The Cutest Way To Draw A CAT • Cute • Easy Procreate Tutorial

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drawing a cat is way easier than you think and i'm going to show you exactly how you can do it no matter your skill level hello wonderful people it's dave and my goal here on this channel is to teach you all about illustration and design so if you're new make sure to subscribe so you don't miss any of the weekly videos and so that you can join our wonderful creative community with that said grab your drawing tools and let's get started so the first thing to do as usual is to create a nuke and this now the size really depends on your own project and if you're not sure i have a video that explains everything you need to know in order to choose your canvas size and if you're curious these are the dimensions that i will be using in this demo and we're going to start by sketching the cat so to do that go ahead and create a new layer and rename it sketch and i'm going to challenge you for the sketch not to erase and you're going to see what i mean by that in just a few seconds but keep that in mind so for the color you can use whatever you like i like to go which is a neutral gray and in this tutorial i'm always going to be suggesting two brushes so one will be a free brush that comes with procreate and the other one will be a brush that you would use if you want to bring your art to the next level get more professional results and maybe even save some time but for the sketch the brush really doesn't matter that much since we won't see it in the final result i recommend you use either the hp pencil from the sketching panel or if you have my illustration bundle you can use of course the sketching brush and we're going to start by very roughly placing the main shapes for the cat so start with a kind of circle for the head and then an oval which is pretty much the same height as the head for the body and then a slightly smaller circle on one of the sides is going to be kind of the the butt and then you can simply go in and connect the shapes which is going to create the spine of the cat so again you can see here i'm being super rough super loose and you really don't have to be more precise you might also want to kind of mark the center of the head and the center of the front of the body uh just as guides to kind of help you place the elements you can also definitely play with the shape of the head so you can have a cat that has you know a super square head or like a bean shape like mine and then all you have to do is add some ears just like for the head you can really play with the size and the shape of the ears i like to go with super big triangular ears that are a little bit rounded you're then going to go it back in and mark three lines to kind of delimitate the four legs so you can see here they were pretty much already marked i'm just kind of making them a bit darker to know that these are going to be lines that i use later and the high legs are super easy as well just draw an oval near the butt and then kind of drag the same height and draw another half of an oval on the other side of the cat so near the four legs it can add little paws as well i like to just draw again super tiny little holes nothing too crazy here and the tail is really another space where you get to experiment and personalize your cat so you can have different sizes different thickness different lengths really the tail is a great way of creating a cat that is unique to you and doesn't look exactly like this tutorial and at this point you should have a very rough outline of your cat all we're missing is the face so we're just going to dive in and add the eyes and you can see i like to go with fairly big round eyes but again you could go with small eyes whichever you like same thing for the nose i like to go with an oval and then i like to go with this cute w mouth but these are other features that you could easily change or tweak to make your cat feel more like your cat and i also like to add little whiskers three on the chin another chin the cheeks and then two in each ears i just think it's super cute you might also want to go and increase the size of your brush to go in and really roughly sketch the iris is the iris or is it the pupil for animals like this i'm not sure but that's basically drawing the black circle in the middle of the eyes so by now your cat should look super cute but if if it's not quite right don't worry i'm going to show you a trick that can really help you kind of identify what doesn't look right right in your sketch so that you can fix it before adding the color so go ahead and click on the arrow icon here at the top it's like flip horizontal and it's probably going to jump right at you you know you're going to see what's wrong probably immediately because this is kind of a way of getting a fresh look on your sketch so you know sometimes especially if you're working on big projects i always recommend that you kind of take a few hours even a day or like a few days away from peace before you move on to next phase if you'd honestly have the time this is a really great tip to still get some sort of a like a fresh look on your piece and kind of go in and tweak everything that you've drawn so far just to make it look a little bit better and seriously here again i'm not erasing or anything i'm just going in and drawing thicker lines and lines are a bit darker to kind of show which line of all the lines that i've drawn so far i'm gonna go with in the final result so your sketch doesn't need to be any more precise than this [Music] and once you have a basic shape of a cat that you like you can go ahead and change the blending mode of your sketch to multiply and lower the opacity until you can just barely see your sketch you're then going to create a new layer that you're going to put below the sketch and you're going to rename it to cat or base that is that is up to you and you can go obviously which whichever color you want for your cat to be i'm gonna go with just like an orange brown but think of making it slightly darker than the final color you want for your cap because we're going to be adding textures later now for the brush you can use in the airbrushing panel the hard brush and if you've watched my other tutorials for watercolor make sure that the opacity is back to 100 and if you have my illustration bundle you can use the base round brush and at this step all you need to do is to outline the silhouette of your cat and make sure you really take your time here it's not complicated but you want your cello to be