The Cutest Way To Draw A BEAR • Easy Step By Step Procreate Tutorial

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hello wonderful people it's genevieve and my goal here on this channel is to teach you all about illustration and design so if you're new make sure to subscribe so you don't miss any of the weekly videos and today you can join our wonderful drawing community in this video we are going to learn how to draw really cute little bears and i'm going to show you two ways of coloring them so one is going to be more of a watercolor feel and then the other way is going to be more of a children's books textured cartoon type of situation so grab your drawing tools and let's get started [Music] [Applause] so the first thing to do is to create a new canvas for reference these are the dimensions that i will be using in this demo and the size will really depend on your own project requirements and if you're not sure don't worry i have a video that explains all you need to know to pick your own canvas size so i will link that in description below and no matter which bear you want to draw we're all going to start with the exact same sketch so go ahead and create a new layer and rename it to sketch and in this video i'm always going to be suggesting two different brushes for every step so the first brush is just going to be a free brush that comes with the basic procreate selection and the second brush would be a brush that you would use to bring your art to the next level just be more professional and save some time but anyway the brush that you would use for the sketch would either be in the sketching panel the hb pencil or in my illustration bundle the sketching brush of course and the color is totally up to you i like sketching with a gray just like a normal gray but we won't see the sketch in the final result so it literally doesn't matter at all and we're simply going to start by sketching a loose oval and you're going to see in my sketch i'm really not super precise so i encourage you to do the same that way you're going to get lengths are just more fluid and the final result just going to look more natural and all the elements we're going to draw are just going to be slightly kind of poking out of this oval so you can see the head is just a slight curve on one side of the oval and then the legs are just like two little stubby things at the bottom of the oval um nothing complicated same for the ears i like to go with just two very small like semi-circle and i kind of add these little bumps for the toes on the legs and feet as well just to make them a little bit more i don't want to say detail because they're really not detailed but yeah detailed i guess and the arms i would challenge you to just put them in any position that you want so here i'm making my bare wave but they're really just little oval shapes so you can kind of bend and play around with to make your bear do whatever you want you can also add a tail which is going to be probably the exact same size as the ears but instead of being on the head it's going to be on the buttocks of your bear and for the nose for the eyes something super simple again just little dots and you can also add just this cute little u-shape for the mouth it's just it's just so cute come on another cute little feature you can add this just this little x on the belly button it feels more like a teddy bear but i i still i'll still draw i still like it so at this point that's really all there is to the sketch you can see it's super simple now we're going to actually add the color in two different styles like i was saying in the intro one style is going to be more watercolor and that's the one we're going to start with and for that i'm going to be using a pre-textured file but it is absolutely not essential it just adds some sort of a watercolor paper feel to the piece and if you want to check it out it will be linked in description below but again not essential so in my case i'm just going to move my bear on this side so that we can have two bears in the end but in your case you would put it obviously wherever you need it to be in your canvas and we're simply going to start by laying down the base color so for that go ahead and create a new layer rename it to color and you're going to put it below the sketch layer so to do that sometimes when you're renaming it might struggle but you just have to literally drag it with your finger and you might also want to change the blending mode of your sketch layer to multiply and lower the opacity of it until you can just barely see it now back on the color layer you can use really any color you want for your bear i'm just going to go with you know a boring brown bear and you want your color to be not too light not too dark otherwise it's not going to show so the free brush you can use here would be in the airbrushing panel it would be the hard brush and here's my pro tip you can lower the opacity of this brush to get more of a watercolor result you can see you're going to get some overlay when you overlap multiple strokes you're not going to get texture of course but i'm going to show you some little tricks that you can use um to make this brush feel a bit more like watercolor in the end otherwise you can pick the dark edges watercolor that comes from my big brush bundle if you want to check it out it will be linked in description below and it is always with a special promo code for the youtube people and all we're going to do no matter the brush is we're just going to color in all the little elements individually so the trick with watercolor brushes or any brush that has some sort of transparency is every time you lift your pencil again you're getting this overlay that i demonstrated just a few seconds ago so this overlay we're going to use to our advantage later but for now we just want to try to not lift our pencil too much so that we can lay down the base color without getting a bunch of random overlays but don't don't grow crazy over it either we're going to blend everything in the next step or in a few steps at least so just try to not lift a pencil but if you do not a big deal and once you have your base color go ahead and pick either in the airbrushing panel