered the black wall alongside our initial contact with Al Cunningham or at least an AI that makes claim to her appearance and data with the release of a phantom Liberty expansion we've actually been introduced even further to the black wall but it only opens up further questions when and where did it all begin why was the black wall a necessary architecture and what importance does netw watch play in at all how will even cover the nature of the data crash theories and the type of AI that find their home in the net there will be spoilers for Phantom Liberty and the novel no coincidences included in this video so if you haven't completed Phantom Liberty or plan on reading the no coincidences novel I heavily recommend just saving the video and returning without further delay let's dive into the story of the Net's most ominous architecture the black wall we first find ourselves back in the year of 2022 the middle of the fourth corporate War a time in which it was still considered a shadow War rather than a public facing hot war milch with the assistance of solo Morgan Blackhand and Netrunner Al Cunningham had managed to convince the legendary Netrunner R bartmoss to help in their battle against arisaka by no means means did B Moss want to help any Corporation in any form but a request from his close friend alt Cunningham he just couldn't deny even with his short circuited way of thinking the goal being to hunt for the primary Soul killer 2.5 program that arisaka had in their grasp was a desperate proposal as milch even agreed to remain completely out of boss's way even in their own data forts barmas could seriously be considered a Netrunner Adam Smasher as he took great joy in causing massive collateral damage and using lethal programs it wouldn't take long for bartmoss to track down the soul killer program it actually took less than a month elated with his Discovery bartmoss we un a net crime spree against arasaka and several other non-involved corporations it was during the course of these Reckless runs that his line got traced and suddenly both milit and aisaka knew where he was aisaka immediately sent out a massive Strike Team to boss's location blackand desperate to save an asset and a friend sent in Rapid reaction milch forces to protect him the goal being to save and extract bartmoss from his location none of it would prove enough because at the end of the day when the tide seemed to be Shifting the favor of militech arisaka dropped a rock from Orbit on of location the moments leading up to his death he invited spider Murphy to a chat room and confessed his love for her in the moments of his death he activated a switch releasing the rabbits program out onto the net this program had been created as a grand Act of defiance against corporate control to be triggered in the event of his death it was designed to breach all corporate data fortresses and unleash their data on a Benet for all to access the powerful viruses Rel released were responsible for destroying the old net and infecting 78.2% of it in a matter of months an event that would be titled the data crash net traffic came to a grinding halt corporations lost billions as the stock market destabilized huge amounts of data were corrupted and countless military grade artificial intelligence were in Shackled and mutated into extremely dangerous entities after the collapse of the old net the worldwide net policing organization net watch would oversee the development of corporate City Nets which are local vpns established in reclaimed cities the establishment of the new net had a drastic outcome an opposition to everything bartmoss would have wanted every Corp government and gang would now have a net they rule with an iron fist with no regulation or accountability the net was no longer the free landscape it once was and for that many netrunners hated [Music] bartmoss netwatch would begin attempts to clear out the rabids virus and reestablish the old net after a losing 3-year battle net watch gave up and shut down all the major nodes into the old net though this didn't necessarily stop netrunners from trying to find a back door into the off-limits portion of the net net watch were essentially reduced to a police force that would troll to rescue any gonk runners who found themselves in the middle of dangerous black ice in the 2040s netwatch would finally see some change from an unexpected partnership one that they themselves would find extremely illegal and for that reason it's kept off the books two decades earlier around the time of the data crash in fourth corporate War the densely populated city of Hong Kong would fall victim to a Bop plague because of how dangerous this plague was the entire city was quarantined and sectioned off from the rest of humanity leaving it to be an abandoned remnant of the fourth corporate war and now known all over as Ghost World this title wasn't coined for the countless that died within its borders it was what happened afterward the net structures left abandoned and inaccessible were inhabited by old Cunningham who would turn the remnants into a society made of AIS that resided from the old net it's the inaccess able nature of areas like this that riddled the world that the old net couldn't just be shut down especially since every piece of tech is a part of the net in cyberpunk every single piece of tech would have to be shut down to get rid of the old net another example is the city of ban in South Korea a location that would also find all Cunningham eventually residing in it and that is why netwatch would find themselves collaborating with alt Cunningham and the Mysterious cabal of transcendent AIS the net watch head magnificent Curtis and his team of operatives with their help managed to write software that could tackle the black ice and rabids infesting the old net resulting in a mysterious project to get the net under control a project