absolutely perfect because that is what's going to be the base for everything else that we work on later so take your time here and also make sure that all your lines like there's no gap between your lines no holes in the outline because when we use the auto fill if there's a hole it's just going to fill in the entire canvas as opposed to just the silhouette of your cat so feel free to pause the video and we'll meet at the next step once we have our outline complete great so once you have your outline all you need to do is to fill in the color so you can just drag your color onto the shape and it's going to automatically fill it in again make sure there's no gap in your outline otherwise the entire canvas is going to be filled with your color and we're going to add some really cool texture on this cat so go ahead and create a new layer rename it to texture i'm going to show you a really cool trick so this texture layer we're going to apply as a clipping mask and the way to do that is just to tap on a layer and then you're going to be able to select clipping mask you're then going to go back to your color and make it slightly lighter and for the brushes you have a few options you can go either in the sketching panel again if i can find it there we go and pick the 6b pencil otherwise if you have my illustration bundle which by the way is link in the description below along with a special promo code for the youtube people if you have that you can use the basic texture brush of course and all we're going to do is we're going to fill in our cat like i was saying and i have a little tip for you here when you're trying to fill in a large surface um kind of like this just think of the movement of your wrist instead of doing zigzags like this try to do kind of little loops of course more condensed but practicing this movement with your wrist is going to be really great when you have to cover a large surface with a texture it's just going to make the texture more smooth and everything is going to kind of blend in together in the best way possible so that's a really simple tip but i think it makes a big difference so if you're able to practice that definitely try to incorporate it in your routine now going back on your cat layer so the base layer you might want to adjust the hue saturation brightness so in this magic wand menu you have kind of this option to change the entire color of your your layer so that's really helpful if you want to just tweak the background here i felt like i couldn't see the texture quite quite enough so i went ahead and just darkened the cat layer once you have that done go ahead and create a new layer on top of the texture apply it as a clipping mask and rename it to extra so on this extra layer you would be drawing like all the markings or the specific little fun secondary colors on the fur so again this is a step where you can really experiment and make your cat feel super unique um i'm i'm still using the same brush but this time instead of just drawing you know really big strokes for like a quick cover of the entire cat with the texture i'm actually kind of going in and starting to mark the direction of the fur so in this video we're definitely not going to try and draw a realistic fur that's not the point but when you're drawing texture kind of keeping in mind the actual direction of every little hair or the strands of hair and kind of drawing your strokes in the same direction can be really helpful so you don't have to actually go in and draw all the hairs but if you do keep in mind the directions of the hair and try to match that with the directions of your stroke that's a really great way of just kind of simply showing hair so yeah here you can see i'm just adding some whites and some spots uh but again here you can totally experiment if you have a cat at home that's the right time to make it look like a cat by just adding some little details or if you're just wanting to create your own magical cat you could draw i don't know like stars or moons or i don't know what i'm talking about but really here this step is just all about making your cat feel unique so really experiment go crazy here and just have fun and guys if you've watched this far in the video please go ahead and comment the word kitten i know sounds crazy but it gives me a lot of insight into how to pace and edit my videos better which helps me create better tutorials for you guys and it's also really cool because you guys know me but i don't know you so whenever you leave a comment i get to see your name your username sometimes even a picture and it's just so nice to see the wonderful creative community that we built here on this channel so go ahead and comment the word kitten and we'll keep going [Music] okay so by now your cat should look kind of cool but also a little bit crazy because i mean there's no face there's no detail or anything so we're going to fix that but before that we're going to add some shadows so go ahead and create a new layer apply it as a clipping mask again and rename it to shadows this layer you're going to change the blending mode of and set it to linear burn and you're going to lower the opacity for now around 50 nothing too precise here now for my shadows i like to go with a gray that is a little bit purple a little bit blue but you could experiment and try and see what you personally like and you're gonna keep the same brush that we've been using so far so either the 6b pencil or the basic texture and you can put the shadows again depending on your own scene so if you have your cat in an environment you want to make sure that your shadows are coherent with the environment but in my case here since it's just a cat on a white background what i like to do is simply draw the shadows where two parts of the body overlap so you see i have a shadow on the tail where you know the butt overlays or overlaps the tail then i have one below the head and now i'm just kind of drawing between the legs and the paws so that everything kind of starts being separated and not just like this with one big cat blob shape situation and here i'm really using the same motion that we've been using so far with the textured brush so these little super tight loops and if you want to create gradients so starting your shadow darker and then make it lighter simply press a lighter on your pencil the more you go so if you have pressure sensitivity so if you have an apple pencil for example you're going to be able to create gradients just by pressing harder or lighter so definitely experiment with that it might need a little bit of practice