the medium brush that you would also lower the opacity of course or in the ultimate watercolor so from the big brush bundle the basic watercolor and here is step where we're actually going to use the overlay effect to our advantage so we're going to kind of draw the shadows by just laying over the same color over itself over and over again which is going to create some darker spots so you want to make sure that you create shadows wherever you have two different limbs or two different body parts is it body parts for a bear you get what i'm saying that overlap each other so like the arm over the body or the body over the tail and the body over the ears and you also want to add a shadow kind of around the bottom of your bear just to make it a little bit more interesting because otherwise it's going to be one big uh like solid color and this step is especially important if you're not using special watercolor brushes so if you're just using the free brushes from procreate you really want to make sure that you draw also some kind of random darker spots that are going to mimic you know watercolor pigments blending with each other and kind of spreading around a little bit more randomly and don't spend too much time here it doesn't matter that much because like i was saying we're going to blend everything together and to do that you can either use the smudge tool setting it to in the airbrushing panel again the soft brush or if you have the watercolor brushes you can pick the water blender so here at this stage all you want to do is kind of make this digital edge situation look more natural so we're just going to blend the inside edges in a little bit and that's how you're going to create again this illusion of pigments blending together so if you're using the free brushes from procreate this is really a step you need to take your time on because this is how you're going to be able to create a watercolor effect that's how you're going to just basically drag your color around and make it feel like you're dropping you know water on your your paper and on your paint so just go over and add some watercolor texture here and there blend the edges that you don't want to be sharp and then we can actually go and zoom in and kind of fix our bear a little bit so i personally like to go in with the eraser and just fix some areas that are just really not right i try to not do it too much though because especially if you're using the dark edges watercolor brush like it says in the name you get some dark edges which is something that really has a watercolor feel to it so if you go ahead and erase too much you're actually going to lose that effect so we don't want to but if you have something that just doesn't look right this is the place where you would go ahead and kind of tweak it a little bit great so we now have a really cool base but we're going to add a little bit more color variation to it so making sure you have your color layer selected you're going to pick the selection tool here and set it to freehand and you're just going to select a soft shape towards the bottom right of your bear you're then going to feather your selection somewhere between 20 and 30 percent and in the adjustment panel you're going to select use saturation brightness apply it to the entire layer and you're then going to be able to lower the brightness which is going to amplify this idea of the shadow on the bottom part of the bear you can also play with the hue a little bit but i recommend not doing it too much just maybe one percent or maybe two you're then going to go ahead and create another selection but this time it's going to be totally random and you're going to feather it somewhere around 15 and this time you're going to play with the hue so not too much still but this is kind of a way of making you feel like you used multiple colors or multiple pigments of watercolor instead of just one flat color and we can also add specific sections of different colors so to do that i'm just going to reactivate my sketch a little bit so i can see what i'm doing and again in the adjustment panel use saturation brightness this time you're going to select pencil and we're all going to use the same brush here so in the air brushing panel go ahead and pick the medium hard brush and what we're going to do we're just going to go ahead and sketch the basic shapes without worrying about the color at first as long as you can see what you're sketching of course if you can't just go ahead and play with the hue what i personally like to do is just give a little belly to my bear and also some nice little cheeks again you know i like cute stuff so i'm trying to make it cute here and then you can play around with all the settings and get your different color sections to feel like you want so you can easily create you know like a panda bear here or something like that just by playing with this technique and our little belt is starting to look really really cute but we're going to bring in everything together by adding the details like the eyes the facial features and everything so to do that create a new layer and rename it to details so on this layer we're going to use a slightly darker version of our main color so in my case a darker brown and we're going to go back to the brush we use for sketching so either the hb pencil and sketching panel or the coloring pencil in the watercolor brushes and all we're going to do first is we're going to outline not the entire bear but just some parts again where we're getting overlaps so we don't want to have like you know a crisp sharp black cartoonish outline that's not the point in this style all we want is to kind of make sure that all the body parts can be distinguished from one another so you can kind of go ahead and hide your sketch back and forth and make sure that everything is really neat and clean and guys if you've watched this fun video please go ahead and comment the word grizzly bear i know it sounds crazy but it gives me a lot of insight into how to edit and paste my videos better especially in this new kind of format when i'm trying to show you two different styles at the same time and it's also really cool because you guys know me but i don't know you so