that exist on no books or official documents known only by the ominous title of the black wall the virtual firewall came up without warning out of nowhere which meant that any net Runners left stranded on the other side had no way to safely Jack out nor survive indefinitely in cyers space as a result netwatch managed to kill two birds with one stone neutralizing the threat of AIS and getting rid of troublesome hackers the black Wall's task was to secure an area of the net for human use while holding at Bay the threat of dangerous Rogue AI the price of a black wall meant abandoning major technolog olical advancements that came with self-aware AIS and sacrific access to invaluable resources and knowledge of the safekeeping of the net while netwatch would continue patrolling the black wall to assure it maintained its structure the mega corporations of arisaka and milch would soon come to a realization technological progression had stalled for decades nothing of note nothing truly evolving the species had been invented and things were stagnant the companies believe that accessing the AI behind the black wall is what's needed to push forward and whichever company wrangles them will have the advantage it's an effective arm race to pierce the black wall akin to the moon race between Russia and the USA whoever gets there first wins this was when arisaka began a netr running youth program that disguised itself as an opportunity to prosper in reality the children would be moved underground to participate in Dives beyond the black wall into the pre- datac crash net arisaka sent them looking for knowledge that was lost in the 2023 arisaka HQ bombing as V doen Vette they were susceptible to Old World demons and rogay eyes the children were picked off one by one and it didn't take long until only a handful of them were left after realizing they had become enslaved by the court Corporation the remaining children including Lucy from The Edge Runner series used their netr running skills to overwhelm the arasaka staff and Escape as the children were shot down one by one only Lucy managed to survive the first known instance for milch was Project soser or at least the reactivation of it in the mid-2010s milch began the project as a rival to the soul killer program that arisaka had their hands on to create a sort of net nuke that would provide them the advantage over arisaka this project was abandoned shortly before the data crash this bunker under the Pacifico region of KN City would later be reopened with the goal of using the soser AI as a weapon for war and to contact the AI beyond the black wall this attempt however was also abandoned shortly before of a unification war that would see dog Town taken by Kurt Hansen and his militia while arisaka would take a more direct approach probing at the black wall to gain access to a rogue Ai and information contained behind it witech was obviously taking the approach of using an AI as a mediator an objective that would spark yet again in the 2070s with a project to create an hybrid AI Laden with human emotions within the no coincidence novel we learned that they've made three attempts so far and and initiate the fourth at the end sometime before the 2077 storyline in 2077 a mercenary V would find himself with the Relic stuck in his head with an Ingram of the infamous rocker boy Johnny silveran tormenting him without pause during this time the black wall is still active as the dangers of the Rogue AI getting free could possibly cause the end of the world several Netrunner groups believe the free AI will help them conquer the virtual world world and thus look for ways to destroy the firewall be would come into contact with one of these groups the voodoo Boys in his search to prevent his untimely death at the hands of The Relic a gang that believes the breaching of the black wall is inevitable and are willing to do anything to remove the black wall and win favor with the Rog eyes or when the Net War eventually breaks out during this quest line you will learn that the black wall isn't exactly the great border everyone seems to believe it is the net watch agent Bryce Mosley describes it as a horn open trash bag taped over a busted window he would then make a proposition to V decide with him and in exchange he would remove the virus put into V's operating system by the voodoo boys if V doesn't take this deal he will continue with place's original plan and mass Target the net watch agents in the area dispatching them all V then returns to the Voodoo boys to make contact with all Cunningham from Beyond the black wall where he learns a deeper secret about the black wall that has been floated around by various sources it isn't a firewall rather is a powerful AI masquerading as ice who acts as a mediator between the old and new net an AI with the boundary condition to not allow Passage through either way one that keeps out any Rogue AI it can identify from the Secure net a job that isn't always successful at it could even be viewed as a traitor by the AI beyond the black wall alongside the less than 100% success rate there is always a risk that the black wall itself goes Rogue which could be a catastrophe for Humanity hence the off thee book's nature of the project its brittle nature is further exemplified by the Cyber psycho sighting in which malstrom attempts to or even maybe successfully summons the Rogue AI Lilith from Beyond the black wall a notion further confirmed by their participation in in Project Oracle with night Corp hell even the taxi driver delamain was actually purchased from Beyond the black wall a fact you can learn from not only dialogue but messages found in melain HQ during the don't lose your mind Quest honestly a better question at this point is who isn't poking around the black wall and attempting to utilize the AI found within depending on the actions chosen earlier the voodoo boys can