but that's going to be super useful when you're drawing illustrations [Music] that being said once you're done go ahead and create a new layer and we're going to start drawing the eyes so rename this layer to eyes this one is not a clipping mask now for the eyes you can use a lot of colors i like to go with either a really bright yellow or a super super bright apple or lime green you could use a white but i think it's fun with cats who can experiment now for the brush you could use in the air brushing panel again either the hard brush or in my illustration bundle the uh round base brush so the same one that you use to map out the shape of your cat like the base layer shape and you're just going to outline the eyes and then fill them in once you have your basic eyeballs go ahead and create a new layer this one you're going to rename to iris although i'm still not sure if it's the iris or the pupil but we're gonna go with that and this time you can use either the outlines brush from my illustration bundle or the 6b pencil still and you're going to go with a super dark gray not quite black because we're going to go ahead and add some shadows and you're just going to go ahead and like we did on all the other steps you're going to outline the pupil or the iris or whatever and then fill it in and you can fill it in either using the color drop feature or fill it in manually depending on if you want a super solid color or color that has a little bit of texture in it so you can see on the right i have this super like solid color and then on the left i have a little bit more texture so experiment with that and just go with what you prefer this iris layer we're going to apply as a clipping mask i forgot about that but there we go and then we're going to create a new layer on top of it renaming it to shadows and that's where we're going to add the shadows for the eyes so this one is also going to be applied as a clipping mask so just like for the other shadows you're going to change the blending mode to linear burn and lower the opacity somewhere around 50 and you're going to go back to your grayish purplish color or whichever color you use for shadow and i like to add the shadow just kind of like in this um top half diagonal part of the eyes if that makes any sense and it's super simple but it's details like this that really bring a lot of life to your final piece and speaking of life we're going to add a lot more by creating a new layer rename it to light not live and we're going to change the blending mode of this one to add for the opacity right now put it at 50 but we're going to go back to it and just go ahead and pick white and with the same brush you're going to draw little dots in the eyes that kind of overlap a little bit of black and then a little bit of the yellow green color so once you have that you can just play with the opacity and find something that you like and don't forget that the sketch layer is still on top of everything so you might want to hide it just to see that that white collar kind of shine through and see if the opacity is where you want it to be and with that we're ready to bring everything together but before just go ahead and group all of your eyes layer and the way to do that is just in your layer panel swipe all the eyes layer towards the right and then click group and you can click on this arrow to collapse a group and then you can rename the group to eyes that just makes everything a little bit more organized in your file it's just it's just good to do once that is done go ahead and create a new layer above the eyes group and rename it to details and this is where the magic is going to happen guys so make sure you stick around until the end and for the details you can use either the outlines brush or again and the sketching panel the 6b pencil the famous 6b pencil and what you're going to do here or what i recommend you do is you go in and try to find a dark like a fairly dark or like the darkest color actually of the fur of the cat and then select that and use that as your color to outline and here when i say outline you're gonna see i'm not saying like a black cartoonish straight super precise outline you can see i'm kind of almost sketching around my cat and this is really what i recommend you do as well you could definitely go with more the cartoonish look with a perfectly straight um black outline but this quick rough feel for the outlines here is going to look really good when combined with the texture that we've been building so far in the cat so you can see i'm just drawing short little lines to kind of outline everything and this is another step where you really don't have to erase um if you make one little line that doesn't look quite right i quite recommend that instead of erasing you just undo and then try again that way you're going to get lines that are way more fluid and the overall piece is probably going to look way less stiff than if you're trying to kind of get the perfect line the first time or just get the perfect line by drawing a little bit erasing a little bit drawing a little bit erasing a little bit you know you get the point so this is a really interesting tip as well because you know you cannot do that you cannot undo with pencil and paper but if you're kind of practicing with digital art to be more confident in your line because you know you're not going to erase that's going to translate to your real life like paper pencil drawings as well because you're going to be more confident if you practice that way with digital art so once you have your outlines you can go in and add the facial features and by that i mean the mouth and the nose and you can see that the nose i kind of like to make it look a little bit like a heart so it's not a perfect ellipse it is a little bit more like a heart shape and at this point you can also go ahead and hide your sketch layer to just kind of see what you're really working with and this is another step that is not super complicated but that you should really take your time to get it to be exactly like you want it to be i also personally really like to add little groups of hair so we're not drawing the entire fur texture but this can make your cat look less like plastic and more like cat so it's like little groups of two three four hair sprinkled here and there over your cat i also like to go back in on the nose with a slightly darker version of my color so mostly on the bottom of the nose and again with super light simple sketch-like strokes and also i go over the mouth just so that these features uh you know they look more important