Do THIS before your draw • Warm-Up Exercises For Artists

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if you could focus on just one thing in order to improve your illustrations and your drawings it should be your warm-up and that's why in this video i've created a routine that you can follow along it is going to be really quick but very effective hello wonderful people it's genevieve and my goal here on this channel is to teach you all about illustration and design so if you're new make sure to subscribe so you don't miss any of the weekly videos and so that you can join our wonderful creative community now i know warm-ups are really easy to skip and i'm guilty of that but we should not because they make a big big big difference in our drawings for kind of three different reasons so the first reason is fairly obvious warm wraps can help you loosen up your arm and just kind of get in the flow of drawing which is going to help you have illustrations that have way more movement in them and are way less stiff so that is good but warm ups can help you with so much more than just loosening it up for example is really helpful for hand eye coordination which is basically just taking what's in your head and putting it on paper so super important obviously and it can also help you with what i call your 3d brain so being able to show a 3d form or object on a flat surface which is tricky but warm-ups can really help with that and this little routine that i've created you can obviously watch it and do it before you're about to draw so first thing in the day or something like that or you can challenge yourself to do it every single day even if you're not drawing even if the only time you hold a pencil in a day so every day for 30 days in a row and i guarantee even if that's all you do you're going to see some improvement in your drawings and i'm personally going to be doing the 30 day challenge starting today so if you want to join me or just keep me accountable even it's going to be on instagram so i'm going to post every single day in my story whenever i do the warm-ups so we can do it together and one last little thing before we get started this warm-up you can do obviously on pencil and paper or on your ipad which is what i'm going to do i'm going to draw in procreate but literally any drawing tools you have you're going to benefit from this warm-up but if you are drawing with pencil and paper i highly recommend that you don't necessarily draw in your sketchbook otherwise you're going to burn through a bunch of pages really really quickly and these exercises i mean it's not going to look good at the end so might as well just do it on scraps of papers like old mail packaging something like that and with that said grab your drawing tools and let's get started so the first exercise we're going to do to loosen up is simply filling out our drawing surface with circles so we want to have big circles small circles medium circles and everything in between so we're just going to do this for 45 seconds try to fill as much as your paging as you can and also try to make sure you lock your wrist so when you're drawing you want to move your entire arm not just flicking the wrist or just moving the fingers that way you're gonna get illustrations that are way more fluid just way less stiff and boring to be honest but it is a scale that is quite difficult to master and you can see here i definitely haven't mastered it yet especially with that filming setup it is quite hard to move the entire arm but anyway just try your best it might be a little bit frustrating but that is normal over time you're going to get better and you're going to get great results from it and that was it for the first exercise so take a new sheet of paper or create a new layer if you're drawing digitally you're then going to split it in two columns one will be labeled c and the other one will be labeled s so starting on the c side you're just going to be drawing a bunch of c curves going back and forth over the same one multiple times you can draw you know four or five in one way and once you have four or five in one way just go ahead and create the mirrored version from there you can then create four or five u's again going back and forth over your line a couple times or a few times and then you're simply going to mirror your u so getting an inverted u or like an hill kind of shape again four or five times and with the time left go over all of your shapes as quickly as possible but focusing on locking your wrist so you want to move your shoulder and your arm not the wrists and the fingers and it's not about making it look good it's about just being quick and as loose as possible and we're going to do the exact same thing on the other side but with s curves this time so 60 seconds on the clock and let's get started and guys it is time for the secret password which will be a little bit different in this video so if you've watched this far please go ahead and comment practice with the number of day you've done it in a row so for example practice day two practice day 27 and i know the secret password thing might sound a little bit strange at first but we've been doing it for a few months now and it's been really really helpful for me it gives me a lot of insight into how to edit my videos better which helped me create better tutorials for you guys it's also great to see the community that we are building here on this channel because you guys know me but i don't know you so whenever you leave a comment i get to see your name sometimes even your face and it's just great to see again the wonderful creative community that we are building here and especially for this challenge it is also a motivation to see who's been doing it for how long and just kind of keep us in check and motivated so comment practice as well as the number of days you've been doing this in a row and we'll just keep going now this next step is all about hand eye coordination which is super important but also a bit trickier than you might think and we're going to start simply by connecting the dots so on your new piece of paper or new layer just draw two dots and then connect them as quickly as you can with one line try to make it straight it's probably not going to be straight but try your best and then you can go over it a few times making sure that you go as quickly as you can while still keeping your wrist lock and moving only your shoulder and your arm as much as possible of course and we're going to be doing this for a total of one minute and a half and you're going to want to create multiple pair of dots to try different angles and different lengths of strokes so for the next exercise you're going to need an object so feel free to pause the video here grab an object and come back and it can be as simple or as complex as you want but basically the goal is going to be to draw in one continuous line so without lifting the pencil it doesn't need to be pretty here just focus on being you know fairly quick you don't have to rush it of course but fairly quick and again really loose in your movement lock your wrist move your shoulder and draw your object and if the object you picked was a little bit more simple you can draw it multiple times just make sure that you fill in the 45 second time and we're going to repeat this exercise once more but with a different object and with slightly less time so instead of 45 seconds we're going to have 30 seconds on a clock starting now and for this last exercise we're going to practice turning shapes into forms so three-dimensional objects so with two minutes on the clock let's get started so you might want to start with for example a circle and then all you have to do is draw the structure line to turn it into a sphere and here you also want to be fairly quick and always super loose so lock your wrist move your shoulder and move your arm and just go through the shapes as quickly as you can it really doesn't need to be pretty in fact the quicker you go within reason of course the more you're going to improve over time you're going to see that you don't have to be slow to be precise anymore you're going to be able to be precise while being also quick which is really really a great scale so you might want to draw you know four five six forms within these two minutes you can draw more organic forms like the bean bag that you see here on the top left corner more structured form like this pyramid you can draw cubes you can draw cylinders any form that you want just again start with a basic shape and then make it three-dimensional by drawing the structural lines so there you go this was the warm-up congratulations for doing it all the way through make sure that you like the video subscribe to the channel and also maybe bookmark the videos so that you can come back to it next time you are drawing or even just tomorrow if you are doing the 30 day challenge i'll see you then you
Channel: Genevieve's Design Studio
Views: 13,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to draw, drawing tutorial, warm up, drawing, drawing exercises, drawing exercises to improve, drawing warm up, art, art warm up, improve your art, improve handwriting, art channel, art challenge, drawing tips, drawing videos, drawing tricks, drawing hacks, illustration, draw, sketching, easy drawing warm ups, drawing exercises for beginners, how to start drawing, learn to draw, genevieve's design studio, procreate drawing, art tutorial, procreate tutorial, how to sketch
Id: uHOn3xB6h1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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