The Crab Raiders | Kenshi Faction Lore

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the crab raiders are a bizarre civilization of scorchlanders who live in the pits east and whose entire culture revolves around the crabs native to the region players may visit them in order to find and recruit lumi or to get themselves a crab or crabs of their own but whatever your reason for visiting the pits east the strange inhabitants will both charm and confuse you the crab raiders are ruled over by the crab queen in crop town a man of crapless ways i see well crabbles boy what do you know of crabs yeah but they're not just strong they're loyal too and smart respect the crabs and they'll respect you students of theology may know of the eurythro dilemma and one might similarly ask do the crab raiders love crabs because they are strong loyal and smart or do the crab raiders love strength loyalty and intelligence because they are qualities possessed by crabs perhaps we will find the answer to this philosophical quandary in kenshi 2. regardless the player can ally with the crab raiders either by treating with their queen or by taking part in the crab tournaments if the player constructs a base in crab raider territory and they are not already allied with them four raiding parties will be sent in turn to attack the player the first is led by the crab titus the second by barnabas the third by mr gigantus and finally the crabinator will attack if the player survives all four attacks they will become allied with you either method of allying will allow you to wear their crab armor which has the highest cut and harpoon resistance in the game if you wish to add a crab to your kenchi team you must first be schooled in the art of crab care the crab seller will demand that you listen to his crab care suggestions before allowing you to buy one of his crabs regardless of whether you are allied with the crab raiders now the crabs see they like fish that's their favorite food otherwise they'll eat funky algae you know standard stuff but you gotta make sure they eat five meals a day and be warned never feed them after sundown never gives an indigestion i've also got to give them a 90-minute soap bath once a month so they promote no trouble now they don't sleep well and they need affection just make sure you sing them a song every night before bed you got a gurgle from the back of your throat stroke is back legs too you'll like that don't work them too hard they don't like conflict sensitive creatures they are put too much stress on them and they'll get depressed nothing's sadder than a bummed out crab so are you ready to become warm with the crabs armed with the knowledge of how to look after the crabs you can buy one or many and they will join you on your adventures crabs are not the only companion that players can find amongst the crab raiders unique recruit lumi will join your squad and share her love of the crabs with you crabs yeah i love them the way they smell like old boots the way they gurgle when you tickle their eyestalks but enough about crabs need a merc i'm looking for work i charge 6 000 cats i hope you've enjoyed this slightly silly look at the crab raiders and i hope it will inspire you to run to the pits east and get some crabs of your own i'd like to thank the over 120 of you who have subscribed to my channel at the time of recording it really is more than i could have imagined when i started this channel a month ago i'd also like to thank everyone who's liked and commented especially those who have corrected mistakes in my previous videos in their comments as always thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: Rasengangstarr
Views: 10,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nWZ0kEeFDB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 48sec (228 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2022
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