either be wiped out or would have traveled beyond the black wall with the aid of all Cunningham disappearing from public view Al will then agree with v and the Soul killed silveran to save V from The Relic if provided access to the makosi database under arisaka Tower in between V's encounter with Al Cunningham and their eventual attack on arisaka B chooses to pursue an alternate lead contacted by an N USA Netrunner named Songbird he is tasked with entering dog town and saving the president Rosalind Meyers all under the guys that song birg can cure forever worsening Relic situation despite V saving the president they remain stuck in dong toown to now save their new chance at survival as Songbird finds herself in the hands of the bar guest militia's leader Bert Hansen with the aid of a FIA Sleeper Agent named Solomon Reed he tracks down a blind Voodoo boy Netrunner by the name of slider who will reveal the secret behind song Bird's unique net running power she is utilizing the black wall and for this exact reason she has been reduced to a near full Borg body and a fatal physical condition sharing a similar illness as V all of it yet again a part of milit and the N USA's plan to weaponize the black wall ahead of any other entity while there are various endings to these time and dtown they boiled down to three options kill Songbird save her or hand her over to the N USA while killing Songbird might seem like the worst option it isn't handing her over to the N USA in her deteriorated state will lead her to a much worse fate it's implied that while the NSA was capable of bringing her back to a state where she could serve the country their perspective is much more Twisted it's explained that the procedure had her undergo a change in person personality in all likelihood the N USA has successfully implanted their dual human and AI testing on a songbird and hold her as their black wall mediator despite this not everything is exactly in the N USA's favor depending on these choices and the shot by both sides Quest and USA and milit can have some major trouble aheed their way in this Quest V infiltrates a soser facility with the client Bri with the information in hand B can choose between signing with the milch agent Dante or Bri if V chooses to sign of Brie Mr hands will later contact you and let you know that she sold the milch evidence to netwatch leaving the nusa and milch to be in potentially massive danger against the rest of the world's corporations and governments who are attempting to not only breach the black wall but but also weaponize its Rogue a eyes and that's on top of their stunt at orbital air if that ends up in Cannon depending on the choices made of the end of cyberpunk 2077 either V or Johnny can agree to follow alt beyond the black wall where they will fuse with her like the rest of the constructs from makosi there is clearly an urgent situation on the other side of a black wall that would further push Al Cunningham to be Mass collecting their AI reaching the black wall and tearing down Osaka's MOSI database we get some further insight to this in the no coincidences novel through an arisaka executive named katsuo who states in reality these AIS have at their disposal Only The Limited portion of cyberspace that we seated to them nearly 40 years ago no new space has been created neither is there a back door no physical connection that leads directly beyond the pervasive barrier that is the black wall If evolution has taken place it has been determined by limited space and resources you are afraid of War but has already begun among the AI themselves it is a war over scarcity end quote as time progresses corporations will want to harness the technology provided by self-aware and evolved black wall AI it doesn't stop at arisaka and milch night Corp gangs and various smaller corporations all want in on this advancement a prospect that progressively makes netw watch's job more difficult as these corporations gangs and netrunners continue poking holes in the already weak black wall the Rog eyes gain further ability these Rog ey are running out of space and evolve to a point that the dwindling Hardware they run on is no longer sufficient expansion is needed in the fall of a black wall and merging a Mak Koshi is just the beginning the AI must expand itself throughout the entire plane of reality that is the net it would only be a matter of time until an invasion of the physical plane of reality is sparked as well a fifth corporate war and AI invasion is on its way or maybe it's already here and that Chums is all the information I have to provide to you on the black wall let me know all your thoughts down below and if this video helped further your understanding of the black wall in cyberpunk Universe I have several other lore Dives and theories lined up for Phantom Liberty so make sure to subscribe and keep up to date as always thanks to all the channel members up on screen I appreciate all the support and I'm grateful for the opportunity to make content for you all I am approaching 10,000 subscribers and I am honestly just shocked in how far this channel has come seriously thank you all so much make sure to have a great week and I will see you later Chums
Channel: LayedBackGamers
Views: 252,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cyberpunk 2077, cyberpunk 2077 phantom liberty, phantom liberty, cyberpunk 2077 expansion, cyberpunk the black wall, the black wall, phantom liberty black wall, cyberpunk 2077 black wall, cyberpunk 2.0 update, cyberpunk 2077 dlc, cyberpunk 2077 lore, cyberpunk 2077 phantom liberty lore, phantom liberty lore, cyberpunk lore, cyberpunk red, phantom liberty theory, cyberpunk 2077 lore explained, cyberpunk 2077 lore timeline, cyberpunk 2077 new ending, phantom liberty ending
Id: L3PBoSk6Z38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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