whenever you leave a comment i get to see your username or your name sometimes even a picture and it's just so great to see the wonderful drawing community that we're building here on this channel so go ahead and comment the word grizzly bear and we'll keep going so once you have all your like general outlines sketched out you can also go ahead and add some little details so you can see i had some little lines for the paws my little x for the belly but we're also of course going to go ahead and draw the facial features so for that i like to pick a really dark brown not quite black and just go in and nothing complicated here of course just kind of drawing what we sketch already so the mouth the eyes and the nose and for the nose i also like going in which is pure white and adding this little highlight on the top i just think it makes everything pop a little bit more and make it more vibrant and alive and one final little thing that we can do is to go ahead and add some splatters so create a new layer rename it to splatters which is super original i know and this layer you're going to change the blending mode of it to linear burn and just leave the opacity as is you're going to go back to your basic color that you used and in terms of brushes this is a bit more complicated so in the spray paint panel you can use this chicle brush here which looks like splatters but it's really dense otherwise there is the splatter brush but i don't know so you can experiment with both of those and otherwise just pick these splatter brushes and the big brush bundle or in the ultimate watercolor brushes and here really is this is obviously you know not essential but i think it kind of ties in everything together and it makes it feel a bit more dynamic and that's really it for our watercolor bear now i'm just going to group my layers by swapping them towards the right and then selecting the group option and that's just going to allow our file to be just cleaner in general so you can go back and activate your sketch again and with the arrow tool we're going to move it to the other part of the canvas of course if you're drawing two bears otherwise it's still going to be in the center for you if you're wondering what i have guides it's just because i have this snapping option activated which is going to kind of help you a little bit in terms of positioning your stuff where you want them to be in your canvas so once you have your sketch go ahead and create a new layer below the sketch layer and rename it to bear for the brush you can use in the airbrushing panel again not the spray paint airbrushing there we go you can use the hard brush but this time making sure your opacity is at 100 i don't know why here it switched to the eraser but your brush airbrushing 100 and you can see this way you're not going to get any overlay effect you can also use from my illustration bundle the base round brush honestly here it doesn't matter that much as long as you have a solid brush that doesn't have texture you're fine and you're going to pick a slightly darker version of the color you want your bear to be for this step so in my case i'm going to go this time with a polar bear situation and all you're going to do is you're going to outline the basic shape so here we basically want to have a silhouette of our bear nothing more complicated than that and since we're not using a brush that has a texture like the watercolor brush or any transparent see basically we can really just go ahead draw the outlines and then use the auto fill tool to fill in the shape and this silhouette is incredibly important so you want to take your time to make sure it is just right and to do that you can hide your sketch and zoom in and make sure that you know you don't have any weird little things like like the the paws here on my bear uh the feet it's still not quite right so don't be afraid to go back in and tweak the shape until the silhouette is exactly how you want it to be that's going to make everything else way easier once you have your silhouette go ahead and create a new layer rename it to texture and i'm going to show you a magic trick here so just tap on the layer and in the layer option menu click on clipping mask which is going to add this little arrow here on the left go ahead and make your color lighter so basically this is the real color you want your bear to be like in the end and for the brush again you have a few options so you can use in the sketching panel the 6b brush if i can get there i'm struggling guys i'm sorry there we go the 6b pencil or if you have the illustration bundle go ahead and pick the basic texture brush makes sense and what a clipping mask does is basically everything we draw on this new layer is going to stay within the shape of the layer right below it so that's super helpful when we want to just fill in the texture really quickly which is exactly what we are about to do so we're going to fill in our shape with texture just like this but i have another little pro tip for you when you're filling in with texture and that works we like with real pencil like real coloring pencil as well try to avoid doing this zigzag shape try to do more of a like spiral shape like this obviously like tight tighter but try to keep this movement in your wrist it's going to create something that looks a little bit more fluid and less jagged in the end and that's really a tip that i learned myself when i was working with coloring pencil on real paper and i found that it really improved my digital art illustrations as well in here you really want to be rough we actually want to have some texture so no need to take too much time here it should take just a few seconds once you're done go ahead and create a new layer and rename it to shadow or shadows we're also going to apply this layer as a clipping mask so that it stays within the bear shape and we're going to change the blending mode to linear burn for now we're going to leave the opacity at 100 but we're going to go back and lower it later and i recommend you draw your shadows with a gray that has a little bit of a purple or bluish tint to it it's just going to make everything look so much better in the end and your colors are not going to turn