The Corruption of the Deadhive [Kenshi Lore]

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foreign until my very feet gave in leaving behind rebirth akin to my sins stumbling into a valley veiled in fog yearning to soar high like a majestic Hawk footsteps echoing like crabs gathering on the shore no weapon in reach defenseless I bore Echoes multiplied the screams filled the air Panic consumed me as hands reached with despair but time had come the precipice in sight the poles to tour the last glimpse of light a final prayer escaped my trembling plea oh okron my God why did I flee oh let my spirit find Solace and peace in Realms unknown where Sorrows sees my lessons I've learned in the last leading brief guide others away from the frogman's deceive within the world of kanji the fog men are a horrifying High faction that overwhelms you with sheer numbers eventually knocking you out and dragging you to their poles hear their fog princess feased upon your living flesh little is known about the origins of the deadive some speculate that the dead dive consists of corrupted hivers infected by some sort of parasite While others believe that their zombified behavior stems from the fog itself greetings fellow kanji players and welcome to the corruption of the Dead hive in today's video we will delve into the lower behind the fogman and theorize about their Origins I also want to acknowledge that in my last Theory video the sound quality wasn't up to par and I made a few small spelling errors along the way moving forward I will ensure better spelling and improve my sound quality so without further Ado let us now head into the fog lands let me begin my theory by discussing the fog itself and its Origins while numerous theories surround the fog men and their corruption what is the connection to the fork where did it come from and why doesn't it spread to other parts of kanji and what does it have to do with the dead hive the fog Islands are located near Drac Oakland's Golf and obedience the last one may hold the answer to our question the neighboring zone of obedience could potentially be the reason in the past when the lands were ruled by the Ancients they crafted behemoths gigantic skeletons presumably used for Warfare after the war the Ancients either grew fearful of their creation or no longer had used for them consequently they allowed the vehemence to March into obedience submerging them in a form of liquid metal that completely overlooked them smoke or byproduct of this process could be the reason for the fog this however is purely speculative however it still doesn't explain why only hivers turn into fogmen while human and Shaq remain unaffected by the fog curiously one might assume that venturing into the fog and facing countless mad hivers would be Unthinkable yet towering in the middle of the fog islands is a city the city of mongrel when you enter the city a God says the following people don't make it a habit visiting here if you're lucky enough to make it to Mongrel you're stuck in mongrel what may pose a significant threat to one's life also acts as defense against external forces Mongrel is an independent faction living without the rules of the larger factions that's but the legendary swordsman Arc and guarded by formidable Shinobi Warriors the city Stands Strong however considering the lower Mongrel will eventually run out of food and supplies as no Trader would risk traversing the fog lens and those who do would eventually be overwhelmed the city's survival is uncertain in the face of the never-ending catastrophe of posts by the fog man before we move on to the next topic I'd love to hear your thoughts what is your theory regarding the fog also if you enjoy this form of content please consider becoming a subscriber or liking the video now let's take a closer look at the dead Hive and its hierarchy it becomes evident that the fork men are hirers who for some unknown reason developed blue skin in addition to this change they possess less durability than their Western Harbor counterparts however newcomers to kanji should not underestimate the weakness of the fogman as the strength lies not in their individual stats but in their overwhelming numbers what makes the dad Hive unique is the absence of a queen operating without a queen and still growing in numbers further supports the theory that there were once normal hivers the fog princes sit on top of this hierarchy closely followed by the four carries and the folk workers yet I find myself questioning if there isn't another entity lurking in the shadows guiding the fogmen for instance I once did a playthrough called the King a high praetorian emerging from his cave to attack the living although this idea is interesting given the nature of the fogman I doubt this to be the case however this leaves room for us to create our own stories and this is why I love kanji for the next part in the video I got assistance from my maid slipping he will now tell you about the world state of the fog mining kanji the Western Hive Queen resides on an island close to the shores of dreg in vain if you decide to eliminate her the fog men will swiftly begin swarming the high villagers or if you do the former Hive has become one with the dead hive this is an interesting theory that many believe to be true the corruption could be linked to the pheromones of the western Hive Queen and if the hivers don't receive them they start to become corrupted however if that were the case other Hive is around kenshi would also turn into fog men which clearly isn't happening so it might just be a combination of two elements being cut off from the queen and consuming too much fog or perhaps catching a parasite from the fog men but then again why aren't the hivers in Mongrel turning into the dead hive or maybe just maybe there is a dead Hive Queen hiding somewhere out in the depths of the fog relentlessly producing more without concern for their numbers this could explain why there are so many fog men we don't know if we will ever receive an answer to these questions II might introduce even more Mysteries to explore hmm indeed this topic becomes even more crazy when we consider the southern Hive in Genji located in a different part of the world with its main capital in the Royal Valley the Hostile Queen of the Sauron Hive sits on their throne in the middle of the valley commanding her forces while I won't go into extensive detail about the red Hive in this video it's worth noting that once you eliminate the Queen the fog man begin to invade The Sovereign hive however it's unclear whether they're invading or actually becoming part of the Dead hive I find it hard to believe that the dad's half would travel all the way from the fork Islands to the Royal Valley just to take over whatever the case may be it further complicates this Theory and I could do this for hours just theorizing about this lore but I think it's time that we wrap up things and come to an end so I hope you guys enjoyed this brief journey into the fog feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments and share your opinions on this topic I want to give a shout out to my friend slipin who has been supportive to this channel in the past and helped me grow by quite a bit if he could kindly head over to his channel and show him some love this would mean a lot to me now my fellow kanji players stay safe out there when you travel through kanji and don't let the fog man catch you farewell and until next time
Channel: Patostrophia
Views: 9,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenshi
Id: ewzD8DudXiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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