than the rest of the outlines and they draw the eye in a little bit more and speaking of the eye you might want to go and draw your outlines for the eyes actually in the eyes group so you would just create a new layer above of everything and the eye groups of course rename it to line and there you could go and draw the eye outline the reason you might want to do that is if you want to move the eyes you're just going to be able to select a group and just move it around and if your eyes or if the eye outlines were kind of on the same layer as the other outlines then they would not move with the rest of the eyes so anyway just just the thing that i personally do because i tend to move the eyes around quite a lot i'm not doing it in this piece but that's something that i tend to do a lot when i draw children's books illustrations anyway once you have your eyes outline outline eyes you can go back to your detail layer reactivate your sketch and pick a cream color or gray color depending on your background to go ahead and add the whiskers are they still called whiskers if they're in the ears i don't know if you know please please comment below seriously i'm curious and at this point you should have most of your details and outlines drawn on your cat but it looks a little bit boring and a little bit dead so we're going to bring it back to life i'm going to show you a few really simple tips the first one being grouping all of our layers so from the base cat layer to the details here we create a big group that we rename to cat now don't worry if your cat still doesn't look quite right at least mine still doesn't look quite right so with your cat group selected you can use the error tool to flip your canvas again and this is going to show you what looks weird so in my case it's still the face if you open the adjustment panel you can select liquify at the bottom and if you set your liquify to push you're going to be able to move the color around and you would not use that to completely morph the shape of your cat so like you would not turn your cat into like a unicorn or an alligator or something you know completely different but that can kind of help you fix the shape a little bit without having to redraw everything just make sure that you don't overdo it because you might stretch the pixels and then your image is going to look low quality just because you moved everything around too much and once you're done you can just click back on your error tool flip it and your cat should look a little bit better hopefully and before moving on to the final touches that are going to make the biggest difference i'm going to just put the cat in the middle of my canvas so i use the snapping function that showed me all the little guys you can definitely do that and once your cat is exactly where you want it to be you're going to go ahead and open your cat group and right above the shadows layer you're going to create a new layer this one is also going to be clipping mask and you're going to set the blending mode to add you might want to lower the opacity but we're going to come back to it later now for the color i'm going to go with a super light yellow because we're going to be drawing the lights and for the brush you can use either the basic texture brush or again the famous 6b pencil and i like to do this thing with lights where i don't really draw volumes i just kind of go ahead and on the opposite sides of my shadows of course i kind of add a second outline if that makes sense so you can see it's a very thin light line on one side of the cat and that's really helpful into making it pop you're gonna see it looks like a totally different drawing already so you can just go ahead and on one side of your cat on all the different body parts or cat parts you're going to draw this very thin super simple light line and wow it it just looks so much better it's so simple but yeah it makes such a big difference doesn't it and you can definitely go back and lower the opacity or up the opacity of that layer just so you can find something that you like and i forgot to rename this layer but you would rename it to light you would also create a new layer on top of everything so above your details layer but still in the cat group and rename it to freckles now i'm going to use the freckles brush that comes with the illustration bundle but sadly there's no similar brush that comes with procreate but basically it's just like little hand-drawn speckles so you could go ahead and draw them yourself if you don't have the illustration bundle and this layer really there's no specific blending mode that you need to use you can just go ahead and pick and choose and see what you like and you can also do the same thing with the color so i'm just going with the same color as i used for my lights but you could go with a totally different color like you could add blue or something because basically all we want to do here is add a little bit more dimension a little bit more texture to the piece and the final thing we're going to do is create a shadow layer for the ground so put that layer below the cat group and you're going to go back to the color that you used for shadows so this grayish purplish color going back to the basic texture brush or the 6b pencil you're going to draw a shadow below your cat so this is just going to help sit him in the environment or on your your white background it's just going to situate him a little bit more or her a little bit more it's just making the piece feel a little bit more complete and finished in general and if you enjoy drawing this cat and you're now wondering how do i draw more cute animals well i highly recommend that you go and watch this video in which i'm going to teach you how to draw exactly that more cute animals so just click on this link right here and i'll see you there
Channel: Genevieve's Design Studio
Views: 24,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: follow along drawing lesson, how to draw, how to draw cute, procreate tutorial, procreate, drawing tutorial, illustration, digital art, art channel, illustration tutorial, procreate tutorial cartoon, draw with me, you can draw this cat, how to draw a cat, procreate illustration, cute, procreate drawing tutorial, how to draw a kitten, procreate illustration tutorial, genevieve's design studio, draw on procreate, procreate cat, procreate drawing, draw a cat, draw a kitten
Id: 4EWiQ9D1aNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 9sec (1569 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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