muddy like if you are adding just regular gray and just add one line just so we can see and then go back in your layer panel and play with the opacity until you get something that you like and for the shadows i'm using kind of the same technique that i use for the texture layer which is just drawing little lines and that way you're going to build your texture not only on this texture layer but on your shadows and on everything that you draw basically so you always want to be quite loose and quite quick with your your movement so that you get this nice texture building up towards the end and shadows again pretty much same thing as for the watercolor bear we're just going to go ahead and make sure that all the little different elements like all the body parts are nicely separated from each other so whenever there's an overlap like the head on top of the ears the head on top of the arm and then the arm on top of the body you want to make sure that you kind of see that and a good way to do it is to add shadows if you added too much shadows you can also use eraser tool and just go in and kind of clean up everything a little bit and just like for the watercolor bear we're going to go ahead at this point and add a detailed layer above everything to bring in everything together because right now it looks quite sloppy so go back to your background color like the base bear color and make it slightly darker now for the brushes you have a few options again you can use the hb pencil from the sketching panel or you could use the outline brush from the illustration bundle and here we're really going to outline everything but i'm not going to draw personally you could i'm not going to draw really straight lines as you can see i'm kind of drawing very sketchy not sketchy sketchy is not the right word lines that look like a sketch all around my bear especially focusing on the areas again when there's an overlap and you're probably gonna notice that i don't like my outlines don't look that dark and i'm gonna go back and tweak the color later um but yeah nothing complicated here again we're just going to keep building on the texture and on the details very simply very loosely and you can see i'm not erasing and that's really something super important that's something great about digital art actually you don't have to erase you can just undo because whenever you erase and just kind of fix little parts of your stroke or your outlines you get a result that is just super stiff in general if you just undo and redo and undo and redo with very loose gesture you're gonna get a result that looks so much more fluid and more interesting in the end so anyway just keep that in mind and you might need to reactivate your sketch at one point as well to go in and draw kind of some elements that were hidden and i personally really like to draw these little ovals for the paw so just three for the fingers and one for the the palm i guess you can add also kind of the inside of the ears something super simple but just adding these little details element also with these really rough sketching lines are really what's going to make the biggest difference in the end and this is also the step where you would add the eyes the nose and the mouth so nothing complicated just go ahead and fill them in with a very dark color i personally rarely use pure black i like to go in with darker grays that way if i want to add shadows my shadows are going to show up which they would not if the color is already pure black um yeah but i also like to add a pure white light like highlight on the top of the nose to make it pop a little bit more and make it feel just so cute speaking of lights you can also go ahead and create a layer below your details above your shadow apply it as a clipping mask and renaming it to lights this is optional but it's super quick and it's going to make a big difference so i definitely recommend you try it and on this layer we're going to draw the lights so for the lights i like to go with a super bright yellow color and with the same brush we used before oh yeah we also need to apply this layer as uh the blending mode add and lower the opacity somewhere around 50 but we're going to go and tweak that later so for now just leave it as it and what i like to do is just outline one side of the bear with the light so here i'm going with the left side but basically any side that is the opposite side where you drew your shadow you can kind of just outline with this light and it's going to make everything pop so much and again it's like as you can see super super quick um and very easy i also like to add a little cheeks on this layer so just little ovals like this [Music] just to make the face you know a bit more alive and at this point you can go back in your layer panel and lower the opacity right to the point where you start seeing the texture again through your lights so before it used to be this like solid white but now it's a little bit more transparent and we actually see the texture shining through which is exactly what we want and guys if you've watched this part in this part of the video go ahead and comment polar bear below i know it might sound crazy but it gives me a lot of insight into how to edit and paste my videos better especially with this kind of double format that i'm trying out and it's also really cool to see who's part of our wonderful drawing community so go ahead and comment the words polar bear and we'll keep going so since this style looks a little bit like children's book illustration we could go ahead and give a shirt to a bear so to do that we're going to use the same technique that we use for the bear which is we're going to start by drawing on a new layer the shirt base color i'm going to go with rant and again don't forget to make it slightly darker than the final color you want it to be and same brush that we used before in my case it was the base round brush but you can use again the hard brush from the airbrushing panel and here i'm not even going to sketch it you can if you want but it's super simple so you're just going to start with a curved line on the top for the neck part of the shirt then you're going to draw the sleeves and then the bottom part of the shirt which can be really wherever you want it to be and then you just connect everything basically so you can see super simple and just like for the bear then you can just drag your color to fill in the shapes and also just like for the bear you also need to make sure that this shirt silhouette is exactly how you want it to be so take your time to just tweak all the little angles and all the little corners and everything so that everything looks exactly how you want it to be and you can probably see me coming now so once you have your silhouette shape for the shirt go ahead and create a new layer and rename it to textures don't forget also the magic trick so once you have your name or your name or your layer renamed texture tap on it to activate the option and then click on clipping mask you're then going to go and make your color slightly lighter and with either the 6p brush from the sketching panel or the basic texture brush same thing as we did before we're just going to draw some sketchy texture lines i like to draw them in different direction than i did for the bear just to make everything feel a little bit more dynamic but that's just that's just me once you have your texture go ahead and create a new layer for the shadows so also a clipping mask renaming it to shadow and you know you know the drill by now on this layer you're going to change the blending mode to linear burn and lower the opacity and you're going to go back it's probably still going to be in your history to your bluish purplish gray and you might want to reactivate your sketch so you can see what you're doing and we're using the same brush that we used before so the basic texture brush or the 6b pencil and we're just going to add this same textured shadows as we did on the bear but on the shirt so it's probably going to be around the arms um and honestly that's pretty much it around the arms and maybe a little bit on one side of the belly as well great so at this point we're almost done but we still have a few little things that if we do are going to make a big difference so make sure you stick around until the end of the video now the next thing we're going to do is we're going to add the detail layer for the shirt so go ahead and create a new layer above everything rename it to details i'm always struggling whenever i'm trying to rename a layer i hope i'm not alone if you also are struggling go ahead and leave me a comment below so that i don't feel so alone um anyway go ahead and pick a darker version of your color as well as the outlines brush or the hp pencil and just like we did for the bear we're just going to go ahead and draw some sketchy you need to stop using the word sketchy um some rough lines there we go some rough little lines for the outlines and here i'm going to show you a really cute thing that we can do as well well first of all you could definitely add some patterns in some textures like a knitted pattern or something like that or like an actual design on your shirt here this tutorial is already long enough so i'm not gonna do that um but i'm gonna do post some videos in my description or in the description below that you could kind of use as a reference for pattern or for design on your bare shirt but anyway all that to say one thing that you can do is add this little kind of extra fabric at the top and the bottom of your shirt and add little vertical lines it kind of makes it feel like it's a knitted shirt although you're not necessarily drawing a knitted pattern on the shirt itself so that's a really cute little detail that you can add to make your shirt just you know feel a bit more less like a flat shirt oh guys it's getting so light i don't know what i'm saying anymore but yeah like i was saying earlier i'm going back in and just making my outline color for my bare layer a little bit darker so you probably don't have to do that you're probably better than i am but that's always an option of course and another little thing that i can do while i'm on this bare outline layer is just to add some little groups of two three um like little hair just kind of on some of the outline and also in the actual bear just not a lot you really want to make sure that you're not overdoing it but it's really cute and it kind of makes the bear feel a bit more fluffy instead of just like a plastic bear and the very last little thing that i like to do is to create a layer above everything so above the bear and above the shirt rename it to freckle and set it to add and lower the opacity now on this layer what i like to do is to pick a really bright color the color doesn't matter that much and use the freckle brush and just add some little like sparkles i guess on the same side of the bear that i have my light and there really isn't a comparable brush that comes with procreate but you could really get a same effect which is drawing the little dots individually it's just going to take a little bit more time of course and with that there you go this was how to draw cute little bears in two different styles if you enjoyed this tutorial please give it a thumbs up because it really does help the channel it helps me it helps the algorithm and helps everything and i would absolutely love to see why you guys create so make sure to share the results with me either on instagram facebook or twitter and before we leave don't forget to subscribe because i put out new videos just like this one every single week i'll see you soon
Channel: Genevieve's Design Studio
Views: 51,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: you can draw this bear, cute bear, how to draw, how to draw cute, children’s books illustration, cute character drawing in procreate, procreate tutorial, procreate art, procreate, drawing tutorial, learn to draw, you can draw this digital art, digital art course, tutoriel, illustration, digital art, illustration tutorial, cute animal, how to draw cartoon animal, Procreate techniques, step by step, procreate drawing, cute drawing, genevieve's design studio, how to draw a bear
Id: e6NgzE4JbYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 54sec (1854 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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